A bibliography of the writings of W. H. Stevenson

Harald Kleinschmidt
Works on Stevenson
1. Historical Register of the University of Cambridge, ed. J.R. Tanner (Cambridge,
1917) [p. 151: Sandars Readership in Bibliography]
2. Blagg, T.M., 'William Stevenson 8.12.1832 - 27.1.1922', Trans. of the Thoroton
Soc. of Nottingham 26 (1922),71-6 [pp. 73-4 on W.H. Stevenson]
3. Oxford Magazine (6 Nov. 1924) [obituary of W.H. Stevenson]
4. The Times, 23 Oct. 1924 [on the death of W.H. Stevenson], and 27 Oct. 1924 [on
the funeral of W.H. Stevenson]
5. Lindsay, W.M., 'Introduction', Early Scholastic Colloquies, ed. W.H. Stevenson,
Anecdota Oxoniensia, Med. and Mod. Ser. 15 (Oxford, 1929)
Poole, R.L., 'Stevenson, William Henry (1858-1924)', Dictionary of National
Biography 1922-1930 (London, 1937).
7. Salter, H.E., 'Preface', in W.H. Stevenson, The Early History of St John's College,
Oxford, Oxford Hist. Soc. Publ. ns 1 (Oxford, 1939).
Works by Stevenson
Ed., 'Inventories of Furniture, etc. at Wollaton Hall', Associated Architectural
Societies' Reports and Papers, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Archit. and
Archaeol. Soc. 16.1 (1882), 76-95 [lists of the collections of Lord and Lady
Middleton, Wollaton]
9. Ed. (with J. Raine), Records of the Borough of Nottingham, vols. 1-4 [1115-1625]
(London, 1882-9)
10. 'Anglo-Saxon Names', The Academy 38 (1885), 74-5 [continuation of an article
entitled 'Errors in Anglo-Saxon Names', The Academy 38 (1885), 29]
11. 'Old Expressions', N&Q 6th ser. 11 (1885), 130-1
12. 'Anglo-Saxon Names', N&Q 7th ser. 1 (1886), 331 [on os in Anglo-Saxon names]
13. 'The Christian Name William', N&Q 7th ser. 1 (1886), 272
14. 'Etymology of Worsted', N&Q 7th ser. 2 (1886), 436
15. 'Parisius', N&Q 7th ser. 2 (1886), 54
16. 'Pontefract = The Broken Bridge', N&Q 7th ser. 2 (1886), 75, 236-237, 510-11
17. 'Posters', N&Q 7th ser. 2 (1886), 497
18. 'Proverbs and Sayings', N&Q 7th ser. 2 (1886), 492 [on the proverb, 'First catch
your hare']
19. 'Scochyns: Scochyn Money', N&Q 7th ser. 1 (1886), 511
20. 'Stinnyard', N&Q 7th ser. 1 (1886), 196-7
21. 'Streanaeshalch', N&Q 7th ser. 1 (1886), 214, 375, 490; 2 (1886), 52, 170-2.
22. 'Yorkshire Words', N&Q 7th ser. 1 (1886), 355 [on the meaning of the word kett]
23. 'The Early History of Nottingham', Associated Architectural Societies' Reports and
Papers, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Archit. and Archaeol. Soc. 19.1 (1887), 821
24. 'Derivation of Oxford', The Academy 31 (1887), 239, 326; 32 (1887), 135, 441
25. 'Grecian Stairs', N&Q 7th ser. 4 (1887), 54-5
26. 'Henchman', N&Q 7th ser. 3 (1887), 150, 311-12
27. 'Lawyer and Warrior', N&Q 7th ser. 3 (1887), 16
28. 'Maslin Pans', N&Q 7th ser. 4 (1887), 310
29. 'Molmen', EHR 2 (1887), 332-6
30. 'Pontefract = The Broken Bridge', N&Q 7th ser. 3 (1887), 130-1
31. 'Records of Celtic Occupation in Local Names', N&Q 7th ser. 4 (1887), 1-3
32. 'The Suffix -ny or -ney in Place-Names', N&Q 7th ser. 4 (1887), 56, 349-50.
33. The Charter of Wulfrun to the Monastery at 'Hamtun' (Wolverhampton), ed. W.H.
Duignan (Wolverhampton, Walsall, London, 1888) [English version of the Latin text
of the charter by Stevenson, pp. 7-19]
34. 'Death of Eleanor, Queen of Edward I of England', EHR 3 (1888), 315-18 [ed.
Ordination super capellam de Herdely pro anima Reginae Angliae]
35. 'The Derivation of Place-Names', Archaeological Review 2 (1888/9), 104-7
36. (with J.H. Round and H.C. Maxwell-Lyte), The Manuscripts of [John R. Manner]
His Grace the Duke of Rutland, Historical Manuscripts Commission 24 (London,
37. 'Maslin Pans', N&Q 7th ser. 5 (1888), 70-1
38. 'Records of Celtic Occupation in Local Names', N&Q 7th ser. 5 (1888), 9-12
39. 'Stroud as a Place-Name', N&Q 7th ser. 6 (1888), 449-50
40. review of Roger de Wendover, Flowers of History, vol. 1, ed. H.G. Hewlett
(London, 1886), in EHR 3 (1888), 353-60
41. with A.S. Cook, 'Among Teutons', The Academy 35 (1889), 43, 59
42. 'The Great Carucage of 1198', EHR 4 (1889), 105-110
43. 'Derivation of Halimot', The Academy 35 (1889), 449
44. 'English', N&Q 7th ser. 7 (1889), 190-1
45. 'The Long Hundred and its Use in England', Archaeological Review 4 (1889),
46. 'Meaning of Bollow', The Academy 35 (1889), 76
47. 'Vivit post funera virtus' [a pamphlet apparently published in 1889, according
to a notice in the Trans. of the Thoroton Soc. of Nottingham 9 (1905), 101] <not seen>
48. review of J. Earle, A Handbook to the Land-Charters and Other Saxonic
Documents (Oxford, 1888), in EHR 4 (1889), 363, 359
49. 'The Hundreds of Domesday. The Hundred of Land', EHR 5 (1890), 95-100
50. ed., Rental of all the Houses in Gloucester A.D. 1455, from a Roll in the
possession of the Corporation of Gloucester compiled by R. Cole (Gloucester, 1890)
51. ed., Royal Charters Granted to the Burgesses of Nottingham A.D. 1115- 1712
(London, 1890)
52. review of P.E. Dove, ed., Domesday Studies, vol. 1 (London, 1888), in EHR 5
(1890), 138-46
53. The Manuscripts of the Duke of Beaufort, K.G., the Earl of Donoughmore, and
Others, Historical Manuscripts Commission (London, 1891)
54. 'The Old English Charters to St Denis', EHR 6 (1891), 736-42
The Records of the Corporation of Gloucester, Historical Manuscripts
Commission 12th Report, App. 9 (London, 1891)
56. review of J.H. Round, ed., Ancient Charters, Royal and Private, vol. 1, (London,
1888), in EHR 6 (1891), 376-7
57. Calendar of the Close Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office: Edward I, 12721307, 5 vols. (London, 1900-8); Edward II, 1313-1327, 3 vols. (London, 1893-8);
Edward III, 1327-1373, 2 vols. (London, 1896-8)
58. Calendar of the Records of the Corporation of Gloucester (Gloucester, 1893)
59. review of Oxford City Documents, Financial and Judicial. 1268-1665, ed. J.E.T.
Rogers (1891), in EHR 8 (1893), 583-8
60. review of Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Oxford, 2 vols., compiled in
1661-6 by A. Wood, ed. A. Clark (Oxford, 1889-90), in EHR 8 (1893), 583-8
61. 'Aethelred-Mucil, Gainorum comes', The Academy 45 (1894), 536-7
62. review of J.T. Fowler, ed., The Coucher Book of Selby Abbey, 2 vols. (York, 18913), in EHR 9 (1894), 742-6
63. ed. (with A.S. Napier), The Crawford Collection of Early Charters and Documents
now in the Bodleian Library, Anecdota Oxoniensia, Med. and Mod. Ser. 2 (Oxford,
64. 'The Date of Gildas's De excidio Britanniae', The Academy 48 (1895), 340-2
65. 'Notes on Old English Historical Geography: I. The Battle of Ringmere; II. The
Site of Brunemue', EHR 11 (1896), 301-4
66. 'An Old English Charter of William the Conqueror in Favour of St Martin's-leGrand, London, A.D. 1068', EHR 11 (1896), 731-44
67. 'Burh-geat-setl', EHR 12 (1897), 489-92
68. 'A Letter of the Younger Despenser [Hugh le despenseur] on the Eve of the
Baron's Rebellion, 21 March 1321', EHR 12 (1897), 755-61 [ed. of BL Cotton Nero
C. iii, fol. 181, pp. 760-1]
69. 'An Old English Charter of William the Conqueror in Favour of St Martin's-leGrand, London, A.D. 1068', EHR 12 (1897), 107-10
70. 'The Date of King Alfred's Death', EHR 13 (1898), 71-7
71. 'Era in English Monkish Chronicle', N&Q 9th ser. 1 (1898), 10-11, 231-2; 2
(1898), 473-4
72. 'The Great Commendation to King Edgar in 973', EHR 13 (1898), 505-7
73. 'Hexham Priory and the Augustales', N&Q 9th ser. 2 (1898), 391-2
74. 'The Anglo-Saxon Chancery', Sandars Lectures in Bibliography, delivered in the
University of Cambridge on 4, 6, 18, 20 May 1898 [unpublished manuscript at St
John's College, Oxford (see 1 and 6 above)]
75. review of Konrad Plath, 'Die Koenigspfalzen der Merowinger und Karolinger. I'
(Diss. phil., Berlin, 1892) in EHR 13 (1898), 140-1
76. 'Aldgate and Whitechapel', N&Q 9th ser. 4 (1899), 385-6
77. 'The Beginnings of Wessex', EHR 14 (1899), 32-46
78. 'The Charter Relating to St Peter's Wolverhampton', N&Q 9th ser. 3 (1899), 14951
79. 'Era in English Monkish Chronicle', N&Q 9th ser. 3 (1899), 234-5
80. 'Glyndyfrdwy', N&Q 9th ser. 3 (1899), 238
81. 'Hexham and the Augustales', N&Q 9th ser. 4 (1899), 34-5
82. 'King Alfred's "Parliament"', N&Q 9th ser. 4 (1899), 344-5 [on the location of the
'parliament' at Seaford, Sussex]
83. 'Maheu de Redman', N&Q 9th ser. 4 (1899), 351-2
84. 'Origin of the Surname Chaucer', Athenaeum 113 (1899, I) 274, 435
85. 'The Place-Name Oxford', N&Q 9th ser. 4 (1899), 70-1, 382-3
86. Records of the Borough of Leicester, a series of extracts from the Archives of the
Corporation of Leicester, 1103-1603, ed. M. Bateson, revised by W.H. Stevenson and
J.E. Stocks, with a Preface by the Lord Bishop of London, vols. 1-3 (London,
Cambridge, 1899-1905); vol. 4, 1603-1688, ed. H. Stocks with W.H. Stevenson
(Cambridge, 1923)
87. 'Rounds or Rungs', N&Q 9th ser. 3 (1899), 231
88. 'The Surname Jekyll', N&Q 9th ser. 4 (1899), 415
89. 'Swansea: its Derivation', N&Q 9th ser. 3 (1899), 470
90. Two Cartularies of the Benedictine Abbeys of Muchelney and Athelney in the
County of Somerset, ed. E.H. Bates, Somerset Record Soc. 14 (London, 1899), [p. 2,
'W.H. Stevenson … edited the early charters']
91. 'Veit', N&Q 9th ser. 3 (1899), 490 [on the identification of Veit with Guy = Wido]
92. review of J.R. Boyle, The Early History of the Town and Port of Hedon in the East
Riding of the County of York (Hull, York, 1895), in EHR 14 (1899), 392-4
93. review of The Records of the Borough of Northampton (Northampton, 1898), in
EHR 14 (1899), 589-92
94. 'Aldgate and Whitechapel', N&Q 9th ser. 5 (1900), 34
95. Calendar of the Close Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office (London, 1900)
96. 'Edgett', N&Q 9th ser. 5 (1900), 13-14; 6 (1900), 49-51
97. 'Morecambe', N&Q 9th ser. 5 (1900), 314
98. 'The Place-Name Oxford', N&Q 9th ser. 5 (1900), 69-71, 517-20
99. 'The Surname Jekyll', N&Q 9th ser. 5 (1900), 152
100. 'The Introduction of English as a Vehicle of Instruction in English Schools', An
English Miscellany Presented to Dr [Frederick James] Furnivall (Oxford, 1901), pp.
101. review of Cardiff Records. Being Materials for a History of the County Borough
from the Earliest Times, ed. J.H. Matthews (London, 1898-1900), in EHR 16 (1901),
102. review of E. Conybeare, Ælfred in the Chroniclers (London, 1900), in EHR 16
(1901), 364-6
103. review of J.C. Wall, Alfred the Great (London, 1900), in EHR 16 (1901), 364-6
104. 'Dr Guest and the English Conquest of South Britain', EHR 17 (1902), 625-42
105. review of W.H. Draper, Alfred the Great (London, 1901), in EHR 17 (1902), 3358
106. review of J. Earle, The Alfred Jewel (Oxford, 1901), in EHR 17 (1902), 335-8
107. Ed., Asser's Life of King Alfred. Together with the Annals of Saint Neot's
Erroneously Ascribed to Asser (Oxford, 1904). [reissued with a contribution by D.
Whitelock (Oxford, 1959)]
108. review of J. Ramsay, The Angevin Empire (London, 1903), in EHR 19 (1904),
109. review of J. Ramsay, The Formation of England (London, 1898), in EHR 19
(1904), 137-45
110. 'The Alleged Settlement of the Parisii in Lincolnshire', EHR 20 (1905), 474-6
111. review of H.M. Chadwick, Studies on Anglo-Saxon Institutions (Cambridge,
1905), in EHR 20 (1905), 348-51
112. 'The Battle of Ethandun', Athenaeum 2 (1906), 303-4
113. 'An Inedited Charter of King Henry I, June-July 1101', EHR 21 (1906), 505-9
114. 'A Contemporary Description of the Domesday Survey', EHR 22 (1907), 72-84.
[ed. of the Excerptio Rodberti Herefordensis Episcopi de Chronica Marimani (Oxford,
Bodleian Library, Auct. F. 5, 19)]
115. 'Note on the Place-Name "Filey"', Trans. of the East Riding Ant. Soc. 14 (1907),
116. 'A Description of Nottingham in the 17th Century', Trans. of the Thoroton Soc.
of Nottingham 11 (1908), 117-130. [ed. from R. Franck, Northern Memoirs (London,
117. review of H.M. Chadwick, The Origin of the English Nation (Cambridge, 1907), in
EHR 23 (1908), 330-7
118. 'A Latin Poem Addressed to King Athelstan', EHR 26 (1911), 482-7
119. (with W.H. Duignan), 'Anglo-Saxon Charters Relating to Shropshire', Trans. of
the Shropshire Archaeol. and Natural Hist. Soc. 4th ser. 1 (1911), 1-19 and 20-22
[Appendix (on Wulfric Spott) by WHS]
120. Report on the Manuscripts of [Godfrey E.F. Willoughby] Lord Middleton
Preserved at Wollaton Hall, Nottinghamshire, Historical Manuscripts Commission 69
(London, 1911)
121. Calendar of Various Chancery Rolls, Supplementary Close Rolls, Welsh Rolls,
Scutage Rolls, Preserved in the Public Record Office (London, 1912)
122. 'Yorkshire Surveys and Other Eleventh-Century Documents in the York
Gospels', EHR 27 (1912), 1-25
123. 'An Alleged Son of King Harold Harefoot', EHR 28 (1913), 112-17
124. 'Senlac and the Malfossé', EHR 28 (1913), 292-303
125. 'Trinoda necessitas', EHR 29 (1914), 689-703
126. Calendar of Liberate Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, Henry III, 12261240, vol. 1 (London, 1916)
127. [letter on the Anglo-Saxon Chancery], in H. Kügler, Ie und seine Parallelformen
im Angelsächsischen (Phil. Diss. Berlin, 1916), p. 10
128. 'The Widsith in Warwickshire', TLS 933 (1919), 714-15
129. 'Shakespeare's Schoolmaster and Handwriting', TLS 938 (1920), 21
130. 'The Widsith in Warwickshire', TLS 1147 (1920), 171-2; 1162 (1920), 402
131. 'The Pretended Alemannic Settlement in England and O[ld] E[nglish] P', TLS
1022 (1921), 532; 1026 (1921), 596
132. 'Nursling, Hunts.', TLS 1086 (1922), 727
133. (with D. MacRitchie), 'Great and Little Britain', in O. Jespersen, Logic and
Grammar, SPE Tract. no. 16 (Oxford, 1924), pp. 23-32 <?>
134. 'Derivation of Nursling', Papers and Proc. of Hampshire Field Club and Archaeol.
Soc. 9 (1925), 414-16 [see 132 above for reissue of this paper]
135. ed., Early Scholastic Colloquies, Anecdota Oxoniensia, Med. and Mod. Ser. 15,
rev. ed. by W.M. Lindsay (Oxford, 1929)
136. The Early History of St John's College, Oxford, ed. H.E. Salter, Oxford Hist. Soc.
Publ. ns 1 (Oxford, 1939)
137. [Calendar of Materials in Merton College, Oxford] undated manuscript [see 6