Adv. Radio Sci., 5, 313–320, 2007 © Author(s) 2007. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Advances in Radio Science Phase noise and jitter modeling for fractional-N PLLs S. A. Osmany, F. Herzel, K. Schmalz, and W. Winkler IHP Im Technologiepark 25, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Abstract. We present an analytical phase noise model for fractional-N phase-locked loops (PLL) with emphasis on integrated RF synthesizers in the GHz range. The noise of the crystal reference, the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), the loop filter, the charge pump, and the sigma-delta modulator (SDM) is filtered by the PLL operation. We express the rms phase error (jitter) in terms of phase noise of the reference, the VCO phase noise and the third-order loop filter parameters. In addition, we consider OFDM systems, where the PLL phase noise is reduced by digital signal processing after down-conversion of the RF signal to baseband. The rms phase error is discussed as a function of the loop parameters. Our model drastically simplifies the noise optimization of the PLL loop dynamics. 1 Introduction Frequency synthesizers are essential components in wireless RF transceivers. A synthesizer provides a stable signal for frequency conversion, modulation and demodulation. A fractional-N PLL gives a greater flexibility than an integerN PLL due to the higher frequency resolution (Perrot et al., 2002). The phase noise is the most important performance criterion of the synthesizer for its stringent requirement in many applications, e.g., in OFDM based systems (Stott, 1998; Herzel et al., 2005). The problem with phase noise is exacerbated in high-frequency applications, since the oscillator phase noise at a given frequency offset typically increases in proportion to the carrier frequency. For this reason, the minimization of the phase noise in frequency synthesizers is of special interest in mm-wave application, e.g., in the 60 GHz band (Winkler et al., 2005). Many publications on phase noise modeling of oscillators and PLLs have Correspondence to: S. A. Osmany ( appeared during the last few years, e.g. Lee and Hajimiri (2000)–Rohde (2005). This paper is focussed on problems which are specific to integrated PLLs. They arise mainly from the low quality factor of the available passives as well as from the limited size of filter capacitors. Especially, the low quality factor of integrated inductances causes a high noise level of the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). This problem is exacerbated by the fact that variations of the device parameters with process and temperature require a relatively large VCO tuning range affecting oscillator noise and loop filter noise. In integrated PLLs, the values of the integrated capacitances are limited by chip area and, possibly, yield. This can make the filter noise comparable to the VCO noise, if the VCO gain is large. Another problem arises in RF synthesizers for mm-wave applications. The high oscillation frequency results in a large division factor enhancing the reference noise to a level comparable to the phase noise of integrated VCOs. The different dependencies of the noise contribution on the PLL dynamics results in a subtle trade-off for the loop bandwidth. This paper describes the phase noise spectrum of a PLL, where emphasis is placed on the high-pass filtering in OFDM systems due to the correction of the common phase error. 2 PLL phase noise sources In the literature, two types of phase noise are used, the twosided power spectral density (PSD) of the phase and the single-sideband phase noise. For moderate and large frequency offsets, these quantities are almost equal (Herzel, 2004). For wideband systems, close-in phase noise is less relevant due to a large channel width and/or proper baseband filtering explained below. Therefore, we will not distinguish between the single-sideband phase noise and the two-sided power spectral density of the phase in the remainder of this paper. The phase noise S can be determined from the single- Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the URSI Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. úBó<óüvî /øò ö`ü'íø &ÿï|ü &öLúBøòFö`÷/ï|ö`îxúBò/õøý'þï júB ö`øõ ï<î³ö`îxúBò/Rõøý'þ=ï $j úBøò&õÁóöï|÷/ø ï õ 1//ø ïJò&ø üv/ö`ïï îÁ¥îxúBúBö`õ øüü ö`/÷&úBï ò ö÷/ï ³üö`ï"ö`G÷úU úBøò ö " h @ ÈFd_Ég@ 8ef3& :ÊCË>ÆRÌ É?F F %> S. A. Osmany et al.: Phase noise and jitter modeling for fractional-N PLLs A ólúBúUó<þjóüvúBî ó/øöxøòúBò/óö`ï<ü'õÔíúUî`ø ï|ò/ü&öLÿú &ï|û ôFü &û^öLúBúBî øòFï ö`÷/í&ï|üvîö`îxöúB÷/ò/)ïÁõøõý'ïóþüvï ò júBOüò&óî ï/ï<î ) û öïî 314 , 1 / " ÈFdZÉ0g9ëì Õ φÍ Î A R= 1 S ÝWÞ Ú É0í ) E í Ð_Ñ d_Q1ð g ÛÜîU ïï φÉ0ÏZ ×,) Ø Ö Ù , òrüvî /ïîöü¥õòrñ/üvî þ//ïþ/îöîü¥ïõñ/õ`þ/õFþ/îïõ`î`õFï î`ï ï<ï<î`ïî`ò/ïó<ï¥ò/õþ/ó<ñ/ï¥î`õ úBõòþ/ú ñ//øî`ö`øõüòjúBûûúBüBÿ òú /ø ÈFÓ dZÔ É0Ò g9ëì É0í EîUïï É0íð π j A j A 0 à 0 h ß <¡¢Bá0¢Fâ <° §,©"¯_ <¶,§Aãä2ââ:¨­0ã §,±¢ ö`ðJ÷&ñ/ï ïò/ó<ô úBò J6úBøøò õ vø vï<ò¥øò6ñ/ò/øö`õÁü îxú î`ï Uï<õ î`õ³öü¿ö÷/÷/ïïúUóò ûüvvõñ&ï û úUûî üJîüï þ ö`vü·îxúBö`ö÷&ï ïü ïîLSúUõ ûûj/þ/ñ/÷ï·úBõ`ö`ï|üÜò/ö`ü÷/øïõ`ï îïû^úB÷/ö`ø ï}ïþ/ûî`ô:ü /õý:ûïý$úUû ûøõólúBóþî`øúBö`óøóløöLúUúUû ò/óüvïîõøòJúBö`ò ö`ï îxúBò/õ ïî ñ/ò/óöøüvò'îïlú &õ ö`Lö ÷&úUòJïöiû^úUò&î üvvøïõ`ïõ`üñ/î`óJïúBýøò úIô³òõø îxò/úBø jóöóløúUüvòGòjöúUûô³û óüòGöî`ø /õ ñ//öúBïò/ö`üü}ö`÷/ö`÷/ïîïøü ý'ïþîLüvúUî û û ñò j þ U ú ` õ õ j û ` ö < ï î ø õ ü /þ^û úB÷jöúUüvõ`î ïò/òüøö`õ`÷&ï ø Bõ8òþjúBúBý'þï<ïû î ô JÿðJñjï³úUÿòJøö`ûøûJùløúBò/öóøüvûñ ò|/ò/ï}üvö`ø÷/õïï ü üûöû ÷/üBÿï øò vïý'ò&ü üv/øñõ`ÿï ÷/ïú·îïÁö`÷&ö`ø î÷&ï üvî üv&ïîî³ÿÝûúUüJöïîüvòFþ ø jò&þjûóö`úBûï<ñöî ÷:/ï öîL÷/úBúUïßõò/óõ`ñ/õ÷/î`üBï<îÿïî òJòFö|ø ñ/òö`ò&÷/íîóüvø ö`ñ øüv÷ ò Jî`ïÁõñ/ólûúUö`ø ñ/øõ ò `ï<·õÔøòú 0°0ªZ¦ §A´Z <¶A`õ ü§,ñ/î`¯ óqô õLö îï ó<ïïî©"õ ïò/ò/¯_óüv¥ï·øõ`¦ ò/ï üv <øª_õï §,¥,ª_· ¯_§¢ ûóxüJ÷jüvúUþ î vjï|ûö`þ/ïñ&îý'ò/þ'üøõ`ò&ï üvøõ`ï íò/&ü6üvîÁóöñ/÷/îïî`ïjòJöûö`ïî·üBÿö`îxõ¿úBò/øòJõøö`ý'ü þï júBò&óóïüvòJólúBö î`ûóüvñ&ûû øúUò/ö`þ&øüvñ/ò6ö 8ÿõ`ï'øò/úBóõ`ïõñ/ö`ý'÷&ï ï·ö`û ÷öúBïöî Fig. 2. Linearized PLLñ model. ò / <¡ ¢1£"¢¤0¥¦ §A¨©"ªZ <¥2«0 <§,¬­+®R©®¯Z©@¥,ª_ <­"° ©"± ²W³F´Zµ0°0ªZ¦ §A´Z <¶A§,¯©"¯_¥¦ <ª_§,¥,ª_· ¯_§¢ Fig. 1. Schematic view of a fractional-N synthesizer architecture. "U H sideband , phase ef3noise £j ing to 16- specified £ /101 S = 10 j S . ? / inunits accord-# lof 0dBc/Hz ¹¸»º:¼ (1) ~SR ÊCË>ÆRÌM. >å WæWç q ó ô L õ ö R} }e:H ref3 " è <¡ ¢ ÷ èé ¢»á+° ã­"¯_ã §,¯2±<­­@øù1±<ª_§,¯A¢ ½ In a charge-pump PLL as used in modern communication 1 ¾systems, the output phase of the VCO is divided by N and ? ¾ ef3 compared with a reference phase in a phase-frequency detec¿ S 1 ¾ (PFD). A charge tor pump current proportional to the phase , 1 ¾ error is produced, low-pass filtered, and applied to the conÀ ¸ U º ¼ 1 ¾ trol input of the VCO as shown in Fig. 1. In fractional-N u PLLs the divider ratio is controlled by a sigma-delta @ " o 4J8K modu lator ')"N*"'(SDM). )GB*#>5 " , " The output voltage of a PLL can be described as hS A , " - ,qS è )iè "0ê 21N2 û ú%è ð Å"Æ/Ç>ÈFdZÉ0g,ÊCË>ÆRÌ dZ=1g dWNEg ý:ú$Uû ûøõólúBóþî`÷/øúBïö`õóïÁøúBóløî`öLïúUðJúUöñjûôJúBò/þ/òJøö`ólóøüvúUùlûúUïû îôßö`øõüvö`÷/òFøï òJò/úB/üvö`üvòøõýFïï ø òúBòJö-ò/üøõ`ïóüòGöî`ø /ñ/öøüvò/õQøòøò ö`ï vîLúUö`ï }îxúBø vóöøöLøüvúUòjûjúUò&û üvøõ`ï|³øõ íZ/õ`øõ`ôJîòJï ö`G÷/úUïî õ/øïùïî`õøòüö`÷/î¿øõö÷/þjï úUþjï<³î ùFîLúUò vï õ / B ú / ò ü ` ö / ÷ ï î ãããløä ý' -ì å þüvçì î &é Göïî`ü ø /ñ/ö÷/öíQïï øí ö`aü}õ`÷/ö`üBGÿ÷/úUøõò:ïö`ø÷&õï#üý'ýFû üøò/&ü ïïIïúBûîL/ïî`øùúUñï J½û ô û ýFü &ïû³þjü úUèSú õ`Béîxõú jJö`÷&ûÿïÁö`÷/ûï<ïüGîüï#îþ ö`j÷/øû ïõüvóñ/üîûöLî`öúïòJïïö ò&/î`ø Güvþø ø /ò&üï<îïóî`îñ/ûûï|ñ î`vï/ÿõñ/÷&ï ûø ö`óxø÷ò ólúUøúBòò õjï}õ`ólúB÷/ûóñ&üBû úUÿö`ï òFJô·ñ/ø õ`òøò ßíö`÷/ïø Jî` ö`øõ ï<î³ö`îxúBò/õøý'þï $júBøò&õÁóöï|÷/ø ï õ //ø ïJò&ø üv/ö`ïï îÁ¥îxúBúBö`õ øüú· /ö`÷&úBï ÷&ò ø öî ÷/ï ³üüvö`ïî Gö`&÷úUúBøò öïî³ûüJüvþ jûö`ï<î ÷/ïßóñ/î`îïòJö|ö`÷/îüvñ ÷ ü ` ö /ï üûû üBÿøò vïò&üvøõ`ï 0 Ct >yw / # ZÁ y lsutt& CS F hS A 3 ref3 ÊCË>ÆRÌM. >å WæWç R} }e:H <¡ ¢model ¢F÷"¯Zãu­"¯_ã §,¯2±<­­"ø~ù1±<ªZ§A¯,¢ Linearized PLL " - 21N2 ûú% ílinearized 1 F "F where the Fig. 2 shows the model of a PLL, u gain is modeled by I /2π [A/rad], the loop filPFD/CP CP ter transimpedance is denoted as F ) ) (s), ú ð and the VCO gain is d_Ég d_G1g KVCO /s. N is theÈFdivider ratio of the PLL. Note that the VCO É0í ) ú .) ú%ð gain KVCO =dω/dVctrl refers to the angular frequency and is given in units of rad/s/V. The closed-loop transfer function ) ) reads ú ë ì d1g ¹¸»º:¼ , noise sources ~SRin our type of PLL are the VCO and the ref- noise, ö`ðJ÷&ñ/–ï ïò/reference J B ú ø ò `î ï Uï<õ î`õ³öü¿ö÷/÷/ïïúUóò ûüvvõñ&ï û úUûî üJîüï þ < ó ô B ú ò 6 ø õ v ø v < ï ¥ ò ø 6 ò / ñ / ò ø ` ö Á õ ü x î ú – VCO noise, ö`îxúBò/õ ïî ñ/ò/óöøüvò'îïlú &õ S <¡ ¢ ÷ ¢»á+° ã­"¯_ã §,¯2±<­­@ø ù1±<ª_§,¯A¢ (2) <¡¢Bá0¢Fâ <° §,©"¯_ <¶,§Aãä2ââ:¨­0ã §,±¢ i% E 658}1fÄ E " Å@ÆÇ ;1Ä' 8} *, FS where V0 is the amplitude, f0 = ω0 /(2π) is the oscillation " h @ ÈFd_Ég@ 8ef3& frequency, and φout (t) is the excess phase. The dominating :ÊCË>ÆRÌ É?F F %> erence. But also the low-pass filter (LPF) and charge pump (CP), if not properly designed, may significantly contribute ÍÎ Õ ÛÜÝWÞ is φÏZÐ_Ñ for in×,Ø Ö problem Ú critical to the φoverall phase Ó Ô Ò noise. Ù The tegrated PLLs due to π the relatively small capacitances and the large VCO gain. In fractional-N PLLs, another important noise source may significantlyà contribute to the overall phase ß noise, namely, quantization noise of the 6 − 1 modulator. In this paper, we will include the following five noise sources: " Mef3 ÿ Fig. 3. 2nd orderþrloop filter. yà Vout (t) = V0 cos[ω0 t + φout@(t)] , R; ü8ý ;?>É qS ÿ÷/ïîï úBHò = 1 +HH /N , (3) øwhere ÷õ/ö`ï}÷/ï óî`üItheõ`õ`ü Fforward jï(s)K îúBò î`/ïÿðJøñ/path ï/ö`ò&÷ óô'transfer ü /ö`÷/ï jï|ò&function üvï þïòJô ûüJüvHþö`îxisúBò/õ ïî ñ&ò/óö`øüò Éí 1î / 0 - ïï Éí ð 0 H CPM H0 = ) úðlì / VCO 4 ¹/ S . d 1g Éí 0 "4 (4) óüüî¿òGööî`÷/ø /ï ñ/öøüv³ò/ùFõQîLøòúUò øvò ï ÷/ï 6þ/÷júBõïÁý:úUî ø òøõ vø vï< ò Jô ÿ÷/ïîïÁö`÷&ï üvîÿÝúUî FþjúBö÷:öîLúUò/õ ï<î ñ/ò&óö`øüvò ø õ òö`÷/øõþjúUþjï<î øòòJöï÷/ó<ï ö`øüvüò û ûüBÿÿøò øû û jvïïßúBòjõ`ïúUóû ôJöøöüvø ò/óIúBõ ûjûôö÷//ï·ïõ`ò/ó<üvî`øø õ`jïßï õ`üvø ñ&ò|î`öó÷/ïõßï ý'îLúBïýFòJö`ïøÿüò/üvïî èSé ò/í&ü6üvîÁóöñ/÷/îïî`ïjòJöûö`ïî·üBÿö`îxõ¿úBò/øòJõøö`ý'ü þï júBò&óóïüvòJólúBöî`ûóüvñ&ûû øúUò/ö`þ&øüvñ/ò6ö 8ÿõ`ï'øò/úBóõ`ïõñ/ö`ý'÷&ï ï·ö`û ÷öúBïöî üõ`üñ/ö÷/î`ó<ïïûõ|øò/ö`ïlü·úUö`î ÷/ï â ý'6ü üv/ñ&ïö`û þ/ñ/ö÷/ÿïQøöûîLû úUjò/ïÁõ óIï<úBî ûóñ/ñ/ò/û^úBóööïø üò/õ-ü ö`÷/ïQò&üvøõ`ï ú Bîxú Jö`÷&ÿïÁ÷/ûïüGîüï#þ ö`j÷/û ï vüûöLú ï &î`üvþü ïî vÿ÷&ø óx÷ólúUò jï}ólúBûóñ&û úUö`ï J /úBò ö÷/ï GúUøò óñ/îî`ïòJö /ø Gø /ï<îî`ñ/ûï|î`ïõñ/ûö`øò øò – loop filter noise, 4J8 K èé – charge pump noise, , è )iè "0ê dZ=1g è – 6 − 1 quantization noise. è " Å"Æ/Ç>ÈFdZÉ0g,ÊCË>ÆRÌ dWNEg ;?>noise É These are typically the dominant contributions in integratedCfractional-N RF synthesizers for the GHz range S " (Uang, 2004; Valero-Lopez, 2004). Digital F Mef3 noise is disreS garded in this paper. yà iAdv. %Radio Sci., 5, 313–320, 2007 Ä' 8} *, FS @ 8ef3& 2π s ü8ý è d_ g ) For the filter transimpedance calculation we assume that ê î no current flows into VCO control input, since the filter caH , h pacitances are notably large. For the second-order filter according to Fig. 3, we obtain the transimpedance è dZ g )'?I)( dA)I1g É !#"%$& É ë ê î 1 1 F (s) = R1 + || . (5) j sC SR 1 " sC2 0 ë d 1g þrÿ :| HjAj ? @ ,m In spurs, order tosuppress an additional low-pass reference 2filter is often : included as shown in Fig. 4, resulting in a third% 2 " order loop filter. The current through Z2 causes a voltage u <¡ ¢ ¢F÷"¯Zãu­"¯_ã §,¯2±<­­"ø~ù1±<ªZ§A¯,¢ í 1 F "F ú·ö`÷&ø î üvî &ïî³ûüJüvþ jûö`ï<î ÷/ïßóñ/î`îïòJö|ö`÷/îüvñ ÷ øÁõól`ö úU÷/ñ/ï|õ`ï<ò/õÔüú øõ`ï jüJüvîü ö`÷/ï|î`ï ïî`ï<ò/óï }óóüî /øò öüÞíø J A , qS - ûú%ð u 1 , S. A. Osmany et al.: Phase noise and jitter modeling for fractional-N PLLs ü8ý þrÿ 315 A =?>@ RQ/ 6 I F?DB 'GCE H 7!8 9:<; KJ ML§®§,¯_§,° ¥,§>° ­@ <´Z§6´_¦ ©"ø <° ¡6¨­ã §A±¢ <¡ ¢ B¢ ïî ñ/ò/ó<ö`øüvò îüvýö`÷&ïî`ï ï<î`ïò/ó<ïþ/÷júUõ`ï'öüö`÷&ï'õ`ôJòJ ` ö x î B ú / ò õ +ã *ä-, /. /ç &å-ë ÔèSì ý:vóúUñ/üûò/üBîûóöLÿî`ïúïOòòJ/ïöüø&÷/õ`/ï6ïî`ø Güvî`þ&øþï /÷jï<úBï<ü î`õîïïïò/î`îò/ó<ñ/ïüvûøï|õ`ø ïõî`vïó<óÿõüvîñ/ñ/òJ÷&ûóö`ø ö`îø^óxøúBø ÷ò&û ñ/ólö`üvúUøøîüvòò ò6ú jü ï}vüJö`ólü ÷&úBïûóî`ñ&ï û ï<úUî`ö`ïï ò/þjó<ïï:î Jüvô·üõ`îõ øñ/ùõ`ï<øî³ò ßüvñ&ö`÷/ö`ïþ/ñ/öþ&÷júBõïÁøõ@ø ïòJô 01#2 è óJøô ûû^úBö`üîúUõÔú ñ/ò/ó<ö`øüvò6ü ö÷/ï î`ïðJñ/ï<ò/óô#ü õ`ï<ö øõýFü /ïûï X 01#2 )Uè Fig. 5. Reference noise shaping model. <¡ ¢ ¢F÷"¯Zãu­"¯_ã §,¯2±<­­"ø~ù1±<ªZ§A¯,¢ 2yiz Zx"y í 1 F "F # h Ä u 1C drop over C3 , which can be calculated by using the current D L " divider rule resulting in ) ) ú ð ÈFd_Ég ) ú .) ú%ð 1 1/Z2 É0í F (s) = (6) , 2g ð dZ¼F +dZ¼F 1/Z 1 2 01#2Od_RsC gh3.1/Z 01# 2g 2 i01#243 5B"æ2 dA)1)g Phase Noise [dBc/Hz] y filter. y >y Fig. 4. 3rd order loop d_G1g 0 −30 HLPF −60 0outê íüv&ñ&î`üvö`þ/ýñ/ö ö`÷/î`øõü-ý$ÿö`ï÷&üïÁ/î`öxï úBøïòî`ïöò&÷/óï'ïîò/ï üvïøõîïÁïò/õ`óþïïóò/öüî`ñ/ø õýï¿õúBþjöï<óö`÷&ö`îïÁñ/ýøò/þ/úBñ/ößö| ÿ÷/ïîï ÿøò'÷/öï÷/îïï 01#2 /ï<ólgú ø/õï|ö`÷/îï ïÁvþ&øüv÷jòFúBõü ïÁò/ö`÷/üvï|øõïÔõ`þúUïö³óöú·î`ñ/õ`ýbþïóúBø ò jó·ü 0õ`1#ï2/ö 3 5 óüî /øò öü W 01#2 W 01N2 W -O 2 W øõúBö`ò ÷/ï|ò/üøõ`ï jüJüvîü ö`÷/ï|î`ï ïî`ï<ò/óï }óóüî /øò öüÞíø Jö`÷/ï ]\ #^ ÿøö`÷ö`÷&ZY ï [ûLüBÿ þjúBõõ û öïî ñ/ò/óöø üò øõ÷/ö`ï}÷/ï óî`üAõ`õ`=?ü >@ jïîúBò 6 î`/ïÿðJøñ//ïö`ò&÷ óô'7!ü 8 /ö`÷/ï jï|ò&üvï þI ïF?BDòJG'CEH ô ûüJüvþö`îxúBò/õ ïî ñ&ò/ÿó÷/ö`ïøîüï ò øõö`÷/O ïßþ/2 ÷júBõï|ò/üvøõ`ïÁúUö³úÁõþjïó<ø óÁü õ`ïö where ð ú ë ì » Od_¼F Rg Éí 1 u#;?ZI = } R + " || 1 1 1 sC1 sC2 1 u / and - úðlì ) S ) É í ð ïï /û 1î , ) D 8¼F , "æ (7) RQ/ Éí 0 d 1g −90 −120 SPLL 1 out −150 " SREF SREF ð è 1Ç 1e+08 ê Frequency Offsetï [Hz] ï <¡ ¢ d 1¢ g §®§,¯_§,° ¥A§O° ­@ <´Z§©@ªOª_¦ §ä2ââF <° ø · ª©"° ã8­"· ª_ø · ª,¢ W°8©"ã ã <ªZ <­@° h S ª_¦ §6´Z­"±< <ãu±< <° §´_¦ ­¬>´ª_¦ §Oª_­"ª_©"± ­"· ª_ø · ª° ­" <´_§6´Zø?§,¥,ª_¯_· ¨8¢ −180 1e+02 1e+04 ð 1e+06 Fig. 6. Reference noise at the PLL input and output. In addition, 1 the solid line shows the total output noise spectrum. . Z2 = R (8) 3 + è 0ê sC3 è » ? Ç : 2 > Ë R Æ h Ì Z d F ¼ 2 g S D 8¼F HM / 4 ¹/ S "4 )Uè 0ê The crossover frequency of the open loop transfer function ¿ #; ? I } @ c function from the reference phase to the synthesizer output is the PLL bandwidth fT , defined è d_ by g )c7û K 1 is given Ë>ÆRÌ by 3 5 "æ n cef3Ch phase h uS " / ) d 1g 9ë :<; 0 q @ A "Ä m 1 out ê î H0 (fT ) φ H , 0 . 2 mag (9)S "PREF = 1. = (12) <¡ ¢KN B¢ML§®§,¯_§,° ¥,§>° ­@ <´Z§6´_¦ ©"ø <° ¡6¨­ã §A±¢ J φ 1 + H /N REF 0 ) e f C 3 ef3 H , h From this, we obtain the reference noise spectrum at the out A 0 ) I m K p | W J q K h 1 ' ' ) B *# PLL phase margin is given by A ? The put from the reference noise spectrum at the input according è Z d g m e f 3 D @ 4 , H H % " É ) ?I :ef dA)3 I1g 1 %S H0É (fTë ) to ◦ /: , / R# phase margin = phase (10) +ê 180 .î @ 1 = SH N 2 |H |2rC)I?; e N f3 P' N * out 01#2 è N SREF (13) REF LPF dA);1g R S 0 " H rG?IC 01#five 2 sections, )Uè the 0ê noise sources mentioned In the following with the low-pass filter function :| HjAj 2 will?be analytically described @ framework of: ,m in Sect. in the RG j ghKi k<lnm 0 1 H0 /N the linear PLL model. The transfer functions of the noise 2 r HLPF = .ud 8 @Rg" sources to the PLL output will be calculated. o?p q (14) 1 + H0 /N :% 2 " _ b ` a f , ld "Rg 1 " ð ð Note that the reference noise is low-pass filtered and ampli 01#2 01N2 ê è-O1Ç 2 dA)=1g divider PdWratio. Although "Rg@the rf phase noise of the fied by the ï ï 4 Reference noise ' c < d e h S reference is c typically lower than that of the VCO d Rg D by many F o)F orders of magnitude, it may become comparable to the VCO A low-noise reference is crucial 8 è 0ê for a good PLL performance. noise, if a large the è O?contribution dA)"as NEg a Ç 2» <division ¡ ¢KsB¢Mtvuxfactor M° ­@ <is w ´Z§6employed. ´_¦ ©"ø <° ¡6¨­For ã §A±instance, ¢ The phase noise of the reference oscillator )Uè 0ê Winkler et al. (2005) corresponds to an value of N=1024 in function of the frequency offset f is modeled by oz 60 dBZx"as y it appears at increase of the phase noise by about h uS " / ¿ 2 the PLL output. Figure 6 shows the reference noise for typi(1f ) S "P S 2 3 F Using the noise transfer + SREF,floor , (11) " REF (f ) = SREF (1f ) cal crystal oscillators dashed). Ë>(long ) f2 Æ2Ì ef3 the (dashed) we obtain phase noise dA)G1g > corresponding function 6ef3 Ë>Æ2Ì )Äè 0ê Awhere ) is the ? phase noise at a specific offset 1f in SREF (1f contribution (dot-dashed). Comparison with the total phase h 0 :ef3 the –201dB/decade , region H of the spectrum and S " is the noise (solid) shows that at offsets below 1 kHz the reference REF,floor f c Ä 4 e f 3 noise dominates. "! " ? 2 F r 1noise Hfloor C)I?; N P ' N * 5, the transfer of the reference. 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The optimization of ) the noise is beyond the scope of this paper. For low-noise microwave oscillator design we refer ctothe extensive literature cited, Ä e.g., 4ein fRo3 hde (2005). The phase noise of a free running oscillator is q modeled by " ð (1f )2 )hºPè 1Ç Ë> 2 Æ2Ì (1f SVCO (f ) = SVCO ) Ë Æ22Ì + SVCO,floor , (15) ï f ï 5 VCO −150 1e+02 <¡ ¢ B¢ Fig. 7. VCO noise shaping model. SPLL −120 out S. A. Osmany et al.: Phase noise and jitter S modeling for fractional-N PLLs c'd<e Ks MtvuxwM° ­@ <´Z§6´_¦ ©"ø <° ¡6¨­ã §A±¢ out −90 Phase Noise [dBc/Hz] 316 ef3 %S /: Phase N m #^ −60 LPF out −90 SPLL q ¿ −120 out 1 / 8S SVCO "! A F / a c dA) ?g −150 1e+02 1e+04 1e+06 1e+08 m / @ Frequency Offset [Hz] <¡ ¢/ %¢ tvuxw ° @­"F " ! 1 / <¡ ¢ <´_§h®­"¯h­"ø1§A°0²W±<­­"øbã ©"´_¦ §,ã)©"° ãF¥A±<­"´_§,ã0²W±<­­@ø±<­"° ¡² ) Q\ #^ ã ©"´Z8.¦ §AVCO ã 2¥,©"´_noise §"¢ W°H ©@ã open-loop ã <ªZ <­"° 0ªZ¦ §% ´Z­"±< <ã8±< <° §´_¦ ­¬>´6ªZ¦ §hªZ­@(longªZ©"±­"· ª_ø · ª Fig. for (dashed) and closed-loop dA)dashed) G1° g ­" <´Z§´Zcase. ø?§,¥AªZIn ¯_· ¨8 ¢ addition, the solid line shows the total output noise üvñ&ö`þ/ñ/öFò/üvøõïö`ü /ñ/ï þ/÷jÿ úU÷/õ`ïï îï øõ üû öùý:úUò/òv õóüò/õ`öxúBòJö bö÷/ï#ú /õüvûñ/ö`ïÜö`ïý þ î ïüvîLý$úUö`ñ/ö÷/îïïÁ-óxúB÷jò úB î v ï|2)þ/ Oñ/ýFøõþ'ö÷/üïÁñ/ö`óþ/üñ&ý'öþ/ö`ûü ï vîú üv/ñ/ýFò ø ööLúU0ò/ðJó ñjï³úBü öøüvö`ò ÷/ï ' û öïø îõ ö`öÿ&÷'ïÁ ü þÿjï<üû û û ï J/ò/ïüBõ`ó<ÿî`òø j³ï ôJðJGñ/ôÁøúgõ`öóïüvðJýFñjþ/úU ûö`ï øüvÁò ú /výFïò&ø öïöLîLúUúUò/û øóùï ï ¥í&öüvü'îiú}ú·õþjïúBóõüvõ`ò ø vï -O 2 ÿò/üøö`ø õ÷ï¥ö`÷&øõFïÁ÷/ûüBø vÿ ÷ OþþjjúUúBõ`õõ õ jjûöûöïïî î`ï ñ&ò/óøòö`øüö`ò ÷&ï }ÝüvíöøïÁö`÷j#úUöõ÷/ö`÷/üBïÿõö`÷/ï üvñ/îõ/ñj Z / þ j ÷ B ú õ ³ ï / ò ü ø ` õ ï B ú ` õ & ÷ ï B ú ò ø ` ö 0 õ ó ü J ò ` ö ` î ø / & ñ ` ö ø v ü ò ö Á ü ` ö / ÷ ï üvúBñ&öö`÷&þ/ø ñ/ö÷/ïþ/î÷jüúUWõ`ïQõïò/öüøøõõ`ï /üvû üýFò ø òúBjö`úUï õ`÷/ïGôFö`÷/ï ÷/ï âþ/ò/÷jüvúUøõ`õ`ï|ï8ò/õ`þüïø õóï ö`îñ/ý ú/ñ/}ïîx üvî /ïîûüJüv/þ ñ&öjûö`üïîiîú ö`2)÷& ø O î ü8vî ï&ðJïñjî úUjû õû ö`ö`ï÷& î ï³ö`÷/ø ò øõ-vïøõîõ`ò/ï³ü³öûîLüvúUò ò/võ`ïøý'îöþ÷/ï ïjóIúUúBò/õ`óï ï üíø *âãlä ièxè y{zQì æ &ç ÔèSì |#ï·ý'ü /ïû0ö`÷&ïò/üvøõ`ôÜû üJüþ jûöïî Jô úFò/üøõ`ï·óñ/î`îïòJö¿|# ø # ò j þ U ú î ï j ò úöBÿûûüïûõ`ÿø /øö`ï ÷6þú·üBò/ÿüvï<øîõ`ï õOûþjïïõó<õÔö`îLú úU/û ý'/ïøöò/öLõúBøò&öôóïü úUõ³ò/üõ`÷&ø õüBïÿóòñ/îøî`òNïòJíö ø ólúBòúBîïj÷/ïïvø vüvï<îò ö`J÷&ô ø õ8ól úBõúUïò 2) O |#ïúBõõ`ñ/ýFï 2) O vZÿ ÷& ïî`ï úBúBòò $~} 2) O / ÷ øõÁ øý'þ/ûøïõ}ö`÷júUöÁö`÷/ïFö`üöLúBû jûö`ïîÁò&üvøõ`ï ¢£ ¡ ï Jþ/îïõ`õï úUõ óö`ï<ñ/îîî`öïîLòJúUö ò/õ`jøüBý'ÿþõ|ï jö`÷/úUîò/üvóñ ï ÷¥ö/÷/ÿï ïÁjüûö`/ï<öxîúBøøýFòþjúï ò/üúBøò/õ`óï ï RüvP³ûöLõú øvò ï ö`÷/ïjúBû ö 2) O Z) gï 2) O ö`÷&ï üv'î / ïîûüJøò/üv/þþ/ñ&ñ/öjö ûö`üïîiîú Gö`2)÷&þ& ø û O î üøüö`8vøòî ï&ðJ·ïñjî ö`úU÷/jû õïûö`ö`ï÷&îï³ö`÷/øò øõ-vïøþ/õî÷jõ`ò/ï³úUü³öõ`ûîLïÁüvúUò ò/ò&võ`üvïøý'øîõ`öï·þ÷/ï ïö`jîxóIúUúBúBò/ò/õ`óïõ ï ïî f spectrum. q / A 1 m % dA) 1g "! F /a / @ "! 1 @F ¿ ) 8S cdA) ?g / where noise a specific offset 1fef3 phase p h SVCOh(1f S ) is the dA)"Nat g" in the –20 dB/decade region of the spectrum, at FS " U% Rtypically 1 MHz. SVCO,floor is the noise floor of the VCO. Note that ef3 HdW "Rg % we have disregarded flicker noise, since we focus on applid theloop bandwidth "2g">- is h than the 1/f 3 cations, where larger <¡ ¢ ¢F <±<ª_§,¯>° ­" <´_§¨­0ã §,±¢ noise the D corner frequency of @F VCO,which ef3 is on the order 1 Fig. 9. Filter noise model. of 10 kHz for modern SiGe HBT technologies (Niu, 2005). Flicker noise inCthe S d_Ég " t VCO is Wthen à >y effectively iz Zx"y suppressed dueA to the high-pass filtering by the PLL. According to Fig. 7, where k is Boltzmann’s constant, T the absolute temperaB ) ÈFdZÉ0g"0 A , S / ? VCO output phase to the PLL ture, the transfer function from 4S the H and YFIL is the complex admittance of the filter from hS d_Égh&) ú Ä) ú ð Hú / output reads the charge pump output to ground. Equation (18) is theÆÇ + R ú ð h- r CNyquist d 1g d 1g" ú @ / well-known equation, generalized toú a passive twoout Ë Æ2Ì 1 ï ï " φVCO > q pole described ú ú S by a <complex For = (16) . ¡ ¢ ¢F <±<admittance. ª_§,¯>° ­" <´_§¨­0ã §,±¢ a second-order 1 + H0 /N ï ï filter Y (s) "! " φVCO loop 1/F(s), CS inverse transimpedance " ? CS FIL equals the Consequently, the PLL output noise to due VCO phase noise but for a "third-order this the case. We d_G1g@filter 1 is no longer H H |5 S case YFIL d_É g " 2 is given by for this (s)=1/Z +1/Z , where Z1 and Z 1C d_Ég%l; û 1d d_ÉgAg> ) Afind 1 :dAe fg 3 0ra ! ef3 2 CP ) F È Z d 0 É " g 0 A , S / are given by (7) and (8). We assume |ZFIL | << Zout and ? out SVCO = SVCO |1 − HLPF |2 (17) 1 VCO | |Z hS FIL | <<Z 2) O d_Égh&) ú Ä) ú ð Hú / in . This implies that the total filter noise curÆÇ O filter útranthrough filter Using with the low-pass filter Function (14). Note that the VCO úð rentflows r Cd1g the d1g"impedance. | ú 2)the @ / Ë Æ2Ì S VCO the noise is high-pass filtered in the PLL. Figure 8 shows the ú simpedance 2) O ú (6), we - obtain a noise voltage ï PSD atïZ ¢ £ ï ¡ ï ð input.Exploiting the phase noise transfer VCO phase noise (dashed) and its contribution to the PLL VCOC S " ?function, RP weCS ð Ê output given by ð output phase noise (long-dashed). The PLL noise spectrum "obtain " d_spectrum d_G1dZg@É0 g at the 1 H è 1Ç H|5 dA) 1g d_Égthe noise Ég ÈF )hºp É at higher offset is dominated by the VCO phase noise. ï ï :ef3 0ra ! ï C 2ef3 ï 2 S out (s) = S 1 (s) |F (s)|2 KV CO |1 − H (19) FIL LPF | . FIL s S 6 Loop filter noise å A )I?I R /Jñ ô ò&ó#ö`øïüvòjòvÿïüvüî/ö`÷&öxúBø õ8øò·ólúBö`õ÷/ï ïò/üøõ`ïõ`þïóöî`ñ/ýbúBö0ö÷/vï³ÿ÷&üïñ/î`ö`ï þ/ñ&ö úBvò ø vï<ò `ö úBîï vø vï<ò Jô úUò ÷/øõÁøý'þ/#ûøïïõ}úBõö`õ`÷jñ/úUýFöÁï ö`÷/ïFö`üöLúBû jûö`ïîÁò&üvúBøò õ`ï `ö óñ/îî`ïòJö jüBÿõ|ö`÷/îüvñ ÷¥ö÷/ï j¤ û¦ö`ï<î¥Qø§výF¨ þj¤ï úBò/óï ³õøò ö`÷/ï jû ó ö`ö`2Zï<÷&îï O öîLúUò/õ`øý'øò/þþ/2)ï ñ/ jO ö úUò/óï Gþ&û üø/ö`ÿøò ïÁ·¤¤ ü ö`/÷/öxï úBøòú¤¤ ò/þ/üø÷jõ`úUï õ`ïÁüvò&ûO öLüvú øõ`v2 ï·ï ö`îxúBò/õ úBï'îö ñJ/ô ò&óö`øüvò vÿïü /öxúBøò·ö`÷/ïò/üøõ`ï¤ õ`þïóöî`ñ/¤ ýbúBö0ö÷/ï³üñ/ö`þ/ñ&ö vø vï<ò ö`üö ³júUüò ö`ïQþöj÷júBúBõöõiö`óx÷/÷jï8úUò/îLúUüvóøõ`ö`ï8ïîö`øîLõ`úUö`øò/óõ õ ïî íø ñ/ò/óöøüvõò÷/üBüvÿîõ0ö`ö`÷/÷/ï8ï û üJüû öþ ïî0óû öüvïòJî-ö÷î`ø úB/õiñ ú ö`ü|ÿö ö`øüò üîö÷/ï³øòJö`ï îLúUö`ï ¤ò'¦ö¥Q÷/§vï|¨ î`ï¤ øüvò:úUî`üñ/ò 'ö÷/ï óñ/îó Note that the noise transfer 0 function R?)I for the loop hS filter has a ð We model the noisy loop filter by a noise current in parallel band-pass " " 4 j " r% Ê ð ð characteristics. Figure 10 shows the filter contri" with a noise-less admittance as shown in Fig. 9. The two¤ ¤ 2Z O d_Ég2) O d_Ég ÈFdZÉ0g )hºpè O1Ç 2 dA)'1g bution for the integrated PLL. In the region around the PLL ¤ ¤ 8S É S ï ï ï ¤ ï sided power spectral density of noise current in can be ex¤ may significantly bandwidth, the filternoise 1S contribute to 0 pressed as the overall phase noise due to the small filter capacitances. j " M /S "! # " Its contribution can be much reduced by adding an external SFIL (s) = 2kB T Re(YFIL (s)) , (18) hS 8 0 @ R?0) I "4 j " r% h @ "" Adv. Radio Sci., 5, 313–320, 2007 8S S jö`÷&úUï³ò /ü ÿvï<ø îL/úBö`û÷ û//þ&ö`÷j÷&úBï õï³jûò/ö`üïø î}õï ò/üv/øñ&õïÁï³ö`ý:üßúIö`ô÷/ï}õø õ`ý:ò/ø úUjûólû úUòGû ööûïôîóólüvúBòJþjö`úUîóø ø/öLñ/úUò/ö`ï·óïö`õ ü òjö`úUõ}ûó³jólüvúUüòJò þjö`öïQúBî`þöøó<j/÷jø úBöúBñ/õüvöõiî·ø ö`óxü÷/÷jÿòï8úU÷/ò/îLólúUøüvúBóxøò÷õ`ö`ï8ïîøö`õ îL`ïÁúU8ö`øò/ýó÷/õ õ üBñ/ïÿóxî í÷ï ø ñ/vî`ò/ïï îó/öQøñ&üvò/õóò÷/üï üBöÞüvÿîúUõ0Gö`û ôö`ÿ÷/÷/ï8úIïú û ôJüJõ &üû öþø /ïò î0ïÞõ`óû öøüvúUïîxòJî-òú ö/÷î`ïø ûúB/ïJõiñ ö`ú ïüvî î ÿ÷/ÿï ûüBÿ Oóö`<øüvò õ`öüøòJî`öï ÷/vï³îLøúUòJö`ï îLõúUüvö`ï ûñ/ö`øüò/õ ò'ö÷/ï|î`ï øüvò:úUî`üñ/ò 'ö÷/ï óüòGö` jö`÷&úUï³ò /ü ÿvï<ø îL/úBö`û÷ û//þ&ö`÷j÷&úBï õï³jûò/ö`üïø î}õï ò/üv/øñ&õïÁï³ö`ý:üßúIö`ô÷/ï}õø õ`ý:ò/ø úUjûólû úUòGû ööûïôîóólüvúBòJþjö`úUîóø ø/öLñ/úUò/ö`ï·óïö`õ ü ö`õ}óüvòJöî`ø /ñ/öø üòólúBò ïÁýñ/óx÷î`ï /ñ&óï Gôú &ø ò ÞúUòï Jö`ïî j 1S " "M / "! 0 # íø úBò R)?)1 /í úBò 6ú ~#7438| 6a6- /í úUî`ï·óüvò&ò/ïó ,7438| 6a6- ö`õ`øöxýFúBòJï¿ö`õ úBò #³öü÷/ö`ïï#ö`öøýF÷júBï ö/ö`ø ÷&ï#ïî`õ`ï<þò/ïóóï ö`îxúBïû öÿ/ïï<ïò/òrõ`øö`öøÿïõ ü:vó<üvÑ ý'Å þxúBÆ î`øõüvòÅ øxò Æ ýóñ/ñ/îî`õïö òJjöõ³ïþ/ú îü ï&îLúñ/vóïïÁúÁ8ò&õ`øüvò/øõ`óïï v üvÊ ûöxú vvúUïî`øü ïõ·ïÿîø ö`ö÷/÷ ï öjø ûýFö`ïÇ ï îøý'þ÷/ï ï'jÇ ò&úBò&üvóøõ`ï ï ÿö`÷&÷/ï øóx÷'øõö`îLò/úUüò/ø õ õï'ïî`öîîLï úBò&õö`ü·ïî ö`÷&ï ñ/ò/óöø 6üò üvñ/ö}þ/ñ/õÞöúNþ/÷jî`ïúBõõñ/ïÁûö úBQóóÿüï'î /ü ø/ò öL·úUö`øòü ÿ ÷/ ö`÷&ïÁò/üv¿ øõï¼ ½ ¾ õþjï<óö`îñ/ý úBöö÷/ï 6üñ/ö`þ/ñ&ö `î/þ ï ÷júUï ±K¤ ² ³ ´¶µn·¹¸«º/» ¤ S. A. Osmany et al.: Phase noise and jitter modeling for fractional-N PLLs 0o H 0 0 Phase Noise [dBc/Hz] ¨­0ã §,±¢ 317 : D F " E Ì M u r 4 H Ç Ì 78 1M- ~S " , ? 1 ³ø`÷/ò øõ-vïøõîõ`ò/ï³ü³öûîLüvúUò ò/võ`ïøý'îöþ÷/ï ïjóIúUúBò/õ`óï ï Ä ÀÂÁ à v ÿ & ÷ ï ` î ï B ú ò /ýjúUFöÁï ö`÷/ïF2)ö` OüöLZúB û jûö`ïîÁò&üvúBøò õ`ï ö`GíüúUø öLî úU/û ï ÷/õ#÷/ïîüBþ/ï ÿ÷jõ|úUõ`ö`ï·÷/÷/ïÁïò/üvó<üvøõòJï ö`îø í-&jûñ/úUøóö`ò vø/üvïÿòÜî}ø ò/ü/üvö`ø÷#öõ÷/ïÁøï¿õ·óüvóxþ/÷jòJî`úUöüî`î þjø/üï¿ñ/î`öþ/öø ø ñ&üüòjý'òúBþø û8õ ö`ö`/ü6üFøõ`ö`ö`î÷/÷/ï ïï üv Fþújï ò/üúBøò/õ`óï ï RüvP³ûöLõú øvò ï ö`÷/ïjúBû ö þ/õ`øîõü öL&úBò&ñ/óóïö|ü ö`÷&ïÁüóxò/÷jõ`úBï<î ðGvñ&ï·ïþ/òJñ/ö`ûý'ô SþFø óñ/úâîî`óïïòJî`öxö úBøò #úBò jö`úU÷&ò ï /jÿûøö/ïö`î³÷Üîï ø õ ³ûüö` ï·ããlö`ä îxúBò/õ ç ïî ê Áèì ` î < ï G ð & ñ ø î ï & ` ö / ÷ Á ï x ó j ÷ U ú î ï & þ / ñ ' ý F þ ó / ñ ` î î ï J ò ³ ö / ò ü ø ` õ Á ï ý / ñ õ ö Á ï l ó B ú î ï / ñ û û ô ¦ u j / þ j ÷ U ú ` õ Á ï & ò v ü ø ` õ `ïû öý ïî í&üvî¿ú öü:ÿüvî úUö¿ú ø ïò júBò &ÿø &ö`÷ 0úû^úBî vïóx÷júBö`îxvú ï /ï ¥ü ÿøö`÷Üö`÷/ïÁò&üvøõ`ïÁþ&î`ü /ñ/óï Gôö÷/ï jûö`ï<îîïõ`øõöLúBò&óï óüòG `ñ/ø ýbõ þ/ûüJúBñ/üvö0ýFþ þ'öj÷/ûóö`ñ&ïï³î`îÁî`ï<üîòGïñ/õ`ö}øõøö`öLõ þ/úBvò&ïñ&óò/ï öï<îLúBvûûø ô v÷/ï<ú ïvò üvû^îxúBúî /vï·ûï}ö`óüø ñ/òFî`îüvöïî ÷/òJ/öïï 8î³÷/öjüBüÿûî`öïï v&ïïñ/î î ó-ï·þ/ö`î÷/ü ï ÷/ïøî}ö`÷/ïîý:úUû-úBò jøó vïî}ò/üvøõïøõ}ö`îLúUò/õ ï õvò`ø vï /ñ/ó<ïõÁõ`ø ò/ø jólúBòJöóñ&î`î`ï<òGößò/üvøõ`ï /ñ/î`øö`ò ü|Fö`ö÷/÷/ï·ï ö`øýFï /ÿN÷/ï<î`üvï·ñ/ö`÷/öï þ/ñ/ö0ólúBñ&õ`øò Áþ/÷úBõ`ïò&üvøõ`ï ]|#ïÿî`øö`ïö÷/ï / óxþj÷júUúBî`øî õ`vüïÁò#þ&ø ñ/ò&ý'õ`öLþúUòJøö`õ³õ·úBø óõßöø î`vï ï ï<î`î`ï ÷&ïÁöö`ü¥øý'úBï õ jï<öÿïï<ò¥öÿü'þ/÷úBõ`ïßÿó÷/üvïý îï ó / ñ î ` î ï J ò } ö / ò v ü ø ` õ ï ü ú / í \ B ú õ & ï ` õ ó î ø j ï Ü ø ò ' : ø Á õ ö / ÷ ' ï < ó v ü ' ý þ B ú ` î ø õ v ü ò î ï J ð / ñ ï / ò < ó ô B ú | ö ö / ÷ ï Q í ø / ò / þ / ñ ö ò ¤ üvî /ïîQöü|þ/î`ï ïòJöú /ïlú ¿ùüò/ï ö`÷/ïóx÷júUî ïþ/ñ&ý'þÁóñ&î`î`ï<òGöõÝúUî`ï −30 X HHPF −60 HLPF ef3 " out −90 SPLL ? ð ð ÊCË Æ2Ì " −120 ¤¤ ¤¤ )hºUè-O1Ç 2 ð ÆÇ >ÆÇ ÈFdZÉ0g Ä ) ú H ú / ð É ï ï ¤ ï ¤ ï ÆÇ −150 ú W / 1e+02 1e+06 1e+08 W ú @1e+04 W W R)0; , ï ï Frequency Offset [Hz] O 1 m S <¡ ¢£+©¢p/ <±<ªZ§A¯° ­" <´_§6©"ª6ªZ¦ §ä2ââF­"· ª_ø · ª,¢x\W°8©"ã ã <ª_ <­"°#^ª_¦ §´_­"±< <ã8±< <° § <­"° ¡² , @ 1 P ´Z¦ ? ­¬> §ªZ­"ª_ ©"±? ­"· ªZø · ª/C ° ­" <S ´Z§6´_ø1§A¥,ª_¯Z· ¨8¢ ª_ø · " ª 10.´ªZ¦ Filter Fig. noise at the PLL output. In addition, the solid line E A :Å"Æ/Ç HS shows the total output noise spectrum. ì rf E PÄ H H|5 * MSv>w «ªyÄs x¬yUz Zx@y <¡ "¢?£" £"¢ 2¦ ,©" ¯Z¡@§Oø · ¨ø° ­@ <´Z§¨­ã §A ±¢ 3 Sout FIL @ D capacitor for which Ais, m however, not M always desirable A low- A Fig. 11. Charge pump noise model. ì cost integratedsolutions. A " 0 ¿ ?g nS 8 S A S @ 1 0 h- q 1u ¿ @ L,å ) 0å For a PLL to work at a given bandwidth, a large charge pumpH|/5 å current is generally favorable the 65 loop filter 0j in order to reduce ð A ºp u large dA , produces signifiresistance current, )h è 1"Ç R. The ) 11 g however, noise "ï during the time, Æ/where ÇO cant current the charge pump, is Ì comparison )I?I active. F) The time between two phase " instants lis referred to tcomp as % =1/fcomp, where fcomp is the comparison, frequency at the PFD input. In order to prevent a dead zone, S the charge pump currents are activated during a time ')*,uj f7nusually 3r| A 4& ; =" t , which is in the order of 100 ps to 1 ns in the state RCP )?h )1 S ~#7438| 6a6- ,7438| 6a6- steady 7 A ð ìCC- °­Q¯ Charge pump noise ñ/õñjúBûûôÁúBóO öø vúU2 ö`ï ®­Q¯ Phase Noise [dBc/Hz] / ¤¤ / " °­¡¯ /ñ/î`øò |ú}'ö`ø ý'ï C7438| 6a6−30 @P u f S 8S P') B*,½ m 1 0 HHPF d_;1;1g " BîQÿúUò¿÷&ø øóxòJ÷Áö`ïøõïø ò·î ö`÷&ïüî /vïî0í&üvü î xÆ d_Ê4ÈHgAÅ°Ë } / þ 0 õ ` ö ü / ò Q õ ø ¿ ò ö / ÷ ï ` õ ö l ï ú & ¿ ô õ L ö B ú ö ï v ü ]Ç Å ÉÈNN )Ê ð 2íÌ4ÌÎÍ ú/ñ/ïîxúBöóü|öøö`üv÷/òjïúUý'û üý'ïòJöLrúUî`öô ÷/ï'î`ïúBðJóñ/öø ï<vò/úBóö`ô·øüïò¥î`îöüvø îQýFøïÁò/÷/øõÁï<î`öïôJòJþ/öQøóløò·úBûö`ûô÷/øõ0û^úBöî ôJþjïïî üvîü ö`÷/ï8û üJüþ ò¥úû ööôJïþ/î ÷ B ú i õ ú ø l ó U ú û /üBÿõ0íø ö`÷/ï úBò û öïî0óüv/íòJöî`ø úB/ò 6ñ ú Üóx÷jÿúBî v÷//ï·í ïþ/îñ/ïýFþ¥úUÈ î`úBï·õ}óõ`üv÷/ò&üBò/ÿïóò6öï øò üîû üòW óx÷júBò&ò/W ïû&ï"Jø W ó<ïõuW&ø ò/ö`÷/ïÁò& ¤ ï X HLPF −60 out SPLL −90 −120 out SCP |îò/`ïø jóløüvúUò:òGöúUûôî`üóñ/üvò òJ'ö`îöø ÷//ïñ/ö`ï·ö`ü ó üòGöî`ø /ñ/öøüvò/õü ö`÷&ïÁöÿü·ö`îxúBò/õøõ`ö`üî`õ /ÿïÁü /öxúBøò xÆ xÆ v Ñ Ð Ï Å Å `ýUòï:/óï úUûûGôû öú ïî&ólø òúBþjÞúUúUóòøöLúUï ò/Jóö`ïïîõ âãããlä /ì Ç æ Áê Ç åæì Jæì3ÒÎèSå Ó ÔèSì /òøö`÷&ú ïî`îLï úU°ó­Qö`/øôJüv¯ òjòúUúBøý'û õQøólöúBõ`÷/ûôJûôïòJö`ö`÷/&üïõñ/úBøóxùö÷/ïô¿îøï öó<ï ÷/ôGï'îxó<úBøòJóû öö`ï}øï üvòjü ïúUî û /ö`vø úBG÷/ûø ñ//ï}ï<ï<õ î óxv÷júUúBû ñ&ó<î ïû úUvõø õï³þ&ö`òï<ñ/î` Iú/üBúBõ`ò ï öÞúUû ÿúIôJõ /ïõ`øîxú /ûï üvî ÿ ÷/ïîï júBòûö`# Ó ` õ ø l ó U ú û x î B ú ó ö ø ü j ò B ú û \ B ú î L ó & ÷ ø ö ï ó ö / ñ ` î F ï / ñ ` õ ï · õ B ú # ò B ú ó ó & ñ ý / ñ ^ û B ú ` ö ü î ` ö ü þ ï ú&üvBøò õ`ï ö ` ÷ B ú ö ø õ ` ö & ÷ ï L î üïîúUî`î`ýbüvö`îßøü¥ ö`õ`÷&ø vï òjü /úUøû0ö÷/óö`î`ïïl÷/î`úUøò ö`ïïFõ·üvú õ`þþ&vïñ/îLï<î`úUøîLö`üvøúñ&üvõÁò ö`ïüò/ñ/ïóLõÁö|÷øøòò6úBîö`ö`÷/÷/øïõ}ïõólôGúBþ/òJõöï ñ/÷/-ïýF úõ`øþùï<þ ïî¿îø üüúU/ñ/øöóó ö`ø vö`÷&úBï jû " S 1S "M ? / / −150 1e+02 1e+04 1e+06 1e+08 for an integer-N PLL. For a fractional-N PLL the activation Frequency Offset [Hz] 1 time is typically to the error <¡ ¢2 £á0¢Ôu2¦ ©"¯Z¡@§ø · ¨øH° ­@ <´Z§©"ª%ªZ¦ §häR0 largerrdue % momentary frequency ââ­"· ª_ø · ª,¢\W°C©"ã ã <ª_ <­"°#^1ª_¦ § ´Z­@±< <ã±< <° §6´Z¦ ­¬>´>ª_¦ §6ªZ­"ª_©"± ­"· ª_ø · ª2° ­" <´Z§´Zø?§,¥AªZ¯_· ¨8¢ inherent in this type of PLL (Perrot et al., 2002). In a typical as shown in Fig. 11, an N-MOSFET and Fig. 12. Charge pump noise at the PLL output. In addition, the solid CMOS charge pump line shows the total outputÌ noise spectrum. Ç Ì a P-MOSFET are connected to the filter. Their thermal and Æ/Ç 0 flicker noise is transferred to the PLL output causing phase * C{ ªv¬uwxÕ?Ö8yà wØ× >w ZÁ w z Zx"y ¿ noise. We write the drain current noise PSD of a MOSFET / # ¼ ½ ¾ "! output phase j the VCO noise " Ctransfer : PLL according to funcas described in Allen (1987): K ± ² ³ ¶ ´ n µ ¹ · « ¸ / º » a result, we " noise spectrum at theuPLL As 8 ÄÆ/ Ç tion. ,å "M obtain A the Ä À Á à (KF )ID output MOS Si = γ 4kB T gm + , (20) 0 , f COX L2 : 1 <¡ j S / L þ/îLúUñ/ö`ö ÷/ï<î³ö`÷ïúBö`ò¥öïú·î¿õúBø þ&ò þ/vûî`ïÁüJúBúBóxó÷óñ&ø ýõ}ö`ñ/üû^úBñ/ö`õüïÞîú·ö`üõøþvïý:î úüvî`&ýbïûöLöúß÷/ï ý'/ü ø/ö÷/ñ/ïû^î`úBøöò üvî ú/õ Bïîö vï<ò `ö üö÷/ï jûöïî ÷/ïøî}ö`÷/ïîý:úUû-úBò jøó vïî}ò/üvøõïøõ}ö`îLúUò/õ ïî`üvý:îïþúUïò/îxúBóïö`øüòñ/ö|ö÷/÷/øï¿õîõïø võ`ý:ñ&û öú õ¿&øïò#ûöLúúßýý'ñ/ü óx/÷ ñ/û^júBï<öüvö`ö`îï<úîÁõ`&þ/õñ&î`ðJøñjüvúUñ/òJõßö`þjøùlïúBî öøüvüvî ò `öó ü|ñ/îöî`÷/ïï òJö}ò/üvNøõ`üvï ñ/öþ/ñ/ö0ólü úBñ&ú õ`øò Áþ//÷í úBõ`ï\ò&úBüvõ øõ`&ï ]ïõ`|#óîïø jÿï Üî`øö`ø ïò ö÷/'ï /îLò/úUüøò ø õï Qí&üvîQö÷/ï Üò/üø õï³úBòjúUûôGõøõ ÿïýFü &ïû/ö`÷&ï JôÞú /íø ø Jø /ïî vúBû÷&ñ/ï³ï³ðJúBñjò úB:òJúßöø ùIõ`øúBvö`ýøüò'ú /ò/ïüû^ø úõï³ò/õüþjøõ`ïï³ó<ö`õî`þjñ&ï<ý óö`îñ/üvýîúÁúBý õOöõ`÷/÷üBÿüvîòF/ïøò î ' °Ë ]Ç Å xÆ ÉÈ N )Ê 4ÌÎÍ ê çä<èZånæé úB/õiñ ú ÿ÷/ïîïÈ Ù b Ú Û óüòGöî`ø /ñ/öøüvò/õü üö`î÷&ïÁû üöò ÿü·óxö`÷jîxúBúBò&ò/ò/õøïõ`û ö`ü&î`ï õ J/ø ó<ÿïïÁõ ü /öxúB&øò ø ò ö`÷/ïÁò&üvøõ`ï ÜÝ<Þ ß àáZâ xÆ ÿ/þ ÷j÷/úU ÐÏ vÇÑ Å xÆ /óJö·ö`ïï`îõ ü Ç Å ÒÎÓ ã CS A) 1g % 0 # where γ =2/3 for long-channel devices. Adding the noise contributions of the two transistors, we obtain <¡ ¢?£"£"¢¦u2¦ ©"i¯Z¡@§Oø · ¨ø° ­@ <´Z§¨­ã §A±¢ h SCP = SiNMOS + SiPMOS α , (21) out 0 &= SCP SCP |F (s)| C- / 2 2 KVCO s 2 B |1 − HLPF | . H (22) M 8S hq m " Figure 1~ 12 shows the B of the charge pump to the contribution where /t is the duty cycle of the charge pump, that total PLL phase noise. Flicker noise contribution is|disreα=t 1 1 E r 587 CP comp is, the ratio of the average charge pump activation time and garded here. The PLL bandwidth is proportional to the prod C7438| 6a6H|/5 " P') B*,½ h / 0 the time difference between two comparison instants. Note R2 uct resistance )=of 6- the charge pump current ICP and the filter ¿ A that the spectralÌ densities SiNMOS , SiPMOS must be averaged, R . Consequently, if a certain PLL bandwidth is required, d_Ê4ÈHgAÅ 1 N The noise currents produce ð since gm varies with time. a noise d_;1I1g the charge pump current noise must be carefully traded off 2íÌ voltage over the filter impedance, which is transferred to the with the noise produced by the filter resistance R1 . 4&; = " 0 Æ/Ç Ì Ç Ì u 1 / Adv. Radio Sci., 5, 313–320, 2007 d_;)g # ò//õ`üø Jøø õõøöL/ïúBò&ïQîóí&ï vüvúBîQûñ/ö÷/ï³ï úBüò ò/:õ`ï<ÜðGúßñ&ò/ïõ`òJøüvö`ø ûýõô ï³Sú øúBòj/úâúUïóû^ûúïôGî`õöxò/øúBõüøòøõ`ÿï³ïõþjýFï<jü óúU&ö`òîïñ//û/ÿý ö`ø÷&/ï úBö`÷Üõø õ`õ ÷/üBÿ³JòFüôÞö`ïøòú ö`÷júUö-ö÷/ï ðJñjÅ úUòGöøùlüúBöø üÅ ò|ò/üvøõ`ï8õ`þïóö`îñ/ýøõ-ûüBÿ OþúBõ`õ íî`ö`ø ï<îxúðG/ñ&ïø î¥ï ü &ö`÷/÷&ÿïÁï³øö`óx÷ÜðJ÷jñjúUö`÷/îúBïÁòJïöò&þ&ø üvùIñ/øúBõ`ý'ïÁö`øþFþ&üî`óò'ü ñ//î`ò/ñ/îüïóòJïø õö³ï³ò/Gõüôþjøõ`ïöïÁ÷/ó<ýïö`î`ñ/jñ&õûýö`ö ï<îïÁîüvïólîõ`úBøîõúÁïöLúBýñ/ò&ûóûOöôï ÷jóüvüûî ö`òG/ï<öî`ïî`ï øî F/ñ/ø òöøüvöò÷/ï -í øù û Áü õ+÷/þ üB ÿõQö2 ÷/ï³+îþ ïõ`$ñ/O ûöø 2ò ¿þ/÷úB+õ`ïþ ò&üvøõ`ï Phase Noise [dBc/Hz] ì rf h " R 2 ) =6 @ D 318 ì / , 0 Ù 0 E @P E r|587 ï ï |587 h Ç d g ?Ç dº4 Wg> S " r % 2 " ) N / ¿ A Phase noise and jitter modeling for fractional-N PLLs S. A. Osmany et al.: PÄ 8S ù û ê ç<ä Zè ånæé ÚbÛ −30 HHPF X ÜÝ<Þ −60 ß à áZâ ã out SPLL ëQì −120 <¡ ¢?£,÷ ¢S¤ out .° ­" <´_§6´Z¦ ©"ø <° ¡6¨­0ã §,±¢ CP Fig. 13. SDM noise shaping model. −150 1e+02 1e+04 1e+06 1e+08 W W W Frequency Offset [Hz] Sigma-delta quantization noise −10 LPF −40 ÿþ/÷j÷/úUïõ`îïFï î`ïõ þjO üò/2 õ`ïõ' ÿ úUö|2 ö`÷/ï 2 r üO ñ/ö`2#þ&ñ/úBöÁò î`ï ïO î`îï 2¥rúUö`î` ò/JôÁüø ö`õ÷&ïï õ`ü/ñ/ø Gî`óøõï ø üòÁ³îLüúUö`ö`ï}øü ö`÷júUövÿ÷& ø óxO ÷·2 ïò/÷jþ 8úUò/øý'óïþ/õ8ûö`øï÷/õiïúÔîï ýïñ/ X HLPF −90 +þ O1Ç 2 d+þWg $ Æ/Ç dº4+þWg> ü ù{û Hþ O1Ç 2 d þ g Æôí Å dOºM þ g> ü Phase Noise [dBc/Hz] 1 −70 : −100 ? −130 W −160 1e+02 W ?Ç 6 W 1e+04 out SPLL Ç S SDM Ç O 1Ç 1Ç d g out S C SDM W 1e+06 1Ç " W 1e+08 Frequency Offset [Hz] + ëQì õ\ #^ <¡ ¢0£ ¢H¤ U° ­" <´_§2©"ªã <«0 <ã §,¯ <° ø · ª©"° ã©"ªä2ââ8­"· ªZø · ªA¢ W°h©"ã ã <ªZ <­@° ªZ¦ §6 ´_­"±<SDM <ã±< <° noise §´Z¦ ­¬> ªZ¦ §ªZ­"input ª_©"±?­"· and ªZø · atª/PLL ° ­" <´Z§6 ´_ø1§A¥,ª_¯ZIn · ¨8 ¢ Fig. 14. at´ divider output. addition, the solid line shows the total output noise spectrum. In a fractional-N synthesizer, the integer divider value is Ô8u \ #^ <¡ ¢2£á0¢ 2¦ ©"¯Z¡@§ø · ¨øH° ­@ <´Z§©"ª%ªZ¦ §häRââ­"· ª_ø · ª,¢ W°C©"ã ã <ª_ <­"° 1ª_¦ § ´Z­@±< <ã±< <° §6´Z¦ ­¬>´>ª_¦ §6ªZ­"ª_©"± ­"· ª_ø · ª2° ­" <´Z§´Zø?§,¥AªZ¯_· ¨8¢ ã :ä Áèì jëæçê åé &ì^ææ /ç ö`òï<î`ï ú gÿr÷/øû ö`ïF÷&ï'ö`÷/þ/ï ÷júUõ`ïFò/üvò/øõ`üvïøõ`ü ïøö`õ÷/÷/ïFø vî`ï÷ Oþïjî`úUïò&õ`õ óïjûø öõßïî`û üBï ÿ þúUjò úUrõ`õ ö`j÷/û ï júBòûö`#ï<î'õ`ø ò/vüýø õú ï&øõïûöLjúúBò ðJ/ñjþjúUúBòGõöõ øùljúBûöö`ø ïüîò¥ï ò&üvøõ`ïF÷&ø ïõßóxû üB÷jÿ úBîþvjïúUõ`þ/õ ñ&jý'ûöþ ïî`ïò&aüvøøõ`ò ï ö`÷&ï ÷/øõî`ïõñ/ûö`õ}ø òFö`÷/ïßö`üvöxúBûþ/÷úBõ`ï|ïîî`üî ÿõ`øò÷/ï ö`îñ/ý ¿ A where m is the order of the modulator and fREF is the reference frequency. The transfer function for the noisy phase | ê ä<ånæ from the SDM output to the PLL output reads filtered in the PLL. Figure 14 shows the resulting phase noise contribution. 9 vòJø ö`ïï j " ÿ÷/÷/ïFü õ`þ/Jþø÷jò/üvúUóò õ`ï6ïÁ/øö`ò&ò ÷&üv|ï øõ`ò/ï|üvvøõ`õ`þï6ïïõò/óþjöüvî`ï<øñ/õóïýö`îxúÁõ`üýñ/î`ñ/óõï<ö õ júUï³î`úï6ñ//ò/ï óüöî`üÁî`ï<ü û úU/ö`öxï úBøòÁ|öö`÷/÷/ï³ï#ü óüïî`îLîúUï û û ÿõ`ø ïøòj ï ÿþ/÷j÷/úUïõ`îïFï î`ïõþjüò/õ`ïõ'úUö|ö`÷/ï rüñ/ö`#þ&ñ/úBöÁò î`ï ïî`îï ¥rúUö`î`üï·ö`ö`÷&÷/ï'ï·ûþ/ø÷jò/)úUïlúBõ`ïî ÿò/J÷/ôÁüïø ö`îõ ÷&ïï õ`ü/ñ/ø Gî`øóøõõï ø üö`òÁ÷&³ï îLüúUö`ö`ï}îøüïö`÷jðJñ/úUövïò/ÿó÷&ôbø óx÷·ü Wïò/õï÷jö 8úUò/øý'óî`ïüúBþ/õ8ýò ûö`øï÷/õiïö`÷&úÔîï\ï ýïñ/ólîúUûïö`îò/øî`þ/óøï|ïûúUøî î`ólò/ï}úBüöúBö`ø ø òõ÷/üBïò þ/ò/÷jüø úUõõ`ï¿ïFõò/üvüvñ/øîõ`óïïõÁó<üvîòJï ö`ïîîø &î`ï ñ/#ö`øüvöüò&õ¿ö`÷/ü ï ö÷/ï aüñ/ï'ö`þ/þ/îñ&ï ö Jøüvñ/÷/õï·û ô î`ýF/øõ³õ`ó<þ/ñ/÷jõ`õúUï õ`ï ïîî`üvî /õüvý'ï<ö`øý'ïõólúUû ûï ú /õüvûñ/öïþ&÷júBõï Vxøö`öïî Jøõ vø ïò Jô /ï vî`ï<ï ' ( ù û #O)O ) ú ò#&õ`ö`üv÷&ûñ/ïö÷/ïvø Vxvø÷ö`öõï`îQþïøõQï ú³ó</üvø vý'øöLýFúUûüvò|/ïý'õø ïIvúBò#õ`ñ&óî`üïý'ö`ýü|ðJñ/ñjò/úUøöòGô ö/ø öôÁ÷/ïö`÷&õ`ïü Oóö`løý'úUûøû òï ïîî`üvî}ü ú /îø vïò Jô'ú·óûïlúBòîï ïîïò/óï öøõ vø ïò Gô $ ü ù û +þ 1O Ç 2d+þWg $ Æ/Ç dº4+þWg> " Z ∞MSR ü 0 / 60 " 1 0 ç Z è é dt hHPF (t ) φVCO (t − t ) + Ù H /N ÚbÛ out 0 φSDM 0 ù{û þ 1O Ç 2d þ g Æôí Å dOºM þ g> Z = . (24) ∞ φSDM 1 + H0 /N BPF " ü (t 0 ) iLPF (t − t0 )" + " dt 0 hÇ# d_Rg 01N2 dZ2g6U Ë>ÆRÌ dZ2g ) O O 0 ÜÝ<Þ the SDM ß noise àáZâ spectrum at the PLL Consequently, we obtain Z:∞ 2 @ 1O Ç 2 "1O Ç 2 Ç O ?O0 Ç 62 0ÿ 2ZÇ " O 2 dZ 2 g Ä 0 Æ Ç dZ2g6U Æ° í Å dZ2g> ã output dt h̃LPF (t ) iCP (t −t) + " 0 out 2 Z D 2 ? O 1 Ç d g ∞ SSDM = SSDM |HLPF | . (25) " 0 " þ " " 0@ 0 φ ) , Æ/Ç dZ2g / Æ°í d_Rg 01N2 dZ 2g" 2dt SDM d_− Rg@tR <¡ ¢?£,÷ ¢¤ëQì.° ­" <´_§6´Z¦ ©"ø <° ¡6¨­0ã §,±¢ Ë ĥÆ2 C LPF 2 Ì dZ(t2)g"2 O 1 Ç (t Å M 0 Note that the SDM quantization noise spectrum is low-pass FSR " R2)=6- d_ Phase Noise [dBc/Hz] j âãããlä /ì æ Áê åæì Jæì3èSå ÔèSì /òøö`÷&ú ïî`îLï úUóö`/øôJüvòjòúUúBý'û øólúBõ`ûôJûôòJö`ö`÷/üïõúBøóxù÷/ïîøï öï ÷/ï'îxúBøòJóöö`øï üvòjïúUî û /vø úBGûø ñ//ï<ï<õ î vúUû ñ&ó<ûïúUõø õ õ`üøólî`úUýbû ö`îx÷&úBï óö/ø üøöòj÷/úBïû î`ø\ò FúBîüvóLþ÷&ïø îLöúUïóö`öøüvñ/ò î`ïFñ/õ`ñ/ïö|õ·øúBòò#ö`÷/úBóøõ}óñ&ólýúBõñ/ï û^-úBúö`üþîïö`îüø ü þ/ïøó ïþ/îñ/î`ö üvîßõ`ø vòjïúUö`û0öïóî¿î`ïlúBúUþ&ö`þ/ïõ·î`üJõ`úBþ&óxñ/÷î`øø üvõ}ñ&ö`õÁüö`ñ/üõò/ïÞïõÁú·øõò6ø vö`ý:÷/úï&õôGïòJûöLöúß÷/ïý'õ`øü ù/ï<î¿ñ/û^üúBñ/öüvö î îLüvúUþö`ï÷/îxï<úBî³ö`øö`ü÷ò úBò¥ú·÷/õøø õò îvïûõ`ïÁñ&úBû öóõ¿óñ&øò#ýñ/úû^úBýö`üñ/îóx÷ ö`üjþï<ö`ïö`î ï<üvîÁî`õ`ýbþ/ñ&öî`÷/øüvï ñ//õßøöþj÷/ïïî î`øüvò î ý:ò/üúUø õò/ï óQï í&üvîQñ/öö|÷/ïö÷/ï¿õÜø vý:ò/üú ø õ&ï³ïúBûòjöLúßúUûý'ôGõü øõ/ñ/ÿû^úBïöüvýFîü ú &ï&û/õö`÷&ðJï ñjúUòJö`øùlúBJöøôÞüvòú /íø ø Jø /ïî vúBû÷&ñ/ï³ï³ðJúBñjò úB:òJúßöø ùIõ`øúBvö`ýøüò'ú /ò/ïüû^ø úõï³ò/õüþjøõ`ïï³ó<ö`õî`þjñ&ï<ý óö`îñ/üvýîúÁúBý õOöõ`÷/÷üBÿüvîòF/ïøò î dithered dynamically to achieve fractional values. A classical +ö »−80 sttsv>wx@yUz _x"yÄ{/yy x¬bw ø÷ >y architecture uses an accumulator to peform the * fractional-N C{ ªv¬uwxÕ?Ö8yà wØ× >w ZÁ w z Zx"y out dithering operation. But in this case, a periodic error signal out j 4 h 8S SREF createsspurious tones in the synthesizer A better ap " Coutput. : −100 nef3 " SPLL CS " proach is to use a sigma-delta modulatorrather "M " than u a single S F / _S out "&A accumulator to perform the dithering operation. This results SCP −120 / h 8S " in a muchbetter spurious But1the X out : performance. sigma-delta SVCO L % / out modulator adds quantization noise. For the PLL noise analy −140 SFIL sis, we model the SDM by a divider value and a sigma-dela 0& B Sout SDM noise spectrum as shown in Fig. 13. The quantization noise 2""dgiúù{û +þ O1Ç 2Od+þg01#2OdOºM+þWg> / H −160 spectrum for a m-th order MASH type sigma-delta modulaýü # CM tor is given by Miller (1991), −180 1~ B ù{ û W þ 4ÿ Ç 2 1e+04 d W þ g2Ë>ÆRÌhd6 º4 1e+02 1e+06 W þ g> 1e+08 W 2(m−1) 2 ü 1 (2π ) E r|587 πf Frequency Offset [Hz] SSDM = (23) 2 sin , h /12fREF 0 fREF / <¡ ¢1ù £®JB¢» ©@° +ã û ä2¦ +©"þ ´_§° Ç ­"2 <´_d+§6þg´Zø?§,O?¥AÇ ªZ2 ¯_· d¨c º4 þWg> <ªZ ´>¥A­"°ª_¯_ · ªZ­"¯_´A¢ PLL phase noise spectrum and jitter In a PLL the phase noise of the reference is low-pass filtered, while the VCO noise is high-pass filtered and the filter noise j is bandpass-filtered. The charge pump noise and sigma delta quantization noise is low-pass filtered in the PLL. This results in the total phase error Z ∞ φout (t) = N dt 0 hLPF (t 0 ) φREF (t − t 0 ) + 0 Adv. Radio Sci., 5, 313–320, 2007 d_;1G1g dZ¼F2 d_; 1g (26) / 1 " " , hBPF ,Fh̃ and ĥLPF8are - the linear where N hLPF , hHPF LPF phase responses at the 0 " PLL output referred to the phase noise source. Note that N hLPF (t 0 ) implies a multiplication by the the reference noise. division ratio N, which enhances ) ?I " @ noise "* sources are uncorrelated, ;%| Ç the corre- d_; 1g Since the ' five sponding noise spectra must be added to obtain the overall phasenoise spectrum "Ä @ out out out SPLL (f ) = SREF (f ) + SVCO (f ) + out out S outF(f M FIL ) + SCP (f ) + SSDM (f ) , 1~j (27) out (f ), the carrier and SREF where f is the frequency offset from out out out out (f ) and S (f ) are the phase noise d_;)1g SVCO (f ), SLPF (f ), SCP =1G?I SDM ( ÿólúU÷/ò ïîï ï óIúBûóñ/û^úBöï ·øõ0òGö`ñ&÷/ý'ïïú îvø ï<óIîLúBú ûûô³ïñ/üõõ`ø óò øû³û^úBüvöñ&ø üî ò|úUòjþjúBïîûôJøü ö`øó0ï Jþ/÷/îïxïVxõ`øõö`ø öüïò î üûüJîüvþ'ö`÷/þïÁúBîLþ&úU÷jý'úBõïïÁöïò/î`üvõ øõüvï î³úß÷/û üBøÿ õ³úBVxûøûö`üBö`ÿï<î õÝú úUõ`ö}üvþ/öø ýFøùlúBöø üò¿ü ö`÷/ï : - Fig. 15. Phase noise spectrum and its contributors. () 0 " 1h- / "! #ò/üï#ø õ ÿö`÷&÷/ï¿ø jûö`ï< | S `þ/÷Jøjò/üvúUóò õ`ï6ïÁ/øö`ò&ò ÷&üv|ï øõ`ò/ï|üvvøõ`õ`þï6ïïõò/óþjöüvî`ï<øñ/õóïýö`îxúÁõ`üýñ/î`ñ/óõï<ö õ júUï³î`úï6ñ//ò/ï óüöî`üÁî`ï<ü û úU/ö`öxï úBøòÁ|öö`÷/÷/ï³ï#ü óüïî`îLîúUï û û ÿ`õ ø ïøòjvúB÷Jû ö`øò 0ðJñjñ&úUò/ö`øóüvö`ò øüò¥úBQõ}úBî`ûïûþ/üBîÿïõ0õ`ï<ö`òG÷/öxï}úBöï øWï<ï óö`øüvvî³ï|öþ/÷/÷ï·úBÿõ`ï÷/ï<üvî`ûïî`ü|î í ö`ü ïólúBûóñ/û^úUö`ï î`üýb÷&óïøî`îóïñ&õ`ø ñ&ößû ö}þjøúBõîxúBõ`÷/ý'üBï<ÿö`ïòFîõÔø òúUòí6ø ólúBîî`øïîÁõþjúBóøò MSR / " 6 " 1 a " Osmany et al.:Phase " " jitter modeling for fractional-N S.A. noise and dZ¼F2gå æ PLLs &) #O)O Ç d_Rg 01N2 dZ2g6U Ë>ÆRÌ dZ2g @ " dZ2 Ä five Zd 2g6U dZ2g> d_; 1g ÆÇ previously contributions ofgthe discussed noise sources " 2Z O ) Æ°í Å ÷/ïîï øõö`÷&ï îïðJñ/ïò/óôbü Wõïö î`üúBýò ö`÷&ï\ólúUî`î`øïúUî î`ï}úBö`ò ÷/ï /÷/üjø úUõõ`ï¿ïFõò/üvüvñ/øîõ`óïïõÁó<üvîòJï ö`ïîîø &î`ï ñ/#ö`øüvöüò&õ¿ö`÷/ü ï ö÷/ï aüñ/ï'ö`þ/þ/îñ&ï ö Jøüvñ/÷/õï·û ô î`ýF/øõ³õ`ó<þ/ñ/÷jõ`õúUï õ`ï îî`üvî /õüvý'ï<ö`øý'ïõólúUû ûï ú /õüvûñ/öïþ&÷júBõïVxøö`öïî Jøõ vø ïò Jô Phase Noise [dBc/Hz] X In the high-speed digital design community, the so-called absolute jitter is a common measure to quantify the timing error )'?I ( ofa PLL by d_;)1g ' @ driven "* by a cleanù reference. û ;%| Ç#"O) ItO is given /ï vî`ï<ï ò#&õ`ö`üv÷&ûñ/ïö÷/ïvø Vxvø÷ö`öõï`îQþïøõQï ú³ó</üvø vý'øöLýFúUûüvò|/ïý'õø ïIvúBò#õ`ñ&óî`üïý'ö`ýü|ðJñ/ñjò/úUøöòGô ö/ø öôÁ÷/ïö`÷&õ`ïü Oóö`løý'úUûøû òï îî`üvî}ü ú /îø vïò Jô'ú·óûïlúBòîï ïîïò/óï öøõ vø ïò Gô σ abs T ="Ä ◦ σφ , 360 ( lú÷üU/îò ïö`î÷/ï ïïÁ óIþ&úB÷jûóúBñ/õû^ïÁúBöò/ï üv·øøõ0õòGï ö`ñ&÷/ý'ïïú ÷/îvøø õ³ï<óIîLúBúBú ûûûûô³üBïÿñ/üõõÝõ`ø óòú øû³û^úBúUüvöõ`ñ&ø ö}üî ò|üvúUþ/òjþjöúBïø ûîýFôJøü ö`øùløó0úBöï ø Jüþ/÷/ò¿îïxïü Vxõ`øõö`ø ö`öü÷/ïò ïî üJüvþ'þúBîLúUý'ïöïî`õ üvî³úßû üBÿ Vxøö`ö`ï<î öä #èé vì^vå ªZxè . ,Rz -åæ <ì /ç b.GèSç T¦zÖ û÷/ ïüBîÿaï¿þ/þ&û÷jKû úBV õø öïÁö`ïò/îüvøøõQõïÁïõý:þjïúIó<ôø úUïlûúUû ôõ`øûøô ýF/þjï<üõ`î`ö`öLîúUüBòJôö ö`÷/üvïÁî |üî`í ö÷/ü büvõ`òjôJúUõû ö`øöïôýFü õ `÷`ý&Fï õ0&þ/ø ÷júBïõîï³ïòJïöîî`õ`üñ îÝúUólòúBîî`øö`ï÷/îï õ /½øö ïõö`î`îîüvüvòîQ·îxúBóöüvï³îî`ü ïû^úUúUö`ò øüv|ò í jïöÿïõïôGòÜõö`ö`ï÷/ý ï jú`ø Uõ òjúBûïõ¿ïò úUî`/ïïñ/ýFõüvï ò/õö`úBîxö úBö`ïîïðJø ñ/ò ïò/ó<ø ï<õò õ`ï|þjí úUîLúUö`ï aõ`ôJø õ`ò öïý'î`ïõðJñ//ïøò&Wóï<ô î`ïJòJô ö `÷&ïÁõ`ñ OólúUî`îø ï<î³õ`þúBóøò ¢ ÷/ï|ø ò ïî`õïÁü ö`÷júUö ( ) Modeling 0 of RF synthesizers for OFDM E 10 " / "! A low pll1h jitter is especially important for OFDM systems, where phase noise may easily destroy the orthogonality of : r D u 3 O587 (30) 0 D " U is called the useful symbol time. In"state-of-the-art baseband W æ æ æ F ¼ 0 å 6 processor implementations part of the phase noise (com ) '<=B*#j 3 65r7 Tu = 1/(1fcarrier @ 4 mon phase error) can be eliminated after the signal has been æ g process can be modelled C to) baseband. d_=1I1g dZ¼F0å æWæ ¢ This down-converted by a high-pass filter according to Stott (1998) õjú|Uólò úBûûïþ/6îüGö`ó<÷/ïïõ`õñ/üvîõï øñ/ý'û8þ&õ`û ôJï<ýý'jïòJüöLû-úUöö`ø øýFüvò&ï õÁþjò6úBîõ`ö'öLúUü ö`ï üö`÷/ï6Oö÷/þ/ï ÷j`úúUBõ`î`ïö jò&úBüvõøõ`ï ï júï^ó<UÁüvõ ý'ý'ýFü ï/ïüvòïòûû/ï þ&üB÷jÿúBJõòô:ï:óúßï<üî`÷/ò î`øüvïî ÷ î`·Oþöjï ólrúUúUõ`ò õ ö`ü jûï'öïúBïî³õ`ûïøúBý'jóúBøó<òjò üvúUî &ö`ï ø #ò ú÷/ö`øö`üõ¿ïî·þ&î`ö`üJ÷/óïïõõõø ólòjúBúBò û 2í Å #õ`øò/ó / " 18j 319 −100 out SPLL out SVCO −120 −140 Sout FIL out SREF −160 out SSDM out SCP W W 1e+04 1e+06 W 1e+08 Frequency Offset [Hz] +Y xw 4ë¡ìù1±<ª_§,¯_ <° ¡ ¢ Fig. 16. Phase noise spectrum after OFDM filtering. âãlä èSå-ë vê <ì3èå |#ï#÷jú ï#þ/î`ïõïòJö`ï úBòjúUû ôJöø óIúBûÁï Jþ/îïõ`õøüvò/õ üîö`÷&ï þ/÷júUõ`ï ò/ÿü÷/ø øõö`ï'ï·õò/þjüïø ó<õö`ïÁî`ñ&ü ý£ö`÷/ü ï·î`þ/ï ÷jïúUî`õ`ïï ò&ûóüJï ó 0ö`ï ÷&rï ûüGüþ/õ ö|#÷/ï¿ïû÷jüJúüvvþ ïFjø ûò&ö`óïûîÁñ úB/ò ï jö`ö`÷&øûüö`ï¿òï<îóxv÷jò/ï<úUüò/î øïvõ`îLïïßúUÿûþ/ø ù<ñ/úBï õý'/þ ö`ïjüõ`ó<úBó<î`ò üvø :jý'ï ö:þ&÷/û ï üï ¿òîö`ï÷/õ`ï øõ`jöxúBúBðJò/õñjøó<õúUïòJõü ö`øö`ùl÷/öúBïöýøüv³úIòôJô¿ðJò/ó<ñ/üvüvøøòJõ`õöQö`ï îïø ðJ&ñjñ/÷/úö`ïï õ`öLøúUò/ò/óø ï jólvúBúBòJûñ/öïû ôõñ&öüõ`ï ö`·÷/øïßò ü vñ/ïûûîxôúBûøûòGöò/ï üvvøîxõúBï ö/ï ïõþjî`ï<ïóðJø^úBñ/ûïûôò&óôÁüîõ`ôJû üBòJÿö`÷&ïólõ`úUøþjùïúBîóõ ø ü ÷/ö`ï÷/ï|îï ó/üñ/ý'óöýFøüvüvò#ò·ü þ/÷jþ/úB÷jõïÁúUõ`ïïFîî`ò/üvüvî øõ`Jïô úB/ò ø !vøöLVxúUøö`û ö`jï<îúUõ`/ï ñ/ïúBò öü:þ/ó<îüvüGî`îó<ïïóõ`öõø ø üò ò øólò úUî`|î`øíïî}õ`þjúUóõ`øôJò õ·ö`ïø ýFõõû^úUÿî vúBï<õÁîúUö÷jû õúBü'òøò/ö`÷&óûïñ û&üJï üv¥þ øjò6úBö`ò ÷//ï·ÿý'ø /ü ö`÷/ï<Jû ö÷/ï|óö`üv÷/î ï î`î`ï<ï ó/ö`ñ/øüvóöò6ø üü òü ö`÷&ï¿ö`÷/óï|üý'îý'ýFõüvþ/ò'÷júBþ&õ÷jï úBVxõøï¿ö`öïïîî î`üîÁî`ïõñ/ûö`õÁøò¥úFõø ò/ø jólúUòGö , /. /ç /å-ë ö -S 2à x 110 Conclusions " x "! m " 0 " We have presented analytical 1 expressions Fef3:for the phase ûS noise / spectrum of phase-locked loops. We have included white , / F¸ÄºÀ¼ 1noise of the reference, the VCO, the loop filter and the charge h @ u u B pump, and the 6 − 1 quantization noise. The filter noise " @! j was described on the basis of the Nyquist equation general S 1 ized to complex resistances. It may contribute significantly to h " " " the overall noise, especially for low capacitance values used " / H in fully integrated frequency synthesizers. The reduction of phase noise and jitter due tocorrection q R the "common of phase / c3 error 65r7 by digital baseband processing in " OFDM systems was uj also included in the , model. If the carrier q spacing / islarger # than the loop bandwidth, the correction of the common phase S in a significant reduction @ error results of the rms phase jitter. y y >y 2y2x £ References C¢ %¢ ä§,¯_¯Z­@ª C¢ h¢"!E¯_­"ª_ª©"° ã ¢$#¹¢¤0­0ã <° &%' 8­0ã §,±< <° ¡('ø0² (31) ø ¯_­"©"¥¦ ®­"¯)+*-,P ¯_©"¥,ª_ <­"° ©"± ².M ¯Z§/· §A° ¥,µ¤0µ°0ª_¦ §,´_ <¶,§,¯_´ '±<±<­¬> <° ¡ Perrot, M. H., Trott, M. 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