CORK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY INSTITIÚID TEICNEOLAÍOCHTA CHORCAÍ Semester 1 Examinations 2015 Module Title: Electronic Engineering Module Code: ELTR7011 School: School of Mechanical, Electrical and Process Engineering Programme Title: Bachelor of Engineering(Hons) in Electronic Engineering – Year 3 Programme Code: EELXE_7_Y3 External Examiner(s): Ms. Valerie Kenneally & Dr. Traolach O’Brien Internal Examiner(s): Dr. P. O’Connor Instructions: Answer QUESTION 1 (worth 40 marks) and TWO other questions (worth 30 marks each) Duration: 2 HOURS Sitting: Winter 2015 Requirements for this examination: Graph paper, Log Tables Note to Candidates: Please check the Programme Title and the Module Title to ensure that you have received the correct examination paper. If in doubt please contact an Invigilator. 1 1. (a) For the Op-Amp in Fig.1(a), calculate all the currents and voltages around the circuit and state which LED if any, lights (RED or GREEN). (DC input voltages are V1 = 1.5V, V2 = -1V, R1 = 1k, R2 = 4k, R3 = 0.5k). Note : V2 is a negative voltage. (5 marks) (b) Analyse the Op-amp circuit shown in Fig.1(b) and calculate all the currents and voltages around the circuit. (DC input voltages are V1 = 6.5V, V2 = 4.5V) (5 marks) (c) The Op-Amp shown in Fig.1(c) has a sinewave input of 𝑉1 = ±2𝑉 at a frequency of 5kHz and V2 has a dc value of -1V. Draw a detailed graph of both input and output waveforms using a proper scale and explain your output. (5 marks) An amplifier is displayed in Fig.1(d). It has a sinewave input of 𝑉1 = ±1.5𝑉 at a frequency of 2kHz. (i) Draw the output signal to a correct scale. (ii) If the frequency of the input is increased to 50kHz what changes if any occur at the output. (Typical Op-Amp values that you are familiar with may be used). (5 marks) (d) (e) (f) Write a technical note on the AC-Performance of Op-Amps. Your explanation should include UGB, f c (OL ) , f c (CL) , and a frequency response curve to demonstrate your understanding. (5 marks) An analogue filter has a transfer function given by 𝑠 2 + 2𝑠 𝐻(𝑠) = 2 2𝑠 − 0.5𝑠 + 8 Sketch its output response and show how you arrived at this response. What type of filter does H(s) represent? (5 marks) (g) A buck converter has an input of 50V and an output of 20V. The load resistor is 9Ω. The switching frequency is 25kHz, L = 2 mH, C = 150µF. Find the duty cycle, the minimum and maximum inductor currents. (A circuit diagram is required). (5 marks) (h) Design a circuit to accomplish the following:A sensor has an output sinusoidal voltage of ±275mV at f = 5kHz. This voltage is fed into a single-supply Op-Amp running off +5V. The output should be centered at 2.8V, with a swing that reaches from 1.9V above ground to 3.7V. Assume that because of the frequencies involved, ac coupling is not an option. (5 marks) 2 2. (a) The circuit shown in Fig.2(a) has inputs : V1 = 1.5V Sinewave and V2 = 2.5V Sinewave. Both have a frequency of 1kHz. Calculate, from first principles, the output voltage of the Op-Amp. Sketch on the same graph, the output voltage (Vout ) and both input voltages (V1 and V2). (15 marks) (b) Write a technical note on passive Band-Stop Filters. (Your note should include circuit diagram, Bode plot, break frequencies). (8 marks) (c) An Op-amp circuit is shown in Fig.2(c) Using the two voltage probes shown (Vin, and Vout), draw a sketch showing the two waveforms and explain what this circuit does. Suggest Applications for this circuit. (7 marks) 3. (a) Design an Active Non-Inverting 2nd –Order Low-Pass filter that has a gain of 8.5dB and a cut-off frequency, fc = 1kHz. Sketch the frequency response curve for the filter, showing relevant information points. (Only 1kΩ, 2kΩ, 3kΩ and 5kΩ resistors are available for your design). (15 marks) (b) A filter circuit is shown in Fig.3(b). Sketch its’ frequency and phase responses by calculating suitable values using the transfer function given. |𝐻(𝑗𝜔)| = 𝜔2 𝑅1 𝑅2 𝐶1 𝐶2 √[(1 − 𝜔 2 (𝑅1 𝑅2 𝐶1 𝐶2 )) ]2 + [ 𝜔𝑅1 ( 𝐶1 + 𝐶2 )]2 State the Filter Classification (type) 3 (15 marks) 4. (a) Draw a circuit for an Op-Amp series regulator with short-circuit protection. Outline the function of each element and calculate the voltages/currents around the circuit, given the following parameters (usual notation):Vin = 18V ,Vz = 6.3V , R1 = 1kΩ , R2 = 2.2kΩ , R3 = 5.6kΩ , R4 = 10Ω (12marks) (b) If a load resistor of RL = 150Ω is placed across R2 and R3, what effect, if any does this have on the circuit? If RL drops to 50Ω, what happens? (4 marks) (c) Design a Beam Activated Alarm system with a Red-LED as a visual indicator and a Buzzer as an audio indicator. Your design should include at least one Op-Amp. Explain clearly your design and its operation. (14 marks) U1(V+) U1 7 V2 VALUE=-1V 3 R3 6 2 4 1 5 500 741 V1 VALUE=1.5V R1 1k U1(V-) R2 4k Fig.1(a) 4 D1 D2 LED-RED VF=2V IMAX=10mA LED-GREEN VF=2V IMAX=10mA R2 5.6k U1(V+) U1 R1 7 V2 VALUE=4.5V V(Op-Amp) 3 2.2k 6 2 4 1 5 R3 5.6k 741 V1 VALUE=6.5V R5 2k R4 2.2k U1(V-) Fig.1(b) U1(V+) V1 OFFSET=0 FREQ=5k PHASE=0 THETA=0 AMP=2V U1 7 R1 V(Op-Amp) 3 4k 6 4 1 5 2 V2 VALUE=-1V 741 R4 3k U1(V-) R3 5k Fig.1(c) 5 U1(V+) U1 R1 7 V1 OFFSET=0 FREQ=2k PHASE=0 THETA=0 AMP=1.5V V(Op-Amp) 3 5k 6 4 1 5 2 741 R4 3.3k U1(V-) R3 10k Fig.1(d) R2 5.6k -15V 4 1 5 U1 Vout R1 2 6 3.3k 3 R3 7 V1 AMP=1.5V FREQ=1k OFFSET=0 PHASE=0 THETA=0 741 2.2k V2 AMP=2.5V OFFSET=0 FREQ=1k PHASE=0 THETA=0 +15V R4 12k Fig.2(a) 6 R2 10k -15V 4 1 5 U1 Vin AMP=1V FREQ=1k OFFSET=0 PHASE=0 THETA=0 Vout R1 2 6 10k 3 RV1 7 20k 741 C1 100% 10nF +15V Fig.2(c) R1 10k U1(+) C1 C2 Vout-Active 3 6 30nF 50nF 2 R2 3.8k 4 1 5 Vin 7 U1 741 U1(-) Fig.3(b) 7