National Conference-NCPE-2k15, organized by KLE Society's Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering & Technology, Belagavi, Special issue published by Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Pg.56-63 Journal homepage: ISSN:2348 - 6953 Modeling of Synchronous generator connected to Infinite-Bus Vijaykumar.S, Vijeta.B, Vishal.P, Jagadish.B, Javeed.Kittur Department of Electrical and Electronics B. V. B. College of Engineering and Technology Hubli, India,,, , and Abstract: The behaviour of Synchronous generator (model 1.0 and model 1.1) connected to Infinite-Bus when a disturbance occurs is considered. The disturbances considered are small signal and large signal. The changes in the state parameters are analysed. The synchronous generator is represented by differential equations. Therefore numerical methods are used for the solution; the method included here is Euler’s method. The behaviour is analysed by writing code in C and C++ languages and plots are obtained using GNU plot. Keywords: Small signal disturbance, large signal disturbance and GNU. 1. INTRODUCTION Power is generated by the synchronous generator. The generator has to operate with synchronism with the rest of the system. A generator is said to be synchronised with the bus only when the frequency, voltage and phase sequence of the incoming bus and that of the generator is same. Therefore, Power system stability may be broadly defined as a property of a power system that enables it to remain in state of operating equilibrium under normal operating condition and to regain its state of equilibrium after being subjected to a disturbance. [6] The objective of our project is to investigate the stability and changes in the state parameters of Synchronous generator connected to Infinite-Bus when disturbances are occurred. Here small signal and large signal disturbances are considered. 56 | P a g e National Conference-NCPE-2k15, organized by KLE Society's Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering & Technology, Belagavi, Special issue published by Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Pg.56-63 2. MACHINE MODELS Fig 1: synchronous machine Insufficient damping in the generator causes spontaneous hunting, giving rise to stability problems. To overcome this, generator damper windings were included. The synchronous machine considered above has three phase armature windings (a, b and c) on stator and four windings on the rotor including the field winding „f. The damper circuits in the salient pole machine or the eddy current effects in the rotor are represented by a set of coils with constant parameters. Three damper coils, „h in the d-axis and g, k on the q-axis. The number of damper coils represented can vary from zero to many. [1] Depending on the number of rotor windings, the number of state variables varies. Therefore, Models are classified based on varying degrees of complexity. Classical model (Model 0.0) Field circuit only (Model 1.0) Field circuit with one equivalent damper on q-axis (Model 1.1) Field circuit with one equivalent damper on d-axis. a) Model 2.1 (one damper on q-axis) b) Model 2.2 (two dampers on q-axis) Field circuit with two equivalent damper circuits on d –axis. a) Model 3.2 (with two dampers on q-axis) b) Model 3.3 (with three dampers on q-axis) In classification of the machine models, the first number indicates the number of windings on the direct axis while the second number indicates the number of windings on quadrature axis. Here model 1.0 and model 1.1 are considered. [1] 57 | P a g e National Conference-NCPE-2k15, organized by KLE Society's Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering & Technology, Belagavi, Special issue published by Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Pg.56-63 3. SYSTEM SIMULATION EQUATIONS The load angle is the angular displacement of the generator's rotor from the no-load position referred to as terminal voltage. It also indicates the amount of power that can be transferred . Internal voltage of rotor (q-axis) = Internal voltage of rotor (d-axis). Only present in machines consisting equivalent damper winding. It provides the direct current to synchronous generator field winding. The plots obtained for salient pole synchronous generator are shown below. Parameters of the system are, xd=1.8,xq=1.7,xdd=0.17,xqd=0.23,xe=0.25,tdod=6,tqod=0.1,h=5,f=60. From the power flow analysis Pt=1.0,Eb=1.0,Vto=1.0 In order to calculate the state parameters, we make the following assumptions when analyzing the models. Stator transience is neglected. Line resistance is neglected. Magnetic saturation is not considered. Harmonics are neglected. 4. SMALL SIGNAL DISTURBANCE: Small signal stability is the ability of the power system to maintain synchronism following small and gradual disturbances. The system takes less time to become stable. This accounts for changes in the bus 58 | P a g e National Conference-NCPE-2k15, organized by KLE Society's Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering & Technology, Belagavi, Special issue published by Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Pg.56-63 voltages close to the nominal values. These are caused due to random fluctuations in loads and generation level. In this case, the disturbance given is a 10% change in mechanical torque. The disturbance may also be given as change in reference voltage value. The plots are obtained by writing code in C language for Euler’s method to the system equations represented by differential equation. [2-4] Fig 2: Variation of slip vs time for model 1.0 Fig 3: Variation of Rotor angle vs time for model 1.0 Fig 4: Variation of Torque vs time for model 1.0 Fig 5: Variation of Excitation system voltage vs time for model 1.0 Fig 6: Variation of slip vs time for model 1.1 Fig 7: Variation of Rotor angle vs time for model 1.1 59 | P a g e National Conference-NCPE-2k15, organized by KLE Society's Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering & Technology, Belagavi, Special issue published by Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Pg.56-63 Fig 8: Variation of Torque vs time for model 1.1 5. LARGE SIGNAL DISTURBANCE: Fig 9: Variation of Excitation system voltage vs time for model 1.1 This accounts for major disturbances. This may be due to sudden acceleration of the rotor shaft. The system takes considerably much time to become stable. The large signal disturbance considered is three phase fault and it is prevailing for two cycles. For time, at reference seconds, the switch is connected to the incoming generator and thus the generator becomes isolated to the grid connection as a result terminal voltage becomes zero. For the terminal voltage to be zero, direct axis voltage and quadrature-axis voltage are reduced to zero. As a result, direct-axis current and quadrature-axis currents are updated. Therefore, Code is written in C for Euler’s method for various state variables. [2-4] 60 | P a g e National Conference-NCPE-2k15, organized by KLE Society's Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering & Technology, Belagavi, Special issue published by Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Pg.56-63 Fig 12: Variation of Torque vs time for model 1.0 Fig 13: Variation of Excitation system voltage vs time for model 1.0 Fig 13: Variation of Excitation system vs time for model 1.0 Fig 14: Variation of slip vs time for model 1.1 Fig 15: Variation of Rotor angle vs time for model 1.1 61 | P a g e National Conference-NCPE-2k15, organized by KLE Society's Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering & Technology, Belagavi, Special issue published by Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Pg.56-63 Fig 16: Variation of Torque vs time for model 1.1 Fig 17: Variation of Excitation system voltage vs time for model 1.1 6. CONCLUSIONS & FUTURE SCOPE: The behaviour of the synchronous generator connected to infinite bus system, when faults occur is realised. Which can be used in implementation of power system stability where change in load angle act as input signal. Similarly, the increase in rotor speed can also act as an input to activate a mechanism to maintain stability. This is of greater importance in multiple machine system. REFERENCES [1]K.R.Padiyar, “Power System Dynamics – Stability and Control”, second edition, BS Publications. [2] S.S.Sastry, “Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis”, fourth edition, PHI publications. [3]Dr. E. Balaguruswamy,”Programming in ANSI C”, sixth edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publications. [4]Dr. E. Balaguruswamy,”Object Oriented Programming with C++”, fourth edition, Galgotia Publications. [5] Venkatesh Gudla, P. Kanta Rao,”Improvement of Dynamic Stability of a single machine Infinite-Bus Power System using Fuzzy Logic based Power system stabilizer”. [6] P. C. Sen, “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics”, second edition, John Wiley& sons Publications. LIST OF ACRONYMS Rotor angle of synchronous generator in radians Rotor speed deviation in rad/sec 62 | P a g e National Conference-NCPE-2k15, organized by KLE Society's Dr. M. S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering & Technology, Belagavi, Special issue published by Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Pg.56-63 Generator slip in p.u. Initial operating slip in p.u. H Inertia constant D Damping coefficient Mechanical torque in p.u. Electrical torque in p.u. Excitation system voltage in p.u. Open circuit d-axis time constant in sec Open circuit q-axis time constant in sec d- axis synchronous reactance in p.u. d- axis transient reactance in p.u. q-axis synchronous reactance in p.u. q- Axis transient reactance in p.u. Internal voltage of rotor (q-axis) Internal voltage of rotor (d-axis) q- Axis voltage d- Axis voltage 63 | P a g e