Agenda Item 5 Executive Member for Commercial Services PACY

Agenda Item 5
Executive Member for Commercial Services
1st March 2005
Report of the Director of Commercial Services
PACY – York Pride progress report to third quarter 2004/5.
Purpose of the Report
1. The purpose of this report is to inform the Executive member of progress
made during 2004/5 by the PACY project (Partnership of Arclight, Council
and YACRO) which is aimed at the rehabilitation of drink and drug users
through work for community benefit.
2. A pilot scheme was funded by North Yorkshire Police and Safer York
Partnership in July 2003. The three organisations that are working ‘in
partnership’ are Commercial Services, York Arc-Light Project and York
Association for the Care and Reform of Offenders.
The pilot
proved so successful that Safer York Partnership and North Yorkshire Police
have agreed extended funding of £40k pa until April 2006. This means that
PACY has to find a further £40k pa from other sources which, so far, has
been achieved and includes York Business Pride sponsorship.
3. The aim of the project is to utilise ‘work’ to assist with the rehabilitation of
current and ex-drug/alcohol users and rough sleepers, reduce anti-social
behaviour and bring community benefit. This unique multi-agency partnership
approach has been proved to offer a range of benefits including, ultimately,
the return to full-time employment with opportunities in local industry.
Progress during 2004/5
4. Progress has exceeded the expectations of all three partners and the
funding agencies. Details of the outcomes against the funders’ targets are
shown in annex 1 and these have all been achieved to date. The headline
performance achievements are :•
93 people have already participated in PACY during the first nine
months of the year against an annual target of 80. It is likely that the
annual figure will be around 120 and this shows not just the
attractiveness of the scheme but also the high cost/benefit value.
Additional funding would provide more opportunities as there is still a
waiting list for places on PACY amongst reforming drink and drug users.
The target of 5% participants in PACY moving on to employment has
already been exceeded. At the end of the third quarter some 28
participants had found employment which equates to an amazing 30%
success rate.
The target of 5% participants moving from homelessness to having their
own accommodation (a homelessness solution clearly linked to finding
employment) has also been exceeded as 13% of participants have
made this transition within the first nine months of this year.
In a recent survey, 68% of participants reported an increase in selfesteem due to their PACY involvement, 90% reported a positive change
in their attitude to work and 42% reported a positive change in their
substance abuse or offending behaviour (a further 45% reported they
had already made their own positive decision before their PACY
5. The true success of PACY is that it involves every aspect of York’s
community. The PACY projects benefit everyone from children’s play
schemes, through shopping precincts, to elderly people’s areas although
their flagship is undoubtedly the Memorial Gardens. The fact that there is a
waiting list of people to work in the gangs and that these volunteers have
achieved significant improvements in the quality of York’s street scene
means they are establishing themselves as key players in showing York
Pride. Similarly, local businesses have responded through the provision of
funds via Business Pride and community groups are suggesting more
schemes to work jointly upon. A major contribution to PACY has been the
encouragement and support by the press and public of what the volunteers
are doing for themselves and for York.
6. The funding for PACY is described in paragraph 2 and it can be seen that
some £30k needs to be found during 2005/6 from charitable donations and,
as the core funding ends in April 2006, at least £80k pa thereafter.
Financial Implications
7. There are no financial implications for the council as PACY is currently
funded by the bid to North Yorkshire Police and Safer York Partnership
together with other donations. Any expenditure that Commercial Services
incurs will be recovered from PACY.
Legal Implications
8. The Heads of Terms Agreement between the PACY organisations is in line
with advice from the District Auditor about collaborative working. There are
no significant legal implications or liabilities for the council.
Human Resources (HR) and other implications
9. There are no HR or other implications arising from this report.
10. The Executive Member is recommended to:(i)
note or comment on the progress report
seek a further report towards the end of 2005/6.
Contact Details
David Finnegan
Chief Officer responsible for the report:
David Finnegan
Director of Commercial Services
For further information please contact the author of the report
U: emapmar05pacy
Background Papers:
EMAP – March 2004