ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROGRAM SELF ASSESSMENT REPORT SUBMITTED TO DEANSHIP OF ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT JUNE 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT …… …… …… 2. CRITERION 1: Program Mission, Objectives and Outcomes 3 …… …… …… …… 4 8 15 20 3. CRITERION 2: Standard 2-1: Standard 2-2: Standard 2-3: Standard 2-4: Standard 2-5: Standard 2-6: Standard 2-7: 4. CRITERION 3: 24 …… …… …… …… …… …… …… 28 31 31 32 32 32 33 Standard 3-2: Standard 3-3: …… …… 6. CRITERION 5: Standard 5-1: Standard 5-2: Standard 5-3: Standard 5-4: Standard 5-5: …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… EE DEPARTMENT LABORATORIES …… Standard 4– 1: Standard 4– 2: Standard 4– 3: …… …… …… …… 1 Curriculum Design and Organization Standard 3-1: …… 5. CRITERION 4: …… …… …… …… …… PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION Standard 1-1: Standard 1-2: Standard 1-3 : Standard 1-4: …… …… …… 34 47 …… …… …… …… 47 47 Student Support and Advising 48 …… …… …… …… …… …… 49 49 49 Process Control …… 47 …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… 52 53 55 62 68 …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… SUBJECT 7. CRITERION 6: Standard 6-1: Standard 6-2: Standard 6-3 : 8. CRITERION 7: Standard 7-1: Standard 7-2: Standard 7-3 9. CRITERION 8: Standard 8-1: Standard 8-2: Standard 8-3: …… …… …… PAGE FACULTY …… …… 69 …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… 70 70 71 Institutional Facilities …… 75 …… …… …… …… …… …… 76 76 77 Institutional Support …… 79 …… …… …… …… …… …… 80 80 81 …… …… …… …… …… …… 1.0 Introduction Recently King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) through the Deanship of Academic Development (DAD) prepared a document and procedure to help academic departments to carry out self assessment of their programs. The document and its criterion were adopted and approved by the university administration. The self assessment helps departments to demonstrate the effectiveness of their academic programs in providing high quality education that positively impacts on students. Furthermore, most accrediting bodies such as ABET are requesting that institutions assess students’ learning outcomes as a means of improving academic programs. The objectives of self-assessment at KFUPM are to: 1. Improve and maintain academic standards 2. Enhance students’ learning. 3. Verify that the existing programs meet their objectives and institutional goals. 4. Provide feedback for quality assurance of academic programs. 5. Prepare the academic program for accreditation. The electrical department decided to carry out a process of self assessment using the format adopted by the Deanship of Academic Development. This is the Draft report of the self assessment. The material for this assessment was gathered according to the Self-Assessment Criterion adopted by (DAD) A Department Project Team (PT) supervised and coordinated the preparation of this material. The PT is composed of the following faculty members: 1. I. El-Amin (Chairman) 2. M. Dawoud (Member) 3. H. Ragheb 4. H. Al-Zaher 5. M. Al-Absi (Member) (Member) (Member) 6. M. Abido (Member) 7. A. Zerguine (Member) The PT sought and collected information about the EE academic programs, curriculum, faculty, students and support services. The assessment of information follows the criterion specified by the DAD document. The self-assessment is based on several criteria. To meet each criterion a number of standards must be satisfied. The PT started by reviewing the department mission as published within the Web page. The mission was modified by the PT and is included in this report. The PT then surveyed a number of university sites and collected large volumes on EE program objectives. A number of program objectives were then developed. Those were distributed to faculty members and their inputs were sought. Few faculty members responded by making minor suggestions and improvements. The PT was unable to hold a departmental council to discuss and approve the objectives. Since no objections were received, it was decided to move forward and prepare the report. The outcomes follow closely those adopted by ABET EC2000. Once the program objectives and outcomes were finalized, faculty members got more involved in the preparations and the provision of the required information. Specifically, EE faculty prepared the course outlines according to criterion 2. They also provided their resume according to the format. Moreover, many faculty members participated in the online questionnaire. The department chairman ensured that graduating students filled the relevant questionnaire. A number of faculty members also encouraged students to participate in filling out the student’s questionnaire. This report describes the work undertaken to address the criteria and their standards. Each section of the report is devoted to a criterion. Criterion 1: Program Mission, Objectives and Outcomes 1.Criterion 1: Program Mission, Objectives and Outcomes The DAD document stipulates that each program must have a mission, quantifiable measurable objectives and expected outcomes for graduates. The outcomes include competency and tasks graduates are expected to perform after completing the program. A strategic plan must be in place to achieve the program objectives. The extent to which these objectives are achieved through continuous assessment and improvements must be demonstrated. Standard 1-1: The program must have documented measurable objectives that support college and institution mission statements. The electrical engineering department has a well established mission. The mission is line with college of engineering and KFUPM general mission. 1. KUFPM Mission Several significant events have marked the University's growth. In 1971, at the first graduation ceremony, four men received their baccalaureate degrees in engineering; since that time, more than 9000 degrees have been awarded. In 1975, the College of Petroleum and Minerals became the University of Petroleum and Minerals, a change both in name and academic status. In 1986, the University was renamed: The King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. The successful management of Saudi Arabia's vast petroleum and mineral resources poses a complex and exciting challenge for scientific, technical, and management education in the Kingdom. To meet these challenges, the University has adopted advanced training in the fields of science, engineering, and management as one of its goals in order to promote leadership and service in the Kingdom’s petroleum and mineral industries. The University also furthers knowledge through research in these fields. 2. The College Of Engineering Mission The mission of the College of Engineering is to educate professionals in engineering, to create and disseminate knowledge and technology, to expand the base of engineering knowledge through original research, developing technology to serve the needs of society; and to benefit the public through service to industry, government, and the engineering profession 3. The Mission of the Electrical Engineering department The mission of the Electrical Engineering department of KFUPM is “to provide quality education, research, and service to its constituents.” 4. The objectives of the EE program The EE department has defined a set of objectives that translates its mission into measurable and defined tasks. The objectives of the EE program objectives are as follows 1. To prepare graduates who are able to practice electrical engineering in its major areas, such as communications, electric power, electronics and digital systems. 2. To further develop skills pertinent to electrical engineering problem definition, formulation, design, and analysis. 3. To apply and practice the electrical engineering knowledge in a professional setting such as ethics and safety. 4. To demonstrate ability for scholarship, long life learning, leadership and service among the graduates. 5. To produce graduates who further develop team work and effective communications skills. 6. The Alignment of Mission and Programs Objectives Table 1.1 Shows how each objective is aligned with the department’s mission Table 1.1 Department Mission and Objectives Missions\Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 Quality X X X X X X X Education research Services. X X X 7. Strategic Plans for Achievements of Program Objectives Even though the department does not have a formal written strategic plan for achievement of its objectives, it carries a number of steps to address these objectives. • The EE department strives to recruit and retain excellent faculty members who have received very high academic training from well-recognized universities and institutions in North America, Europe and the Middle East. • The faculty has strengths in power system, control, digital system, electronics, communications, electromagnetic and fiber optics • Young faculty members, in different specializations, are continuously recruited to complement the faculty. • The department fosters the faculty development through sabbatical leave of study, attendance of professional and scientific meetings • Close cooperation in teaching and research with faculty in computer engineering, system engineering and other related departments is very common and is strongly encouraged. • In its efforts to promote research, the Department has established an endowed chair in telecommunications. It is actively seeking funds and support for other endowed chairs. • The department, through KFUPM admission office, attracts students with very high caliber. A large percentage of EE students is on the university’s honor list. • In its endeavor to produce graduates who are able to practice electrical engineering, the EE department adopts an up-to-date curriculum. • Up-to-date textbooks support the curriculum. Supplementary and additional material is also used if warranted. • The EE department seeks international recognition and accreditation. The EE program was evaluated by ABET in the year April 2001. The ABET evaluation team found that EE program is academically equivalent to similar programs that are accredited in the USA. • Faculty members use Web-based software for course management. This is done through the support of DAD. Recently DAD has awarded two grants for the development of on-line courses within the EE. This represents 50% of all DAD grants given to the KFUPM at large. • The department is currently undertaking a major revision of the undergraduate program. The revision has taken into consideration input from alumni, and employers. • The EE department depends on KFUPM Information Technology Center (ITC) as the primary computing facility. It provides computing support for education, research, and administrative applications to the University community. • The University library is centrally located within the campus. The current collection for the Electrical Engineering is 22,970 books and bound periodicals. The periodical subscription is for 31 titles. This is in addition to the subscription to the IEEE/IEE Electronic Library full-text database. 7. Program Objective Assessment This is the first time the department is carrying out a self assessment. The recent ABET visit found that the program objective are clear. However, ABET observed that these objectives are neither published in the undergraduate bulletin nor within the department internet site. . The program objectives were not explicitly measured.. However, written examinations, senior project presentations and co-op presentations will be used to gauge the level of the EE graduates. It is the intention of the department to design questions regarding the co-op and senior projects so as to reflect the program objectives and outcomes. Table 1.2 Program objectives assessment Objective 1 How measured NA When measured NA Improvement Improvement identified made NA NA 2 3 4 5 Standard 1-2 The program must have documented outcomes for graduating students. It must be demonstrated that the outcomes support the program objectives and that graduating students are capable of performing these outcomes. The outcomes of the electrical engineering program are to provide student with : a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to electrical engineering; b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data; c. An ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical engineering problems including design of systems; d. An ability to function as a team member and work within multidisciplinary teams; e. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility; f. An ability to communicate effectively; g. An ability to engage in life-long learning; h. An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for electrical engineering practice; i. Knowledge of probability and statistics as applied to electrical engineering; j. Knowledge of mathematics including calculus, differential equation, linear algebra necessary to analyze and design complex devices and systems containing hardware and software components; k. An ability to recognize the interactions between the electrical engineering and contemporary professional, social and global issues. 1. Alignment of Program Objectives and Outcomes Table 1.3 shows the outcomes that are aligned with each objective. For example, to produce graduates who are able to practice electrical engineering a number of skills or outcomes is required. Such graduate should have the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science (a), to design experiments (b), to solve electrical engineering problems (c), to understand professional responsibilities (e), to analyze and design complex hardware (j) and to recognize the relationship between society and electrical engineering. These abilities are realized through the introduction of well structured courses by highly qualified faculty. Table 1.3 Outcomes versus objectives Outcomes\Objectives 1 2 a x x b x x x x x x x c d e x h x x x x x x x x x x i x x x x x x 5 x x g k 4 x x f j 3 x x 2. Assessment Means The assessment of the program objectives and outcomes is done through traditional and direct methods. These include written examinations, senior project and co-op presentations. A well established grading system provides the department with fair and equitable assessment methods. In addition several indirect methods were used, for the first time to assess the program objectives. These include surveys of graduating students, alumni and employers. The following paragraphs provide the results from these surveys. a. Graduating Student Survey The department carried out, for the first time, a survey of its graduating students. A total of 91 students responded to the questionnaire. The questions were designed by the PT committee. The survey sought to find out how the students perceive the program in developing analytical skills, independent thinking, and others as indicated in Table 1.4. The results of the survey are expressed as a weighted average out of 5. A score of 5 indicates that the respondent strongly agrees with the question, while a score of 1 indicates a strong disagreement. For example, the weighted average for the first question is 3.91. Eighty two percent (82%) of the students strongly agree or agree that the program provides them with effective analytical skills. Students also feel that the program provides adequate mathematics. Moreover, graduating students have indicated that there is a great need for more practical oriented study cases. There is a general consensus that more design projects should be introduced. The department has recently adopted this approach. Each course is required to include a design component. The survey results also reveal that the program lacks or is very low in the field of professional development. This is an issue that the department need to address urgently. And finally over seventy percent (70%) feel that the program has a very high work pressure. The department recognizes this and will attempt to co-ordinate this matter with the university at large. Table 1.4: Results of the of Graduating Students Strongly Strongly Weighted agree Agree Neutral Disagree disagree Average Questions (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (out of 5) Effective Analytical Skill 29.67 52.75 0.00 14.29 3.30 3.91 Independent Thinking 13.19 54.95 0.00 20.88 9.89 3.37 Adequacy of Mathematics 37.36 49.45 0.00 12.09 1.10 4.10 Written Communication Skills 23.08 46.15 0.00 19.78 10.99 3.51 team Work 14.29 39.56 0.00 31.87 14.29 3.08 Learning Support 16.48 51.65 0.00 28.57 3.30 3.49 Design Abilities 15.38 34.07 0.00 32.97 17.58 2.97 Work Pressure 43.96 27.47 0.00 20.88 7.69 3.79 Coop Team Work 42.86 37.36 0.00 10.99 4.40 3.90 Coop Communication Skill 47.25 40.66 0.00 3.30 3.30 4.09 Coop Independent Thinking 27.47 42.86 0.00 19.78 3.30 3.52 Ethical Values 27.47 40.66 0.00 18.68 6.59 3.44 Professional Development 0.00 39.56 0.00 20.88 5.49 2.05 Time Management Skills 36.26 38.46 0.00 14.29 5.49 3.69 Judgments 23.08 40.66 0.00 23.08 6.59 3.31 Discipline 27.47 42.86 0.00 16.48 6.59 3.48 Link Theory &Practice 27.47 42.86 0.00 16.48 6.59 3.48 Safety Awareness 27.47 42.86 0.00 16.48 6.59 3.48 Typical Comments 1. Best Aspect of the Program: The best aspect of EE program is to develop thinking and analysis of problem and to solve problem in more than one way if possible 2. Suggestions for Improvements a. To add more practical courses to learn about real life b. Enhance the team work skill, develop the designing abilities c. Make a project in each course in level 3 & 4 b. Alumni Survey The department carried out, for the first time, a survey of its alumni. Alumni were contacted via different means such as their organizations, personal contacts, professional meetings and others. A total of 48 EE alumni responded to the questionnaire. The department acknowledges that this is a low response and will attempt to improve on that. The questions sought to find out how the alumni perceive how the program satisfies their working environment and needs. Table 1.5 shows the survey results. The results of the survey are expressed as a weighted average out of 4. For example, the weighted average for the first question is 3.58. This indicates that over ninety seven percent (97%) of the alumni found that the EE program has excessive and sufficient mathematical skills. Also over 72 percent indicated described the communication skill to be average to below average. This alarming and the department is encouraging student to make oral presentations and prepare reports in a professional manner. The capstone design project and co-op provide good forums. It is interesting to note that almost 100 % of the respondents recommend that the department should introduce options within the EE program. It is worth mentioning both the graduating students and alumni agree on the need for more design project within the curriculum.. Table 1.5: Results of the Survey of EE alumni QUESTIONS MATH & SCIENCE SKILLS ELECTRICAL ENGG SKILLS COLLECTING & ANALYZING DATA ABILITY TO LINK THEORY TO PRACTICE DESIGN ABILITY COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE ORAL COMMUNICATION REPORT WRITING PRESENTATION SKILL ABILITY TO WORK IN TEAMS LEADERSHIP INITIATION OF NEW IDEAS APPRECIATION OF ETHICAL VALUES TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS EE STUDENTS SHOULD BE SPECIALISED AREA OF SPECILAZATION TO YOUR ORGANIZATION Excessive SUFFICIENT AVERAGE BELOW AVERAGE (%) (%) (%) (%) 60.42 22.92 6.25 2.08 4.17 14.58 4.17 8.33 6.25 8.33 4.17 6.25 8.33 6.25 37.50 39.58 27.08 20.83 20.83 35.42 22.92 43.75 20.83 37.50 20.83 16.67 31.25 33.33 2.08 31.25 43.75 35.42 43.75 37.50 45.83 29.17 37.50 37.50 43.75 45.83 43.75 35.42 0.00 6.25 22.92 41.67 31.25 12.50 27.08 18.75 35.42 16.67 31.25 31.25 16.67 25.00 Weighted Average (out of 4) 3.58 2.79 2.17 1.83 1.98 2.52 2.04 2.42 1.98 2.38 1.98 1.98 2.31 2.21 87.50 12.50 0.00 0.00 3.88 43.75 43.75 0.00 0.00 3.06 Suggestions for Improvements: Typical Points 1. Electric Engineering should start from first year not theory wise but knowing the parts and where they are used as communication oral. as per my experience the way the engineer can communicate the better he is in other people opinion the will learn more from other people experience faster 2. To spend more time in the lab with additional experiments related the student’s specialized electrical area. 3. Employing on practical and reduce theory reduce math on core course and focus on concepts put practical senior projects from industry. 4. I realized after graduation that I learnt too much math but with very little understanding of engineering .I recommend that course material, teaching skill home work exams should be designed to encourage student to improve their understanding recommend to redesign course materials to math market requirement in a very specialized manner c. Employer Survey The department also carried out a survey of employers where a large majority of EE graduates work. Employers were contacted via different means such their organizations, personal contacts, professional meetings and others. A total of 13 employers responded to the questionnaire. The department acknowledges that this is a very low response and will attempt to improve on that. The questions sought to find out how the employers judge the EE graduates in meeting job requirements and needs. Table 1.6 shows the survey results. The results of the survey are expressed as a weighted average out of 5. A score of 5 indicates that the respondent strongly agrees with the question, while a score of 1 indicates a strong disagreement. For example, the weighted average for the first question is 4.46. Almost 99% of the employers agree that EE graduates have excellent to very good knowledge of mathematical and science skills. Forty six percent (46%) of the employers (question 21) rated the EE graduates between to be very good when compared with other university graduates. The employers agree (100%) with alumni for a need for department options. They also agree on the need for improvement of the communication skills of the graduates. The department takes these observations very seriously and will look into the subject during the forthcoming curriculum review. Table 1.6 Results of Employers’ Survey Very Weighted Excellent GOOD GOOD FAIR POOR (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (out of 5) 46.15 53.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.46 15.38 46.15 30.77 7.69 0.00 3.69 23.08 30.77 46.15 0.00 0.00 3.77 23.08 30.77 38.46 7.69 0.00 3.69 0.00 30.77 46.15 23.08 0.00 3.08 DESIGN ABILITY 0.00 53.85 38.46 7.69 0.00 3.46 COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE 23.08 53.85 7.69 7.69 7.69 3.77 ORAL COMMUNICATION 7.69 61.54 23.08 7.69 0.00 3.69 REPORT WRITING 7.69 15.38 61.54 15.38 0.00 3.15 PRESENTATION SKILLS 15.38 15.38 23.08 46.15 0.00 3.00 ABILITY TO WORK IN TEAMS 23.08 46.15 23.08 7.69 0.00 3.85 LEADERSHIP 15.38 30.77 30.77 23.08 0.00 3.38 INDEPENDENT THINKER 7.69 30.77 38.46 23.08 0.00 3.23 INITILAZATION OF NEW IDEAS 23.08 15.38 53.85 7.69 0.00 3.54 VALUES 30.77 46.15 23.08 0.00 0.00 4.08 TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS 0.00 61.54 30.77 7.69 0.00 3.54 JUDGEMENT 7.69 30.77 61.54 0.00 0.00 3.46 DISCIPLINE 23.08 23.08 46.15 7.69 0.00 3.62 SAFETY AWARNESS 30.77 15.38 15.38 38.46 0.00 3.38 SPECIALIZED EE ENGINEERS 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 46.15 38.46 0.00 0.00 3.00 QUESTION Average KNOWLEDGE OF MATH & SCIENCE SKILLS KNOWLEDGE OF ELECTRICAL ENGG SKILLS KNOWLEDGE OF PROBLEM FORMULATION COLLECTING & ANALYSING APPROPRIATE DATA ABILITY TO LINK THEORY TO PRACTISE APPRECIATION OF ETHICAL KFUPM EE GRAD COMPARED WITH OTHER UNIV Suggestions for Improvements: Typical Comments 1. I believe that adding more specialty courses in the joiner and senior years would be of a great help to the student to obtaining a better and wider view on the filed that he tend to specialize in. In other words, I propose to establish more than one EE program that is diversified and include a group of specialties to enable the student to choose the field he likes. Moreover, I suggest adding more management/skills courses to the EE curriculum addressing themes like leadership, economic engineering and others. 2. There is a big difference between grade gaining and material understanding, so concentrate to deliver since to students in the way they will not think only about grades. Give them more time to understand principles and basics Standard 1-3: The results of program’s assessment and the extent to which they are used to improve the program must be documented. a. Actions for Periodic Assessments The Department does not have a formal mechanism for program assessments. However, it implements several steps that help to evaluate the success of program objectives. This enhances future development and improvement of the Electrical Engineering Program. The Department carries out a number of assessment steps. 1. ABET Accreditation The EE departments along with other KFUPM engineering departments, sought ABET recognition and accreditation. The EE program was evaluated by ABET in the year April 2001. Even though the ABET evaluation team found that the program is academically equivalent to similar programs in the USA, the team pointed some areas for improvements. These include the introduction of design projects throughout the curriculum. The EE department is currently implementing this, especially within senior level course. 2. Student Evaluation The Department conducts student evaluation for each class and of each instructor. This process is done at the end of each semester. The students provide assessment of the faculty instructional qualities and abilities. They also address the course contents and the suitability of the textbook and supporting material. The students are encouraged to write comments and suggestions. The Department Chairman reviews the evaluation and makes it available to the instructors. The student evaluation is considered as a factor in faculty evaluation and promotion. 3. Research Assistants Evaluation Students also conduct assessment of Research Assistants (RA) and Teaching Assistants (TA). These evaluations are reviewed by the Department chairman and are also made available to the RAs and TAs. 4. The EE-Student Club The EE-Student Club is an active organization of the deanship of student affairs. The club organizes each semester an open meeting with the chairman and the faculty. During this meeting, the students are encouraged to speak out about the EE program. Comments from the students are taken very seriously and in many cases corrective actions follow immediately. 5. Faculty-Student Interaction The faculty-student interaction is achieved through the following: Each faculty member is assigned a small group of student advisees. These students remain as faculty advisees till graduation. The Department provides opportunities for student interaction through professional societies. The IEEE-Student branch is very active within the Saudi Arabia section of the IEEE. 6. Interaction with Graduates The Electrical Engineering Department does not have a formal mechanism for interaction with its graduates. However, the department has recently established an Industry Advisory Committee. The role of the committee is to provide the department with the industry’s assessment and needs. In the meantime, the Electrical Engineering Department seeks input from graduates through many means. These include the following: a. The Annual Technical Exchange Meeting This is a meeting held by the IEEE-Saudi Arabia Section. The Department hosts and helps in the organization of the meeting. Engineers attend the meeting from different organizations and industries. Students also attend and participate in the meeting. Although the meeting is devoted to technical presentations, panel discussions are also organized. discussions are devoted to engineering education and industry needs. b. Short Courses and Symposia Some panel The Department regularly offers short courses for various industries. During those courses, former students meet with the faculty and provide some critique of the Electrical Engineering Program. Although this is an informal mean, it provides the Department with excellent feedback. c. Student Visits The Electrical Engineering Department organizes visits to various industries and facilities. Engineers from these industries talk to the students and faculty about their experiences and expectations. 7. Department Future Plans The Electrical Engineering Department has significant plans for future development. The Department has committees for this purpose. These committees are the Curriculum, Laboratory Development, and the Planning Committees. The purpose of these committees is to study, update and improve the program. The Electrical Engineering Department has prepared this report on the development of the department in accordance with the 7th 5-year plan 1422-26. Assume the department’s target is to maintain a student/faculty ratio of 20. This number has been translated in the past few years in multi-sections of 35-40 students per class, crowded by all standards. The above ratio excludes the students of other departments. The projected faculty needs are shown in Table 1.7. Table 1.7: Projected number of students and faculty requirements during 20032005 Expected Faculty Year Expected Number Total Faculty Saudi (Present + Non-Saudi of Students Requirements Returning) 2003 991 53 19 34 2004 966 50 19+1 30 2005 941 48 19+2 27 Presently, there are eight Saudi nationals who are pursuing their PhD’s abroad. It is evident that the ratio of Saudi to non-Saudi faculty members will be around 1:1.22 in 2005 if no additional new Saudi faculty joins the department. The above ratio is below the university’s target of 1:1. It is, therefore, recommended that at least 6 more graduate assistants be appointed over the coming few years. Table 1.8 shows the breakup (of the proposed 6 graduate students) according to the area of specialization. Table 1.8: Suggested appointment of graduate assistants Area of Specialization Number of Graduate Assistants Power 2 Communications 1 Electronics 1 Electromagnetic 1 Control 1 With the increasing enrollment of students to the Electrical Engineering Department, additional laboratory equipment for teaching should be acquired. Modernization of the laboratories and apparatus are required due to the tremendous advances in the existing areas of electrical engineering discipline. The Electrical Engineering Department has major problems with regard to laboratory space. The problem appears in the Service Course Laboratories such as EE 201, EE203, EE 306 and EE 360 and other courses with large enrollment. Additional spaces in Building #1, #26, #7, #14 are needed to accommodate new laboratories. The areas needed for Laboratories are approximately 250 square meters for 3 laboratories in major areas and PC labs. Additional spacing of 9 offices is needed for new faculty members joining the department the next five years. Five additional offices are needed to accommodate graduate students. The technicians in the department are highly overloaded as all technicians are assigned to two or three laboratories daily. This load occupies their time during the whole day. They do not have the time to calibrate their equipment or repair the damaged ones. Furthermore, there will be an increase in laboratory sessions. Therefore, at least five additional technicians and a laboratory supervisor are needed to handle the teaching load and assist in research work for the next 5 years. At least two of these technicians are to be hired now besides the laboratory supervisor. The department has four secretaries (one as chairman secretary and three for departmental work). One of the three is an Arabic typist. The rapid increase in undergraduate and graduate students has resulted in a tremendous increase in their workload. Additional two secretaries are needed; one secretary to handle the increasing load of typing of assignments and lab work and the other will be directed to work on Research papers, Reports, etc 8. EE Program Strength The Electrical Engineering Program provides the students with sufficient background in Electrical Engineering sciences. It also contains basics Mathematics, Sciences, English and General Studies. A large number of electives in both Electrical Engineering and other technical subjects are also offered. The faculty-student interaction through advising, smaller classrooms and laboratory sessions are also major features of the program. In summary, the principal strengths of the Electrical Engineering Programs are as follows: • A well structured curriculum that emphasize theory, analysis and design. • Excellent and qualified faculty body • High-quality student body through the high standards of admission to the Electrical Engineering Department • Good student preparation through a large number of electives. • Excellent physical plant facility and support services. • Close faculty-student contact through the advisor assignment. Each faculty member is assigned a small group of students to advise who remain as the faculty advisees till graduation. • Student-faculty contact through research is also a feature. This is achieved through the part-time involvement of students in a number of faculty research projects. 9. EE Program Limitations Although the electives are arranged in groups in specialized areas of Electrical Engineering, the program lacks clear division into options. The results of the employer and alumni surveys indicate strong support for departmental options. The department is currently reviewing its program and will take into consideration the input of its constituents. Three areas are identified for improvement: 1. Introduction of program options 2. Introduction of design components into the curriculum 3. Introduction of practical oriented study cases. Standard 1-4: The department must assess its overall performance periodically using quantifiable measures. 1. Student Faculty Ratio Table 1.9 shows the total number of faculty and undergraduate/graduate students in the Electrical Engineering & Applied Electrical Engineering Departments during the period 1997-2003 along with the student/faculty ratio. The EE faculty members teach courses for both Electrical Engineering and Applied Electrical Engineering students. Currently, the department has 46 professorial ranks and 6 lecturers. However, it is important to point out that there 11 faculty members who are on special administrative assignments. Some of these teach one course a year while some teach on course a semester. The student/faculty ratio fro the year 20022003 was calculated after adjusting the number of faculty to reflect this special condition. In addition to EE students, the Department also offers service courses to all other engineering departments and College of Computer Science and Engineering that contribute a significant load to the Department. This is not included in Table 1.9 Moreover, the EE Department has active M.S. and Ph.D. programs. The average enrollment of graduate students over the past few years was about 87 students. The student-to-faculty Table 1.9 Student Enrollment & Student-to-Faculty Ratio Year No. Of EE No. Students AEE Of No. Graduate Students Students Of No. of Undergraduate EE Faculty Student-Faculty ratio 2000-2001 809 361 82 53 (44+9) 24.38 2001-2002 833 283 78 50 (46+4) 28.62 2002-2003 843 242 102 53 (46+7) 28.55 The student-to-faculty is very high by university standards. It emphasizes the need for recruitment of faculty. An effort should be exerted to encourage some of the honor students to join the department as graduate students. This is especially true in the areas of power and control systems. 2. Student Average GPA Table 1.10 shows the average GPA of EE students and the percentage of Honor students. The average GPA of EE students is around 2.5. The department does not have a bench mark or data for comparison but it is generally satisfactory. The GPA of the EE students remains fairly constant over the years. Also over 30% of EE students are on the honor list. Students are placed in the honor list if the GPA is 3.0 or more. Table 1.10 Average GPA & Honor Ratio for EE Students Year Average GPA Percentage of EE Average GPA Percentage of AEE Of EE Students Honor Students Of AEE Students Honor Students 2000-2001 2.595 22.57 2.438 18.46 2001-2002 2.519 30.98 2.379 21.34 2.491 16.79 2.430 9.56 2002-2003 * * The data for 2002-2003 reflect the first term results only. 3. Attrition Rate Table 1.11 shows the attrition rate is defined as the percentage of students who left the program because of withdrawal, major change, or dismissal at the end of first term of the academic year. The attrition rate is quite high and may reflect the followings: - The ease with which students drop the semester -The ease with which students change their major of study. Table 1.11 Attrition Rates Year Attrition Rate Attrition Rate for for EE Students (%) AEE Students (%) 2000-2001 15.86 20.49 2001-2002 15.84 20.56 2002-2003 16.55 24.51 4. Employer Satisfaction The number of employers who responded to the questionnaire is quite limited. Only 13 employers filled the questionnaire. Sixty percent of the respondents rated the graduate of the department as very good when compared to graduates from other universities. The remaining 40% gave a rating of good. The department considers that all employers are satisfied with the performance of its graduates. However, there is always a drive for improvement and the opportunities do exist. These will be addressed in the following program revisions. 5. Student Course Evaluation Table 1.12 shows the average student evaluation for all courses for the period 1997-2002. The average ranges from 8.37-8.49. The department considers the annual scores to be very good; however every effort will be exerted for further improvement. Three Faculty members received the excellence in teaching award during the period 1997-2002. This corresponds to 6.5% out of 46 PhD faculty members Table 1.12 Student Average Course Evaluations 200-2002 Year Average Annual Evaluation 2000 8.37 2001 8.49 2002 8.48 6. Faculty Research and Community Services Indices Table 1.13 shows the research indices for EE faculty. The EE faculties are quite active in research as reflected by the numbers of papers, conference presentations and the number of funded projects. The average number of Journal publications per is between 1.2 and 1.9. The average for conference is between 0.83 and 1.43. The department considers these indices to be adequate and reflect the commitment of its faculty. Moreover, Four Faculty members received the excellence in research award during the period 1997-2002. This corresponds to 8.7% out of 46 PhD faculty members. Table 1.13 Faculty Research Index 2000-2002. Year No. Faculty No. of Journal No. of Conf. No. With PhD. Papers per Faculty Presentations per Projects faculty per Faculty 1997 41 1.37 1.43 0.20 1998 40 1.76 0.83 0.28 1999 42 1.91 1.22 0.26 2000 44 1.67 1.0 0.25 2001 46 1.2 0.93 0.33 2002 46 1.43 1.33 0.33 Average 43 1.56 1.12 0.28 of Funded Table 1.14 shows the number of seminars and short courses offered by the EE department over the last three years. It is essential to note the department organizes the annual IEEE technical exchange meeting. This year it organizes the International Symposium for Wireless Communications. Both events drew large numbers of participants. In addition, the EE faculty participated in the organization of the Sixth Saudi Engineering Conference which was organized by KFUPM during December 14-19, 2002. The number of short courses per year is rather low. This may be attributed to the followings: - Limited marketing efforts by both the department and the Deanship of Educational Services - Many faculty feel that the compensation package does not reflect the faculty and coordinator efforts . - The EE faculty feels that they are involved in many projects and other activities. However, the department is reviewing this situation and will try to improve on this. 1.14 Table Community Services 1997-2002. Year No. Faculty No. of With PhD. Courses Short No. of Seminars No. of Workshops per Faculty 1999-2000 42 0.07 16 IEEE Technical meeting 2000-2001 44 0.05 10 IEEE Technical meeting 2001-2002 46 0.07 18 IEEE Technical meeting 7. Faculty and Student Satisfaction Seventy Four percent of the faculty members (Corresponding to 29 out of 39 faculty members who responded) indicated satisfaction with the administrative and support services offered by the department. Criterion 2: Curriculum Design and Organization A. Degree Title Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. B. Definition of Credit Unit The credit hour is equivalent to a weekly lecture with duration not less than 50 minutes or a laboratory session or field study of not less than 100 minutes duration for 15 weeks. C. Degree Plan: Flow-Chart D. Table 4.3: Curriculum course requirements COURSE REQUIREMENTS OF CURRICULUM BASIC- LEVEL PROGRAM Category (Credit Hours) Year; Semester Course Math & Basic Dept., Number, Title Science Math Major Humanitie Basic requirements Science 1-Fall Chem. 101 General Chemistry s & Social Other Sciences s 4 Engl. –101 Engl. Composition I 3 IAS 111 Islamic Ideology Math 101 Calculus I 2 4 PE- 101 Physical Educ. I 1 PHYS 101 General Physics I 1-Spring 4 Engl.102 English Composition II 3 IAS 200 Objective Writing 2 ICS 103 Computer Programming 3 in C. Math 102 Calculus II 4 PE 102 Physical Educ. II 1 PHYS 102 General Physics II 2-Fall 4 EE200 Digital Logic Design 4 EE 201 Electric Circuits I 4 Math 201 Calculus III 3 ME 203 Thermodynamics 3 PHYS 203 E&M Props. of 3 Materials 2-Spring EE 203 Electronics I 4 EE 205 Electric Circuits II 3 EE 207 Signals & Systems 3 Engl. 214 Technical Report 3 Writing IAS 222 The Quran & Sunnah 2 Math 202 Elem. Diff. Equations 3-Fall 3 EE 303 Electronics II 4 EE 360 Electric Energy Eng. 4 EE 380 Control Eng. 4 IAS 300 Arabic Terminology MATH 302 Applied Math for 2 3 Engineers 3-Spring EE 315 Probabilistic Methods in 3 EE EE 340 Electromagnetics 4 EE 370 Communication Eng. 4 EE 390 Digital Systems Eng. 4 IAS 333 The Islamic System 4-Fall 2 EE 411 Senior Design Project 3 EE 4xx EE Elective I 3 EE 4xx EE Elective II 3 IAS 400 Technical Arabic 2 Syntax SE 301 Numerical Methods 4-Spring 2 1 EE 4xx Elective III 3 EE 4xx Elective IV 4 IAS 4xx Elective 2 XE xxx Technical Elective 3 XX xxx Elective from CIM 3 Total 41 61 17 Minimum 32 48 16 Requirements 14 As can be seen from this table the program satisfies the ABET requirements for mathematics and basic sciences, major requirements and social sciences. Appendix A1 contains description of the EE courses. Standard 2-1: The curriculum must be consistent and support the program’s documented objectives. The Electrical Engineering Program satisfies the ABET requirements in addition to meeting other objectives. The students are required to take courses in differential and integral calculus, differential equations (MATH 101, MATH 102, MATH 201, MATH 202). They also take MATH 302: vector methods, complex variables. Chemistry (CHEM 101) and Physics (PHYS 101, PHYS 102) courses are required. In addition, EE students take a course in materials and semiconductors (PHYS 203). ABET curricular requirements call for thirty-two credit hours of basic mathematics and sciences. The Electrical Engineering Program requires thirty-seven credit hours. The Electrical Engineering Program provides sixty-five credit hours of basic engineering topics. This is above the forty-eight ABET minimum requirements. The EE curriculum provides the students with core courses in Electrical Engineering. The students are required to take a total of forty-five Electrical Engineering core topics. These include electric circuits, digital system, electromagnetic, electromechanical energy conversion, communication and control. Afterwards they are given the opportunity to choose a minimum of sixteen credits from many electives. The electives cover all the areas of Electrical Engineering: power systems, electronics, digital systems, communications & control. Students have a free hand in choosing the electives after consultation with their advisors. The students are provided with a wide selection of electives in their senior year. Engineering Sciences and Design are incorporated in the core and elective EE courses. The students are given term projects and assignments that include Design components. In their final year, the students are required to take a capstone Design course. The EE 411: Capstone Design provides the student with a major design experience. In addition, the Electrical Engineering curriculum requires twenty-three credits hours of humanities and social sciences. These cover Islamic and Arabic studies (IAS111, IAS200, IAS222, IAS300, IAS333, IAS400, IAS 4**). They also include English language courses (ENGL 101, ENGL 102 and ENGL 214). Moreover, the students are required to take a course in computer programming (ICS 103). This is a C-language course. The Electrical Engineering students take two Physical Education courses and they are required to choose an Industrial Management course. The majority of EE students elect to choose Management (MGT 301) or Engineering Economy (ECON 403). Table 4.4: Courses versus program outcomes Outcomes Courses a b EE200 X X EE201 X EE203 c d e X X X X X X X X X X EE204 X X EE205 X X EE207 X X X X X X X X EE208 f X X EE306 X X X X EE360 X EE370 h i j X X k X X X EE303 g X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X EE380 X X X X X EE390 X X X X X X EE399 X X X X X X EE400 X X X X X EE402 X X X EE403 X EE405 X X X EE406 X X X X EE407 X X X X EE410 X X X EE411 X X X EE415 X X X EE416 X X X EE417 X X X EE418 X X X X EE420 X X X EE422 X X X X X X X EE315 EE340 EE351 EE429 EE430 X EE432 X X EE433 X X EE434 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X EE437 EE445 X X X EE446 X EE455 X X EE456 X X EE460 X X EE465 X EE466 EE470 X X X X X X X X X X X X X Standard 2-2: Theoretical background, problem analysis and solution design must be stressed within the program’s core material. Table 4.5: Standard 2-2 requirement Elements Courses Theoretical background EE207, EE315, and EE340 Problem analysis EE200, EE201,EE203, EE204, EE205, EE207, EE208, EE303, EE306,EE315,EE340,EE360,EE370, EE380, EE390, EE400, EE402, EE403, EE405, EE406, EE407, EE410, EE415, EE416, EE417, EE418, EE420, EE422, EE429, EE430, EE432,EE433, EE434, EE445, EE446, EE455, EE456, EE460, EE462, EE463, EE464, EE465, EE466 Solution design EE200, EE204, EE208, EE303, EE306,EE390, EE400, EE402, EE403, EE405, EE406, EE407, EE410, EE415, EE416, EE417, EE418, EE420, EE422, EE429, EE430, EE432,EE433, EE434, EE437, EE446, EE455, EE456, EE460, EE462, EE463, EE464, EE465, EE466, EE470 Some courses in problem analysis contribute to theoretical background such as EE 200, EE 201 and E 203. Standard 2-3 : The curriculum must satisfy the mathematics and basic sciences requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body. Standard 2-4 : The curriculum must satisfy the major requirements for the program as specified by the respective accreditation body. Standard 2-5: The curriculum must satisfy humanities, social sciences, arts, ethical, professional and other discipline requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body. Table A.1a: Minimum Requirements (Semester Credit hours) Discipline Math & Basic Major Science Engineering Humanities and Others Social Sciences 32 48 16 41 61 17 (ABET) Electrical 16 Engineering As can be seen from the table our program exceeds the ABET requirements in Math and Basic Sciences and in major by 28% and 27%, respectively. Standard 2-6: Information technology component of the curriculum must be integrated throughout the program. Computer Programming in C (ICS 103) is a required Freshman level course. It covers programming in C language , including modular and structured programming techniques. Numerical methods (SE 301) is also a required course that includes the solution of linear and nonlinear equations, and engineering case studies. Extensive computer programming is used. Topics include floating point arithmetic on digital computers, solution of nonlinear and linear systems of equations, interpolation, numerical integration, and the solution of differential equations. The PSPICE software package is currently integrated in several undergraduate courses such as : EE 201 (Required), EE 205 (required), EE 203 (required), EE 303 (required), EE 445 (elective), EE 460 (elective), and EE 462 (elective) MATLAB software is used extensively in EE 380 (required) and EE 370 (required). It is also used by the students for many assignments and problems in other senior courses. Students are also using ETAP and EDSA Software for power system assignments and design projects (EE 462, EE 463, EE 465, EE 466). Standard 2-7: Oral and written communication skills of the student must be developed and applied in the program. To assure competence in written communication in the English language, four courses, Preparatory English I and II (15 credit hours each), Composition I and II (3 credit hours each) are required. The following is a description of ENGL 002: Emphasis on four communication skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Includes use of language laboratories for listening comprehension and speaking, development of independent reading habits, guided compositions. Useful vocabulary and fundamentals of English grammar introduced in context. A course in Technical Report Writing (ENGL 214) is also required. These courses are structured as workshop/laboratory courses, allowing students to progress at different rates. The Writing Laboratory offers tutorials and other resources required to give each student a personalized curriculum in writing skills development. In the Electrical Engineering Department, written communicative skills are continually monitored through the grading of laboratory reports in EE 200, EE 201, EE 203, EE 303, EE 340, EE 360, EE 370, EE 380 and EE 390. Written reports are required in EE 411 (Capstone Design Project), for summer training (EE 399) and Co-op program .Also several senior EE Courses include a term project with a written report. Criterion 3: EE LABORATORIES The EE department is the largest department in the university. It has more than 20 laboratories for teaching and research. Teaching laboratories are equipped with all necessary equipment to facilitate running the experimental work fully with no problem to enhance student understanding of the material. Qualified technicians are looking after these laboratories preparation of experiments, fixing equipment copying lab manuals.etc. Also we have about four research laboratories supervised by some faculty members to carry out research in their specialization area and it also support graduate study activities. 1. DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN LAB: Location: (Two Rooms Laboratory) Building 7-208/206 Area: 1078 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 200, Digital Design INTRODUCTION TO THE FUNDAMENTALS OF LOGIC CIRCUIT DESIGN, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Karnaughmaps, Mathematical operations, flip-flops, Counters, Decoders, Multiplexers, Registers, Memory concepts. Equipped with oscilloscopes and Prototyping circuit Boards LOGIC WORKS, C.A.D.E.T. BOARDS supported by logic Circuit Design software. The labs is well equipped ( see appendix A2) for list of equipment Safety rule is placed in all EE laboratories. 2. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS LABORATORY: Location: (Three Rooms Laboratory ) Building 26-249/247B/151 Area: 4320 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 201, Electric circuit Introduction to methods of experimental circuit analysis, network theorems and proper use of laboratory Equipment. These labs are equipped with Basic electronic equipment including: Oscilloscopes Multimeters (DMM), Function Generators, DC Power supply units, Decade Resistor and capacitor boxes. Laboratory teaching is supported by PSPICE circuit analysis software with dedicated personal computers/workstations available in the laboratories. These laboratories are fully supported by computer-aided-Education methods. 3. FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS LABORATORY: Location: (One Room Laboratory ) Building 26-248A Area: 1440 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 204, FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS This laboratory has basic set-up of Electric Circuits Laboratory but meets the course requirements of non-EE students. (Non-EE specialization) 4. ELECTRONICS I LABORATORY: Location: (Two Rooms Laboratory ) Building 7-224/220 Area: 1768 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 203, ELECTRONICS I Experimentation in Basic electronics circuits and devices. Diodes, Transistors (BJT, JFET, MOSFET), DC and small signal AC Analysis, Amplifier configurations, Digital logic families. Equipped with Basic Electronics equipment package such as oscilloscopes, DMM, DC Power Supply Units, Function Generators, Proto Boards and Transistor (Semiconductor) Curve Tracers. Lab Teaching is supported by Pspice software. 5. ELECTRONICS II. LABORATORY: Location: (Two Rooms Laboratory ) Building 7-225/226 Area: 1768 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 303, ELECTRONICS II Experimentation work on Amplifier Characteristics (both single and Multistages), Linear and non-linear operation amplifiers application, Active filters, feedback, Circuit topologies and Analysis. Equipped with oscilloscopes, Function Generators, DC Power Supply Units, DMM, LCR Meter, Transistor (Semiconductor) Curve Tracers, Proto boards. Supported by Pspice software. 6. COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING LBORATORY: Location: (One Room Laboratory ) Building 7-216 Area: 884 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 370, COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING PC-based teaching laboratory has analog and Digital training Boards manufactured by Lab.Volts (USA). Experiments in Various Modulation Techniques (AM, FM, PM, Pulse-code modulation). Review of sampling theory. Supported by Matlab Communication toolbox and Lab. Volt own software package. Equipped with Arbitrary Waveform Function Generator, digitizing oscilloscopes, PCs (Workstations); 7. DIGITAL COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS LABORATORY: Location: (One Room Laboratory ) Building 7-206 Area: 884 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 370, DIGITAL COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS Equipped with Telephony training boards, Proto-boards, basic electronic test and measurement equipment. Experiments on various digital communication techniques and applications. Designs of PAM, PWM, PPM and PCM transmitters and detectors. Circuit design using VCO, PLL and multipliers. Network and Data communication techniques. Industrial Electronics building blocks and circuits design using Linear Integrated circuits and Thyristors. 8. DIGITAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING LABORATORY Location: (One Rooms Laboratory ) Building 7-206 Area: 884 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 390, DIGITAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Experiments in microprocessor hardware, Instructions Set, Assembly Language programming and debugging. Input/output Instructions, I/0 Interfacing. Memory and input/output mapping. Equipped with Heath kit 16-bit microprocessor trainers with CRT monitors and personal computers. 9. CONTROL ENGINEERING Location: (One Room Laboratory), Building 7-216 Area: 884 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 380, CONTROL ENGINEERING Experiments in Feedback control systems, PID Controls, Servo Systems, Simulation and Modeling. Labs are equipped with PCs (Workstations, Printers), Networking facility, PC-based Analog and Digital Servo Systems, magnetic Levitation; Digital Pendulum Systems supported by Matlab and Simulink software Packages. 10. PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS LABORATORY Location: (One Rooms Laboratory), Building 7-204 Area: 884 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety Regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 429, PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS Experimentation in micro-controllers technique and applications, Relays, Counters, timers, Ladder diagram concepts, sensors and Transducers, PLC Industrial applications in the process control. Equipped with Siemens PLCs, PCs (Workstations), Printers, Basic Electronics test equipment. 11. UNDERGRADUATE PC LABORATORY: Location: (Two Rooms Laboratory ) Building 7-100/102 Area: 1768 sq ft Objectives: To carry out Pspice, Logic work, Matlab or any other simulation tool. Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 200, 201, 203,303 Equipped with state-of-the art PCs (Workstations), Printers, Internet connectivity and used by EE students for circuit analysis and simulation using scientific and Engineering Software (Pspice, Matlab Logic work & work bench). This lab is shared by Electrical Installation course-related simulation work using specialized software EDSA etc. 12. GRADUATE PC LABORATORY: Location: (One Room Laboratory ) Building 7- 114 Area: 600 sq ft Objectives: To carry out research work (Graduate software packages) Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Equipped with PCs (Workstation), Printers, Internet connectivity and Engineering Software packages for M.Sc. & Ph.D. program. 13. SENIOR DESIGN/CAPSTONE PROJECTS LABORATORY: Location: (One Room Laboratory ) Building 7- 120 Area: 600 sq ft Objectives: It is dedicated to student to carry out hardware implementation of senior projects. Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab For EE undergraduate senior students capstone projects emphasizing design methodologies, teamwork and submission of experimental or simulation results as written report with oral presentation. Laboratory Equipped with basic electronics test equipment, proto-boards and availability of specialized devices when and where required for result-oriented experimental work. 14. ELECTROMAGNETICS LABORATORY: Location: (One Room Laboratory ) Building 26-248B Area: 884 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work. Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 340, ELECTROMAGNETICS For Experiments in electronic and magnetic boundary conditions, time varying fields, Plane wave propagation, Reflection and refraction, vector and scalar potentials, transmission line theory, Inductance, Capacitance and Resistance. Concept of radiation. Equipped with PHYWE Electromagnetic Training apparatus, gaussmeters, feedback microwave training kits, and electromagnetic field coils etc. 15. MICROWAVES AND ANTENNA MEASUREMENT LABORATORY: Location: (One Room Laboratory ) Building 26-251 Area: 884 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work. Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 407, MICROWAVES For experiments in Transmission line theory, measurements of power, standing Wave Ratio, Frequency, wavelength and Impedance, microwave tuner, Directional Coupler, E&H Planes, hybrid tees attenuation, Reflection, microwaves propagation, Signal Sources (Solid State and Klystron), Wave guides. Equipped with S&X-band microwave test benches. PC-based microwave training equipment manufactured by NIDA (USA) is under acquisition with PC (workstations), Laser Printers and dedicated software. 16. ANTENNA EQUIPMENT Location: (One Room Laboratory), Building 26-251 Area: 884 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work. Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 422, Antenna Theory Emerson and Cumming (USA) Microwave Anechoic Chamber with Scientific-Atlanta Receiver, Antenna Positioner/Controller, Lab-Volts (USA) Antenna Modeling and Experimenter Equipment, various types of antennas, Signal Sources, Positioners, PCs (workstations) and dedicated antenna software to control and plot the antenna Parameters. Facility for Microwave Engineering experiments in Microstrip circuit Design techniques and applications are available. Feedback (UK) Microstrip Trainers with peripherals are available in this laboratory. HP Microwave Vector Network analyzer system is available in this laboratory for device characterization with frequency range upto 26GHz. The microwave and Antenna measurements laboratory is equipped with modern and sophisticated training equipment which can meet any training requirement in the fields of microwave Engineering & Communication. 17. OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONS LABORATORY: Location: (One Room Laboratory), Building 26-247A Area: 884 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work. Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 420, OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONS Experiments in Photonics techniques, optical fiber waveguides, transmission characteristics of optical fibers (step-index, graded-index, SM, MM). Measurement of attenuation, dispersion, refractive index profile, numerical aperture, diameter and field. Optical sources (Lasers, LED) and detectors. Equipped with white light sources, He – Ne Lasers, optical Power Meters, optical tables and benches, positioners, holders, Jacks, Lenses, Polarizers, Prisms, IRIS, Beam splitters/Expanders. 18. ELECTRICAL MACHINES & POWER LABORATORIES Location: (One Room Laboratory), Building 1-116A Area: 1741 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work. Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 306, EE360, & EE 462 ELECTRICAL MACHINES & POWER Experiments in electric power system operation, control, distribution, Generation & Protection. Study of magnetic circuits, transformers AC/DC machines, motors, generators, synchronous machines, speed control, transmission lines and cables. Single-Phase and 3-phase Power Systems. Equipped with motors, generators, RLC load banks, Power Supplies, Transformers, Test and Measurement equipment. PC-based Modular Power systems training equipment is under acquisition for these laboratories. 19. POWER ELECTRONICS LABORATORY: Location: (One Room Laboratory), Building 1-120 Area: 1741 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work. Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 120, POWER ELECTRONICS Experiments in various aspects of power electronics and drive technology. Study of diodes, Thyristors, protection circuits, harmonic generation, fundamentals of Static Converters, Firing angle control, Multi cycle Control, AC/DC Drives, Frequency, Speed/Regulation, Control of asynchronous machines and D.C. Motors, Regenerative Braking. 3-phase drives, Torque and Current in star and delta operation. This lab is equipped with Thyristors control boards, Power electronics modular training equipment, Power Protection training equipment, Test and Measurement equipment. 20. APPLIED CONTROL ENGINEERING LABORTORY: Location: (One Room Laboratory), Building 7-210 Area: 884 sq ft Objectives: To carry out experimental work. Adequacy for Instructions: Excellent Safety regulation: Framed (50×60 cm) and posted in the lab Course Taught: EE 433, APPLIED CONTROL ENGINEERING Equipped with Feedback (UK) PC-brand Training Rigs for Temperature, Level, Flow, Pressure, pH parameters with Procon software for study of process control systems, PID Controller tuning, process interaction, modeling of dynamic systems, Feedback and feed-forward Control confirmations. RESEARCH LABORATORIES IN THE EE DEPARTMENT 1. Telecommunications Research Laboratory (TRL): Established under Bell Labs/Bugshan Chair in Telecommunications under the leadership of Chair Professor Dr. Asrar-ul-Haq Sheikh, this facility is undertaking the research and Development work in Packet Radio (GPRS) at the initial stage which will be extended to other Wireless Communication techniques and applications. Lab is equipped with Logic Analyzer, Spectrum analyzer, Digital oscilloscopes, Microwave frequency counter, BF Signal Generator, communication system analyzer (B.E.R.T), Multi-path Fading Simulator, Arbitrary Waveform Function Generator, DC Power Supply Units, PCs (Workstations), Laser Printer, Flat-bed Color Scanner, WLAN ORNICO Cards with antenna. 2. Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and Ultrasonic Research Laboratory: Equipped with Ultrasonic non-destructive test equipment with reference and Calibration blocks and transducers for flaw detection, detection of delaminations and discontinuities, thickness gagging, weld Inspection, bond testing, Material Properties and Corrosion. Dr. Ahmed Yamani is in charge of this lab and has undertaken research project in NDT field. 3. High Voltage Laboratory: Situated in the high Bay Area of Research Institute, this facility is equipped with German manufacturer M/s MWB (Messwandler-Bau) GmbH, High Voltage Construction Kit with its specially developed test instruments and console. The kit is suitable for 100KV AC & DC tests. The equipment can be used for measurements of high voltages with different methods, Partial Discharge Measurements, Electrical field Plotting, Measurement of flashover voltage of insulators and bushings with and without stress control, Investigation of traveling waves on transmission lines and in Transformers, Measurements of harmonics for various rectifier connections, Measurement of impulse wave shapes, Generation and measurement of AC, DC and impulse voltages, Industrial Control and final tests with AC, DC or impulse voltages in the production of electrical apparatus from 10KV to 30 KV such as bushings, supports, switch gear, Switching Cells, Instrument transformers, fuses, Cable lengths etc. The voltage range can be extended to even higher voltages (200 KV, 400 KV-etc). The laboratory has supported many research projects undertaken by laboratory personnel. 4. PCB Fabrication Lab: This lab is equipped with LPKF PCB machine Model Protomat C60 with all CAD/CAM software & milling facilities. This dry process machine prepares double sided boards within few minutes with Computer Control. It supports all Capstone Projects or any other circuits fabrication and development requirements. Standard 3.1. Lab Manuals/documentations for experiments must be available and readily accessible to faculty and students Laboratories manuals are key factors in carrying out experimental works and hence especial attention was given to this issue. For every lab, there is a lab manual that is designed to be in alignment with material covered in lectures. Experiments are designed to enhance student understanding of course materials with clear and easy instructions. These manuals are available in soft and hard copy for all EE faculty members and students. Standard 3.2: There must be adequate support personal for instruction and maintaining the laboratories. Qualified technicians are responsible for laboratories preparation and providing necessary help to laboratories instructors and student. They are in charge of every thing in the lab including parts, data sheets and manuals. Our technical staff is very qualified, has long experience and we relay on them fully. We must admit here that we need more lab technician because of the he number of laboratories we are running. In addition we need computer engineer to look after our pc labs and pc’s in other labs. Standard 3.3: The university computing infrastructure and facilities must be adequate to support program’s objectives. Every laboratory is ready to carry out experimental work. Consequently all power supplies cabling, equipment, instrument (and may be computers for some courses) are available to ease doing the lab work with no problem. More over the EE department there are three PC labs to facilitate teaching software packages like PSPICE, LOGIC WORK, WORK BECNH, ASSEMPLY ..etc. These labs are open 24 hours and are in excellent working condition and some of them if not most of them are equipped with Pentium IV IBM machines. It is worth mentioning here also that the Information Technology Center made available to all KFUPM students many computer labs to carry out their work in related course or to use the internet to search for information. Criterion 4 Student Support and Advising 4.1 Standard – 1: Courses must be offered with sufficient frequency and number for students to complete the program in a timely manner. 1- The core courses EE 2xx and EE 3xx are offered regularly every semester. 2- The elective courses EE 4xx are distributed and offered alternatively between the first and second semester of each academic year. Some of the elective courses are offered regularly every semester. 3- The EE department coordinates with other departments to ensure that the required courses outside the EE department are offered every semester. 4.2 Standard – 2: Courses in the major must be structured to ensure effective interaction between students, faculty and teaching assistants. 1- A faculty who teaches a multi-section course is assigned as the course coordinator. He shares with the other course instructors the course syllabus, homework, assignments, help sessions, term projects, grading policy, exams, and other course activities. 2- Also, a faculty is assigned as the lab coordinator if the course has a lab. He coordinates with the other lab instructors and teaching assistants (TA’s) the lab schedule, reports, grading policy, the final lab exam, and other lab activities. 3- The course coordinator communicates with the lab coordinator to ensure that the lab is running smooth and the experiments are timely coordinated with the course materials. 4- The course coordinator regularly calls for meetings with the course instructors to make sure that the course materials are covered on time. 4.3 Standard 4.3: Guidance on how to complete the program must be available to all students and access to qualified advising must be available to make course decisions and career choices. 1- The students are given a copy of the undergraduate bulletin which describes elaborately the program requirements. This bulletin is also available through web. 2- Each student is advised by an assigned faculty member over the entire his program. The number of students assigned for each faculty does not exceed 20 to ensure the effectiveness of the advising system. The faculty is available to solve any problem that might raise during the student program. However, the advising process has changed last two years where the students do not need to refer to their advisors during the registration process. The new process does not experience major problems and it is running smoothly during the last two years. 3- The Deanship of Student Affairs has established a counseling center. The faculties are available to help in this regard if needed. 4- The medical center in the university provides professional counseling when necessary through a psychiatry physician. It also provides transferring to other around hospitals. 5- The students are encouraged to subscribe in IEEE and other professional societies. They are encouraged also to attend the Technical Exchange Meetings sponsored by IEEE Saudi section and Saudi Engineering Conference. On the other hand, the EE club actively arranges some public lectures and field trips for students. Criterion 5: Process Control Criterion 5: Process Control The processes by which major functions are delivered must be in place, controlled, periodically reviewed, evaluated and continuously improved. To meet this criterion a set of standards must be satisfied. Standard 5-1: The process by which students are admitted to the program must be based on quantitative and qualitative criteria and clearly documented This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives. An applicant for admission to an undergraduate program at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) must satisfy the following minimum requirements: 1. The applicant is required to take the KFUPM entrance examination consisting of two parts, i.e., RAM I and RAM II. RAM I, an aptitude test, has two components: Mathematics and Linguistics. The test is aimed at determining the general capabilities of students in the two areas mentioned above. Students having graduated from High School are eligible to sit RAM I. Students who pass the RAM I exam. are required to take the RAM II exam. Generally, about 25% of the entrants of RAM I make it to the stage of RAM II. RAM II is an objective type multiple-choice test given in four subjects, i.e., Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English. The objective of this examination is to evaluate the student’s knowledge and ability in English and Science. Out of those who pass RAM I and RAM II, the best students are selected for admission taking into consideration both their high school grade and the two test results. The number of students accepted is limited to the number of seats available as decided by the University Administration based on the capacity of resources at the University. Application for the entrance examination constitutes application for admission to KFUPM. The entrance examination is administered in the major cities of Saudi Arabia each summer. 2. The applicant must arrange for certified documents to be submitted to KFUPM affirming that he has satisfactorily graduated from secondary school. An applicant who has graduated from a secondary school system outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must have completed twelve years of combined primary and secondary school studies from a recognized school. The policies regarding transfer of students from another university to KFUPM, from one college to another within KFUPM, and from one major to another within the same college at KFUPM, are described in detail in KFUPM Undergraduate Study and Examinations Regulations and the Rules of their Implementation booklet (Articles Forty-two to Forty-nine). The conditions for a student from KFUPM who studies some courses at another university are described in Article Fifty of the same booklet. The Electrical Engineering Department policies in this regard are the same as the College of Engineering Sciences. The Department role is to evaluate the courses which need to be transferred and to make recommendations to the College Council on the equivalence of these courses. The registrar frequently updates the bylaws and procedures concerning this matter. Standard 5-2: The process by which students are registered in the program and monitoring of students progress to ensure timely completion of the program must be documented This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives. During the middle of the first semester (Fall), early registration is held for courses to be taken by students during the second (Spring) semester. Also in the middle of the second semester of each year, the students early-register for both the coming summer session and the first semester of the following academic year. Early registration is required of all enrolled students who intend to continue their studies at the University during the following terms. Students early registered for a particular semester are also required to register formally on the scheduled registration day for that semester. The early registration and confirmation of the registration are performed by the student himself on line using the Deanship of Admission and Registration (DAR) website: http://regweb.kfupm.edu.sa through the internet. The students are allowed to make all the necessary changes regarding their registration. They are fully responsible to insure that both prerequisite and co-requisite requirements for the courses registered have been met. The use of online registration in the last two years has produced effective results in reducing the time and effort for registration process. All the information needed to guide and help the students to conduct the registration process are provided in details in this web-page: http://regweb.kfupm.edu.sa. Moreover the registration instructions for advisors are provided. In addition to the courses schedule, timing, and locations of the registration, the web-page includes registration procedure, steps for adding and dropping courses, and section changing. For students on good academic standing status, the minimum course load is 12 credit hours during a regular semester, provided that the total number of credit hours registered by a student in any two consecutive semesters is not less than 28. This condition is relaxed in the last semester before graduation. The maximum course load is 19 credit hours. A student is permitted to register for 21 credit hours with the approval of the department chairman, if the student has maintained a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 out of 4.00 in all works undertaken during the preceding terms in which he earned his last 28 credit hours. For students not on good status, the minimum course load is 12 credit hours and the maximum course load is 13 credit hours. Students who have early-registered in more than 13 credit hours and their academic status are not on good standing should drop course(s) to bring the course load within 13 credit hours. Otherwise, their course(s) will be dropped after the last day of adding. Students who are promoted to freshman level and whose cumulative GPA is less than 2.00 in preparatory year program, their course load should not exceed 13 credit hours. The registrar frequently updates the bylaws and procedures concerning this matter. Standard 5-3: The process of recruiting and retaining highly qualified faculty members must be in place and clearly documented. Also processes and procedures for faculty evaluation, promotion must be consistent with institution mission statement. These processes must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives. The competent full-time faculty constitutes one of the strength of the program. Most of the faculty members in the department hold Ph.D. degrees and generally graduated from reputed universities with diverse backgrounds of academic and non-academic experiences. The regulating policy for faculty recruitment, selection and mentoring described below are observed for all the applications which are reviewed by the concerned committees in the department. Faculty appointments are generally made from candidates of outstanding technical competence and on the basis of demonstrated achievement in teaching, research and industrial experience. The recruitment procedure is normally applied to all faculty positions which include professorial ranks, instructors, lecturers, lecturer-B's, research assistants, and graduate assistants. 1 Professorial rank faculty and lecturers The procedure for recruiting new professorial rank faculty and lecturers is described below: (i) Advertisement of available faculty openings for professorial rank faculty members and lecturers is published in the University web-page, departmental web-page and local and professional international journals. The applicants are requested to provide complete resumes and application forms, along with photocopies of official transcripts/degrees, list of publications, especially those published in the refereed professional journals, and at least four references with their complete addresses. In addition, they are asked to submit statements about their research, scholarly interests and their teaching experience. Applicants are selected on a merit basis after conducting their personal interviews with the University representative. (ii) Application files for professorial rank, instructor and lecturer positions are reviewed by the Faculty Search Committee while the application files for lecturers-B, research assistants, and graduate assistants are evaluated by the Graduate Committee. The application files are reviewed on the basis of their qualification and demonstrated achievements in teaching and research. (iii) The Chairman in consultation with the Dean of College of Engineering Sciences and based on the need of the department recommends to recruit a new faculty or a replacement for a faculty position. The requests of recruitment are submitted to the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs who will advise the Dean of the Faculty and Personnel Affairs to complete the recruitment process. The recommended application files along with the proposed academic ranks, salary ranges and teaching responsibilities are then forwarded to the Rector for final approval. University representative arrange personal interviews with the applicants in their locations. The interview reports are sent to the Chairman and the final selection of new recruitments will be sent to the Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs for approval. The selection methods are based on the expectations of the applicant and the need of the department. 2 Lecturers-B and research/ graduate assistants There is a certain amount of attention in the practice of recruiting, selecting and mentoring lecturers-B, research assistants and graduate assistants. Only the strong applicants graduated from top universities with high academic records (GPA>3.00 or equivalent) are evaluated and recommended by the Graduate Committee for recruitment in the department. The Chairman reviews the recommended application files and then forwards them to the Dean of Graduate Studies for final approval. Graduating students with outstanding academic achievements are encouraged by the faculty to join as graduate assistants. Interested students in becoming graduate assistants are interviewed and examined by the Department Council. The recommended applicants are encouraged to submit their employment applications in the last semester of their graduation in order to expedite the employment process 3 Faculty evaluation The performance of faculty members in teaching, research and other university services are evaluated annually. The faculty evaluations are based on the teaching performances, selfevaluation and chairman evaluation. The teaching evaluations which are based on the input of the students are conducted every semester for all the courses offered in the department. At the beginning of each semester, the Chairman appoints a committee to carry out the process of the teaching evaluation to be conducted at the end of the semester. Toward the end of the second semester, faculty members are requested to fill out their self-evaluation forms. After the Chairman reviews the teaching evaluations and self evaluations, he forwards them along with his input to the Dean of College of Engineering Sciences, which are subsequently sent to the Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs. Then the Faculty Affairs Committee which is appointed each year as one of the standing committees of the University and chaired by the Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs reviews and finalizes the faculty evaluations. The annual performance evaluation of each faculty member is sent directly to the faculty member himself every academic year. Maintaining the high standards and continuously improving the quality of teaching, research and other services in the University are enhanced by associating the benefits, incentives and awards granted to the faculty with their development, productivities and achievements. The outcome of the rewarding policy is clearly evidenced by the progress observed in teaching and level of the program graduates, increased rate of publications in reputed journals and research contributions, in addition to the professional satisfaction level among faculty members. The policy has furnished a stable educational environment and ensured the continued teaching competence and professional growth of the faculty. The major benefits, incentives and awards offered to the faculty which contribute in retaining excellent faculty members, include the following: 1. Furnished housing on-campus supplied without cost to non-Saudi faculty. 2. Competitive salaries based on qualifications and experience. 3. Prepaid round-trip air tickets up to a maximum of four tickets for the travel of the faculty and his dependents to the official point of origin, supplied annually to nonSaudi faculty. 4. Two months annual vacation with pay eligible after completion of 10 months on academic duty. 5. A local transportation allowance provided according to the faculty rank, up to SR 7200 per year. 6. A termination-of-service benefit equivalent to one month of annual base salary for completion of each full year of service. 7. Educational assistance grants with local tuition fees for school-age dependent children supplied to non-Saudi faculty. 8. Merit increase in salaries of non-Saudi faculty based on the ratings of the faculty performance each year. 9. Instituting the policy of yearly grants of excellence awards in teaching, research, and services. 10. Availability of University-funded research in the forms of grants and released time. 11. Encouragement of faculty to author text books by providing financial grants. 12. Availability of a sabbatical leave program. A faculty member is eligible for a sabbatical leave after completion of 5 years of full academic service at KFUPM. 13. Participation in contractual research projects funded by external clients. 14. Facility in offering and organizing short courses. 15. Support to attend one local and one international conference each year by providing air tickets, per diem, and registration fees based on a paper presentation or published paper in a refereed journal. A Saudi faculty member is permitted to provide consultation to government and private agencies on an annual contract subject to the following conditions: assistant, associate, and full professors may be given permission; consultants should not hold more than one consultancy job at a time; the consultancy job should be in the field of the faculty member’s specialization; and the faculty member must submit a report periodically to KFUPM about the work done during this period. Faculty members applying for promotion will be evaluated on the basis of the following: 1- Teaching 2- Research and Scientific Contributions 3- University, Departmental and Public Service While University, Departmental and Public Service should be recognized and encouraged, high quality teaching and research are of primary importance and are indispensable qualifications for promotion to higher professorial ranks. 1-TEACHING Since teaching is a primary function of all KFUPM faculty, a candidate for promotion is required to demonstrate his ability to teach effectively in addition to his other responsibilities. The following factors and criteria are to be considered in the evaluation of teaching performance: a- Demonstrated competence in the subject matter in classroom and public presentations (e.g. colloquia, seminars, symposia, short courses, conferences, etc.). b- Effectiveness in the development and use of innovative methods in teaching such as computer aided instructions. c- Guidance and leadership in student activities. d- Initiation and participation in curriculum development (e.g. new courses, new programs, etc.). e- Effectiveness in the development and use of Instructional Laboratories. f. Level of participation and effectiveness in the continuing education programs. g- Textbook authoring. h- Effectiveness in supervising senior projects, Summer Training and Coop Programs (if applicable). i- Teaching Load. Information regarding these aspects of the candidate's teaching performance can be sought from his chairman, peers, students (preferably senior) alumni and course files. It is noted that student's evaluation should not be accepted without qualification. It may serve, however, as an indicator of competence. It is not to be used as an absolute and final measure of the teaching performance. It is expected that each faculty member maintains course files that include the syllabi, outlines of materials covered, homework, lab assignments, exams, and other pertinent information. Such files should be made available to the committee on request. In the case of multiple-section courses where a number of instructors are involved, the input from the coordinator may also be sought through the Chairman of the Department. In judging the effectiveness of the candidate's teaching, the committee shall consider the candidate's command of his subject; his continuous growth in his field; his ability to organize and present his materials with clarity and force; his capacity to awaken in students an awareness of the relationship of his subject to other fields of knowledge; his grasp of general objectives; the spirit and enthusiasm which vitalize his learning and teaching; his ability to excite intellectual curiosity in freshmen and to stimulate advanced students to original work; his personal attributes as they affect his teaching, his students, and his colleagues; and the extent and skill of his participation in the general guidance and counseling of students. 2-RESEARCH AND SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS It is a truism that the quality of teaching at the University and the viability of its graduate programs are directly related to the quality of research and scholarship of its faculty. Consequently, the university shall promote those members of faculty who are actively engaged in research and creative scholarship of demonstrable quality. There are basically five different types of research, which are recognized and supported by the University. One is Independent Research, based on the faculty's interests and capabilities in the academic colleges and departments of the University. It is necessary for keeping the faculty abreast of the state of the art in their professional specialization. The second is University Sponsored Research, based on specific areas of interest to the University, and funded with subsidies in the form of research grants and released time of academic personnel. This type of research may be either basic or applied, and it is directed at some specific objectives. The third type is Contract Research, based on specific needs and interests of external clients who finance the research in return for access to the results. The client usually identifies the problem, while the task of the researchers is to find viable and economical solution to that problem and to deliver the results on schedule and within the time frame set by the contract. The results of such research are usually delivered to the client as reports, software or prototypes. Contract research may entail confidentiality and restriction on publication. In conformity with its goals the University encourages and values research that may lead to solutions of problems that are of local concern, and believes that such research should also be considered of paramount importance. Moreover, it recognizes that successful solution of many practical problems requires the effort of multi-disciplinary research teams. The fourth type constitutes published textbooks and scientific reference books, translations of specialized scientific books, reviews of rare books and published research by scientific societies approved by the Scientific Council. The fifth type consists of inventions and novelties that have patents from recognized agencies approved by the Scientific Council and distinguished creative activities recommended by the Scientific Council and approved by the University Board. It is acknowledged that measuring scholarship and the resultant effectiveness of the candidate is a task fraught with difficulties. One must keep in mind, that the aim is the evaluation of depth of scholarship, which is directly correlated to the degree of creativity, and significance of the research work undertaken. It is also related to the scholarly stature and effectiveness of the researcher in question. Evidence of creative research should be sought in the candidate's published research in refereed journals, conference proceedings, monographs, technical reports or in original professional work. In published scholarly work, a key ingredient is significance rather than volume. A judgment can be made by examining the quality of the journals in which the publications appeared, the use which other researchers make of an individual's publications, or by requesting testimony from other distinguished workers in the field. Since the task of choosing reviewers is rather critical, extra care is needed in the selection of peers who should be asked candidate's to evaluate a research accomplishments. Contributions in the area of coordination of knowledge such as survey articles, and books are evidence of effective scholarship. Other evidence in this area includes supervision of master and doctoral theses. Moreover, articles, textbooks, reports, and similar publications normally considered as contributions to the professional literature or the advancement of the professional practice or of professional education, should be judged as evidence of effective scholarship especially, when they present new ideas or incorporate scholarly research. Evidence of scholarly stature may include services on editorial boards of scholarly journals, invitations to give keynote addresses in conferences or symposia, membership in technical committees of international/national conferences, symposia, acting as referee for scholarly journals, conferences, symposia, books, and technical reports, prizes and awards received and high level consulting work. Confidential and secret reports, software or prototypes may be evaluated by an ad-hoc committee of cleared university personnel of higher rank than the candidate. This committee shall report its findings to the promotion committee. 3-DEPARTMENTAL, UNIVERSITY AND PUBLIC SERVICE. The faculty plays an important role in administration within the University and in the formulation of its policies. Recognition shall therefore be given to scholars who prove themselves to be able administrators and developers of their respective departments and who participate effectively and imaginatively in Departmental, College, and University committees. Service rendered by members of the faculty to the local community and the Kingdom, both in their special capacities as scholars and in areas beyond these special capacities when the work done is at a sufficiently high level and quality, shall likewise be recognized in the promotion process. These may include organizing short courses, national/international conferences, seminars, workshops, technical projects, authoring articles for the general public, translations, etc. Contributions might also include identifying industry needs and elaborating coherent training programs in some areas of expertise, as well as establishing a link for technical cooperation between KFUPM and other institutions in specific areas of expertise. Similarly, contributions to the students’ welfare shall also be recognized and considered. The Electrical Engineering abides by the University bylaws as far as this matter is concerned. Standard 5-4 : The process and procedures used to ensure that teaching and delivery of course material to the students emphasizes active learning and that course learning outcomes are met . The process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives. Achieving excellence in teaching and learning is the major focus area of the department. In order to achieve this goal, evaluation and process control of teaching and learning are conducted regularly. Moreover, the department emphasizes improvement in the method of instruction by recommending the instructors to utilize the current modern technologies such as multimedia, audio-visual facility, computer animations, and models. In addition, teaching effectiveness is enhanced by encouraging faculty members to attend relevant short courses, workshops, and seminars. The processes and procedures used to ensure that teaching and delivery of course material are effective and focuses on students learning, are conducted through implementing the following practices: (i) Chairman role At the beginning of each academic year, the Chairman appoints a committee to prepare the teaching assignment and course schedule for the following two semesters. At the beginning of each semester, he approves the proposed faculty teaching assignments after making the necessary adjustments. Furthermore, in order to run the teaching process smoothly and ensure that the various teaching functions are conducted with the required standard and quality, he appoints coordinators to be in charge of these functions. The appointed coordinators are: course coordinators for multiple-section courses, coop program coordinator, summer training coordinator, and senior design coordinator, seminar coordinator, and homework/exam coordinator. Moreover, he appoints directors for the teaching and research laboratories, and graders for homework assignment, and advisors for all the students in the program, in addition to the department standing committees. The teaching load of each faculty member is carefully selected to account for other assigned administrative tasks. The clear link between teaching activities and faculty teaching evaluations by students provides an effective mean to adjust the teaching assignment monitor and improve teaching quality. Before approving the final grades, the Chairman reviews and discusses the course files with each instructor to ensure that the course material is fully covered and the final grades of the students are aligned with their performance. The result of grade point average of each course is closely analyzed and compared with established averages of the course and instructor performance for improvement guidance in teaching assignment. (ii) Teaching assignment Each semester faculty teaching assignment and course schedule are prepared by the Teaching Assignment Committee and forwarded to the Chairman for approval and implementation. Usually instructors are carefully assigned to courses in which they have experience, knowledge and strength. The committee decides which courses to be offered, elective courses based on the student needs in each area, number of sections for each course in accordance with the number of students in each level and their needs. Number of students per section is limited to 25 in lectures and 15 in laboratory sessions. The teaching assignment is made in accordance with the input provided by the faculty members regarding their preferences in teaching. (iii) Course coordination The Chairman selects a faculty member to act as a course coordinator for each multi-section course. Experienced, competent faculty members with excellent teaching record are usually selected as course coordinators. The duty of the course coordinator/instructor ensures that: • All the topics of the course syllabus are included uniformly in the course teaching coverage material. • Instructional materials are selected based on quality and appropriateness to the course objectives and assigned textbook. • Grading scheme is prepared and followed by all instructors teaching the same course. • Multiple means for evaluating and measuring student progress are used. • Student progress and areas for improvement are discussed by the instructors. • Enforcement of the University regulations and policies regarding attendance and absences. • Emphasizing the use of computer applications and introducing design oriented problems. (iv) Laboratory coordination Every semester, the Chairman appoints coordinators for multi laboratory sessions. The duties of the coordinators are to ensure that : • All assigned experiments in the syllabus are to be conduced as scheduled. • The experiments are streamlined with course lectures. • Grades of students' reports are submitted to respective instructors. • Experiments handouts are well prepared and readily available. • Experimental setups and facilities are properly arranged. • Preparation of the laboratory course file at the end of the semester (v) Instructors Instructors are required to prepare a course file for each course they teach and submit it to the Chairman on the completion of the course. The course content is reviewed and updated to reflect new development and advances of the detailed course syllabus approved by the department. Teaching performance evaluations results are used to serve and guide instructors to enhance their teaching proficiency. Instructors are advised to consult the course files and make use of them to improve the quality of teaching. Moreover use of multimedia and computer applications is valued to improve the quality of instruction delivery. (vi) Course files The course files contains the documentation of course syllabus, students names and their grades, copies of all quizzes and exams, homework assignments, copies of term projects, copies of the highest, average, and lowest graded final exams, grader evaluation, and instructor report. The course files are kept in the department as a reference. (vii) Coop coordinator All the records of student participating in coop program and their progress are handled and documented by the coop coordinator. The coordinator ensures that all the coop requirements have been satisfied before he assigns the coop grades of the students. He processes the progress reports and company evaluations of the students and arranges for the students oral presentations and examining committees. (viii)Summer training coordinator All the records of student participating in summer training program and their progress are handled and documented by the summer training coordinator. The coordinator ensures that all the summer training requirements have been satisfied before he assigns the grades of the students. The process of evaluating the students' final reports is arranged by him. (ix) Homework/Exam coordinator To avoid examination time conflicts of the offered courses, particularly of the mid term examinations, the homework/exam coordinator prepares a conflict-free schedule of all the midterm examinations. The prepared schedule improved student performance in examinations by minimizing the possibility of having two mid term examinations in same day for every student. The coordinator also conducts at the end of each semester the evaluations of the course graders. Each grader receives the results of his evaluations and a copy of the evaluation is sent to the Chairman. This activity ensures the quality of grading. (x) Seminar coordinator In order to complement and enrich the teaching atmosphere and update the knowledge of faculty members, seminars are conducted approximately every week in the department. Seminars are presented by faculty members and invited speakers from industry and other academic institutions. (xi) Senior design coordinator The senior design coordinator assigns the topics of the senior design projects proposed by faculty members to the students every semester. All the record of the students and their progress are handled by him. The coordinator ensures that all the senior design project requirements have been satisfied before he reports the grades of the students. He arranges the schedule of the students' oral presentations and examining committees. (xii) Students’ supervision Every student has an academic advisor. The role of the advisor is to assist his advisees in selecting the courses according to their degree plans, and monitoring their learning performance in courses through the midterm warning grades and final grades. In addition, a Student Affairs Committee is appointed every academic year to closely monitor the performances of ME students on probation and tries to advice, help, and encourage them to improve their academic status. The committee works in close cooperation with the student advisor. Students who are in need of extra help are identified every semester. (xiii) Teaching record A record-keeping system for faculty teaching performance evaluations, course files, and student feedback is maintained in the department to guide and assist with short- and long range planning, modification and improving teaching and learning process. (xiv) Curriculum and course syllabus From the instructor's input, students' feedback and course files, the Chairman verifies that the contents and objectives of the actual teaching experience are aligned with the syllabi of the courses. Each instructor distributes to his class a copy of the detailed syllabus which contains the course title, textbook, reference books, sequential coverage of the material lecture by lecture, schedule of examinations, grading scheme, attendance policy and other important information. (xv) Office hours Faculty members are requested to allocate a significant amount of time for teaching and meeting their students and advisees. A minimum of 5 hours weekly are scheduled at times convenient to students, distributed over the days of the week. The schedule of the office hours is posted at the instructor's office and a copy is provided to the department. (xvi) Examinations and grade Generally, student performance in courses are evaluated by a combination of oral and written examinations, seminars, term projects, homework assignments, laboratory or field work, and final exams depending on the nature of the course. All the examinations, except the finals, are scheduled by the instructors themselves. The final examinations are mandatory for all courses and scheduled by the Deanship of Admission and Registration. The duration of the written final examinations are between one and three hours. (xvii) Textbooks The adopted text books for teaching are frequently evaluated by the course coordinators and instructors. Proposed new text books either as a replacement for an existing one or as a new addition for a course are first evaluated by the Text Book Committee and recommended by the Department Council before the obtaining the University approval. This process has never been evaluated before. Standard 5-5: The process that ensures that graduates have completed the requirements of the program must be based on standards, effective procedures and clearly documented. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives. The requirements of Engineering Sciences students to qualify for graduation are: 1. Completion of all specified and elective courses according the degree plan of the program (133 credit hours minimum) with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or better; 2. Achievement of a GPA of 2.00 or better for all courses offered by and taken in the student ’s major department; and 3. Spending eight weeks in one summer (after either the third or fourth year) working in industry. For the Applied Engineering students, the requirements for graduation are: 1. Completion of all specified and elective courses according to the degree plan of the program (133 credit hours minimum) with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or better; 2. Achievement of a GPA of 2.00 or better for all courses offered by and taken in the student’s major department; and 3. Completing successfully, after the third year a 28-week, cooperative program working in industry. This procedure has never been evaluated before. Criterion 6: Faculty 6. Faculty Standard 6.1 “There must be enough full time faculty who are committed to the program to provide adequate coverage of the program areas/courses, continuity and stability. The interests and qualifications of all faculty members must be sufficient to teach all courses, plan, modify and update courses and curricula. All faculty members must have a level of competence that would normally be obtained through graduate work in the discipline. The majority of the faculty must hold a Ph.D. in the discipline”. Table 6.1 shows the six areas covering the undergraduate programs in the electrical engineering department. The faculty members in the department are adequately covering all these areas as indicated in the table. The percentage of faculty members holding a Ph.D. degree is 81.82 %. The faculty members are engaged in teaching graduate courses and courses requested by other departments beside the teaching duties indicated in table 6.4. Appendix A3 includes faculty resume. Standard 6.2 All faculty members must remain current in the discipline and sufficient time must be provided for scholarly activities and professional development. Also, effective programs for faculty development must be in place. • The department has adopted the fact that the faculty member must have published a minimum of five papers in refereed journals and international conferences, at least three of these should be in journals. Based on this criterion, 77.1 % of the faculty members are considered current in their area of specialization. • Full time faculty members in the electrical engineering department are involved in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses for 7-9 credit hours per week. They are also involved in scientific and applied research in two projects on average. They are also involved in M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses committees, as advisors or committee members. These arrangements insure that faculty members have sufficient time through project and theses work for scholarly and professional development. • The department does not have specific faculty development programs. However, the department faculty regularly participates in the development programs organized by the Deanship of Academic Development in the university. These programs concentrate on effective teaching. All new and developing teaching methods are continuously adopted by the faculty members in the department through the use of computers and e-learning. • There are no particular faculty programs in the department. Standard 6.3 Faculty members should be motivated and have job satisfaction to excel in their profession. The faculty members in the department are encouraged to attend international and regional conferences based on published papers or for paper presentation. Different channels for submission of research proposals are open to them. These channels include University supported research beside KACST and SABIC. Applied research projects are also encouraged through the research institute. Table 6-1 Faculty Distribution by Program’s Areas Program areas Courses in the area and Number Average No. of Faculty Sections/year Communications members EE 370(7), EE400, EE417, 8 of Number of Faculty with Ph.D. 6 EE430(2), Energy Systems EE306(5), EE360(6), 11 10 EE460, EE462, EE463(2), EE464,EE465(2), EE466(4) Electromagnetics EE340(7), EE405, EE407, 12 EE418(2), 8 EE420(3), EE422 Electronics & EE303(7), Digital Systems EE434, EE390(7), 10 EE446, 9 EE455, EE456 Control EE380(7), Signal Processing EE433 EE406, EE410 Total EE432(2), 7 7 6 6 55 45 Faculty Questionnaire The department carried out a survey of the EE faculty. Faculty members were asked to answer of questions that were posted on the DAD Website. A total of 39 faculty members responded to the questionnaire. This is 71% of total EE faculty body. The questions sought to find out how the faculty rate the teaching, research and support facilities. Table 6.2 shows the survey results. The results of the survey are expressed as a weighted average out of 5. A score of 5 indicates that the respondent is strongly satisfied with the theme of the question, while a score of 1 indicates that he is very dissatisfied. For example, The weighted average for the first question is 3.77. Almost 70% of the faculty have indicated that they are satisfied with the facilities. Sixty percent(60%) indicate that they are satisfied with salary and compensation package. Table 6.2 Results of Faculty Questionnaire Very Very Weighted Disatisfied Average (%) (out of 5) 10.26 2.56 3.77 17.95 2.56 2.56 3.92 56.41 10.26 2.56 0.00 4.15 30.77 51.28 17.95 0.00 0.00 4.13 30.77 46.15 15.38 5.13 2.56 3.97 15.38 41.03 33.33 10.26 0.00 3.62 25.64 48.72 17.95 5.13 2.56 3.90 17.95 41.03 25.64 5.13 10.26 3.51 12.82 43.59 33.33 5.13 5.13 3.54 0.00 20.51 20.51 33.33 25.64 2.36* 25.64 41.03 25.64 5.13 2.56 3.82 0.00 38.46 23.08 30.77 7.69 2.92* THE OVERALL CLIMATE IN DEPT 15.38 66.67 2.56 12.82 2.56 3.79 ACADEMIC RANK 12.82 35.90 30.77 0.00 20.51 3.21 YEARS OF SERVICE 33.33 20.51 20.51 10.26 15.38 3.46 Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied (%) (%) (%) 23.08 46.15 17.95 INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION OF WORK 23.08 53.85 30.77 QUESTIONS satisfied (%) RESEARCH TEACHING & COMM SERVICES TYPE OF TEACHING/RESEARCH CURRENTLY DOING YOUR INTERACTION WITH STUDENTS COOPERATION YOU RECEIVE FROM COLLEAGUES THE MENTORING AVAILABLE TO YOU ADMINSTRATIVE SUPPORT FROM THE DEPT PROVIDING CLARITY ABOUT THE FACULTY PROMOTION YOUR PROSPECTS FOR ADVANCEMENT & PROGRESS SALARY & COMPENSATION PACKAGE JOB SECURITY & STABILITY AT THE DEPT AMOUNT OF TIME YOU HAVE TO YOURSELF&FAMILY Typical Comments: *The weighted average values shows some dissatisfaction with salary and compensation package and the amount of time they have to themselves and families Best Aspects of the program Nothing special in the department. However, the overall environment in the university is encouraging Good academic environment and research facilities Cooperation between colleagues.++ Aspects of the program to improved The salary rise at the time of contract renewal is not satisfactory.. Even if one's performance was evaluated as “Excellent" then even he get only a rise of 4 % salary for two years which is discouraging... The organization and coordination at the beginning of each semester in terms of rooms, labs assigned for the courses, courses assigned for the instructors, and clear responsibilities. Summer program with leading companies, other than ARAMCO, such as Saudi Electricity company, SABIC, Saudi communication company, consulting offices, Criterion 7: Institutional Facilities Criterion 7. Infrastructure Standard 7-1: The institution must have the infrastructure to support new trends in learning such as e-learning The EE department is running its program (lectures and laboratories) in different buildings. We admit here that we are in the early stages of having adequate facilities for e-learning. Our near future plan is to have all class rooms equipped with in focus as core building block in this direction. Recently, the department has started the establishment of some on line courses for 2XX level. Current status: our classes are not adequate for e-learning Standard 7-2: The library must possess an up-to-date technical collection relevant to the program and must be adequately staffed with professional personnel The University library is centrally located within the University campus. It’s current collections of monographs and bound periodicals total 357,766 volumes. The collection is made of 80% in Science and Engineering and 20% in Humanities and Social Sciences. In addition, there are 486,922 research reports on microfiche, 25,991 educational films and other media. The library also subscribes to 1,264 periodical titles and 1,249 electronic journals. It also maintains 37,522 reels of journal back issues on microfilm. The current collection for the Electrical Engineering is 21,336 books and bound periodicals. The periodical subscription is for 26 titles. This is in addition to the subscription to the IEEE/IEE Electronic Library full-text database. This permits the user access to 1400 publications, starting from 1988 and including more than 100 technical journals, over 600 IEEE/IEE standards and about 700 electrical engineering conferences. The services rendered by the Library are summarized in the following: Online Searching: The KFUPM Library has online access through the Internet to more than 600 international databases covering humanities, social sciences, and science and engineering. Interlibrary Loan: Since 1984, the personal computer is used to organize the growing demand for interlibrary loans (ILLs), to transmit ILL requests abroad, to automate day-to-day activities related to the processing and monitoring of ILLs, and to reduce the work related to manual ILL record keeping. To accomplish these tasks a computer program called INTERLOAN was developed in-house. All functions currently are automated. To facilitate the smooth and continuing supply of ILLs, the KFUPM Library has opened a deposit with various lending institutions worldwide. Assistance in searching Online Public Access Catalog of the KFUPMLibrary through an integrated online system called Dobis/Libis. Assistance in CD-ROM database searching Library orientation and bibliographic instruction for teaching and promotion of library use. Selection & Acquisition of Materials: The library coordinates selection of appropriate engineering books, periodicals, and other related materials on the basis of anticipated user needs and expressed faculty requests. The Electrical Engineering Department does not have its own library and depends entirely on the University Central Library Standard 7-3: Class-rooms must be adequately equipped and offices must be adequate to enable faculty to carry out their responsibilities. 7.3.1.Class Rooms Most class rooms are designed to occupy 25- 30 students. All of them are equipped with an over head projector, nice, suitable blackboard and nice illumination. All classes have armed chair to help student in writing their notes. Central air-conditioning system is used to provide nice studying environment. There is a need for some smart class room to suit some courses requirements. 7.3.2. Faculty Offices Every faculty member has a nice furnished office equipped with a powerful computer and full access to intranet and internet facilities. It very important to say here, that we are in short of offices. In the next academic year we will receive four new faculty members and we have only two offices available we don’t where we can accommodate the other two. Urgent solution is required. Criterion 8: Institutional Support Standard 8-1: There must be sufficient support and financial resources to attract and retain high quality faculty and provide the means for them to maintain competence as teachers and scholars. • The major part of the financial resources comes from Saudi government budget. This includes, salaries, allowances, compensations, grants and other service activities ( e.g. recreation center for faculty and their families, faculty bus transportation to many places in the surrounding area, medical support) Other financial resources come from projects and short courses. • The Department has four secretaries (one as chairman secretary and two for Departmental work. The fourth is an Arabic Typist). The rapid increase in undergraduate and graduate students has resulted in a tremendous increase in their workload. An additional two secretaries are needed; one secretary to handle the increasing load of typing of assignments and lab work and the other will be directed to work on Research Papers, Reports, etc. The technicians in the Department are highly overloaded as all technicians are assigned to two or three laboratories daily. This load occupies their time during the whole day. They do not have the time to calibrate their equipment or repair damaged instruments. Furthermore, there will be an increase in laboratory sessions. Therefore, at least five additional technicians and a laboratory supervisor are needed to handle the teaching load and assist in research work for the next 5 years. At least two of these technicians are to be hired now besides the laboratory supervisor. The university provides high quality office equipments such as disks, chairs, computers, stationary, and all teaching needs. Standard 8-2: There must be an adequate number of high quality graduate students, research assistants and students. Tables 8.1 and 8.2 show the enrollment of EE graduate students and the faculty-student ratio. The majority of the students are graduates of KFUPM while a sizable number comes from reputable universities in the Indian sub-continent and the Middle East. Table 8.1 Number of EE Graduate Students Year Graduate Research Ph.D students Student assistances 2002-03 87 36 4 2001-02 59 17 3 2000-01 62 25 4 Table 8.2 Faculty –to- EE Graduate Students Ratio Year Faculty Graduate Ratio Student 2002-03 53 87 0.609 2001-02 50 59 0.847 2000-01 53 62 0.855 Standard 8-3: Financial resources must be provided to acquire and maintain Library holdings, laboratories and computing facilities. • The Electrical Engineering Department does not have its own library and depends entirely on the University Central Library. The University library is centrally located within the University campus. The current collection for the Electrical Engineering is 21,336 books and bound periodicals. The periodical subscription is for 26 titles. This is in addition to the subscription to the IEEE/IEE Electronic Library full-text database. This permits the user access to 1400 publications, starting from 1988 and including more than 100 technical journals, over 600 IEEE/IEE standards and about 700 electrical engineering conferences. • The Electrical Engineering Department laboratory financial resources come from: 1. University budget 2. Funded projects 3. Fund for support of Higher Education, Riyadh.. 4- Gifted by Private sector like Saudi Aramco, Erickson and others. • The Information Technology Center (ITC) is the primary computing facility at KFUPM. It provides computing support for education, research, and administrative applications to the University community. ITC operates a full-scale Enterprise Network where all University servers, PC labs, workstation labs and office PCs are interconnected. The network infrastructure consists of a fiber optic token-ring and ATM backbones connecting PC labs in all academic and most administrative buildings. In addition, all offices, classrooms and labs are connected to the Enterprise Network. Also Internet services are available to all users. The Electrical Engineering Department is located within the same building (Building 14), with the ITC. • The Electrical Engineering laboratories and offices are linked with the ITC facilities. Specialized EE software packages are maintained and continuously upgraded by the ITC. The EE students use their packages for term projects, assignments, and design projects.