Drama 1330 Professor: Byron Gernand Textbook: Gillette, J. Michael. Theatrical Design and Production: An Introduction to Scene Design and Construction, Lighting, Sound, Costume, and Makeup. 7th ed.McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2013. Print. ISBN: 978-0-07-338222-7 (optional.) Required course materials are available at the Brazosport College bookstore, on campus or online at http://www.brazosport.edu/bookstore. A student of this institution is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from the college bookstore. The same textbook is/may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer. Drama 1330, Stagecraft is an introductory course that offers instruction in technical aspects of mounting a production with some practical experience in design and general stagecraft. Evaluation Practical work, class participation, and attendance Written assignments and quizzes Final Exam 60% 25% 15% Week One: Introduction to the course. Chapter 1, Production Organization and Management. Week Two: Chapter 2, The Design Process. Week Three: Chapter 3, A Brief History of Theatre Architecture and Stage Technology. Week Four: Chapter 4, The Stage and Its Equipment. Week Five: Chapter 5, Style, Composition, and Design. Week Six: Chapter 6, Color. Week Seven: Chapter 9, Scenic Design. Week Eight: Chapter 10, Tools and Materials. Week Nine: Chapter 13, Stage Properties. Week Ten: Chapter 14, Lighting Design. Week Eleven: Chapter 16, Lighting Production. Week Twelve: Chapter 18, Costume Design. Week Thirteen: Chapter 20, Makeup. Week Fourteen: Chapter 21, Sound Design and Technolgy. Week Fifteen: Review for exam. Week Sixteen: Final Exam. Regarding Academic Honesty: Brazosport College assumes that students eligible to perform on the college level are familiar with the ordinary rules governing proper conduct including academic honesty. The principle of academic honesty is that all work presented by you is yours alone. Academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and collusion shall be treated appropriately. Please refer to the Brazosport College Student Guide for more information. This is available online at http://www.brazosport.edu. Academic dishonesty violates both the policies of this course and the Student Code of Conduct. In this class, any occurrence of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Dean of Student Services for prompt adjudication. Sanctions may be imposed beyond your grade in this course by the Dean of Student Services. Regarding Students with Disabilities: Brazosport College is committed to providing equal education opportunities to every student. BC offers services for individuals with special needs and capabilities including counseling, tutoring, equipment, and software to assist students with special needs. Please contact Phil Robertson, Special Populations Counselor, (979)230-3236 for further information. LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR DRAMA 1330 STAGECRAFT 1. Demonstrate competency in basic lighting design Assessment: Make lighting design/execution decisions appropriate to specific shows 2. Demonstrate competency in basic sound design Assessment: Make sound design/execution decisions appropriate to specific shows 3. Demonstrate competency in understanding and appropriately applying basic electrical theory Assessment: Solve basic problems related to electric power issues 4. Demonstrate competency in group participation of lighting and sound projects Assessment: Participate in hanging lights and producing audio show discs 5. Demonstrate competency in understanding and applying basic principles of staging as related to lighting and sound design Assessment: Provide critical analysis of lighting and sound design decisions 6. Demonstrate competency in the ability to document lighting and sound designs Assessment: Draft, revise, edit, and submit lighting plots and sound scores for evaluation.