2011 CATALOGUE Wiper Blades Lighting Workshop Essentials Maintenance Accessories Diesel Power Tuning ....Keeping you up to speed Why the North East? Randstad is an independent family owned and run company. At Randstad we are passionate about quality, and back up our extensive product lines with a traditional personal touch, which in today’s business world is often forgotten. By choosing Randstad as your supplier you are guaranteed quality products at competitive prices, quality service as standard, friendly, knowledgeable and personal contact backed up by over 30 years technical expertise. We stock an extensive range of products and promise next working day delivery to the UK mainland on orders placed before 4pm*. You might wonder why we chose to locate our business in Cramlington. Why? Because our location offers excellent logistical links. We are perfectly located near Blyth and Tyne international ports, with direct global freight links. We’re also close to the A1 for transport by road, and just a few minutes from Newcastle International Airport. Price offers valid for a limited time and while stocks last. Prices exclude delivery. Products and prices subject to availability and VAT at current rate. Randstad accept no responsibility for printing errors. Copyright Randstad 2010. All Rights Reserved. Trade Marks acknowledged. If you have any queries about any of the products in this catalogue, or want to enquire about any product not featured, for up to the minute prices, special offers, VSHFLÀF TXRWDWLRQV DQG RI FRXUVH WR place an order please call our customer service team on 01670 735575. We aim to provide the best value for money available in the UK aftermarket so we have a BEST PRICE GUARANTEE on a wide selection of products throughout this catalogue. Wherever you see the symbol please speak to us if you want us to beat your current supplier’s price. 2 t: 01670 735575 f: 01670 590739 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 Lighting & Electrical 4 0 0 0 0 1 8 Wiper Blades 14 0 0 0 0 3 2 Workshop Essentials 18 0 0 0 0 3 4 Chemicals 32 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 6 Accessories 34 sales@randstadltd.co.uk Diesel Power Tuning 36 www.randstadltd.co.uk 3 We sell over 500 different Automotive Bulbs in 6/12/24/28 & 48 volt. The following pages show a selection of our most popular products. HEADLAMP SIGNAL SIDE REPEATER DASHBOARD SIDE LIGHT COURTESY INTERIOR HI LEVEL STOP REAR If you do not see a bulb that meets your needs please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your requirements. 4 t: 01670 735575 f: 01670 590739 REAR SIGNAL NUMBER PLATE '+ ....' ...-+% .........,))& ...........'$ .................................-, '' ....- ...-+% .........))& .................-') ..............................-, ' .... ...-+% .........))& ................."++ ...............................-, +, ..............-+% .........)& ...................*-) ...............................-, +$$ ..............-+% .........'& ...................* ).(( .........................-, +$ ..............-+% .........)& ...................--"$. ..............-, +') ..............-+% .........-,& .................*-).(( ........................-, $, ..............-+% .........+-)& .............*-) .............................-, $+ ..............-+% .........+-& .................*-) ...............................-, ),- ..............-+% .........)& ...................( .+- ) .............-, ) ..............-+% .........+-'& .............*-) .............................-, )...-+% .........+-& .................*-) .............................-, Our wall mounted dispenser contains 120 of the most popular bulbs, ideal for the busy workshop. Easy to replenish with our range of individually boxed bulbs. ..................*,'+(# ..................*,''(# ..................*,' (# ..................*,+,*!"(# ..................*,+$$*!"(# ..................*,+$ *!"(# ..................*,+')*!"(# ..................*,$,*!"(# ..................*,$+*!"(# ..................*,),-*!"(# ..................*,)*!"(# ..................*,)*!"(# HID Gas Discharge are available in D2S and D2R format. These are the most common replacement lamps for OEM HID systems. (. 000000000000000(0().(. 0000000000000-+(. (."0000000000000000(0().() 0000000000000-+(." sales@randstadltd.co.uk www.randstadltd.co.uk 5 LED Bulbs are durable and vibration resistant, and have a longer life than standard bulbs. They give out an ultra bright light using just a fraction of the power of a standard bulb. Available in a range of colours, LEDs can also enhance the look of your vehicle. .-,+ ....((")%%.'........$' ............*&)"-,+$ .-,+ ....((")%%.'........*' .............*&)"-,+* .-,+ ....((")%%.'........''...........*&)"-,+ .-,+ ....((")%%.'........' ..............*&)"-,+ ".-,+. ...*#!.$$ ...................$' ............*&) ".-,+. ...*#!.$$ ...................*' .............*&) ".-,+. ...*#!.$$ ...................''...........*&) ".-,+. ...*#!.$$ ...................' ..............*&) ".-,+. ...*#!.$$ ...................#%'..........*&) .-,+ ....(& .-,+ ....(& .-,+ ....(& .-,+ ....(& .-,+ ....(& (%%.' .......$' ............*&)-,+$ (%%.' .......*' .............*&)-,+* (%%.' .......''...........*&)-,+ (%%.' .......' ..............*&)-,+ (%%.' .......#%'..........*&)-,+# .-,+ ....(( .-,+ ....(( .-,+ ....(( .-,+ ....(( %%.' .......$' ............*&))-,+$ %%.' .......*' .............*&))-,+* %%.' .......''...........*&))-,+ %%.' .......' ..............*&))-,+ )".-,+ ..*#(+........................$' ............*& )".-,+ ..*#(+........................*' .............*& )".-,+ ..*#(+........................''...........*& )".-,+ ..*#(+........................' ..............*& )".-,+ ..*#(+........................#%'..........*& &-,+$ &-,+* &-,+ &-,+ &-,+ )".-,+ ..*#(!.!$$ ..................$' ............*& )".-,+ ..*#(!.!$$ ..................*' .............*& )".-,+ ..*#(!.!$$ ..................''...........*& )".-,+ ..*#(!.!$$ ..................' ..............*& )".-,+ ..*#(!.!$$ ..................#%'..........*& )-,+$ )-,+* )-,+ )-,+ )-,+ ".-,+. ...)(.$#-,!!.(&%%..$' ............*&&(-,+$ ".-,+. ...)(.$#-,!!.(&%%..*' .............*&&(-,+* ".-,+. ...)(.$#-,!!.(&%%..''...........*&&(-,+ ".-,+. ...)(.$#-,!!.(&%%..' ..............*&&(-,+ ".-,+. ...)(.$#-,!!.(&%%..#%'..........*&&(-,+ ".-,+. ...().$#-,!!.%%....$' ............*&)-,+$ ".-,+. ...)(.$#-,!!.%%....*' .............*&)-,+* ".-,+. ...)(.$#-,!!.%%....''...........*&)-,+ ".-,+. ...)(.$#-,!!.%%....' ..............*&)-,+ ".-,+. ...)(.$#-,!!.%%....#%'..........*&)-,+ )".-,+ ..*#(+ .......................#%'..........*-,+ )".-,+ ..*#(! .......................#%'..........*-,+ )".-,+. .().).) .............#%'..........* (-,+# )".-,+. .().).) .............' ..............* (-,+ )".-,+. .().) ...................' ..............* (-,+ In today’s driving world excellent vision is increasingly important, as are the latest looks. Our range of upgrade lighting products will help you achieve both. 6 t: 01670 735575 -,+$ -,+* -,+ -,+ -,+ f: 01670 590739 .....$#- ......$...........,-& .....$$ ......,...........,-& .....$ ......#...........,-& .....$+! ......!...........,-& ..... **+ ....)! ........,-& ..... **" ....)$ ........,-& .....!* .......................,-& .....!- .......................,-& .....+"# ...... .....,-& .....+"" .......................,-& .....-*# .......................,-& .....+*, .......................,-& .....-" .......................,-& .....##+......................,-& .....#+#+......................,-& .....-!! .......................,-& .....-" .......................,-& ....."*++' ...$! ......................)*$#-(% .....++'.........,$+ ...................)*$$(% .....++'.........-- ....................)*$ (% .....++'......... -- ....................)*$+!(% ....."*'.........-* ......................) **+(% .....++'.........-- ......................) **"(% .....-,+' .....),+...................)*!*(% .....-,'.........),+ ....................)*!-(% .....-,'.........),+ ..................)*+"#(% .....-,$' .....),+ ..................)*+""(% .....+' ..........),+ ....................)*-*#(% .....+' ..........(.-, + ..)*+*,(% .....,-'........(.-$" .....)*-"(% .....-,+' .....(.-,-* ...)##+(% .....-,'.........(.-,-* ...)#+#+(% .....$' ..........) +.(( ...............)*-!!(% .....,*'.........,,!*. ...)*-" (% We offer complete bulb kits, made to suit any vehicle, and packed in house to FXVWRPHUVSHFLÀFDWLRQV3OHDVHFRQWDFW us to discuss your requirements on 01670 735575. sales@randstadltd.co.uk www.randstadltd.co.uk 7 :LWKPRVWURDGWUDIÀFLQFLGHQWVRFFXUULQJDWQLJKW or in poor visibility, and with more night time journeys being made, high performance headlights are increasingly important to road safety. Good lighting is an excellent way to prevent accidents both through increased visibility, and reduced driver fatigue. The Philips Premium range offers an entry point into the world of Philips Automotive Lighting. These lights feature the same high “OEM Quality” as the lights we provide to automakers around the world. Integrating high quality into competitively priced bulbs, the Premium range offers excellent value for all of our customers. Philips Premium halogen bulbs use UV Quartz Glass which provides more light on the road as well as the highest level of resistance to vibrations, extremes of temperature and risks of explosion. Philips bulbs also have a ZERO manufacturing defect quality control at their production facility. The Philips Premium range of Halogen Bulbs Up to 30% more light on the road Better visibilty at night and in poor weather Top class reliability and performance UV quartz glass E1 approved &, ----& ---+,# --------- )**$ -----'&% ---------------------------()&,' &&" ----+ ---+,# ---------**$ ----------'+&* ------------------------()&&"' &!! ---- ---+,# ---------**$ ----------',, -------------------------()&!!' &*% ----% ---+,# ---------**$ ----------',, -------------------------()&*%' %") --------------+,# ---------,+*$ -------(+* -----------------------()%")' %", --------------+,# ---------,+$ ----------(+* -------------------------()%",' *"+---+,# ---------,+$ ----------(+* -----------------------()*"+' * --------------+,# ---------,+&$ -------( +* -----------------------()* ' ,) --------------+,# ---------*$ ------------(+* -------------------------(),)' *)+ --------------+,# ---------*$ -------------,+!* -------()*)+' ," --------------+,# ---------+,$ ----------,& ----------()," ' ,%% --------------+,# ---------&$ ------------(!*---------------------(),%%' ,%! --------------+,# ---------*$ ------------++%"- --------(),%!' 8 t: 01670 735575 f: 01670 590739 The 12V counter dispenser comes complete with 250 bulbs. Bulbs are easily accessible via the drawer system. Looks great in any workshop/ retail environment. Includes 50 Halogens. Wall mounted dispenser contains 155 bulbs in the most popular sizes including 25 Halogens. Product range covers 90% of the cars on the roads. The Philips Xenon ultimate effect creates a 4000K powerful white light thanks to the new unique Gradient Coating technology. The new coating creates a distinctive blue colour in the headlight unit, presenting the closest styling match to Xenon HID. The latest release from Philips is the X-­treme Vision range. Building on the success of the multi award winning X-­treme range this latest innovation delivers up to 100% more light on the road than a standard bulb with maximum brightness. ! "!"! !!" " sales@randstadltd.co.uk www.randstadltd.co.uk 9 Blue Tint Bulbs These Xenon bulbs give improved light levels compared to standard halogen bulbs, and the white driving light is easy on the eyes. The bluish tint improves the styling of the vehicle while making the light emitted close to daylight in colour and intensity, improving visibility and therefore driver comfort and safety. ! "!"! !" " !" ! N N N "!"" ! "!" Extra-­White bulbs (Including +100%) These products offer a brilliant white light improving the amount of light on the road as well as the length and breadth of the beam, and give better UHÁHFWLRQ RI URDG VLJQV and markings. The bulbs use Xenon (rather than Halogen) gas, which produces a whiter light that is easier on the eyes than standard bulbs, and can help reduce driver fatigue. Many of these bulbs offer 50% or more light than standard bulbs. !!" " !!" !" "" V V V !" !" VPN VPN VPN !"!" ! !" !"! 10 t: 01670 735575 f: 01670 590739 Randstad are delighted to be the principle UK Distributor of Narva automotive lighting. Narva is a German Manufactured brand with all products made in Europe and Germany to the highest quality standards. The 12V Narva Wall mounted display comes complete with 270 bulbs housed in an attractive wall mounted cabinet with perspex doors for easy access. The 24V like the 12V Narva Wall mounted display comes complete with 270 bulbs housed in an attractive wall mounted cabinet with perspex doors for easy access. A handy, organised selection of panel bulbs in a robust plastic container. Separate compartments for individual bulbs and an easy to follow inner label part number guide. Contains a mix of 150 bulbs in 15 popular sizes. CONTAINS 150 PCB BULBS! sales@randstadltd.co.uk www.randstadltd.co.uk 11 +./-,$/ * /////////////%"+. ./-,$/&-* ////////////%". #./-,$/ * /////////////////%"#. !./-,$/'* ////////////////%"!. ./-,$/*-& ///////////////%". #./-,$/&-* ///////////%"'..# #/-,$/'& ////////////%"'.. )./-,$/ * /////////////////%"'.). )#/-,$/'* ////////////////%"'.)# +./-,$/ * /////////////%"'.+. +#/-,$/*-& ///////////////%"'.+# ./-,$/&** //////////////%"'.. +/-,$/&* //////////////////%"..+ /-,$/- /////////////////%".. /-,$/ //////////////////%".. #/-,$/&-* //////////////%"..# #/-,$/'& ////////////%"..# )./-,$/ * /////////////////%".). )#/-,$/'* ////////////////%".)# +./-,$/ * /////////////%".+. +#/-,$/*-& ///////////////%".+# ./-,$/&** //////////////%".. '-((*&/)+//)!,,/ ////////////////////// )+)! '-((*&/)+//+,, ////////////////////////// )++. '-((*&/)!//)!,, /////////////////////// )!)! '-((*&/)!//+,, ////////////////////////// )!+. '-((*&/)!//+,, /////////////////////// )!+ '-((*&/+.//)!,, /////////////////////// +.)! '-((*&/+.//+#,, /////////////////////// +.+# '-((*&/+.//+,, /////////////////////// +.+ '-((*&/)./ #/ /////////////) '-((*&/+/+)/ ++/////////////+/ '-((*&/ ./ ##////////////////) '-((*&/!/ /%! ////////////!/ 12 t: 01670 735575 f: 01670 590739 We Carry the full range of NGK Spark Plugs and glow plugs. Call us on 01670 735575 with your requirements. &+#(4 444444)%. 44444444444444"-/021"200/" 44444444444444444(&+#( &3+#(4 4444,%%. 444444444444441"2/-2 123/0-2(/1 44444(&3+#( &3+# 444444444+)+, 44444444444444 120*2301*"211** 4444(&3+# &3+# 4444444,, 44444444444444301*"211**2 44444444444444444(&3+# &3+# 4444444+ ) 44444444444444&4!4(0-0 44444444444444444444444444(&3+# 3! .4 444!.!! 44444444444444/-211211** 44444444444444444(3! . '$%. 444444444,,$% 44444444444444143/0-2301*"23/0- 4444444444'$%.. '$% 444444444!,$ 44444444444444"-0/200/"23/0- 444444444444444'$%. 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We also stock a range of BoschEODGHSDFNVGHVLJQHGIRUVSHFLÀFYHKLFOHVDQGWKH$HURWZLQUDQJH RIÁDWEODGHV PJ wipers are made using a unique graphite bonding to natural rubber, and H[WUDÁH[LEOHFRPSRVLWLRQ 16 t: 01670 735575 f: 01670 590739 We supply Valeo Compact blades in boxed pairs or singles. Valeo’s Silencio ÁDW ZLSHU EODGHV RIIHU LPSURYHG YLVLELOLW\ LQ DOO FRQGLWLRQV through improved aerodynamics, uniform blade pressure over whole wiper OHQJWKDQGPLQLPDOREVWUXFWLRQRIGULYHU·VÀHOGRIYLVLRQ Uniquely, Valeo’s Silencio EODGHV DUH ÀWWHG ZLWK ZHDU LQGLFDWRUV ZKLFK WXUQ yellow as replacement time draws near. sales@randstadltd.co.uk www.randstadltd.co.uk 17 18 t: 01670 735575 !#!!#!! #####################"" #!###########################################"" !##!! ###########################"" #"#######################################"" !# !!##############################"" !# !!#######################################"" "" " " f: 01670 590739 ,*0-!0'*0-!0',!0* #0(*0+ * %' ,-!0-!0--!,,0-' %#,0*0# 0+ %#0-, ".///. . !0 000000000000000&/0 00000000000&*0 . !0 000000000000000&&0 00000000000&*0 "/& "/& )'-,0%*0(,+-#,000&0( 000000000./0000000000000000"()(//. )'-,0%*0(,+-#,0./.++ 000000000000000000./0000000000000000"()(//& )'-,0%*0$-#,000&0( 000000000000./0000000000000000"()$//. )'-,0%*0$-#,0./++.++0 '* 000000./0000000000000000"()$//& )'-,0%*0$-#,0./++.++0 ! 0000000./0000000000000000"()$// )'-,0%*0$-#,0./++.++0-*%! 0000./0000000000000000"()$// )'-,0%*0$-#,0./.&++0 ! 00000000./0000000000000000"()$// )'-,0%*0$-#,0./.&++0 '* 0000000./0000000000000000"()$// sales@randstadltd.co.uk www.randstadltd.co.uk 19 2XU5DQJHRI&9ERRWNLWVRIIHUVFRYHUDJHRIPRVWIURQWZKHHOGULYHYHKLFOHV3RVLWLYHÀWRQDOOPRGHOV1RFXWWLQJ at small end -­Two year warranty Call us on 01670 735575 for more details. -*40( 4"4 1-+12+4 -*431+21*'4$4)0013 /1'41'24,004-.4(22,40( 44)0013 $0.12.134"4)0014431-/.,23343122, 1/23*,-! 34#4#+2-3243-*'214 /.31+&*1/0.43'2214 " -.#240( 44&./2+3-,431+21*'4$4)0013 /1'41'24,004-.4(22,40( 44)0013 $0.12.134"4)0014431-/.,23343122, 1/23*,-! 34#4#+2-3243-*'214 /.31+&*1/0.43'2214 0,4/.43/.#,24&./13 $"4%4$ ./2+3-,4/.4 -*4*0.1-/.3444$ )00134%4+2-324%441/23*,-! 3 -34(/14%431+21*'402+4(/11/.#4*0.24&3/.# 3 2*/-,43 +-4,&)+/*-.14/.*,&2 "44$4$4001343/! ,4*&141043/24% &+-),24.20 +2.24+&))2+4%4(/1343'-(134(+0! "4%4!!4%4(/1340/.1344%"!!4%4-,30 /.*,&234"44#+2-324-.44431-/.,233 3122,4)-,,%,0*41/23 $ 20 t: 01670 735575 f: 01670 590739 If you’ve ever tried to replace the CV boots on a FDU\RXZLOODSSUHFLDWHMXVWKRZGLIÀFXOWLWLVWR actually get the boot onto the drive shaft. Although we can’t do anything about the stripping down of the wheel and wheel hub, we can make life easier when putting on the boot itself. This ingenious WRRORSHUDWHGE\DLURSHQVXSWKHÁH[LEOHERRW effortlessly and evenly allowing simple insertion onto the shaft, totally eliminating the need for lubrication and the struggling involved with the old fashioned method. Air powered – 5HGXFLQJÀWWLQJWLPHE\XSWR No additional lubricants needed – Due to its unique operation the boots need no additional lubricant to allow ÀWWLQJWRWKHYHKLFOH 0DGHIURPJODVVÀOOHGQ\ORQ²Maintenance free and works on compressed air (8 Bar max). 7KH%227*81LVVXLWDEOHIRUDOOÁH[LEOH&9ERRWV²With a diameter of 15-­115 mm. Simple open/close push button – For one handed operation and controlled opening. Easy to use. No need for large air supply – Operates from compressor with only 9 litre receivers. BOOTGUN comes completely assembled and tested.. Air adaptor included. sales@randstadltd.co.uk Two year warranty – For extra peace of mind. www.randstadltd.co.uk 21 '"$(!#''$(!' '"$(!#''$(!' '"$(!#''$(!' '"$(!#''$(!' '"$(!#''$(!' '"$(!#''$(!' '"$(!#''$(!' '"$(!#''$(!' '"$(!#''$(!' 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High grade PVC insulation makes crimping easy whilst ensuring complete integrity of termination. Anti-­Vibration Insert on Spades, Bullets, Receptacles, Tabs and Piggy Backs. All terminals conform to BS4G178 and BS4579. )% & ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,'$,''$,+%**,$,) & ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+ ,,,,,,,,(#+"# ,,,,,,,,("+% )% ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,'$,''$,!+%**,'$,) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+ ,,,,,,,,(#+"# ,,,,,,,,("+% )% ! ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,'$,''$,!+%**,$'',) !,,,,,,,,,,,,,(+%! ,,,,,,,,(&+&% ,,,,,,,,(&+%% )% ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$$'$,+%**,$,) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+ ,,,,,,,,(#+& ,,,,,,,,(#+"& )% ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$$'$,!+%**,'$,) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(&+#% ,,,,,,,,(#+ % ,,,,,,,,(#+&& )% ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$$'$,!+%**,$'',) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,(+& ,,,,,,,,(&+ ,,,,,,,,(&+! )%"! ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,,&+&**,$,)"! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,("+ ,,,,,,,,("+!# ,,,,,,,,("+& )%" ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,,+%**,'$,)" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,("+ ,,,,,,,,("+ % ,,,,,,,,("+ )%" ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,,!+!**,$'',)" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+# ,,,,,,,,(#+% ,,,,,,,,(#+ )%"% ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$*'$,$, +&**,$,)"%, ,,,,,,,,,,,(&+% ,,,,,,,,(#+!% ,,,,,,,,(#+% )%"# ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$*'$,$, +&**,'$,)"#,, ,,,,,,,,,(&+% ,,,,,,,,(#+!% ,,,,,,,,(#+#! )%"& ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$*'$,$, +&**,$'',)"&, ,,,,,,,,(+ ,,,,,,,,(&+ ,,,,,,,,(&+& )%%" ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$*'$,$,#+**,$,)" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+"& )%%# ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$*'$,$,+**,$,)# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,("+& )%%& ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$*'$,$, +&**,$,)& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+#! )%%! ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$*'$,$, +&**,'$,)! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,(&+# )%% ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$*'$,$, +&**,$'',) ,,,,,,,,,,,(&+# )%% ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,$*'$,$,+!**,$'',) ,,,,,,,,,,,(!+&% ,,,,,,,,("+! ,,,,,,,,("+ ,,,,,,,,("+! ,,,,,,,,(#+ ! ,,,,,,,,(#+ ! ,,,,,,,,(+&% ,,,,,,,,("+! ,,,,,,,,("+ ! ,,,,,,,,("+! ,,,,,,,,(#+% ,,,,,,,,(#+% ,,,,,,,,(&+ )%# ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,,&+**,$,)# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,("+ )%# ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,,!+&**,$,)# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,("+!& )% ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,, +**,$,) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+"& )%# ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,,&+**,'$,)# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,("+ )%# ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,,!+&**,'$,)# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,("+% )%&% ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,, +**,'$,)&% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+!& )%&" ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,,&+**,$'',)&" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(&+%& )%&& ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,,!+&**,$'',)&& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(&+%# )%& ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,, +**,$'',)& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(&+! ,,,,,,,,("+" ,,,,,,,,("+#& ,,,,,,,,("+" ,,,,,,,,("+# ,,,,,,,,("+& ,,,,,,,,(#+%% ,,,,,,,,(#+ ,,,,,,,,(#+! ,,,,,,,,(#+! ,,,,,,,,("+% ,,,,,,,,("+"% ,,,,,,,,("+!& ,,,,,,,,("+# ,,,,,,,,("+&% ,,,,,,,,("+# ,,,,,,,,(#+#% ,,,,,,,,(#+#% ,,,,,,,,(#+ & )%& ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+, ,&+**,$,)& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,("+ )%& ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+, ,!+&**,$,)& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,("+ )%& ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+, , +**,$,)& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+"" )%# ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+, ,&+**,'$,)# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,("+ )% ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+, ,!+&**,'$,) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,("+ )%! ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+, , +**,'$,)! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+" )%!% ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+, ,!+&**,$'',)!% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+& )%!" ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+, , +**,$'',)!" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(&+! ,,,,,,,,("+" ,,,,,,,,("+" ,,,,,,,,("+# ,,,,,,,,("+&! ,,,,,,,,("+& ,,,,,,,,("+ ,,,,,,,,(#+& ,,,,,,,,(#+ ,,,,,,,,("+%! ,,,,,,,,("+%! ,,,,,,,,("+!! ,,,,,,,,("+#% ,,,,,,,,("+#& ,,,,,,,,("+! ,,,,,,,,(#+"! ,,,,,,,,(#+! )%!! ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+, ,, +&**,$,)!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(&+# ,,,,,,,,(#+ & ,,,,,,,,(#+& )%! ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+, ,, +&**,'$,)! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(&+#& ,,,,,,,,(#+ # ,,,,,,,,(#+&! )%! ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,'$,), +&**,$,)! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+# ,,,,,,,,("+% ,,,,,,,,("+% )%! ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,'$,), +&**,'$,)! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(#+" ,,,,,,,,("+ ,,,,,,,,("+! )% % ,,,,,,,,,,,)*'+,'$,), +&**,$'',) % ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(&+ ,,,,,,,,(&+"% ,,,,,,,,(#+% )%% ,,,,,,,,,,,,'$,$,$,) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(&+&# ,,,,,,,,(#+% ,,,,,,,,(#+& )%" ,,,,,,,,,,,,'$,$,'$,)% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(&+&& ,,,,,,,,(#+ ,,,,,,,,(#+& sales@randstadltd.co.uk www.randstadltd.co.uk 27 $" %#'&'" !%!#&'#%& %%$ #&' $&'%"&$&"''%'% ''#%&! %"&$'$&&''%'% ''#%&! & '$&$'" !%!#&'#%& %'! 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()$)/*.0-1+,&%!1)'()/%1*/'1-.*(()/%1'&01.,1*1')+. 111110$)--),/1--.0$ *-1.,1&-01(0*/-1#,$",/0/.1"*+.-1.!*.1* 0#. 11111.,'*-10/%)/0- -0100+11$)(0-1,+1!0/1/00'0'1.,1$*)/.*)/ 11111"+,"0+10/%)/01"0+ ,+$*/#0 (0*/-1#*.*(.)#1#,/0+.0+-1*/'1+0'&#0-1+,..0/10%% 111110!*&-.1,',&+- $)--),/10+)#01). ,+123 &-01,/( (0*/-1)/0#.,+-1*/'1!0("-100"1.!0$1#(0*/1 0("-100"1 &0(1.*/-1()/0-1*/'1 )(.0+-1 +001 +,$1%&$- 11111+0-)/-1*/'1.*+-1 +,.0#.-1*%*)/-.1+&-.1*/'1#,++,-),/1 0("-10/%)/01+&/1-$,,.!0+1#,,(0+11&)0.0+111 +0*.-1.!010.*(1,.1.!01)(11 ,+123 &-01,/(1 )0-0(10+)#01). professional FUEL INJECTION & EMISSION SYSTEM SERVICE TOOL Use with Justice Brothers Emission System Service & Fuel Injection System Service +, 0--),/*(10+)#01,,( TOOL 32 t: 01670 735575 1-* 01*1.,1+0$,01!*+$ &(1'0",-).-1 ,'0+1,*.0'1*/)-.0+1*/'1+&%%0'1'0-)%/ )((1/,.1!*+$1*/1 &0(1--.0$1#,$",/0/.-1 %0/10/-,+1* 0 0%&(*.,+1/,.1+0&)+0'1 !01.,,(1)((1/,.1*((,1.!01"+,'&#.1.,1 (,1)/.,10/%)/0 11111) 1.!010/%)/01-.,"-1+&//)/%1*/'1)-1&/*..0/'0' f: 01670 590739 +7&76857413701 888888888888888888888888888))(3688888888-2/', 715*68574137018888888888888888888888888888))(3688888888-2/'( +68"&1738$674075 888888888888888888888888))(3688888888-2/') %1*8540&3+&&+*08$*0+1+*075 888888,/3688888888-2/, 0+078"1*8274!888888888888888888888888888))(3688888888-2/. 7458+6857413701 888888888888888888888888,#.3688888888-2/) 8.87071541+08+6888888888888888888888)..3688888888-2/ 4+41*58$6740758888888888888888888888888888))(3688888888-2/. 4+41*58"1*8274! 888888888888888888888888))(3688888888-2/# 540&3+&&+*08"1*8274!88888888888888888))(3688888888-2/ 0+0786%&8888888888888888888888888888888888),'368888888-2/.. +7&7680+0786%& 88888888888888888888888),'368888888-2/.# 54%6+8467857413701 8888888888888(,'368888888-2/., %4681+*08"1*8274! 8888888888888888888(..368888888-2/.( "%758$4578+685741370188888888888))(368888888-2/.) 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This measure is also under consideration in the UK. )31(5 6666666666666666666& 536#/6$--'6 3)56'&&3-"613/5,6').0(6+.""51621562/6*)#-202#-6+)2" * '6&+-66&+-66$'+-61230(#)316!30,3(5 .0.50 $631(56$+-66$+-6%/512)56214/6*2,6154420( '&6*44.1/5,61304"3150/6)34/514 '6.24/6 )53020(6244#54 6*44.1/5,6%256%35/6204 $6214/6*2,6*,2+5604/1#+/2.046 * sales@randstadltd.co.uk www.randstadltd.co.uk 35 Improved Power & Fuel Economy Diesel Technology In 1991, just 15 percent of the new cars registered in western (XURSHZHUHGLHVHOSRZHUHG1RZWKHÀJXUHLVRYHUSHUFHQW and rising. This increase is not simply a response to better fuel consumption being available compared to petrol equivalents. Diesel engines have shaken off the “tractor image” and are faster, smoother, quieter and quicker out of the blocks. Modern diesel cars are a true pleasure to drive, and their high SHUIRUPDQFH DQG KLJK WHFKQRORJ\ HQJLQHV DUH ÀWWHG ZLWK HIÀFLHQWIXHOV\VWHPVVRDUHNLQGERWKWRWKHHQYLURQPHQWDQG your pocket. By 2012, half of all new vehicles registered in western Europe are expected to be diesel-­driven. How does it work? The modern diesel engine relies on many sensors within the engines control system which determine how the engine performs. They alter the engines output to suit certain operating conditions such as idle, full throttle heavy load etc. The principle behind the tuning box is to intercept the signal between the ECU and injection system. In basic terms it allows fuel to be injected into the cylinders at a higher pressure when required, which in turn produces more power and torque. DPT is a high quality digital system engineered in Europe. The module incorporates a modern Atmel 32bit RISC microprocessor. Unlike many analogue systems which crudely RYHUIXHOWKURXJKRXWWKHHQWLUHUHYUDQJHWKH'37LVVSHFLÀFDOO\ mapped and calibrated for each application. Programmable Units Some DPT units can be tailored to various individual styles and functions this facility is only available via your local installer. By adjusting various parameters using specialist software SRZHU DQG WRUTXH LQFUHDVHV FDQ EH VSHFLÀFDOO\ PDSSHG WR individual vehicles, this allows for your vehicle to be set up for your personal driving requirements. For more information visit our website www.dieselpowertuning.co.uk 36 t: 01670 735575 2QFH WKH '37 XQLW KDV EHHQ ÀWWHG WKH HIIHFWV ZLOO EH IHOW immediately. With up to 30% more power and torque available, driving your diesel car will be a different experience. DPT can improve fuel economy which means more miles to the gallon (MPG) and with rising fuel prices in the UK this is now an important factor. This is possible because the torque characteristics of the engine change and become fundamentally more elastic, therefore you can drive in town with fewer gear changes. (a high number of gear changes means continuously accelerating and braking which uses more fuel). Higher Torque = Lower RPM = Lower Fuel Consumption Why don’t the manufacturers do this? We are often asked why manufacturers have the same engine in different models but with different BHP/power outputs. This is not due to engine mechanics as they are usually built to the same standard, but is down to the software installed on the ECU which governs the engines power output. Manufacturers do this because of varying emission regulations and taxation laws across Europe. They have to manufacture engines to cover the requirements of a pan European market. “ “ I’ve already got one of these and been really impressed ” I am seeing numbers on this trip computer that I have never seen before “ I am over the moon ” ” I plugged in mine in 10 minutes f: 01670 590739 Frequently Asked Questions Caravaner / Towing Driver '37ZLOOEHQHÀWDFDUDYDQRUDUHJXODUWRZEDUXVHUZLWKPRUH torque (pulling power). The results will be noticed driving up hills without changing down a gear or two, more acceleration, and more top end speed. DPT is available for most motorhomes too. Please enquire for details. What makes this unit any different to other similar products on the marketplace? Whilst this unit can, like the others be supplied by FRXULHUDQG',<ÀWWHGWKHNH\LVWKDWE\XVLQJRQHRIRXULQVWDOOHUVLI you have a Common Rail Engine, you can have the box personalised to your driving style and requirements (within the vehicle tolerance limits). DPT is a Dutch engineered and manufactured product. All our installers have direct access to the designers and manufacturers of the system. The manufacturer has a pedigree in developing excellence in Diesel performance. This pedigree extends to Formula 1 and Formula 3000. In the Netherlands these units are installed by RIÀFLDO0HUFHGHV%HQ]GHDOHUVKLSVPDQ\RIZKRPKDYHEHHQÀWWLQJ DPT units for several years. Why should I use one of your installers? Performance Driver A Performance orientated driver will notice much better acceleration and a higher top speed of the car. You will literally ‘feel the difference’. There are many products similar to DPT in the marketplace, one of the key issues with DPT is that all Common Rail units can be tailored to suit your personal driving style or requirements (within your vehicles tolerance limits) this can only be achieved by visiting one of our installers. If you buy as a plug & play you get a great unit at excellent value for money, but you only get the personalisation by visiting one of our installers. Many of our installers are Diesel Specialists who can provide excellent advice on how to achieve the best from your vehicle dependent upon what you wish to achieve. Will the unit nullify my vehicle warranty? No, it only affects the vehicle engine. It is not even an engine PRGLÀFDWLRQ ,W LV D UHWURÀW WKDW FDQ EH VZLWFKHG RII LW GRHV QRW compromise the integrity of the vehicle. What effect does the unit have on my vehicle emissions? Increased torque results in lower fuel demand/consumption and consequently lower emissions. What effect will the unit have upon my fuel consumption? Increased torque means driving will require fewer gear changes and result in lower fuel consumption, typically a 5-­10% improvement can EHH[SHFWHG&RXSOHGZLWKDKLJKÁRZDLUÀOWHUDQGDIXHOWUHDWPHQW WKHEHQHÀWZLOOEHHQKDQFHGIXUWKHU Fleet/High mileage user $ÁHHWKLJKPLOHDJHXVHUFDQDFKLHYHEHWWHUIXHOFRQVXPSWLRQ FUHDWHGE\PRUHHIÀFLHQWFRPEXVWLRQ,QPRVWFDVHVDVDYLQJ RIXSWRLVSRVVLEOHZKLFKPDNHVLWLGHDOIRUÁHHWXVHUVRU high mileage users as the DPT unit will pay for itself in a short period of time. Does the DPT have any detrimental effect upon my engine? No, the unit simply enables your engine to develop more power & torque, which are contained within the Vehicle Manufacturers tolerance levels so there is absolutely no possibility of damaging your engine. Does the unit interfere with or reprogramme my ECU? No the DPT connects between the original ECU and the injection system of your car. The DPT intercepts the data coming from the original unit, re-­ calculates and optimises the data before sending the PRGLÀHGSDUDPHWHUVWRWKHSXPS What warranty is provided with the DPT? 2 years, each unit has a unique serial number and a warranty form, which should be returned to the address on the card to register the ZDUUDQW\7KLVLVH[WHQGHGWR\HDUVLIÀWWHGE\RQHRIRXULQVWDOOHUV sales@randstadltd.co.uk www.randstadltd.co.uk www.randstadltd.co.uk 37 Improve both performance & HIÀFLHQF\ of your engine DPT can be programmed to YOUR driving style Advantages of DPT:-­ Increases BHP & Torque. Digital Technology. Improves fuel economy. Lowers CO2 emissions. Insurance approved. Does not interfere with ECU. Engineered in Europe. Simple installation. DPT tuning boxes are manufactured in Europe to the highest and most exacting component standards and are approved for XVHE\PDQ\0HUFHGHV%HQ]RIÀFLDOGHDOHUVKLSV:HRIIHUD year guarantee on all tuning boxes. * In the Netherlands Fleet Managers.......... Do you realise that DPT could save you upto 16% on your annual diesel fuel bill. Now there’s a thought..... While you are thinking of that DPT would reduce your CO2 emissions by the same amount. Maybe you should be speaking to DPT today. For more information visit our website www.dieselpowertuning.co.uk 38 t: 01670 735575 f: 01670 590739 How Do I Order? How do I pay? There are four ways to order: Call our customer service team on 01670 735575, alternatively, place an order by fax on 01670 590739 or email us on enquiries@randstadltd.co.uk Randstad operate Trade credit accounts (subject to suitable references) payment can be settled by cheque, BACS or using a credit/debit card. 24/7 online ordering please consult your sales representative or details of how to gain access to the system. When do I pay? Is there a minimum order? Trade credit accounts become due at the end of the month following invoice date. No, there is no minimum order size or value, but remember carriage is free on orders over £40* :KDWLI,DPQRWVDWLVÀHGZLWKP\JRRGV" How much is carriage? 1RSUREOHPZHZDQW\RXWREHFRPSOHWHO\VDWLVÀHG5HWXUQ the goods to us for a credit in full. For orders over £40 delivery is free*, and for those under £40, carriage is charged at cost -­ usually between £1 and £4.50 How long will I have to wait for my goods? Delivery is next day on all orders placed before 4pm for most UK destinations (Highlands and Offshore are 2-­3 days). *Excludes Scottish Highlands and Offshore. sales@randstadltd.co.uk www.randstadltd.co.uk 39 sales: 01670 735575 accounts: 01670 706998 fax orderline: 01670 590739 web: www.randstadltd.co.uk email: enquiries@randstadltd.co.uk ....Keeping you up to speed