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DEPI SouthDairy
West Dairy
Services—Extension Workplan 2014-15
(Former DEPI)
Feedbase and Nutrition
Forage Planning for Dairy Farms
For dairy farmers to develop and implement resilient
forage plans that allow them to better manage
profitability and risk associated varying climates and
crop yields.
Successful Grazing Management
Enabling dairy famers to increase pasture utilised per
mm of rainfall. Increasing farm profits through
improved rotation lengths, grazing residuals, and
supplement selection.
Forage Planning Program
Program assists farmers to develop and implement forage plans aimed at filling feed gaps due to climatic variability
Aims to help farmers with the
provision of resources, tools,
learning activities and services
related to feedbase planning and
management in Gippsland.
Feedbase Challenge Groups
Groups to develop practical approaches that boost home grown feed consumed on farm.
Facilitated learning groups focused on maximising perennial pastures. Members will receive a 1 on 1 visit with a consultant, and 7 on
farm discussion group days. 2015 groups filled, taking names for
Through the Season Groups
Introductory program following a host farm and the feed management strategies implemented throughout the year
Dairy Farm Innovation Days
Field days at DEDJTR Ellinbank showcasing the latest DEDJTR research into Forages and Feeding Practices
Feeding Pastures For Profit Programs
7 day program focused on improving the management of pasture with simple and effective tools.
FPFP Concepts On-line
Improved Supplement Management
Continue to provide quality advice through media articles, online platforms and service provider networks
Farmers with medium to high levels of supplementary feeding to better balanced rations leading to
increased milk production and improved feed
purchasing decisions.
Feeding Impact Groups
Animal Performance
Programs and projects to enhance
animal performance and productivity. These mayy including
productive potential or minimising
animal health risks.
Days focused on supplementary feeding in response to seasonal conditions
Dairy Reproductive Performance
InCharge Cow Health and Fertility Program
5 day program takes an in depth look at successful reproductive management
Fertility Field Days
Field days exploring reproductive management on-farm and the potential options to improve six-week in calf rate
Heat Detection Workshops
Farm Business
Short on-farm sessions focused on achieving effective heat detection and correct timing for AI
Dairy Farm Monitor
Dairy Farm Monitor
Dairy farmers, industry and government are provided with detailed, rigorous and objective farm level
DEDJTR manage collection and data validation for 25 farms in the Gippsland and 75 farms across the state.
Dairy Business Services Network
Dairy Business skills will be improved in the farmer
and advisory sector enabling more rigorous decisions to be made on-farm.
Farm Business
capacity, productivity, profitability
and sustainability to understand
the key profit drivers in their
NRM & Climate
Enhances dairy farmer and service provider
understanding of best practice soil and nutrient
4 day program blending theory and on-farm days covering off on best practice
grazing management
The modules are offered
as standalone short
courses or can build
towards a qualification
through contributing to
qualifications levels from
Certificate 2 in Agriculture
Diploma of Agriculture.
Sustainable Irrigation Program
Assists Gippsland farmers with improving irrigation systems and management through improving knowledge and skills.
Calf Rearing
2 day program blending theory and on-farm days covering off on topics such
as calving and calf rearing.
Churn Milk Into Money
2 day session aimed at young farmers or recent entrants looking for
strategies to maximise their business performance
Focus Farms
The modules are offered
as standalone short
courses or can build
towards a qualification
through contributing to
qualifications levels from
Certificate 2 in Agriculture
Diploma of Agriculture.
Meeting regularly over 2 years, the Focus Farm overcomes challenges
and works towards achieve its goals. Focus Farms are supported by a
group of farmers and service providers and host 3 open days.
Business Planning and Improvement
The 4-5 day programs blend theory and on-farm days covering topics such
as developing a business plan and drivers of profit.
Farm Finance
The 4 day programs blend theory and on-farm days covering off on topics
such as identify threats and direction of a business, gathering financial
information, tax, balance and budget sheets and bank loan application.
5 day program to build confidence and improving decision making onfarm. Aimed at the book-keepers of the business.
Service Provider Nutrient Management Discussion Groups
NRM and Climate
Promoting best practices in land &
water management for productive,
sustainable dairy farms
Individual and impartial advice on different irrigation systems and management. Assessments for surface or spray.
Nutrient Best Practice On Farms - Fert$mart
Partnership approaches to deliver Fert$mart programs that review soil
& fertiliser practices and assist with nutrient budgeting
Profitable Dairying
Delivering information and activities aimed at reducing farm carbon
Natural Resource Best Management Practices
Irrigation Field Days & Workshops
The modules are offered
as standalone short
courses or can build
towards a qualification
through contributing to
qualifications levels from
Certificate 2 in Agriculture
Diploma of Agriculture.
Whole Farm Planning
The 6 day program blends theory and on-farm days covering topics such as
sustainable land management.
Water and Weather
The 2-4 day programs which blend theory and on-farm days covers topics
such as managing adverse weather and irrigation management .
Understanding Effluent Systems
2 day programs blending theory and on-farm days covering off on dairy
effluent management on-farm.
Promotion of DairySAT practices in all areas of management – shade
& shelter, waste, energy etc.
Information sessions on irrigation technology and irrigation management
Rural Land Program
Assistance for farmers to retain soil and nutrients
on farm and out of waterways. Available to
farmers in Upper Bass, Lang Lang and Tarago
catchments, and delivered with Melbourne
Dairy Groups and Networks
4 day programs blending theory and on-farm days covering topics such as
artificial insemination and bull management.
InCharge Financial Literacy
Service providers are targeted in a workshop showcasing the results of the Dairy Farm Monitor and Dairy Directions
projects. Service providers then utilise the information with farmer clients.
Irrigation Systems, Management and Assessments
Breeding and Genetics
AI Courses
Support for discussion groups within Gippsland who are focusing on
developing dairy business skills. Support can include facilitation,
study tours or guest speakers.
A series of workshops and field days for farmers discussing best practice in nutrient budgeting, fertiliser use,
soil management and emerging areas such as compost use on-farm.
Animal Health and Welfare
4 day programs blending theory and on-farm days covering off on topics such
as biosecurity.
3 day course blending 1 day theory and 2 days practical on live cows, covering AI Technique, Herd Health, Semen Handling and fertility
(delivered in partnership with NHIA)
One day sessions with farmer groups showcase the results of the Dairy Farm Monitor and Dairy Directions
Soils and Fertiliser Field Days and Workshops
4 day programs blending theory and on-farm days covering off on developing
feeding plans and managing supplementary feeding.
1 day session on strategies for farmers reducing their work commitment and younger farmers taking the next step in their career
Dairy Discussion Group Program
Service providers advising farmers on soil and fertiliser decisions meet six times per year to explore the most current
information, and discuss emerging issues.
Dairy Cow Nutrition
Grazing Dairy Pastures
Sustaining productive dairy soils
Soils and Fertilisers
4 day programs blending theory and on-farm days covering off on soil and
fertiliser management.
Stepping In/Stepping Back
Farmer Groups Presentations
Service Providers Workshops
Pasture and Crop Production
4 day programs blending theory and on-farm days covering off on topics such as
grazing management and fodder conservation
Facial Eczema Spore Monitoring
Sentinel farms across Gippsland collect pasture samples to be analysed for Facial Eczema spores. Farmers can subscribe to alerts.
Foundation course covering dairy cow nutrition and the components important to dairy farm profitability.
Contributing to industry efforts to improve reproductive performance. Focuses on increasing awareness of recent research and improving the
knowledge, skills and confidence of farmers to make
steps to improve reproductive performance on their
The modules are offered
as standalone short
courses or can build
towards a qualification
through contributing to
qualifications levels from
Certificate 2 in Agriculture
Diploma of Agriculture.
A packaged extension program focused on maximising the potential
of heifers entering the milking herd. Available to groups of farmers.
Accredited course for farmers to learn best practice for the humane
destruction of sick, injured or unsaleable livestock. (Partnership with
Service Provider Nutrition Course
Heifers on Target
Euthanase Livestock
Research Round Tables
Field days at DEDJTR Ellinbank showcase DEDJTR research, exploring strategies for improved feeding practices.
Gippsland Dairy Service Guide 2015
Gippsland Grows Green Grass—2016
Regional groups and networks are developed and
facilitated to encourage rapid engagement and
delivery of services to dairy farmers
Regional Extension Leadership
Financial Assistance
For on-ground works and treatment systems designed to improve the quality of water leaving farms
Technical Assistance
To improve soil and nutrient management practices. Includes whole farm plans, soil workshops and farm walks.
Groups and Networks
Extension officers provide support to discussion groups across the region. 4 Groups exist in Gippsland, Boisdale/
Newry, Dennison, Bairnsdale & Yarra Valley.
Programs help support the dairy
industry, build farmer skills and
confidence to attract, retain and
manage employees. Helping to
connect farmers with a quality
workforce, and building the capacity of our young farmers and service
Responding to Regional and Seasonal Issues
As regional or seasonal issues arise, DEDJTR can respond with appropriate extension including field days or discussion groups.
Facilitated the Macalister & East Gippsland Extension Committee and South Gippsland Regional Extension
Emergency Management
Rural Emergency Relief and Recovery
DEDJTR plays a role, with other organisations, in
helping to prepare for, respond to and recover from
emergency events.
DEDJTR’s emergency management roles are for emergencies relating to bushfires, chemical incidents, diseases and
pests, wildlife and marine, and water.
Workforce Action and
Opportunities for farmers, service
providers, and relevant training and
employment providers to collaborate on local solutions to workforce
development challenges
ESKi- Employment Starter Kit initiative
Human Resources
Offers basic legal compliance guidance to dairy farm employers to
improve human resource management practices
Human Resources
Professional development for service providers and HR advisors. Access
for farmers to telephone support and signposting to HR training.
Young Dairy Network (YDN)
Aims to meet the needs of young dairy farmers and service providers
aged 18-40 and those that are new to the industry through social and
technical activities.
eME- Employment Made Easy (
A free web-based people management tool for farmers that simplifies
finding, recruiting, retaining and managing employees.
Stepping Stones
1-5 day programs blending theory and on-farm days covering topics such as
planning and managing staff.
Occupational Health and Safety
The modules are offered
as standalone short
courses or can build
towards a qualification
through contributing to
qualifications levels from
Certificate 2 in Agriculture
Diploma of Agriculture.
4 day programs blending theory and on-farm days covering topics such as
providing training carryout safe work practices and maintaining safety equipment.
Farm Skills
2 day programs cover off on topics such as operating farm machinery as well
as first aid for dairy farmers .
Farm Chemicals
The 1-3 day programs blend theory and on-farm days covering application,
preparation, storage of farm chemicals.
Succession and Transition Planning
Guide to career progression and pathways in the dairy industry
The 5 day program covers topics such as documenting a succession plan.
Dairy Workforce Forums
Leadership in Dairy
Facilitated forums of local farmers, service and training providers to
have input on future dairy workforce in Gippsland
The 5 day programs blend theory and on-farm days covering topics such as
leading work and industry teams.