1 Useful Information for Community-College Leaders—an Update by Jay Leist & John Murray, Ph.D. During the 2003 American Association of Community Colleges national convention, we presented a study entitled Useful Information for Community-College Leaders. Offered as a possible aid for institutional decision-making, our five- month study involved a database search of dissertations, ERIC documents, and professional academic journal articles published between January 2000 and mid-2002. Several Higher Education (HIED) colleagues identified a total of 11 topical categories as major issues affecting today’s instructional administrators. These categories included adjunct faculty; development/fund-raising; developmental education; dual/concurrent credit; economic development and workforce; faculty/staff development; strategic planning; student retention; teaching issues; technology and distance education; and transfer and articulation. Based on the favorable response this study received, we recently compiled similar information for items published during 2003. Much like the first effort (included herein and also available through ERIC, using Clearinghouse number ED477587), our latest product provides an assortment of practitioner- and research-based findings, helpful hints, and proven strategies to combat many of the issues facing today’s community-college leaders. In some instances, the same item will appear in multiple categories. Our methodology involved using the keywords “community college” and each of the aforementioned 11 category labels. For inclusion in our project, an item had to meet two criteria. First, it had to relate to the daily operation of a typical community college. Readers will note that, in some cases, we included dissertations or journal articles that focused on a four- year 2 college or university; however, the issue under study could equally pertain to a two-year institution. Secondly, an item had to offer findings, possible solutions, or suggestions that community-college administrators might use to overcome certain problems or issues facing their institution. Like its predecessor, this study uses the same format for listing information. Dissertations, ERIC documents, and professional academic journal articles are listed by category. Each item includes enough information to facilitate access from the Internet or a local library. Dissertations are listed with an internal tracking code, the university of origin, the author’s last name, and a short synopsis concerning content, scope, and/or findings. For example, SR-D-06 Anytown University Franks Examines decision- making processes used by community colleges to create certification training programs for first-responders combating Homeland Security threat scenarios ERIC documents are listed in a similar manner; however, the ERIC Clearinghouse number is used in place of a university name. For example, DVE-E-01 ED477587 Leist & Murray Provides a list of dissertations, ERIC documents, and journal articles on contemporary issues of interest to community-college leaders. The topics addressed include... Journal articles likewise follow this format, and also include the name of the periodical, a reference citation, and if available, an ERIC Clearinghouse reference number. For example, AF-J-08 EJ668421 Journal of Developmental Education, v. 26, no. 3, pp. 18-27, Spr 2003 Wheland, Konet, & Butler Examines five perceived inhibitors of successful performance in an intermediate algebra course We completed this study (and its predecessor) with one goal in mind: to provide communitycollege administrators and their staff members with another information source for solving many 3 of the operational problems affecting their institutions. HIED researchers, practitioners, and students aspiring to become future administrators are constantly searching for ways to improve America’s two-year institutions. For any number of reasons, administrators and their staffs often do not consider the plethora of research available about today’s community colleges, and the valuable lessons other institutions have learned about what solutions will or will not work. Hopefully, our study will encourage administrators to at least explore the various research outlets available to them. 4 Table of Contents Adjunct Faculty (AF) Issues 5-8 Development/Fund-Raising (DFR) Issues 9 Developmental Education (DVE) Issues 10-15 Dual/Concurrent Credit (DC) Issues 16-17 Economic Development and Workforce (EDW) Issues 18-20 Faculty/Staff Development (FSD) Issues 21-24 Strategic Planning (SP) issues 25-26 Student Retention (SR) Issues 27-32 Teaching Issues (TI) 33-35 Technology and Distance Education (TDE) Issues 36-39 Transfer and Articulation (TA) Issues 40-41 5 Adjunct Faculty (AF) Issues Dissertations AF-D-01 U. of Arizona Kater Examines shared go vernance in public, unionized community colleges (CCs). Suggests that fulltime and AF are obligated to participate in governance, and that participation differs by regions AF-D-02 U. of Nevada, Las Vegas Lei Explores variations of teaching and assessment strategies based on status and education level of faculty. Says that AF require more student recall of facts, critical thinking, and theory application than full- time colleagues AF-D-03 U. of Virginia Meade Compares teaching styles and demographic characteristics of AF and full-time faculty. States that full-timers have more student contact than AF, but no differences exist in teaching styles of either faculty type AF-D-04 Capella U. Snell Explains that understanding AF training needs can help increase the overall effectiveness of adjuncts. Provides a methodology others can use to determine specific AF training needs ERIC documents AF-E-01 ED477578 American Association of Community Colleges Summarizes faculty shortages in nursing education. Discusses issues contributing to this shortage. Offers some short-term fixes to alleviate these shortages, to include use of retired nurses on a part-time basis AF-E-02 ED474189 Columbia Basin College Highlights faculty profiles at a large CC in Washington state. Provides demographics regarding both fulltime and part-time faculty members 6 AF-E-03 ED475795 Illinois Community College Board Reports compensation data for all employees at Illinois’ 48 public CCs. Devotes a section to AF salary rates, and also includes sections that cover faculty salary policies and information about faculty contracts AF-E-04 ED478299 Marks Contains detailed national, regional, and state data on member colleges and universities in the Southern Regional Education Board. Includes characteristics and salaries of fulltime and AF members AF-E-05 ED475550 Maryland State Higher Education Commission Provides statistics about a variety of issues affecting Maryland ’s institutions of higher education. Offers data regarding full- and parttime faculty, to include race, gender, and average salaries AF-E-06 ED475485 Ryan, Wesemann, Boese, and Neuschatz Examines chemistry courses in CCs. Provides data regarding what types of courses are taught by full- and part-time faculty members. Breaks information down by gender and tenure/non-tenure status AF-E-07 ED475991 Santa Fe Community College Offers information on a Florida CC, for fiscal year 2001-2002. Discusses a variety of issues, to include the use of adjunct faculty personnel AF-E-08 ED474967 Sapp Lists barriers facing faculty who try to promote social justice (SJ) learning in composition courses. One involves AF fearing cynical administrators, faculty, and students opposed to a SJ classroom mission AF-E-09 ED475988 South Texas Discusses factors important for Community faculty deciding to continue or College terminate employment at one CC. Few AF responded to this internal survey; thus, the report only discusses full- time faculty responses 7 AF-E-10 ED477567 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Explores the trend in the number and percentage of part-time, adjunct, and contingent faculty in higher education. Discusses overuse of AF and how this causes a systemic problem with institution-wide effects Modern Language Association Provides the Modern Language Association’s salary recommendations for entry- level full-time and part-time foreign language department faculty, as well as general staffing recommendations AF-J-02 -Journal of Public Affairs Education, v. 9, no. 3, pp. 181-192, Jul 2003 Irvin Examines use of consultants as AF; in this case, in graduate nonprofit management programs. Lists advantages of consultants as AF, and possible incompatible incentives between schools and consultants AF-J-03 -Distance Education Report, v. 7, no. 14, p. 1, Jul 15, 2003 Lorenzetti Offers advice on recruiting and developing online AF. Chronicles policies implemented by a Florida CC program manager for distance learning AF-J-04 -Journal of Higher Education, v. 74, no. 2, pp. 196-209, Mar/Apr 2003 Pincus & Schmelkin Investigates faculty perceptions of academic dishonesty. Uses feedback from 212 full- and parttime faculty. Finds no difference in perceptions of academic dishonesty due to full- time/AF status AF-J-05 EJ664698 Chronicle of Higher Education, v. 49, no. 24, p. A10, Feb 11, 2003 Smallwood Describes how, as AF unionize, they face a choice: join with full-time faculty members, and gain strength in numbers, or go their own way, to keep an independent voice Journal articles AF-J-01 EJ664612 ADFL Bulletin, v. 34, no. 2, pp. 57-58, Win 2003 8 AF-J-06 EJ671896 Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 7, pp. 633-637, Aug 2003 Sophos Offers citations that provide overviews of various issues related to AF. Includes AF roles and functions, teaching methods and effectiveness, training, institutional integration, and more AF-J-07 EJ666410 Toutkoushian Journal of Higher Education, & Bellas v. 74, no. 2, pp. 172-195, Mar-Apr 2003 Looks at faculty employment, earnings, and satisfaction. Finds that demand-side factors explain most of the gender differences in AF hirings. AF and full- timers seemed equally satisfied with compensation AF-J-08 EJ6668421 Journal of Developmental Education, v. 26, no. 3, pp. 18-27, Spr 2003 Examines 5 perceived inhibitors of performance in an algebra course. Reports that non-native Englishspeaking faculty, and teaching assistants instead of AF, had no negative impact on student learning Wheland, Koney, & Butler 9 Development/Fund-Raising (DFR) Issues Dissertations DFR-D-01 George Mason U. LaBeouf Proposes a sample multi- source model that CC foundation administrators can use to start or develop a foundation. Finds that much work is needed for CC foundations to be competitive DFR-D-02 U. of Pennsylvania McGuire Discusses the concept of strategic fund-raising, and the issues and concerns arising when colleges try to link fund-raising with academic planning and budgeting. Provides case studies of seven institutions DFR-D-03 U. of So. Mississippi Tisdale Examines fund-raising and alumni activities of Mississippi CCs. Offers what critical components led to successful/unsuccessful fund-raising. Explores five fund-raising aspects in Mississippi CCs ERIC documents DFR-E-01 ED469366 Ah NeeBenham & Stein, Eds. Offers a 13-chapter compendium of information regarding triballycontrolled CCs. Includes subjects about DFR to support institutional partnerships and community development of tribal CCs DFR-E-02 ED476455 Chen & Toy Describes the Foundation for California CCs, a non-profit foundation whose mission is to save money. Explains a variety of initiatives, to include partnership developments with business/industry Carnevale Chronicles a $1M grant from the U. S. Dept. of Labor and local foundations for funding technology training centers to help rural-area people learn computer skills. Journal articles DFR-J-01 -Chronicle of Higher Education, v. 50, no. 2, p. A43, Sep. 5, 2003 10 Developmental Education (DVE) Issues Dissertations DVE-D-01 U. of Missouri, Columbia Brown Examines policies and practices in DVE mathematics at Missouri public CCs. Includes organizational structure, assessment and placement, transferability, program evaluation, and staff professional development DVE-D-02 Morgan State U. Costner Assesses CC faculty attitudes toward teaching African-American students. Examines instructors of DVE and/or non-DVE courses, to gauge their openness to using culture as a classroom resource DVE-D-03 No. Arizona U. Cress Investigates the relationship between persistence and academic success of underprepared mathematics and English CC students and their use of learning assistance center services DVE-D-04 U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Crews Explores whether participants in a DVE writing course earned higher grades and more credits, enrolled for more terms, and completed degrees/ certificates and/or transferred at greater rates than non-participants DVE-D-05 Indiana U. of Pennsylvania Davidson Describes the origin, evolution, and implementation of a basic DVE writing program at a small, liberalarts college. Emphasizes how administrators and teachers can develop writing potential in students DVE-D-06 U. of Virginia Fleming Investigates whether CC DVE algebra students can show comparable success rates and levels of achievement when taught using computer-based instruction and traditional lecture-based methods 11 DVE-D-07 U. of Connecticut Foley Examines CC students’ grasp of fractions prior to instruction, whether they solve problems presented in different formats with equal accuracy, and the characteristics generated while solving problems DVE-D-08 U. of Virginia Hall Details how an instructor in CC DVE writing can create a community of trust. Offers five categories in which this trust can be cultivated DVE-D-09 Michigan State U. Haston Describes the nature of academic advising within a CC DVE program, to understand the ways in which the process of academic advising is negotiated DVE-D-10 Bowling Green State U. Henry Studies the factors that contributed to persistence rates of over 500 CC students who transferred to an area four-year university. Includes the use of DVE coursework as a variable DVE-D-11 U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Johnson Examines the differences in student characteristics between completers and non-completers in online courses. Includes the use of DVE as a variable DVE-D-12 Kansas State U. Knedlik Compares levels of CC student satisfaction with DVE academic advising, and any possible relationship that those levels of satisfaction may have with retention DVE-D-13 U. of Missouri, Kansas City Ray Explores the role of aptitude and achievement in CC DVE students’ perceptions regarding their selfregulated learning, motivational beliefs, and grade expectations DVE-D-14 Baylor U. Summerlin Studies the academic effectiveness of Internet-based developmental mathematics instruction for CC students 12 DVE-D-15 Morgan State U. Thomas Determines what factors contributed to student persistence, and what factors made persistence difficult. Relies on former CC students who successfully completed DVE reading writing courses DVE-D-16 U. of Kentucky Walters Examines music listening as a potential factor in the improvement of competency test results in algebra by CC students who need DVE courses ERIC documents DVE-E-01 ED477911 Chaves Discusses the challenges that urban CCs face in delivering education to non-traditional and first-generation students. Advocates greater student involvement in certain activities suc h as learning assistance centers DVE-E-02 ED473972 Chesson & Rubin Discusses six policy areas in which states can better equip rural CCs to serve their communities. To improve access, the authors advocate that states fund DVE, literacy, and basic skills instruction DVE-E-03 ED474570 Cushman, Cervone, & Rowley Chronicles how one California CC has played a key role in boosting retention and advancement by redesigning curricula into shorter modules and integrating DVE courses into academic classes DVE-E-04 ED473875 Mazzeo, Rab, & Alssid Identifies and draws lessons from several CC programs that have reconsidered their DVE and/or adult education offerings, and are creating bridges to college and careers for disadvantaged students 13 DVE-E-05 ED475435 McCabe Argues that most academicallydeficient students do not lack talent, but do lack preparation. Offers a primer on services that CCs have created for underprepared students DVE-E-06 ED478368 MDC, Inc. Provides lessons learned from the Rural Community College Initiative (RCCI). Describes how RCCI teams worked on a variety of topics, to include improving DVE and academic support DVE-E-07 ED478367 Perin & Charron Examines students’ academic preparedness, as well as assessment and placement policy in 15 CCs. States that many CCs do not require low-scoring students to attend DVE classes DVE-E-08 ED476176 Ray, Garavalia, & Gredler Explores gender and aptitude distinctions among DVE college students in task value, reported use of learning strategies, and academic achievement Castanier Offers an overview of the research involving the interviewing and tutoring of CC students with low levels of literacy skills DVE-J-02 EJ666648 Research & Teaching in Developmental Education, v. 19, no. 2, pp. 29-40, Spr 2003 Garavalia & Ray Investigates whether aptitude/ achievement subgroups of DVE college students differ in their reported use of self- regulated learning strategies, task value, and grade expectations DVE-J-03 EJ666654 Research & Teaching in Developmental Education, v. 19, no. 2, pp. 73-78, Spr 2003 Hartman & Stewart Describes a scavenger hunt in a freshman orientation course. Uses this hunt as a way to locate and utilize campus resources and gain insight into the grading and self-evaluation process Journal articles DVE-J-01 -Educational Studies, v. 34, no. 3, pp. 299-317, Fall 2003 14 DVE-J-04 -Mathematics and Computer Education, v. 37, no. 1, pp. 5-125, Win 2003 Kelly, Shore, & Vasquez, (Eds.) Discusses the use of technology to meet the DVE needs of deaf students to improve their word problem solving skills, the use of algorithmic instructional techniques in the DVE classroom, and other DVE issues DVE-J-05 EJ668419 Journal of Developmental Education, v. 26, no. 3, pp. 2-8, Spr 2003 Ogden, Thompson, Russell, & Simons Assesses Supplemental Instruction (SI), an academic assistance program aimed at improving at-risk student performance. Analyzes data collected from a political science class supported by SI DVE-J-06 EJ668423 Journal of Developmental Education, v. 26, no. 3, pp. 36-37, Spr 2003 Paul & Elder Provides templates to help students practice analyzing and assessing the logic of a text. Covers how to analyze an article, essay, or chapter; comprehend the logic of a text; and evaluate an author’s reasoning DVE-J-07 EJ664997 Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 3, pp. 255-258, Mar 2003 Peterman Offers 10 annotated references on the topic of peer mentorship in CCs. Describes peer mentorship programs as an effective way to assist underrepresented and DVE students DVE-J-08 -Journal of Counseling Psychology, v. 50, no. 2, pp. 156-164, Apr 2003 Robinson, Davis, & Meara Explores the influence of theorized motivational properties on participants’ perceived likelihood of achieving their most hoped- for self. Studies low- income females in rural CC DVE classes DVE-J-09 EJ673547 Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 8, pp. 665-677, Sep 2003 Rochford Argues that few new techniques for teaching remedial writing courses work. Suggests that learning styles, a research-based teaching approach, has demonstrated statisticallysignificant results 15 DVE-J-10 -Mathematics and Computer Education, v. 37, no. 1, pp. 29-38, Win 2003 Shore & Shore Highlights a Maryland CC project aimed at transforming DVE mathematics to engage students in active learning, and offer meaningful health-related applications using problem-based learning DVE-J-11 EJ668420 Journal of Developmental Education, v. 26, no. 3, pp. 10-16, Spr 2003 Smittle Reviews several principles for effective DVE teaching, including commitment to teaching underprepared students, command of the subject matter, and the ability to teach a diverse student population DVE-J-12 EJ666647 Research and Teaching in Developmental Education, v. 19, no.2, pp. 17-28, Spr 2003 Snyder, Hackett, Stewart, & Smith Examines academic success and retention of first-year students in need of DVE at a small private university. Determines which variables are predictive of academic achievement, retention, and GPA DVE-J-13 EJ666652 Research and Teaching in Developmental Education, v. 19, no. 2, pp. 59-63, Spr 2003 Testone Assesses the instructor’s role in ensuring quality online DVE mathematics courses. Argues that an instructor’s written communications skills are essential in an online classroom DVE-J-14 -Mathematics and Computer Education, v. 37, no. 1, pp. 72-78, Win 2003 Villareal Chronicles how a CC mathematics department revamped a DVE algebra class focused solely on computerdirected instruction, after the class initially failed to produce positive results 16 Dual/Concurrent Credit (DC) Issues Dissertations DC-D-01 U. of South Florida Cesta Examines effects of an accelerated academic program on CC student graduation rates and time-to-degree. Finds that DC students are more likely to earn an Associate’s degree, and in less time, than non-DC peers DC-D-02 E. Tenn. State U. Porter Explores relationships between college retention and completion, and the number of DC credit hours students earn. Finds that students in DC programs have higher retention/ graduation rates than non-DC peers ERIC documents DC-E-01 ED477914 Andrews Identifies 3 enrollment trends now affecting CCs: DC, reverse transfer, and job retraining. Indicates these will only increase in the near future. Shows how DC in 48 states offered academic stimulus to high schoolers DC-E-02 ED475805 Bailey, Hughes, & Karp Provides alternative view of how students can move from secondary to post-secondary education. Argues that DC programs can help lowachieving students succeed in college; offers two successful models DC-E-03 ED475986 Hagedorn, Chlebek, & Moon Chronicles 3 support programs for at-risk high schoolers that include transfer to CCs. One showcased program involves a DC process DC-E-04 ED476457 Hoffman Examines whether or not underrepresented students are earning college credits in high school, and the implications of dual enrollment for education and policymakers 17 Journal articles DC-J-01 EJ671371 American School Board Journal, v. 190, no. 8, pp. 38-39, Aug 2003 Andrews Describes 4 types of DC options in existence between Olney Central College, Illinois, and participating high schools DC-J-02 -Chronicle of Higher Education, v. 49, no. 26, p. A26, Mar 7, 2003 Evelyn Chronicles former Governor Davis’ order of an audit of a popular DC program accessed by California high schoolers. Suggests that some CCs improperly used the courses to get more money from the state DC-J-03 -Change, v. 35, no. 4, pp. 42-48, Jul/Aug 2003 Hoffman Explores the degree to which DC course opportunities will succeed in increasing the number of young, underrepresented students who will earn a college degree DC-J-04 -T.H.E. Journal, v. 31, no. 4, p. 25, Nov 2003 Rajala Provides a variety of online resources regarding DC course offerings. Explains that many programs—cooperative courses, DC, and early college high schools—exist for students to earn college credit 18 Economic Development and Workforce (EDW) Dissertations EDW-D-01 George Mason U. LaBeouf Offers case studies of three Virginia CCs with proven records in fundraising. Provides ways for administrators to start or develop a foundation to solve funding issues EDW-D-02 North Carolina State U. Lamm Extends decision- making theory into the realm of EDW. Explores the strategic decision processes, and actions and beliefs, that CC, county, and industry leaders use to develop and maintain EDW initiatives EDW-D-03 U. of Pennsylvania Nunery Chronicles how two large universities used retail development to revitalize their campuses and neighborhoods. Shows how institutions and community leaders can spark economic development ERIC documents EDW- E-01 ED469366 Ah NeeBenham & Stein (Eds.) Focuses on developing and strengthening tribal colleges through various partnerships. Includes chapters on tribal college EDW through the Native American Higher Education Initiative (NAHEI) EDW- E-02 ED475089 Boggs Outlines recent activities of the American Association of Community Colleges in six strategic action areas, including EDW EDW- E-03 ED473972 Chesson & Rubin Provides a state policy framework to support rural CCs. Argues that states can use rural CCs to promote local EDW and service learning, and provide small business assistance and entrepreneurship education 19 EDW- E-04 ED472196 Iowa State Dept. of Ed. EDW- E-05 ED473875 Mazzeo, Rab, Explains how five CCs adapted & Alssid developmental and adult education offerings to build bridges for disadvantaged students. Encourages policymakers to adjust EDW efforts to state/local economic changes EDW- E-06 ED477203 Regional Technology Strategies, Inc. Journal articles EDW-J-01 -Community College Journal, v. 73, no. 6, p. 3, Jun/Jul 2003 -- Reviews Iowa’s CC programs and related services for fiscal years 19992002. Includes a section about the role of these CCs on EDW throughout the state Offers an initial model of a clusterbased workforce delivery system. Responds to the collective interests of the leadership of ten CC systems to better understand how to support state cluster-based EDW strategies Argues that CCs must be seen as EDW leaders and as key forces that will transform the U. S. Advocates grants, lottery dollars, and other state and federal funds as ways to further EDW efforts EDW-J-02 -Community College Journal, v. 73, no. 6, pp. 48-51, Jun/Jul 2003 Dassance & Spontak Highlights how one Florida CC, a county economic development corporation, and a workforce connection teamed together on a year-long project, to focus on and address EDW issues EDW-J-03 -Community College Journal, v. 73, no. 5, pp. 56-61, Apr/May 2003 Elsner States that major forces will recast and redefine CC roles in the future; economic factors, the process of globalization, environmental conditions, and other forces will shape tomorrow’s two-year colleges 20 EDW-J-04 EJ666445 Metropolitan Universities: An International Forum, v. 14, no. 1, pp. 67-75, Mar 2003 Ingman, Clower, & Wallimann Asserts that community building is not unique to U. S. higher education. Provides examples of how institutions in Switzerland, Mexico, Northern Ireland, and the U. S. have responded to economic crises EDW-J-05 -Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 1, pp. 1-14, Jan 2003 Lovell, Crittenden, & Stumpf Showcases Mississippi State University’s doctoral program for educating future rural CC leaders. Explains that program dissertations must focus on rur al economic and community development EDW-J-06 EJ668441 Tribal College Journal, v. 14, no. 4, pp. 24-25, Sum 2003 Selden Explain why Indian casinos are not providing economic development for large numbers of Native Americans. Argues that most casinos are located in populated areas, while most Native Americans live in rural areas EDW-J-07 -Community College Journal, v. 74, no. 2, pp. 44-47, Oct/Nov 2003 White Details a partnership between a CC and several local governmental and nongovernmental agencies to prepare dislocated airport workers for new careers in life sciences and health-care technology EDW-J-08 -Techniques, v. 78, no. 3, pp. 26-29, Mar 2003 Wright Chronicles how one CC joined with a city school district, and the city itself, to streamline the path for high school graduates to follow an articulated pathway to certain associate’s degrees and better jobs EDW-J-09 EJ670148 Tribal College Journal, v. 14, no. 3, pp. 15-16, Spr 2003 Yellow Bird Discusses a tourism project at a tribal CC. Explains how the institution has developed economic strategies and employment opportunities for tribes. Shows how high- visibility tourism events can impact tribal economies 21 Faculty/Staff Development (FSD) Issues Dissertations FSD-D-01 U. of Missouri Brown Examines current policies and practices in developmental math in Missouri. Focuses on a variety of issues, to include the professional development of developmental math faculty and staff personnel FSD-D-02 Royal Roads U. Foster Provides insight into how a Canadian CC included its employees in a meaningful process to create a shared vision. Harnesses employee feedback to create internal processes to tailor institutional direction FSD-D-03 Arizona State U. Kushibab Offers an analytical review of staff development policy and practices for student services employees of the Maricopa CC District. Tests the policy-science theory that relates to enhanced decision- making FSD-D-04 Fielding Grad. Inst. Levy Chronicles how California CCs planned for the implementation of online distance learning. Includes particulars about FSD to support this undertaking, one involving 108 CCs in 71 CC districts in California ERIC documents FSD-E-01 ED475089 Boggs Outlines recent activities of the American Assn. of Community Colleges, to include leadership development FSD-E-02 ED473972 Chesson & Rubin Covers six policy areas. Argues that states can better equip CCs to serve their communities through a multitude of ways, to include FSD 22 FSD-E-03 ED473686 Ebersole Acknowledges difficulties first-time CC faculty can face. Offers an orientation for new faculty based on learning-community principles: shared knowledge, shared knowing, and shared responsibility FSD-E-04 ED476352 Frearson Examines a survey of Englishcollege managers and leaders, and their responses to FSD FSD-E-05 ED478035 Oates & Leavitt Provides fundamental theory about service- learning and learning communities. Depicts adjustments to organization, management, and planning of course activities FSD-E-06 ED475093 Roueche, Milliron, & Roueche Focuses on CC teachers and the perspectives they bring to the discourse on education. Provides 10 chapters tied to classroom teaching and FSD FSD-E-07 ED477912 Stern Examines four of the delivery methods being employed in the field of professional FSD FSD-E-08 ED477681 Trident Technical College Provided a summary of institutional data pertaining to a variety of goals, including FSD for this South Carolina institution FSD-E-09 ED476673 Van Kollenburg, (Ed.) Offers a collection of papers related to promoting student learning and teaching. Includes a segment on FSD and student outcomes Allen Highlights the influence of differing management styles on organizational climate in 12 English Higher Education institutions. Discusses how FSD can help create a symbiotic community within the institution Journal articles FSD-J-01 -Higher Education, v. 46, no. 1, pp. 61-92, Jul 2003 23 FSD-J-02 EJ664995 Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 3, pp. 225-237, Mar 2003 Ebbers, Wild, & Friedel Summarizes survey results of CC personnel in Iowa. Assesses the short-term impact of pending retirements and other changes to the institution on professional and technical staff FSD-J-03 -Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 4, pp. 337-347, Apr/May 2003 Floyd Addresses approaches to effectively prepare CC faculty and staff to support new learning technologies in the 21st century. Includes a summary of applying the Kouzes-Posner leadership model to CC FSD FSD-J-04 EJ670132 Journal of Student-Centered Learning, v. 1, no. 2, pp. 105-110, 2003 -- Outlines Chickering and Gamson’s “Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education.” Lists use of principles for FSD, including greater student/faculty contact and creating campus visibility FSD-J-05 EJ668422 Journal of Developmental Education, v. 26, no. 3, pp. 28-34, Spr 2003 Liff Argues that, by addressing social and emotional learning in the college classroom, faculty can foster the scholarly and interpersonal growth of students. Highlights learning within the affective domain FSD-J-06 -Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 6, pp. 531-547, Jul 2003 McCormick Chronicles how workfare-focused policies of New York state and city governments have influenced training offerings at local CCs. FSD at these colleges included new pedagogies and flexible structures FSD-J-07 -Piland & New Directions for Community Colleges, Wolf (Eds.) no. 123, pp. 5-110, Fall 2003 FSD-J-08 EJ666472 Innovative Higher Education, v. 27, no. 3, pp. 183-194, Spr 2003 Provides numerous articles on developing CC leaders for the 21st century. Explores development of CC faculty to become leaders, and offers a professional development program model for CC officials Sherer, Shea, Discusses an Internet-enhanced & Kristensen faculty- learning community, which provides valuable opportunities for enhanced and sustained FSD activity 24 FSD-J-09 EJ665006 Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 4, pp. 317-335, May 2003 Wallin Uses a three-state study to examine appropriate roles of CC faculty and administrators in assuring access to meaningful FSD opportunities 25 Strategic Planning (SP) Dissertations SP-D-01 George Mason U. LaBeouf Urges combining public administrative assumptions and approaches with transformational leadership to increase funding sources in CCs. Advocates SP that administrators can use to start or develop a foundation SP-D-02 Fielding Grad. Inst. Levy Details how 108 California CCs strategically planned for the implementation of online distance learning (ODL) and what aspects of ODL had been/were going to be implemented SP-D-03 U. of Pennsylvania McGuire Discusses linking of fund-raising (development operations) with academic planning and budgeting (APB). Includes SP for fund-raising, and the issues and concerns arising from this concept ERIC documents SP-E-01 ED476352 Frearson Provides survey results of English college leaders and managers. Advocates the need for increased development in the areas of SP, and developing new approaches to learning SP-E-02 ED473293 San Antonio College Offers vision/mission statements for San Antonio College and the Alamo Community College District. Includes overall strategic goals and objectives, unit strategic objectives, and operational/specific objectives SP-E-03 ED476672 Van Kollenburg Includes 32 papers related to organizational effectiveness and future directions. Discusses fiveyear SP while simultaneously incorporating quality initiatives 26 SP-E-04 ED476682 Westchester Community College Summarizes outcome measurements pertaining to 10 mission and SP goals of a large New York CC. SP efforts cut across institutional academic goals, instructional costs, curriculum innovation, etc. Allen Introduces the concept of organizational climate (OC), and contributes to an understanding of the recursive relationship between OC and strategic change initiatives. Emphasizes an increase in SP SP-J-02 -Community College Journal, v. 74, no. 2, p. 5, Oct/Nov. 2003 Carreon Focuses on technology and the various aspects of its use. Explains that “anywhere/anytime” learning is here to stay, and that SP and appropriate funding of technology is essential SP-J-03 -Community College Review, v. 30, no. 4, pp. 1-20, Spr 2003 Eddy Looks at a strategic alliance among 5 CCs. Reveals that the consortium fell short in completing the change process, partly due to a lack of leadership and the inability to embed alliance visions and strategies Journal articles SP-J-01 -Higher Education, v. 46, no. 1, pp. 61-92, Jul 2003 27 Student Retention (SR) Issues Dissertations SR-D-01 Northern Illinois U. Ally Stresses the need to consider a wide range of administrative issues when delivering any online instruction, to include SR matters SR-D-02 U. of Missouri, Saint Louis Freeman Compares year-to- year persistence of first-time entering African-American male and female CC students to their white counterparts. Uses 70 literature-based variables collected through an earlier longitudinal study SR-D-03 Northern Arizona U. Hanson Examines student status, level of preparedness (academic deficiency), and level of participation (effort) as functions of persistence at a CC with a heterogeneous population SR-D-04 U. of Nevada, Reno Henderson Explores the effect of the sciencetechnology-society (STS) and traditional teaching methods in CC biology classes for non- majors. Uses Bloom’s first three levels of learning to investigate both methods SR-D-05 U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Johnson Studies differences in CC student characteristics between completers and non-completers in online courses, as well as for students in similar face-to- face courses; also considers course completion rates SR-D-06 Kansas State U. Knedlik Compares levels of CC student satisfaction with developmental academic advising, and any possible relationship that those levels of satisfaction may have with retention 28 SR-D-07 U. of Alabama Marcus Addresses perceptions of administrators and faculty members regarding the appropriateness of certain performance indicators for CCs, to include SR matters SR-D-08 Baylor U. Rodriguez Evaluates three instructional methods (seminar, traditional, and web-based) used in teaching freshman orientation at a Texas CC. Examines each method in relation to a variety of outcomes, including SR SR-D-09 Florida State U. Rowland Examines factors that contribute to the persistence and academic achievement of students enrolled at a Florida CC SR-D-10 U. of Pennsylvania Sauchuk Offers a case study of SR in two programs at a two-year, for-profit institution; one program had the highest institutional graduation rate; the other had the lowest SR-D-11 Fielding Grad. Inst. Tennant Considers student conceptions of CC team-taught learning communities (TTLC), and categorizes the ways in which students understand the experience, and why TTLCs work SR-D-12 U. of Missouri, Columbia York Investigates the relationship of a student’s inherent characteristics and performance, or attrition, in online and face-to-face CC courses ED469366 Ah NeeBenham & Stein (Eds.) Provides 13 chapters related to the Native American Higher Education Initiative (NAHEI). Focuses on developing and strengthening tribal colleges, and includes a chapter on student access, retention, and success ERIC documents SR-E-01 29 SR-E-02 ED477914 Andrews Identifies three major CC enrollment trends (dual credit, reverse transfer, and job retraining). Explains how each trend, especially dual credit, can serve as a stimulus for SR SR-E-03 ED477911 Chaves Discusses challenges CCs face in delivering education to firstgeneration, immigrant, economically-disadvantaged, nonwhite limited-English-ability, and other non-traditional students SR-E-04 ED478782 Hobneck, Mudge, & Turchi Examines a program to improve the academic success and retention of student athletes at a central Illinois CC SR-E-05 ED475558 Maryland State Higher Education Commission Presents an assortment of statistical data regarding higher education in Maryland. Offers trends in a variety of areas, to include sections covering retention, transfer, and graduation SR-E-06 ED474579 Neutzling Argues that the criteria used for calculating the success rates of CC students should differ from those used for four-year schools SR-E-07 ED478369 Nishimoto Addresses the dearth of research on & Hagedorn Asian and Pacific-Islander students, by exploring the predictors of persistence and retention, and the course-taking patterns of these students while enrolled in urban CCs SR-E-08 ED477913 Ryan Discusses how the established theories and practices used in counseling may not satisfy the needs of nontraditional CC students SR-E-09 ED475991 Santa Fe Community College Provides a fact book of information for this Florida CC, for fiscal year 2001-2002. Includes SR information 30 SR-E-10 ED475548 Skipper & Argo (Eds.) Offers nine chapters of information about involvement in out-of-class campus activities, and the impact on the student experience. Describes connecting academic and student affairs to enhance SR SR-E-11 ED477826 Thompson Details one university’s system to communicate with CCs, to provide information about new student performance and identify new student needs. One performance measure includes first- year SR rates SR-E-12 ED476679 Tovar & Simon Chronicles the Student Success Project at a California CC. Details the delivery of in-class and cocurricular experiences, and how certain interventions for new students can improve SR SR-E-13 ED476672 Van Kollenburg (Ed.) Provides a collection of 37 papers on self-study and institutional improvement. Includes an effort that discusses distance learning as an assessment and retention resource SR-E-14 ED478603 Ward-Roof & Hatch (Eds.) Contains 15 papers on various programs dealing with college and university student and family orientation programs. Includes an effort that relates effective SR to academic and social integration SR-E-15 ED476682 Westchester Community College Summarizes outcome measurements for 10 mission and strategic planning focus goals for a New York CC. Includes information regarding institutional SR matters Harrell & Forney Examines period between the start of high school and the first years of undergraduate courses; pertains to Hispanic and first-generation student student enrollment and SR in college Journal articles SR-J-01 EJ663259 Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 2, pp. 147-156, Feb 2003 31 SR-J-02 -Tribal College, v. 14, no. 4, pp. 14-18, Sum 2003 Heavy Runner & Marshall Showcases a Family Education Model from a Montana tribal college. Presents an opportunity to formalize the well- tested, resilience-based SR strategies the staff and faculty have used for years SR-J-03 EJ668206 Journal of College Student Retention, v. 4, no. 3, pp. 227-256, 2002-2003 Hoffman, Richmond, Morrow, & Salomone Chronicles a “sense of belonging” measure, to shed light on factors that contribute to college SR. Argues that a better understanding of “sense of belonging” can help lead to more effective retention programs SR-J-04 -Journal of College Student Retention, v. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-9, 2003-2004 Karlen Attempts to determine intervention protocols that would reduce the attrition rate among female students in the business administration and business management programs at a New York CC SR-J-05 -Journal of College Student Retention, v. 5, no. 1, pp. 11-22, 2003-2004 LeSureLester Investigates the influence of stress management styles on the college persistence decisions of Latino students enrolled in general liberal arts classes in southern California CCs SR-J-06 EJ667413 International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, v. 4, no. 1, Apr 2003 LudwigHardman & Dunlap Discusses learner-support services and how, based on the principle of scaffolding, they can contribute to effective retention for online students SR-J-07 -College Student Journal, v. 37, no. 2, pp. 181-189, Jun 2003 Owen Explores the implications of a relationship between the age of a student and his/her grade-point average, and the retention implications created by this relationship SR-J-08 EJ671698 Journal of College Student Retention, v. 4, no. 4, pp. 361-376, 2002-2003 Polinsky Uses the Student Intention Survey to identify CC students’ goals, the accomplishment of these goals, and how they relate to SR 32 SR-J-09 EJ668438 Community College Review, v. 30, no. 4, pp. 64-84, Spr 2003 Summers Focuses on the scope and significance of research related to CC SR. Examines the theoretical models that explain and attempt to predict student attrition 33 Teaching Issues (TI) Dissertations TI-D-01 U. of Virginia Clear Assesses English composition course dual-enrollment practices in the Virginia CC System, and establishes possible criteria to improve this, the most frequently offered dualenrollment course within the system TI-DF-02 U. of California, Santa Barbara Garey Examines the use of drama as a significant and effective pedagogy, to create opportunities for more engaged and meaningful learning in higher education, and specifically in the CC environment TI-D-03 U. of Houston Ghavami Determines the effect of small- group exercises that emphasize the cognitive aspects of problemsolving on the achievement of firstyear physics students at a CC TI-D-04 National-Louis U. Malekpour Examines holistic science pedagogy in conjunction with a constructivism theory. Demonstrates that learners can better understand decisionmaking, and more easily relate to social/political and ethical issues ERIC documents TI-E-01 ED473686 Ebersole Highlights an extended orientation program for new faculty members at a Maryland CC. It relies on the principles of learning communities: shared knowledge, shared knowing, and shared responsibility TI-E-02 ED477913 Ryan Discusses how the changing demographics of CCs—involving more nontraditional students—may require counseling techniques that are markedly different from those for traditional college students 34 TI-E-03 ED477912 Stern Examines four delivery methods being employed by CCs in the area of professional development (PD): new faculty orientation, web-based PD, comprehensive programs, and seminars TI-E-04 ED475802 Townsend & Ignash Focuses on the role of CCs in training K-12 teachers. Provides 10 chapters of information tied to this topic Calderon Describes initiatives in communitybased participatory research by students. Combines the practice of critical pedagogy with civic engagement and diversity TI-J-02 -Educational Studies, v. 34, no. 3, pp. 299-317, Fall 2003 Castanier Provides an overview of the research involving the interviewing and and tutoring of CC students with low levels of literacy skills TI-J-03 EJ671907 Community College Journal, v. 73, no. 6, pp. 24-27, Jul 2003 Flint Argues that problem-based learning, which stresses relevant learner issues and allows for situational flexibility in the classroom, can better prepare CC students for the workplace TI-J-04 EJ664992 Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 3, pp. 173-190, Mar 2003 Hanson Examines CC role in American society. Details changes in CCs, and their implications, particularly with regard to their impact on pedagogy. Offers the town hall meeting as an alternative teaching method TI-J-05 -Change, v. 35, no. 5, pp. 26-33, Sep/Oct 2003 Hutchings Explores the ethical issues in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Explains that what occurs in the classroom can raise ethical concerns that provide new windows into the values of educators Journal articles TI-J-01 EJ673290 Peer Review, v. 5, no. 3, pp. 22-24, Spr 2003 35 TI-J-06 -Higher Education, v. 46, no. 1, pp. 93-121, Jul 2003 Kreber Considers the scholarship of teaching. Argues that, to promote changes in policy regarding what is to count as scholarship, identifying and reporting “expert” conceptions will remain insufficient TI-J-07 -Sifferlen Chronicle of Higher Education, v. 49, no. 27, pp. B12-B13, Mar 14, 2003 Chronicles how CCs are developing training programs to support faculty members in their use of instructional technologies TI-J-08 EJ671896 Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 7, pp. 633-637, Aug 2003 Offers citations for publications that provide general overviews of various issues related to part-time CC faculty. Includes part-time faculty roles and functions, teaching methods and effectiveness, and more Sophos TI-J-09 -Sundeen Teaching English in the Two-Year College, v. 31, no. 1, pp. 8-15, Sep 2003 Describes a composition lesson that examines the intersection between race and literacy. Involves the use of rap music as a legitimate literacy form TI-J-10 -Townsend & Offers articles on current approaches New Directions for Community Colleges, Ignash (Eds.) and possible future approaches no. 121, pp. 5-109, Spr 2003 concerning the role of CCs in teacher education. Covers several statespecific exemplars, to include CC baccalaureate-degree programs 36 Technology and Distance Education (TDE) Dissertations TDE-D-01 U. of Memphis Campos Hernandez Examines the relationship between the quality of effort of students and their estimate of knowledge gains in information technology and career preparation. Involves a TDE program at a Mexican university TDE-D-02 George Mason U. Jamison Explores whether student completion of asynchronous web-based TDE courses could be predicted by a set of motivation-related variables (e.g., goal activation and salience, multiple goals, goal alignment, etc.) TDE-D-03 U. of Nevada, Las Vegas Lei Investigates variations of teaching and assessment strategies based on status and education level of faculty members at two CCs. Includes how these faculty members approached TDE course instruction TDE-D-04 Fielding Grad. Inst. Levy Focuses on how California CCs planned for the implementation of online distance learning, and what aspects of online TDE have been or are going to be implemented TDE-D-05 State U. of New York (SUNY), Buffalo Stephens Explores conceptual understandings administrative leaders have about TDE in three SUNY sectors (CCs, comprehensive colleges, & research universities), and how the se understandings impact TDE support TDE-D-06 New York U. Williams Determines which TDE course delivery technologies provide higher levels of satisfaction among New Jersey CC students; identifies dimensions of a TDE environment that are important to satisfaction 37 ERIC documents TDE-E-01 ED475801 Bahr, Horn, & Perry Describes the process used by the Chancellor’s Office of the California CCs (Technology, Research, and Information Services Division) to identify low-transfer rates, as mandated by the legislature TDE-E-02 ED473972 Chesson & Rubin Offers a policy framework in support of rural CCs. Discusses the area of technology and how states can help to ensure rural areas have an affordable telecommunications infrastructure TDE-E-03 ED473971 Hillman Discusses Pennsylvania’s status as the nation’s third most rural state, and how rural areas have used TDE. Includes examples of how some rural districts have contracted with out-of-state CCs for course delivery TDE-E-04 ED477912 Stern Showcases delivery methods being employed in CCs for professional development (PD). Examines one method used by a Florida CC, involving asynchronous sessions of online PD for faculty TDE-E-05 ED476672 Van Kollenburg (Ed.) Provides a collection of papers on self-study and institutional improvement. Devotes a chapter, with multiple papers, to the topic of using TDE to enhance student learning TDE-E-06 ED476682 Westchester Community College Summarizes outcome measurements pertaining to 10 mission and strategic planning focus goals of one New York CC. Includes the topic of academic technology 38 Journal articles TDE-J-01 EJ671910 Community College Journal, v. 73, no. 6, pp. 44-47, Jul 2003 Basham Analyzes the impact of the U. S. Patriot Act on higher education, especially in the area of information technology security. Discusses impacts on TDE learning, and possible lawsuits for lax security TDE-J-02 -The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, v. 69, no. 3, pp. 42-46, Spr 2003 Bruster Highlights teaching rhetoric and English composition through the use of instructional television and TDE at one Texas CC. Discusses the technology and method used to enhance student-learning experiences TDE-J-03 EJ665007 Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 4, pp. 337-347, May 2003 Floyd Argues that, by skillful leading and investment in PD, CC leaders can help transform campuses into centers of technology-based learning. States that TDE is in line with CC missions of access and equity TDE-J-04 -Henning Teaching English in the Two-Year College, v. 30, no. 3, pp. 306-316, Mar 2003 Explores the shifting boundaries and implications created by technology regarding student writing and the teaching of writing. Discusses plagiarism and instructional management TDE-J-05 -Community College Journal, v. 74, no. 2, pp. 40-43, Oct/Nov 2003 Valet Describes computer-based learning, and how CCs have used this method to provide flexible and affordable workforce development services for corporate clients TDE-J-06 -Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 4, pp. 263-272, Apr/May 2003 Walters & Keim Investigates the role CC deans of instruction have in institutional and facilities planning. Focuses on the challenges that TDE programs and equipment can create for these individuals 39 TDE-J-07 -TechTrends, v. 47, no. 5, pp. 28-31, Sep/Oct 2003 Wang, MacArthur, & Crosby Examines the attitudes of CC professors toward online learning; specifically, the value they saw in technology as an educational tool and the level of confidence they had in their own computer skills TDE-J-08 -Techniques, v. 78, no. 3, pp. 26-29, Mar 2003 Wright Describes a joint venture between a Virginia city school system, a CC, and the city itself—to create an Advanced Technology Center and streamline the path from TDE to high-paying industry jobs 40 Transfer and Articulation (TA) Dissertations N/A ERIC Documents TA-E-01 ED476677 American Association of Community Colleges, et al Identifies obstacles to the associate degree’s universal acceptance as the equal of the first 2 years of senior college/university. Suggests steps to fix TA problems; includes comments from survey respondents TA-E-02 ED475801 Bahr, Horn, & Perry Describes efforts by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office to identify persistently low transfer colleges within the system TA-E-03 ED476687 Goff Compares TA policies between Florida and Maryland. Examines state- governance policies to enhance TA between two- and four-year campuses. Offers future projections regarding TA within the states TA-E-04 ED477197 Goff Compares TA policies between Missouri and Maryland. Examines a common-transfer framework between CCs and universities, plus the lack of statewide TA and common course numbering systems TA-E-05 ED475802 Townsend & Focuses on the role of CCs in Ignash training K-12 teachers. Includes several chapters about TA issues that impact undergraduate teacher education programs TA-E-06 ED476835 Townsend & Examines the roles CCs play in Ignash teacher education. Shows how states that allow CCs to offer teacher education have various forms of TA agreements. Also shows CC role in alternative certification programs 41 TA-E-07 ED476836 Yang Explores individual and institutional factors on transfer. Argues that transfer from CCs to four-year schools is a function of student characteristics, the type of institution enrolled in, and the tuition gap faced Lindstrom & Rasch Claims the national teacher shortage has made it critical for two- and four-year colleges to collaborate in aiding transfers of education majors. Adds that students are vulnerable to unnecessary course repetitions TA-J-02 -Black Issues in Higher Education, v. 20, no. 14, pp. 28-31, Aug. 28, 2003 Roach Explains that historically black colleges and universities need to find ways to be accessible and attractive to students starting at CCs. Shows how some HBCUs have created TA agreements with CCs to aid transfers TA-J-03 -Community College Journal of Research and Practice, v. 27, no. 2, pp. 95-117, Feb 2003 Suarez Focuses on factors that aid the forward transfer of Latinos from a public CC to a four-year public state college. Successful transfers require institutional dedication to the transfer mission by all parties Journal articles TA-J-01 EJ668426 New Directions for Community Colleges, v. 121, pp. 17-26, Spr 2003