2015-16 Department of Electrical and Electronics SAINT GITS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING KOTTUKULAM HILLS, PATHAMUTTOM P O, KOTTAYAM-686532 Department of Electrical and Electronics DE PARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF MECHDE PARTMENT ELECTRICAL ANDOF MECHANICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING ENGINEERINGANIC SAINTGITS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING PATHAMUTTOM, KOTTAYAM Department Hand Book 2015-2016 Personal Profile Name: Designation: Contact No.: E-mail ID: 5 Department of Electrical and Electronics CONTENTS Electrical and Electronics Engineering – an Overview ------------------------------------6 Department in a Glance ---------------------------------------------6 Vision, Mission, PEO’s & Program Outcomes ---------------------------------------------7 Strength ---------------------------------------------8 Teaching and technical Faculty ---------------------------------------------9 Laboratories and faculty in-charge ---------------------------------------------10 Staffrooms and Classrooms ---------------------------------------------10 Chief Staff Advisor & Advisors ---------------------------------------------10 Department Responsibilities ---------------------------------------------11 Class and Student Placement representatives --------------------------------------------12 6 Placement Syllabus ---------------------------------------------12 Add on course 2014-15 ---------------------------------------------14 GATE Coaching ---------------------------------------------15 Electrical Engineering Association ---------------------------------------------16 IEEE student branch chapter ---------------------------------------------18 External Talks --------------------------------------------22 In House Talks -------------------------------------------22 Department Project Exhibition --------------------------------------------23 Student Achievements --------------------------------------------23 Staff Achievements --------------------------------------------25 NSS Tech Cell --------------------------------------------36 Add on Course 2015-16 --------------------------------------------37 Retrospection 2014-2015 -------------------------------------------38 Department of Electrical and Electronics ABOUT ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING In the current scenario, Electrical and Electronics Engineering is one of the most dynamic branches. Electrical power is an integral part of modern life. It is impossible to visualize the world without electricity. There has been rapid advancement in generation, transmission and distribution technologies, opening up new frontiers. The degree of sophistication of control technology has reached a stage where an intricate knowledge of programming, hardware and mathematical analysis is mandatory. Subjects on Network theory, Control systems, protection and power systems give the exposure to electrical fundamentals, whereas, analogue and digital circuits, microprocessor, Digital Signal Processing, advanced programming languages make an attractive blend of electrical and electronics, thereby, creating excellent placement opportunities in very sector. With the continued worldwide growth in all aspects of Electrical and Electronics technology, graduates in this stream will be well-equipped to be able to think creatively and laterally and help secure the future of the next generation. DEPARTMENT AT A GLANCE We are one of the six departments within SAINTGITS College of Engineering. The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established in the year 2002. Our distinctive four-year undergraduate degree Programme leads to a B.Tech. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering approved by A.I.C.T.E and affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University. The programme combines rigorous training in engineering fundamentals and applications with elective courses in various emerging fields of Electrical Engineering. It attracts undergraduate students who want to study electrical engineering and also gain a broad base of knowledge in other engineering streams. The department launched the M.Tech course in Power Systems in the year 2008 and has a yearly intake of 36 students in 2 batches. The Department is equipped with a fortifying and veteran group of teachers, technical staff with prodigious and vibrant potential. It is reputed for its excellence in imparting high quality education to Undergraduate and Post Graduate students. The department offers the following degrees: 7 B.Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering M.Tech. in Power Systems Department of Electrical and Electronics VISION, MISSION, PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES & PROGRAM OUTCOMES Vision Mould globally competent value added professionals in Electrical and Allied Engineering, having the spirit of innovation and research, to support technological and economic development of the nation. Mission Expertise the students in theory and practice through high quality teaching learning process. Inculcate the skill of research and innovation by consistent institute industry interaction. Provide opportunity to organize and to take part in technical, cultural and socially relevant programs in tandem with the curriculum. Programme Educational Objectives PEO 1: Demonstrate leadership qualities, problem solving potential and passion for innovation appreciating social responsibilities. PEO 2: Manifest research aptitude, design capability and programming skills with emphasis on professional ethics. PEO 3: Exhibit professionalism, teamwork, communication skills and spirit of learning. Program Outcomes PO1: Ability to apply knowledge of engineering fundamentals and basic science for the successful implementation of engineering projects. PO 2: Ability to apply complex mathematical concepts and relations to critically analyze engineering problems. PO 3: Aptitude to analyze electrical circuits, networks, signals and systems using analytical tools to obtain feasible solutions. PO 4: Skill to design, implement and verify electronic/ digital/ linear integrated circuits in compliance with industrial requirements. PO 5: Capability to investigate complex problems related to installation, testing and control of engineering systems, model them properly and to propose innovative solutions. 8 Department of Electrical and Electronics PO 6: Ability to synthesize electric circuits, prepare electrical drawings and to simulate control systems using modern IT tools. PO7: Aptitude to develop, test and maintain software solutions using low/ middle/ high level language required for industrial and commercial applications. PO 8: Capability to apply the knowledge of electrical machinery, power systems and renewable energy resources for the benefit of society. PO 9: Ability to propose environmentally sustainable methodologies for the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical energy. PO 10: Determination to value social and professional ethics in the formulation, development and implementation of policies/ projects/ventures. PO 11: Skill to work progressively as an individual or in a team towards a specific target and to accomplish the task within the available time span. PO 12: Ability to exhibit proficiency in language both in oral and written communication to enhance the proper transfer of information and opinions. PO 13: Capability to plan and to manage the budget of small scale/ medium scale projects and ventures exploiting the knowledge of economics and finance. PO 14: Ability to explore the recent trends in technology and to apply advanced computing techniques to find novel solutions relevant to engineering applications. STRENGTH FACULTY TECHNICAL STAFF 24 6 UG STUDENTS 230 PG STUDENTS 48 9 Prof. – 2,Asso. Prof-1 Asst. Prof. –21 Trades Instr. –2 , Trades Man -2, Lab Instr.- 2 S1S2- 60 S3/4 – 51 S5/6 –58S7/861 S1S2- 14 S3/4 – 34 Department of Electrical and Electronics TEACHING FACULTY NAME Prof. Amey George Dr. Jaimol Thomas Dr. Manju Mathew Jisha James Serin Zachariah Fossy Mary Chacko Deepu Jose Ancy Sara Varghese Rachel Rose Smitha S D AparnaThampi Jancy Varghese Emil NinanSkariah Filmy Francis Deepu E Koshy JaisonCherian AshaAnuKurian Rishi Menon Abraham George VinuKoshy Abraham Daru Anna Thomas Polly Thomas Arun Sebastian Elizabeth Rajan CONTACT 240 242 247 241 244 251 251 252 251 247 251 252 251 252 252 246 246 246 251 251 252 252 252 247 EMAIL hodeee@saintgits.org jaimol.thomas@saintgits.org manju.mathew@saintgits.org jisha.jamess@saintgits.org serin.zachariah@saintgits.org fossy.mary@saintgits.org deepu.jose@saintgits.org ancy.sara@saintgits.org rachel.rose@saintgits.org smitha.sd@saintgits.org aparna.thampi@saintgits.org jancy.varghese@saintgits.org emil.ninan@saintgits.org filmy.francis@saintgits.org deepu.koshy@saintgits.org jaison.c@saintgits.org asha.kurian@saintgits.org rishi.menon@saintgits.org abraham.george@saintgits.org vinu.koshy@saintgits.org daru.anna@saintgits.org polly.thomas@saintgits.org arun.sebastian@saintgits.org elizabeth.rajan@saintgits.org Faculty members on leave: Er.Sujo P George:Doing Ph.D. at NIT Calicut Er.Haseena K A:Doing Ph.D. at NIT Calicut Er.TibinJoseph:Doing Ph.D. at Cardif University U.K Er. Jineeth Joseph: Doing Ph.D. at NIT Calicut Technical staff NAME Vinu K Kurian Sajin Krishnan Deepu Abraham Santhosh Abraham M. N. Thomas George Thomas P Andrews 10 CONTACT 681 681 681 681 681 681 EMAIL vinu.k@saintgits.org sajin.Krishnan @saintgits.org deepu.abraham@saintgits.org santhosh.kumar @saintgits.org thomas.george@saintgits.org thomas.p@saingits.org Department of Electrical and Electronics LAB FACULTY IN CHARGE Electrical Workshop CAD Lab Control & Simulation Lab Serin Zachariah Fossy Mary Chacko Rachel Rose Electrical Machines Lab Arun Sebastian Electronic Circuits Lab High Voltage Lab M.Tech. Simulation Lab Vinukoshy Abraham Emil NinanSkariah Ancy Sara Varghese Measurements Lab JaisonCherian Power Electronics Lab AparnaThampi Research Lab (PEER) Rishi Menon Consumables AshaAnuKurian STAFF ROOMS & CLASS ROOMS STAFFROOM MAIN STAFF ROOM Staff Room I Staff Room II ROOM NO. CLC 202 CLR SR2 CLG SR 2A EXTENSION NO. 251, 252 246 247 Class room layout BATCH S3,S4 S5,S6 S7,S8 S1S2 M.Tech.-A Batch S1S2M.Tech.-B Batch CLASSROOM CLC104 CLC105 CLC106 CLC 404 CLC 406 CHIEF STAFF ADVISORS & ADVISORS Class S1,S2 S3,S4 S5,S6 S7,S8 11 Staff Advisor Dr. Manju Mathew Fossy Mary Chacko Emil NinanSkariah SerinZacharia AshaAnuKurian VinuKoshy Abraham Deepu Jose Ancy Sara varghese Arun Sebastian Smitha S D Rishi Menon Polly Thomas Department of Electrical and Electronics DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITIES PG Coordinator Dr. Jaimol Thomas UG Coordinator Dr. ManjuMathew Accreditation Jisha James ISO Coordinator AshaAnuKurian Association staff in-charge Polly Thomas Curriculum Project Coordinator Semester Project Coordinator Placement in-charge VinuKoshy Abraham / Rishi Menon IEEE SB Counselor Abraham George IEEE -IAS SB advisor JaisonCherian IEEE WIE SB Advisor AshaAnuKurian GATE Coaching Fossy Mary Chacko/ Deepu Jose Technical Talks for students AparnaThampi Add on course Daru Anna Thomas Department Library in charge In house Talks Polly Thomas Fossy Mary Chacko University Exam Cell VinuKoshy Abraham Series Exam Smitha S D Departmental Meetings Fossy Mary Chacko Dept. Tour Coordinator Emil NinanSkariah Treasurer Ancy Sara Varghese SCIE Advisors Fossy Mary Chacko/ Emil NinanSkariah NSS Tech Cell Representative Abraham George PTA Polly Thomas Alumni Dept. in charge Ancy Sara Varghese/ Jancy Varghese Website Dept. in charge Abraham George Women‟s Cell Representative Deepu Jose 12 Polly Thomas Rishi Menon/Abraham George Department of Electrical and Electronics Technical Magazine in charge Emil NinanSkariah Time table in charge Arun Sebastian/ Rachel Rose Dept. Register in charge Ancy Sara Varghese Dept. Diary in charge AparnaThampi Dept. Newsletter in charge Fossy Mary Chacko Dept. Hand book in charge Jancy Varghese INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Dean Under Graduate Studies Saintgits womens cell IQAC Anti- Ragging Prof. Amey George Prof. Amey George Jisha James Deepu Jose STUDENT CLASS REPRESENTATIVES Class Name of Student Bini Babu U S1 Mathews P Veanttu Jithu Jose S3 Chichu Benoy Sherry Vargese S5 Angel James Eldhose M Aby S7 Shifa M Naushad STUDENT PLACEMENT REPRESENTATIVES Class S7 Name of Student GokulChandran Rose Antony PLACEMENT SYLLABUS Aptitude Syllabus for B Tech 3rd Semester Numerical Aptitude & Logical Reasoning - 10 Hours Verbal Ability - 20 Hours Numerical Aptitude Logical Reasoning Verbal Ability Permutation and Combination Probability Communication Listening skills 13 Logical Deduction Seating arrangement Department of Electrical and Electronics Ratio and Proportion Partnership Percentage Average Problems Based on Ages Profit and Loss, simple interest and compound interest problems Circular arrangement Problems Inserting Missing Character Reading comprehension Presentation techniques Group discussion Interview skills Technical writing skills Curriculum Vitae Aptitude Syllabus for B Tech 4th Semester Numerical Aptitude & Logical Reasoning - 10 Hours Verbal Ability - 10 Hours Numerical Aptitude Logical Reasoning Verbal Ability Alligation Time and Work Work and Wages Pipes and Cisterns Time and Distance Trains Boats and Streams Elementary Mensuration -1 Measurement of Areas Elementary Mensuration -2 Comprehension Vocabulary Enhancement Antonyms and synonyms Choose the right word One word substitutes Subject verb agreement Active and passive voice Tenses Articles and prepositions General Knowledge exercises Cubes and Dice Data Sufficiency Day Sequences Puzzle test Measurement of Volume and SurfaceAreas Number series Aptitude Syllabus for B Tech 5th Semester Numerical Aptitude & Logical Reasoning - 10 Hours Verbal Ability - 10 Hours Numerical Aptitude Logical Reasoning Verbal Ability Data Analysis & Interpretation Number ranking and time sequence Speaking exercises Trignometry Logical sequence of words Conversations Clocks & Calendar Assertion and reasoning Extempore Chain Rule Analogy True discount Grammar exercises Vocabulary improvement game and exercises Banker's discount Free Writing 14 Department of Electrical and Electronics Aptitude Syllabus for B Tech 6th Semester Numerical Aptitude & Logical Reasoning - 10 Hours Verbal Ability - 10 Hours Revision & Practice Numerical Aptitude Logical Reasoning Verbal Ability Revision : Permutation and Combination Probability Ratio and Proportion Partnership Percentage Average Problems Based on Ages Revision : Syllogism Blood Relation Venn Diagram Series Completion Directions and senses Coding and Decoding Logical Deduction Group discussion skills Mock GD's Interview skills Mock Interview's Personality development Anger management Corporate Grooming Profit and Loss Alligation Time and Work Work and Wages Pipes and Cisterns Time and Distance Seating arrangement problems Circular arrangement Problems Cubes and Dice Data Sufficiency Day Sequences Puzzle test Trains Boats and Streams Data Analysis & Interpretation Clocks & Calendar Number ranking and time sequence Logical sequence of words Mobile phone etiquette Dinning etiquette Chain Rule Reading comprehension passages Letter writing ADD ON COURSE 2014 – 15 July 2014 S3 – Project Orientation During these sessions, problem identification in doing a project, references, project outcomes, report making and presentation of work were discussed. 15 Department of Electrical and Electronics S5 - MATLAB – Programming and Simulation Introduction to MATLAB and SIMULINK, solution of numerical problems and analysis of electrical networks using MATLAB, modeling of electrical circuits and simulation of power system and control system model using simulink were discussed during the course. S7 – Course on Electrical Drawing and Introduction to Electrical CAD Introduction to Electrical Drawing, Types of armature windings, Introduction to Machine Drawing and Introduction to Electrical CAD and its basic commands were discussed during the course. December 2014 S4 - Electronic Circuit Design The need for biasing, various biasing circuits, and analysis of amplifier circuits were explained. LTSpice which is a circuit simulation tool was introduced, Design steps of a power supply circuit were introduced, PCB design procedures were introduced, and the need for PCB design was discussed S6 – ARM 7and AVR One week course wasconducted in the college campus. Studentsgotacquiantedwith new trends in engineering. Studentsweregiven hands on experience in microcontroller,embeddedsystems and roboticssothattheywere able to handle multi-disciplinaryprojects.Topicscovered in the add on course was 1.Embedded system design using Arduino 2.Design and Development of Advanced Robotics 3.Embedded system Design using ARM-7 Processor GATE COACHING-15 Overview Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National Coordination Board - GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), and Government of India.The GATE committee, which comprises of representatives from the administering institutes, is the sole 16 Department of Electrical and Electronics authority for regulating the examination and declaring the results. GATE is conducted through the constitution of eight zones. Objectives The GATE score of a candidate reflects the relative performance level of a candidate. The score is used for admissions to various post-graduate programs (e.g. Master of Engineering, Master of Technology, Doctor of Philosophy) in Indian higher education institutes, with financial assistance provided by MHRD and other government agencies. Recently, GATE scores are also being used by several Indian public sector undertakings (i.e., government-owned companies) for recruiting graduate engineers in entry-level positions. It is one of the most competitive examinations in India. Why should I take GATE? A valid GATE score not only helps us in getting a seat for higher education but also for getting employed. Several public sector undertakings (PSUs) have, in the past, used GATE scores for screening for providing a salaried employment. A select few such organizations are: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, National Thermal Power Corporation, Power Grid India, etc. It is expected that such PSUs would use GATE Scores this year as well. Class Timings Every week days except Fridays from 4:15-4:45 PM Support Systems Course material prepared by the faculty themselves referring previous questions papers & topics of relevance. Course Fee The Gate Coaching is offered for free of cost ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has formed the association PHASE (Professionally High Tech Association of SAINTGITS Electricals) with an aim to make students aware of the latest developments in the fields, as well as to provide a platform where young minds come together to 17 Department of Electrical and Electronics share their knowledge and widen the horizon of their own technical knowledge and skills. Association activities for 2014-15 1.Technical fest Dyuthi 2.Best B.Tech project competition 3.Best B.Tech seminar competition Technical fest DYUTHI The annual technical fest of Electrical & Electronics Engineering department DYUTHI 2014 was organized in association with PHASE & was conducted on 6th August 2014. The event was inaugurated by Mr. Jayakumar Nair, Principal Consultant - Sustenergy Foundation, Ernakulam. The Electrical & Electronics association PHASE 2014-2015 was inaugurated on 6th August 2014 by Mr. Jayakumar Nair, Principal Consultant - Sustenergy Foundation, Ernakulam. Faculty Co-ordinatorsJaisoncherian Jancy Varghese Best B.Tech Project Competition Faculty In-charge Daru Anna Thomas Arun Sebastian Serin Zacharia Best project: Title “Corona Water Purifier” by Saravan Kumar S,Ananthakrishnan S, Ananthu Krishna Guided by Er. Rishi Menon. A prize money of Rs.5000 is awarded to them. Best B.Tech Seminar Competition Faculty In-charge Deepu Jose Daru Anna Thomas Best Seminar Titled “Constant power generation of photo voltaic systems considering the distributed grid capacitor” by Sofia K Kuncheria. 18 Department of Electrical and Electronics All the seminars taken by 2014-15 batch students were consolidated and published in the name Vidyuth 2015. IEEE STUDENT BRANCH CHAPTER IEEE SB chapter of SAINTGITS college of Engineering has flourished as a full- fledged unit during the past couple of years. Students have found activities of IEEE SB to be useful and are contributing to its growth every now and then. Our student branch holds the 14th position among 71 student branches in the IEEE Kerala section as far as student memberships are concerned. The student branch attended, coordinated and conducted many technical activities. The events for 2014-15 were: IEEE day Celebrations and IEEE PES SAC State level Quiz- phase 1 on October 7th 2014. IEEE PES SAC State level Quiz for +2 students at Don Bosco HSS on 17thOctober 2014 IEEE PES SAC State level Quiz Hub-level at KMEA college Edthalaon 22ndNovember 2014 Special Seminar series KSEB Engineers association and IEEE PES Kerala Chapter technically in association with EEE Dept. of Saintgits College of Engineering jointly organized special seminar series at Saintgits College of Engineering on 27thFebruary 2015. Winners:Akhil Benny Varghese and AmalShibu (S8 EEE) IEEE EXECOM membersfor the year 2014-15: Asst. Prof. Abraham George served as the IEEE student branch counselor for the previous year. Asst Prof. AshaAnuKurian was the SB advisor for IEEE WIE SB Chapter. Asst. Prof. AjithRavindran and Asst. Prof. JaisonCherian were the SB advisors for IEEE- SSCS and IEEE- IAS SB societies respectively. 19 Department of Electrical and Electronics The IEEE EXECOM members of SAINTGITS SB for the year 2014-15: Sandeep B Kadam (Chair), Hansal P Nazar (Vice Chair), AmalShibu (Secretary), SarinIssac (Treasurer), Akhil Benny Varghese(Technical Committee), ParvathyGopal (WIE Chair), Rose Antony (WIE Vice Chair), Angitha Maria Thomas (WIE Secretary), Sebin Joseph (IEEE- IAS Chair), Praveen C. S. (IEEESSCS Chair). IEEE WIE Saintgits student branch chapter IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists.IEEE WIE Saintgits student branch chapter was started on 2012. Workshop on "LT SPICE and MATLAB for beginners" A workshop on -'LT SPICE AND MATLAB FOR BEGINNERS' for first year B.Tech students (EC and EEE) on behalf of IEEE WIE SAINTGITS STUDENT BRANCH CHAPTER was conducted on 20-4-2015. Er. Abraham George(IEEE SB Advisor) and Er.Ancy Sara Varghese served as the workshop trainers. Er. AshaAnuKurian(IEEE WIE Advisor) was the coordinator for the same. 27 students participated in the workshop. IEEE IAS Saintgits Student Branch Chapter IEEE-IAS (IEEE-Industrial Application Society) was inaugurated on 22nd June 2012. Saintgits chapter come under Asia-Pacific Region 10. Also it is the third SB chapter in the R10. Workshop on “Soft Computing Techniques in Advanced Power system Analysis” As part IEEE- IAS SAINTGITS student branch chapterWorkshop on “Soft Computing Techniques in Advanced Power system Analysis” conducted from 24/11/2014 to 26/11/2014. Total of 72 participants including 5 external participants from various colleges attended the workshop. 20 Department of Electrical and Electronics WokshopShedule Siju K Swami, (Assistant Professor, Saintgits College of Performance Enhancement of Power System Stabilizer Through Colony of Foraging Ants Engineering, Kottayam) Dr. Prince A. (Professor, RIT Kottayam) Fire Fly Algorithm Dr. Sishaj Simon (Professor, National Institute of Technology, Trichy Introduction to exploratory algorithm Genetic algorithm, ANN Application in power system analysis Introduction to fuzzy logic Application of Fuzzy Logic in power system Analysis Dr. Kumaravel S. (Professor, EEE Department, NIT Calicut) 50th Anniversary Celebration of IEEE-IAS Student Branch Chapter and annual Celebation Saintgits College of Engineering hosted 50th Anniversary Celebration of IEEEIAS Student Branch Chapter on 16th April 2015. Er. David B. Durocher (IEEE-IAS President) and Dr. Peter Magyar (IEEE-IAS CMD Chair) were the chief guests of this great occasion.Dr. Peter Magyar delivered a brief talk about the contribution of IEEE IAS to society in past 50 years and about the benefits and opportunities provided by the IAS to its members. There was an interaction section with office bearers of IEEE IAS and faculties of EEE dept. at Windsor Castle Kottayam along with Er. SrikandV(IEEE IAS Region 10 Area Chair) Short Term Training Programme Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of SAINTGITS College of Engineering is organizing this one week Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Power System Stability and Protection” in association with IEEE IAS Saintgits SB chapter, to enhance the knowledge and skills of teachers, 21 Department of Electrical and Electronics students and research scholars. As the power industry goes through a phase of intensive and innovative revolutions, the teachers thereby the students and the research scholars have to be updated with the recent trends. Today‟s power system demands new energy resources, smarter control and solution techniques to maintain the stability, meet the increasing load demand and to ensure satisfactory operation. STTP Schedule Date Time Resource Person Topic 10.45am - Dr. K. Uma Rao Inauguration 12.30pm Professor, Department of EEE, R V College of Engineering, Bangalore 20/04/2015 Dr. K. Uma Rao “Black outs and Professor, Department of EEE, Power system R V College of Engineering, Bangalore stability” 9.30 am-12.30 Dr. Sreejaaya. P “Voltage Stability pm Associate Professor, Department of EEE, Analysis - Methods College of Engineering, Trivandrum and Improvement by 1.30-4.00 pm Dynamic 21/04/2015 Compensation” 1.30-4.00 pm Dr. K. Uma Rao “Power Electronic Professor, Department of EEE, Devices : Sources for R V College of Engineering, Bangalore Creation and Mitigation of Harmonics” 22/04/2015 9.30 am-12.30 Er. Sreekumar R. “Protection pm (Assistant Executive Engineer, Relay & Systems” Testing Unit, KSEB) 1.30-4.00 pm Er. Sreekumar R. “Protection (Assistant Executive Engineer, Relay & Systems” Testing Unit, KSEB) 22 Department of Electrical and Electronics 9.30 am-12.30 Dr. Ashok. S “Adaptive pm Professor, Department of EEE, Protection” NIT Calicut 23/04/2015 1.30-4.00 pm Er. Savitha S “Kayamkulam Manager, Electrical Maintenance, NTPC, Combined Cycle Kayamkulam Power Planta Brief Presentation” 9.30 am-12.30 Dr. PrabhakarKarthikeyan “System Integration pm Associate Professor, VIT and Protection scheme (SIPS)/ Special Protection 24/04/2015 Scheme” 1.30-4.00 pm Er. Emil NinanSkariah,, Assistant Familiarization of Professor, Saintgits College of HV Lab Engineering EXTERNAL TALKS ORGANIZED BY THE DEPARTMENT Technical talk on “Energy Conservation ,Role of Electrical Engineers” by Mr.Jayakumar Nair,Principal Consultant,Sustenergy Foundation,Ernakulam on August 6th 2014 as a part of saintgits association. Seminar on “Efficient Harnessing of renewable Energy Sources and Issues” was conducted for EEE students by KSEB Engineers Association, Kottayam unit on 22/12/14. Talk on “Students Career development’’ by Mr. Mahesh K.George , Business Analyst,Zafin Trivandrum for S4 and S6 EEE students on 20/3/15. IN-HOUSE TALKS 23 A talk was delivered by Assistant Professor VinuKoshy Abraham of EEE Department, Saintgits College of Engineering on the topic 'Introduction to MEMS' on 27th February 2015. Department of Electrical and Electronics DEPARTMENT PROJECT EXHIBITION The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted a project exhibition based on the final year projects of eight semester students “EEE Expo 2015” on 3.02.2015 at Electrical Measurements Lab. All the 16 project groups participated in the exhibition with their projects. The department nominated four faculty members as evaluators and they selected the best 3 projects. The following were the prize winning projects 1. Corona Water Purifier 2. I-trolley 3. Smart Iron Box STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Fourth Year o Students who got campus placement o Akhil Benny Varghese and AmalShibu bagged first prize in Kottayam district level and state level in the seminar competition conducted by KSEB and IEEE. Akhil Benny Varghese and Sarath S got second prize in Best Electrical Engineer in the technical fest at RIT, Pampady. Ananthu Krishna and Saravan Kumar secured third prize in Best Electrical Engineer in the technical fest at RIT Pamapady Saravan Kumar,Anandhu Krishna and Ananthakumar G secured best project award of Rs.5,000 in project Expo conducted by EEE Department. Gate Scholorship 24 (Infosys) (Infosys) (Infosys) (Infosys) (Infosys) (Infosys) (Infosys) (IBM) Participation and Prizes o Adheena Dominic Akhil Benny Varghese Anju Joseph Anoop George Kariath GeethuBobanThadathil Silpa Mariam Cherian Sreejith P S Parvathy V Gopal Jaison B Cherian qualified gate exam 2015. Department of Electrical and Electronics Third Year They secured first position inM.G.University result in the fourth semester exam held at May 2014. o Participation in TechTop o Vishnu Krishnan of sixth semester attended the workshop on Innovation, Fabrication & Entrepreneurship conducted at TechTop Centre Chirayinkeezhu in affiliation with MIT-Tata Centre from 21st -28th December 2014.Other than students from SaintGits, participants were from IITs, NITs and VIT. SCIE-RoS (SCIE Rotating Display Stand) Vishnu Krishnan and SoorajBabu D of sixth semester have done the SecondCampus Project, “SCIE-RoS” for the purpose of displaying miniature projects for the Weekly Exhibition organized by Saintgits Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SCIE). It is the second campus project funded by SCIE. Second Year o Gison C Andrews &Denil Roy Joshua of S3 EEE participated in the event “The Best Elecctrical Engineer” in the national level techno-cultural event “Azure 2014” at AmalJyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally on 25,26& 27 September 2014, and Denil Roy acquired first prize. o Ashitha Ashraf , Denil Roy Joshua , Gison C Andrews , Linta Thomas ,NidhinMadhusoodanan , Stanley Stephen Samuel exhibited project “Pro-Tech” in the Golden Jubilee Science Exhibition held atBaselious College , Kottayam on 3rd& 4th December 2014 o Kannan M, Ajin George Reji, Gison C Andrews &Denil Roy Joshua attended the workshop on Innovation, Fabrication & Entrepreneurship conducted at TechTop Centre Chirayinkeezhu in affiliation with MIT-Tata Centre from 21st -28th December 2014. M.tech o Vishnu J of fourth semester M.tech(2012-14 batch)got best paper award titled “GA BASED OPTIMAL FACTS CONTROLLER FOR MAXIMIZING LOADABILITY WITH STABILITY CONSTRAINTS”at the international conference on emerging trends in Engineering and management” at SreeNarayanaGurukulam College of Engineering,Ernakulam. 25 Department of Electrical and Electronics o Ms. Parvathy Suresh, Ms. NeethuMuraleedharan, Ms. NeethuSathyan of M.Tech (2012-14 batch) secured first,second and third rank respectively in M.Tech Degree Examination of November2014. STAFF ACHIEVEMENTS List Sl. No 1 2 26 of faculty publications in the year 2014-2015 Name of faculty ANCY SARA VARGHESE APARNA THAMPI Title Journal/ Conference Month & Year MPPT TECHNIQUE USING SLIDING MODE CONTROL FOR WIND POWER PLANT ADAPTIVE FOUR POINT MPPT FOR SOLAR POWERED MOTOR DRIVE SOLAR POWERED PMDC MOTOR ADAPTIVE MPPT AND RESONANT CONTROLLER FOR WIND POWER PLANT FOUR POINT MPPT FOR SOLAR POWERED MOTOR DRIVE SOLAR POWERED PMDC MOTOR AUTOMATIC REACTIVE POWER CONTROL OF AN ISOLATED WINDDIESEL HYBRID POWER SYSTEM WITH A DYNAMIC LOAD A PV FED HIGH VOLTAGE STEP-UP CONVERTER BASED ON CHARGE PUMP CONCEPT A PV FED HIGH VOLTAGE STEP UP CONVERTER BASED ON NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM OCTOBER2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM OCTOBER2014 2ND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN,ISBN : 978-93-84209-43-8 AUGUST2014 2ND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN,ISBN : 978-93-84209-43-8 AUGUST2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM OCTOBER2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM OCTOBER2014 2ND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN,ISBN : 978-93-84209-43-8 AUGUST2014 Department of Electrical and Electronics 3 4 27 ARUN SEBASTIAN ASHA ANU KURIAN CHARGE PUMP CONCEPT REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION OF HYBRID SYSTEM HAVING INDUCTION MOTOR LOAD A UNIQUE AC - AC TOPOLOGY FOR INDUCTIVE POWER TRANSFER APPLICATIONS A HIGH STEPDOWN TRANSFORMERLES S SINGLE STAGE SINGLE SWITCH INTEGRATED BUCK-BUCKBOOST POWER FACTOR CORRECTION CONVERTER FOR LOW VOLTAGE APPLICATIONS A UNIQUE AC - AC TOPOLOGY FOR INDUCTIVE POWER TRANSFER APPLICATIONS STEADY STATE AND FAULT ANALYSIS IN HVDC TRANSMISSION NETWORK BASED ON HYBRID CASCADED MULTI LEVEL VSC SLIDING MODE CONTROL BASED POWER POINT TRACKING OF PV ARRAY DC FAULT TOLERANCE CAPABILITY ANALYSIS OF HYBRID CASCADED MULTILEVEL VSC HVDC NETWORKL SLIDING MODE CONTROLLED POWER POINT TRACKING OF PV ARRAY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING (IJAREEIE) VOL.3, SPECIAL ISSUE 5, DECEMBER 2014 DECEMBER2014 2ND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN,ISBN : 978-93-84209-43-8 AUGUST2014 2ND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS IN ENGINEERINGNET 2014, GEC, KOZHIKODE. ISBN : 978-93-83459-67-4 AUGUST2014 2ND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS IN ENGINEERINGNET 2014, GEC, KOZHIKODE. ISBN : 978-93-83459-67-4 AUGUST2014 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND DATA COMMUNICATION, VOL.2, ISSUE-10, OCTOBER 2014. ISSN:2320-2084 OCTOBER2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-9384209-43-8 AUGUST2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM OCTOBER2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM OCTOBER2014 Department of Electrical and Electronics 29 LEVEL HBRIDGE VSC FOR HVDC APPLICATION 5 6 7 28 DARU ANNA THOMAS DEEPU E KOSHY ELIZABETH RAJAN A NEW METHOD FOR FAULT LOCALIZATION USING TRAVELLING WAVES HYSTERISIS CONTROLLER BASED FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTION USING DVR POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN GRID CONNECTED WIND SYSTEM USING POWER ELECTRONIC TRANSFORMER SYNCHRONOUS REFERENCE FRAME BASED CONTROLLER FOR UPQC-Q POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN GRID CONNECTED WIND SYSTEM USING POWER ELECTRONIC TRANSFORMER A NOVEL TECHNIQUE FOR SHAPING SOURCE CURRENT WAVEFORM USING ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT SYNCHRONOUS REFERENCE FRAME BASED CONTROL METHOD FOR UPQC-Q UNDER NONLINEAR LOADS TRANSFORMER LESS HIGH STEP UP DC-DC COCKCROFT WALTON VOLTAGE MULTIPLIER FOR A INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING (IJAREEIE) VOL.3, SPECIAL ISSUE 5, DECEMBER 2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM DECEMBER2014 OCTOBER2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETICS, MACHINES & DRIVES (ICMMD), AMAL JYOTI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,DOI:10.1109/AICERA.201 4.6908266 JULY-2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM OCTOBER2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM OCTOBER2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-9384209-43-8 AUGUST2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETICS, MACHINES & DRIVES (ICMMD), AMAL JYOTI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,DOI:10.1109/AICERA.201 4.6908266 JULY-2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-9384209-43-8 AUGUST2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-9384209-43-8 AUGUST2014 Department of Electrical and Electronics HYBRID SYSYTEM APPLICATION 8 EMIL NINAN SKARIAH PSO BASED OPTIMAL CONTROL FOR MAXIMIZING PV PENETRATION AT TRANSMISSION LEVEL PSO BASED OPTIMAL ALLOCATION & SETTING OF MULTIPLE DGS IN POWER SYSTEM FOR MAXIMIZING LOADABILITY OPTIMAL ALLOCATION & SETTING OF FUEL CELL FOR LOADABILITY ENHANCEMENT IN A WIND-PV INTEGRATED SYSTEM BASED ON POWER SYSTEM STABILITY PSO BASED LOADABILITY ENHANCEMENT OF IEEE 14 BUS SYSTEM WITH WIND ENERGY SOURCES BRIDGELESS BUCK CONVERTER WITH AVERAGE CURRENT MODE CONTROL 9 10 29 FILMY FRANCIS FOSSY MARY CHACKO HIGH POWER FACTOR BRIDGE LESS BUCK CONVERTER WITH PEAK CURRENT MODE CONTROL THD ANALYSIS OF GRID CONNECTED FUEL CELL SYSTEM WITH HYSTERESIS CURRENT CONTROL METHOD POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN A GRID CONNECTED RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEM INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING (IJAREEIE) VOL.3, SPECIAL ISSUE 5, DECEMBER 2014 DECEMBER2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AT GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE,BARTON HILL AUGUST-2014 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING (IJAREEIE) VOL.3, SPECIAL ISSUE 5, DECEMBER 2014 DECEMBER2014 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING (IJAREEIE) VOL.3, SPECIAL ISSUE 5, DECEMBER 2015 JANUARY2015 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM OCTOBER2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-93-8420943-8 AUGUST-2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM OCTOBER2014 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND DATA COMMUNICATION, VOL.2, ISSUE-10, OCTOBER 2014. ISSN:2320-2084 OCTOBER2014 Department of Electrical and Electronics POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN A GRID CONNECTED FUEL CELL SYSTEM 11 30 DR.JAIMOL THOMAS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF ANN OVER SRF CONTROLLED DSTATCOM IMPLEMENTED FOR POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN A GRID DSTATCOM IMPLEMENTED ON A 3 PHASE 4 WIRE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOR HARMONIC ELIMINATION AND SYSTEM BALANCE POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN A GRID CONNECTED RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEM PERFORMANCE INVESTIGATION OF 3 LEG & 4 LEG VSC BASED DSTATCOM UNDER NON-IDEAL SUPPLY VOLTAGE CONDITIONS A PRICING MODEL FOR BIOMASSBASED ELECTRICITY APPLICATION OF SINGLE PHASE NINE LEVEL REVERSING VOLTAGE TYPE MULTILEVEL INVERTER IN STANDALONE PV SYSTEM MODELING OF AN ELEVEN LEVEL ADVANCED HBRIDGE TYPE MULTI LEVEL INVERTER AND COMPARISON OF THD WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING (IJAREEIE) VOL.3, SPECIAL ISSUE 5, DECEMBER 2014 DECEMBER2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-93-8420943-8 AUGUST-2014 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING (IJAREEIE) VOL.3, SPECIAL ISSUE 5, DECEMBER 2014 DECEMBER2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-93-8420943-8 AUGUST-2014 2ND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS IN ENGINEERING-NET 2014, GEC, KOZHIKODE. ISBN : 978-93-83459-67-4 AUGUST-2014 ENERGY SOURCES, PART B: ECONOMICS, PLANNING AND POLICY, TAYLOR AND FRANCIS. ISSN: 1556-7257 AUGUST-2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING ELECTRICAL TRENDS AT INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN,KOTHAMANGALAM OCTOBER2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-93-8420943-8 AUGUST-2014 Department of Electrical and Electronics THD ANALYSIS OF MULTILEVEL INVERTER WITH DIFFERENT LOADS 12 13 31 JAISON CHERIAN JANCY VARGHESE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF STAND ALONE PV SYSYTEMS USING PVSYST POWER FACTOR CORRECTION AND POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT USING A BRIDGELESS BUCKBOOST CONVERTER HYBRID FUZZY-PI BASED DFIG WITH BESS FOR WIND GUSTS BESS BASED DFIG FOR CONSTANT GRID POWER ELECTRIC VEHICLE AS STATCOM AND REAL POWER FLOW CONTROLLER FOR WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM COMPENSATION OF SEQUENCE VOLTAGES BY STATCOM INTEGRATED WITH PV COORDINATE CONTROL OF SEQUENCE VOLTAGES BY STATCOM IN WIND FARMS SEQUENCE VOLTAGE COMPENSATION- A NEW APPROACH FOR VOLTAGE STABILITY IN FSIG ANALYSIS OF REAL AND REACTIVE POWER MODE OF OPERATION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE IN A DFIG BASED WIND FARM INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING (IJAREEIE) VOL.3, SPECIAL ISSUE 5, DECEMBER 2014 DECEMBER2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-93-8420943-8 AUGUST-2014 2ND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS IN ENGINEERING-NET 2014, GEC, KOZHIKODE. ISBN : 978-93-8345967-4 AUGUST-2014 INTERNATONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY, VOLUME 1 ISSUE 5, ISSN : 2349-6002 3RD NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, GOVT. ENGINEERING COLLEGE BARTON HILL OCTOBER2014 AUGUST-2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETICS, MACHINES & DRIVES (ICMMD), AMAL JYOTI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,DOI:10.1109/AICERA.2014.6908 266 JULY-2014 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY (IJIRT) VOL.1, ISSUE4, SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSN: 2349 - 6002 SEPTEMBER2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING, COMMUNICATION & ENERGY SYSTEMS (ICCCES ' 14) MEA ENGINEERINGCOLLEGE AUGUST-2014 3RD NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, GOVT. ENGINEERING COLLEGE BARTON HILL AUGUST-2014 3RD NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, GOVT. ENGINEERING COLLEGE BARTON HILL AUGUST-2014 Department of Electrical and Electronics 15 17 18 32 JISHA JAMES POLLY THOMAS RISHI MENON ACTIVE AND REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION USING ELECTRIC VEHICLE CONNECTED TO A WIND FARM SIMULTANEOUS DESIGN OF TCSC BASED DAMPING CONTROLLER AND PSS TO DAMP POWER SYSYTEM OSCILLATIONS USING BACTERIAL FORAGING ALGORITHM TUNING OF TCSC BASED DAMPING CONTROLLER AND PSS TO DAMP POWER SYSTEM OSCILLATIONS USING BACTERIAL FORAGING ALGORITHM THREE PORT CONVERTER WITH HYBRID ENERGY SOURCES A NOVEL TECHNIQUE FOR SHAPING SOURCE CURRENT WAVEFORM USING ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT MAXIMUM LOAD ABILITY ASSESMENT OF IEEE 14 BUS SYSTEM BY USING FACTS DEVICES INCORPORATING STABILITY CONSTRAINTS MAXIMUM LOAD ABILITY ASSESMENT OF IEEE 14 BUS SYSTEM USING FACTS DEVICES INCORPORATING STABILITY CONSTRAINTS A STRATEGY FOR OPTIMAL LOADING PATTERN OF A TYPICAL POWER 2ND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS IN ENGINEERING-NET 2014, GEC, KOZHIKODE. ISBN : 978-93-8345967-4 AUGUST-2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-93-8420943-8 AUGUST-2014 3RD NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, GOVT. ENGINEERING COLLEGE BARTON HILL AUGUST-2014 3RD NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, GOVT. ENGINEERING COLLEGE BARTON HILL AUGUST-2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETICS, MACHINES & DRIVES (ICMMD), AMAL JYOTI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,DOI:10.1109/AICERA.2014.6908 266 JULY-2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-93-8420943-8 AUGUST-2014 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 2347-6982, VOLUME-2, ISSUE-10, OCT.-2014 OCTOBER2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN GREEN ENERGY (ICAGE) TRIVANDRUM DECEMBER2014 Department of Electrical and Electronics SYSTEM - A CASE STUDY 19 SMITHA S D A BOOST CONVERTER FOR A PV BASED STAND ALONE SINGLE PHASE INVERTER DIGITAL CONTROL OF SINGLE PHASE PV INVERTER APPLICATION OF STATIC SYNCHRONOUS SERIES COMPENSATOR(SSSC ) FOR STABILITY ENHANCEMENT OF A MULTIMACHINE POWER SYSTEM SERIES COMPENSATION AND STABILITY ENHANCEMENT OF TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS USING SERIES FACTS DEVICE SERIES COMPENSATION AND STABILITY ENHANCEMENT OF A MULTI MACHINE SYSTEM USING STATIC SYNCHRONOUS SERIES COMPENSATOR (SSSC) 3RD NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, GOVT. ENGINEERING COLLEGE BARTON HILL AUGUST-2014 SECOND IRF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, COCHIN. ISBN:978-93-8420943-8 AUGUST-2014 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IJAIST) ISSN: 2319:2682 VOL.30, NO.30, OCTOBER 2014 OCTOBER 2014 INTERNATONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY, IJIRT, VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4,ISSN : 2349-6002 SEPTEMBER 2014 3RD NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, GOVT. ENGINEERING COLLEGE BARTON HILL AUGUST-2014 List of Courses attended by Faculty in the year 2014-2015 Sl. No. 1 33 NAME OF FACULTY FDP/TRAINING PROGRAMME CONDUCTED BY DATE Abraham George INUP Hands-on Workshop on Fabrication &Characterization of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells IIT Bombay 17/11/201422/11/2014 ISTE STTP on Introduction to Design of Algorithms IIT Kharaghpur under National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD) at Saintgits 25/5/201530/5/2015 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering College, Kottayam 2 3 4 5 6 7 34 Amey George Ancy Sara Varghese AparnaThampi Arun Sebastian AshaAnuKurien Daru Anna Thomas Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2015 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 e-Seminar on e-Seminar on Steps 2 Research 2 Research Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 19/09/201420/09/2014 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 ISTE STTP on Introduction to Design of Algorithms IIT Kharaghpur under National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD) at Saintgits Engineering College, Kottayam 25/5/201530/5/2015 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Department of Electrical and Electronics 8 9 10 11 12 13 35 Deepu.E.Koshy Deepu Jose Elizabeth Rajan Emil NinanSkariah Filmy Francis Fossy Mary Chacko Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 e-Seminar on Steps 2 Research 2 Research Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayamJyothi College of Engg 19/09/201420/09/2014 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2016 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 STTP on Pedagogy for effective use of ICT in engineering education National Mission on Education through ICT by MHRD at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam 5/1/201521/1/2015 e-Seminar on Steps 2 Research 2 Research Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayamJyothi College of Engg 19/09/201420/09/2014 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Department of Electrical and Electronics 14 Dr.Jaimol Thomas Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 e-Seminar on Steps 2 Research 2 Research Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayamJyothi College of Engg 19/09/201420/09/2014 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 Two-week ISTE workshop on Control Systems e-Seminar on Steps 2 Research 2 Research 15 16 JaisonCherian 36 19/09/201420/09/2014 Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Two-week ISTE workshop on Control Systems Jisha James 02/12/201412/12/2014 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Jancy Varghese 17 IIT Kharaghpur under National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD) at Saintgits Engineering College, Kottayam Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayamJyothi College of Engg e-Seminar on Steps 2 Research 2 Research IIT Kharaghpur under National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD) at Saintgits Engineering College, Kottayam Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayamJyothi College of Engg 02/12/201412/12/2014 19/09/201420/09/2014 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Two-week ISTE workshop on Control Systems IIT Kharaghpur under National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD) at Saintgits Engineering College, Kottayam 02/12/201412/12/2014 Department of Electrical and Electronics 19 STTP on Pedagogy for effective use of ICT in engineering education National Mission on Education through ICT by MHRD at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam 5/1/201521/1/2015 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 STTP on Pedagogy for effective use of ICT in engineering education National Mission on Education through ICT by MHRD at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam 5/1/201521/1/2015 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 STTP on Pedagogy for effective use of ICT in engineering education National Mission on Education through ICT by MHRD at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam 5/1/201521/1/2015 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 Workshop on Power System Stability & Protection Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 20/4/201524/4/2015 Soft Computing techniques in advanced power system analysis Saintgits College of Engineering, kottayam 24/11/201426/11/2014 Polly Thomas 20 21 22 23 24 37 Rachel Rose Rishi Menon SerinZacharia Smitha .S.D VinuKoshy Abraham Department of Electrical and Electronics NSS (NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME) TECH UNIT NSS Tech cell of Saintgits imprinted its mark in our campus from2007 onwards with unit number 195.NSS Saintgits Techcell has an intake of 50 members from second year and third year of the four year B.Tech course.Students selected as NSS volunteers have to complete 120 hours of service in each year. The 120 hours include orientation, community service and campus work.Successful completion of the 240 hours of service within the two year span will enable them to entitle for grace marks in their university grade. NSS activities of electrical department is coordinated by Er.Abraham Georgeand AshaAnuKurian ADD ON COURSES(2015-16) S3-„Solid state physics And Project orientation‟from6th to 10th June 2015 by Dr. K.P Zacharia (ECE dept) and Er.Polly Thomas S5- „Introduction to MATLAB‟ 6th to 10th July 2015by Er.Ancy Sara Varghese, Er. Smitha S D and Er.JaisonCherian S7-Introduction to electrical drawing and Electrical CADD from 6th to 10th June 2015 by Er.Jisha James Er.Fossy Mary Chacko and Er.Emil Ninan Skaria. 38 Department of Electrical and Electronics Retrospection 2014-2015 DYUTHI 2014 STTP on Power System Stability and Protection 39 Department of Electrical and Electronics Workshop on Soft Computing Techniques in Power System analysis 50th Anniversary celebration and Annual meeting of IEEE IAS 40 Department of Electrical and Electronics Workshop on "LT SPICE and MATLAB for beginners" 41 Department of Electrical and Electronics ...................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................ 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