LONG SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections shall apply to this Section. Other Specification Sections that directly relate to the work of this section include, but are not limited to the following: Grounding and Bonding Surge Protection Devices 1.2 SUMMARY This specification for the lightning protection system is intended to be a performance type specification for furnishing the design, labor, materials and services required for the completion of a functional and unobtrusive lightning protection system consisting of air terminals, conductors, grounds, and other component parts for complete coverage of the building(s) or structures against damage by lightning, as indicated on the contract documents. The system shall provide safety for the building, building contents and occupants by preventing damage caused by lightning. The lightning protection system shall be installed by a firm actively engaged in the installation of Master Labeled Lightning Protection Systems and shall be so listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. The system(s) shall be designed and installed in accordance with NPFA 780, UL 96A, LPI 175 and the requirements of State and Local Codes and Regulations. 1.3 SUBMITTALS Product Data Provide manufacturer’s technical data of features, performance, electrical characteristics and finishes for each type of product indicated. Examples include grounding down conductors, thru-roof/thru-wall assemblies, roof conductors, air terminals, and other necessary components. Shop Drawings Provide the system layout designed specifically for the building(s) or structures included in the contract drawings along with details of how the products are to be used in the installation. Show the type, size, and locations of grounding down conductors, thru-roof/thru-wall assemblies, roof conductors and air terminals. The shop drawings shall include indications for use of raceway for concealment of system downleads. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Architect or Engineer for approval prior to commencement of the installation. Certification or Qualification Data Submit evidence of qualifications to the Architect or Engineer. This may include UL Manufacturer’s Listing, UL Installer’s Listing, and/or LPI Master Installer Designer Certification. P ref e r re d L ight nin g P rot ect ion , In c. 21 0 0 E a st F i rst St re e t M ar yv i ll e, M O 6 4 46 8 Is su e Da t e: M a rch 2 01 4 8 66 - 2 9 9- 7 4 06 or 6 6 0 - 5 6 2- 2 7 7 1 Fa x: 6 60 - 5 82- 2 6 03 sa l es @p r efe r r edlp . co m P ag e 8 w w w .pr efe r r edl p. com LONG SPECIFICATIONS 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE Designer’s Qualifications An LPI Master Installer/Designer shall complete the design of the system. Installer Qualifications Installation of the system shall be completed by a UL Listed Lightning Protection Installation Company and shall be under the supervision of an LPI Master Installer/Designer. 1.5 CODES, STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS The completed lightning protection system shall comply with the latest issue of the following standards and form a part of this specification. National Fire Protection Association NFPA 780 - Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems Lightning Protection Institute LPI 175 – Standard of Practice for the Design, Installation & Inspection of Lightning Protection Systems Underwriters Laboratories UL 96 – Lightning Protection Components UL 96A – Installation Requirements for Lightning Protection Systems 1.6 COORDINATION The installation of the lightning protection system shall be coordinated with other building trades to insure a correct, neat and unobtrusive installation. Coordinate with the roofing contractor prior to installing any roof penetrations, fasteners, or adhesive(s) on the roof. The roofing contractor shall be responsible for sealing and/or flashing all lightning protection roof penetrations per the roof manufacturer’s recommendations. The lightning protection contractor shall use a compatible adhesive to adhere components to the roof when required. Prior to the installation, the lightning protection contractor must obtain approval of the compatible adhesive from the roof manufacturer/contractor. Should the roofing manufacturer/contractor require any special walk pads, membrane patches, pavers, etc. under the components of the lightning protection system, it shall be the responsibility of the roofing contractor to furnish and install such items. The lightning protection contractor shall be responsible for marking the locations of conductors and other components that would require such items. The lightning protection installer shall assure a sound bond to the main water service and to assure interconnection with other ground systems. P ref e r re d L ight nin g P rot ect ion , In c. 21 0 0 E a st F i rst St re e t M ar yv i ll e, M O 6 4 46 8 Is su e Da t e: M a rch 2 01 4 86 6- 2 99- 7 40 6 o r 66 0 - 56 2- 2 77 1 Fa x: 6 60 - 5 82- 2 6 03 sa l es @p r efe r r edlp . co m Pa ge 9 w w w .pr efe r r edl p. com LONG SPECIFICATIONS PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 STANDARDS The system furnished under this specification shall be the standard product of manufacturer’s regularly engaged in the production of lightning protection equipment and shall be the manufacturer’s latest approved design. The equipment shall be UL Listed and properly UL Labeled for use in lightning protection systems. All equipment shall be new and of a design and construction for the application in which it is used in accordance with accepted industry standards and UL, NFPA and LPI code requirements. 2.2 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS Subject to compliance with requirements, provide materials by one of the following: Preferred Lightning Protection Company – 2100 E First St, Maryville MO 64468 Phone: 660-562-2771 Email: sales@preferredlp.com Approved Equals 2.3 LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM COMPONENTS Materials All materials shall be aluminum, copper and/or bronze and of the size, weight, and construction to suit the application and used in accordance with UL, NFPA and LPI code requirements. Class I sized components shall be used on roof levels 75 feet and below in height. Class II sized components shall be used on roof levels exceeding 75 feet in height. Bolt tension connectors and splicers shall be utilized on Class I and Class II structures. Compression fittings are acceptable only on Class I structures. All mounting hardware shall be stainless steel to prevent corrosion. Copper materials shall not be installed on aluminum surfaces including Galvalume, galvanized steel, zinc or any painted steel. Aluminum Components Aluminum materials may not be used except on roofs that utilize aluminum, galvalume, galvanized metal roofing or painted steel components. On these roofs or where parapets of these materials are present, the entire roof lightning protection system shall utilize aluminum materials to ensure compatibility. Where an aluminum lightning protection system is present, a bimetallic transition shall occur at the thru-roof assembly so that copper components can be utilized for downleads and grounding. Air Terminals Air terminals shall be of solid construction and shall project a minimum of 10 inches above the object or area it is to protect. Air terminals shall be spaced at intervals not exceeding 20’-0” along ridges and around the perimeter of flat or gently sloping roofs (roofs with a pitch of less than 3:12). Flat or gently sloping roofs exceeding 50’-0” in width shall be protected with additional air terminals spaced at 50’-0” maximum intervals. Air terminal shall be located within two feet of roof edges and outside corners of protected areas. P ref e r re d L ight nin g P rot ect ion , In c. 21 0 0 E a st F i rst St re e t M ar yv i ll e, M O 6 4 46 8 Is su e Da t e: M a rch 2 01 4 86 6- 2 99- 7 40 6 o r 66 0 - 56 2- 2 77 1 Fa x: 6 60 - 5 82- 2 6 03 sa l es @p r efe r r edlp . co m Pa ge 10 w w w .pr efe r r edl p. com LONG SPECIFICATIONS Air terminals shall be installed on mechanical units, stacks, flues and other metallic objects not located within a zone of protection and with metal thickness of less than 3/16 inch. Metallic objects having a thickness of 3/16 inch or greater shall be bonded to the lightning protection system with using main-size conductor and a bonding plate with a minimum of 3 square inches of surface contact area. Air terminal bases shall be securely fastened to the structure in accordance with the specified standards. Installation methods include the use of adhesive that is compatible with the mounting surface or stainless steel fasteners. Installation of the air terminal base shall be coordinated with the roofing contractor so as not to void the roof warranty. Main Conductors Main conductors shall be sized in accordance with the specified standards for Class I or Class II structures and shall provide a two-way path to ground for each air terminal. The conductor shall maintain a horizontal or downward path from the air terminals to the connections with the ground system. Conductors shall be free of excessive splices and shall be secured at 36 inch maximum intervals. Conductors shall be installed so that no bend of the conductor is less than 90 degrees nor has a radius of bend of less than eight (8) inches. Down Conductors Down conductors shall be sized in accordance with the specified standards for Class I or Class II structures and in no case shall be smaller than the roof circuit. Down conductors shall be spaced at intervals averaging not more than 100 feet around the perimeter of the structure. No structure shall have fewer than two (2) down conductors. Where down conductors are installed exposed on the outside of a structure and are subject to damage or displacement, they shall be protected with conduit a minimum of six (6) feet above grade. Conductor inside metallic conduit shall be bonded at each end. Steel Frame Construction In case of structural steel frame construction, down conductors may be omitted. Roof conductors shall be connected to the structural steel framework at intervals averaging not more than 100 feet around the perimeter of the structure. Roof Penetrations Roof penetrations required for down conductors or for connection to structural steel framework shall be made using thru-roof assemblies. Conductors shall not pass directly through the roof. The roofing contractor shall furnish and install the materials required to properly seal all lightning protection roof penetrations. Ground Terminations Ground electrodes (rods) shall be copper clad steel, 3/4" diameter, 10 feet in length. A ground electrode shall be provided for each down conductor. The connection between the down conductor and the ground electrode shall be made with a mechanical ground rod clamp having a minimum of 1-1/2” of contact measured parallel to the axis of the ground electrode or by an exothermically welded connections. Ground electrodes shall be located a minimum of one (1) feet below grade and two (2) feet from the foundation wall.+ P ref e r re d L ight nin g P rot ect ion , In c. 21 0 0 E a st F i rst St re e t M ar yv i ll e, M O 6 4 46 8 Is su e Da t e: M a rch 2 01 4 86 6- 2 99- 7 40 6 o r 66 0 - 56 2- 2 77 1 Fa x: 6 60 - 5 82- 2 6 03 sa l es @p r efe r r edlp . co m Pa ge 11 w w w .pr efe r r edl p. com