The Fusion and Layering of Noise and Tone: Implications for Timbre in African Instruments Author(s): Cornelia Fales and Stephen McAdams Source: Leonardo Music Journal, Vol. 4 (1994), pp. 69-77 Published by: The MIT Press Stable URL: Accessed: 03/06/2010 10:44 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact The MIT Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Leonardo Music Journal. 4 SOUNDING THE A B S T RA C T MIND The Fusion and Tone: Implicatons African Instruments in and Layering of Noise for Timbre Cornelia Fales and StephenMcAdams From theirfirstcontactwithAfricanmusic,Western ethnomusicologistshaveremarkedon the predilectionof Africanmusiciansto "layer"(or superimpose) musical and non-musicalsound until the distinctionbetweenthem is lost [1]. In particular,it has been observed that Africanmusic showsa specialfascinationwith 'Cnoise''-thetransformation of ordinary,mundane sounds into the substanceof music. And while the manufactureof classicalinstrumentsand the performancepracticeof Westernmusicianshas aimedtoward reducingthe amountof extraneousnoise producedby an instrument,Africanmusiciansaugment the naturalnoise potentialof their instrumentby attachingnoise-makerssuch as rattlingseeds or bottle caps on which the vibrationsof the main resonatoroperate.The effect is a complicatedlayering of sound, rich in aperiodiccomplexity. One of the motivationsfor our studywas the realization that the combination of noise and musical elements, traditionallydescribedby ethnomusicologistsas "layering," actually takesat least two perceptualforms. Either the sound is trulylayered,and listenershear twoor more perceptuallydiF tinct sounds concurrently,or the physicallysuperimposed sounds are perceptuallyfused, so that listenershear a single sound a blend of the twosounds neither of whichis identifiable as the primar-yor the superimposedsound. A more commonlyrecognized example of this distinctionis the difference betweena voice speakingthroughor in the presence of noise (layerednoise and voice) and a hoarsevoice speaking (noisyvoice). The directionof our researchhas involvedboth perceptual experimentand acousticanalyses.Like manypsychoacoustic studies,the first (experimental)part of our investigationinvolved the use of artificialstimuli, reduced to controllable acoustic variables. To complement this part, an acoustic analysisof real African instrumentsin which noise plays a prominent part was essential to verifythe relevance of our experimental results to sounds actuallyproduced by those instruments.In particular,our experimentswere geared to- Since their earliest explorations of Africanmusic, Western researchers have noted a fascination on the part of traditionalmusicians for noise as a timbralelement. The authors present the results of perceptual and acoustic investigations of the fusion and "layeringnof noise and tone. These results have implicationsfor pitch and timbre in both traditionaland non-traditional, acoustic and synthesized music. The results define possible perceptual relations between noise and tone and reveal that the construction of noise devices should follow relativelyprecise acoustic rules involving the frequency, the bandwidth and the level of the noise relativeto those of the tone. The results also exemplifythe fusion of wardestablishingthe parameters twoextremelydifferenttimbres, of noise and tone that influence withimplications forthe blendingof the perceptual relation between instrumental timbresinan orchestralsethng.Theexpenments them. We consldered three posshouldbe of interesttocomposers sible relationsbetweennoise and whosynthesizemixturesof noise tone: (1) fusion (the noise and andperiodicsoundandforwhom tone are perceptuallyintegrated the controlof suchmixturesrb mains problemabc. lnto a slngle sound event, both contributing to the perceptual qualityof the event), (2) laymng (the two components are perceptuallysegregated into disiinct percepts,each withits own perceptualqualities)and (3) maskingoftone by noise (the more intense noise "coversup" the tone that can thus no longer be heard andhas no perceptual effect on the noise component). Layering is distinguished from fusion and maskingin that a layeredtone can be heardseparatelyfrom the noise. Whilea tone that is fused with a noise cannot be heard separately,it still contributesto the timbralqualityof the noise; a maskedtone has no such effect, because it has been perceptually"eradicated." These three perceptualphenomenaappearto depend on variations of three acousticparameters:(1) the relativeintensitylevels of the two components, (2) the bandwidthof the noise and (3) the center frequency of the noise band relative to the tone frequency.Since informalpilot testsshowedthat, in addition to these parameters,the perceptualrelationbetween Fig. 1. Intensity series: Means (filled circles) and standard deviations (SD) (vertical bars indicate i 1 SD) of responses for each intensity difference between tone and noise for high register stimuli with a 100-Hz band of noise centered on a 400-Hz tone. INTENSllY SERIES,highregister 6- 'e g: V) 3 Cornelia Fales (ethnomusicologist), Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM), 1 place Stravinsky, F-75004 Paris, France. 2 Stephen McAdams (experimental psychologist), Laboratoire de Psychologie Experimentale (CNRS), Universite Rene Descartes, EPHE, 28 rue Serpente, F-75006 Paris, France. Manuscript solicited by Kathryn Vaughn. Received 11 May l994. K)1995 ISAST -2s -1s -s s 1S Difference in noise and tone level (dB) 25 LEONARDO MUSIC JOURNAL, Vol. 4, pp. 69-77, 1994 69 - -t | INTENSll Y SERIES,low register . . . . . "* 6" 3 _' * * tC 1 , 25 . . . , 5 -5 -15 15 innoiseandtone1eLevel(dB) Difference -25 -in which the noise center frecywas tested relative to the tone Lency-the tone varied as described in high and low registers, and the rfrequency of the noise was offset the tone by up to 200 Hz in the low terand up to 400 for the high regThe noise in this last series had a bandwidth of 100 Hz. a given trial in one of the series, a W /noise stimulus was presented times in succession. Each stimulus 00msec in duration and the onsets ffsets of the noise and tone compo,were synchronous. The tone was nted at a mean level of 57 dB SPL ingrandomly by + 9 dB around this on a trial-to-trial basis), and the level was determined with respect islevel for each trial. e perceptual research was peredat Institut de llecherche et CoorionAcoustique/Musique (IRGAM), sic research institute in Paris. We fore were initially constrained in stenerswe could readily test, being ed primarily to Europeans and noise and tone was greatly affected by the pitch register of the two elements, each of the three parameterswere varied for stimuliconstructedaroundboth high and low registers (centered at 1,000 Hz and 400 Hz, respectively). PERCEPrUAL RESEARCH GeneralMeffiod The experiments were organized in three series, each testing the effect of a different acoustic parameteron tone/ noise fusion. In the Intensity Series, pure tones (sinusoidal waveform) in high and low registerswere combined with band-filteredwhite noise havinga bandwidthof 100 Hz and a center frequencycoincidingwiththe frequencyof the tone. For this series, the intensity level of the tone variedrandomlywithin a given range, while the noise level was offset from the tone level by specificincrements.Forthe BandwidthSeries,this procedure was repeated for several noise bandwidths ranging from 50 to 200 Hz. For the Center FrequencySe- Fig. 3. Bandwidthseries: Means(filled circles) for response categories 3 and 4 (indicatingfusion) for each bandwidthas a function of level difference between tone and noise for high register.Vertical axis shows amplitudedifference between tone and noise; horizontal axis indicatesbandwidth. highregister SERIES, BANDWIDTH | | 6 | | | Fig. 2. Intensity series: Means (filled circles) and standard deviations (SD) (vertical bars indicate + 1 SD) of responses for each intensity difference between tone and noise for low regis ter stimuli with a 100-Hz band of noise centered on a l,OOO-Hztone. l g North Americans.Since the aim of this part of the work was to establish some basic psychoacousticthresholdsand because psychoacousticphenomenaat this level are generallythought to be a function of the human hearing apparatus (whichis essentiallythe same for all human beings), we considered the results obtained from this study to reflect universal properties of auditory perception althoughthis assumptionwarrants verificationin future research.Froman ethnomusicologicalpoint of view,however,it is noteworthythat informalpilot testswiththese subjectsrevealedthatthe notion of fusion betweendissimilartimbreswasa difficultconceptto graspintellectuallyand, even moreso, perceptually. Initially,subjectswere askedto rate on a continuum the "degreeof fusion"demonstratedby a seriesof stimuli,but it became evident that the subjectswere unclear as to the definition of the perceptualphenomenon that they were askedto judge. Therefore,as an alternative, the subjectswere askedwhetherthe acoustic components comprisedone or two sounds,since fusion transformsmultiple elements into a single unitarypercept. Subjects were asked, in other words, to rate the degree to which the tone could be heard separatelyfrom the noise in each trial. Twenty-three listeners (all but one had had some musical training; none were professional musicians) were instructed to decide whether they heard the tone separately from the noise or not and to rate their certaintyby selecting one of six buttons as follows: (1) "Toneheard separately:I am sure";(2) "Tone heard separately: I am fairly sure";(3) 'Woneheard separately:I am not sure";(4) "ToneNOT heard sepa- Fig. 4. Bandwidthseries: Means (filled circles) for response categories 3 and 4 (indicatingfusion) for each bandwidthas a function of level diSerence between tone and noise for low register.Vertical axis shows amplitudedifference between tone and noise; horizon- tal axis indicatesbandwidth. BANDWIDTHSERIES,low register | r o o | l s lS0 125 lQ0 Noise bandwidth(Hz) 175 200 | t | 6 | 4 . s o 4< Ct 4 o * m \ z 2 ,,wx > _ r Cd aJ 0 aJ o 2- aJ @ V *C ,)l 0 R-2 A \ .H a; -4 - \ -2 aJ aJ _--r \ -4 CG aJ -6 v - 50 75 lO0 125 150 175 200 Noise bandwidth (Hz) 70 Fales and Mc24dams,The Fusion and Layering of Noise and Tone sO 7s ' O. / .......... BANDWIDTH SERIES,high register ...................... X s = X Z .. . .... BANDWIDTH SERIES,low register 6S s a 6 S- sz n 4 e i 'e 3^ G 2 2 \s 1l l w - v - | - w - w - w w - | w w - - | - - | -240 -40 160 360 Offset of noise centerfrequencyfrom tone frequency Fig. 5. CenterFrequencySeries:Means (filled circles) of responses for high registerstimuliin whichcenter frequencyof noise bandwidth is offset from tone frequencyby up to 400 Hz. Verticalaxis shows response, horizontalaxis shows offset of noisocenter fro quencyfrom tone. rately:I am not sure";(5) 4'ToneNOT heard separately:I am fairly sure";(6) '4Tone NOT heard separately: I am sure." We call these judgments "tone separationratings."For the final Center FrequencySeries,listenerswere alerted, in addition,that the rangeof perceptual differences might be changed, since there might no longer be a condition in which the tone was not heard at all, as occurredin the firsttwo seriesof trials. IntensitySeries Tone separationratingswere made for 11 intensity differences between tone and noise varyingfrom -25 to +25 dB in 5dB increments.Eachconditionwasrepeated five times for each listener. These responses were then averaged across listeners and repetitions. The mean responses and their standarddeviations (a measure of variationacross responses for a given condition) for each intensity difference are shown in Figs 1 and 2 for high and low registers, respectively.Note thatwhen the noise is weakcomparedto the level of the tone, low ratingsare given (tone heard separately) and when the noise is intense, high ratingsare given (tone not heard separately).The curves for both registerssuggesta gradualprogressionof the perceptfrom separationthroughfusion to masking. Presumingthat high ratings (5-6) indicate that the tone may be masked by the noise and thatlow ratings(1-2) indicate that the tone is heard separately fromthe noise, we takeintermediateratings (3 4) as indicativeof the conditions under which the tone and noise are beginning to fuse. Figures 1 and 2 show that the degree of noise-tonerelationin -120 -20 80 180 Offsetof noisecenterfrequencyfromtonefrequency Fig. 6. CenterFrequencySeries:Means (filled circles) of responses for low registerstimuliin whichcenter frequencyof noise bandwidth is offset from tone frequencyby up to 200 Hz. Verticalaxis shows response, horizontalaxis shows offset of noise-centerfrequencyfrom tone. the high and low registers differs most were averagedacrosssubjectsand plotdramatically on the high intensity-differ- ted in Figs 3 and 4 for the low and high ence end of the curve. For the low regis- registers,respectively.This comparison ter, when the noise exceeds the tone by shows that the difference in level bemore than about 4 dB, the tone begins to tween tone and noise at the fusion lose audibility;when the noise intensity is thresholddecreasesslightlyfor both the less than the tone by about 15 dB, the high and low registersas the bandwidth tone separates and the sound is layered. increases from 50 to 75 and then reBased on intermediate ratings, a Elrstes- mains relatively constant for larger timation of the necessary intensity rela- bandwidths. tion between noise and tone, therefore, puts the fusion region between -7 and Center FrequencySeries -1 dB, noise relative to tone. For the high In this experimental series, a constant register, fusion appears to occur when the bandwidth(100 Hz) and noise-intensity intensity level of the noise is between -3 level (65 dB with respect to the tone and +4 dB, relative to the tone. There level) were maintained, while varying would appear, therefore, to be a differ- the difference between the center freence between high and low registers, fu- quency of the noise and the tone fresion occurring at a slightly higher inten- quency from -200 to +200 Hz in incresity difference (about 3 dB) for the high ments of 20 Hz for the low registerand register than for the low register. from -400 to +400 Hz in incrementsof BandwidthSeries Tone separation ratings were made for 11 intensity differences as in the previous series, but here they were performed for each of five noise bandwidths varying from 50 to 200 Hz in 5SHz increments. The noise bands were created with a second-order bandpass filter. Each condition was repeated three times for each listener. These responses were then averaged across listeners and repetitions. For this series, the same types of mean response curves resulted, with the same difference in registers, as were seen for the first series with a noise bandwidth of 100 Hz. In order to compare the intensity differences between noise and tone in the fusion region (responses 3-4) across the different bandwidths, the intensity differences corresponding to mean responses of 3 and 4 40 Hz for the high register.It is important to note that for the stimuli in this series, there was no condition in which the noise maskedthe tone, since the intensitylevel of the noise remainedconstant at a level difference found to be within the fusion response area for a bandwidthof 100 Hz in the firstexperimental series. Thus, for this series, response category 6 (Tone NOT heard separately:I am sure) wastaken to indicate the greatest degree of fusion, and response category 5 (Tone NOT heard separately:I am fairlysure) was considered the fusion threshold.In this series, in other words,judgments of non-separation were taken to indicate fusion rather than masking, given the signal parametersused. Mean responses across listeners and repetitions as a function of the frequency difference are shown in Figs 5 Fales and McAdams,The Fusion and Layering of Noise and Tone 71 20 10- 179i t - - | - |- _li -I; | r-r it 0; . t . 1\ . _ 1. .1\ .. 1 .. xl S . l . ||tk s | v | de l 50 l , - - - -- - ----- - I 40 - - t t 30 °O 1000 2000 3000 . ... _ i 4000 - - 5000 6000 - - - -- . --- - - - - -- - ------- 7000 8000 . . . 9000 10000 Fig. 7. Narrowband spectrum of harmonic elements of flute tone of fundamental frequency 1,032 Hz. The horizontal axis corresponds to frequency (in Hz), and the vertiical axis to amplitude (in dB). The fundamental frequency is approximately 1,032 Hz. de -- - Discussion of the Perceptual Experiments --+ - - Hz Fig. 8. Narrowband spectrum of noise elements of flute tone of fundamental frequen 1,032 Hz. The horizontal axis corresponds to frequency (in Hz), and fhe vertical axis CYor responds to amplitude (in dB). Note fhe similarity in envelope (outline of peaks) of Jd he noise spectrum to fhe harmonic spectrum above, indicating fhat noisebands are rouglhly centered on primary harmonics. de Hz Fig. 9. Narrowband spectrum of flute tone (complete) of fundamental frequency 1,032!Hz The horizontal axis corresponds to frequency (in Hz), and the vertical axis to amplitude (in dB). Note presence of a second set of Zharmonics," which are marked by arrows. Note I also that the width of noisebands sulsounding fundamental and second two harmonic sare roughly as large as the bandwidfhs of the auditory filters centered on these componen 8 72 and 6 for both registers. These curves demonstrate that fusion is affected by the way the auditory system Ellters the incoming sound into frequency bands in a manner similar to that shown for masking by a vast body of psychoacoustic research. The peripheral auditory system can be considered to be a bank of overlapping bandpass filters (called "auditory filters'') whose center frequencies cover the audible frequency range and whose bandwidths (often called "critical bandwidths") vary systematically with the center frequency, being smaller at low frequencies and larger at high frequencies. Thus, as the center frequency of the noise moves away from the tone frequency and its energy starts to fall outside the auditory filter center on the tone, the degree of fusion decreases. This effect gives rise to the bell-shaped curves in Figs 5 and 6. Eales and McAdams,The Fusion and Layering of Noise and Tone From an ethnomusicological point of view, a primary interest of the results obtained so far resides in the relatively small range of the acoustic parameters that determine fusion. While we have not yet tested the three parameters as they might operate for fusion with complex tones, we can hypothesize that if a musician were to construct an ideal noise device intended to fuse with a continuum of pure tones that made up the pitch inventory (an altogether unrealistic scenario), the device would produce noise having the following characteristics: (1) a bandwidth as large or larger than that of an auditory filter centered on the highest pitch of the instrument; (2) a center frequency as close as possible to the frequency of the tone with which it is to fuse, but with a frequency offset small enough to still allow the required noise power to enter an auditory filter centered on the lowest frequency produced by the instrument; and (3) an intensity level that allows the required noise power to enter the auditory filter centered on the highest frequency produced by the instrument, given the chosen bandwidth of the noise. Informal testing of laboratory stimuli has demonstrated that the fusion of noise with a more realistic complex tone is more complicated than fusion with a pure tone. It is not a simple matter of surrounding each harmonic with noise or adding a single block of noise with bandwidth equal to the bandwidth of the complex tone. However, though confirmationwill only be possible with continued experimentation,we suggest that to the extent that the noise phenomena of fusion and masking are related, then our resultson the fusion of a pure tone might be relevantto complex tones as well. Since there are indeed instruments (such as the sanza of Southern, CentralSand West Africa, an exampleof whichwe will discussbelow) in whicha unitarynoise devicecontributes a cross-frequency i'buzz"to the timbre,it is probable that the invention of such devices is neither haphazard nor epiphenomenal. It does not appear to be the case that the use of fused noiseS at anz7rate,is simplyanotherexampleof the Africanpredilectionfor layeredtextures. Rather, as demonstrated below, sllch devlcesmustbe carefullychosen or constructed in order to achieve a desired effect. AGOUSTIGANALYSES The second part of our study aims to complement the perceptual research withacousticanalysesof noise devicesin Africanmusicalinstruments.The analyses whose results are presented here were done using two kindsof digitalsignal processing software developed at IRCAM.The firstof these (whichwe will call Znoise-separation")separates the non-periodic part of the signal (the noise) from the periodic part (harmonic tone). The second is a filtering program that allows very fine pass- or stopbandfiltering by literally"drawing ins'the desiredfilter on a spectrum.We present the results from three instruments, a traditional bamboo flute, a sanza [2] with a single level of metal mellae (tonglles) and a musical bow [3]. All three intruments are from Bllrundi and were chosen for analysis because the first two demonstratefused noise and tone} and the last demonstrateslayerednoise and tone. Regardingthe fused instrumentssthe flute has a relativelysimple spectrum while the sanza is more complicated. Perceptually,the flute timbreis characterized by breathiness or air noise, which- although weaker in regard to fusion than the noise in our synthesized examplesemonstrates severalparameters of concern in our fusion experiments. The sanzanoise is produced by beer bottle capsthathavebeen attached to the resonator of the instrument. Noise-tonefusion in the case of this instrumentis perceptuallymuch stronger than for the flute. For the musicalbow, which demonstratesunfused noise and tone and whose spectrum is also relativelycomplicated,noise is producedby metal isclackers'attached to the gourd resonator,producinga metallicjingling sound superimposedover the sound of the struckcord. Ironically,the majorproblemencountered in noise analysis of real instruments is exactly the result of the phenomenon that is the object of our research:both acousticallyand perceptually,noise is intertwinedwith other elements of the music with tremendous complexity.Whetherthe noise is layered or fused,the resultingacousticsignal,of course, includes both noise and tonal components and the distinction between them is difficult to detect. The noise-separationsoftwarethat we used operates on the assumption that the constituentnoise elements are lower in amplitude within a given frequencyregion than the harmonicelements. The results of our perceptual experiments show that it is possible to achieve perceptual fusion of noise and tone even when the noise is at a higher level than the tone. Indeed the last instrumentwe will discuss-the musical bow- shows noise elements that are more intense than periodic elements in some frequencyregions.In the case of the musical bow then, the noise-separationsoftwarewas unable to distinguishperiodic from aperiodic elements, and we used filtering softwareto isolate noise from the harmonicelements.Evenin the case of the flute and sanzaewhere the noise separation program was 1lsed the sampleshad to be resubmittedfor processing severaltimes, in order to separate noisy from periodic elements as much as possible. Wewilllook firstat the instrumentsin which noise and tone fuse. Figures7-12 below show spectra of the flute and sanza.In the Elrstgroup of three Fig. 7 shows the harmonic elements only of the flute tone with a fundamental frequency of 1,032 Hz; Fig. 8 shows the aperiodiccontent of the same tone; Fig. 9 shows the entire conglomerate The second three figures show,respectively, the harmonic structure (Fig. 10) the aperiodiccontent (Fig. 11) and the entire sanza tone (Fig 12) with a fundamentalfrequencyof 285 Hz. The figures for both instrumentsshowthat primary harmonics are surrounded by noise. Both noise spectra,in factyappearto follow the harmonic spectra of their respective instruments,so that the envelope of just the noise portion of each signalresemblesthe envelope of the re- lated harmonic portion, though at a loweramplitude. Flute Analyses For the flute, the width of the noise band surroundingthe fundamentaland the second two harmonicsis at least as large as the bandwidthsof the auditory filters centered on these components (for the fundamentalfrequencyat 1,032 Hz, the noise bandwidth must be approximately136 Hz; for the second [4] harmonic at 2,016 HzSthe bandwidth must be approximately241 Hz, for the third harmonic at 3,105 HzSthe bandwidth mustbe 349 Hz). In addition,the noise in the frequencyregionof the fundamental and third harmonic has the highest level, correspondingto the fact that these are the strongestharmonics. Therefore,for the perceptionof the entire complex conglomerateSthe auditory filters in the region of the fundamental and the third harmonicare the most stimulatedby the noise. In the case of the higher harmonics,it is difficultto determine where the noise bandwidth beginsSsince the noise level flattensout considerablyaboure about 55000Hz. We can make several other observations based on the spectra,as well as on the sound of the signalwe are analyzing. As mentioned above,the noise element in the timbre of this flute is slight, as might be predictedfrom the level of the noise. If the fusion of noise with a complex tone has some relation to noisepure tone fusion}then, accordingto our experiments, the difference in noise and tone level here ought to make this combination difficult to fuse And yet, they arefusing, as is evidenced by the sound of the entire signal as well as the sound of the separate noise and tone signals (both of which are noticeablyaltered by their isolation from one another). Fromthisexample,we can arrive at one of twoconclusions.It maybe that noise fusion in the case of a complex tone differsmarkedlyfrom noise fusion witha pure tone. However,insofaras the noise phenomena of fusion and masking are related,Moore'sobservation[5] that the maskingof a complex tone by noise is predictablefrom the detectability of the most prominent harmonics may be equally applicable to fusion. Therefore,our resultson the fusionof a pure tone oughttobe relevant to complex tones as well. An alternativeexplanationof the failure of the flute example to conform more exactlyto our experimentalresults is that these resultsmayneed to be rein- FaZesand MsAdams,The Fusion and Layering of Noise and Tone 73 30__ 20 A1 #ki1 ||_ +__ 0 > 1lr ___1 _1 _11 t t+_ --| q1 1 C - 1 wil --'t--------1l 1 of 1[- 1111 +M10q]51 Isic, i i t1l -- --lr t only (Gregory al n the lightly pointtimbre Sandell ofinfluential view-i.e. of the distinguished other. inin the terms perceptual Thus; of the we o ..... . , .. , . . .U, s I of fusion. terpretedto accountfor degrees In order to do this, we need to establish a definition of fusion that accounts for the varyingstrengthsof listeners'sensations.Does "weakfusion"occurwhen the noise accompanyinga periodic tone is dB i _ t l J 20 | __ J l_ i I F -|--[ 11 } 4 I 10 °O ' ig. 1000 10. Fi 285 l 1 20001 3000 The 4000 of (in Note dB). distribution the the across r 5000 harmo?zi& ax}s horizontal } of 8000 sanza of (in Hz), partials, as from theto tone sonly t by suchofa itdegree senis contributing the that a part 1I 10000 9000 tone frequency of 2 I 7i0 to (, 11 J ! elements axis 1 1I 5000 composition of the timbre?And does thatmean thatthe n) se it elfmustbe at lowlevel?Or can tl oi e be relatively i tense, butwithits c ter equencyoff- y w5 inharmonicity frequency : I corresponds relative , ll t9 - 0- spectrum Hz. >amplitude ven - - tNarrowband uency t t i ^ 1 L| fre- fundamental and vertical the by indicated axis their un- * dB I j | ||\ 01 } be consideredto reflecta less strongdegree of fusion thus provoking a less | | F 1 I | | y r 8 10 q | ' i 1000 30iOo 2000 4000 6000 60'00 7000 8000 9000 of fundamental 10000 Hz Fi ig. 11. Narrowband uency 285 Hz. ) amplitude um to The (in the of spectrum axis horizontal Notice dB). the notse of elements corresponds above, in tone (in (outline envelope that indicating sanza frequency to similarity spectrum harmonic M Hz), of and noisebands are frevertical the peaks) of roughly spec- centered on pl rimaryharmonics. ds 1lil 4D E I 1 1 1 ,1 1 }t1111 l i V 2 A 18 4 r ,1 1 rotf T { 21 11 |I i L - -- i I I I o0 I I 1000 3000 2000 0 s \r N l{"2| -_ 6000 1l 1l| 111 t ; I 5000 | i I 8000 r It|ll W 1F I 11 mutualinfluenceofthetwocomponents 1 10000 9000 HZ 'ig. T Nhe in Inly 12. Narrowband horizontal dB). axis Here starting spectrum noise at the of sanza corresponds to bandwidths begin fifth tone frequency to (complete) (in approximate Hz), of and the fundamental the size of harmonic. 285 frequency vertical respective axis to lutual influence of the noise and tone conditions are met: (1) the overalltimbre of the sound must demonstratethe ,1dl^M 1 11 11 7000 pe ceptual d stlnCtve e s o t e st lntact [7] . Somethlng of the same distinction might well be relevant here, where the flute timbreis augmentedby the presenceof noise, althoughthe noise itself is not sufElcientlyintense to produce the kind of emergenttimbretested for in our experimentation. With the fuexample, it appears flute as an to be defined from a that percep5 on ought I it 102 Tr ! 4000 I _ 1 j | - | --I - s * *t axis noise the ^ nlerencc ol tl e Et robe ween "emergent"timbre, produced by the perceptual fusion of the entire spectraof two separateinstruments,and timbre,producedby the fu"augmented" sion of severalharmonicsfrom one instrumentwith the entire spectrumof a second instrument, thus changing the timbre of the second while leaving the peAttI I II °O sation offusion? If the second arrangement of noise and tone is allowed as a kind of fusionwithonly partof the noise fusing, then can noise both fuse and layer with the tone it accompanies?In our experiments,we have consideredall responses 4 to be stimuli provoking to perhaps response32or ought fused, but Eiz. amplitude auditory filters (so that in the case of two of the instruments representedhere, we have a noisy flute and a noisy sanza,as opposed to a flute and sanzain the presenceof noise), and (2) when the soundis analyticallydivided into its two components,both the noise alone and the tone strippedof the noise must sound discernibly different in the absence of the other. The second observation we can make from the flute spectra is that while the 74 FaZesand McAdams,The Fusion and Layering of Noise and Tone 1 1, 1 11111, ,1 .,1 noise envelopedoes followthe harmonic envelope,beginningwiththe secondharmonic, it is actuallyshiftedslightly,such that noise peaksare higher in frequency than harmonicpeaks.Furthermore,Fig. 9 whichincludesspectraof both the harmonics and the noise, shows what appears to be a second set of harmonics, beginningbelowthe fundamentalv whose peaks are in fact as regular as the real harmonics. Our noise-separation programassignsmost of these peaks to the noise component. However,their regulariqrmade us suspiciousof the accuracy of this assignmentuniil we matchedthe pitch of the tone and found it in fact to correspondto a frequencyof about1,030 Hz. These regularpeaks, then, become the peaks of the noise, which are themselves quite regular harmonically.The shift of the noise center frequency is greater than that predicted by our experiments on the coincidence of tone frequencywith the center frequencyof the noise which may contribute to the weaker influence of the noise on the flute timbre.At the same time, the real partials of this traditional flute are remarkablyinharmonicfor a flute [8] although not so much in comparison to the sanzadiscussedbelow.If the partials were ideally harmonic, their values would lie somewherebetween their actual peaksand the harmonicallyregular peaksof the noise that surroundsthem. Moore [9] and others have shown that especiallywithin the first six harmonics of a complex tone inharmonicpartials tend to pull the sense of pitch awayfrom that indicated by the frequency of the fundamental in the direction of the inharmonicity.If this is true, then a possible effect of the regularnoise peakslocatedabovethe trueharmonicsmightbe the undoing of the tendency of the flute's (inharmonic)partialsto pull the sense of pitch downward,by addingwhat mightalmostbe considereda second set of partials,each paired with one of the real harmonics,but offset in a direction opposite to the real harmonics' inharmonicity.Indeed,in comparisonwith the complete tone (noise and harmonic frequencies) the harmonic-onlysignal (withoutnoise) soundslower.Evenstronger confirmationof the role of noise in undoing the pitch effects of inharmonicityis heard in a comparison of the harmonic-only signal with the noise-and-harmonicsignal when both havebeen filteredto exclude all but the firstthree harmonics.Informallistening to these soundsproducedgeneralagreement among listenersthat not only was dB ___. 40 : 30 + - -- - = a 20 h't - ... & 4000 5000 t--- R t!ltlll l I i 3000 - - ' 6000 1ll11'''11 '/1lpll x 7X0 , 8000 i ! SO00 10000 11000 120X 13000 ) 18000 Hz Fig. 13. Narrowband spectrum of musical bow tone (comptete) of fundamental frequenc 302 Hz. The horizontal axis corresponds to frequency (in Hz), and khe vertical axis correu sponds to amplitude (in dB). Notice the presence of two kinds of noise (see text): noise khat surrounds primary harmonics, as in sanza and flute tones, and high frequency noise (above about 6,000 Hz) that appears to produce the layering audible in its timbre. dB i a °o ; I q##ts- jl--- 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 gO00 100001100012000 1300014000 1500016000 1700018000 Hz Fig. 14. Narrowband spectrum of high frequency noise filtered from spectrum. The horizontal axis corresponds to frequency (in Hz), and the vertical axis to amplitude (in dB). Notice the relative formlessness of fhe noise in comparison with the noise in the remaining signal (shown in Fig. 16). dB Hz Fig. 15. Narrowbandspectrumof portion of signal remaining(after high frequencynoise was filtered from spectrum)with noise removedby noise4eparationprocess. The hoxizontal axis correspondsto frequency(m Hz), and {he verticalaxis correspondsto amplitude (in dB). Fales and McAdams,The Fusion and Layering of Noise and Tone 75 dB 30 20 .lll 10 os ) 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 Fig. 16. Narrowbandspectrumof portion of signalremaining(afterhigh frequencynoise was fflteredfrom spectrum)with noise only, isolated by noise-separationprocess. The horizontalaxis correspondsto frequency(in Hz), and the verticalaxis correspondsto amplitude (in dB). Note, for this portion of the signal, the similarityin envelope (outline of peaks) of the noise spectrumto the harmonicspectrumabove, indicatingthat noisebands are roughlycenteredon primaryharmonics. noise-separationprocess,of course,cannot distinguishbetweenthe twosources. This is alwaysa problemwhen there is a supplementarynoise device acting on an instrument.Forthe analysisof overall noise content, it probablymakes little Sanza Analyses The spectra for the sanza are remark- differencewhere the noise originates,as ably complex when comparedwith the long as it is discerniblyfusing or layerflute spectra.The partialsof the sanza ing. However,when discussingthe reachave so inconsistenta relationship(the tion of supplementarynoise deviceson distancebetweenthemvaryingfrom 212 the "natural"timbre of the instrument, to 320 Hz, with a quasi-fundamentalof it is importantto distinguishnoise pro285 Hz) that it is difficult to decide duced in the absenceof the devicefrom noise producedby the device.Thus,havwhichpeaksare legitimateharmonicseven though the sample was run ing suggested a possible "function"of through the noise-separation process the sanza noise, we also point out that three times to eliminate as much noise propositions as to noise devices that as possible.Here again, the noise enve- "compensate" for inharmonicity,for exlope follows the spectralenvelope. Un- ample, must remaintentativeas long as like the flute, however,the noise band- there is no sample of the same widths surrounding the harmonics instrument's sound with its inherent begin to approximatethe size of the re- noise and withoutthe externalnoise despective auditory filters only with the vice- that is, as long as there is no pure fifth harmonic.Further,with the excep- sample of what it is that the noise comtion of the fundamental, the intensity pensatesfor. level of the noise relative to the harmonic it surroundsis high enough that Musical Bow Analyses the total noise power entering each fil- As mentioned earlier, the musical bow ter appearsto exceed the noise-to-har- example differs from the other instrumonic rationecessaryfor fusion. ments describedhere in that it demonA problemin the noise analysisof the strates layered rather than fusedsanza(whichdid not arisein the case of tone and noise. When we tried our the flute) is that, in all likelihood, the noise-separationprocess on samplesof instrumentused for analysishere actu- the bow,we found that the softwareleft ally contains more than one noise so much noise in the frequencyregion source.We have mentioned alreadythe above 6,000 Hz that a spectrumof what use of bottle caps attached to the reso- was meant to be harmonic-only elenator of the instrument. At the same ments looked quite similarto the spectime, there is probablysome degree of trumfor the entire tone. Whenwe next noise producedby the instrumentitself, bandpass-filtered this extractedsignalto as it is traditionally performed. The leaveonly the region above6,000 Hz, we the pitch higher for the reduced noisy complex,but the "roughness" or "graininess" of the noiseless complex was reduced by the presenceof noise. 76 Fales and McAdams,The Fusion and Layering of Noise and Tone were unable to hear any periodic elements whatsoever;it was evident from this result that the bow was an example of an instrument on which our noiseseparation process is ineffective, since the noise elements in part of the spectrum appearto be louder than the harmonic elements in the same regions. Thus the software'schoice of the highest intensitypeaks as harmonicswas inappropriatein the case of the musical bow. However, having filtered out the frequency region above 6,000 Hz, we could then apply the noise-separation process to the sample that remained. Figures 13-16 are spectraof the entire bow tone (Fig. 13), the high-intensity noise region removedby filtering (Fig. 14), the remainingsignalwith noise extracted (Fig. 15), and the noise only of the remainingsignal (Fig. 16). If we look firstat the spectraof the signal remainingafter filtering out all frequencies above 6,000 Hz, we see something of the same patternof noise-tone relationas we sawin the flute and sanza. The noise followsthe harmoniccontent of the tone, forming noise bands surrounding each formant peak. Again, when we furtherfiltered this part of the signal to leave only the first four harmonics, those harmonics were inharmonic to the extent thattheywereheard to be so weaklyfused that, ratherthan a single, unified sound with a discernible pitch, almostall listenersheard a collection of three or four pitches, none of which appearedto be the same pitch as the entire tone. When we combined these four harmonicswith the highfrequencynoise(Fig. 13), the resultingpercept was of the separate pitches of the harmonicswith noise superimposedor layeredabove.Evidentlythe noise above 6,000 Hz contributedneither to the fusion of the harmonicsnor to the sense of pitch but, rather,added an additional, layeredsound. When we mixed back in the noise below6,000 Hz (Fig. 17), however, listeners reported that the same four harmonicsfusedinto a slightlynoisy tone and yielded a sense of pitch matching that of the entire tone. Again,it appears that only the noise surrounding harmonicsof the bow could aid in their fusion and the resulting pitch perception, and further,that this noise wasalso adding a slight noisy quality comparable in intensityto the noisy qualityof the flute. When we then mixed back in the high frequency noise (above 6,000 Hz), the resulting percept was almost identicalto the entire tone as it occursin performance,with a unified pitch and timbre-senseand an additionalnoise layered over this complex. Thusnlt appearsthat,in fact, the musical bow recorded for this sample produces two kinds of noise: one of lower frequencyand intensity that fuses with the tones it surroundsand that contriS utes to their fusion and pitch sense and another of higher frequencyand intensity that produces the layeringof noise audibleabovethe tone. As in the case of the sanza,there is no wayof knowingif both kindsof noise arisefrom the noise device attached to the instrumentor if the fusingnoise is inherentto the instrument,whilethe layerednoise is the result of the "metal clackers."Whatever the sourcesof the noise, theirconfigurations as revealed by the spectra above are again in agreement with the results of our experiments.The fusing noise centers roughly on prominent harmonics while the layering noise is well set off fromaudibleperiodicelementsand is of sufficientintensitythatit masksanyperiodic elements that lie in the same frequencyregion. One of the intriguing aspects.of the studydescribedin this paper-although it is one whose implicationscan only be speculated occurred in informal responses from listeners describing the fused noise-tone percept. Four comments that were repeated frequentlyby subjectswere that the noise-tonefusion (1) seemed to '4spreadout" the pitch (2) gavethe sensationof more than one pitch, (3) left listeners unsure of the pitch7 and (4) caused the illusion of asyrlchrony betweenthe noise and tone. Vincent Oehoux of the Departmentof Ethnomusicologyin the laboratory of the Langues et CivilisationsTraditionnelles Oralesof the CentreNationalde Recherche Scierltifique ( LACITOCNRS)in Paristells the storyof being in the presence of two sanza musicians from the CentralAfricanRepublicwho had been workingfor some time to tune their instruments together for a duet they were to perform. After a finalsunsuccessfulattempt they gave up the effort, deciding instead simply to attach still more bottle caps to the resonators of their instruments.And, said Dehous [10], whatever the mechanismS the bottle-cap trick appeared to work. It is in stories such as this one that the analytical and experimental parts of our noise fusion study come together. Anyone who is familiar with the noisy timbre of a bottle-cap-laden sanza such as the one described above will recognize that the level of the noise could not have been nearly sufflcient to maskthe mismatched intonation of the two sanzas. If there is any validity to our earlier suggestion that the noise described above counteracts the inharmonicity of the instruments that produce it-and if we consider the comments of our experimental subjects concerning the "spreading out of pitch as an effect of noise-then it is possible that a similar phenomenon is working for the Central Mrican sanza musicians to compensate for the imperfect intonation between the two instruments by blending one intonation into the other. hferences and Notes CONCLUSION 7. Gregory Sandell, 'iAnalysis of Concurrent Timbres with an Auditory Model,s' paper presented at the Third International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), hosted by the European Society for the Gognitive Sciences of WIusic (ESCONI), Liege Belgium, 23-27July 1994. Verification of hypotheses concerning the perceptual effects of noise in regard to faulty tuning, inharmonicity or ambiguous pitch sensation will require further, extensive laboratory research. Verifying that such perceptual effects are intentional on the part of musicians will require additional extensive field research. Similarly an investigation of the intended effect of noise fusion and layering-of whether one was more desirable or productive of the illusion than the other-will also require inventive field research The use of other noise phenomena, such as auditory restoration effects might also contribute to the intended effects of noise in African music. From the perspective of ethnomusicology, in order to combine the controlled results of laboratory research with the richness of uncontrolled musical behavior experimentation of the kind described here must consist of equal parts of laboratory research acoustic analyses of the instruments and field research. 1. See, for example, J*H. Kwabena Nketia, Muszcof Afrzvs(New York:W.W. Norton, 1973). 2. The sanza, also called mbtruin parts of Africa, is a small, handheld lamellophone with a rectangular shallow box resonator and a clavier of wooden or metal lamellae that are "pluckedt with the thumbnails. In some regions of AfricaXthe sanza may be put inside a larger calabasse for extra resonance. In the United States, the instrument is colloquially called a zithumbpiano.t 3. The musical bow is a struck string instrument resembling the bow o£ a bow-and-arrowwith a gourd resonator attached to the wooden bow part of the instrument. This gourd is held against the musician's chest cavitwfor further resonance while he or she strikes the string with a short baton. 4. For musicians5 whose system begins counting harmonics a£ter the fundamental frequency7 this will be the first harmonic or overtone. 5. B.C.J. Moore, An Int;roductionto the Psychologyof Hearzng(London: Academic Press, 1989). 6. I)egree of £usion was an issue of concern in factS in the original design of the experiment, but the intial difficulty encountered in proposing the notion of noise fusion to subjects made the proposition of degreesof fusion unrealistic. 8. Personal communication, Marc Pierre Merge (instrument acoustician, IRCAh4) concer ning inharmonicity of flute-like instruments, March 1994. 9. Moore [5]. 10. Personal communicatiesnx see also Vincent Dehoux, Les Chnts a Penser(Paris: SELAF,Place de la Sorbonne, 1992) . Bbliography A.S. Bregman and S. Pinker 'Auditory Streaming and the Building of Timbret Cvnadian Journst of (1978) pp. 19-31. 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