m”Arr."r•nVwHwl'rti' i VIi7c.-*/iv: v’i .,•'<■.>•••’>iriOT-:-'! .' »-i,'-' •-'.* 1 ••.... v . i , ,' 1.'.^v--*J -^ J .-7'"1. .••• '.i ' ’:• -V'- ’ . ' ... :r-•*'-•••:'.r,..’ •.,-y '*'?■ ■*,r-' * ^ 4 :^ : m .« kjjfa$li ~h . ) to her ,placed ^o _ _ Tjce:fnhd< ■'•’■■-■ ‘ntOrdera‘havdb©en]Jssned: fromifiho-Kavj; ^Departmebt'to WginWWk on thodDublo tur5SretmonitorMiantonbintifi itChector, ori^hich V ;-'. ^mtak:hh«a been’ 6nstjet>4?d for over- a y ear. ne#tiiM,iaUSobMng:^romptly Mtendsd’to Th&ves*d has boon o^pletely robuUt and .io^i^ha^iin<iroii hnU'iwid1willibo coniplot^d ______________________ . . vmmw ■ :•bm „,„. ,.„r _ ________ A S B tlB T p A R H r N .'jr.' ftnd E x»m tner lu “ H i B T ^ J ^ A B K E R ! .'. ^ U iU - v ,/ ••; " --'■' - — *< H A M ta fru tfiK X i&?&i'Wv • r.'-atLsi- ■•:• ,-[/.iiJ.v. - -' ■!—'!■:,-. <,r T - •■■ - J E. H. & T. B. NEWMAN, ' -* •n>0'-7-1« 1 •■ D E Y . Q O O D 8 , „i(3 ■>.- , j. ^ G ltO O B H JC E a i -j v ) j* . r ’ O B bO K E K ST.-tU . . „. •■ajAKllMMAHWjii.l oilT •• •• A»b«try F s r k ^ Oeesn ^caeb, H. jr. MAHTELS AN1> ItAJfiQES: SET. C m iage " --f -tnf-W ABB, '• <!» Jl' ^ W O O D E N W A B fi, Q L A f i S W A R E i',ri '------ X t W ,d ;^ ! ^ O T i^ H iv iw v o f Newark,-stopped on 'a-pleoe o fftulF skln O ^ s id e w a lk dn Thura'- -rasaagoof day, arid fell and^broke h e r h i p . 'j . *;'[ r, Tl,.purpoee«!,,pn a 1.reservation,, bf the epiinentr-vTpoJVfl^Ul.edJriio(ibanlcs or .Bfiteaw.lire fo.lw to csch'com pany, and'ono ,Degupenli ?f; e w h porpa is :to,.be:of. engineers je«lW T.ely, •»Aslsoon as Xp^pOO men khail bo ,?mii4»4il1ey:.s^)»U:'to ae^t; to ,a reservation, and, 9po^ifteir.##<v»l, swill'Bdrvey arid lay [ f l ^ i a ^ ^ j ^ 1bsgin!the«eiectron o^^uita!' i^jultable .... . . . . , , ,.. ___it^preparg ^ i r a ^ I c^Uural; pmiloecB and ' PlanB and ' - ‘D E N T IS T , s e a r Steinbach’* eat nptice. 'abb:, N. J . Icationa draw n a t th e ehortigea to ro n t. ' Eesldence,420 Aatraify Ave., ' OOVmBLOBSandArrORNSTSATLAW. BKflnnm Drags, M edicines, Solid ter,' M aster and E xam iner in Chancery, XATTORXBX AT LA W, . jr'jV '•' '• Solicitor,Master and Examiner in Chancery, ■- .N otaryPublic. ASBUBY PABK, N. J .T ' Hommopathlo Physician and Burgoon, &■■■- ;<&r.' G »km ia* B an g * * v .,A ab u ry P ark .N . J. T O H N N .D IB B B O W , tl. rV-.'-, ~,.V<~ y ’ ■Constablo and Auctioneer, Matawan.MorimouthCo.,New Jersoy, _ Collector of Taxw, etc.,-for Holmd. and Matawantownship*. ■■— Agent N .J. a P.O. A. |. 'r ' K . D^'“ • •tf-V V:i , - *. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OfhxinacUUkltM Burning, our. Mala * Lot* An. offlceHooa: < l t o » r : « . ' — . UtolOr.K.’ Axauar Pa m . N.J. .<T= CLABENCE OONOVEB, « | . • ATTOBNEYATLAW, ' * l i s t of Conveyances, H onm onth County Clerk’s Ofllce, fdr th e w eek ending Sept. 28, 1878.’ y ,./« *' , tlJ Jj.tf 'i qcKAN QROVBT. »wnr *:jlr ‘ ■r,y: x Joel B ^rket aiid wife to Joseph W hite—lot l ^ l ^ a t Ocean1G rove; conaideration, $1,200. w Thfi Ocean Gr6ye GtCmp M eeting Association to John’a Phelbs—lo t 809;!a t Ooean Grove • '6onBiderattotf, ^250.'> -'icHfwf ^■^A, C. liarWJr ‘to Jacob SjW idenor—lot 1022 at<OCeanGroT6.;:CongId6ration, $275. . F anny B. E unk to Jacob' 8. W iddoner—lot 1024 a t Ocean G rovo; consideration, $275, •<il -?njJ fir]; ]|XBOXUULHKpir|. '. . tihauMoey K ilm or 'to Isaac M. Daggotfc— lot’at'Oceanvill o ; consideration, $400. Georao W. W eed to, A lb^t,C . ‘A nbery, &c., 55;100 acrC« iU township 5?f W all; conaid- . B U S I N I • : ^ ^ . rW ^ o n ^ ^ a n d wife to Dowitt B. Boar o fe -^ Io ^ of, lanjfl in Eatontown township 4 M e h t ^c6naidpratton,.$10. *‘ .jiJod. Earner, E x’r , 1t a Theodosia P. Kernor jn v tft-yn j> umijHi} ^ ^ | ^ ^ j ^ ^ , \ f r e e h o l d ; ; consideration, : : m a : A $ ‘$ W t3 P W f; ; fit W U/nrAn W ;Palm' •' ',.'iT/VKrvT'ntmftWanil Jq h n T a n n er and MAi wife tb arftn W Flottr dtid Feed 'Alteai/» on Ifand , itan; .consideration,. S iU t^ a b a a e d fiijS ^ e e U ^ tv . C A S H ~ H a rt door to P u t QiBoe, 1 ^ " ] ipitaiK.; j r . x : Trenton & Cincinnati Hams,: ~<v*ri—^-•Trr«-r—t-w—1+*,&w //-“ih£~>*■ Canned Goodtj Sc.t . „, , E f«- O O O K M A lS r -> J. F; ‘ SANFORD, «s'5f‘»Li .fm’riuVfl, 9Siift4 fi* irjTfc aqr»»R» v*r T O W 1W & & & ,T t 4 n ii: i t **r-—r~ , 't-li rzokhp r a t z,a w, _____ liiirnri *‘ 1 •':••; • - r ' *t Aim ,l*-/:i»rf?U nJ .(j‘ .■'■•:■ , Mma. Demortat’a ; Eejlablo:Pattanu., j.alkoa»pBB. . A S B tm rp iK K /K . j . ..... Agency fat PRATT S A8TBAL OIL, . ali. w ? v W io e lS Ll2~~ yjU> Makers, A rc h ite c t l& B td ld e r. W-ABBOWBMITH, " ' T h e industrial works of Gloucester City, employing 2500 hands, a re jtn full Operation some running all n ig h t,. ^ ‘v ' w$m jplejnenta [(^ ..t^ lB -. Tho-vflluntoera are to mee^vfl tlio-,w ne.'pay aa th e wldlera of tho lBegnJW '^^y,^4»d>very{pflS<inso enlisting :<*»U,pponb onprable.diiwhaTgpfifom thesex^ .uice, bo entltled to Jaud l^colVe a ■patentTjfbr - - ---■ ? * th e Keohanioi* Tool*, Window €Us«, and Fnttf, W h M lv ir r jp T & f.; lu j. lot .......................................... . m ay ''«or.'aVs«wial Avenne i H s l a S I m t , elect, every alternate lot to he reserved to : • , ^ * J l6 bblng prom ptly attonSoit t a ' ' ' the U nited 8tates.' tyis; . st» \ J n i«^>{.. . Wi I! ) ■ k. ;• • -i , • ;• r& eal E sta te Codveyances. &*■■' T ^ ; ;:J trs .B u t^ Shaw, the oldest inhabitant of Bordentown,-died on Wednesday, aged 91 yMra, .taayibe S jS s S a P l^ ^ 1$ !;• Th'o afiplocropOf W arren county has turned 'but.to be' a largo oni.; iWABBEN BRO W N S C o n tracto r & B u M e r , Oor. Lawmxco Av., near Main Entrance, *• JT ~ Thankfol Ibr nut Cavort, an'i wllclting a shi|» or your trid^’ttt.thH ftitare, I ^ 10 v 1 'izv'f ?0 ,-I f-.T Jl:-V^ow^tfnly;t‘i »•>•■»>» c ^ 'A M a ^ i i i i i i b r f n T '^ . 'j ; g a M w i ^ BalliHnga tialaed and moved, wlfch care and ^romptnca». •'^v/y*'. r •*• . m T A B L ia u m ,f; Q j] R .,x m J ts . . >iT \T'1 n; r ^ if a n »jij n<i : H A T H A W A Y ’S . W. W. M°CHESNEY, We ta k e pleasure Jn inform ing onr friends th a t w e 'h a y e opened o u r new Spring and finmmer Stock o f Goods, consisting of t VliMIIUlii , . w , IC E ..F tJR ^ m jR E , Carge^^ugSj igs, Matt Mattlng,' Ing, ^Mattresse8, Pillows, tolstors,i, Quilts, Countorpanes, Shoots, Spreads, is, Crockery, C Glass. Tin, Wood and*W Willow illo Wares. ;• n^ns^ Jr.,~-hnnspk'ahd lot In township kir^ ^ ^ d b ra tio n ^ ^S X ). ’ <rJ“ gaan^' J i,.r and Wife to Jolm if o fja n d ln township of Ocean; p n ,^ ^ v V r^ i C R E A M j steea of th ^ J f. E . Church a t Engh tow ^ td ^ a y lo r jdoouit/ el a/.—lot of land ; consideration, ^rPPP9fI,te,B aflr»4i ^ _ ^ ^ ^ .. . _ ;=>, fiiar t r v.Uii i-tv t■)■$$&.'«. • , W .^ l! lr p c ) a n o ^ Ex’r, to Winfield HoteU, RMt»«raoti, sni BomiinjrHiwi Sippllwi. ,yp^tQrf^,^lpO,acree,inl township of --1 ;A good assorfcnient of ‘ “Ten‘t^ ]i< ^ e f>a ^ :W ife ct al., to David L. ^ ^ ^Howell; consid- The’contribution boxes for the poor, iri fit. John’s Church, Oraiige, wero broken open on Friday, and th e ir contents stolen. ■The F irst “Presbyterian Churoh a t New Brunswick has refused to accept th e resigna­ tion of Boy. Thos. tyicholls as its pastor. The. officials of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western-^iaiLroad have ^ecidO|d to erect on elegant new depot a t Morristo wn next spring. Bobert Boeser, a Newark rough,* was ar­ raigned before a police justice for beating his m other, a poor jy d woman over 80 years qf age, The Afomtnrf H$r«ld was tho name of a new daily whicji appeared in Bridgeton on JM^nd&y. pfJaat--5^ k J I t lived b u t a few days. H onty Cooper attem pted to board a freight train cm the Pennsylvania Bailroad a t New­ ark, on Sunday, and had an arm and log taken off. The Vineland National Bank, of Vineland, has been authorized by the Comptroller of the Currency to begin business w ith a capital of $50,000. A new Sunday paper is to m ake its appear­ ance in Camden, to be called, th e Sunday} Telegram. I t w ill be conducted by George M. Wallace. The LambertvillQ Iron Works have roceiVtdL an order for a fifty hprse-pqwer steam engine, to be used on a sugar plantation in San Domingo. Tho Atlantic House, Capo May, which has b^pn open constantly, “w inter and summer, for the past ton years, closed its doors on Wednesday last.'1 Tho National State Bank of Newark has issued a circular fttt^Otifteirtg th e reduction of its capital stock and the passing of .the October dividend. H . B. Smith has accepted both the Green' back and DomooraticnominationSforCongress in the Second District. H e stands tho same ori both platforms. The forco of the Jfowton, Sussox couni shoe factory, has beon increase^ to 120 ham , and y e t orders keop a m onth ahead of the ability tt^flll them. The Moiria_Canai Company, i t is stated, is about to Duild, a t Washington, twenty-five steam canal boats on the samo plan as tho Baxter canal boat Peter S. Hart. Tho vacancies in tho Adams Mills, a t Pat­ erson, have been nearly all filled by hands from'NoW; Y ork-and,N ew ..England States, The strikers will not bo re-engaged. ” H onry Cullon, of Bergen Point, who kicked and beat hia wife, Betsey Callpn, the night before she was found dead, was indictcd for m urdor on Friday by the Grand Jury, Thursday Richard Sheridan, aged 14; Ed­ ward C. - Meeker, agod 13;. and George S. Hamilton,’ agod 13, ran away from East Or­ ange. They were dime novel readers. The meadows^n tho neighborhood of At­ lantic City are alive w ith marsh hens, but they are very Bhy, and the gunners can’t kill them until tho tide covers the marshes. More turkpys than usu al. havo been raised In Atlantio county, with a viow to suppljring the m arkefrduring the'holidays. I t is pre­ sumed th a t poultry of all kinds will be cheap. . .. From the, konamVi DemowtS.-; v T here was a .large Tho Turkish paper currency Is depreciating vest'Home Of' th e w E . . C h ^ b a t * C 3 I J |^ ^ ^ rapidly, 1» ‘ Wednesday .afte^oon*;' August Hci nribh Poterm ann, Pfi". D.^ D.D., present and ‘madethe well kfiown. Gorman geographer, died of ass^ibly.;;^1j-V1 apoplexy at’ Gothaj Germany, outlast Friday. ' P r o r Eo<iw66d; j n ' a ' i e t o r . to u a 'd a te d ' The Austrians continue to m ake progress B russels, B elgiutn/Septllf^says^‘M y h eaith ^ In ^lerzegovlria arid Bosnia.' They1have cap-' was not fcatiBfactory fn England^ sb^,X?va- le ft^ ‘ —l^buk>and ■ * .havonbw . — m ore for tho N orth., I am quite <^mRrtabIe nW-» : tured'Livno and■K This A ft^bbriw eleav.efor Bbtttodami^pffl^Ujj* tipops'in ^ h o ^ iie ld ;W a ^ |^ .n e e $ ;. go to AmstoidaidC ^ r id .;W p r^ it^ d i^ |J^ l> g ^ ^ i ■Tho r lriteri^tioriis^riPeace Congress-. has * 8witeorland, theti t<>PaTifl. ; Am:afraid to r " 1 .opened a t the TbUorles. , object.;of jthe1. t te r e y e t.1 i7ltis tb ^ ;h o tf th ^ .\V vF rbm ,^ •CojJgrbss fe to discuBkT&aTraoticaL nioari8r6ff must^gb, back Ato;»J l n g l ^ ^ ’arid'^ flriij^irj J t irisuringpea«},reform irig Jntferndtionallaw,! likely th a t’!;C*n:gefc>hQme;' and carryiqg o u t tlieprinijipl^ of arbitration. . In India na broad. pchome of conquest ^ planned in tho event of^var w ith th e Arrieer ‘o f Afghanistan. .Preparations' are 'going -on • '* i-' •a ta n ttie '^ e d actively a t Simla,'the Eas^IndiarTarrriy being Large numbers pf ^boats are now seen dalljpi'' enthusiastic for war. Bussia has oxplainod on the river, th e o&uparits o f which we'enfJ-.1: to England th a t h e r Afghan Mission was gaged in oystering.,.. •.. -i» •.• merely an act'of courtesy to the Ameer. s arsg Mr. F ; A: Cragin, ;of Now YorkCityv opened an extensive pork packing estanlfah-'Vi; m ent in Leighton H all, on F ront s tw w f c ^ 't^ GENEfeAX NEWS. The Home Watm? Company IS maW ng an*:;; Cyrille D iaiviho groat billiard player, died other attem pt to give th e town a w ater wdrks ' i and we hope J h a t they; tw ill ^s u p c ^ / t J ^ ^ on Tuesday.1 The spread of yellow fever continues, but time............... ' the deaths do not iricreaso m number. H r. James A. DeGraw ^js^d aging director bf the Union Feipy C o^orN ew ? A freight train Was w'reoked nearPottsVille, York, died suddenly on Moftday a t thb Pa., last Sunday^fSeveral cars were burned. pect House, Bed Bank. • . '« * The City of GlasgoW ^antrfSiled on Wednesday.with liabilities estimated a t $60,000,000. From the Bed Bank jBeoUter, , ^ The Ellis papor m ill a t Norwood, Mass., A great many of the farmers a re -p u ttin g >; was burned on Sunday afternoon. Loss $15,- In their, w inter whe^t. . ‘ 009. A half acre of 'ground a t Soobeyvijle, has;;1 A fire a t Marion, Ala., pn Wednesday, de­ produced forty-twb barrels of potatoes.> stroyed eleven business houses. The loss ex­ Mr. James Bray, o f th e Phalanx, tho paat;ceeds $70,000. season sent to m arket 2,550 baskets b f 1 Colorado olootod a Republican State and peaches..' # *" Congressional ticket on Tuesday by about .Mr. Daniel H . Cook, of Mlddletown-toTTO*^.'^■Vrrsrt'iy 2,500 m ajority. ship, had about two hundred pounds of W illiam Lockwood, presidont of the How­ stolen from his vineyard on Monday ard Assooiation, died a t hia post in Vicksburg ori last Thursday; "* From the tong Branch JVfcut.. George Bancroft^the historian, was thrown from his c arria g e a t Newport on Tuesday, Mr. Geo. W. Childs has vacatedhis cottago - V rr^ and severely injured. for the season and 'go.q.ejnto w inter q u a rto s . A fight between JT.. S-^troops and Indians a t his elegant mansion in l sfiIIa3BlphIiR,tr '' ‘ took place on Tuesday in western Kansas. Tho Govornmentr'proposes to eiect tw o . V-Pff; Six soldiers were kUlod. more life-saving stations, one to be located a t V'.'.^'v>;4^! I t is said th a t tjno Governor of- Virginia is Long Branch-and.tbe other a t W ^ J ^ a o d c V ^ ^ unable tp borrow a small sum for current,ex­ Bev. W. Chamberlain, pastor of tiiS ^ ra t'V:■5??^ penses, on account of tho repudiation doctrines M. E. Church, is hbldirig e x tra services.'at . of the'State. • * Poplar, and we are informed th a t consider*A Bovero stbrm a t Leianqp, Ind., blew ble interest is being m anifested nightly.’ ' " ' down a church, unroofed a houso and*did con­ A number bf laborers are a t work .on the. siderable other dam ago, the loss occasioned foundation of Dobbins* new hotel, opposite, being estimated a t $40,000. the Central Depot. TheTorce of b r ic m jw * — and "*' A*'**— every* Mrs. K ate Dusk, of New York* died of will bo increased nr~* week, heart disease on Monday in tho ferry,house made to get the alls up. before freezing building ia to b p f lv p v ^ i ^ j of the Central Bailroa!dof New Jersey, while weather oomes on. stories high. on her way homo from Spring Lake. m ■HP A t Kingston, Ky., Tuesday cypning, Jerry arnett fataiiy shot his nephew, William G Burnett, duriug an altorcation as to the pos session of a pair of wpgon wheels. Suit has beon brought to restrain the use of any language except English in the public schools of St. Louis. I f successful;-tho-suit will saVe the city an expense of $250,000 an­ nually. A' carriage in a funeral procession was crushed by a locomotive on the Atlantic avenue truck.in Brooklyn, on last Saturday, and three persons wore killed and four severe­ ly injured. The immense yield of th e silver mines in tho new districts a t Leadville, Col., has pro­ duced an extraordinary Influx of miners and capitalists. Three railroads are extending branches toward Leadville. T h irty thousand peoplo attended divine service a t the Indiana Yearly Meeting of the Orthodox Society of Friends, held in Rich­ mond last Sunday. Several prominent Eng­ lish ministers wore present, ,?The Grand Ju ry of New York has decided not to indict the officers o f tho Metropolitan Elevated Railroad Company, b u t has made a presentment jdeclaririg tho lino to be a grlovTitt nuisancfe and a great invasion o f private rights. -M io From tho Ktfyport WeeHy, r Not the least a t the great exhibition a t Waverly last week, was tho show of p o litic a l. machines. ,, —The fishermen have had a-veiy succcssful season. Scarcely a day but they retjufned well ladon. ?* ' Farm produce Is rather low now to be pro­ fitable for the growers. Apples especially are a drug in the. market. il From the Matawan Journal. Tlio Matawan Canning Factory are putting up apples. The amount contributed in tho Presbyter­ ian Church, Matawan, for th e yellow fever sufferers, last Sabbath, waa $49.17; by"theH . E, Church about $10 ; a t the post office $ 9 ; and in the Baptist Church about $12. — ____ M, The new Roman Catholic Church of Our RELIGIOUS. . ~ D a ^ L « Estell and w llbto Aaron J , Loomis Hi ■ —form iii township o n t o Well; consideration, Lady of Grace, a t Hobpken, Is nearly com­ peted. ‘ I t is 200 feet long and 114 J feet wide. Rev. A rthur Mursell, of London,w ill d e - . $300. • “ ---------; : ■ V. r ; ; r F MUm ° u i , N , J . JBON, 8TEEL. OIUBS, BIMS, SPOKES, V ABBUBY T A B t'A f n i OdlEAir 0(H 0Y ^1 liver his first lecture in this country in Bos­ Alvin Beannore ;to 0 ^ m . Newmon—i acre ?ho cost of the structure w ill bo about$15CU. ’• 1 ^ ^ 5 5 0 X 3 1 9 ^ ^ *' f. 000. ton n ext month. in township of W any consideration, $50. TJ» H.KENNEDY4SON,CItUEngineeri Cooke’ to Prudence H am — Mr, H enry H ann & Son, i t is said, have p u t Dean Stanley, the eminent English clergy­ v . .i i i - • ,aidSnrreyora,Boal B«tat«Agenta.t-’ •pedaltyr - . y V, i..,.Vti,!,TlV.r J< *<»! *W 4l.TChauncey.ilii i ^ i i n tpwijshlpi^filJWplbprppgh; oonslder- more men in tho’lr mine near H ackettstown. The: contractor for carrying the mails be- man, who officiates in W estminster Abbey, '\OrinvoyTlulc<j^8»''■*{*•'C••SQKHJIKD!?11:>vt‘v.-; ; Plows,; C aatinm Bhovelfl, Spados^-^orki, M ines leojsOoAamiW/!* jBnMtodUtmy htk, They havo‘ a very good veinofm agnetio iron is a t present visiting in thls country*^r ^ " in' C h a n ^ j ^ 'S o ^ ' J P t t N t e . tween^Fort Worth, Texas, arid Yuma,Arizo* Scoops, Soythoa, Oardon Bakes, WhoelW n,4^)W , ito i>onisEiordan ore, and tho mine is yielding a large quantity, na, reports to tho Post Office D epai^uent that .,1. ~ • . i... J;i;....‘jn : SBPfjj r o g Front Boom, second floor,' Stcinbach'a ipir'';;::; i 'b 4 r io ^ * t« .,e to . ■' • -i ‘-I* :■ Tho.widow of the late President,Finney '■^lindsin'- to w n shipot:8hrewsbury, sold as of it. his m ail coaches have been attacked and has ^ J . r .•■■ be6n filling the pulpit of hor son-in-law, ’ • ' J ’ ’ ' W i ' ^ ( U T P B ® N , n : ’ ipieUerty o f Joseph^.,W ilson et al.; considerPaints, Oils', P a tty i ■ us', ' : i TbblKid twenty-seven times in tho last six Mr. Jool Van Pelt, a resident of Jeraey weeks by Mexican bandits. pastor"pf the CongrogUtliipal Church of Ban ■ Mixed P ain ts and Turpentine. ation.ll^O a ^ ri ^ . ^ ;v.TAHE8 STEEN, ^ I r t ^^ i f ^ ^ i w p r f p -F r Buenaventura, CaL, during hia vacation. 1 H im in P anl and.wifo; to Wm. H . Cooper— City, was&wopt overboard from tho schoonor OOACH ANDFUBNITtJB& V ABN ISH. Lily Falconbcrg, whilo on h e r passage from A destructive storm raged throughout Miofc.-* tand.at Sea ^ rig h t \ odfeideration, $1,400. -....... ' v - C O C i W E t O a ^ A T u w , - . About 600,000 ^opiesof the'Scrlptures have ’ ^ H e h iy W nite and wife.-to B ebeccaJ. Au- ()uba to Philadelphia, and was lost. Mr. Van igan an,Wednesday nightfbHast week. Two been given away^ft^ o O he Bible-starid ln .th e '-Omp'alntoftmr.o/ D eedf lo r New York. rnic&'—12f87-100 acres i n township of O cean; Pelt was owner and navigator of the schooner. versons were killed and.anothor fatally in* Paris ExpositionT^ -'niese copied were in 22 Clover, T frantiy, Central P ark Lawn'Grass,' Carriage W&rkin aH ifii'fijinchaif> ’"‘ * v [coarftlRation . $ 1 .. an d a variety of^Garden Seeds; Judge^ Dixon, of*Hudson county, has re­ orcd by lightning. ' By thpblow ingdow n of languages.* I t Is the purpose to distribute Edward M intura to^'the Merchants’ Steam­ versed his decision relative.',to She per cent, a houso a t ^Pine Lako, a n^an and woman about 500,OQO more. ,The advantages which we possess in storini Main S t r ^ xtnd A sbu rv A venut. •* i^&e "rvB.:(3. HU8XIS,'late ofNewYork, haa rcK ;onr boat Co.—dock arid ahbre land a t Bed B a n k ; interest, and.pow declares, according 'to late were seriously injured, and thflir child was goods in th e largo new store, qombinw ,;.•.: •• ■!• /ounred to Aabary Park;and offerahlapro- trith-onr killpd. In a population of 2,000,000 in-Texas th e re ^hSld^ratlbn,'$4,000;';vV • fpeUUie^' tor purchasing goods, givi Supreme Court dccisipns, th a t seven percent, licrnal tervloee to tho pnblio aa Physician, u s ^ 'i^vantage:w hich w e w ill cheerfall: 200,000 chtirch members. ()f these~ tti Edward M intum to th e Merchants' Steam- interestJs due updn.unm atured - obligations. The widow of a clairvoyant doctor gave aro about -------- offloe i t t h o druf! stoieoX D. Q. are Baptists, 10(1,000 are Methodists, ^ - ^ d o c ^ w id ,a,t Bed Bank \ conih a n ,w ith our etiBtoineiB.':>We.will bepleasey some startling testimony in tho Vanderbilt 92.000 rljr Boll A Co.’s, Main atroei, tohaV Mai^y of ’ tho Salem county gunners re n t » 31.000 are Presbyterians, 11,000 are Campbelfryou.calland exam ineoursioek. A ny con tost iu Now York last Friday.^ She New.Jeraey.''1' •'. ■ ’* 5,000 are Lutherans and lOj^KK) Are n irfffisS M y Jacob W. liece of meadow, and shortlyi before tho reed will ordera b y m all.w ilt bo.promptly attended.to." alleged that iu pursuance of a conspiracy with lites, jird season sow-a quarititylof m illet seed. Catholics. Goods delivered free or obirge. • ' ‘ '. i mtown.sold William H. Vanderbilt, •h er husband told Work done b y ^ e t ^ y 0*'tetti|it. ;8JieWai'a ' “ JO H N 0. HATH A W A Y, .......... . ,, . cpnsidoras T h e birds settle on these meadows to feed on Commodore Yandorbilt th a t his wife, in the Tho question referred tp„the Lutheran Con- i Utntion' ^dW jd^io^'-IIlras.' ^9d 'sp^ilflcatiior b: - w,, the sriod* and are thusbasily “ bagged” by the 6pirit-land, urged-him to loavo all his prop­ ference at the last c o n v e n tio n S h a l} ..th e ,(. tnrntehed.'1 eora^f of FOififfttt' XV? , ■: iutSrhi; 'iik^riff, tb Jaiob W. sportsmen, erty to Wi Ilium, and th a t the Commodore women Of our congregStibns be allowed t^ ' 'U'i". •' W ill g lra p u tlc a la r AUpaUaa to a ll‘o f thp w d m ^ h o o t o ahd Id&afr Lanft Branch, sold vote a t the election of a pastor f” Khaa bpenf .. About half-past eleven o'clock Inst Thurs-' sajd ho Would do so. " rariona branpht" ~m **.P W , pf G eorge^1; A^rcotJi.i4''ConBidera- ^ d,ay morning, an unknpwn man, from forty fully discussed'by th e conferences,’ and th e y >, The treasure coach of tho. Cheyebno and have passed resolution^againet such a p r iw - ■’ to fifty years of age, deliberately jum ped \ i » n o % ,Oom.o: ‘ M ftS W a m n g ,/J r., a u d ito r ,^ , t'to Joseph into th e Barit&n rivor a t New Brunswick, Black H ills Stage Line was stopped* by flye armed men a t \?anon Springs, forty-five miles y '•h" m i “ ‘i n m n ii . M a u r e ^ h o u s e fo d lo ta t K eyport; consider- and w,as drowned. I t is thought th a t he was south tlave b n llt l a th e f i u t i i i yeara a t ■■ T h e oldest m inister i n th e world fcrimlhjred^ * of peadwood* on last Friday. Twb 4 ^ ^ , 1 8 1 0 ^ ^ -?;5? > ' ; d ru n k or orasy. ta ijP w k u id O e tu b ro re i messengers. Captain Smith and Galo H ill, to be Bev. Dr. Ingram , of U nst Free Church, 3 ’. f6‘if»eph;M aur©r and vflfe .io Thomas B arBetween the Adams’ operatives' arid tho were seriously wounded, and one passenger, Shetland. Ho is ovoi>100 years old.' 'H e h a s ^ tr row s^h^use an,d. lot a t K e y p o rt; congidera. plphin m ill strikers, there, m ust, bo just H. O...Cami»boll, a telegraph operator, -was always been a total 'abstinence rilanf and is ion;$f. rf • ** • • '.'i t ! - ■ 1 1 T h 6fflid S, & 'Brown to Mwria H u ls h a rt-4 about 1,000 working people who are, idle, in killed. Tho treasure taken apjguptod to be?- said never tq h a v e tasted intoxicating d rink.,-• ? Paterson, not bodause thefo is nothifac to bo tween $25,000 and $30,000. i ^ j . . H e has a son who h%s been forty years in the" /ofcan Afere'in township'of, i^Colmdel; consid• i* " ’ , *• ' <^ '' *r':~ done, but simply because thore is a disagree­ . The explosion of tho boiler of thesteamboat ministry. ,tion,$400. . . ■ ........ OFFICEBi. BOOM No. 4 8TEINBAC!fS .• ' OCKAJfJHEACH,-*-.*,ments between capital arid^abor,, ~ ’andTJShn C arrto^ 'niom as S. ’Ellison Aderphf/ncar South;Norwalk,-Ofun.', bn Sat­ B tn o a n to , and "N<*.. 4: Ni QBEENE 8T, Cor. BensonA.Main Aves., Oetan Prove. 1 --lo t id-tOWhship o f M arlborough; consideifSenator*Ephraim Emson, the largest cran­ urday, Killed twelve persona ond Injured berry grower in the U nited States, ropOrte two’n ty -o c v o f -whbm four w ill probably not The barns o f three resident physicians ptrjf: - - A ^ a i i ^ .Nivison and wifb to-Thomas S. the'crop in Ocean county to be very poor. TecoVoi1. ‘ ’At the inquest three experts testi­ Ringoes have beon firpd by incehdhttles E ilis o n ^ o t in tow nship 6f.Ww)borough; con­ Last year he netted $6,000 from ono bog fied th a t tho bbileV was unsound, and th a t w ithin three weeks.' The la st was that>‘b f; sideration, $SS.' '• * 5 . Ky->whioh will not return $50 this soj^on,. The repairs had woakoned it both a t tborough ex- Dr. G. H . Rowland, on Monday night. T h b q ‘i j ’-'M ary B. Davidson and Husband to Qoorgi- entire crop will bo small and uurcitiuhurative. aminattou would havo shown it to be dan­ m anner in which thoy woronrod leaves llttte }!^; 'anha Thom as-rlot in townahip of W all; congerous. I t wad pronounced in good-cpndition doubt th a t it was the work o f the camo p e r ^ i^ slderatlon, $100. Metz Frederick, of Nowark, abput 18 years ,ast Ju l.e by Inspector Blake, whp-ihsp^cted sons.in every case. • All Difflcnitloe and Differences^ Arbitrated ••••.\-;i •<,7 i> :V-j * ’{ui , \ ; y ,,^M atthewCroeley to H /ErA ckorson, e ta l of age, half brother of Cl Swt£rtz, of South the boiler of the Magenta, which recently ex­ without reoonrso to' legal proeoss..{ Offloe,, Tho Hoboken Common Council on Tuesday ^ l5 ,a c W i n township OfM atavaii: eonstdor- Norwalk, Was very badly* scalded about the ploded a t Slug Sing. . „ L eoraer Aabury-^vonno and'l^aln ttrodt. ^ 1- I 3 ! i . V i U t u v V f i V n - j ; (ace and body by tho explosion of the boiler night adopted a resolutipn c p t ^ r i g ^ tthe.g3Wir , _____h m \ d a l, to Amiy1C. Boso—lot in on board tho steamboat Ailelphiy nwiT South from th e parks, churches arid' low & f;v#Mdi^^§ a “S r-y i: ' “ L' ~ — ' ' — T V ----- ----135 lamps in ail, bepauab of- 4 ';li^ ^ b f;■ Norwalk, Conn., ot! Saturday. H e lingered townJJhlP of Odean; consideration, $200. Alez.rmj^fcland,'.e< a i.,tp J a n ^ ttQ C.Ji'isk— a t his brother’s ,hbme tti great agony until cient funds I in the. txeastny.' -i COUNTY NEWS. then appropriated$400 to'defraytheexpenses la n d sinlbw nship of aijroW^bury; considera^ evening when he died. . .. of a^panide'df th e Fire * From tbe Monmouth, Inquirer. m n ^ o ® )^ ' ..... The receivor of tho Central Bailroad of Jol^k O uttirell. ^ d rw lffl;; tp'TE. W. Arrow- New John^Hurit, a well Jersoy has given notice th a t the income B. W. Throckmorton, ., and w ife,sailed )stnJ'tl}^4iOf lands, in town; o f ;JKeyport ; con-. and mortgage styles, at the lottetl prtooe .bonds authcrizod^under $hfi„ for Europu in tho steamer >/ on Saturday, years old, .who livbd rjear fFredon, j 6n*Jex]v? -lass woritnanihlp. , ■■ ^detatlbnj'$l25.'/l : county, committed suicide. on^ S a t w ^ y .hyr^ji agreem ent'for the a ^ u stm en t of the Com> for a tour of Eurojio. ‘a ^ ^ i t h 1arid^ w lfe to John H . )any’s affairs aro now ready for delivery, and j ^ w r o ' n ^ '& w ttW 'W lihthdrpatnH y] cutting hia throat; ’ H e had *e & t ^ * 0 b e a ^ ^ 1 . _ j i 4 'o f tract'o f. laUd‘in town o f Koy- ;iih’ Vfo BhUlUkowpedUl«i«/.todoliyerCoair, The lightning^on Thursday, las t struck a dinner, and seemed in : hia-usual (^ rita fjn » t? /;, a t holders o f'th e proper receipts can ex­ ^ .i^ P ^ O ^ ^ o lld ^ ^ n y B r a n ^ y iU s g ) . ; --coiiaidemtion,^125; ?$$$r>. ■. stack of grain on tho farm of .Mr. Jacob S. previous.. Deceased was <a member Of/the:^>- ifS i change, them for bonds a t ^ ..C o m p a n y 's . David,H,‘-,Vfilson a n d w ife to ThomasKen-. Ruoj in Marlboro township, 'w hich ■wbuld Legislature in 1845, and wa^ esteem ed^% ^. w nedyrrlota in. township of -.WiU; conBldera- offioe, No. 110 Liberty stre et. have boon deatroyod hpd ’it1not been for the, tl2en._ :r* andlnerel^W i^voM tiif^on^jodt *on*t6i_ ■') -. ••• ;. On Saturday n ig h t'la s t the .dwelling of prompt discovery of tho flru. ^ ^ y Thbdruggfeis o f ^otrierviiie -* .belltoA ni^A .M orris-T lot Edw in Holcombe, a ,8hort: distance above The Firtit RoformodChurph atL ong Branch th a t hereafter jwp wUl^not op«n our atones bri .^.^ LambertVllle, was burned to tihe'ground and , All peiBons mo hcrehv forbidden to so^ ojkii\iO£ tatiil^h'idt iift^'e^E^enoo In thodoiftiL. _ ^the .contents were also defitrpyed.., .M r. .H- .. as formally te-opened on Sunday.-'7There Sunday, but: a ll Anecessary medloinea c a h h e flrea on thb proporty belonging to tho •Poor Houm bellevowo oanii^kfi^ t MfliUntortQotail•• and ^iajEamily, wdnrn^^piri^* iii ;a'4ea% ) in , h ^ been an addition b u ilt oh th e rear,* aha bbtaihed by calUri^ a t thb re sldA h^if^ith^r; AasoiMfttlpn. ^oi^, tho NorUi BIdq'of Shark' Hirer, his^watenrielon patch;' sThere .^flBjme silver i Hihe^w^ole in te rio r'h a s been,refurnished,' theinni :au(16r Uib penalty o f ttif jy M ary F . YQtimaiiaan d husband > to James money, in the houso, iUt'' as no tractrof it can making a v ety neat and handsoM estructure, thatflwe.wi------ rf'ntAjia nf fln'anVAf.IMaaiiiAW*1. I ii -bath put such M)ar6. ’ th e house was t o d w h a tls btirter th a n all the rest in t vV‘>^>V>Mr-V'^'-i ; \ V"'■ "’■■' 1*''' ' ~ 4 .- ; H oum seoond to p n n a ln th e HIM*: I t ' ’■ '■ aU B S N B I^ « n o a r d , ' l W O ^ ^ ABBUTy W T f c O c e a n ; ooM idcratloD.liS).. fltrt robbed and then fired. . times, there, ia no dobt on it. of slcknosa.” , . BOtJOIWJl and ilABTBR IN OilANOER Y. BUILDERS’ HARDWARE, ■'■-?-}■■.Offloe, ad«toryPo«t Offloei Building, CARRIAGE HARDWARE, im ' ;; •:. S E E D S . ■ -, KIKBJtnU>B M M iii!. - ;;;! -f SOUSE PAIMTEB r:4|lD . W ICO KO PF, S U l i M E R r 187 8 . m S flS B lS i JOHN I. L«. “% ™3 ... » & m H H m "■ •iJter m k mm®m Iff 7?' i i i SV3? wm i? M i »PARK JOtJKtfi L, «SATtJ' ft 0CT0Bfi&-X % & }V £$ ifm E d ito ria l Cor spondence,--'* b d s o e p ;^ -B e lfa rta s .*two ^flnpcollogos-T-ono Association maintaining a prop'ex',:.cctaPrtybytpriaric -inaKofchor;iMothbdi8t./^Wo,nrp trol'ofItscomnjuriity., Coming together almost a s h a m ^ t^ s a y u f i t th a t'it ia clpau'orj y f This stronghold of^Monmputh’afiemb^ In JtB.iqpiu^/awd^semi-Rnnuttl raeot- tTSOM AB?OBV PiRB • X U lfN U m JW > tKan,:ah^43lty^ro']havQ y e t soqxlin, Amori(». but';fiuoh^!»v tb o ifo it; vand;: lt^ is ; w to d ^ h a f (G^ntiaofe«pB/^jiAs 1 ; ; j -r'*“. /•*iLA11Gf6od p^ntorprls 0. -log* composed aa Jit is, it ia,'impossible' ■< No.B.. \ , strange ‘t^ t'tB & I r is h slm^ ^ i v - •. - ;.y- ■TKRM8 OF BUBSCBrPTIOlf. { . . ■'■vA. . .• ■ ■. ^ Belfasl}'4)iiUtt ‘, t h ^ Amorlt»ns?Awho ’bbi^t £of 'j^j'M 6fetolaiud;;a^ to remaint tegather long enough to prop­ bftW ashing^oti ■'V Wo left K1llarney almost with a algh of, p?&kr;ia.{lpCated I enojose, <»p£ o f‘ acorresiipndenipp^whioh :v^ ;rl year, In advance.. ,»*. ...... ^bu^^tijseijs . tl'60 erly consider tbe interests brought be­ regret, feollng that wo wptild Beldpinj.lf eyer' being in adyauc^fof a ll 'creatiou/^- N61 boxea1 ?i3bp^ •iQiCongtGsb] v»&h|>psite?,tb0 celebrated . OcrunZ'Grovo >is-of morectlign^ldc^l •interest., ;A|f you shbhld ;•?;.?<'months; In advanoe......... caqinj-inBeirnggrbu^jWbsdoyLiike -n1'^ . r.'nf fore it. Then, what it bs a body foils. 16 again, look upon Bach;. Invariant y^tetloW or parrels ‘ arey^ow ed. ori .th p y sld e w a l^ no ' i n ^ t ^ f ; b ] T i h e a f o ^ i d ^ ! d o ^ r.it;of;BilffldVonti publie^impbrtancp '$?. I> ;u nused^y-vebifejt*^ pbrmlfcttid^J to/'Pccup^itho ibM1widlug^tb0 -1w0 Plafeeft)four ju ile b H . i.-;’:' ^ 8 months, In advance....^... s ' «0. do must be left to, an executive com­ ^eat) P o o rly afidatwact^; •r:F u lly jd ^ ly o te rs .^ p rp iri :.a^ndanc6yW lfll print, i t inay: find among your, many.Jr^adow ’^fceioW^ -General Gra'nt>«^cottniro ,ra t The very -forcsta, were ra asses -of verdurol public streets: ^\*.V% 1 monjh, In ad^anoe.. . . . . . . . . Ii Bomo friends tb; give i t e’ n eouiragomont.; X ' Long,vBinnch,:New; J e r e e y O v o r ? f | ; v •--*;' Single coblesr...’. * ........ that important (ruth tAa( -ihefr ^ ^ t s 'b m p g ^ t o :the' •'gayp th efffcakor t h e i m o a t . w s ^ t f ^ J ^ ^ have had a*lpng acquaintance .with;'tho', wai­ '111 ■8 mittee, thb.mmi. influential, members Vlnee and forns were root^ tio n ;during^his' deliveryLo f; a Ciili t¥ o hour ter,'aiid know, th a t lri such a m ovem onthola V‘l *f eight, hundrud-cotutgca havQ_bcbo- - t r ^ X ^f of which are ministers, who have given circled tho trnnJcs pf venerablyr1bT0t 8, ind ;:/• .‘.bS U lP t" Asbury Purk -and,’Uc<an n t !. •tfaandjwt Ip^ft^t^uafo.^fW eitaiioij^ th |s ■speech;' .,;-^::.? £'3r :-:V V 0 o rig h t jm an;:in - tho rig h t vplace, 'w hich Is X rGrove wlthlu six yeart, co^ting-ovor.-.W ;V; theii lifo to the study of theology, poet­ grpw tuJLfar above ihe base, presenting a 4—.a u B e jv e ^ b ^ if^ to n r^ ^ h ^ C d & m i^ d n ^ ■\ i A t;thfl.close a gre^nhack 'pi u b w m formed' ih ' ■ The AbdubtPahk Jo u rn al is a _ the first requisito for succcss jn ahy. tinder* II., one , piil/ion ddUars. ABburypjark ' o f/A ^ b i^ :i% tK w U h -iw fa '^ p rth ^ llshedal.Atbury Parky New Jersey. -Ii _____ 'toW ng.,^-\-;;;.:.c.,;^ ^ D . H . W . 1 ry, literature and Tjhnroh government novel and beautiiUl appearanoe.;; Ldvply gatv .er ra V 'fronfB directly on tho occon.' I tidoce . . ' byfplpcSn^ Poatmaa te r^ S /M o o re p re sid en t e m e m b a ^ ^ 'i ^ ^ n m a t k a H ^ i m e ^ ^ o f . good paper, and besides containing thc current news of dens we have visited Bin‘ce wliQro:aU that Bel • ;;\-not front on a bayror. 'sound;' orrTv-.^..-' fastt is ^ ttr ib iu t^ ta ^ h jEKfoct tliav i t is an, rMr, ;Moore .was npt. p ^ n t ^ a t .thb .time, and' events along the Jersey coast, givet a summary af gen-' A marvel, indeed, it would be to h^ve . :$■ij.’’A .W S fcK O P P ^^o;~i?w ii :jc-j er,butoatlio bfioad Ailnniic. stretch- ■ art (ionld do to beautify and mako channing Jlri^hiP rot^tahtfclt^, bu t pf-tbis we;cannOti ■ertUneiM, Jls selection* are made with care, although waa, resident o f A sbury Park, I w rite tolntiUixeof •'•^ng'&'W'ily for thouBiinda of mtloB. As y*t ii composed principally rtf original matter. We d&» suoh men—good as they may' be m ,the:BcOno has been done, butjriaturc rpvellng Isay-^wp only- )uibw it to bo prosperous beyond. W l e a l ^ i ^ o f t h o 'a c ^ 1 ; btTry Park was -uBgcBaed ln iSGD u t 'Ti.. to mtike u a goodfamily paper, and desire.to extend Us character and pure in intention—sueyou ^what advantages your location b^'Ts for h is ’fa ith iii jtho. p re « d e n t;v ^ )g > ^ ; in such wild luxuriance of gwwth on moun­ 1 15 000; the assessment for.1875 jyap^ ’l l r , circulation. IVc Uiertforc oai onr friendsand present trloftB elfaat8aturdayT drL arac,;whoro I t e p ^ U ^ ^ p M t y . J ^ ^ ^ p ^ ^ d Vhis ;defer»: ;tl»c catabllshment .w ithin' fta ‘b o rd e rs o f a .'-evhsariUntoredomrnpydiitAtheirneiqhfrorsj ^ •;|25u;600i> 8troots rumiiug :u t. right eesafully govern a city—.-thoy inay suc­ tain side and glon we have never behold/ Wo w eWtook thp;sto^moj fo r Scotland /aofoss tho' m tnatioii' ^ p « ^ u f e ^ t h b tjbker'w iiolsought H ealth School fbr gfrls. ' .This suWectv|s ono onglfts to the sea are f«nn onn'to tw o 0 WhiCh ’haa boon upponnoat Mn niy"111Unghta ceed in poetry, oratory, literature and traveled by raij to Dublin,(a day's Journey, Trish'; S ^'V -.Ifc^as nearly’i dwkV‘'syhe'n iwo hundred fcot.’^ i d o —un; .udymittige ;fbisy ears past, arid ono to'whi oh I havo given ^j>Pte«fei>od Jby no o(Ucr son-blde reaorl.’ in holding-religidus meetings, but in .making clow progreaa. throtigh si^all towns la p d e d a t Straua£r,and.prococded.hy train,to r TO C O B B ESPO N B E N TS. ^uoh.qtUdyatid'cbnAideretion./-:^ Glasgow/ f Aa, Vfe;Wero w h lrl^ a^ thp" II ■ oh thb New. Jerec^' c o a a t . ^ ' - V ' ; ^ I the temporalities of-a city they must be and villages, whjoh presented Uttlo that was darknesj 'i.w ^ ^ u a ed opcaBionally ^imme^Bp. ^vT he ;uVgPnt^eces8ity, whioh^^exlsts‘for auch We ihaS be gtad to receive Hem* qf news and cominw ij' P?* ad" undertaking^ Iseoma.to require th a t no Asbury; Paric, oppbsltpv .Ooetm r tnnntcaiUms on subjects qf interest to this community. a failure. The, state of the streets, the hovel or pbcu|lar to interest us.. On rodchiiSg furnaces:; for; m olting iron ,Vwh6eo; gr?at flies5 him . .*Grove, bp.roachwf direct by tbb B n ight fa rth e r dpi ay if ^oealble should a ttend ita in" In tvriUng articles intended for publication, our neglected portions of the Orove, theill thecapital wo took carriage for tl^oShelbpurno are kept.-bum infe d a y ^ q d ^ ^ t ^ ^ w o r ceptioni-;* T he am ount, of evidence' medical trienda isM please bear in mind thal a nheet written on flames litup^thp';heavens-aiid revealed, tho; set ,' from th e fbot ofX loerty ttroct/' . both sides has to be copied before ooing to press—a labor adjustment of buildings on some oC tSi® Houbo. Of course las wo bowled along ovor Burroundipg., s c i^ ^ y id^V strangp fantastip Borve, th o honpra'.wero settled ott Dr. Chnrlpa" and other.wiso c^rfflfmhWVy of this/ is daily; u* caniwt undertake. r.^ ?V ^ b ^ r^ V :;Je rT O y ^ ‘p r ^ v M d , tho pavod streets our oyes were Very^ctiye, manner.; Jfc^%aa .1ate >At night*: whbn we in'preadn^andvproyps ’tha^;,:;ther^;t*o huu-; 'S -AU communications should be accompanied by the lots, the singular decisions concerning alM by steam b^ffrom 'iboi wiBeod^oda of 'y oung girls who annually eirik into' and the appearance of the city1pllcitod con- reached;,OlMgo^,>but wb >Wofo'BOon;:at;tho; fUll name and address qf the writer, not nec&sarVyfor . tor;. street, N. to- Sandy^Hook, a nearly/grayo jo rw h o a o a f t e r l i vca arc reu^! ■publication, but as a guarahtee qf good faith. Anony- ttoeiunprovement of property, and a si^Qr^blo fcommont. Wo, wor^ pleasod with Gratid H otelf^ I t h rwhichW P WMpdplightpd.' •affording a fine vi^w Of tho Narrows,' deredi-^&isprabib^^for; w a n t1b f f th e i {harbbr.fortiBcatio^ other Mil*/ftinjp are con- its substantial air,' its largo warehouses, pubt E verything, abottt ifc is. fiwt-class... f*Tiredwhich1sijch a*sbhpbrwol...... imd aflbrdlV................... " - -Mir^bp j NpW; Jcrsev.vSohth*lnHI'. R}Vtn. natures’s s w p d t ^ t o r e r ^ noodedno vwooiiig' hotU themfor a Umiled-ttfne ifr vincing the people of tjiia. Theypeople lip buildings and: find squ^6» ^Njfflrly:all ^utM ;>sA Baphy8iclan,;I afn too well-a Wire of th p K:T ttled ptir'.pyW: w ithout; dpjay,uapd"aft^ \ .AU letters intended for the edr ' ' (* ^luiles.': froi^-JlJpngaad jresulta arising fro m th e dc% tiv,b atid'In*. begin^to waiiFa^Bnd in what concerns the housM aro^ullt 0/ stono, ^(oh.-wl^en •good b reakfa^iw e sot *out''f6r>tho^afe6ienr ment shouM be addressed to the iriilfOH &'fc6oW,’'We'bntobeTVh'v,>“ (rono • j u r ib u s ^ a v J n w h ic h ’ childrcnVrcPpfacially S r i i c S & i S l r o a of New. Jersey* ^6p , nf.hWlral A ■ A -T f!-V ;'•* Editor qf the Journal, * them most closely. Tax,;iku; Without new resembles our granite, but, whefchwfroji^' .*• • •. Asbury Park, Neva Jersey. girlB,^a^^broughti;up,l n o t j b n ^ :in 'school training, b u t ‘also' in{ h b m e 'm n a ^ ^ e n t .? ^ ; representation was scouted in. the time the continual dampness tif Uio cllinato, pr tto; soft c ^ . w f c jp ^ is ji^ e p j^ though extern ally.tho .^ to o th -b ftim L ,___ r<’dd irr :from-Kr>,T.3fork to Aitjruy, -/., , SATCEDAY, o b r o :BER 5, 1878. of pur fathers, and thobe whp pay andf a fow years they' become yory dlngyj and," left yW W 6T ^ka,uppuvItij;:lt is a Protostapt Parki 2 hsan.r-.eiEreM ■■ sustain will govern. We art Confident1almost black, espocjally wiere t i i ^ isscon^ Cathedral,,and;tHbsorvIcps ra rp Jn accoidaUbo ;^Vv^ttbout,li'hobr» ;frb^PhlW del* ,'VU'o ‘ 'l)iyidVon86h(iIck;'tHo8a8!j Ahd bHli>3rnahthat a new era of rule will come,for (dderablo architecture^ and one catraot gpt rid; w |th th ^ e a rly i^edtoh'ftreahy tpri^u ■oust6m4 ;r;;vv pbia to Asbury^Park.'S:hoii^ and35 • i T^iewiwaa no^'infltromental'mpdic^.th'e choir:, ^tiijBkctutt^r ^^ ’. and ,too i ^ u e t l y resu lt^ n .what is ^ n e ra lfy ’ V-r ”fciie. i r j n l i i r W w J iljr e l r e a l a t l o n o f Ocean Grove and ‘that, at very dis^, of the thought .that .a*Httte ^ p 'w d ^rat^; l^eihgscated^dirfecUy" i u fhm to r ,,:anch almost, ;’^iI^ «vrAi»b«*T , P a r k J o u r n a l ' c z e e e d f tant^day. Ywould vastly Imprbvie them. ;Kv J ;v- ■ *:'Sv unborn cath the, rhinlBtor.who ’ w as ‘eleyated' lA.^iPark are .esV-fblldwi^ First;t:Wheatt’-ll .• ■: T y t H T YpFlV K B tV D B E D c o p ie s. H abovp :..hwvaudl46<}p.‘‘ /A; prenine fppt ....... - _ I>et it not be und^ratood that 'Se Our hotel was vor/largo and very full, but about ;.V;’p arn eiS ay .6 h 4 d b uot.buildi o n o -lh lm 7 * ! ': neSl^theh?*^^ «?uld .ob^i^^t^^dyflutages^ &$d! i*'«Kni r., iwli tftpn;<ff m l fn a c e h to r le d ;thp'choir,'-w lxor»' Bang0 th would feign predict the deoline of the wo were <»mfortably bestowed >|n a ftout In nietro;” !larid: 'gave evidence o f good tra ln - la n d a ^ ^ ia t ib n ^ ^ ^ n ^ i ^ k n io n ,; w iif; bb'vup .where tlioproper. bWancb ;h p ^ e o h m ohtal V v ii: ’*bb purchaso rnQnajr ^vill b p requiredv *doSynf balahce in five y e a rs ,- Second^:} tietohtL room rather high up, overlooking ,a fine' iug,- The Sermon was •good ;thbhgh‘ii()t ’b^*. ,bofbre th o p re s e n t .term o f o u r p o u n ty co u rt.' culture and^physicat,dovelppment .would; be vr , II tGrove, or even its wane m a religious I >AViero. (iiuviMflw purchaser; ..vu4ius| bollds. no money \y.: .;.V! .maintained* aria educatlbh so ^fadiifttod as TH K F IR E f ^ T ^ O N . M s, ^ .v T;:Wf f N te w m L the Average; b u t tho;atm osphere;;w a r t’, UI ke. rcquired'down, bnt a/mort-, v . re s o rti th a c h a n g e o f g o v ^ n m b n t w ou ld » » “ *»<• I|J m oralng wo were for ydnd chilly a n d th e yast'arches s e e m e d tb n s '^ be T h o case Is* t h a t - o f th e $i>Hti«rt»akb^Lahrd 11 to wmport; w ith ; th e r bodily .health of. the ,gage can b . rIvcq, payabla'in tcii\ b i .'-T, '[■'{■?* n o ,m o re a ffe c t I t th a n d o e s a c h a n g e o f S u r ;to « o f and calling a oanlage, reeking 'wi^h thfiLaccmmulatod ddmpiiwa'' bf im p ro v e m e n t C o m ^ r iy W oi! V.^ B e ld , growing' child. 4) i»i . *;h. .'4-•; n ' yean, -ll tbe itrWilego.oi ten iiko. iL -. . • .. « \ , ' .................... * ^ drove vei droveftWinna aroundtne thecitv. city,reanefitinp requestingonr ourd ndrivpr . I f not pujit.ln^ you ; t p . i ^ ^ . c h , Jroubie,'. No -cheering sti hli ght pen6tratedE,! tho a n u n licen sed ha^kmauc-.O Oii. T ‘ J pleaso IrrnneVroIi, ciakiag tlio prlndpul eam .'f! f'residente affect the vital principles of to tako us throng^thobest and poorest streets reply tu f to wHat‘v^ '^ v a & tS ^jte b u ry fj^ itely stained:ytindowa;_aUd- wev't weife; WJ doe. one ,haodre3,year» Iienc«,' tb a ;.* •. T h e f o n i M b a u s e d 'th e ^ y e c tm e n to f ttio J?ark.pop8esses;over other desirable locations. our National Government. The foun­ th a t we m ight have ar corrcot impression of glad /Ihdepd whenU th e . m inister. imploWd iWovor, rraorvlog Iho; g 'N ew'Jersey, or^m^Xbnk* Isla u d rfb t fitich f rfgbpoSardff thofmortgaw t& aay-'dation and grand object would.remain; its condition: D ublin is an old city,,having God’s blessing on all ^and lflIamteed nB.V:Wo la tte r sev ejalitim e^ g o rin g th e past^sum m cr, iU •"f Vv ;" • do n ot l^ in k itconducive Co deyotlou'to wpr- b u t^ t^ a p p ^ ^ ^ l s ^ r p e n a b le to re s tr a in h im f aU insllitution, . '* :'J2 - " r details would conform more nearly to many’’ imposing public buildings, somo pf 8hip God ih ;» n atmospheiti’th’ab chills ta&S to from co n tin u in g th e bualneffl * o n ;th c i^ te iriY o u rsV ery T im lp '” ■ of ;./ . suidresa, . , i.t'ifl:. the wishes of thdse most concerned. “which we visited. DubllP Castle is th o rcsT- th e bond; how everi^u^h we ’jfaaj^adiniire and to ry . T h e com pany w ak,om ppw prS . b y aix Wi 1 JAMES 'A. B U A ljLE T, 9r r iA A d ^ 'B ; dence of th e ’ Duke of Marlborougli, Lord vdnerate th a t iwhich^ls old1arid lgrtUijd' in' a r ­ a c t o ^ t h j D j ^ ^ l a t u r e (t $ ^ o e ^ ta c ic a fo r chitecture.', Such’ pla,ceS ^^turtU y-!‘idve;1a i l . llEAIiE,S}1 Pearl B t;:iW X crk.-^fl Lieutenant of ^Ireland, whoso Balary ia coloring to one’s[(idea of Odd, ‘which t h e b e tte r p r o ^ U 6 n u ^ w iU ) ta fro m extoi^’ — --------- -- — -------istablish' Next week we oommencfi the publi­ £25,000 per annam —$125^000—$75,000 more sombre is u nlike theTiew,wWhavolbxig-enWrtained. A n ato -^ riT b fi^ ^ i^ f p e n t^ tb u n s o l h a s been m ent of an institution for tlio improvement '■ rALfcEN.JB.; C 0 0 £ AjOnirr cation of the annual batch of nam es ap­ than onr President receives. The* Lord Lieu-r E verything around us soemed to say. .^“ 'I'hla Ttioetaiu M b ^ w t h p arties. J a b p a b . ^ . iu educatjoti ofyoung girls is tpp’d^I'ani^r^r, iyAU God is o u rs .^ W ~ ^ w ■ * ^ul^ “ prefer ' ifer to s^y .there is no better plabe ^han^his.V' W^ haVe pended to ram license applications. tenant,' as wo mentioned in ourspoond letter, 1 eycrything^to .m aka , i t ! ft^ucoesa, healthr Th&.firAt instalm ent is at hand but waa ou a tour of inspection throug'h southern wealthy, good w ater ih abttndauce, pasy of ao-' “ OOmeyethatiovotheLordi, ■ "‘i-1’ ' , let your Joya.bo kpowm"' - ■*; '* ■pops fr^m .all parta, plonty tp eat, a t .falrrptfIreland, but tho" castle was opened to visitors, crowded out.. The ^sohopls oj^ M^tawan. open unusually ceis, gobd stores,.churches, and in fact evoryand we wandered through its vast hallk, Its This C ^ i i ^ t t J ^ t a n ^ m i ^ b s t a t the en­ thing you can jv lsh .; . XI am pbttjuaded.;that picture galleries, parlors, reception rooms and trance of the Necropolis, or city of the dead, w ell/ -^Cr. V an B r^lcle, principal, w ithM iss your bhlpct^ia a noble one, second to'hone lnt Judge Scudder, in his charge to tbe throne room, for the Lord L ieutenant is the which wo yisitod aftpje-the . service. Here Sadie Pembroke assistant, -are doing effi­ importance in ' the POun.tryi-> I ^Vould ta k e arp. several 'm agnificent monuments, Grand Jury . this week, referred very representative of H er M^Jeety, and court cer­ there the $npsir Of which1 is J iti; itn m e ii^ granite cient service in th e Lower D istrict. Mr, pleasure in introducing you and, your enter­ to our .Mr. B rid ley on. h is ' re tm ^ f tp m h pointedly to the m atter alluded to in emonies are rigidly observed, and finally were column erected to the m^moxy o f J6hn Knox, Frank: Gaild,; formerly teacher, in th e M ount prise Europe,' and I . know lrp% ould after hearing Tj9b Jousnai. of September 21—the rum oonductOd to the Chapel, a beautiful room, the great Scottish 'reformer. T h e cemetery P leasant school1, Is .principal in th e Middle your explanation of your purpose gi ve. a ll as­ is moetly_oiftbe side of a steep hill; overlook­ Yours, ttn ly ; ,, • car on the Atlantio City excursilK At where the degree of knighthood is conferred ing the city, and presentB a very iniposing District, and is^perfoctly a t hotoe. JHp. ^is sistance In his power.';Y / v- ■ D. H . W v q to F r. th at time' oth6r papers made lflrm en­ upon those adm itted to th p order of St. P a t­ appearance as you .approach it. B ut th e overrun w ith-scholars and is Ibbkirig' anxwalks are very narroV7;aud th e monuments {Susly for his able assistant, Misa M ay Clark. rick. This we w ere informed by th e yoUng tion of the affair; but no* that it is ven­ are crowded, some, of-them- bearing inscrip­ MisS L a u ra Bergen is teach in g t h e Mount . Onfc A ppreciative R ead O r.; tilated, our statements are cbrroborated lady who conducted us, and appeared quite tions o f .yory anciqat date. J t was no eaky Pleamint SchooJ, '.Wp. learn th a t this,.is her intelligent, was a very solect and"ancient m atter tb climb tHV frequently occurring lb the Editor o f fh e Journal .'-r1 from various sources, A correspondent order, composed exclusively of poors of th e stone stairw ays and wo d id not linger in this first' a tte m p t w lth so la rg e a school.^ Success Your article bn “ Conccntriito'’, iaat_WQck in the In q u ir e r this week is even more realm, and lim ited in num ber to fifteen. In quiet spot, j t . b e a r a no com paH sonto'oqr to her. * The' prospects of Gj^nwood In stitu te r * .j ■ i r . * i i {• one:of ^he best of t h e ' Bcdsop.- >W hat Is Greenwood, for i t was almoet devoid of trees’ $&yeVbi;1$eh h ri^ itP r 'f&r^^eani th a n now. waa severe than y/e, were, but he should this chapel is the grand organ taken from the m atter w ith th o w riters and*;ip iak era of and shrubs, though the grass was beautifully have spoken before. In justice to the the Spanish armada nearly four hundred green aud th e sunshine was very delightful Mia* Bartletrt’a school, aisojlis i r t a flourishing the age? Simply tho prolixity grawlng but of o u r System' 6 f.e d u fcatiuu in tho high m m m k *' *' In q u ire r we would say that had its edi­ 'years ago, and still in continual' use. I t is after the gloomy Cathedral. In th e nave of conditipti. *: , a t building a re several tablets and groups '^ttr/W ard o lI is rapidly convalescing and schools aud colleges, a'lio moro high-soundtor known of it the m atter would, have not uhBko those o? modern make, though th ing.worda crowdod^inrxho better, seems tho of statn ary commemorating the lives and hopes to be able to reaome his w ork soon. rule., . ■• -(' '•' { greceived prom pt attention at the time. exceedingly ornate in gold and fine wood ' great men and heroes, ope of which Election 1a draw ing near.' I t manifests «• 3/l avo long thou g h t thorfll>Ught,to DP o4o carving. In front of the Beats, or pews along lUarly touching. T he m arble tab let If the Grand Jury fail to indict it surely morp professorship established^ in colleges,' the gallery wore inscribed the names of eaTls bore the names of "several brave men who, itself, especially around the hotels and saloons.' Which should bo ontltled tho.“ Condensor*’ or cannot be for want Of evidence. offlco w ith4- " Extractorship/l oi* sobfo other appropriatp and peers from the year }40Q to th e present had died in th e Crimean w ar, and draped W hy cannot a m an be elected acroeg and'ahbve it were the bullet-torn flags time. Wo could not learn the significance of they « .o , had , » borne Ifurito in u , the va» fierce u w conflict » « , °f » M d sM t bo Said of namo. Thojigaxlmuands it, the w ants o f th F atBalakG r a n d A v e . JB efo rm ed C h u rc h . thia and turned to leave tho_ chapel} aa we laya, n^dteciSd'Ty?^ s ip j tld s x o u n ti y thafe v politics and whiskey w alk community reqnlre^t, and thPre'iaauiiTiper» lava, __ Thesp These flags were n&tecU&Tb it adeir^ cate w ire netw ork from th e rifling-touch o t hand in h and?” Will th e tim e ever come ativeneceasify^ for somp klndof4)oiHng down machinory in litc re tu re ; som ething th a t will A t the Grand Avenue Beformod Church on were about to descend the grand staircase th e relio hunters. whoii men w ill no Ipnger w alk .into. A hotel give u s ^ d ,4»sericdjo£ialI~‘t h 6 m atter.- ‘The. young lady who h a d been our fcuide gave aSunday th e nsuaj services were held. Threo Glasgow fp a vpry substantial cltyi steadily brsahw n^m d ask th e question,ff J B M r ^ ^ s .W orlO ifuIl o fjK w iw ^ .pap^ ani^pQ cchw ,, Blight feminine cough and said, A fee* i f : growing in population;and w e alth rT h e same persons were received into th e church and o f afchxlccturo prevaila^hore—houses (nam ing a candidate for_office)_ramiiere?'.’; which serve no other* purposo tb^u to keep th eir reception was celebrated fn accordance you please, gentlemen.” We had n o t pre^' etylo th e paper m ills and power; pleases running. ■A liu n d i i>f Lm taEB ooliirti.-.U}' M l t r i i are built of gray Btone wi th 8<iarcPly a r ie x- ° I w ant a conplopf,drinks,^ ; ; ^ ‘ “ Give uira rest” In th i s ^ r t l c u l a r , aud le t w ith the usual pubiio liturgical service. A fter sumed to ofTor auy lest she m ight feel in- ception, bu t do not become M in^y as thosp bf A chicken thief,w as a r r ^ e d on Thursday ns have sermons and jjpfceches in th e .short, sultpd, supposing her to bo superior to .th at Ireland’s cities, probably because th e atnlosthe reception of candidates the pastor, Eev. crispy, lively, effective style th a t th e New HEfLOCK, "SPfiUCE,"■ ASD WHITE P ! S f E. A. Enos, discoursed from the te x t, Lake sort of thing, but wo learned th a t a reward phere iadrfer. ' Much attp n tio u is paid here to m orning by Officer ftealio. l ie is from New York fiim and tho. AsnosY P a b k J o u e n a x shipping,‘docks and evorythlng th a t will add York and. it appears has been engaged In this 24: 47, “ A ha th a t repentance and remission is expected here for any favor shown. gives the news items. Beadkb.From the Castle we w ent to the famous to its commerce. We ylaitod th e pubiio business for the past three or four weeks. He of. sins should bo preached in his jtame wash • house and- b a th s: recently 'erected* among all nations, beginning a t Jerusalem .’' T rin ity College, whose buildings mako almost Women bring th eir washing in th e morning, Would leave Now York on th e evening train " W i l l S o m o O n e A^uswdr ? by paying a to u t two cents per hour «m Land get off a t Cllffwood, Matawan, th e Junc•M u There was a tim e once," the speaker said, a city in themselves. This i? an ancient .and l i A n a the ( l i a ' use t i a a o f tu f 1 1tsrwir water^Bteam u t f i f n ^ rr4 A n m wringers, « r n > tn f» a i« »f 1_ YT_1-- .1 __ k J_ 11_ ___f ’__ V_1« have • “ when a enn-rise call went forth over a whole instifcutioiTwHere m any w riters whose words drying roomii and irons. They can bring tion, br Holmdel, and in th e morning would 2b the Editor q f the Journal: — .. are fam iliar even to American schoolboys, go back on the first traiffw ith h isb ask e ta n d Will the Kepublicans of Monmouth county country, sounding in every ear ita notes of th eir washing say at eight o’clock, and by Every article In onr line deli vered with dispatch. >. five tho you ug men a oh ance to vote a straig h t solemn joy. I t was a cry to IsraW to awake. were educated. Some of the buildingB are three or four can return to* th e ir homes w ith aometimcs A bag iillod w ith chickens. His ttepublican ticket, or rapat wp support on& and at Ihe loweet possible prloca. I . . UCi i'- - ■ " almost black, and though very imposing, do clothes ironed, ready to be p u t away. T he custom was to m ako about , two trips per J; - ... *7 : . i », ' ? ? * Awa£S*fbr th e old glory is r e tu r n i n g th e swimming baths aro very^jnviting. Many week. He came down on W ednesday even half.<0!tlie Democratic tic k o t and no t have a word’tb cay, as it w as^oa 'S aturday a t the kingdom of God is a t h a n d !’ B ut Israel did n o t look inviting. The collage grounds are Parties lniending to erect cottages jritf not . very fine and extensive. „ We were Shown Prim ary ? Thero are hundreds of young mpn not heed it, and there was no general repent­ foimd him in ^ small piece of woods counting in tho county who havo never had th e chance themsolvea Justice unless they give uaacall. ance anto life. Christ was not to be accepted through several of the buildings and visited poises. The .streets are quiet and orderly, to voW 'the straight tic k o t; will they give us quite like our own American oitlcs, aud-tha> Jii^/c^ickciiB previous to ta k in g th e train — till he had first been rejected. Then another the various class rooms, where lectures were dress of tho jraople differs •NxukuSlE. Buc^ akom OAaacr V. Bmocx. ,ii(r„™K.,fintn,n b u t in tw o respects, Thfi officer allowed him to 'co m e tp tH esta- a chancc ? T wewty-On e . call came. Jesus himself, in the early days given to the studente>h u t it being vacation one of which is thb large am ount of crape tion and when he attem pted to ^>oard the everything woro a cheerless and abandoned worn op th e h f t and the wrists by widbwers, of his ministry, cried, ‘ The kingdom of hea­ train arrested him. Hb looks llk e a n Italian . ven is at hand ; repent and *believe the gos­ look and we were glad to get into th e sun^ oCwhom we iu e t fiovcral in our walks, ana B o d y W a s h e d A ih o r e . the Scottish CiUBtom which a few adhpre to of The Prim ary meeting on S aturdaylast was p e l/ A general repentarice then would have shine-again. exposing th p knees in the highland costume. o n ^ o f the most exciting ever witnessed a t ’From thence wo Went to the Archaeological On Tuesday^afternoon as Mr. A. F . Gifford, made all Ju d ea bloom. B ut - Israel did not I t seemed W ns that all the gothic specimens OF TBS repent though called to repentance by the Museum, which is said to contain m any re­ of knee architecture were exhibited, and th e this plape.B um .flow ed freely and’it is said of Sea Plain, was w alking alougyth»->ftach markable specimens of ancient war imple­ th a t some th irty or forty m en were induced effect was not particularly pleasing. We ex­ ab9u tlflvo hundred yards south of the^ N«?pr Son of Ood himself." The speaker then wont p ect to leave for Edinburgh to-morrow. _ 1 to visit the old tf Smoke houso" to investigate tune House, a t Ocean Bcach, be saw some­ on to draw some distinctions between the ments, besides other curious antiquities. th e oontehta of a two-gaUon Jo g o f whiskey. thing floating ju s t outside thb b re a k o rs^ n t gospel of tho kingdom and the gospel that Here the Professor was in his element and C o u n ty C o n v e n tio n . Shortly after two prominent men w ent there could not make out w hat i t w ari^ H e watched Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again his eyes sparkled as he w ent from case to GROVE. and the Wghpst bidder took th e mon’s votes. i t until it got in the undertow, and 6a soonfo ro u f justification; affirming th a t there is case as if he had discovered a m inoof wealth, On last Monday the County Democratic . Ocean Grove ia a place of veiy rapid more riv a lry betwoeri thejfcingdom of God examining/weapons of the stone, iron and Convention^m et at Freehold to nominate We hope a repetition of such a scene m ay as._it oould bp reachcd he secured it a n d gr&WtST'' ThS,PreSi(tent"qf the Associa­ and the sacrifice of Christ than between a bronze ages, anc^ taking 'drawings of such as1 candidates for Sheri ff, County. Clerk and never occur In this quiet village; ^rP ught It ashore. I t proved to be the body One of the most pleasant and sociable gath- of a girl ab^ut tw elv^ or thirteen yeA rsof tion at ita Iasi anniversary stated that trpo and its deep, living root. The question appeared to him more, peculiar than others. State Senator, 108 delegates being; present. five years ago there was nothing to cela- was then asked, " How bring men to repent- We will not attem pt to describe th’ese objects Shortly after noon the m eeting waa called to eringb evbi}Eeld In th tt community t^ )k place ago. The flesh waa entirely gone, tfbm the iuin>M cnnms'iio> D u u a s 'ia . -f;. *j , bnite, and now it is of such vast propor­ ance?" and answ ered: “ W here an uncraci- as we doubt not Professor Lockwood will be order and Mf\jpr Yard, of th e Democrat, elec­ on -Wednesday a t, th e ‘-H arvest Home Ju b i­ face; J^alr and scalp a ll gone, th e sk n ll being invited to lecture on w hat rhe s a w r o a d on ted to the chaiif. After the adoption of the lee,^’ a t Cliffwood. GbV; McClellan had ao* bare. O no-hand was nearly perfect w hile fled Christ failed, a crucified Christ succeeded; tions and ao extensively known that it his return. We were shown into the “ strong usual resolutions the first b a llo t was taken .cepted an invitatipn frpm ^ e v , G. C. Maddock the flesh was almost gone from the other one.’ Oak, I ’lnp would seem like folly in us to attem pt where love before sorrow' V as weak, love to be presept on tbWopcaalon: f iAt one o’clock She was dressed in a th in white <calico dress which is fire-proof and almost indeBoards, 'f'iank, Sidinff, Xjatht to describe it. It is no reflection, on its after sorrow was strong." The speaker thqn ritructible. H ere are exhibited ancient jewels and resulted In th e nomination of S. T. H en­ tho Governor, attendcd.byjiis ^id,Col. E. H . with a small black dot in . It, blue flannel drickson for Sheri fT_by a vote o f 87 to 21. I t W rig h t who was w ith hlm 'bu th e J'otomac, reviewed a t length the m anner in which tho Shingle* 1?ost8t ttaUts Sc? founders to say that they had no idea of apQstolicpreachers preached; th a t they prom­ of great value; ornaments of gold and silver, waa then made unanimous. * * and th e South Ambby -braas band, reached W aterproof'd oak, lace shoes, colored stock­ what the place wouid so soon become, ised their hearerB spirit; th a t th ey did not some of them worn^a thousand years ago, -O n tho vote for Count^1Clerk -there were Cllffwood. Mr. Maddock m e t th e Governor ings and colored calico apron; and, of course, could maKe no^provisioir simply offer them an* example for imitation, the 8&ver box, which In the year 600 St. P a t­ 78 lialjotfl made w ithout result, b u t bn th e at_thp sUtitnroncL ta k in g a- carriage they T here being no coroner in the jriclnity, weT^ escbrtM 1^to‘th e ‘ little church by the .... in its charter for its present wants.' For bnt a gift of life from Him who furnished the rick carried about containing his parchm ent 79th MarlbOrb changed over to Arrowsmith band. A fter lu n c h , the .Governor entered a 'Squire John. E. Tilton was notified, and debookuf the Scriptures. The box is richly clded-that the circumstances did not'Justify carriage w ith Mr. H addock and-Cafc W right, a camp-meeting ground they planned example. and gave him the majority. On th e Senator­ 0 I& ,conclusion the congregation were, ex­ chased and has several large gems of varibus ial contest the battle was between Holmes and was driven around M atawan .an d Its holding any inquest. A fter a careful exam­ largoly and well; but for a c^ty by the vicinity. T he Governor • expressed himself colors on the sides. Some beAttSfftft ’gmd or­ B a o i, ..'...atata. sea,” involving all the temporal as well horted to le t a hop.e in God pervade their naments Wjjre of workmanship so exquisite W. M urphy and Goo" W. P a tte rto n ;; thfe la i- as highly pleased w ithJtfatow an a n d ;its aur- ination of-the btfiy i t was prepared’ ftnr' b u r­ rW hen 7they ‘; T®^orned to . thp ial and .-on W^dnosday was intended f t 8ea as Spiritual interests of a. permanent lives. “ All through our lives," said Mr. th a t we were obliged to use a micro&copic tqr receiving< m a io ri^ ^ ^ w b y d irth i^ q ftH roundingBj. .... — O O jV 1 a .. , . ^ .,J.' V’.yj .. : • ohurch*tho yard vraa .thronged w ith Mon’Plain'; -.A string o f blue beads w ere found 7 community tbei^ v/as no • calculation Epos, */ from >this Sunday morning to th at glass to See tho'delicate tracery and designs. ballot w as declared^nominated, '. .;, Edw in C« m outh county cifcizenk. Among those pros- on h e r neck, ^rhlch, together w itli a piece o f last awful second' w h en , God’s finger shall ■:;• i ' hii. *:■:s & d ii; ■ ; Disbrdw, Eugene 'B ritton and ; Ite v id . 0. erit w ereC ou nty C lerk T h o ^ V/AiroWsinith; and no provision. As might be expect- point to our death hour on th e di^l-plato of Several of the Ornaments were large even Ifea lip received the nominations fo r Cprbriera D. B. S t^ 'g ^ E aql:E ^-S heriffC lark/of Mld-r the dress, is In 'th e possession of Mr^; Gifford. <£*;■;■ ed I s xuoh a case there is sdme, mam- time,-Jet a sure hope in'GOd who m akoth all for ancient timos,' and almost barbaric in in th e ^ rst, b e c o n d a ^ t h i ^ d ^ t i l t t i i reepeb- jile sex ; Dr. A. J . Jackson an d Cppt. Wm. S. He retains thom, hoping i t m ay bethem eans ^ _ , - ;V t ;■ , . fcatatiah of a a unsettled and restlesii things new, ^nd"1carries forward all new splendor. v The keeper of these treasures in ­ tively. The convention viras an. excitiug one H orner. ^Jaineft S. Yard^was nominated *<jp m'idpnt^Qcatlbn.v* * -tatr f t n & t a a , '' N .'J * ;, formed us they were valued a t £500,000. We aidpover.tho assemblsge.; \ Gov, MpClplIau ' 'jcpnmtiosjs as of an' overgrown boy in. thingtf to th e ir m aturity, be a perva4jpg descedded into the basement of the building, and did not finish labors u n til about B T_ .In tro d ilic e d ^ th re e h e w ty ; cheers,were spirit w (thln us.” ' S t ..P a i il ’s Iff. B . C h tu rch ^ . . V , where were ancient stones w ith rude inscrip­ ,( r _ giv(5n‘and n a proopeded to addree^ thb j^bplo. V. ,;c1othea(ih a t fitted well a few months In th e evening tho...pastor preached on tions traced upon theii1 sides, stone coffins P. M. The following table sJiowb the m ^oxi^bs Tho Governor took tbe evening -tr^ n home ;>.’ s,go; biit now bind uncomfortably. “ Im m ortality." Before beginning the ser­ which had beeli discovered in excavating, Thp serfeon last Sunday morning was by , ; s fo w iijr and oxpressed.himself as highly pleased w ith mon, he announced th a t on Tuesday evening and ancient^ boats of'wood th a t bad been resulting from th e yotes .castfor the candltf p yastor, Bev. >W. fl . B sroart, J'rom clfUko fy ^J" Property holders meet to ta!k_over -he-would be-at-home* athis-hoapo on-Asbury found iff bogs, where peat for fn e l' ’'fras’cufc^ d a t^ f o instate ’ lSWlt “ B c ^ r e T e o f th e lc aven' o f tbejph&r- the interests of tfie“Grove as though avenne, next door to the Ocean Hotel, to. One boat, which was hewn from 0 single ’■' > .-:'C -j! ■. isoes, which is hypocrisy," v“ HyppcrisyJ," he KpWD KUBTHT. PATTEKSOtf. r ., :'V g t .,: tliey feel that the place needs addition^ speak w ith any wbo m ight wish to confer tru n k of a tree, was forty feet loag. H ere ib Matawan.............. JIMESOS, C O JL T 8 N E C K . 91 ■Wall........ . 14A w ith him in regard to joining the church. Baidi “ .is'feigningrrto tp" w hat wo are not,’ fc the petrified bpdy o f a man, found in one of Manalapan........... 18t 'Freeholds............. 18 £.’i ..;;'iEaajgement; members of the Assoc! J On Sunday morning, Oct. 6, Mr. Enos will these peat bogs some twenty-five feet below Howell.................. fflSt: MilUtone.... 19 conb«Jm ent of one’s ; o w n /c h arac te r.^, The tion ore pressed to adm it that things preach on “ Prayer as an*elemeht of spiritual the surface, indicating th a t he m ust .have 8hreTObury........... 17 Ear! tan..V..... ....... 1631 The (TombitsHo Primary, bold !ri this plato Pharisoes appeared, to be benevolent, y e t in Lalnl roculture." In th e evening th e Lord’s Supper been, there m any generations beforp being O c e a n ...* .......... 579 Holmdol.. 63 oq Katarduy, wss b lively affair . cannot remain as they are, and inqui- wiU.be celebrated, the preparatory lecture business transactions would-crowd ,th e jwor CdlvAd itjis majority of votes oxhumod. We visited other places bf local j>; ; ries are made as to how a change may being, given in' connection w ith the Friday interest but not ^worthy of special mention, Cfa Monday evonlng Mr, :-W. L. Hopo, and tako advantage of hblpleea wi^bwaj'th e y Of this result we Kaye nothing to *say fu r- Q roM b^jiriaiaB a fgt Oongrest, &4fcii»iid asaumcd'attitudes of devotion,'w ere ostenta­ and the following day were en route for Bel­ g i l t had in the government th at will re- evening prayer-meeting. t , ........ U J i p fast, 112 miles north of Dublin. O ur jo u r­ th er th»ii;:thj0 : it shdwa th a t' notvvi thsian dtious in prayer, aud,m an|festeffgreat seal for .~vv‘ . aUltin real'improvement. The troubled ney lay for Bome distance along the B iver ing past erro^Tand shprtcpmingp M r.'^aVter- ivti nn'dienf.o of ftlwut one Jin aired in-Mr. J. D e d ic a tio n . flod’s capae, h u t it waa* rir ^ r ^ 'jw W ^ .p u r ^ Sooboy’n BhdB'. Mr.^lTnpo diiTen from the - watcrfe are evea more agitated now that Liffey, which w e forgot to mention runs ipeatjen |a does p o io /to gain c fite e m jp o lltl^ ln iu ^ c e y c tc . Tho new M. E; Church a t Englishtowu will through Dublin, draiuigg the city completely son’s record in 4he le g is la tu re and personal tmnnal meeting of the Association of all sewage and surface water. popularity Is more potent thaix oVen his friends n6t iifowb .t or b'prntc 'Ws opptineritfl, nor This same pin. shows itself J n , tbe; d iuri*.p^ £/;'.■ijl Wj&t h a n d ; thiff is no more than might be dedicated on Thursday, Oct. 10. Bev. W, As we approached Belfast we werP greatly ha^hoped. ' bnrS'ftuatbtpiisa a t either a r any party. A God, in eobial lifo, in^frieiidanip, and even In ' A S B U R ^ ^ : p A : t t k v - . . ^ e x ^ e c tc d . A m achine is not likely P. Corbit will preach a t l(h30 a . a*., and there pleased w ith the cleanlinete and fine appear­ We have pUrpoeoly’/aYpidod,'politics,, from llirt«n8rtt‘atofcc«'lhiprf*s«l wlii'the slnl*r- |h o roiatittg of cjhrlstiait' experience,.when will be a re-unlon of former pastors and ance of ita thoroughfares. Jtt is said to be ' ■i 5 ^o do m ore than what its inventor inpther services throughout tfoe day. A llarn the most proaperouB c ity in Ireland and I nr inclination, incompetpney and th e belief th a t (ty pt his nentlinenja, He seeiqs to.be full.of th o ljfeTaiji.tb-,corrpspbnd wHh jt h e pitirea* ( ■^ '-tended, and Ocean Grove has gone far invited. ’"Englishtown ja1 ifituated 'on the creasing in population Very rapidly, while T h e J ournav should'hot be a political p a ­ Saps foxjw# t s ’usa re p i^ n ts;y ..T h « 'C iilts fiion. I n bohdusloh lie showed th a t ^there Is dexod in movkuft and in flUing up coltiuof ^:\ Dublin, the capital, is continual ly decreasing p e r; we do not n p w .j ^ p ^ l t e . q u ^ ti^ n qr ?'l»;;^beyond the capacities of the plan of or- Freehold & Jamesburg Bailroad, five miles in S’eck^ban'a moplo.fp^the wxaalot nothing bq debasin^as a6ttogj® ^elyfj^ucii'a population. The lineu m anufacture of .couW 'killscon^cl enoej1doatroyB. self-respect, given ita t ita inception. The west o f: Freehold. Belfast ijj immense and constantly increasing.'' uphold thk claims ofjiny candidate on politi­ The'nJ6ftlpg aSjouriK^ ^OT.ojSgrly.i *•' cal grounds. ^ We drov&through thp m anufacturing portion - ot hindere prayer, has a v e iy dc^ti^ctiytt influ­ always*bii -hand aibdl;niade to'^onlcr/! 'WctUipaT' ", -p • of government is not equal to the of the city and hfeyp neyer BOPQ bette r look... ; ;;s y .'^UjplsiceMijetid fcyU'n^ji&iajs-fotsVtho' ence upon the ‘church /and ls always knowu .^ iS ^ fe rs to S ^ 5 tA ilioea' In. ^b tc h h l* p&^oef' ‘ J ‘‘ em ergences of the cam How could ing factories and Burrotindlygs, meatier streets A . M . K . S a b b a th r S chool. bPcn required as Undftrtalieivand to all who -1 Hehfck:-Hepdri«)u!>c, 'pfvLong]I«lan4, p f to e n ; ii t la n p t safe te /llv e a lifo th a t w ill ^ave bRvobmployodhini 4n,tbp‘pait,:for prumptnpii^, 4t city ^ be governed by a city The Sabbath-school of th e *A. M. ij. Zion w ith th eir lon&rows o f tenferdent houses foir Miss Boss’ Sc a- 8ldp Hbme Schpolr pu Ashury the operatives th a n here. ^Everywhere we avenuo near Emory; streoV has ■boep; in ' sue-' 'frntSi. '• 'We .tiBderetiaS t h a t tho jj/aKb^.clMt hot stand.the te st In ’ th a t great:'day; The delicacy, ahd ^otoughexperlenoo. . , { v . t j ’1.' yflsin'egs' and home Church, of Asbujy Park, w ill moot inFoeter’s w ent, from opo end of th b pity to theotherV cessftiVoperatiori ’pbrtab fr-TVas' follbw edby prayer, by lie v . j .8 ; to to»rs* one:^dof the State,, to tc n t, weei of th e railroad, on next Sunday, w e , saMf unm istakable ■igns of pntepprity. offpni'excellent >*|id^an£agea *Jn',ma^ptii jbd)f!DgJ from thliii.Sfepasiie i^ifew 8abi»tlis ’III 1 *-j V1J;/'-*^ V*f Ti V was activity.iu every'direction:^even a iut4 tr-Miyond? There'Are October .6. Wo wero not informed a t w hat .aThere ■ ^ o .'.b p j.fsir, tp .b ft^ B .'ijT O ia li^ r q f’moM l a n ^ g M | miiaic; etclJ'^iilB a r e ^ j ^ p JKomr ^ t h e f l a ^ a t ^ c h t e l a t w n n i m f ' 'iifiipSTO?*d[ ityl# siirt^»»'4'ait.Ta*aiV r.^olUeJs,--$y.;Vi; tth e docks iimong th e shippipg&verybody w is busy aud siar^ely any lotingerB were to • &difficulties In the ly of the ally iMge,-,{i # *-7 .' . v ;• I.; ■i'-v’I'if!W5? B Ndbrithstanding an evident disposi­ tion on the part of our citizens to delay, •• ~ it must be apparent to all who give the subject a thought that action on the 0. ..question of fire apparatus is necessary, a n d ,th at speedily. A movement waa ■i,- inaugurated sometime since, but, aside from som e little discussion, there ap-_ ; ' pears to bonothiDgaayetaccomplished. . Meanwhile our property is increasing at • * the rate of $100,000 per year and with . it the danger from fire. Something m ust ba done; if admonitions avail not . we may ezpeet a repetition of the Keyport calamity on th o Bea-f*hore. Tho discussion of this question ocoupied the m inds of many of our citizens a few '> ■months ago, but it ended th e re ; still, a thorough preliminary diacusssion is not only wise but necessary, and how ’ that we have had it the next thing is . u action. A t-toam engine seems to be the choice L' , of most people and has been strongly |..j urgod, bnt there are objections; They are powerful but of heavy draught and jh a r d to m ove; they tljrow an immense i ’^. Jvolume of water and steadily, but they require more water than common cis­ terns or wells could furnish, and a t V tire a few blocks from the lakes they would'be useless; they alBO require a _ jKsmjietentenginfiMv w h o m u st be con-- ^stantly on haiid Again,, while steam vs*'i and 1:mg lines of hose :...-f and“Coupllngs adjusted, a smaller engine , - - ^especially-ft' chemical one—could ber ; • doing effective work, and amongst light ;; Jram e buildings time is everything. If 'a steamer is to be bought an abundant ; supply of water is imperative—it is anyhow—and may be bad by piping from the lakes, withont pressure, or from a reservoir situated onsomeeleva' tion west of town; in plain words, water works. s. To this we rairatcoma; the sooner the better. A fire once under headway in some localities within our borough would inevitably destroy proper£y above the value of ample water works. We , m ay easily foresee the danger; we may avert it. W e invite discussion, but demand action. The tii f t of greatest danger is . approsshijBg.and the m atter should be . settled at. once. f Sm oci & aon^. ; Cor. Wain & ASnTOT.^ij^;N;;J^v BUILDING MATE|)At. T I M B E R . I® BBANGHv YARD • pnm cK T O N M r tfM p r p M Briclc, Ume* Latli and ^afr. '* - -*55 RusticGhairs^ HarigSngBasksts; •Cofflp3andj BurlajCaskett V- p a b k : ; JO U B N A L , SA TU R D A Y t O C TO B ER i l i J p s 5 3 w S i 3 ^ i p ? . ------- . ..... ... .. . ra d W o aiey E n ^n o 'C o m iian y aith o Irrcg -; M p in tto ic n n i c o : C o u i t i s . T h e M o e tto fr o f O c e a i G ro v ijJ U it ^ a rT n e e tlo ^ j5h; ^'eA d ay ;iU ^ t:a ^ { n to d ;6 ' l ^ ^ e s ' a w j P i a d ^ ^ M g e ^ i f i t O y fA tita . " ' ...... ’S ;-V S * S ' • / ■' copm ltteo t o p ^ ^ a s e » s te a p fire^eagihe'. y_ 7 P. .j&j *•■ s e a b t o b ^ t t d d « ; S ^ ^ g . t # ?; Tho nnowmplea' dwolllnK. of'M r. Charles rAhbuet ATBniiE,:m a EMoxrtmKTt. ■, • T h e Monmouth Co?u nty Courts convenedft '• * '*'Vf/y*>'r ■ ■ ^Park/Haflclbaed, hia tonsi>il^t;jesjablisfimei$j a^pnt BCr•' <60^50 Tnesday^laa^,. and i t .is expected thore tfUJ - A Boarding and Day 8ohool .fot Young Ladles Learo Long Branch for Oeeta^Omve o rA p w » F ^ w in^hb^Groyo^andgoes'to ;the and Children.'WUl open Bepternberllth. Addrtas Park Ocean, Beach and Sea <Glrt, &06,10^0 w intor to ^ e ch of .'4^1ij0p; 6n.';Nasaiu' T he chtef case of Interest.ifi th e ol\di list H tu 1 . EO88. PylnclM j.'ilhnrr Rirli.^^IfewJ&*4yi' s tT ^ t; v ^ o .w iil pleaso aQcept'ibnr congrattir: ay&ffiyiftma.v.N1 th o ;rottage sm a i L i ^ 't b e tin in g is^he celebfated StenloyM.Cliamberiain case1 Ocawi Grove &ao,/l.„,. T fio ry % ittte W d e im ^ g rav e l ojn thb hoach lationsui^>n;h isg o o d /o rtu n e .r'J ' - ‘ ; 0 ' "rtilmrpf; the ^ tio tiO H o u so - w ai: pdlled. in to _whiqh has been tried onc^ I^n the Monmouth : ........... ~ ' ^TratoSIoave1Ooean. C----- ---------—intill^M j lean.Gtove or'A sbniy'.P 8. T $ i M tion at 6 3G, 7J 5, lt9 0 a . m^4J 6 p muu for w nNew o i r York *ut^cat®86/7^6,l!3J0;a;m»C15tai.. lost Sunday and mon,- w om en/aud e h ild iW ^cteuiit^ and^ sin wi' th e n b o A <&rriedrto tbe A rrlfln*la KeWiyorlC »{ 8J85,!»».ik.te.. U S M ft 'M ' 1 '^ x l v i i . i i IjTtfr. J ^ ^ o <o^<rted.elm ngo of tliiio_on_tho.'fcin- ;W&i a t l dn. . . : • * f e $*,00 * 6.00 ■* ' ‘ : «'■'«■»•' i*VvC'/.’. i ' ‘il'-'lt. 4.00 000 ' 10.00 jV ^A t^S ^^e^T O eg^ng waa called't^;, eider Supicme Court andl^ent baok to the Circuit. ■ Leave IxmgBranch fbr New ;YoA At e-BO J8J30 14.00 tral" road w ent Into effect bnTucaday, and trial. •?Tho noted New Y ork law­ a n d ^ ^ w a s ^ c h o s e n ^ chairm an yagain’for n . ^ f t ’iTt,. iSo d. m.-.dose connection*itir;• THOS. H W LO Tlfc D.,'PHE?T. 7.00 1000 18.00 e r , Jo h n U .:Townsend, was present a t the tho p rt^cntsehcdule w jll probahly rem ain In heth :ana p w iu k . Tratai ftom Hrtr^Tork’nn 9.00 16.00 ,-26.00 apd^^.W ^^ela6^4feeretary;^; BeyiM r^Hay^ Court on Tuesday, and w ill titf;th e •case for' through to Ocean <3ror« or AitnrrJPark m n 12JJ020.00 _85I0Qforce;>U'' w in t^ :/!-T h p u^ual fall <*angoa . - — . ' t t r ^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f t e r wjilch‘,|prl.-} $ Tip' the. iilaintiff on the 21st of October. change or carfci:!v%-'v-; •,;>••. . j-r'.tfrrffi?'?.?.: "* 18.00 80.00 60.00 hayd iJso boenSmade' on tlie’o th e r roads, ahd ,Jn ^ " c rim in a l ‘ctm rt1thq most Important; AUVIVB9. AUUC. UOlllA/il.A'. J/.i 85.00 86.00 60,00 ____ V • »0m»h O ro r. BUtlon If ln A » to y Itofc. ^ d e ^ f^ ^ ^ n 0 > p a ; p b j ect df^tbe. meeting. 6fl.0Qj9Q.QQ'160.00:' a b l e t ^ w ^ ^ caseTwilir be tho, trial .of tho Franklin-J^in-' or call for Catalognea at the Ocean Qrore Book ^8tre6ta -^H ii yria Tfonld'^idviso onr "readors to cocstilt'the' ■He ^ u ^ m i i ^ asorles 0^^e^ljitions einBtore., j —■•'•v.'1:; j laat.column ol; tfils pago bofofo starting on a .... ,. l. '--J } . h'U n a . -: ! j.V'':., . V J o u r n e y . ■■■.; /bod^iti^ th ^ ^ ^ ^ ® ^ c o m p W i iti'-i^ y > ; : on the 8d of. J u ly last. V. /v^llcmItftfl be Admitted^ at the rate- of-tWcnty-five Coutfewas opened-at ^ 0 i o’clock Tuesday ■;:•-.*-T1in6 Tahle dommenebif October L M S ;^A ® ____ ^r ; hey wiU allow^Cto itariain ?morriihg, ;___ oents„ „perlln ----v—be placed at tho bottom' —’ The steamer “ Jesae Hoyt" will leare N e*Y ork,. and th e following gentlemen were O L E N W O O D oftho local columns only, and must have ” <**>,“ . . Pier 8, North callod as G^and^Jurorsj, ' ; w ^ S*?A!b arcaidcritpf-thls place.Wanwondlng^hlg, : j 9 ^ t A h t t | g S ^ n g e r o n s ^ ^ ^ :• {>$. \£r:& FOR LONG BBAN) S M G & £ S S 8 & M |L :#■'* John a Hathaway, • lilwi ^ fiti. w ay clown Cookmjiiravenue one evening laat „ 2 ^ T h a ^ ^ o ^ n ^ l@ ^ o re of Wesley £aj(e GeonteWi Shinn, %) ! B T i a a S ^ M T t ' ^v 6 rtlse i^ n t$ . _________ . :-.-V .^^UBAVB LONG:BBANpH^i^r William H; Bennett, Chas.B. Hendrickson, •■"QUarWrlyMri advance: advertlsomdits^/ar. less, HAT* WAS. n . ' l . Foy New York— 7A0 and 11,66 A m; M t7 % djie d ^ t ^ ^ |e f |a ^ m } t i o n 8 of ,the;,;Grpyer~ Week, ho wiul flomcwhat Hf^irLlwl at. a whlto^ Grover H. Luf borrow, Joseph K, Arrowsmith,'' ;-period than three montfta.aye Caaly. sj. “ 1Philadelphia—&20 jujl ; LC3 and &62 ^ N>AUen; Wm. R, Hendrickson, •" Toms Birerwa20 a ”jc7l03 and W3 r;w,' tf'M spfcctril flguro BtandldK eroct In tho door ^vas iU:k e p ^ y n d jn ^ rly neglected* " T*" ’ ~ John Charles Tantunu--— Francis Corllert, ■ ■ “ Cedar Creck aUd Waretown—8.20A jt, 6^3rjip.: yard of one o f the cottages, Upon approaoh'i I * ' ^ g U l a t i o W 'ytetp Ity John V. N. W111U, . » Samuel W, Grisoom, “ 1Barnegat and Tuckertori—&20 A; aU6J52 a x ;adequate ^ n ^ J i'e ^ ^ s e p t condition of. sinJcs Wacob Suvdam. . Jacob flbutta. :* ^ Atlantic Clty^Xa* L08w t iiig:lt.ho discovered th a t i t was a large bush; Jatneti P. Taylok? W. HartFhome, LEAVlf PH ILADELPHIaT ^ ? a n i privies'w tt^oflensive and dangerous to Klv T'-'i•fafrm?sKhL'fr'*/■ W'MR':A£ix^mnA i-flrtV h Thos. E. Morris, •Androw Perrlne. around^w hjbh some carefUJ gardener had _ (Foot of Markets!, upper FerryJ iiealth.'.. ! - 7/ TorXong Branchf New York. Aa-S.10 A.W. 'A from .eV f& r^ iriS ^ to t£o cbunty* .?■y V C r ^ .■wrapped newspapera.tp pr>)toct;it ftom antlo- :y j k T h a t tho^ugl^&es**:mostly- u s ^ •wore 7 ■,■Wmi......... lL 8. SNRDEN. Ooil. .. ■■■»■■ ■■ I. ■ ■ .^3 1 ■:» ^ •*?: \ lpatedfrost. ' * -v ;i ■■ C-^AbKont. .rin lig h te 'd o r,a t -^nsuilcf ently, lighted. • W ty X A sm T t P abk Boabd op COM^IRSIONKBS.—Jatne* SCE1IOUD) A ^ H l^ .T O iU B Bradley-,' President;'’ Charlesfi.^Bonlen,.John/ ! _ Jjxjpcii: bcdddkb ’s c u a b o k ^' : F “ '^ r ;;.i ;S ;^ o k o n b y ,lh o A a iu ry P a rk florG.s£ Ai Githens, Gilbert 8,-”®ye.'.v;,-:.^:/.:'>•*£ # .;£ £ £ & * Judge Scudder charged .th e Granfr Jury: to^pay-a h^vy:](icetoti fee rpsulteft in extor■ TIMS TABLE. " ------------- Ktrr C<5MMp58IOKKRa~-Alpf*■ ^ . -S - ' y ri Taking effect Toasaay. October 1,1878,- -' srtS; tio n ite jpriie^ bolri^ciiargedwhiohressldfcn ts as followsi ^, f ; ■£:W6wfBnmswlok, f e J,£ C. T, Bailey; Cleric; I t becomes th e d u ty of the court to call thio L*AT« JtSBUBT F^ ~ *T~*- -' aI^?_< - ^'1. t- ^ --- - ^ ^ ’ ' ■ * 1- —'• * -* -- ~ 1 - --- ' - —* ^ e y e f o w ig ^ ^ f^ a j^ jo t go outside fo¥' their th6;s|>ecial . attention: of the Grand J u ry to For Freehoiaj Marlboro, Hillsdale. Omdalej vfcanvIlle/Mt Hcasant, «fec., a t l£5, VU9) a. th e /a c t th a t a person charged w ith;homlcide ........ . „ M 0 ® i ..ObeanOrOTo andAa-, is confined in It'!l>4<Kna£^B,0. -/Ibattbo A ^om ^oni have m ak ^ . . . . •VjrTTu m o BBABCH, r. r —. — ■ r. 8m-! cm 01 m y . d u ty ftirthe? to say that' this m atter .< V ; . : >/ r -> .r -..r For Freehold. *o^ at 7JS0.1L46 a m , JJB0 v . cbn^^ shprild rocetvo your very careful aiid diligent * V . r . f ; V : LBAVB BED BA2TX, • H e jhfl3 rion e«hi; ■.. v: • Vupon t& :^ U ( a 'o f ^ f ^ r o f ' A i c l o n t L aui, For Fredidit'Ac., at S03.1L6S a. nu,4A8nl investigation, th a t the law inay beiyini f (12" - ObAkd ATiNoiitiiOBMSD Cntmcfci00™6* *r sixty-four ^namcd • ••• *• *uuvsvKBxaou>; ted i f it has b ^ n violated. -I t -is proper for • t i ; a r u i 4 anaysewail aronnes; Aabury. Tark, Hey' “guagtts, ln^fflBln .UnlToraIty, lo^W <)t that [gras^Os^yOT^OM ^ Bod Bank, Long Branch and Asbory Park at more ttii than any th e juxy:4o3flnd a b ill of indictm ent covering m o PAY8 FOR BOAftD, TD ITI0H ,/nitSI8H K I> For 7&•. lL89a.iu..- 44*0 6 p. VU' J ‘One I grades of th e crime of- homicide, and the For New:York; Newark,-to., M U AfllO 'iw ti ‘. j ^ p E ^ f4eino^8.-. from the u rt w ould suggest th a t i f such a bill of in ­ m.,4^0 p:m. •fTbe 6J86 a; m. line from: BOOM, KBEL AMD LIGHTS FOE ONE hold bonnectt tot New '.York ^■ p o th ^iT ^ f t§ ^ % ’0 ^ : Mr. E . WiV,McE ^ an and liia .family, who ■•■Prssi BiPTOT Church ofAhbubt P abk,,Bar. T. T he Matawan^ Hook and •ladder-Company built-«p^portion.. 1 [T1& iiiuded^jespeoially dictm ent be found, againstJtho accused, the jury-m ay come into court and present the — »ylor. pajstor. SeryloO every Babbath, at Park havq inado Aatiury PSrlc thelE sum m er home to layingsidew alks audcurb the entire Length rf'-4Sr*F!are for the round •'trip,to Freehold have purchased a p rjzfi i]iyemah*8 t^nthpe't'.' to : MAH, Bt XMsp », m, nn<18:3>p. m. Bnnaay-achool TEAK. same, |n order th a t th e deferifcant may,be a r­ turn, from Long Branch, Branch port .and,Bed :V-r^ ' -of BrosdWay.2^ K ^ j^ tn ^ s c a s o n B ^ li^ y e ^ ^ ta ie n h lp th e ir S d W i f m i ' ■'......... -"-■•■• -■raigned; and charged-and -ample opportunity Bsn!k,«L00 ; f r o m A s b n r y W i ^ l L 8 0 .- ^ : ^ ^ ^ i d ^ 8^.That; parks w hich lot! buyers were^as- given him and his Counsel to prepare for an a b o d e^ t |h e lr old home in Philadelphia for e sfnum beroftia^ets. "T ho'trum pet is ia n d • : ------- - ' J ; ; R ^ B A l i ^ - , » « ^ p ^ 4S**Send for Circular.. the-.cOming w inter. tI: .■&{*■■.'■■ ‘ somely-engraved; an d will- be on exhibition surbci w ould forever rem ain a n d be beautified early trial, A ram * Pabk MnaTAar OoiirAinr mecthin ' '"iV' $ iITT jnni ‘Asmnrif PiBKMlUTART CowAHT m w tki A nother m atter I desire to speak of bd yoC ....................................v m m m 0rmeroa-a Buliainjr_«very Monday, evening 7U iy ;';lV<V'V: ■;:r fj^ + .j+ rTl,—rj-*r- ’"1" .•' ^ a tD r.'K Inm onth’sd ru g sto re , A SbnryPark, as suOhi'are'now c ut up into bpildirig lots or is*th a t I have learned through the public pa­ ' O m 5od'»rBnlIa Ing-everyMonday"evening,7K T..a ii. wool5 th T e a r Opens S ep tem b er 5 th 1- o.'c.I<-------------^ ^ fflo e « .^ w la ;B a ln\r, e aCapt; r^ E t;T ;A iro-€)Q$niidM Among thoeo o f o ur valued sam m er real on the l2 th and 14th inst.' Price of tickets; enconib^ied withstoHto®®es and wai»r*dos pers th a t a car recently came, into and passed 2(1 LlGut.:HoUirt .W m o^abiew ioc^nd^.jjtoiB^,’! ^ ^ ^ Bennett, 2d S en t; ^ente who havo loft th e Parle th e past w eek 25 centa; [tliey^will be for sale St thp^ftove etsi to the. injury^of lot o(Wners. through th s county, whereon a bar for the . . . TF.BJIf* B E D V C ID . 'm. Kipp, 4Ui Bergt; A motion to adopt was^'mado and seconded sale pf liquor was .stationed and, k e p t open Leave,/. , aon. p jrt^ iJ ^ a v e a le Mi*i Geo; A. Eumseyj o f S alem ; Mr. W. store untiT the-lOth inst, and m ay be pur-; and debate opened; ; M r. J . ■K . H ayward and th a t the grossest violations dif law were , - r J«st four years over eight hundred students Asbury Park.".. 8J5 LloKowYork.i ...; 13&U56 DLo in Association,' ___Ing Boom, on tho flm ^ . W im or/of Philadelphia, and ifrs, (M. A. .ohasod‘l)y membora o f any company,- or by spoke a t somO length, disclaiming any pre- predicted, n ot only in th e sale of liquor to In attendance, representing 13 different poufer- Sea Girt.;........ 8^0 2.01NewBranawick a27 W 9 r .v!^ others for tho benefit of an y jcompariy -they thoso asking for tho same, bu t in dragging enoes and 8ftreign oountries. Seventy-ohegradu­ Treabold;;. . 9.16,2.41 PhIht.Market Bt 745 2L00 Offleera: H. S. KlnmAnlb, Palinor, o f Newajk. 4 ^ ’^ ates ln flnst three years. Tbe building Is the moet Jamesburg. .. .. 9.50,8J0 WestPhllad’a ,. .800.2.00/,-7:^; ___ _________ in, Vies Pres.; ,Henry C, .may designate, by’ handing th e tickets pur­ judice ag^inst the ^ sp cia tio n os a corpora­ young men and forcing them to tirlnk and perfect of-its class in America. The Instructors Arrive . . 1 • Trenton.........9 .0 0 8L00‘r fw M] 1Wraaor, Bee.*, Qoo.C. Orfnerod, Treaa. Director*: become intoxicated, and not only this b u t are,unusually well fitted for th&r posts. 03m table tion j b u t believing tie .o ^ e c t of the meeting amouth Jnal0.06 8J23 Monmouth Jun‘9^8 8^40. . ■W. O, Shfttto, Nelson B. Buchanon, Goo. W. Truax; The programmes fbr ih© yellow fever en­ chased by if;hem*over to tho foreman o f suoh other gross violations o f law practised; This a re Is ^usv-cjass^ The Institution Is not a money­ T renton........10.48 4J0 Jamesburg..,-.'; 9.47 tLWfe,^lff w^s not to express indigpdation but suggest \ C. K. BOfde^TKaaa VcFarlln, DavMH. V T- * . v/TT. • R® m atter particularly th e court would suggest making enterprlte. It Is ownedind operated by West Ph lladel’a. . i ;>.. freehold. . ; , ;: .10.20 - -Aiinrr.Park; W. m t l i a w , Deal; LewlJ . . tertainm ent lapt FH day jilg lit w ere th e best; company. Thp trum pet w ill bej awarded a t r-)-Markei S t • l l ^ l l S O ' Arrive..-'Jo tm M .D ey , Occan drove ilsaao O. Kennody.So- ‘ty ^ j^ p fe tc a ily , ever uaod; l a tbla place, tho close of th e annual jparade a t JVeehold7 refprms.^—If-the-A B ^elation-w ould-accept^ m ^ ^ p f e y 'd u r “f3 ry 6 g f c a f6 n rrw tfd ^^rc h ~ -the-NewarkGotvferenoe-solely-fbr-th^pnr------‘ ------* ... — — ~—...— ..—.Glit *.. v. 41*11.06 5.14 th e m Jjx ih e rijght spirit h e w as . sure th a t all ing examination. 1^ these violators of onr affording the hlgheirt pofaible cu3ture,Tnlel____ _ NewBruns ■■ 1' lloltor."1‘•' . ■.■■■ • ' ■■ ■■ v.v. ’ t AhdVut I jODGI, No. lti, F- &.A. M„ cominunlca^ T hey w^rO th e product of th e A abor^ P a rk ' Onj© ctoberl7th....Proceeds fo^ benefit o f the lo t owners would give th e present adminis­ laws can be detected it would bo a vindica­ and moralrto-th a thousands of young people With- New Y ork....-*11.4^4.^ Asbury Park..j.11^6 6^0 In tho range oflta Influenoe. , ' Hmu flret ana third Tne»day«6t each month, In fi^ m ^ P rliitin g House. All connecting trainsstop atPrincctori Junction. M atawan Hook anj. La^Jdoir Company. tion of our laws th a t all good citizens wonld ■White’s Hall. Offlcere.-JeremilihBmMtL H.;Jno. Trains leaveTVentOn for Bdvidere DiV.- P.B .B , tration thoir hearty support. He alluded rejoice over. The only other m a tte r. I d<£ at 8^6a. m., I i l 6 , 8^8,6.06,6.46 p.'in.:-;^ ' ; ^ l .: D.Jlecglo,aW .:O.ttBrown.J.W .;O.C.Omerqd, particularly to the stencK arising frbm privy sire to call your.attention to Is th a t th e east­ ; XrcaA; W.I.. Atklrxron,800.: t EalneaJ,aD„ J.E, V”i.B.‘ByCB^ELEW,'Supt I t was th e intention o f U r. Oves to close Boys* JBrass B a n d . -Borden, J.1D.jC.A. Amrtook and E. BL'Brannln, vaults during the summer, and* also th a t ern portion o f Our coujn^y IS*subject, during th e Metropolitan oh October i / b u t his guests th e summer months to a great influx of. township taxes were p aid'but no benefit .de­ wrdK A. J. Qregonr. Chaplain: O^Hampton, Tyler, A ll persons interested in the success of the :“S Ooeani* strangers. Valuable property is located i;;: : S iism a LoDaa, No. a i, I.O.ojjq.T.,meetevery insist on stajrlng longer and th e hotel w ill 'Il __Highlands, rived!. Dock, oc*, cFair u r nnvut. Haven, iwu Bed jmuh. **■v' • ■' ^ there and this Bectfon of Monmouth county . I ! ’ Thunday eren ln i at Maaonlo Ilall. Majn u t m , probably m n a ln open, u n til th e 15th. Be Boya’ Bra^s Bapd are requested to m eet Jin 49*The Steamboat SEA, BIBD, Captaln’H. B^T^ ^ ^'t'A abnry P a r i,N .'fo m o e ra ." R a BertramJV, a P ark H all on Monday evening," October 7th, . Capt. Balph-Hulsp followed, speaking prin­ should be specially watched by law abiding Parker, B. J. Hayward. Messenger, Captalri,H£B^£&$* tw een ^ aud. 80 are still thero. ' 1, "T j Hus Xupluunlo ■Baremore.^V. V..T,; Henry people, and ny our courts particularly. Citi­ cipally about the high; license fees Of huck­ a^ 8 o'clock. , ' Herbert, W.; 8 ^ F M k ^obb, W. A 8.- Mra g. sters. Bev. Mr. Jones dreVra corftp^rison ber zens who.-have latgely invested in th a t sec­ '.[f. ; iDnnklee, WiF.S.; J,H.Bolghton, W,T a Mra.L.0. tio n of our county a sk ^or and have a rig h t Tho crew a t th e fish pouhd near Deal ■..N'’ ,--'<B C «m S»1,W.pA'inna CroSTw.M.: M, Bqyoe, W; c tween Ocean Grove a n d Sea Cliffland Den- to P ro m e n a d e C o n cert. protection in thelr-persons and tb e ir prop- y i >: ■'■Dr Joele Sm sjp. O.; O. B. aogardos. O.O^Mla Beach capttured a black shark on Thursday LEAVE NEW YORK. ‘ uuT^e n o niinti: ville. H e adm itted th a t tho AsgocjatinE erty and, this is a- m atter of Count? p r i ^ ^ |;j^ ij , 7 l M U r m , ' B. H. 84 Mine Clarft Clayton, L.H.S. f i Saturday, 6th, 8.00 pm! Monday, - 7th| 5^0 a j m ^ ^ •!»’ ^^MQtfKovrta I qdqm, no. 107, K. O» p., m eet every morning th a t meahired ten feet in length T here w ill be a promenade concert in Edu­ may havobeen' a littlb negligent, hut lie Char­ w hich'Bhould be of general interest to all Tu’r8th,JWo*, 6^0V [< Monday, 7th, 8.00 “ ' ^ ;'-'I,rlday evening la Masonlo Hall, juliury Park. Tu’y M . ifi*n 8i» 11 .Wemsd’y^ $ ■W Offloeji: C. E -Panr. P. B-i B. I n li m tn j^ a C., an d Weighed 800 pounds. I t was of a variety cational. H all on next Thursday evening, acterized the resolutions as unjust, u n tru th ­ citizens to see to it th a t they have such ,pro­ e nsd'y. 9th, 8.00 '* Thureday,10th,'-7.00 ~~ _ _ -toBrandon Hampton, K. o f B. and th a t is seldom seen in these waters. tection as our lawsAfford. jBut it should be J i t ThUisd’y,10th; 800 “ Oct. 10; for th e benefit o f the G rand Avonnp Friday; 1 1 th, 7.00 ful and insulting. In^thefio points his re ----- -----dries Hampton, remembered also tb a t strangers should have Friday, 11th, 8.00 ** Batur^y, 12th,7.00: < 1&Beformed Churoh. Prof. Allstromj o f Long markp exceeded tbe resolutioii^ and lie was no greater privileges than our own citizens. 12th, ,8.00 u Monday; J4th; aoo^w.: .1 Saturday, Mr.;P. Y. Everett, th e journalist, who has Branch, will furnish tHo music, and i t may several tihies _interrupted by questions ho Tuesday, 16th, 6J30aon. Tuesday, J6th JO.OO GEORGE F.KANKLIN INDICTED. We'nsdy, 16th,.7.00 . We’hBd'y, lCthJUOO,1 b e e n ^ ^ p p in g a t th e Coleman H ouse th e past be depended^npon th a t it will bo first-class. could not satisfactorily answer. ~ Mtb. San T he Grand Ju ry retired w ith th e ir officers Thursday,17th, 8 00 “ Thmsd’y, 17th42j00 'inic -'±tip ? mtmic»*lon» second andfontth W^Jnesdai Friday, 18th. 8^0 “ 'Friday, -! 18th;'ligOjfMit^x,^ - lin ra of each montb/InHlsonlp Hall, over Curtis summer, returned th is wefsk ftom a to u r in Supper w ill be served a t 6 o'clock. Price of ders corrected soino o f his statements, after and next appeared in cOurt w ith a bill of in ­ Saturday, 19th, 2.00p.m. Monday. 21stjl2J» dictm ent charging George F ranklin w ith tho '•'A; <v-f*Dayison'sstow.aiManuquifcr Officers:. M.’B. th e upper p art of Now York State. H e an­ ticko'ts, including suppor, 50 cei^ts; children, whicll a moro general dtso^ssion ensued. Tuesday, 22d, 5L80 “ . Wfe'nsay. 2Sd, murder of Peter Finley, a t the Highlands ^ ;.5llalford. W. Mit John Egbeii S / B . Camp- ticipate? rem aining h'fcre this winter. Thureday^th. 7 ' Ve’nsd y, 23d, 2.80 “ half-price. , . ................. Bev. Mr. H aytpr offered an.additional res-, on the 3d of J u ly last. On being arraigned^ I Th^odorpyielda, 8eo.;B. C. Errickson, Thursday^Mtb, 2.80 u Friday,-,28th,-7.0(^;M ^ < /S i^ olution 'concerning the bad faith o f th© au­ Thursday morning he plead«not guilty^ arid1’ Friday.- 28th, 2^0 *• Saturday, 2 8 t h / 7 . 0 0 r f e r ^ SatuMsy, 2Cth,!2iO M. Monday,; 28th, A donation w ill be given to Bev. T. S. Wil­ T h e "V ariety E n te rta in m e n t. > thorities- in sellingJani^ they-had solemrily his trial was fixed for Monday October 14. Tuesday,- 29th. 7.00ami. Tuesday,- Wth.ll.00 We’nsdy.BOth. 8*00 '* Wtfnsd-y, S0th,i2j00 in*>: proniised to je ta fn as patks. A fter some fu r­ onowbulld- son, pastor of th e H . E, Ohnrphia t V ail, a t L ast F riday night thp body o f Educational Thursday, 81stl2.00 ;j . U00 “ A fuU linfif"of elbakings, ju s t received a t l e i In : Ooean Grove and Asbury Park, th a t they the'recidenoo of C. I . Newman, Esq., on Wedth e r ta lk the original resolutionsjwero adop­ Young men are prepared for oollegeTbr fbr bds- Thureday.21st, Friday,No.lst, 9.00 “ Friday,Ne,l^t l.OOjMn.^ rM W lsbletobeavy/loesei unless they are flanlllar nesday evening, October 0th. Qyster supper, H all was comfortably fi.lled w ith a select iness, or for the Theological Seminary. [About 40 Steinbach Bros.— 'Adv. ' Saturday, 2d, 2.00pjn. $ ted, Bev. Mr. Jones alone voting in th e nega­ — *— — *J ^^er U en-law ^T be aboro annually are with us who arejweparing for tbe No small packages will be taken *bn board1,t^ '4 iv r% iw e r e ^ x ^ A ^ p r o v id e d .r r aTo-invited; -• audience'Who were assem blcdto hear and see tive.' ministry.) Young ladies who graduate receive the Jboat unless the frdght is paid a t the time:thOT«ie th e peribrmancps ofLoiir. amateur, minstrels. degree or Mistress of English -Literature /(Byears .recdvM. The foliowlng committee w ere elected -r-....... •' -.<k ’■ oouree), or Mistress of LiwxftLAris (4 yeanucoursft)^ 1 *NO LUMBEB CARRIED on- this-boat V •- •-* there t* only one mfc way to dobuilnea, and that On n e ^ T ^ ^ a y . ^ 44Florida -Am9ng th e locai talent w ^ M e s s r s . Crowell, present thorn a t the, n e x t meeting o f Ihe AsUnusual facilities are afibrdcd In MUslo (Plano, Pipe Orgamand Cabinet Organ),. Painting, Dr— y - ^ T :. ? tfto<toJitg&ht . Combination” will give a v ariety entertain­ Parisen, Sullivan, Fietder, S ^ o u t and others, sociation: C. C.-Clayton, W. E, Sheldon, J. •Positively iio freight received'Ofi-bwrd lug. Oratory. Ac. In a word, itis claimed that m e n t' in 8chool;Hall. They promisle a fijat- and they were assisted b y Profs. Gorham and K . Hayward, GeorgS C. Ferree, Japob Early, N R ULE TO BAR CREDTT0R8. Trustees, the Faculty; and the Founders ofm w -----onless on the dock thirty minutes previous ADMINISTBATOB’8 NOTICE. * Institution, hare- msde the school one which. In the time the bp^tls,adv«rtlsed ;|^ V •' MfUnoei. * class and strictly m oral show, and propose to Curti, of th e Coleman House band. The Chas^ W. Sanders, v ir. D., and John M. Dey. Isaao M. Ward, administrator of Thompson A. Its splendid edifice. Its wide and thorough course . LOSO BRANOH DIVIBION, C. B. B. OT N. J . give 5 per cent, of th e proceeds to th e piano entire skffair’,passed oft v ery pleasantly, and Some ta lk on th e Sunday mjUk question en Godfrey, deceased, by order of theSdrroflateof the- oMnstrnctiO'n, Its conscientious Care ot manners county of Monmouth, hereby gives notice to the and mOrals, comlmjndsJtwlf to that latge dsss of Bed Ban’k .. . . . . . . . . . . 89 fund. V .... was one^of^he beBt-Jwme-talent, entertain­ *suod,'andat-p:45‘the'mt)etingadjourned'SulK'l-S«di^n^of' creditorB--oMhe'‘said-*deceasMTt07bring-In:theirJ patronSWho believe tbat a boarding-school should Bhrew sburr............41 m ents ever given here. The n e t proceeds of debts, demands, and claims against r tbe extate.of be a plaoe of solid education, real culture and re­ “Branchpoi. * »rt.. • 44 -je c t to th e fpture call of the choilman; JMild.deCedeht under oath or affirmation, within finement Do not fell, to send for a catalogue. Wo thou^ht we ^aw a few e x tra grey hairs the evening amounted t o . $70.10. O f this Long Bran p h .......».. 46" nine months from the 19th day of November next, ‘ManufactureB and Importers of "i~ V E l b e r o n . 4X •»». on tbo head o f a m end, who lately ascended $19.70 was paid for music, and th’o balance, or they will be forever barred ol any action thereDeaVBeach-............ 49 A G B IC T J liT U R A J j; for agalnrt the said administrator. and descended Mt. -\y&ahington, Bafforing Jrr- $50.46 was forwarded to the President of the[Pre. fee, 82.70. J 18 A AC M. WABD. Newark, N. J. Ooean Orove. Provide shelter for farm implotnents^ Ocean Beach. BouU ■63 tensoly in th e meanwhile from fear. H e held, Howard Association a t Vicksburg, Miss.,:for 8ea^Plain............... , his breath-so^very tig h t his raven looks wore tlie benefit pf^fhe sufferers a t Hagar’s Bluff. cairn._______ ____ s lllS .Good thorough ^i^lage is death to woods and J^£O N M O U TH CIBCUIT COUBT. . Spring l a k e . . . 66 turn-od white. Matawan (Koypott).. Thero.was no charge for tho Hall and Mr. th eir propagating powers. Sea Olrt......... 66 Joseph L. Durrah .Holmdel ............ BquaA.v..*..............67Middletown.. . . . . . .■ Wallace k indly donated the printing. A 'le g a l bushel of oats in Maine, New Mary A Axe, John A. Cogley, Henry , The dl*tanc« by Central Bailroad is ten miles Mr. J . JWarron Brgwn, who has occupied Hampshire and New Jersoy must weigh th ir 9. Cogley, Susannah Cogley, George fhrther than by Ch'e New Jersey Southern B, B .; Mr.(A. J . Brown's gottage on Asbury avenue ty pounds; in Canada, thirty-four*pounds; W. Coglev, Levi Glass, John A. Glass. Asbury Park Is a vlllago on the Atlantic but, as that line uM) boats In cronlng New York Mada;iy Glass, Mary E. Isen- Attachment, B a p t i s t C h ilrc li. in Oregon, thirty-alx pounds; in Missouri, Robert____ ooast, forty-five miles from New York dty. Bay it oomumes a longer. time -to. readh Long th e past season, returnod to New Y ork city bexg, Lydia A Glass and Flora C. thirty-threq pouncU; in Iowa, Maasacbusctte, Glass, -----* w h ereaj unction Is madd with the CenIt has alread^bbtained celebrity.as a sum­ Heirs at Law of LewIaJSf. CogOn Sabbath last the pastor, Rev.'Thomas New Yock and moat other States, thirty-tw o th is week. Mr. $row n intends building on mer resort leyrdeo’d. hlJs lot on th e corner o f G rand and'.Asbury B. Taylor, preached in th e morning to a laige pounds,. . ' _ ■' ............... Notlco Is hereby given that a writ of attachment , The place has doubled in size since 1874, Tare from Asburr Park Station to Points on avehuo th e coming w inter. congregation from L uke 22: 01—“ And the . A igood wagon: costs considerable sum at tho suit of Joseph L. Dnrrah against tho rights ' and as the original proprietor of the Park . - HeWYork andXong Branch Division 0. B. it, ____ Should be.'taken Lord turned and looked, upon Peter." The an^__ . proper care of and and credits, moneys and effects, goods and chattels, * owns a largts tract lying west qf tho old . ........................ lands and tenements, )of Mary A. Axe,i John A. last asrtouk as possible. E$w per-- Cogley, ^ JlMr. Eeseau Brown has' p u t down a brick pastor spoke first of the danger of all who, made 8imonah'(S%ley. Geonjo W. Cogley, liovl turnpike, three-quarters oif a mile from the .. B1W. EXtt „ . : - bko. Exc, sons understand theTmportance of-thoroughly Glass, John-A. Glass, Robert Maclay Glass, Mary sea, he desires to call the attention of Man­ 60 H OO g u tte r k i front of h is cigar store ,on M ain ljk e Peter, find themselves resting in carnal K «w Tort;f...n 20 Ui86 Holmdel th e axl^s, etc., of wagons and car­ E. Isenberg, Lydia A. Glass and Flora C. Glass, Newark.... . . 1 20 X86 Middletown.. 47- 80 street. Mr. C. F . Wy ckoff has done the same. s ec u rity .. Then thp m eans o f recovery as in lubricating ufacturers, either In a small way or on a heirs at law of L ow I b N. Cogley, deceased, who riages and still -feWer know which are the Elisabeth.... I 1 20 1' 86 Red Bank. .. , 86 60 intestate, who are non-resident debtors, and large scale, to the fact that we have unem­ . most suitable lubricators to use, and the prop­ died Bllsabethport 1 20:. 1 85 Shrewsbury.* .‘ 80 47 I f more Nof our property owners wonld “do Peter's case. to whom descended certain lands, tenements and ployed labor here In the Adi/winter arid •HIsabethAve 1 20 1.85 Branchport.*. 20 do the„same th in g ft Would have a tendency . In th e evening, the congregation was late e r w ay of applying' thorn, A well made real estate, of which the said Lewis N. Cogley died Trem l«r.^... 110,1*86 LongBranch< 20' .spring, which wonld be benefited by the wheel w ill endtire prdinaiy wear from ten to for the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hun­ in gathering, owing to some,trouble w ith the twenty.-fiVe y ears^if care is taken to use the seized East Rah way, 1 06-1^75 K lbercnr:;rrr ia^„ 20 to kriep our Htreets m uch cleaner. ’ *\ • establishment of some permanent work, dred Dollars, issued out of the Circuit Court of the oodbrl4ge>... 96 -160 Deal Beachrer 06 10 ; |>nt after lamps were secured'the-hall rig h t amount of tn^:proper lubricator, b u t if county-of Monmouth oh the Etoventh day of July, while at the same time Manufacturers rth‘Amboy. 90.1 45 Ocean Beachv:: 10 — lb . Dr 1878. Returnable and returned Into Court would be benefited themselves, aa lands * ** » 1.86 Sea Plain.!.. 12 io 1'M r.-F ran k ? flcC dnnell^the agen^jaf ithe, was soon well filled. _ M r. T aylor spoke from this'm atter is n qtattended to, a wheel will duly executed by the Sheriff, of the County of i<?^V‘s78’; l 28 8pringL*ke.. - 16 _ 25. Central Eallroad a t Bea jQ Jrvin addition lying immediately along the Central Rail-.1. additioE to J a mes lr2 2 —-“ B ut be ye doers o f ' th d word, be used up in fiy.e^or six years. L hrd shou td Monmouth on tho Twenty-fifth day of July, A. D., ___ ____|..i^ _________ 7 0 ,r.l'1 6 Seagirt ...... . ao 80* never bo usedon a wagon, for i t will penetrate , j road track would' be sold, at a nominal (^| fa^aym' : T, ^ l ' 0 7 ( t f o u y i . . . . . , 2 0 ' h is ajready arduous dafcies^h^s had assigned and not hearers.' only, deceiving, your own the hub and work"-ltself-out -all around the 1878. THOS. V. ABROW8MITH* Cfcr*. price to Manufacturers. Price of land to to him tHe charge;of trainB Nos.' 377 and 378j es.” T he speaker; first described th a t te n n o n a o fth e spiokto abd sp<?il the wheel. R o b rin s & H a r ts u o b n e , AtCys^jw Plaintijfr b o u n d BBOOK BOUTE^' be graded acoordlng to tho number of Dated Oct. 1, 18J8. fa fee, 86.J ~-'|1ilisdelphlft.t240 f4 fo lT ren to n ..... 1165 92 76 from Ixm g Branch to Sea G irt and return. class who are hearers only, referrin g to the Tallow is tbe brat lubricator for wooden axlehands employed: trocs and castor oil for iron. Q H EB IFF8/10A LE .---- 7 BY . V IRTU E OF OoMMtjTATioN 'T ic K r r s - —A s b u b y P a b k t o Mr. McConnell take? th e place of\ Conductor inattentive, inconsiderate, inapprohenkive, The proper timo.,ty> prune grape vines is in U a writ of ft fa. to me directed, issued ont of Asbury Pork Is opposite Ooean Grove, prqjudiced'and the malioions hearers, 'vl Neal. ^ vt ..W J V J.- v,.V.. !T NA^;Y9'ttK.\ : . Court of Chancery, of the Slate of New Jersey, fa ll; but m any persons ncglcct'to prune tho and can be readied direct by tho Ckntkal describing those who were doers of the word. the will be exposed to,sale a t — ------J ~ 00 vitas 00 BMobtbS......... a t th a t season, and^In cases where the vines R ailboad of Nbw J ebsky, from.the foot of aMonths*<;;»Vi...'63 00 6 .M « ............. i 9000 ^"Irving Cottage, on Sewall amende near Mr. Taylor u^ged his pjembership to use have not been pruned, they shoUld- be attend­ __ On Friday, the 25th uay.ofOctober, 1878, M.oc 1 Y ear..............-.137 00 the hours-ofl2 arid 6 o*dock Cat So’doclc), •Liberty street, New York. via. Jereey City, Cookman, w ill rem ain open all w inte?tbper­ th e ir judgm ent an^ to seek the guidance of ed to the first p leasant-day: and not w ait between ... — .ftemooh of said day, at the Court House, , and also by steamboat from (oat of Rector tiold.Tn the township of Freehold, in the m anent or tran sien t boarders.. We can^feol the, Spfrfc in hearing and in doing, dosing till the sap-begins toflow, os then they would. street, N. Y.. to bandy Hook, aflbitiing a !0 2 S S ___ of Monmouth, New Jersey, y * n from FhUadelpUit to Aabnry Park Tia. no^fiesiGncy i n recommending our. fell and w lih.anream est exhortation fjor all to realize “ bleed ” and be^lMdly ii\Jured. In. pruning All that certain lot of land situate in tbe. town. fine view of the Narrows, harbor fortifica­ .. rrV»( Jrionttl«niE.B,,.. ■M i grape vines* you axe morely to put tne vines ship of Wall, oounty of Monmouth and1State of w inter visitors to patronize thiar cottage, be­ ^he responsibili ty 'o f hearing th e word. N EA R PTTLTON STBEET, tions, etc., thenoe by the New Jereey South­ in gdod shape, bdnjf-careful tp save tho most Now Jcraejs.belng lot number twenty-nine hun­ «v l U n t f e T i c k W . '. . . ; . ' . . .............. *3 40 fy zm ern Bailroad to West EndStation, liev in g th ey w ill be w ell pleased w ith -fciie :r?./w»mw«ton Tlokct fgpdd for the season), of the best cahes . of -last year’s growth dred and eleven (2911) on~a plan of lots of the I . s&Trlp Ticket {good^jot f t n n l l y j . 40 oo acmizuQodations. w bich m ay“boknow n from th e ir reddish color. Ocean Beach Association, filed in the Clerk's office , Long Branch, and connecting^there with - . ^ .,.f 6Q;00 U nclaim cdX fetters* oftho oounty Qf Monmouth, bounded ----and — deecri--—ui.uiu wuuigr muuiuuuw. u-----;.The ends o f thd c^nes gaVed* m ay be cut off 1_a — A n tr a l Bailroad of New Jersey. St>thgE&. i. _ u . . . 1- ...1 Jit. an.. BRADLEY & SMITH are the »**•' BntkhifhvJft .. ■ * i to suit your trellis spaqes^ and the side spurs bed as follows, to-wit: fronting or- In width Ally are two lines of communication. From '_^j|5t o f letters rem aining in Asbury P ark out back to ono bu^, ora^ m ahy as you pleaso,- feet on the easterly side o f" F.‘street, on the aforeManufacturers In the City o r New^ philaddphia, tho care run to Asbury Park plan of lots, and extending back from thence •P < ^ ^ ff lw ^ if? th e ‘^re^|t ending September ’ftccordidg to thfi,length o f tho spurs. A spur ___ rly-the same width.ffffir feet at a right aifirle th e B rig h ^ ^ tt^ tlfo v i^ t' direct *Railroad tinfe.from NoW York to vKxciusion Ticket ■(good un tu u»ed). ifourif^et long, w ith d g h t or ten buds, should' to said “F^street by and between lot number 2910 ■ Asbury .park^ 2 hours; express,lit summer,/ BjlADtKY * SMITH were Ih .-flrtt weH pleased w ith AsJiury ,Park th a t sh© has 30,1878.: ; ^ . . . . . . the northerly side thereof, and lot number 2912 n e w y bu s} a n s 'o o k a n r be’c ut back tw o or^threo buds, and the cut • - - j—•* ; about hours; and~from-Philaddphia Iconcladed to rem ain th e comlhg win ter. Mrs. Austin, Mrii. Elisabeth Lee, Lauretta A. I' . tbe southerly side thereof, one hundred and Brush Tra^e to Issue' an illustrated' CaUdpg^ie# ^ , «v o t ASBUBY p A B K ^ : lV. made Several inches .£rom tho nearest budj. Emley.-Hrs. o.-JET. P. • r Lauman.Mrrf. Chas. . to Asbury l’arjc, 2 houra and 86 minutes. * * • As you approach the. end of th rc a n e w here viiii'fiViiiiV.v.v^ . . « l so M e^nii^isrtiie wife o f L ieut. McCone, of tKe Evflng.'Charlea : MoollyrMtwJennie which they ft^mlsh’on apOUc^loin;,^;^-;, Josgph . Patterson. Mrs. Klloanor the spurs are shorier^bno or two buds only _______ ___________ ___ ____ jpeanBi___ • . ^ . l W i S 4 n 'W h t i ; ! m .. V . j 1 8 S - —,— . TS, M stationed Forman.Mrs. We, have three Chuhjhes, a Day School, Hendricksons JptftphO. Rockwell, Mrs. Q ,a Association by dSed-dated tha l4th day of Sep­ shouldsbe left. ; v• V at'YokpJi«feiv Jopan*; costing 910,000, with a daily attendance of Lawyer.Corlius . Still* Mrs. Henrietta tember, A. D. 1874. and recorded In the Monmouth M a c h i n e a n d F a c t o r y - W o r ^ ; ': ^ » V o n m o a th cocinty Board of Frooholdcounty derk’e office, in book 278 of deeds, page two hundred and fifty scholar j-a weekly' r Note .—^Persons callingfor any of the above ~58. l : ' ■• newspaper—Asbuby., P abk J oubka^ j a View Honae, Asbnry .Two o f^ u r la s t week's item s were slightly w ill please d ^ fo^^^Bdvertls^d letter.'' DONB AT-.8HOHT Seised as the property of William H. H. Hutch­ A n I n te r e s tin g u M o n u m e n t. Printing House, two pubiio Halls, one seat-’ inson. et uxct aL, taken ih execution at the suit of =P|Kki?oil Tuesday. ^nsocutisterM rr Johnson,;tho j ewoler, has not GiSNEflEKEB, A s lt. P. M. ; Among th e varlftTfe ’'Churchyards in -the Joseph Fisher, Senior, and to be sold by Ing 1,500 ; Reading jtoom. Masontg Sod.i . dosed h is Long Branc66tore, and Bteinbaol© GEORGE W. BROWN, Sheriff.' ety. Lodge of Good, Templajs, Lodgc oC oity of H anover is one which has been closed :.;X Willard p. Voorhees, Sol’r. Hr. TIioa.^Wlnaor and wifo left for Onllfor- Briifl. w ere not i n ^ n d ^ .ftmdng th e num ber Knights of Pythias, Debating'Club. Black-.. for a*number of y iw fi^ th e garden church­ Dated' Augustus,-1878. (Prs. fee, f5.40.] Uei:y^«t<at|»yi;(o joinUieliijioni wljo aro — o f o ur citizens aued^by/ Woolman & Bose. L ist of letters rem aining’in tbe post oiBce, yard. Owing to .its^an^lquated' monuments sn^lths’ ahd V/hedWrights’ shops, Lumber' * an d fhe fact of Its being tho resting place of Yards, Steam Saw Mills, Temperance Ho- ’ ■' ; V 'i . . E^xbti^e its, gentlempu,i' w e ta k e i t a ll ^ a c k ; Ocean Grove, Oct. 3 1878. , ^ o r an d ® o S e t. tels (sale of liquor prohibited), Drug Stores, Applegate, Hassd Hawkins. Mrs. Sallie ' celobratedcharact^rs,it awakens the liveliest curiosity. Charlotte ./.Kestnor (W erther's Bridge,:Mrs. H., ' . — Howard. Miss Carrie Physicians, Dry Goods Stores, Bakeries, ber'iS:y^o'watieiriyorS' SSSija ^oitt ,'«3i .ftom‘ , Boston, Mrs, Mary ' , Mlllor. C. M. Lotta) Is burled her^^liT hia is not the only sides'stores of various^ther kinds. Bemoy.-Mlss. Melissa D. Morris; Nettie W * j. Eey. W.'T. Abbott on Thursday.. Hia' Btay We .w ptiR M l eBpeci^ -attentlori ^ jfche interesting feature ^h icK imakes i t worthy o u s e a n d l p t f o r s a l e ; s e c o n d Mrs. Wm. Richards, Mrs. Annie 0. of a yisifc,-. N atare bprwjlf has paid her trib ­ Hurley, deo'd. the anbecribeiii. heirs0 avenue near Bond atroct^ Lot 50x160. House If the atovd should interest any of the ' i r a a J t i b i M I . ' ' j ', ' , ■ new advertisem ent of\Mos8rsP-JohnJ_._,Estell Edelstem Mrs. Vftn.-------- .'.Bichard,.Wm. at private , ------ ,--------------sale' the Homestead.Fr -----------Farm — 0r said de*;, ute. n Aifew paces of jth e unassuming 16x21,14ft poets. Well, etc. $900- $400 cash. readers of thia paper, please address ceased, beautllbliy situated on the spntheriy dda?,-«A' Inquire o n t * ~ & SoBj^wiojhay;®^^puwhased th e coal yard o_f * Persons callingTfor.the^aboye-w ill please little church in the grayeyard is a monument bf Shark River, Biver, fn in rWall ” Town^ip.'MontQoUth — vr . ALLEKE.COO^SnpertaU^aent -oounty. ‘ New Jei “ commanding fine vieir of the'5. ^nsk f o r 41advertjsed ietter.,> ; . * tottering firoEOlitsr foundation. I j is .built in River, Ocean Ik u i l d i n g l o t s p o b s a l e . —The snb-r and-ther Ocean, a>nttl“ ‘ houstf-ftirtieKl pg goodai! la_a mem£\or of e hiaye^'jteen^inothe| "co^ fcuWine^ fo? m any the form of stepsrahd th e jnassivo, stones are •>• ‘^ ^ ? B . BkEqtE, P.M. about 192 acres,, a int 90 ac^es of wnich la efcriber, executor Of the estate of Wm. socurodvby heavy iron,; d a m p s.. The mon­ Brand Jury this w<^. > ;4' - , v. productive Carminj land, tho' belapce'wood -& diities :for far-, H arvey^3£ceased, offers a t privato sale about um ent was erected in th e year 1782J-. Besido ......... . •-• ■ tnd meadow. Sale. farm ... la nlcdy.locatM^l nishing th e beat’grades of coal a t reasonable ■ •tn e nsnal1fam ily inscriptions, a t the base of 80 lots, lying on the east side of the turnpike flret-claiw Dairy Farm. -■ - a. ;; ■*i*’ ;:’iM t.; U r i ^ f v ^ t e r.tlie pqm p m an w ill dl?- prioeSi between Ocean Grove*Snd SEark Biver, ne^x WoLroRn-CoNpow.—At the’ residence of the •the m inum e^t ia^engraYqd these ■arrogant Duck Greek. 'C all'o n or address,1' ' - ’- Iv / r.. bride's parents. nearlOceanport, on Oct 2.1878. by 'Hues f ,a -This . sepul6hte,r nurehased for all ABNEB ALLEN, Exfr, Deal Beaoh, N . J. N E W JE R S E Y . Bev. T.\D. Sleeper: Mr. JYiLLis WotroiU), of. New e te rn ify / is n o tvifcr|ttlttt4 to be openep.” A, ftall lin e’o f ladles1:-|itid gOnts* underw ear York'City, toMistf LTDiA’EuJfACoNiiow.'of Ooean-J Opposed ^tothis determ ination of man, a beech AND LOTS IN FREEHOLD, ^ j . i vg r ; O. ‘a i- S t e in b a i^ ite ^ ^ ;- v . j v •'■*•‘ port, -fi-i. „i fi>uad its ' 1TOUSES ZLN. J. for safe oroxchange forproperty eligibly O nr .Puijllb Sphool. has; Iticreased to"thoi vfay Jpto a croviceolthp foundation'. In the situated at or near : Men's nico:Sulta a t a n d ' eight'dollars ‘CpoxQO'.oi^eaxct to be ^ j strong^ u ^u ri arit t r ^ j ^ o c k e d thoprou d ina ^ S te ^ b a c h ^ |^ ^ 4 ^ ^ w - r37* Asbury Pari<( Ocean Grave^of.Maniiqain,' N. i. acripMon pftbe mgndineht. raised the massive ,thri ;m arl^t) j u^.^epoi'V(^'aV^tc.lnbachBroe. d m m pton^s ;ftom• t^eir|fplPdatIioni and, Sent the Also a store-house and first class stock of merchan­ 'J^ilroO d.i^lI^lericB . dise.- Inquire ot thla ppnoe;- r~ ....» 1 £■'* a tP s c tc : . ’ . fi'-.'S t. X , Clothing cut/" aridrmada"Y .„ V o a l e a n d b S b. Smi t h' s, — EY TA EK STEAM IM PB PE IN T IN /~1 nished lt.dedred. - Hope C : vB. S H A T , <U «B otk i y . ; « M n M l . ' , 1 k mIlotke, Ashniy P ark, N eir J e w y . U Asbury Park; New Jersey. ' >W in I . . P e n n in g to n S je in m a ry . S P 1 ■ a O BRADLEY &SMITH ATTENTION MANUFACTURERS. VALUABLE F A R M ; ® AT PRIVATE SALE.' ; H B ASBURY PARK, Benjamin Short, THE CUSTOM TAILOR ASSORT PA KV O R G A ew,i MS. . ,,,v ,.#v. p ip p ll $ " f i j r i o ^ f i } 0 i k ^ jy; jrrnr L0rig B randh and^ A s ^ r y P a r k ; '! Moet Reliable la thjtt Country. S T O R E LargestDiyGoodsandClothing ..,_ House in the State. :••••. ||1 ||^ Vory largo and choioo'qolected stoolc of Tall and Winter Goods juat received, Including*’ y:>\? D R Y goo m Insure , ^ iiln 'f a * & j ^ - ^ » r f r o m ’o f all kinds. Prints, Muslins, Black: Alpacas from 16c. upwards. Colored Cashmerea.from 25c,'up­ wards. Black Cashmeres from 62%^ upwards, (the best In th e m arket for tho monfeyVvTrimtalnSf Bilks, all shades;. - Large stock o f Dress Goods,* In-i d u d in g all, the new shades au d style^ Kxoe Dress Goods from 12J4cv upwards. All-wool Dt^bs Goods pnly 25o. All'K inds o f W hitoand Coloredijflannels. Larjro stook Qf Quilts anaBlariketa.- Canton Flannels, bleached a n d 'unbJeached^'from 7di a' *■;; <•’ K M o l n o t Q £ jbnui^ «md wU;oif. e x c j & ^ y r b y ^ ej/VV-\£.#v/i>:'i*'i'' >f'i.^’ 'isc.V»?#7!5^3iEy£;iis&l&iffifi > . < . ■; •j;y •''. ■■■■;:’■■■!- : 'v '! - - ; ^ '1: " ''' . r " 1? J : "~1 '■•' '■?:^ - - ‘l: ■*■.. OF HARTFORD,.,. CONN. : r« - A n invitation:is CTtcrided to.ill, 'fltf- alid near, to examine thfc stock;.. ,-.; ».. >•t - 7 *, Jiy.. ’V ' / V -fjV; «■»»«»> Tha la rg e st E stab lU h n m -ia ti» County. MRS. B. MORRIS &' SON, :»?}i•'><•/ tit's \ » V0 V. -.X a ’ - : ’>{/•.<■>»‘•f••W £ T ,. ■ ^ n tn y i m m i, HATS AND GAPS ih m t R e d u e t i o i i BUILDERS’ HARDWABE, Cor. R rat Avenue & Main Street, ’In this department, we have Just received and shall keep constantly on hand a large stock of the latest styles in Hats and Caps, Joa. T. Im lay, Buocesaorto J. T. Imlay&«o.ywill continue the business a t th e new stand on Cook3nxxf avaTaffd^wm hereafter cell tho best an d fin tat Groceries at the bottqm figuree,: y ■■££*: BOOTS AAD SHOES STRICTLY FOR CASH. In tills department we shall keep a full line of all kinds, a large assortment of (Ladles’ and Chil­ drens’ heavy.shoes. • >, , MAP OP THE CENTRAL RAlLROADl^P NEW! :3EHSJjy, Showing the $fewJAne\between] Vhlladelphld and 'JSletfiiX<mfts )iUnd T hankful f b rp a ^ fK v o rs ,h o -W u lc ^ by fair dealing and strict attention' to h is customers, 'tS m o ritth eir fu tu re patronage. Call a n d exam ine hia stock. . . • ,, ■ a, ;.• AFall Linepf Stationery, Hammocks. Umbrellas, Parasols, ■ n^^L a-,- Trunks, Shawl Straps, Satchels. By bnying.our goods in large quantities we arc enabled to Bell a t New York prices. Lower-than, any honse In Monmouth comity. STEENBACHBROS Have now on hand a hew Klln'of ^KrCK, ready fprimmedliuo^ d e U v ^ a\i t h ^ r Y ytl on.As^ury A m , % of mile ^reot of the RallrtwL , v AMBRQSE; MADDEN, st^ V hbA ch v s bIjildiiib. L j(kETiVE«DEi " TIN ROOFERS, <5 . * . x We Wfll ftunfch as gdod'Brick* and at as reason- ASBTjiC^r ^A sBEC,' 3ST. J. ’able prices as can bo obtained anywhere, Welnyite HicKOwanting Brickto call fu^d oxam* Stove and Tinware Bealers, k In&rfor themselyes. Main Street, £M * BricE deUvecediny where dwlrcd. " i\. *' Saml.Ludlow & Son. Asbury Park, New Jersey. , JUl i :?j* h •rfliilT R . M. W O R T H IN G T O N ,, Dealfi®Jn and ManuEacturcr of ail kinds of Carpenter and Builder. All kinds of carpenter work done with, neatness and dispatch. BUILDINGS.RAISED1£ JUCOVED, Jobbing promptly attended to .1 A 8PECIALTV MADE OF PINE SETS. K EEP WARM AND DBY. A large stock of: material In my line kept con­ B. M. Worthington It sole egent in ttiU county stantly onhandv-'fv; '■-■*•,.. ■ for the sale of the . i PA TEN T I BON D OO B SA D D LE, “Quick i^aJw ^a sTmall prOjflte^is my motto. warranted to. keep out all snow and rain.* Cal} and examineat his residence, - * '.v'* read ■ ■■ Parlor Stoves, Ranges, Baltimore Heaters, Fur­ naces,land eV&y description of Stoves constantly on hand. • • CavBnreHAr? »M'iatoy PI,',1Artby PmL' T m■• •;•• s i■: ........ ■■■ ■> H. D. COLEMAN, iy Mf-rf.;; f ' ■ C it nr*yft»W; r-$ J- h a n c e - THElSBORl'nia BM TBUILDEH, 1Is prepared to fariiUh, and is fUmiahing boat? of the very best material and workmanshjR a t from fl&to 530, according to slro and finHh, To persons ordering their boats this fall so that I can build We take pleasure in Informing the cltkeria o f them in the winter I will give one of the papers Asbury Park, Ocean BeAch, and adjoining towns, named below .for one year fromthe tlmg their order is glvenr said paper to be sent .toj'abma Of that yhoyjire prepared to supply Street Lampq ln their friend^ at A'dstance. • For 12 or 18 it. ;b0at, price |15 to 118, Temperance B O IiD E lS r m O B Main- ■St,•> AsbarrPark. ••« •I >;'■ • f "Hr ■ tut- *■ '■ T H E P U S U C | 'Vvi if.%••*»;<5? . • 'y ' ■. Haying long, felt tbo w ant and’ necessity of a?, Facto^Jft .wnnipctldn With our bttuyjh of business ■whereby pdrtiefl desiring to purchase can get thislr odd or Bpedal’:wnrk a t short- notice, ana avfcld many annoyjng delays. we now havo thd pleasure of calling yourattenflon to the•fkct jt^at we hiye c r B g ^ a u ^ ^ c ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j^ c l^ o ^ a e ^ U q n ANY Q U A LITY . Price of Lamp, compfete, $4 . “ with Post, 5 TO iriiwb o1>v/| S u i t boat; $18 to #22, Asbury P^rk JotawAL or Ocean Grove\Bec«7ni.', . ' w - -■^ ... 15 f t b6at $22 to 925, New Brunswick Fredonian or Weekly •Stale Gazette* • ' : ’• ' 16 f t $25 to «30, Asbnry ParkTpun^At or Ooean G k w ^EiMrd and^ TfrnperaruxQaxetterL, ■ No additional charge will be, made, o r cheaper material used to pay Tor these papers. ^ Only 25 per cent pf ther pioney required down. Boats taken on Btorige- and .’painted 80 per cent le^j^i the spritig th an ^tak ^^T o fth B -w ater to n. a iM is Cor; MainandgpwallAvenues, “ 7'iABBtmY : S j K.-'J;';’- '.;. C;. WHfere v^enjrlHmahnfanture,'at ^ortpbkoejv*■' :h i sip.-" ?&■ "J*.- !~ Cor. Bond Street and Eangs Avenue, v A S B im 1 fj? A M .! l/ ' ; 'A t Prices Ux^it deiy p n ap etltlo n ;; . j-ictX Office of Dr. aiH USm ' DAVID CARTWRIGHT, Plain ani OrnamentalSlate Hot Astrai? P a rk and Ocean 'O w e . H. J.