NON-PROLIFERATION AND REACTOR MONITORING Yeongduk Kim Center for Underground Physics, IBS Sejong University 2016. 7. 4. Neutrino 2016, LONDON Reactor Monitoring with neutrinos 2 l Antineutrino detection can monitor ; 1. Reactor Power 2. Fissile content of the reactors. l Such monitoring may be useful for the IAEA’s reactor safeguards and Non-Proliferation since IAEA can’t directly measure fuel contents while fuel is loaded. Historical measurements by SONGS to see the neutrino rates dependence on the fuel – by Bernstein. 3 Milestones 1. Kurchatov, Mikaelian et al. ~1990 l The correlation of the antineutrino signal with the thermal power and the burnup was demonstrated by the Bugey and Rovno experiments. 2. LLNL, Sandia National Laboratories. Bernstein et al., ~ 2000 l The LLNL/SNL has installed and operated a prototype detector at the 3.46 GWth San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) in Southern California. 3. New short baseline detectors ~ 2010 l With the reactor neutrino anomaly, dozens of proposals for short baseline neutrino experiments are proposed. Many of these experiments can work for reactor monitoring too. 4. Remote Sensing ~ 2020 ? l A large (> kton) detector can be used to identify unknown reactor activity. World neutrino map is available. New prpposals. 4 Reactor power vs neutrino spectra l The antineutrino production rate varies with fissioning isotopes : PLWR example X.B. Ma et al., Phys.Rev. C88 (2013) no.1, 014605 235U 238U 239Pu 241Pu E(fission, MeV) 201.9 205.5 211.0 213.6 N(nu) (E>1.8MeV) 1.92 2.38 1.45 1.83 E(nu) (MeV) 5.23 7.04 3.80 4.96 Calculated according to Huber Phys.Rev. C84 (2011) 024617 Burn-up & Fuel composition 5 Calculated according to Huber, Phys. Rev. C84 (2011) 024617 S(0)/S(500) T=0 S(0) T=500 ROVNO exp. Klimov et al., Atomic Energy 76, (1994) S(500) Neutrino Event Rate ~ 1 event/day for 1GW reactor & 1ton detector @ 1km 6 Experiments for reactor monitoring & safeguards Exp P Units MW Nucifer 70 mTC Detector L Time Rate S/B (m) (days) On-Off /day Gd-LS 7 145-106 280 0.25 20 B-PS 5 PANDA 3420 PS 35.9 30-34 ~22 ? DANSS 3000 PS 11 P2.075 iDREAM ~3000 Gd-LS ? P2.088 NuLAT 20 6Li-PS 4.7 Vidarr 1600 Gd 60 STEREO 57 Gd-LS 10 P1.089, P3.062, P3.072,P3.073 Neutrino-4 90 Gd-LS 7 P1.080 SOLID 72 CHANDLER 60 6Li+PS 5.5 PROSPECT 85 6Li-LS 7-12 NEOS 3000 Gd-LS 24 WATCHMAN 3758 Gd-W ~10km ~0.2 6LiF:ZnS 5.7 PS:Plastic Scintillator, Posters @ Neutrino 2016 P1.084 P1.081, P3.059, P3.060 P1.053, P3.054, P3.055,P3.056 180-30 2000 LS:Liquid Scintillator, W:Water 23 P3.052 7 Detection of antineutrinos ν e + p → e+ + n 1-10 MeV n +155,157 Gd →156,158 Gd + γ s(~ 8MeV ) n + 6 Li → 4 He + 3 H + 4.8MeV 4.8 MeV alphas 8 MeV gammas ~10 micro s t l Bowden’s talk on tomorrow (Tue.) 14:50 “Review of short-baseline reactor antineutrino experiments” Will cover Neutrino-4, STEREO, PROSPECT, DANSS, Chandler I don’t have enough time to cover all the experiments. l miniTimeCube (mTC) l PANDA l iDREAM Nucifer 8 PRD 93, 112006 (2016) Reactor(containment(building( 0(m( Water(pool( Core( 8(8(m( Nucifer( 8(11(m( Concrete(founda/on(slab( Singles (Reactor OFF) Singles (Reactor ON) 0 Counts Per Bin (arbitrary unit) 10 −1 10 −2 10 −3 10 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Total Charge (pe) 20 P=70 MWth Research reactor at CEA Saclay. L∼7 m, at the lowest reactor level V=850L Gd-LS Low overburden, muon flux attenuation of 2.7. Even with high reactor related gamma background, surprisingly precise neutrino rate : 281 ± 7(sta) ± 18(sys) ν / day à 7% error Neutrino candidates Exponential Fit 15 Event Rate Per Day l l l l l 10 5 0 −5 0 50 100 ∆ t (µs) 150 200 9 Sensitivity to plutonium content 340 95% CI Data 458 g 239Pu data Neutrino Rate [/day] 320 300 1370 g 95% confidence 2390 g 3530 g 239 Pu 239 Pu 239 Pu 4460 g 239Pu 6090 g 239Pu 280 l 238U(82kg)+235U(20kg) loaded. (19.75% enriched) l 92% of fissions from 235U. l 14kg 235U and 450 g of 239Pu on average for 21 day cycle. 260 ß Various amount of 239Pu are added in simulation to see the effect of neutrino rate change. 240 220 200 0 50 100 150 Time [days] 200 250 l Fuel burn-up effect : only 3.5 % lower than initial load à No sensitivity to diversion of fuel (undeclared retrieval of Pu) l Reversely, replacing 235U by 239Pu à 1.5 kg of additional Pu can be identified by 95% confidence. Cf. 0.4% increase in neutrinos with 20 kg of Pu removal from 3GW reactor. 10 Search for Oscillations with Lithium-6 Detector ü P=60-80 MW, BR2 at SCK-CEN (Belgium) ü 3D composite scintillator segmented detector § 5cm PVT cube scintillator with 6LiF:ZnS(Ag) § Technology fulfilling the safety requirements ü Successful run of first real scale prototype SM1 in 2015 Stable rates of EM and neutron signals ü SoLid Phase I (2017-2019) § from 5.7m from core § 1.6t fiducial mass MC signal EM Correlated bkg (data) Data neutron Accidental bkg (data) Can identify neutrons in tens of million events ! High segmentation improves background rejection Phase I 11 l l l l l l NuLat: 6Li scintillator and a ROL Raghavan Optical Lattice (ROL) 15x15x15 cubes 6Li-loaded plastic scintillator Each 2.5” on a side (total volume 0.86 m3) Instrumented with 600 2” PMTs. Pulse shape discrimination Light transmit by total reflection. Demonstrating NuLat with the Rol53 l l l A 5×5×5 Cubes with 150 PMTs. Demonstrate reactor monitoring by deploying at commercial power plant. Measure backgrounds by deploying at NIST in NuLat shielding Vidarr (Ecal) 12 • Based on T2K-ND280 ECal • Plastic scintillator, WLS fibre, MPPCs • Lead replaced with Gd. • M~1 ton active mass • Deployed @ Wylfa power station, UK • P=1.6 GWth , L ~60 m from the core. • Reactor start-up observed. l l Upgraded Detector - Vidarr l Custom built readout & DAQ l Replace repurposed T2K electronics. l ~100% live-time, lower energy thresholds, greater sensitivity l Working with John Caunt Scientific Ltd to deliver commercial re ady device. Collaboration with National Nuclear Lab Ltd (NNL) l Anti-neutrino flux, core isotopes fractions, 5MeV bump study. DQ issues NEOS (Neutrino Experiment for Oscillation at Short baseline) 13 • Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant ● RENO near detector l NEOS at the! 5th reactor! Reactor Core Liquid Scintillator (LS) 1000 L, LAB + Altima-Gold F (9:1) + 38 8’’ PMTs in mineral oil. 0.5 % Gd loaded. Borated PE (10 cm) 10 cm lead shield l l l l l Plastic scintillator for muon veto P=3 GWth, located at RENO Site. L∼24 m, Detector inside Tendon Gallery V=1000L, Gd-LS ~8m overburden, at least 3.5 m of soil. Took 6 month data and removed detector due to Tendon maintenance. 14 High S/B ratio due to overburden NEOS Preliminary Reactor on: ~ 2000/day Reactor off: ~ 82/day Reactor on Reactor off 𝛾-like Signal / Backgrounds ~ 23 Cut off n-like 15 Notable results (Details by Yoomin Oh’s poster P3.052) 1. Data/MC shows ~ 5MeV bump similar to RENO/DayaBay/DC. Compared with Huber 2. Data(1st month)/Data(6th month) shows increase as expected from the Burn-up. Reactor monitoring sensitivity : 2000 neutrinos/day à 0.4% statistical error for 1month data à sensitive to 20 kg Pu removal from a reactor in a month data ! Ultimate reactor neutrino spectra ? 16 l l l A new ~ 2ton size detector with photocathode coverage > 70% at shorter baseline (~15m) can have an energy resolution better than 3% and high statistics (>10000 events/day) Can study 5 MeV bump, potential other deviations from the prediction, and E>7MeV region precisely. (maybe useful for mass hierarchy exp.) Tendon Gallery may be extended in a new reactor under consideration in Korea or China for complete burn-up measurements. Experiments for Non-proliferation, remote sensing 17 l ‘‘NUDAR’’ (NeUtrino Direction and Ranging), points that measurement of the observed energy spectrum can be employed to locate a neutrino source from even a single detector thanks to unique energy-dependent character of neutrino oscillations and can be improved still further by the use of multiple detectors. Lasserre arXiv:1011.3850, Jocher et al., Physics Reports 527 (2013) 131–204, Askins et al., arXiv:1502.01132 l The Water Cherenkov Monitor for ANtineutrinos (WATCHMAN) is designed to satisfy a US Nonproliferation initiative. l Proposed as a demonstration of remote reactor monitoring for future nonproliferation and cooperative monitoring agreements. 18 WATCHMAN deployment options The WATCHMAN baseline deployment: a kiloton scale gadolinium-doped Water Cherenkov antineutrino detector deployed 10-20 km from a US or UK reactor. Reactor Location Thermal Power (MWt) Detector Location Standoff Overburden (mwe) Approval status Preferred Alternate PERRY Reactor Perry Ohio Hartlepool, England 3875 2 x 1575 Morton Salt/IMB mine Painesville, Ohio 13 km – only US at a suitable distance from a deep mine 1430 Boulby underground science lab ~25 km Morton Salt has approved installation Strong encouragement from mine operators and science directorate. 3000 The baseline WATCHMAN design 19 l 3.5:1 kTon total:fiducial l Gd-H2O with recirculation l 20% PMT coverage l Detector geometry in the RATPAC simulation environment (B. Land, UC Berkeley) Option for water-based liquid Scintillator. Close-up of Veto PMT Wall 78 feet Example deployment at the Morton Salt Mine in the United States Summary 20 l l l l Neutrino detector near reactors can be a new tool for reactor monitoring. Compact, portable detector with segmentation is under development for ground level monitoring. (Nucifer analysis shows promising) More precise reactor neutrino spectra can show detail understanding of neutrino production inside the reactor. (NEOS demonstrates) Remote sensing with a 1-1000 kton WBLS neutrino detector can be used to sense some unknown reactors, so for nuclear safeguards. Backups 21