www .highfieldabc.com - Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance

Qualification Specification
HABC Level 3 International Award
in Delivering Training
Highfield House
Heavens Walk
South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Tel +44 08452260350
Tel +44 01302363277
Fax +44 08452260360
Version 2
March 2014
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
Qualification Details...................................................................................................................... 3
Key Facts ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Qualification Overview.................................................................................................................. 3
Entry Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 3
Qualification Structure .................................................................................................................. 3
Delivery/Assessment Ratios .......................................................................................................... 3
Guidance on Delivery and Assessment........................................................................................... 4
Guidance on Internal Quality Assurance ........................................................................................ 6
Guidance on External Quality Assurance........................................................................................ 6
Centre Requirements .................................................................................................................... 6
Tutor/Assessor Requirements ....................................................................................................... 6
Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations ..................................................................... 6
ID Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 6
Progression................................................................................................................................... 7
Useful Websites ............................................................................................................................ 7
Recommended Training Materials ................................................................................................. 7
Appendix 1 .................................................................................................................................. 8
HABC Level 3 International Award in Delivering Training
This qualification specification is designed to outline all you need to know in order to offer this qualification in
your Centre. If you have any further questions, please contact your Centre manager.
Qualification Details
The HABC Level 3 International Award in Delivering Training (IADT) qualification has been
developed by HABC, the UK and Middle East’s leading supplier of safety and compliance-based
qualifications. It has been developed with sector experts specifically for learners who train others.
The main focus of this qualification is on excellence in delivery and the effective use of interactive
visual aids to inspire and motivate learners. Trainers will be equipped with professional and effective
skills to use within the classroom.
Key Facts
Required contact hours:
Assessment Method:
12 plus micro-training and reflection. See ‘Guidance
on Delivery and Assessment’ for further details
Through the completion of a ‘Workbook and Learner
Assessment Record’ and the delivery of a microtraining session
Qualification Overview
This qualification is suitable for both experienced and new trainers who wish to improve their
performance and obtain a training qualification which will enable them to deliver HABC
Entry Requirements
Centres are responsible for ensuring that learners can meet the necessary standards of the language
in which they are delivering training.
Qualification Structure
See Appendix 1.
Delivery/Assessment Ratios
In order to effectively deliver and assess this qualification, Centres are recommended not to exceed
the ratio of 1 qualified tutor/assessor to 12 learners for the micro-training sessions. If Centres wish
to increase this ratio, they must first request approval from HABC. The tutor/assessor must ensure
that all learners have between 20 and 30 minutes to complete their micro-training session. To
ensure that course delivery is effective and interactive, it is recommended that there are a minimum
of 3 learners on each course. This will also allow for adequate feedback of the micro-training
sessions to be carried out by all learners.
Guidance on Delivery and Assessment
The Level 3 International Award in Delivering Training IADT) is a qualification that is flexible in its
classroom and distance based delivery. It may be delivered over consecutive days or by regular
shorter sessions.
The knowledge section (Key Task 1) may be delivered away from the classroom via distance learning
or other suitable methods. The remainder of the Key Tasks must be completed during or following
face to face training. There is a minimum of 6 hours for delivery of the qualification in the
The duration of the micro-training sessions must be between 20 to 30 minutes per learner. These
sessions, as well as the reflection on the micro-training, are not included in the 12 contact hours for
this qualification.
This qualification is graded pass or refer and can be taken either by itself or combined with other
HABC qualifications. If combined, the total contact hours of the other qualifications must be in
addition to the 12 required contact hours of this IADT qualification.
This course is assessed through the completion of the Learner Assessment Record (LAR), which
comprises of 4 Key Tasks, completed within 3 distinct sections.
The Key Tasks are:
1 - Background Knowledge by completion of a workbook or series of questions.
2 - Demonstrate planning and preparation techniques by developing an audit/checklist for own
training session and reviewing/adapting a lesson plan.
3 - Deliver a training session using commercial or pre-prepared training materials and lesson plan.
4 - Reflection on training session of self and peers.
This course is designed to be interactive with a high level of practical activity. Tutors/Assessors must
encourage involvement from learners and provide opportunities for them to present feedback
regarding exercises and activities to the rest of the group. More training techniques and aids (e.g.
use of lectures, group and individual exercises, question and answer sessions, use of additional
resources, etc) should gradually be introduced. This is so learners gain practice and gain confidence
presenting in a group environment.
Key Task 1: Learners must complete a background knowledge assessment. This may be completed
either in the classroom or as pre course/distance learning.
The learner must provide evidence to demonstrate their knowledge of the following:
• Introduction: teaching cycle, initial assessment, Icebreakers/energisers and their
purpose, and ground rules;
• Roles and responsibilities of a trainer and how people learn: individual and group
learning needs, learning styles and types of learners;
• Planning and designing training: aims, SMART learning outcomes, scheme of work and
session plans;
• Selecting and using training resources;
• Preparing for delivery and practical considerations: legislative requirements, timing,
protocols and records;
Delivery: equality, communication and questioning; and
Evaluating training: assessment types and methods.
This evidence may be produced in a variety of ways. The approved Highfield CD-ROM International
Award in Delivering Training presentation is an entertaining and interactive training tool, which can
be used by learners to provide evidence of their understanding. Where learners are completing Key
Task 1 through distance learning methods, the tutor/assessor must ensure that learners are
provided with suitable learning materials to complete this task suitably (e.g. textbooks such as
‘Education and Training Made Easier’ which is detailed on page 7 and references to suitable
websites/journals etc).
Key Task 2: Learners must demonstrate planning and preparation techniques. They must develop or
review/adapt a lesson plan to meet learner needs. This must include ensuring that the content
achieves learning outcomes, ability of learners, cultural and time considerations. Once completed,
the tutor/assessor should provide evidence of this by either by retaining the reviewed session plan
or by the learner outlining how they have amended a plan (where commercial plans have been
Learners must also demonstrate an understanding of the importance of planning and preparation by
developing a training audit and checklist. The suitability of this must be assessed by the
tutor/assessor. The checklist will take into consideration, location, health and safety and equipment
requirements, as well as learner performance.
Key Task 2 must be completed during or after face to face training, it must not be completed
through distance learning.
Key Task 3: Learners must deliver an inclusive micro-training session which motivates learners. The
session must be between 20 to 30 minutes in duration and include a variety of training methods/aids
to meet different learning styles. The session must demonstrate the learners’ ability to
communicate effectively, as well as including suitable assessment strategies and taking into
consideration the needs of learners.
Key Task 3 must be completed during or after face to face training, it must not be completed
through distance learning.
Key Task 4: Learners must reflect on their training session and identify areas where they performed
well and areas requiring further development. They must also provide suitable motivational
feedback to their peers.
Key Task 4 must be completed during or after face to face training, it must not be completed
through distance learning.
For all tasks the tutor/assessor should assess the suitability of the answers/performance provided
and feedback should be provided on the LAR.
Centres must retain all documentation collected from each learner for a period of no less than 12
months and may be required to produce these documents for HABC moderation and verification
Upon completion of learner’s work, an original Notification of Completion (NOC) form must be sent
to HABC to request certification.
Guidance on Internal Quality Assurance
HABC requires Centres to have in place a robust mechanism for internal quality assurance. Internal
quality assurance (IQA) must be completed by an appropriately experienced person and that
person must not have been involved in any aspect of the delivery or assessment of the course they
are quality assuring. The IQA should ensure that:
• The delivery and assessment is in line with the qualification requirements;
• All assessment paperwork is completed accurately; and
• An audit trail is provided for internal quality assurance.
Guidance on External Quality Assurance
In addition to internal quality assurance, HABC will conduct a number of external quality assurance
engagements to support Centres in the effective implementation and on-going management of this
qualification. For example, this could be conducted via HABC sampling Centre paperwork or
conducting support visits to Centres.
Centre Requirements
In order to effectively deliver this qualification, Centres must ensure that the training rooms used
have the necessary resources in place to allow learners to achieve the required learning outcomes.
These resources may include desks, chairs, visuals aids, flip charts, highlighter pens, commercially
pre-prepared training materials and a projector. It is the Centre’s responsibility to ensure that all
rooms used are safe and environmentally comfortable, with regard to light, temperature and noise
Tutor/Assessor Requirements
HABC requires that nominated Tutors/Assessors to evidence the following:
• Recognised teaching qualification (e.g. HABC Level 3 International Award in Delivering
Training) or have experience in the effectively delivery of vocational based courses;
• Recognised assessing qualification (e.g. HABC Level 3 International Award in Assessment) or
have experience in the assessment of vocational based courses; or
• Another HABC approved qualification (or experience) deemed relevant.
It is also recommended that Tutors/Assessors maintain an up-to-date record of their continuing
professional development (CPD) in the subject matter being delivered. HABC recommends a
minimum of 30 hours of CPD activity each calendar year.
Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations
HABC have measures in place for learners that require additional support. Please see the HABC
Reasonable Adjustments Policy.
ID Requirements
It is the responsibility of the Centre to have systems in place to ensure that the person taking an
assessment is indeed the person they are claiming to be; see section 8 of the HABC Examination
and Invigilation Regulations of the HABC Core Manual for further details.
Progression routes could include completion of the following HABC qualifications:
• HABC Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering (QCF);
• HABC Level 2 Award in Food Safety for Manufacturing (QCF);
• HABC Level 2 Award in Food Safety for Retail (QCF);
• HABC Level 3 Award in Supervising Food Safety in Catering (QCF);
• HABC Level 3 Award in Food Safety Supervision for Manufacturing (QCF);
• HABC Level 3 Award in Food Safety Supervision for Retail (QCF);
• HABC Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (QCF);
• HABC Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (QCF);
• HABC Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (QCF);
• HABC Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (QCF);
• HABC Level 3 Award in HACCP for Food Manufacturing (QCF);
• HABC Level 4 Award in HACCP Management for Food Manufacturing (QCF);
• Level 2 International Award in CCTV Operations (Public Space Surveillance); and
• Level 2 International Award in Security Guarding.
Useful Websites
• www.highfield.co.uk (Highfield)
• www.highfieldabc.ae (HABC MEA)
• www.highfieldabc.com (HABC UK)
• www.ifl.ac.uk ( The Institute for Learning)
• www.ofqual.gov.uk (The Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator)
Recommended Training Materials
• Award in Delivering Training Course Pack. www.highfield .co.uk
• Morley, J. and Wordsworth, M. (2013) PTLLS Made Easier Training Presentation,
Highfield.co.uk Ltd
• Shepherd, A., Morley, J. and Wordsworth. M. (2014) Education and Training Made Easier,
Highfield.co.uk Ltd
Appendix 1
Delivering Training
Level: 3
Required contact hours: 12
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Criteria
The learner will:
The learner can:
1.1 Explain the importance of ground rules when
Understand the importance of
implementing initial training and
assessment procedures
1.2 Outline ways in which ground rules can be
determined in the classroom
1.3 Describe the benefits and limitations of an
icebreaker and energised exercise
1.4 Provide examples of icebreakers and
energisers that you could apply into your
subject area
Understand the roles and responsibilities
of a tutor
2.1 Identify the characteristics of an effective
2.2 Outline the roles and responsibilities of
2.3 Identify ways in which different people can
2.4 Explain why it is important to be aware of
different learning styles when training
2.5 Describe the practical elements to consider
when delivering a training course
Be able to plan and design a session
3.1 Explain how to review learning objectives to
ensure that they are SMART
3.2 Outline why it is important to use a suitable
lesson plan when training.
3.3 Review and adapt a lesson plan to meet both
group and individual needs
Be able to develop and use resources
4.1 Give examples of resources commonly used
in training
4.2 Compare practical considerations when
developing resources
Be able to deliver a training session
5.1 Outline the practicalities to consider when
organising and delivering a training course
5.2 Outline ways to create a positive learning
5.3 Describe methods of overcoming common
problems during training
5.4 Explain the purpose of asking questions
during training
5.5 Describe the importance of giving feedback
when training
5.6 Deliver a 20-30 minute training session.
Be able to evaluate a training session
6.1 Identify formative assessment methods which
can be used effectively in your training
6.2 Outline common summative assessment
6.3 Describe ways to evaluate your own training
6.4 Evaluate your own and others training.
Delivery and assessment guidance
There is a requirement to observe and assess practice in this qualification. To achieve this qualification, a
learner must be able to provide evidence of an assessed observation of training delivery that has met the
required standard.
The Tutor/Assessor must ensure that all learners have between 20 and 30 minutes to complete their training
session (Learning Outcome 5).
It is at the Tutor/Assessor’s discretion whether the course is delivered over consecutive days or by regular
shorter sessions.
The knowledge section (Key Task 1) may be delivered away from the classroom via distance learning or other
suitable methods. The remainder of the Key Tasks must be completed during or following face to face training.
There is a minimum of 6 hours for delivery of the qualification in the classroom.
The duration of the micro-training sessions must be between 20 to 30 minutes per learner. These sessions, as
well as the reflection on the micro-training, are not included in the 12 required contact hours for this
Learning Outcome 1 (LO1) is assessed through completion of Key Task 1
LO2 is assessed through completion of Key Tasks 1, 2, 3 and 4
LO3 is assessed through completion of Key Tasks 1 and 2
LO4 is assessed through completion of Key Tasks 1, 3 and 4
LO5 is assessed through completion of Key Tasks 1, 2, 3 and 4
LO6 is assessed through completion of Key Tasks 1, 2, 3, and 4