18th IEEE International Conference on

18th IEEE International Conference on
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
September 10-13, 2013
Cagliari, Italy
Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Conference
on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
Technically co-sponsored by: IEEE, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, University
of Cagliari (Italy).
18th IEEE International Conference on
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
September 10-13, 2013
Cagliari, Italy
Message from General Co-Chairs
Carla Seatzu
Richard Zurawski
It is our pleasure to welcome all participants to the 18th IEEE International
Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation held in Cagliari, the
largest city of one of the two main Italian islands, Sardinia.
It is exactly 21 years from the first ETFA conference which was a modest event
attracting just over 170 attendees. Since then, the event has evolved in to one of the
largest and most important IEEE conferences dedicated to industrial and factory
automation - presenting new research results at the cutting edge of emerging
technologies in applications to industrial automation, as well as providing a
discussion forum for professionals from academia and industry alike.
The ETFA conference series was fortunate to be hosted by some of the leading
academic and research institutions from all over the world. The success of the
ETFA conference series reflects the rapid evolution of the industrial automation field
and the ever increasing impact of the underpinning research and development on
the advances in the industrial automation. The proceedings of the conference give
a fairly accurate picture of the state of the art in the covered areas.
This year the event is sponsored by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society together
with the University of Cagliari, Italy.
Established in 1606, the University of Cagliari is a public university dedicated to
offering comprehensive and unique public education, cutting edge research and
multi-discipline education programmes for the student community. With its 6
faculties,39 undergraduate,40 graduate and 35 postgraduate programmes, the
University of Cagliari’s main mission is to provide its students with a high quality
education system that will better prepare them for an increasingly global
community. With about 400 international agreements, the University of Cagliari,
together with its undergraduate and graduate students, actively takes part in an
educational process which unites our local culture with Europe and the rest of the
world. The University of Cagliari is committed to sharing the results of its research
and development in knowledge and to improving the social, economic, cultural
and intellectual life of Cagliari and the region of Sardinia. Thanks to the
exceptional student body, faculties, staff and administrators, it is able to
successfully carry out its academic mission. It is open to talented people from all
backgrounds and values, and it sets out to be an institution based on merit that
supports open inquiry, as well as fairness, care and excellence in all endeavours.
Cagliari is an ancient city whose long history goes back to its foundation in the 7th
century before Christ by the Phoenicians. Very close to Cagliari we can found
wonderful beaches that attract tourists from any part of the world. Cagliari is the
Sardinia’s economic and industrial hub, with one of the biggest ports in the
Mediterranean sea and an international airport. It also has the largest refinery in
the Mediterranean sea.
This edition of the ETFA series attracted 321 papers. After a rigorous process,
based on the recommendations of the Track Chairs, 236 papers were accepted:
103 as regular, 24 in special sessions, and 109 as the work-in-progress and
industry practice papers.
We would like to acknowledge the contribution of all Program Committee
Members and Reviewers. Our appreciation goes to Georg Frey and Marek
Miśkowicz of the Saarland University, Germany and the AGH University of
Science & Technology, Poland, respectively, for their dedication and excellent
organization of the scientific part of the conference.
The conference is preceded by the Industry Day, held on September 10th, that has
always been an important part of the ETFA conference series. Every year people
from industry are asked to talk on the important technical developments, hoping to
learn what is important to the industry and to have a glimpse of the emerging
trends to stimulate the academic research. The aim of the Industry Day this year
is that of taking stock of what we have learned over the past few years, listening in
turn to the academia. ETFA2013 attendees are invited to this event at no extra
In parallel to the Industry Day two Workshops takes place: the 4th 4DIAC User’s
Workshop (4DIAC), and a second Workshop titled New Challenges and Results in
Health Care Management.
An event of this importance cannot be organized without the help of a large number
of volunteers. We would like to thank all of them for their valuable work. We are
especially indebted to the local organizing team. Our sincere gratitude goes to the
International Program Committee and the Chairs: Track Co-Chairs, Special
Session Co-Chairs, Work-in-Progress Co-Chairs, and the Reviewers. Also to the
Workshop Day and Industry Day Committees, Publication Chair, Keynote
Speakers, and all attendees who make this event possible.
ETFA2013 offers a high quality technical program, interesting and important
satellite events, and an attractive social program. Please enjoy the conference and
your stay in Cagliari.
Carla Seatzu and Richard Zurawski
General Co-Chairs
Message from Program Co-Chairs
Marek Miskowicz
Georg Frey
On behalf of the Technical Program Committee, welcome to the IEEE International
Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2013) held
from September 10 to September 13, 2013 in Cagliari, Italy.
ETFA2013 is the 18th edition of the conference series established in 1992. Due to
a significant contribution of multiple authors over years, the proceedings of ETFA
conferences provide representative picture of technology evolution in the last two
decades. Although twenty years is quite long time in a development of modern
technology, your attendance here is an evident proof that ETFA is still an efficient
platform for reporting recent research developments in emerging technologies and
factory automation.
We believe that ETFA2013 continues a great success of past conference editions.
Due to a broad scope of technical subjects in emerging technologies and factory
automation, ETFA is traditionally a multi-track conference. We follow this model
also this year. Compared to recent ETFA editions, we added a new track named
Sensors and Actuators which has been included in some ETFA conferences in the
past. Finally, we proceeded with eight regular tracks covering research topics in
Information Technology in Automation, Industrial Communication Systems,
Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded Systems, Automated Manufacturing
Systems, Industrial Control, Computational Intelligence and Modern Heuristics in
Automation, Intelligent Robots & Systems and Sensors & Actuators.
We would like to thank Track Chairs who managed technically the process of
evaluating submissions within tracks: Jürgen Jasperneite, Alexander Fay,
Francisco Vasques, Gianluca Cena, Marco Di Natale, Jürgen Teich, Maria Pia
Fanti, Christoforos Hadjicostis, Bengt Lennartson, Jean-Marc Thiriet, Ramon
Vilanova i Arbos, Francesco Carlo Morabito, Bogusław Cyganek, Antoni Grau,
Paulo Costa, Marina Indri, Thilo Sauter and Daniela de Venuto.
In addition to the regular tracks, the ETFA2013 program includes five Special
Sessions covering selected topics within the technical scope of the conference:
Distributed and Autonomous Intelligent Systems, Software Engineering Methods,
Tools and Practices for Automation Systems, The Society of Robots in Industrial
Plants, Simulation Techniques for Model Based System Engineering, Theory and
Applications of Petri Nets.
We would like to thank the Special Session Co-Chairs, Mariagrazia Dotoli and John
Gialelis, as well as all the Special Session Organizers for their technical input and
organizational engagement.
The list of people who volunteered their time and energy to establish the conference
is longer. We thank more than 300 members of the Technical Program Committee
and the external reviewers. Their timely completion of almost a thousand reviews
and active participation in discussions was the key to effective selection process.
In the response to call for papers, we received a total number of 231 submissions
from 36 countries in all the continents including Regular and Special Session
papers. All the submissions were thoroughly reviewed by program committee
members and external reviewers in respective tracks. Special Session papers were
reviewed within the relevant tracks to ensure a harmonized review process for all
the conference papers. To ensure a high standard of the conference, each paper
was assigned to three reviewers at least. On the basis of Track Chairs
recommendations, 103 contributions were finally accepted as full papers in regular
tracks and 24 papers in Special Sessions. Furthermore, 43 papers submitted
originally as long papers have been invited to WiP/IP session. This year we allowed
to extend the maximum size of WiP/IP papers to 6 pages to provide more space for
reporting ongoing research ideas and industry experience at the forefront of
In addition to contributions submitted by scientific community, ETFA2013 program
includes four key notes presented by distinguished speakers from academia and
industry. We are honored to welcome in this role: Edward A. Lee, U.C. Berkeley;
Karl Weber, TUV, München; Franco Deregibus, Comau Asia and Rainer Drath, ABB
Corporate Research Center, Germany. We believe that the keynote lectures will
provide comprehensive state-of-the-art overviews and stimuli for novel research
The organization of a large scientific conference is a complex task. We appreciate
excellent cooperation with ETFA2013 General Co-Chairs, Carla Seatzu and
Richard Zurawski, in managing also technical aspects of the event.
Finally, we would like to thank all the authors who submitted their work to ETFA2013
and contributed in this way most of all to the technical success of the conference.
Marek Miskowicz and Georg Frey
Message from Work-in-Progress Co-Chairs
Cristian Mahuela
Continuing the tradition, ETFA2013 conference includes in its program ongoing
research and industry papers at the forefront of technology. For this purpose all
eight regular tracks, which cover relevant topics in Technology and Automation,
have special sessions of WiP/IP papers. This year we received a total of 94
submissions of WiP/IP papers, in addition to the 43 papers that were invited among
the rejected Regular and Special Session papers. At the end, 109 papers were
selected to be included in the WiP/IP program of ETFA2013.
The papers have been organized inside each track and we would like to express
our gratitude to all track chairs for their exceptional management. We also thank all
members of the PC for their excellent work carrying out the reviews in such a short
time period. Finally, but not least, we want to thanks the General Chairs, Carla
Seatzu and Richard Zurawski for their support and help in preparing the program.
We have a very good program with seven sessions, and we invite all of you to
attend at the presentations and poster sessions of the WiP/IP papers. We hope you
will enjoy them.
Cristian Mahulea and Javier Silvestre-Blanes
Work-in-Progress Co-Chairs
General Co-Chairs
Program Committee
Carla Seatzu, University of Cagliari, Italy
Richard Zurawski, ISA Group, San Francisco, CA, USA
Marek Miskowicz, AGH University of Science and
Technology, Poland
Georg Frey, Saarland University, Germany
Work-in Progress Co-Chairs
Cristian Mahulea, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Javier Silvestre-Blanes, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Special Sessions Co-Chairs
Mariagrazia Dotoli, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy
John Gialelis, University of Patras, Greece
Finance Chairmen
Publication Chair
Publicity Chair
Local Committee
Maria Paola Cabasino, University of Cagliari, Italy
Thomas Nolte, Mälardalen University, Sweden
Mauro Franceschelli, University of Cagliari, Italy
Maria Paola Cabasino, University of Cagliari, Italy
Carla Seatzu (Chair)
Maria Paola Cabasino
Luca Carboni
Mauro Franceschelli
Alessandro Giua
Carla Piras
Mehran Zareh
ETFA Series Steering Committee
E. Dekenuvel, Univ. of Nice, France
J.M. Fuertes, UPC, Spain
H. Fujita, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
L. Gomes, Uninova, Portugal
A. Grau, UPC, Spain,
F. Harashima, Univ. of Tokio, Japan
C.-J. Kim, UCLA, USA
S. Koubias, Univ. of Patras, Greece
K. Lee, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Z. Mammeri, Univ. of Toulouse 3, France
V. Marik, Czech Tech. Univ. in Prague, Czech Republic
M. Marcos, Univ. of Basque Country, Spain
O. Mirabella, Univ. of Catania, Italy
Marek Miskowicz, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
J.-M. Proth, INRIA Lorraine, France
A. Weaver, Univ. of Virginia, USA
R. Zurawski, ISA Group, San Francisco, CA, USA
Track Co-Chairs
Track 1:
Information Technology in Automation
Juergen Jasperneite, Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, Germany
Alexander Fay, Helmut-Schmidt University, Germany
Track 2:
Industrial Communication Systems
Francisco Vasques, University of Porto, Portugal
Gianluca Cena, Institute of Electronic and Computer and
Engineering Telecommunications CNR, Italy
Track 3:
Real-Time and (Networked)
Embedded Systems
Marco Di Natale, Sant'Anna Superior School, Italy
Jürgen Teich, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Track 4:
Automated Manufacturing Systems
Maria Pia Fanti, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy
Christoforos Hadjicostis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Track 5:
Industrial Control
Bengt Lennartson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Jean-Marc Thiriet, GIPSA-Lab, Saint Martin d'Hères cedex France
Ramon Vilanova, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Track 6:
Computational Intelligence and
Modern Heuristics in Automation
Francesco Carlo Morabito, Mediterranean University of
Reggio Calabria, Italy
Boguslaw Cyganek, AGH University of Science and
Technology, Poland
Track 7:
Intelligent Robots and Systems
Antoni Grau, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Paulo Costa, University of Porto, Portugal
Marina Indri, Polytechnic of Torino, Italy
Track 8:
Sensors and Actuators
Thilo Sauter, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
Daniela de Venuto, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy
Program Committee Members
Almeida Luis
Andersson Bjorn
Antich Javier
Arrichiello Filippo
Arrieta Orlando
Arroyo Esteban
Banaszak Zbigniew
Barbu Marian
Basile Francesco
Basrour Skandar
Bayart Mireille
Behal Aman
Behnam Moris
Belter Dominik
Benitez Hector
Bertogna Marko
Bini Enrico
Bocewicz Grzegorz
Bogdan Stjepan
University of Porto, Portugal
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Balearic Islands University, Spain
Harvey Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany
University of Cassino, Italy
Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
Helmut-Schmidt University, Germany
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Dunarea de Jos University Galati, Rumania
University of Salerno, Italy
TIMA Laboratory Grenoble, France
University of Lille1, France
University of Central Florida, USA
University of Porto, Portugal/MRTC, Sweden
University of Poznan, Poland
National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
University of Modena, Italy
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy
Technical University of Koszalin, Poland
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Bolea Yolanda
Brunelli Davide
Burduk Robert
Busboom Axel
Buttazzo Giorgio
Cabasino Maria Paola
Cai Kai
Caramihai Simona
Cassandras Christos
Cassez Franck
Cavalieri Salvatore
Cibrario Bertolotti Ivan
Colombo Armando
Conrard Blaise
Costelha Hugo
Cucinotta Tommaso
Cucu-Grosjean Liliana
Cury Jose E.R.
Davis Robert
De Cesare Giampiero
De Keyser Robin
Dębowski Andrzej
Demarchi Danilo
Dentsoras Argyris
Diedrich Christian
Dotoli Mariagrazia
Drath Rainer
Dzung Dacfey
Epple Ulrich
Estevez Elisabet
Facchinetti Tullio
Falkman Petter
Fantuzzi Cesare
Felser Max
Ferrari Paolo
Ferrari Vittorio
Ferrarini Luca
Ferreira Dos Santos
Vitor Manuel
Fisher Nathan
Flammini Alessandra
Fonseca José Alberto
Fraboul Christian
Franceschelli Mauro
BarcelonaTech, Spain
University of Trento, Italy
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Controls and Embedded Systems Lab, Munchen, Germany
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy
University of Cagliari, Italy
University of Toronto, Canada
Univ. "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
Boston University, USA
University of New South Wales, Australia
University of Catania, Italy
Schneider Electric, Germany
University of Lille1, France
Instituto Politécnico de Leiri, Portugal
Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent
INRIA Nancy-Grand Est, France
UFSC, Brasil
University of York, UK
Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy
Ghent University, Belgium
Technical University of Lodz, Poland
IIT and Politecnico di Torino, Italy
University of Patras, Greece
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg,Germany
Politecnico di Bari, Italy
ABB AG Corporate Research Center
ABB Switzerland Corporate Research
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Escuela Politécnica Superior de Jaén, Spain
University of Pavia, Italy
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
DISMI, Italy
Bern Univ. of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
University of Brescia, Italy
University of Brescia, Italy
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Wayne State University, USA
University Brescia, Italy
Univ. of Aveiro, Portugal
University of Toulouse INP-IRIT, France
University of Cagliari, Italy
Freidovich Leonid
Fuente Maria Jesus
Fujimoto Yasutaka
García-Valls Marisol
Gaßmann Stefan
Gialelis John
Giglio Davide
Giua Alessandro
Glass Michael
Göhner Peter
Golatowski Frank
Gomes Luis
Goodwine Bill
Granzer Wolfgang
Gude Juan Jose
Guedes Affonso
Haar Stefan
Hansson Hans
Hernandez-Alonso Alvaro
Hortschitz Wilfried
Hsiu Pi-Cheng
Czarnowski Irek
Ibeas Asier
Jäger Tobias
Jang Shi-Shang
Jin Hyun-Wook
Johnsson Charlotta
Julvez Jorge
Kabziński Jacek
Kalogeras Athanasios
Kasprzak Wlodzimierz
Kastner Wolfgang
Katebi Reza
Kim Dong-Seong
Kitowski Jacek
Kleanthis Thramboulidis
Koklu Gozen
Koulumbis Fotis
Kowalczuk Zdzisław
Krawczyk Bartosz
Kretowski Marek
Kumar Ratnesh
Umeå University, Sweden
Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Yokohama National University, Japan
University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
University of Rostock, Germany
University of Patras, Greece
University of Genova, Italy
University of Cagliari, Italy
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen, Germany
Institute of Industrial Automation and Software
Engineering, Germany
University of Rostock, Germany
University Nova Lisboa, Portugal
University of Notre Dame, USA
NETxAutomation, Austria
Universidad de Deusto, Spain
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil
LSV, CNRS and ENS de Cachan, France
Malardalen University, Sweden
Alcala University, Spain
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
University of Barcelona, Spain
Helmut-Schmidt-University, Germany
Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
Konkuk University, Korea
Lund University, Sweden
University of Zaragoza, Spain
Institute of Automatic Control, Tech. Uni. of Lodz, Poland
Industrial Systems Institute, Patras, Greece
Politechnika Warszawska, Poland
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
University of StrathClyde, UK
Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea
Inst.Comput.Sci. AGH-UST & CYFRONET AGH,
Kracow, Poland
University of Saarland, Germany
EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
Halkis Institute of Technology, Greece
Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
Iowa State University, USA
Kunert Kristina
Kuo Tei-Wei
Lafortune Stephane
Lefebvre Dimitri
Legnani Giovanni
Li Lingxi
Lo Bello Lucia
Loira Antonio
Lotz Alex
Lüder Arndt
Luque Antonio
Machowski Witold
Mahulea Cristian
Mangini Agostino
Manic Milos
Marcos Marga
Martinez Herminio
Meier Uwe
Melchiorri Claudio
Merseguer Jose
Metzner Alexander
Mike Barth
Minet Pascale
Monostori Laszlo
Montez Carlos
Moraes Ricardo
Moser Thomas
Mosse Daniel
Munguia Rodrigo
Natkaniec Marek
Navet Nicolas
Neukirchner Moritz
Niggemann Oliver
Nihtianov Stoyan
Nolte Thomas
Ober Ileana
Obermaisser Roman
Ohishi Kiyoshi
Ortiz Alberto
Palli Gianluca
Palopoli Luigi
Panayiotou Christos
Passerone Roberto
Halmstad University, Sweden
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
University of Michigan, USA
University Le Havre, France
University of Brescia, Italy
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
University of Catania, Italy
CNRS, France
Hochschule Ulm, Germany
Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany
Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Sevilla, Spain
AGH University of Science and Technology,
Krakow, Poland
University of Zaragoza, Spain
University of Trieste, Italy
University of Idaho, USA
ETSI Bilbao, University of the Basque Country, Spain
BarcelonaTech, Spain
Institute Industrial IT, Germany
University of Bologna, Italy
University of Zaragoza, Spain
University of Applied Sciences Regensburg, Germany
ABB Corporate Research, Germany
INRIA, France
Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary
Federal Univ. of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Federal Univ. of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
University of Pittsburgh, USA
University of Guadalajara, Mexico
AGH Univ. of Science and Technology, Poland
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
TU Braunschweig, Germany
University of Applied Science Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Germany
TU Delft, The Netherlands
Mälardalen University, Sweden
IRIT - Universite de Toulouse, France
Siegen University, Germany
Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
Balearic Islands University, Spain
University of Bologna, Italy
University of Trento, Italy
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
University of Trento, Italy
Pazderski Dariusz
Pedreiras Paulo
Pedret Carles
Pellizzoni Rodolfo
Phan Linh
Piegat Andrzej
Piuri Vincenzo
Proenza Julian
Reveliotis Spyros
Rezg Nidhal
Ribeiro Fernando
Richard Pascal
Rohloff Kurt
Ru Yu
Rudie Karen
Rufer Libor
Runde Stefan
Sainz Gregorio
Santinelli Luca
Santos Matilde
Sato Takao
Satorres Silvia
Scharbarg Jean-Luc
Scherer Rafal
Schlegel Christian
Schmid Ulrich
Schmidt Klaus
Scolari Conceição
Andre Gustavo
Seatzu Carla
Sempere Victor
Shih Chi-Sheng
Shin Insik
Short Michael
Sierla Seppo
Simon Daniel
Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela
Sjödin Mikael
Slowik Adam
Smolka Bogdan
Song Ye-Qiong
Sousa de Magalhaes
Lima Jose Luis
Sreenivas Ramavarapu
Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Univ. of Aveiro, Portugal
University of Barcelona, Spain
University of Waterloo, Canada
University of Pennsylvania, USA
WI ZUT Szczecin, Poland
University of Milan, Italy
University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Georgia Tech, USA
Metz University, France
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
University of Poitiers/ENSMA, France
Raytheon BBN Technologies, USA
GE Global Research, China
Queens University, Canada
TIMA Laboratory Grenoble, France
Siemens AG, Germany
Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
INRIA Nancy-Grand Est, France
Univ. Complutense Madrid, Spain
University of Hyogo, Japan
University of Jaen, Spain
University of Toulouse, France
Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
Hochschule Ulm, Germany
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Cankaya University, Turkey
Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
University of Cagliari, Italy
University of Valencia, Spain
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
KAIST, Korea
Teesside University, UK
Aalto University, Finnland
INRIA RhoneAlpes,France
Aalto University, Finnland
Mälardalen University, Sweden
Koszalin University of Technology, Poland
Silesian University of Technology, Poland
LORIA -Université de Lorraine, France
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
University of Illinois, USA
Stan Sergiu-Dan
RomaniaSzczygiel Robert
Tadeusiewicz Ryszard
Takai Shigemasa
Tay Arthur
Torres Fernando
Trawinski Bogdan
Treytl Albert
Trsek Henning
Trujillo Salvador
Tucci-Piergiovanni Sara
Uhlemann Elisabeth
Ukovich Walter
Urbas Leon
Urena Jesus
van de Molengraft
René Technische
Vardanega Tullio
Vasyutynskyy Volodymyr
Vázquez Francisco
Visioli Antonio
Vitturi Stefano
Voos Holger
Vyatkin Valeriy
Wahl Friedrich M.
Walas Krzysztof
Wane Sam
Wang Dianhui
Wang Shige
Weyrich Michael
Willig Andreas
Wollschlaeger Martin
Yager Ronald
Yanou Akira
Yi Wang
Zeng Haibo
Zhu Qi
Zunino Claudio
Zurawski Richard
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
Osaka University, Japan
National University of Singapore, Singapore
University of Alicante, Spain
Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
Institute Industrial IT, Germany
IKERLAN-IK4 Research Centre, Spain
CEA LIST, France
Mälardalen University, Sweden
University of Trieste, Italy
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
University of Alcala, Spain
Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands
University of Padua, Italy
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Universidad de Cordoba, Spain
University of Brescia, Italy
CNR-IEIIT - Univ. of Padova, Italy
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden
Technical University of Braumschweig, Germany
Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Staffordshire University, UK
La Trobe University, Australia
General Motors R&D, Warren MI, USA
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Univ. of Canterbury, New Zealand
Dresden University, Germany
Machine Intelligence Institute - Iona College, USA
Okayama University, Japan
Uppsala University, Sweden
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
University of California, Riverside, USA
ISA Group, San Francisco, USA
ETFA 2013 Program
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Workshop: Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation
and Control
Organized by: Alois Zoitl, fortiss GmbH, Austria; Gerhard Ebenhofer, PROFACTOR
GmbH, Austria; Thomas Strasser, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
09:00 Welcome and Recent Activities of the 4DIAC Open Source Initiative,
G. Ebenhofer (Profactor GmbH), A. Zoitl (fortiss GmbH)
09:20 Challenges and experiences using 4DIAC for Smart Grid laboratory
automation, F. Andrén and T. Strasser (Austrian Institute of Technology)
09:40 4DIAC integration into the FASA project: a success story of increased
maintainability and modularity, V. Domova*, E. Ferranti+, T. de Gooijer*, A.
Vulgarakis* (*ABB Corporate Research, Industrial Control Systems, Västerås,
Sweden; +ABB Corporate Research, Industrial Control Systems, Baden-Dättwil,
10:30 IEC 61499 Function Block implementation of distributed Load
Balancing for FREEDM System, S. Patil (University of Auckland), V. Vyatkin (Luleå
Technical University)
10:50 Designing high performance IEC 61499 applications on top of DDS,
F. Pérez, I. Calvo, I. Etxeberia-Agiriano, and F. López (Escuela Superior de
11:10 Model Level Timing Analysis for IEC 61499 and 4DIAC, L. Lednicki
and J. Carlson (Mälardalen Real-time Research Centre, Mälardalen University,
Västerås, Sweden)
11:30 Open Discussion on the Future of 4DIAC
13:30 Introduction to IEC 61499 and 4DIAC
14:30 Guided small control application example
16:00 Implementing a control application for a simulated press
Workshop: New Challenges and Results in Health Care Management
Organized by: Maria Pia Fanti, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy
13:30 A Three Level Strategy for the Design and Performance Evaluation
of Hospital Department, Walter Ukovich, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
14:00 The population geocoding with GIS systems in healthcare
management: new methodologies for analysis of spatial-temporal diseases
incidence, Fortunato Bianconi, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
14:30 A new management system to evaluate the psycho oncology
multidisciplinary therapies in the healthcare network systems, Paolo Catanzaro,
Umbria Regional Cancer Network, Perugia, Italy
15:30 Data Driven Travel Time Estimation for Nurse Assignment Problems
in Home Health Care, Andrea Matta, Polytechnic of Milano, Milano, Italy
16:30 An Integrated System Model for the Management of Healthcare at
Home, Maria Pia Fanti, Polytechnic of Bari, Bari, Italy
17:00 Online planning at Emergency Departments using Sequence
Visualization, Bengt Lennartson, Kristofer Bengtsson, Chalmers University of
Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Track 1-1 (Room T1, 8:30 – 11.00): Model-Based Engineering
Co-chairs: Alexander Fay and Nikolaos Papakonstantinou
Liyong Yu, Sten Grüner and Ulrich Epple
An Engineerable Procedure Description Language for Industrial Automation
Werner Herfs, Adam Malik, Wolfram Lohse and Kamil Fayzullin
Model Based Assembly Control Concept
Michael Weyrich and Yongheng Wang
Architecture Design of Vision-based Intelligent System for Automated
Disassembly of E-waste with A Case Study of Traction Battery
Nikolaos Papakonstantinou and Seppo Sierla
Generating an Object Oriented IEC 61131-3 software product line
architecture from SysML
Pekka Pihlanko, Seppo Sierla, Kleanthis Thramboulidis and Mauri Viitasalo
An industrial evaluation of SysML: the case of a nuclear automation
modernization project
Track 2-1 (Room T3, 8:30 – 11.00): Wireless Communications
Co-chairs: Uwe Meier and Gianluca Cena
Svetlana Girs, Elisabeth Uhlemann and Mats Björkman
Increased Reliability or Reduced Delay in Wireless Industrial Networks Using
Relaying and Luby Codes
Mitchel S. Felske, Carlos Montez, Alex S. R. Pinto, Francisco Vasques and Paulo
GLHOVE: A Framework for Uniform Coverage Monitoring using Cluster-Tree
Wireless Sensor Networks
Sergio Montero and Javier Gozalvez
LAN-ND, a New Neighbour Discovery Protocol for Mobile WirelessHART
Industrial Networks
André Schimschar, David Hasler, Martin Wollschlaeger and Robert Lehmann
Device-related Modeling of Wireless Components for Industrial Automation
Lutz Rauchhaupt and Uwe Meier
Performance Classes for Industrial Wireless Application Profiles and its
Markus Rentschler, Ramez Daoud, Hassanein Amer, Omar A. Mady, Marco T.
Kassis, Hassan Halawa, Tarek Refaat and Hany Elsayed
Simulation of Parallel Redundant WLAN with OPNET
Track 3-1 (Room T8, 8:30 – 11.00): Timing Analysis and Synthesis of
Complex and Hierarchical Real-Time Systems
Co-chairs: Giorgio Buttazzo and Moris Behnam
Hyung-Taek Lim, Helge Zinner, Jochen Seitz, Adam Wolisz and Markus Kucera
Performance Evaluation of the IEEE 802.1AS Time Synchronization Protocol
in an Automotive Environment
Kostiantyn Berezovskyi, Konstantinos Bletsas and Stefan M. Petters
Faster Makespan Estimation for GPU Threads on a Single Streaming
Alessandra Melani, Eric Noulard and Luca Santinelli
Learning from Probabilities: Dependences within Real-Time Systems
Rafia Inam, Mikael Sjödin and Reinder J. Bril
Nima Moghaddami Khalilzad, Moris Behnam and Thomas Nolte
Adaptive Hierarchical Scheduling Framework: Configuration and Evaluation
Ernest Wozniak, Asma Mehiaoui, Chokri Mraidha, Sara Tucci-Piergiovanni and
Sebastien Gerard
An Optimization Approach for the Synthesis of AUTOSAR Architectures
Track 4-1 (Room T4A, 8:30 – 11.00): Analysis, Observation and
Co-chairs: Maria Pia Fanti and Christoforos Hadjicostis
Patrice Bonhomme
State Observer Synthesis of Real-Time Systems Modeled by P-Time Petri
Christoforos Keroglou and Christoforos Hadjicostis
Initial State Opacity in Stochastic DES
Kézia de Vanconcelos Oliveira, Angelo Perkusich, Kyller Costa Gorgȏnio, Leandro
Dias Da Silva and Alderon Falcao Martins
Using Equivalence Classes for Testing Programs for Safety Instrumented
Sadok Turki, Olivier Bistorin and Nidhal Rezg
Perturbation Analysis
Manufacturing-Remanufacturing System
Patrik Bergagård and Martin Fabian
Derivation of Placement Transitions for Offline Calculation of Restart States
Nina Sundström and Bengt Lennartson
Event- and Time-Based Design of Operation Sequences with Uncertainties in
Execution Times
Track 5-1 (Room T4B, 8:30 – 11.00): Plant Wide Control and
Co-chairs: Mariagrazia Dotoli and Ramon Vilanova
Mariagrazia Dotoli, Nicola Epicoco, Marco Falagario and Nicola Costantino
An Integrated Approach for Lean Warehouse Design and Reengineering: A
Case Study
Stephan Schäefer, Ulrich Berger, Dirk Schöttke and Thomas Kämpfe
Technical Conditions for the use of Autonomous Systems: A general
Approach on an Example
Victor Valenzuela, Vicente Lucena, Nasser Jazdi and Peter Göhner
Reusable hardware and software model for remote supervision of Industrial
Automation Systems using Web technologies
Milton Cunguara, Tomás Oliveira E Silva and Paulo Pedreiras
On the Application of Block Transmissions For Improving Control over
Lossy Networks
Silvia Maria Zanoli and Lorenzo Orlietti
Steam Reforming Plant Optimization with Model Predictive Control
Keynote 1 (Room T1, 12:00 – 13:00)
Franco Deregibus
Global Automation Trends and Design Drivers for Competitive Factory
Track 1-2 (Room T1, 14:00 – 15:40): Model-Based Tests and Virtual
Co-chairs: Jurgen Jasperneite and Alois Zoitl
Timo Vepsäläinen and Seppo Kuikka
Benefit From Simulating Early in MDE of Industrial Control
Ken Bruton, Daniel Coakley, Peter O'Donovan, Marcuc M Keane and Dominic T.J.
Results from testing of an online automated fault detection and diagnosis
tool for AHU's
Alois Zoitl, Gerhard Ebenhofer and Michael Hofmann
Developing a Monitoring Infrastructure for IEC 61499 Devices
Track 2-2 (Room T3, 14:00 – 15:40): Dependable Communications
Co-chairs: Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas and Stefano Vitturi
Marco Di Natale and Haibo Zeng
Practical Issues with the Timing Analysis of the Controller Area Network
Gianluca Cena, Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti, Tingting Hu and Adriano Valenzano
Software-Based Assessment of the Synchronization and Error Handling
Behavior of a Real CAN Controller
Aneeq Mahmood and Reinhard Exel
Servo Design for Improved Performance in Software Timestamping-assisted
Wireless Synchronization using IEEE 1588
Gianluca Dini and Marco Tiloca
On Simulative Analysis of Attack Impact in Wireless Sensor Networks
Track 3-2 (Room T8, 14:00 – 15:40): Operating Systems, Libraries
and FPGA Support for Embedded Systems
Co-chairs: Moris Behnam and Giorgio Buttazzo
Julien Tanguy, Jean-Luc Béchennec, Mikaël Briday, Sébastien Dubé and Olivier-H
Device driver synthesis for embedded systems
Mikael Åsberg, Thomas Nolte, Mikael Joki and Jimmy Hogbrink
Fast Linux Bootup using Non-Intrusive Methods for Predictable Industrial
Embedded Systems
Giorgio C Buttazzo and Giuseppe Lipari
Ptask: an Educational C Library for Programming Real-Time Systems on
Benjamin Nahill, Ari Ramdial, Haibo Zeng, Marco Di Natale and Zeljko Zilic
An FPGA Implementation of Wait-Free Data Synchronization Protocols
WIP4 (Room T4A, 14:00 – 15:40): Automated Manufacturing Systems
Co-chairs: Dimitri Lefebvre and Thilo Sauter
Mona Noori Hosseini, Bengt Lennartson, Maria Paola Cabasino and Carla Seatzu
Efficient diagnosability test for automata and bounded Petri nets
Jan Ladiges, Christopher Haubeck, Alexander Fay and Winfried Lamersdorf
Operationalized Definitions of Non-Functional Requirements on Automated
Production Facilities to Measure Evolution Effects with an Automation
Beniamino Guida and Alberto Cavallo
A Petri Net application for energy management in aeronautical networks
Dimitri Lefebvre
Fault diagnosis of a production and distribution system with Petri nets
Marius Kloetzer, Cristian Mahulea and José-Manuel Colom
Petri net approach for deadlock and collision avoidance in robot planning
Antti Pakonen, Teemu Mätäsniemi, Jussi Lahtinen and Tommi Karhela
A Toolset for Model Checking of PLC Software
Federica Ferraguti, Nicola Golinelli, Cristian Secchi, Nicola Preda and Marcello
A Component-Based Software Architecture for Control and Simulation of
Robotic Manipulators
Carlos Cesar Mansur Tuma, Orides Morandin and Vinicius Fernandes Caridá
Minimizing the makespan for the problem of reactive production scheduling
in a FMS with AGVs using a new structure of chromosome in a hybrid GA with
Cesare Fantuzzi and Lorenzo Racchetti
Hardware in the Loop Simulation and Machine Modular Development:
Concepts and Application
Lluís Ribas-Xirgo, José-Miguel Moreno-Villafranca and Ismael-Fabricio Chaile
On Using Automated Guided Vehicles Instead of Conveyors
Anaïs Guignard and Jean-Marc Faure
Enforcing I/O sequences for PLC validation purposes
Sergej Fatikow, Volkmar Eichhorn, Malte Bartenwerfer and Florian Krohs
Nanorobotic AFM/SEM/FIB System for Processing, Manipulation and
Characterization of Nanomaterials
Jasen Markovski and Michel Reniers
Supervisory Movement Coordination in Pipeless Chemical Plants
Marcel Halbauer, Christian Lehmann, J. Philipp Städter, Ulrich Berger and
Francesco Leali
Milling strategies optimized for industrial robots to machine hard materials
Gian Antonio Susto, Sean Mcloone, Andrea Schirru, Simone Pampuri, Daniele
Pagano and Alessandro Beghi
Prediction of Integral Type Failures in Semiconductor Manufacturing through
Classification Methods
Yin Tong, Zhiwu Li and Alessandro Giua
General Observation Structures for Petri Nets
WIP5&6 (Room T4B, 14:00 – 15:40): Industrial Control. Computational
Intelligence and Modern Heuristics in Automation
Co-chairs: Takao Sato and Moris Behnam
Fotis Koumboulis
On the Exact Model Matching of Linear Singular Multi-Delay Systems via
Measurement Output Feedback
Sara Hafeez and Sajjad Haider
Simulation & Detection of Broken Rotor bar for Single Phase Induction Motor
Luís Osório, Jérôme Mendes, Rui Araújo and Tiago Matias
A Comparison of Adaptive PID Methodologies Controlling a DC Motor With a
Varying Load
Miguel Angel Davó and Alfonso Baños
Reset control of a liquid level process
Luigi Biagiotti, Claudio Melchiorri, Matteo Pilati, Graziano Mazzucchetti, Giacomo
Collepalumbo and Pierantonio Ragazzini
Integration of Robotic Systems in a Packaging Machine: a Tool for Design
and Simulation of Efficient Motion Trajectories
Sebastian Bohlmann, Matthias Becker, Sinan Balci, Helena Szczerbicka and Eric
Online Simulation Based Decision Support System for Resource Failure
Management in Multi-Site Production Environments
Michael Skarpetis and Fotis Koumboulis
Robust PID Controller for Electro - Hydraulic Actuators
Tilman Leune, Thorsten Wehs, Manuel Janssen, Gerd von Cölln and Carsten Koch
Optimization of Wireless Locating in Complex Environments through
Placement of Anchor Nodes with Evolutionary Algorithms
A. Cemal Oezluek and Klaus Kabitzsch
A Domain-Inspired Hyperheuristic for Solving Complex Design Problems of
Automation Systems
Alberto Tellaeche and Ramon Arana
Machine Learning algorithms for quality control in Plastic Molding Industry
Keem Siah Yap, Shen Yuong Wong and Sheih Kiong Tiong
Compressing and Improving Fuzzy Rules Using Genetic Algorithm and Its
Application to Fault Detection
Grzegorz Bocewicz, Wojciech Muszynski and Zbigniew Banaszak
Cyclic Scheduling of Multimodal Processes in Mesh-like Environment
A. Cemal Oezluek and Klaus Kabitzsch
Optimal Device Placement Planning for Wireless Building Automation
Christian Bayer, Martyna Bator, Uwe Mönks, Alexander Dicks, Olaf
Enge-Rosenblatt and Volker Lohweg
Sensorless Drive Diagnosis Using Automated Feature Extraction,
Significance Ranking and Reduction
Boguslaw Cyganek and Michal Wozniak
A Framework for Image Analysis and Object Recognition in Industrial
Applications with the Ensemble of Classifiers
Michele Dassisti, Mariagrazia Dotoli and David Chen
Interoperability analysis: General concepts for an axiomatic approach
Keynote 2 (Room T1, 16:15 – 17:15)
Edward A. Lee
Reliable and Flexible Factory Automation: It's About Time
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Track 1-3 (Room T1, 9:00 – 10.40): Device Descriptions for Seamless
Engineering of Automation Systems
Co-chairs: Jurgen Jasperneite and Stefan Runde
Thomas Hadlich and Christian Diedrich
Using properties in systems engineering
Stefan Runde, Gerrit Wolf and Michael Braun
EDDL and Semantic Web – from Field Device Integration (FDI) to Future
Device Management (FDM)
Dirk Schulz and Ralf Gitzel
Seamless Maintenance – Integration of FDI Device Management & CMMS
Michael Obst, Stefan Runde, Gerrit Wolf and Leon Urbas
Integration Requirements of Package Units - A Description Approach With
Track 2-3 (Room T3, 9:00 – 10.40): Device Descriptions for Seamless
Engineering of Automation Systems
Co-chairs: Henning Trsek and Julián Proenza
Waqas Ikram, Niklas Jansson, Britta Fismen, Stig Petersen and Simon Carlsen
Towards the Development of a SIL Compliant Wireless Hydrocarbon Leakage
Detection System
Timo Lindhorst, Georg Lukas and Edgar Nett
Wireless Mesh Network Infrastructure for Industrial Applications - A Case
Study of Tele-operated Mobile Robots
Handityo Aulia Putra, Dong-Seong Kim and Yoon-Suk Choi
Discovery Protocol for Data Distribution Service in Naval Warships using
Extended Counting Bloom Filters
Shingo Hattori, Kentaro Kobayashi, Hiraku Okada and Masaaki Katayama
A Note on Adaptive Coding Scheme Based on Control Quality for Wireless
Feedback Control Systems
Track 3-3 (Room T8, 9:00 – 10:40): Real-Time Networking and
End-to-End Timing Analysis
Co-chairs: Martijn van den Heuvel and Marco Di Natale
Georges Kemayo, Frédéric Ridouard, Henri Bauer and Pascal Richard
Optimistic problems in the trajectory approach in FIFO context
Tony Fernando Flores Pulgar, Jean-Luc Scharbarg, Katia Jaffrès-Runser and
Christian Fraboul
Extending CAN over the air: an interconnection study through IEEE802.11
Saad Mubeen, Jukka Mäki-Turja and Mikael Sjödin
Extending Offset-Based Response-Time Analysis for Mixed Messages in
Controller Area Network
Felix Reimann, Sebastian Graf, Fabian Streit, Michael Glaß and Jürgen Teich
Timing Analysis of Ethernet AVB-based Automotive E/E Architectures
Track 5-2 (Room T4A, 9:00 – 10:40): Industrial Control Applications
Co-chairs: Andrzej Debowski and Sara Hafeez
Andrzej Debowski, Przemysław Łukasiak and Daniel Lewandowski
Mixed-loop control of an asynchronous traction drive
electromagnetic state stimulator concept
Jürgen Greifeneder, Dirk Schulz and Pablo Rodriguez
Efficient Drive Engineering by the use of profile based IEC 61131 function
Sara Hafeez and Sajjad Haider
Broken Rotor Bar Detection of Single Phase Induction Motor Using
Wigner-Ville Distributions
WIP7&8 (Room T4B, 9:00 – 10:40): Intelligent Robots & Systems.
Sensors & Actuators
Co-chairs: Marina Indri and Antoni Grau
Hyungi Cho, Jongsuk Choi and Hanseok Ko. The Robust Sound Source
Localization using a Wiener filter
Ireneus Wior, Mohsen Mirza Aligoudarzi, Alexander Fay, Daniel Görges and Steven
Control Design for Nodes in Decentralized Traffic Networks with Delayed
Traffic Information
Alessio Colombo, Daniele Fontanelli, Dhaval Gandhi, Sean Sedwards, Axel Legay
and Luigi Palopoli
Social Force Model Analysis through Stochastic Modeling of Human
Behaviours for Robotic Applications
Lluís Ribas-Xirgo and Ismael Fabricio Chaile
Multi-Agent-based Controller Architecture for AGV Systems
Carlos López-Limón, Javier Ruiz, Alejandro Cervantes-Herrera and Antonio
Formation and Trajectory Tracking of Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems
using Block Control
Batu Akan, Baran Cürüklü and Lars Asplund
Scheduling POP-Star for Automatic Creation of Robot Cell Programs
Mario de Sousa
On Adding IEC61131-3 Support to ROS Based Robots
Michele Furci, Andrea Paoli and Roberto Naldi. A Supervisory Control Strategy for
Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue in Hostile Environments
Michael Weyrich and Mustafa Waad Abdullah
Concept of a Three D.O.F Spherical-Joint Gripper for Industrial Robots
Davide Alghisi, Marco Ferrari and Vittorio Ferrari
Portable Battery Less Noncontact Temperature Measurement System
Powered On Demand by Human Action
Stephan Wildermuth, Ulf Ahrend and Moritz Hochlehnert
Infrared Temperature Sensor for Industrial Application: Package Design for
Reliable Operation in a High Voltage Generator Circuit Breaker
Vlad Popescu, Daniele Giusto, Mariella Sole, Claudia Musu and Fabrizio Boi
RFID Sensor Network for Workplace Safety Management
Herbert Nachtnebel and Roman Beigelbeck
A Mixed-Signal Co-Simulation Environment for Brushless DC Motors
Thomas Glatzl, Franz Kohl, Thilo Sauter and Wilfried Hortschitz
Concept of a Thermal Flow Sensor Integraion on Circuit Board Level
Just Agbodjan Prince, Franz Kohl and Thilo Sauter
Lamb waves detection in composite material with fiber optic sensor
Daniela De Venuto and Jan Rabaey
Data Communication and Power system for Wireless Neural Recording
Dariusz Koscielnik and Marek Miskowicz
Event-Driven Analog-to-Digital Converter with Conversion-Speed-Centric
Architecture and Activity-Dependent Power Consumption
Keynote 3 (Room T1, 11:15 – 12:15)
Rainer Drath
Platform Industry 4.0 – The fourth Industrial Revolution
Track 1-4 (Room T1, 12:15 – 13:30): Design Aspects of Distributed
Co-chairs: Alexander Fay and Valeriy Vyatkin
Wenbin Dai, Valeriy Vyatkin and James Christensen
Essential Elements for Programming of Distributed Automation and Control
Daniel Hallmans, Thomas Nolte and Stig Larsson
A Method for Handling Evolvability in a Complex Embedded System
Gerhard Ebenhofer, Harald Bauer, Matthias Plasch, Sebastian Zambal and Sharath
Chandra Akkaladevi and Andreas Pichler
A System Integration Approach for Service-Oriented Robotics
SS04 (Room T3, 12:15 – 13:30): Simulation Techniques for Model
Based System Engineering (MBSE) Development of Mechatronic
Co-chairs: Cesare Fantuzzi and Ronald Rosendahl
Organizers: Cesare Fantuzzi and Roberto Borsari
Gianluca Rizzello, David Naso, Alexander York and Stefan Seelecke
Modeling and Position Control of an Electromechanical Actuator Based on a
Mass-Spring-Biased EAP System
Arndt Lüder, Nicole Schmidt and Ronald Rosendahl
Validation of behavior specifications of production systems within different
phases of the engineering process
Johann Hufnagel, Timo Frank and Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Framework for a Model-Based, Cross-Domain System Interconnection in
Automation Technology
Track 3-4 (Room T8, 12:15 – 13:30): Mixed Criticality and Mixed
Mode Systems
Co-chairs: Marco Di Natale and Felix Reimann
Pengcheng Huang, Pratyush Kumar, Nikolay Stoimenov and Lothar Thiele
Interference Constraint Graph – A New Specification for Mixed-Criticality
Philippe Thierry, Laurent George and Jean-Marc Lacroix
A Framework for a secure embedded filtering connector for multi-criticality
systronic systems
Martijn M.H.P. Van Den Heuvel, Reinder J. Bril, Xiaodi Zhang, Syed Md Jakaria
Abdullah and Damir Isovic
Limited preemptive scheduling of mixed time-triggered and event-triggered
SS01 (Room T4A, 12:15 – 13:30): Distributed and Autonomous
Intelligent Systems
Co-chairs: Petr Novak and Petr Kadera
Organizers: Alois Zoitl, Thomas Strasser, Paulo Leitão, Munir Merdan, and Pavel
Petr Novak, Petr Kadera, Pavel Vrba and Radek Sindelar
Architecture of a Multi-Agent System for SCADA Level in Smart Distributed
Aleksey Bratukhin, Albert Treytl and Thilo Sauter
Energy aware manufacturing environments
Holger Voos and Suparchoek Wangmanaopituk
Multiagent-Based Flexible Automation of
Including Mobile Transport Robots
WIP1-1 (Room T4B, 12:15 – 13:30): Information Technology in
Automation (Part I)
Co-chairs: Paulo Pedreiras and Mario de Sousa
Arndt Lüder, Nicole Schmidt and Sebastian Helgermann
Lossless exchange of graph based structure information of production
systems by AutomationML
Ferry Pramudianto, Hussein Khaleel, Jonathan Simon and Claudio Pastrone
Prototyping the Internet of Things for the Future Factory Using a SOA-based
Middleware and Reliable WSNs
Michael Weyrich and Matthias Scharf
Architecture for Auto Configuration of Tools for Industrial Robots
Carlos C. Insaurralde and Alois Zoitl
Control Software Development in Industrial Automation
Salvatore Cavalieri, Ferdinando Chiacchio and Alberto Di Savia Puglisi
A Novel Approach for KNX and OPC UA Integration
Wolfgang Beer, Bernhard Dorninger and Mario Winterer
Flexible and Reliable Software Architecture for Industrial User Interfaces
Arndt Lüder, Nicole Schmidt, Matthias Foehr, Thomas Schäffler and Jürgen Elgar
Evaluation of the importance of mechatronical concepts in practical
Ravish Kumar, Apala Ray and Mallikarjun Kande
WirelessHART Device Integration Challenges and Solutions in Industrial
Giacomo Barbieri, Cesare Fantuzzi and Roberto Borsari
Key points for the development of an optimal design methodology for
mechatronic systems
Omid Givehchi, Henning Trsek and Juergen Jasperneite
Cloud Computing for Industrial Automation Systems - A Comprehensive
Aitor Agirre, Marga Marcos, Elisabet Estevez and Jon Perez
SCA Extensions to Support Safety Critical Distributed Embedded Systems
Federico Perez, Isidro Calvo Gordillo, Mikel Gonzalez Astorga and Adrián Noguero
Reconfiguring Factory Automation Applications with FTT-MA
Rafael Priego, Aintzane Armentia, Dario Orive and Marga Marcos
Supervision-based Reconfiguration of Industrial Control Systems
Gregor Ryba, Markus Jung and Wolfgang Kastner
Authorization as a Service in Smart Grids: Evaluating the PaaS Paradigm for
XACML Policy Decision Points
Track 1-5 (Room T1, 14:30 – 16:35): Virtualisation and
Service-Oriented Automation Systems
Co-chairs: Alexander Fay and Thomas Nolte
Lars Evertz and Ulrich Epple
Laying a basis for service systems in process control
Reinhard Langmann and Laurid Meyer
Architecture of a Web-oriented Automation System
Paolo Brizzi, Hussein Khaleel, Pietro Cultrona, Ferry Pramudianto, Davide Conzon,
Martin Knechtel, Riccardo Tomasi and Maurizio Spirito
Bringing the Internet of Things along the Manufacturing Line: A Case Study in
Controlling Industrial Robot and Monitoring Energy Consumption Remotely
Kristian Sandström, Aneta Vulgarakis, Markus Lindgren and Thomas Nolte
Virtualization Technologies in Embedded Real-Time Systems
Cheng Pang, Valeriy Vyatkin, Yinbai Deng and Majid Sorouri
Virtual Smart Metering in Automation and Simulation of Energy-Efficient
Lighting System
Track 2-4 (Room T3, 14:30 – 16:35): Industrial Ethernet
Co-chairs: Gianluca Cena and Mario de Sousa
Giuliana Alderisi, Gaetano Patti and Lucia Lo Bello
Introducing Support for Scheduled traffic over IEEE Audio Video Bridging
Gaetano Patti, Lucia Lo Bello, Giuliana Alderisi and Orazio Mirabella
An EDF-based Swapping Approach to Enhance Support for Asynchronous
Real-Time Traffic over EtherCAT networks
Stefano Vitturi and Federico Tramarin
Energy Efficient Ethernet for the Industrial Communication Scenario
Mohammad Ashjaei, Moris Behnam, Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas and Thomas
Implementing a Clock Synchronization Protocol on a Multi-Master Switched
Ethernet Network
Dalimir Orfanus, Reidar Indergaard, Gunnar Prytz and Tormod Wien
EtherCAT-based Platform for Distributed Control in High-Performance
Industrial Applications
SS05-1 (Room T8, 14:30 – 16:35): Theory and Applications of Petri
Nets – Part II
Co-chairs: Francesco Basile and Maria Pia Fanti
Organizers: Maria Paola Cabasino and Lingxi Li
Ziyue Ma, Zhiwu Li and Alessandro Giua
Petri Net Controllers for Disjunctive Generalized Mutual Exclusion
Manuel Navarro-Gutierrez, Antonio Ramirez-Treviño and David Gomez-Gutierrez
Modelling the Behaviour of a Class of Dynamical Systems with Continuous
Petri Nets
Dimitri Lefebvre
State estimation and fault prediction with partially observed Petri nets
Maria Pia Fanti, Agostino Marcello Mangini, Giuliana Rotunno and Walter Ukovich
Modeling Steelmaking and Continuous Casting Plants by Timed Petri Nets
Carla Seatzu and Yorai Wardi
On the Use of IPA in Performance Optimization of Continuous Marked
Graphs: A Case Study
Track 5-3 (Room T4A, 14:30 – 16:35): Process Control Theory and
Co-chairs: Robin de Keyser and Houda Nouasse
Robin De Keyser, Anca Maxim, Cosmin Copot and Clara Mihaela Ionescu
Validation of a multivariable Relay-Based PID Autotuner with Specified
Robin De Keyser, Clara Mihaela Ionescu and Cosmin Copot
Evaluation of an Internal Model Control Extension for Efficient Disturbance
Houda Nouasse, Pascale Chiron and Bernard Archimède
A water storage and release strategy for flood management based on
transportation network with time delay
Helem Sabina Sánchez and Ramon Vilanova
Multiobjective tuning of PI controller using the NNC Method: Simplified
problem definition and guidelines for decision making
Victor Alfaro and Ramon Vilanova
Robust Tuning of 2DoF PID Controllers with Filter for Unstable First-Order
Plus Dead-Time Processes
WIP2 (Room T4B, 14:30 – 16:35): Industrial Communication Systems
Co-chairs: Dimitri Lefebvre and Luca Antinelly
Xuepei Wu, Lihua Xie and Freddy Lim
EtherCAT-Enabled Next Generation Baggage Handling Systems
Mario Collotta, Arcangelo Lo Cascio, Giovanni Pau and Gianfranco Scata
A Fuzzy Controller to improve CSMA/CA performance in IEEE 802.15.4
Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
Luis Lino Ferreira, Michele Albano and Luis Miguel Pinho.
QoS enabled Middleware for Real-time Industrial Control Systems
George Athanasiou, Pradeep Chathuranga Weeraddana, Carlo Fischione and Pål
Communication Infrastructures in Industrial Automation: The Case of 60 GHz
MillimeterWave Communications
Shanthi Vellingiri, Deepaknath Tandur and Mallikarjun Kande
Communication Architecture for Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics in Open
Pit Mine
Thanikesavan Sivanthi and Otmar Goerlitz
Systematic Real-time Traffic Segmentation in Substation Automation
Markus Runde, Christopher Tebbe and Karl-Heinz Niemann.
Performance evaluation of an IT Security Layer in Real-time Communication
Hassan Halawa, Ramez Daoud, Hassanein Amer and Hani Elgebaly
Performance Optimization for Reliable Wireless Networked Control Systems
in the Presence of Interference
Ganesh Man Shrestha, Jahanzaib Imtiaz and Jürgen Jasperneite
An Optimized OPC UA Transport Profile to Bringing Bluetooth Low Energy
Device into IP Networks
Daniel Macedo, Ivanovitch Silva, Luiz Affonso Guedes, Paulo Portugal and
Francisco Vasques
A framework for dependability evaluation of industrial processes
Gunnar Prytz and Massimo Ussoli
SNTP Time Synchronization Accuracy Measurements
Matthias Freund, Christopher Martin, Annerose Braune and Uwe Steinkrauss
JSUA - an OPC UA JavaScript Framework
David Gessner, Julian Proenza, Manuel Barranco and Luis Almeida
Towards a Flexible Time-Triggered Replicated Star for Ethernet
Alberto Ballesteros, David Gessner, Manuel Barranco, Julián Proenza and Paulo
Towards Preventing Error Propagation in a Real-Time Ethernet Switch
Paolo Ferrari, Alessandra Flammini, Stefano Rinaldi, Emiliano Sisinni and Gunnar
Co-simulation of network infrastructure for substation automation systems
Sinisa Derasevic, Julian Proenza and David Gessner
Towards Dynamic Fault Tolerance on FTT-based Distributed Embedded
Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas And Julián Proenza
A proposal for Flexible, Real-Time and Consistent Multicast in Switched
Henning Trsek, Tim Tack, Omid Givehchi, Juergen Jasperneite and Edgar Nett.
Towards an Isochronous Wireless Communication System for Industrial
Waqas Ikram and Nina Thornhill
Towards the Development of a Wireless Network Node Lifetime Calculation
Giuliana Alderisi, Gaetano Patti, Giancarlo Iannizzotto and Lucia Lo Bello
Prioritization-based Bandwidth Allocation for MOST networks
Friday, September 13, 2013
Track 7-1 (Room T1, 9:00 – 10:40): Autonomous Systems
Co-chairs: Marina Indri and R. Suarez
Kristoph Keunecke and Gerd Scholl
Reducing Position Instability of Unaided Inertial Navigation Systems in
Hendrik Thamer, Henning Kost, Daniel Weimer and Bernd Scholz-Reiter
A 3D-Robot Vision System for Automatic Unloading of Containers
Matthieu Myrsky, Heikki Nikula, Seppo Sierla, Jari Saarinen, Nikolaos
Papakonstantinou, Bryan O'halloran and Ville Kyrki
Simulation-Based Risk Assessment of Robot Fleets in Flooded Environments
Vladislav Gribov and Holger Voos
Safety Oriented Software Engineering Process for Autonomous Robots
Track 6-1 (Room T3, 9:00 – 10:40): Optimization and Modeling in
Heterogeneous Intelligent Systems
Co-chairs: Carlo Francesco Morabito and Michal Wozniak
Sarmad Riazi, Oskar Wigstrom, Carla Seatzu and Bengt Lennartson
Benders/Gossip Methods for Optimizing the Heterogeneous Multi-Vehicle
Routing Problem
Tiago Matias, Rui Araújo, Carlos Antunes and Dulce Gabriel
Genetically Optimized Extreme Learning Machine
Syed Shiraz Gilani, Stefan Windmann, Oliver Niggemann, Florian Pethig and Björn
The Importance of Model-Learning for the Analysis of the Energy
Consumption of Production Plants
Dulce Gabriel, Tiago Matias, Jorge Pereira and Rui Araújo
Predicting Gas Emissions in a Cement Kiln Plant using Hard and Soft
Modeling Strategies
WIP3 (Room T8, 9:00 – 10:40): Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded
Co-chairs: Henning Trsek and Fotis Koumboulis
Matteo Morelli, Federico Moro, Daniele Fontanelli, Luigi Palopoli, Marco Di Natale
and Tizar Rizano
A Robotic Vehicle Testbench for the Application of MBD-MDE Development
Luis Marques, Verónica Vasconcelos, Paulo Pedreiras and Luis Almeida
Schedulability Analysis of Server-Based Error-Recovery Mechanisms for
Time-Triggered Systems
Antoine Bertout, Julien Forget and Richard Olejnik
Automated runnable to task mapping
Jérôme Ermont and Christian Fraboul
Modeling a Spacewire architecture using Timed Automata to compute
worst-case end-to-end delays
Meng Liu, Moris Behnam and Thomas Nolte
Schedulability Analysis of Mixed-queued Controller Area Networks with
Multi-Frame Messages
Federico Ciccozzi
Towards Code Generation from Design Models for Embedded Systems on
Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Platforms
Nesrine Badache, Katia Jaffrès-Runser, Jean-Luc Scharbarg and Christian Fraboul
End-to-end delay analysis in an integrated Modular Avionics architecture
Daniel Hallmans, Kristian Sandström, Markus Lindgren and Thomas Nolte
GPGPU for Industrial Control Systems
Rafia Inam, Joris Slatman, Moris Behnam, Mikael Sjödin and Thomas Nolte
Towards Implementing Multi-resource Server on Multi-core Linux Platform
Hamid Reza Faragardi, Björn Lisper and Thomas Nolte
Towards a Communication-efficient Mapping of AUTOSAR Runnables on
Track 4-2 (Room T4A, 9:00 – 10:40): Modeling, Planning, and
Scheduling (4 papers: 1h, 40min)
Co-chairs: Christoforos Hadjicostis and Maria Pia Fanti
Haoues Mohammed, Dahane Mohammed, Mouss Kinza Nadia and Rezg Nidhal
Production Planning in Integrated Maintenance Context for Multi-Period
Multi-Product Failure-Prone Single-Machine
Hamza Boudhar, Mohammed Dahane and Nidhal Rezg
Order/Remanufacturing Policy of Spare Part with Recovery Option for
Stochastic Deteriorating System
Lisa Ollinger, Detlef Zuehlke, Alfred Theorin and Charlotta Johnsson
A Reference Architecture for Service-oriented Control Procedures and its
Implementation with SysML and Grafchart
Radu-Eugen Breaz, Octavian Constantin Bologa, Melania Tera and Sever-Gabriel
Computer Assisted Techniques for the Incremental Forming Technology
WIP1-2 (Room T4B, 9:00 – 10:40): Information Technology in
Automation (Part II)
Co-chairs: Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas and Arndt Lueder
Julius Pfrommer, Miriam Schleipen and Jürgen Beyerer
PPRS: Production skills and their relation to product, process, and resource
Ikhwan Kim, Taehyoun Kim, Minyoung Sung, Edouard Tisserant, Laurant Bessard
and Cheol Choi
An Open-source Development Environment for Industrial Automation with
EtherCAT and PLCopen Motion Control
Pekka Aarnio and Ilkka Seilonen
RDF Triple Stores as a Knowledge Management Technology for CBM
Pascal Stoffels, Wassim Mohamed Boussahel, Michael Vielhaber and Georg Frey
Energy Engineering in the Virtual Factory
Mathias Oppelt, Oliver Drumm, Benjamin Lutz and Gerrit Wolf
Approach for integrated Simulation based on Plant Engineering Data
Samira Souit, Caio Fattori, Fabrício Junqueira, Diolino Santos and Paulo Miyagi
Orchestrating dispersed productive systems
Victor Valenzuela, Payam Parvaresh, Vicente Lucena, Nasser Jazdi and Peter
Voice-activated system to remotely control building and industrial
automation systems using cloud computing
Jeffrey Yan, Cheng Pang and Valeriy Vyatkin
Visualization Architecture Enabling Automated Design of Distributed
Automation Applications
Sandeep Patil, Jeffrey Yan, Valeriy Vyatkin and Cheng Pang
On Composition of Mechatronic Components Enabled by Interoperability
and Portability Provisions of IEC 61499: A Case Study
Heng-You Lin, Majid Sorouri, Valeriy Vyatkin and Zoran Salcic
Model-based Customisation of Intelligent Mechatronic Systems Using
Björn Kroll, Sebastian Schriegel, Stefan Schramm and Oliver Niggemann
A Software Architecture for the Analysis of Energy and Process-Data
Björn Böttcher, Johann Badinger, Natalia Moriz and Oliver Niggemann
Design of Industrial Automation Systems - Formal Requirements in the
Engineering Process
Georg Neugschwandtner, Maarten Reekmans and Dirk Van der Linden
An open automation architecture for flexible manufacturing
Raphaela Galhardo Fernandes Lima, Gustavo Leitão, Luiz Affonso Guedes, Jorge
Dantas Melo and Adrião Duarte Dória Neto
Semantic Alarm Correlation Based on Ontologies
Frank Schumacher, Sebastian Schröck and Alexander Fay
Tool support for an automatic transformation of GRAFCET specifications
into IEC 61131-3 control code
Ireneus Wior, Jan Ladiges, Esteban Arroyo and Alexander Fay
First Steps from a Traffic Node to Traffic Networks - Modeling and Stability
Keynote 4 (Room T1, 11:15 – 12:15)
Karl Weber
Energy and Automation – Quo Vadis?
Track 1-6 (Room T1, 12:15 – 13:30): Improving Flexibility of
Distributed Automation Systems
Co-chairs: Jurgen Jasperneite and Valeriy Vyatkin
Jeffrey Yan and Valeriy Vyatkin
Extension of Reconfigurability Provisions in IEC 61499
Michael Wahler, Manuel Oriol, Ettore Ferranti and Aurelien Monot
Reconciling Flexibility and Robustness in Industrial Automation Systems,
and Living Happily Ever After
Markus Graube, Jens Ziegler, Jan Hladik and Leon Urbas
Linked Data as Enabler for Mobile Applications for Complex Tasks in
Industrial Settings
Track 6-2 (Room T3, 12:15 – 13:30): Monitoring and Fault Detection in
Factory Automation
Co-chairs: Carlo Francesco Morabito and Boguslaw Cyganek
Uwe Mönks and Volker Lohweg
Context Based Anticipatoric Condition Monitoring with Importance
Controlled Information Fusion for Cyber-physical Systems in Machine
Markus Rentschler, Clemens Zangl and Stephan Kehrer
System Self Diagnosis for Industrial Devices
Tiago Matias, Dulce Gabriel, Francisco Souza, Rui Araújo and Jorge Pereira
Fault Detection and Replacement of a Temperature Sensor in a Cement
Rotary Kiln
SS03 (Room T8, 12:15 – 13:30): Towards the Society of Robots in
Industrial Plants
Co-chairs: Lucia Pallottino and Gianluca Dini
Organizers: Lucia Pallottino and Luigi Palopoli
Lorenzo Cancemi, Adriano Fagiolini and Lucia Pallottino
Distributed Multi-level Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Large
Scale Industrial Environments
Pashalis Padeleris, Xenophon Zabulis and Antonis Argyros
Multicamera tracking of multiple humans based on colored visual hulls
Marco Tiloca, Domenico De Guglielmo, Gianluca Dini and Giuseppe Anastasi
SAD-SJ: a Self-Adaptive Decentralized solution against Selective Jamming
attack in Wireless Sensor Networ
Track 8 (Room T4A, 12:15 – 13:30) Sensors and Actuators
Co-chairs: Daniela De Venuto and Thilo Sauter
Marco Crepaldi, Paolo Motto Ros, Mariagrazia Graziano and Danilo Demarchi
A 130 nm PMOS Drain-Degenerated Ratioless Level-Shifter for
Near-Threshold designs
Daniela Carboni, Andrea Gasparri and Giovanni Ulivi
Improving Sensor Network Localization Accuracy via Mobility
Track 5-4 (Room T4B, 12:15 – 13:30): Automatic Control Applications
Co-chairs: Fotis Koumboulis and Takao Sato
Fotis Koumboulis and Nikolaos Kouvakas
Triangular Decoupling with simultaneous Disturbance Rejection of General
Neutral Time Delay Systems via a Measurement Output Feedback Dynamic
Yosuke Sakuragi, Takao Sato, Nozomu Araki and Yasuo Konishi
Self-Tuning PI Control for a Boiler Control System
Fathi Abugchem, Michael Short and Donglai Xu
An Experimental HIL Study on the Jitter Sensitivity of an Adaptive Control
Track 7-2 (Room T1, 14:30 – 16:35): Manipulators
Co-chairs: Antoni Grau and H. Voos
Andres Montano and Raul Suarez
An On-Line Coordination Algorithm for Multi-Robot Systems
Carlos Rodriguez Pacheco, Andres Montano and Raul Suarez
Manipulation tasks with a dual arm system including obstacles removing
Marina Indri, Ivan Lazzero, Alessandro Antoniazza and Aldo Maria Bottero
Friction modeling and identification for industrial manipulators
Marina Indri, Ivan Lazzero and Basilio Bona
Robotics education: proposals for laboratory practices about manipulators
Noe Alvarado Tovar and Raúl Súarez
Grasp analysis and synthesis of 2D articulated objects with 2 and 3 links
SS02 (Room T3, 14:30 – 16:35): Software Engineering Methods, Tools
and Practices for Automation Systems
Co-chairs: Raoul Jetley and Alpana Dubey
Organizers: Anil Nair, Alpana Dubey, and Raoul Jetley
Raoul Jetley, Anand Rath, Aparajithan V., Kumar D., Vinu Prasad, Srini
An Approach for Comparison of IEC 61131-3 Graphical Programs
Florian Angerer, Herbert Praehofer, Rudolf Ramler and Friedrich Grillenberger
Points-To Analysis of IEC 61131-3 Programs: Implementation and Application
Luka Lednicki, Jan Carlson and Kristian Sandström
Device Utilization Analysis for IEC 61499 Systems in Early Stages of
Franco Antonio Cavadini, Diego Manzocchi, Mauro Mazzolini and Alessandro
Integrated Software Platform for Advanced Design and Optimization of
Industrial Manufacturing Control System
Jukka Peltola, Seppo Sierla, Pekka Aarnio and Kari Koskinen
Industrial Evaluation of Functional Model-Based Testing for Process Control
Applications Using CAEX
SS05-2 (Room T8, 14:30 – 16:35): Theory and Applications of Petri
Nets – Part I
Co-chairs: Ernesto Lopez-Mellado and Francesco Basile
Organizers: Maria Paola Cabasino and Lingxi Li
Ana Paula Estrada-Vargas, Ernesto Lopez-Mellado and Jean-Jacques Lesage
Identification of Partially Observable Discrete Event Manufacturing Systems
Francesco Basile, Pasquale Chiacchio and Jolanda Coppola
An approach for the identification of Time Petri Net systems
Francesco Basile, Maria Paola Cabasino and Carla Seatzu
State estimation of Time Petri nets with unobservable transitions
Xu Wang, Cristian Mahulea and Manuel Silva
Decentralized Diagnosis Based on Fault Diagnosis Graph
José Luis García, Antonio Ramirez, Carlos Renato Vázquez and Enrique
Observer design for Continuous Timed Petri Nets with Product Server
Keynote Lectures
Edward A. Lee,
U.C. Berkeley
Edward A. Lee is the Robert S. Pepper Distinguished Professor in the Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) department at U.C. Berkeley.
His research interests center on design, modeling, and analysis of embedded,
real-time computational systems.
He is the director of the nine-university TerraSwarm Research Center
(http://terraswarm.org), a director of Chess, the Berkeley Center for Hybrid and
Embedded Software Systems, and the director of the Berkeley Ptolemy project.
From 2005-2008, he served as chair of the EE Division and then chair of the EECS
Department at UC Berkeley. He is co-author of nine books (counting second and
third editions) and numerous papers.
He has led the development of several influential open-source software packages,
notably Ptolemy and its various spinoffs.
He received the B.S. degree in Computer Science from Yale University, New
Haven, CT, in 1979, the S.M. degree in EECS from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), Cambridge, in 1981, and the Ph.D. degree in EECS from the
University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, in 1986.
From 1979 to 1982 he was a member of technical staff at Bell Telephone
Laboratories in Holmdel, New Jersey, in the Advanced Data Communications
Laboratory. He is a co-founder of BDTI, Inc., where he is currently a Senior
Technical Advisor, and has consulted for a number of other companies.
He is a Fellow of the IEEE, was an NSF Presidential Young Investigator, and won
the 1997 Frederick Emmons Terman Award for Engineering Education.
Title: Reliable and Flexible Factory Automation: It's About Time
Factory automation systems require orchestration of embedded systems
communicating over networks, often with careful control over the timing of actuator
Methods for controlling timing in software and networks, however, are ad hoc and
imprecise. In fact, all widely used software abstractions lack temporal semantics.
The notion of correct execution of a program written in every widely-used
programming language today does not depend on the timing of the execution.
This talk will argue that time can and must become part of the semantics of
To illustrate that this is both practical and useful, we will describe recent efforts at
Berkeley in the design and analysis of timing-centric software systems. In particular,
we will focus on the PTIDES research project, which provides a programming
model for distributed real-time systems.
Karl Weber,
TUV, Muenchen, Germany
Karl Weber
1975 – 1980 Computer science study with control loop techniques at Friedrich
Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen
1980 Diploma Dipl.-Inf.
1983 PhD "Dr.Ing." at FAU with thesis "Modeling of error behavior with
consideration of parallel processes"
1980 – 2005 Work at Siemens AG, finally as "Principal Engineer"with focus on real
time communication
2005 – 2006 Work at Beckhoff Automation in Nürnberg, establishment of the
technical infrastructure of the EtherCAT Technology Group
2006 – 2010 Return to Siemens, Erlangen, to promote innovation of Ethernet
communication in automation and energy
Since May 2010 Scientific Consultant of institute of embedded systems at Zurich
University of Applied Science (ZHAW) in the field of high performance and reliability
of communication
June 2010 – End 2011 Senior Engineer of Fraunhofer IOSB INA, with focus energy
Since May 2011 Principal Expert Smart Grid at TÜV Süd, embedded systems
mainly in technical consulting projects
Project selection
The work at ZHAW in Winterthur is focused on innovative communication solution.
One example is the high performance communication infrastructure for converters
in wind turbines with a standard PC-platform with Ethernet communication to the
field devices equipped with programmable logic.
Another topic is seamless redundancy of communication shown as KTI founded
project at the Cigre fair in Paris (in cooperation with ABB, Belden-Hirschmann,
The activity within TÜV SÜd as Principal Expert Smart Grid is targeted to support
the smart grid activities in various applications. The establishment of conformity
tests in combination with training and consulting is the range of tasks in that area.
One activity is the technical analyis of the grid and the roadmap for technical
enhancements as technical expert for the German Parliament.
The activities are founded on a field experience of over 30 years. The focus of the
innovative projects in the research and development department was open
Title: Energy and Automation - Quo vadis?
The most challenging topic in the first half of this century is a
sustainable power supply.
But we need to know the issues to take the proper actions.
The factory automation plays a key role as:
- main consumer of electrical energy
- provider of the technology that can be used for power supply
The problem for automation is that the power quality(PQ) has an increasing
negative impact on production.
The negative issues comes from fluctuating power supply but also from the
power electronics with a very substantial harmonic distortion. The cost of
PQ increases with the use of all kind of electronics significantly.
But electronics can be used as well to reduce the PQ problems and it can
help to protect the equipment in case of disturbances.
Quite a few technologies can be applied to bridge the existing gaps between
power and automation.
Franco Deregibus,
Comau Asia
Franco Deregibus is the Comau Master Scientific Coordinator
In 1976 he received his Degree in Electronic Engineering at the Polytechnics of
Turin and in 1977 he started his career in the Controls Software Department of
Comau SpA.
In the late 85's he had the responsibility for developing Computer Systems within
the Automation Development Division, involved in planning development and
set-up of large CIM systems and development of robot controls.
In the 96's he was appointed Operations Director of Sesam, System Integration for
manufacturing companies, in the new Comau Division. In 1988 he was appointed
Chief Information Officer, assuming in July 1999 also the responsibility of Comau
Pico IT.
In the 2002 he was appointed Organization & Information Technology Director in
the USA, following the internationalization process and the worldwide growth of
In the 2003 he has been appointed Industrial Operations Director - Body Welding
and in 2007 he has been appointed Body Welding Chief Operating Officer,
responsible for defining and realizing the short and medium term business
development strategy.
Since August 2009 he was appointed Business Development Vice President and
then Head of APAC Region, Head of India and Russia and Head of Quality. He is
also currently Innovation Vice President, with focus on Global Corporate innovation
development strategy.
Title: Global automation trends and design drivers for competitive factory
The most important global manufacturing industries consider as primary need
relating to solutions for factory automation to respond effectively to economic
trends and the manufacture of new products.
Nowadays, the production systems and industrial automation solutions are
considered to be more and more an essential element in the innovation chain of
OEMs.In fact, new production technologies allow to introduce technological
innovations in the consumer goods and services, that are today the key to
achieving sustainable new products at affordable costs.
Against the backdrop of the current economic situation and the increased
competition in the world, one of the enabling factors for the production
competitiveness is the use of innovative ICT technology solutions in the
development of automation systems, which are able to produce a structural change
in favor of sustainable production based on the concepts of environmental
sustainability, social and competitiveness.
The actual global automation trends in the production system are characterized by
the following factors: highly flexibility, low cost production systems, space
reduction, investments reduction, new materials and lean manufacturing concept.
Depending from the different regions where the leading manufacturing industries
are located, Europe, Middle East, and Africa, North America, Latin America and
Asia Pacific, the development of new production systems are drawn by a
combination of these factors and by the applications of cost effective emerging
technology to factory automation solutions.
Rainer Drath ,
ABB Corporate Research Center,
Rainer Drath is Senior Principal Scientist at the ABB Corporate Research Center in
Germany. He received the diploma and the doctor degree (Dr.-Ing.) in automation
technology from the Technical University of Ilmenau in 1995 and 1999. After a
research period in Japan, he joined ABB in 2001 as a researcher in the area of
process automation engineering, led a research group in the area of factory
automation engineering in 2005 and received the position of a Senior Principal
Scientist in 2006.
His research interest is in the development and application of new methods and
concepts to improve the efficiency of the automation engineering in process and
manufacturing industry.
He is one of the drivers behind the data format CAEX (IEC62424) and is known for
his engagement in the development of the data exchange format AutomationML
Furthermore, he is active in the area of safety control functions and formal methods
to model safety requirements. He is editor of the AutomationML book and has
published over 90 technical papers in his research area and received two atp best
paper awards in 2004 and 2010 and the Industrial IT Research award in 2010.
Christoph Winterhalter,
ABB Corporate Research Center,
Christoph Winterhalter is Director of the ABB Corporate Research Center
He studied Computer Science at the former University Karlsruhe focusing on
Robotics and Industrial Production.
He joined ABB Robotics in 1995 as Software Engineer working in controls
engineering, offline programming and commissioning of automated manufacturing
cells mainly in the automotive industry. In 1998 he got the responsibility to globally
harmonize controls architectures of paint manufacturing cells in conjunction with a
short term assignment to the US.
In 1999 he moved to Norway to coordinate the implementation, quality assurance
and global introduction of standard controller interfaces as part of global R&D. After
becoming Product Manager for ABB’s Paint Robot Controller and PC Software, he
moved back to Germany in 2001 as Head of Product Management & Support.
In 2006 he was appointed local Business Unit Manager for Robot Automation and
Robotic Products in Germany.
In 2010 he joined ABB Corporate Research as Director of the German Corporate
Research Center heading key research activities for the ABB group in the areas of
factory automation, plant automation and building automation.
Among other memberships in industrial and academic associations he is a member
of the executive board of the VDI/VDE GMA, as well as member of the steering
committee of the platform Industry 4.0.
Title: Industry 4.0 – Cyber Physical Production Systems The next industrial
What is Industry 4.0? This keynote introduces the elements of Industry 4.0 and
discusses the motivation, drivers, opportunities and concerns behind it. Industry 4.0
serves as an umbrella for applying a variety of known and new innovations or
technologies to the benefit of the industrial production.
The term Industry 4.0 has gained big attention in German industry and academia
but outside of Germany it has still a limited visibility. Nevertheless, the main parts of
"Industry 4.0" are subject of research in many regions, e.g. in the US under the topic
"Cyber Physical Systems" or "Industrial Internet".
It announces the fourth industrial revolution and promises a new chapter in the
organization and control of the value creation chain in the entire life cycle of a
product or a production system.
This cycle is based on the increasingly individualized customer requirements and
covers all areas from the idea, the order for the development and manufacturing,
the engineering of the production system, the production process and the delivery
of a product to the end customer to the final recycling, including all related services.
In many ways, to achieve this goal, substantial research is required in the areas of
e.g. intelligent field devices with self-awareness and localization or communication
capabilities, secure communication channels, well-thought standardization across
vendors, efficient big data analytics or cloud technology.
Industry 4.0 is still future, and the academic and industrial community is invited to
form the way how internet technologies revolutionize the industrial production as the
internet already did in the consumer world.
Social events
September 11, 2013
Guided tour of the old city and Welcome reception at the Caffè degli Spiriti.
The bus transportation from the conference venue to the city center is provided.
The meeting is at 5.30 pm in front of the T-Hotel. A guided tour around the city
center is offered to all the participants to see some of the most attractive and
interesting monuments in Cagliari, in particular the Cathedral of Cagliari. The
Welcome party starts at 7.30 pm. The Caffè degli Spiriti is located in the Saint Remi
Bastion where you can enjoy an impressive panorama of the city.
September 12, 2013
Tour of the city and Social Dinner in the Convento di San Giuseppe.
A bus tour with some stop to enjoy the
landscape of the city and a very nice port
(Marina Piccola) close to the city is offered to
all the participants. The departure is at 6 pm in
front of the T-Hotel. The Social dinner starts at
8 pm and takes place in an ancient convent
(Convento di San Giuseppe, via Paracelso,
Cagliari). Come back to the conference venue
is scheduled around 11 pm.
September 13, 2013
Guided tour in Nora.
A guided tour to visit a beautiful ancient roman and pre-roman town placed on a
peninsula near to Cagliari, is offered to all the participants. The departure is
scheduled at 5.30 pm in front of the T-Hotel. Come back to the hotel is scheduled
around 9 pm.
Conference Venue
The ETFA 2013 conference will be held in the
T-Hotel Cagliari, Italy.
Via Dei Giudicati 66
09131 Cagliari - Italy
Tel +39 070 47400 - Fax +39 070 474016
The conference venue GPS google maps
coordinates are:
39°13'43.32"N, 9°7'23.89"E