IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary Iowa Department of Education Fiscal Year: 2009-2010 2009-2010 Go F o r m: State Fiscal Year: July 1 - June 30 22Implementation Summary ImplementationPlan Plan- Print - Print Summary 3 Implementation Plan - Compliance Go Exit District: 1337 School: 0000 Name: College Comm School District Iowa Department of Education Implementation Plan Print Summary View Complete History ... Outcome 1: Leadership School leaders build and sustain system capacity to implement the Iowa Core. Target 1.a: Implementation of leadership behaviors to sustain the Iowa Core. Action 1.a.1: Leadership Team is established and operating to implement Iowa Core. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:48:14 AM) 1. The district establishes an ICC Oversight team. 2. Leadership team works in partnership with SIAC team with clearly defined roles for each 3. The Leadership team meets four times a year with a clear purpose - to establish district level goals and to monitor progress against predetermined SMART goals based on the recommendations of SIAC. The schedule is set in the summer for the following school year. 4. The team is divided into smaller focus teams to address specific SIAC/CSIP goals and ICC outcomes. The larger team reviews the small team work and gives feedback. FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:48:14 AM) • The Oversight Team membership consists of teacher leaders, AEAstaff, and administrators from a variety of content areas and across K-12 levels. • SIAC team includes administrators, teachers, AEA staff, Parents, Students and Community representatives FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:48:14 AM) Action items 1-4 completed by June 2010 Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:48:51 AM) FY 2010 • School leaders and leadership teams design learning sessions based on the SMART goals. • Teachers can articulate the vision of ICC and relate it to district and building school improvement goals • Oversight team membership and attendance records • SIAC membership and attendance records Action 1.a.2: Leadership Team consistently communicates a clear and shared vision for the Iowa Core. https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:50:22 AM) 1. The ICC Oversight team examines ICC vision and relates it to the SIAC recommendations. 2. The Oversight team translates the SIAC recommendations and ICC outcomes into SMART goals. 3. The SMART goals are used to build building improvement plans. 4. The results of the Oversight team work is shared with SIAC annually. 5. The results of the Oversight work are also shared at mid-year staff report, Board report, various program evaluation advisory committees and school improvement cadres. FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:50:22 AM) • Four meeting days spread across the year including substitute teacher costs • Four SIAC meeting dates • District communication structures: print, blog, website, email, newsletters, etc. • District communication personnel FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:50:22 AM) Action items 1 - 5 will be repeated each school year Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:51:01 AM) FY 2010 • School Improvement SMART goals are formulated and reported to all constituents through multiple tools. • Building Improvement Plans are fully aligned with ICC outcomes and SIAC/CSIP SMART goals. • School leaders and leadership teams design learning sessions based on the SMART goals and ICC vision. Action 1.a.3: Leadership Team understands and manages the change process. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:52:33 AM) 1. The Oversight team conducts ICC self study based on the ICC PD modules. 2. The Oversight team translates these priorities into SMART goals, keeping IPDM in mind. 3. The Oversight team members will translate priorities into building PD plans. 4. Each building PD plan contains progress monitoring mechanism that examines both implementation data and student achievement data on an on-going basis. 5. Scoring rubrics are reviewed on an annual basis by Oversight Team FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:52:33 AM) • Time for components of ICC learning built into PL days • Team meeting dates with sub costs • ICC resources from GWAEA website • ICC DE website FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:52:33 AM) Action items 1-4 will be repeated each year Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:53:25 AM) FY 2010 ICC professional development modules self study are completed and examined each year. District and building PD plans are formulated to support the ICC implementation plan each year by June 30. https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary Implementation data collection tool, procedures and schedules are developed and used. Student achievement data collection tool, procedures and schedules are developed and shared with all staff. Action 1.a.4: Leadership Team demonstrates a deep understanding of the intent of the Iowa Core. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:55:28 AM) 1. The Oversight Team attended GW ICC workshop series in 2009-10 to develop vision and professional knowledge about 21st century learning 2. The results of the Oversight work are also shared at mid-year staff report, Board report, various program evaluation advisory committees and school improvement cadres. FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:55:28 AM) • ICC resources from GWAEA website and wiki • ICC DE website • Workshop registration fees • District communication resources and personnel FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:55:28 AM) Action items 1-2 have been completed by June 2010 This is an on-going goal Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:56:15 AM) FY 2010 Oversight team work is reflected in each building Cadre leadership action. Meeting agenda, facilitation guide, minutes and artifacts are developed and available at both the school and district levels. Samples of building and district communication artifacts to staff, parents, students, community/business Action 1.a.5: Leadership Team engages leaders and teachers in a collaborative process to create an Implementation Plan. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:57:54 AM) 1. The Oversight team consists of teacher leaders and administrators from a variety of content areas and across K-12 levels. 2. Each time the team meets, we deepen our knowledge about ICC by reviewing materials from the ICC workshops, connecting to school PD plans and actions. 3. The Oversight team brainstorms a set of ''common concepts'' that should be shared at the building level. 4. Principals and leadership members on the Oversight team bring the ''Common concepts'' back to the building level FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:57:54 AM) • ICC resources from GWAEA website and wiki https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary • ICC DE website • Team meeting dates with sub costs • Time for components of ICC learning built into PL days FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:57:54 AM) Action items 1-4 have been carried out by May, 2010 However, this will be an on-going process Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:58:30 AM) FY 2010 Oversight team work is reflected in each building Cadre leadership actions Meeting agenda, facilitation guide, minutes and artifacts are developed and available at both the school and district levels. Process for creating plan includes all stakeholder group input and review Action 1.a.6: Leadership Team deploys resources to support and sustain the vision and implementation of the Iowa Core in their district/school. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:00:40 AM) 1. The Oversight team, which consists of 30 members, meets four times a year to learn and monitor progress. This structure will continue to exist in the district system. 2. The district will implement and monitor ICC in the following ways: • Ensure guaranteed and viable curriculum to all • Total Instructional Alignment that address content, instruction and assessment • Clear learning targets and performance based measures (We will need to strengthen this area starting in 2010 - 11 school year) FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:00:40 AM) • ICC resources from GWAEA website • ICC DE website • AEA consultant support for learning and facilitation • Team meeting dates with sub costs • Time for components of ICC learning built into PL days • Building Leadership cadre planning and learning time- monthly meetings • Assessment for learning books and materials for PL FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:00:40 AM) PD plan 1 -2 have been the district's goal for a number of years. We will continue to pursue these goals. PD plan #3 will be strengthened to support PD #1 and 2 Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:01:44 AM) https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary FY 2010 • There will be a budget set aside for team to participate in learning and collaborative sessions. • Web-based curriculum tools are used and monitored by building leaders and leadership teams. • Curriculum units are updated by all teachers on a monthly basis. The units should meet quality criteria set by the Oversight team. The goal is to increase the % or curriculum units that meet the quality criteria each year in each building. • Formative assessment are designed, recorded in the curriculum tool and used to instruct students. (Assessment for Learning) Action 1.a.7: Leadership Team has established processes and procedures to sustain the implementation of the Iowa Core. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:03:28 AM) The Oversight team provides PD in the following ways: 1. Develop vision and conceptual understanding among the team members 2. Share the vision with each building site and various constituent groups 3. Connect ICC with SIAC/CSIP and establish SMART goals and data collection tools and procedures 4. A sub TQ committee will work on the teacher evaluation/PLP component and report to the oversight team. We will review this component as we examine program evaluations on an annual basis. Teacher Quality/Career Plan is one of the program evaluation items under the CSIP goal. 5. Build conversation tools aligned with ICC implementation for Administrators and teachers as part of the professional Evaluation Process 6. Each year, the Oversight team and the SIAC team will review teacher implementation and student achievement goals and use the data to set new goals toward full implementation of ICC FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:03:28 AM) • ICC resources from GWAEA website and wiki • ICC DE website • Team meeting dates with sub costs • Time for components of ICC learning built into PL days • Building Leadership cadre planning and learning time- monthly meetings • Assessment for learning books and materials for PL • Curriculum alignment tool design and maintenance FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:03:28 AM) Action 1-2 and 5 will be on-going Action #3 will be a focus goal for 2010 and after. Action #4 will be completed by 2011 and be maintained every year. Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 2:09:55 PM) FY 2010 Our long term student achievement goals are: 80% of students will meet or exceed achievement targets on common summative assessments: • Reading (K-4) • Writing (K - 12) • Others (to be determined) 75% of students will meet or exceed growth targets on the Measures of Academic Progress. By the end of each year, 80% of students receiving the following supports for services will meet their growth target in their identified goal area(s) as measured by the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) • Special education services • ELL • Students receiving Intervention Services https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary • Gifted and Talented 0% gap between low SES subgroup and the total student group as measured by ITBS and ITED proficiency 80% of students will be proficient using the district digital literacy common assessment at the 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th grade (to be established starting 2010) Our long term (3 - 5 year) SMART goals for professional growth included the following: 80% of teachers demonstrate proficiency on the ''Characteristics of Effective Instruction Rubric which includes the following: • Teaching for Learner Differences • Teaching for understanding • Rigor and relevance • Student Centered classroom • Assessment for learning 100% of teachers will design quality instructional units through the curriculum tool and use the tool to enhance weekly curriculum and instructional collaboration. 100% of lesson plans and units chosen for digital literacy meet the quality criteria of the Digital Unit/Lesson Design Rubric. 100% teachers integrate ICC 21st century skills, which is evident in curriculum maps 100% of teachers will self assess and reflect against the digital literacy common assessment and set professional learning goals. Evaluation artifacts and tools Action 1.a.8: Leadership Team engages in discussion with the local school board regarding progress on the Iowa Core. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:07:13 AM) Leaders and Leadership Teams will engage discussions with the board in the following way: 1. School improvement goal report in October 2. Mid-year AYP report to the board in January 3. ICC implementation discussion in board work session in March 4. Student growth goal and school improvement goal report by the building principals in May 5. SIAC system progress report in June. Board members are also SIAC members in CCSD. FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:07:13 AM) • Time to design sharing process • Sharing time scheduled for Board agenda items • Time to create progress artifacts related to student achievement and implementation data FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:07:13 AM) Progress report schedule has been set and will be conducted annually Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:07:48 AM) https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary FY 2010 Oversight team report artifacts Board minutes, agenda and presentation artifacts ... Outcome 2: Community Community members and other supporting agencies work together to support the implementation of the Iowa Core. Target 2.a: District/school used processes and procedures for engaging stakeholders, setting goals, developing school improvement plans, and integrating various plans. Action 2.a.1: Community members understand the Iowa Core. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:00:16 AM) 1. The Oversight team and board members attends all ICC information meetings and completes self-studies for each outcome. 2. ICC plan is shared with CCSD Board of /education 3. SIAC members participate in vision building, data analysis and goal setting at the district level 4. SIAC team engage in a plan-do-study-act improvement cycles 5. ICC plan and progress is communicated through district website and newsletters on a monthly basis 6. Building leadership teams engage in deep learning with ICC FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:00:16 AM) • Substitute teacher cost on Oversight meeting dates • Build in PD time • Time to meet as teams • ICC related resources on DE and GW website • On-line resources such as video clips, blogs, wikis etc. • District personnel to engage in designing process, mass communication and reflection FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:00:16 AM) The leadership team and the board attended ICC network workshops throughout the 2009 - 2010 year ICC plan-share with the Board in July, 2010 ICC implementation discussion with SIAC four times a year On-going PD and communication based on district schedule Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:00:48 AM) FY 2010 • Oversight team membership and meeting schedule- 2008/09 and 2009/10 • Completed ICC plan • Board agenda and actions • SIAC agenda and notes • District newsletter and website archives Action 2.a.2: Community members participate in the development and implementation of the Iowa Core within the district/school. https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:04:18 AM) 1. Recruit and organize the Oversight Team to ensure membership is representative of a cross section of CCSD stakeholders 2. The Oversight team complete Self-Study during cycles during scheduled meeting time 3. The Oversight team collaborates in meetings four times a year to give input about the K-12 plan 4. SIAC members participate in vision building, data analysis and goal setting at the district level 5. The Oversight team members work with each Building Leadership teams to Infuse ICC vision and components into building improvement plans 6. Develop building improvement plans that are aligned with SIAC and Oversight recommendations FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:04:18 AM) • Substitute teacher cost on Oversight meeting dates • Build in PD time • Time to meet as teams • ICC related resources on DE and GW website • GW facilitators • On-line resources such as video clips, blogs, wikis etc. • District personnel to engage in designing process, mass communication and reflection FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:04:18 AM) 1 - completed in 08-09 2 - Self study complete between 4.09 - 5.10 3,4,5 - SIAC and Oversight team meet four times a year 6 - BIP completed by June, 30 Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:04:44 AM) FY 2010 • Oversight team membership and meeting schedule- 2008/09 and 2009/10 • SIAC meeting schedule, agenda and discussion outcomes • Completed self study rubrics • 90% of parents/guardians participate productively in goal setting conferences to establish personal Learning Plan/Career plan with their children at least one time per year. Action 2.a.3: Learning Supports are coordinated to support the Iowa Core. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:08:32 AM) 1. Establish a district-wide Student Support Leadership Team (IDM Lead Team) to engage in discussions related to ICC implementation and progress monitoring. The team will focus on Characteristics of Effective Instruction, continuum of services and partnership with parents and service providers. 2. Establish and refine IDM process in all district buildings and at all levels a. Core b. Supplemental c. intensive instruction 3. Collect data on the following sub groups to monitor progress in subgroups that may or have been showing achievement gaps a. Special education b. Gifted and talented c. ELL d. SES 4. Develop a building based IDM Core Team to engage in ICC implementation and progress monitoring. Each building based team will meet on a monthly basis. https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:08:32 AM) • Substitute cost to allow teachers engaged in IDM district leadership meetings • PLC time to engage in IDM discussions in each building • GW consultants • Progress monitoring tools • Distributed leaders at the building levels • Data analysis tools FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:08:32 AM) IDM district team meetings - four times a year IDM core (monthly) and school team meetings (weekly) are scheduled CSIP program evaluation schedule- Pre determined by each September Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 2:11:24 PM) FY 2010 Professional Growth Evidence: • IDM leadership team agendas and products • Building level IDM Core Team agenda and artifacts • IDM data collection and analysis 2 times/year • Program evaluation documents and data per district schedule Student Achievement Evidence: By the end of the year, 80% of students receiving the following supports for services will meet their growth target in their identified goal area(s) as measured by the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) • Special education services • ELL • Students receiving Intervention Services • Gifted and Talented 0% gap between low SES subgroup and the total student group as measured by ITBS and ITED proficiency ... Outcome 3: Schools A continuous improvement process to improve teaching and learning is used at the district and school level. Target 3.a: Implementation of leadership behaviors to sustain the Iowa Core. Action 3.a.1: Leadership Team uses Self Study baseline results to write the Implementation Plan. (This https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary action is no longer applicable after the initial scoring of the Self Study is complete.) Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:30:26 AM) 1. The Oversight team conducted ICC self study in 2008-09 and 2009-10 school year. This process will continue to happen each year. 2. The Oversight team will meet four times a year and the schedule will be set in the summer for the following year. During those meetings, we will discuss ICC self study results, establish goals, determine monitoring tools, procedures and use data to determine next level work. The four focus areas are: a. Effective Instruction (focus on AFLduring the 2010 - 11 year) b. Critical thinking/digital learning c. Goal setting with parents and students d. Reduce sub group achievement gaps 3. We have established SMART goals for the 2010 - 11 school year by April, 2010. A few tools will need to be ready in the 2010-11 school year. They are: • Walkthrough Rubric for ''Characteristic of Effective Instruction'' • 21st Century Learning Unit Rubric that incorporate digital learning and critical thinking skills (This has been developed by the Technology Advisory Committee by May, 2010) • Curriculum alignment and data • Community Partnership Survey • Sub group and at risk student success report (Gap analysis) 4. These tools, procedures and data will be shared with the building, the board and SIAC. Each building will use the tools and procedures to collect and monitor both implementation and student achievement data. FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:30:26 AM) Curriculum mapping tools PIRC (Parent resources center) Teacher leaders in various committees (ie. Media council, technology committee etc) TQ funding to support committee members and teachers working on 21st century instructional units Substitute teacher cost on Oversight meeting dates Build in PD time Time to meet as teams ICC related resources on DE and GW website GW facilitators On-line resources such as video clips, blogs, wikis related to data driven leadership District personnel to engage in designing process, mass communication and reflection FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:30:26 AM) Items 1 -4 will be established by mid year, 2010-11 school year. These tools will be tried out by designated teams in the second half of the year Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 2:32:24 PM) FY 2010 Our long term student achievement goals are: 80% of students will meet or exceed achievement targets on common summative assessments: • Reading (K-4) • Writing (K - 12) • Others (to be determined) 75% of students will meet or exceed growth targets on the Measures of Academic Progress. By the end of each year, 80% of students receiving the following supports for services will meet their growth target in their identified goal area(s) as measured by the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) • Special education services • ELL • Students receiving Intervention Services • Gifted and Talented https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary 0% gap between low SES subgroup and the total student group as measured by ITBS and ITED proficiency 80% of students will be proficient using the district digital literacy common assessment at the 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th grade (to be established, starting 2010). Our long term (3 - 5 year) SMART goals for professional growth included the following: 80% of teachers demonstrate proficiency on the ''Characteristics of Effective Instruction Rubric which includes the following: • Teaching for Learner Differences • Teaching for understanding • Rigor and relevance • Student Centered classroom • Assessment for learning 100% of teachers will design quality instructional units through the curriculum tool and use the tool to enhance weekly curriculum and instructional collaboration. 100% of lesson plans and units chosen for digital literacy meet the quality criteria of the Digital Unit/Lesson Design Rubric. 100% teachers integrate ICC 21st century skills, which is evident in curriculum maps 100% of teachers will self assess and reflect against the digital literacy common assessment and set professional learning goals. Target 3.b: District/school used processes and procedures for engaging stakeholders, setting goals, developing school improvement plans, and integrating various plans. Action 3.b.1: Leadership Team uses Self Study annual results to monitor progress of the Iowa Core implementation over time. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:40:18 AM) 1. The Oversight Team will analyze the data aligned with the SIAC and CISP goals. Those goals will be fully examined and measureable/observable targets will be set. 2. The Oversight team will continue to brainstorm ''ICC Essential Understanding'' that should be shared at all buildings each year. These concepts will be shared at the building level and be incorporated into their school improvement discussions.. 3. Redesign the Building Improvement Plan template to incorporate BIP, APR, CISP and ICC into one cohesive document. 4. The building level cadre, which overlaps with the Oversight membership by design, will continue to deepen staff's learning through their school improvement initiatives. New staff members will be oriented naturally through the school improvement process 5. Each principal will align their coaching with the ICC concept and the district level new teacher workshops will continue to evolve to fully align with the ICC concepts. FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:40:18 AM) • Teacher leaders in various committees (ie. Media council, technology committee etc) • TQ funding to support committee members and teachers on leadership teams https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary • Substitute teachers cost on Oversight meeting dates • Build in weekly and monthly PD time • Time to meet as teams • ICC related resources on DE and GW website • GW facilitators and DE consultants • On-line resources such as video clips, blogs, wikis related to data driven leadership • District personnel to engage in designing process, mass communication and reflection FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:40:18 AM) Action items 1-4 will be on-going and repeated annually Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:41:05 AM) FY 2010 • Curriculum Gap Analysis baseline data analysis by the end for 2009-10 school year • PD module self study score analysis • District and building PD plan analysis • New teacher mentor and induction workshops and artifacts • Base line Implementation data analysis by the end of 2010-11 school year • Baseline student achievement data analysis by the end of 2010 - 11 school year • SIAC reports Target 3.c: District/school used processes and procedures for engaging stakeholders, setting goals, developing school improvement plans, and integrating various plans. Action 3.c.1: Leadership Team and others, as appropriate; develop and follow a cycle for document/plan review for the purposes of incorporating elements of the Iowa Core and integrating various planning processes. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:46:40 AM) 1. The Oversight Team will analyze the data aligned with the SIAC and CISP goals. Those goals will be fully examined and measureable/observable targets will be set. 2. Incorporate SIAC, CSIP and ICC data and priorities in the building improvement goals and APR. 3. Building Leadership Team will lead the plan-do-study-act cycle based on the data generated at the district and building levels to engage in continuous improvement cycles. 4. School and district level data related to ICC priorities and CSIP will be reported and discussed at the SIAC meetings https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary 5. Administrators will conduct Board reports at least four times a year to update achievement progress Same in 1a7 FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:46:40 AM) committees (ie. Media council, technology committee etc) • TQ funding to support committee members and teachers on leadership teams • Substitute teachers cost on Oversight meeting dates • Build in weekly and monthly PD time • Time to meet as teams • ICC related resources on DE and GW website • GW facilitators and DE consultants • On-line resources such as video clips, blogs, wikis related to data driven leadership • District personnel to engage in designing process, mass communication and reflection FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:46:40 AM) Reports to SIAC committee will be made according to a schedule for each area and will be repeated annually Revise building improvement plans annually in May/June SIAC data review will be done in each June. Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 2:07:09 PM) FY 2010 Our long term student achievement goals are: 80% of students will meet or exceed achievement targets on common summative assessments: • Reading (K-4) • Writing (K - 12) • Others (to be determined) 75% of total students will meet or exceed growth targets on the Measures of Academic Progress. By the end of each year, 80% of students receiving the following supports for services will meet their growth target in their identified goal area(s) as measured by the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) • Special education services • ELL • Students receiving Intervention Services • Gifted and Talented 0% gap between low SES subgroup and the total student group as measured by ITBS and ITED proficiency 80% of students will be proficient using the district digital literacy common assessment at the 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th grade (to be established, starting 2010). ... Outcome 4: Content-Instruction-Assessment: Alignment District/School leaders and other educators monitor and use data to increase the degree of alignment https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary of each and every student’s enacted curriculum and other relevant educational opportunities to the Iowa Core. Target 4.a: Implementation of leadership behaviors to sustain the Iowa Core. Action 4.a.1: Educators learn about alignment processes to implement the Iowa Core. (The Iowa Core Network will provide alignment processes and tools and prepare Leadership Teams to use them. Districts/Schools may wait to begin planning for this outcome until they have learned more about these alignment resources.) Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:29:57 AM) 1. The Oversight team attends all ICC related learning sessions 2. Curriculum alignment vision and purpose will be reinforced with all teachers. 3. ICC outcomes and details introduced and reviewed at the building level. 4. ICC alignment expectations introduced and reviewed at the building level FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:29:57 AM) • Time for attending ICC alignment learning sessions • External Curriculum alignment consultant fees and expenses • Time for alignment components of ICC learning built into PL days • Team meeting dates with sub costs FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:29:57 AM) #1 has been going throughout the year On-going goal for the rest of the activities Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:33:09 AM) FY 2010 Evidence of progress for professional growth: • Building level meeting and PL day artifacts Target 4.b: District/school used processes and procedures for engaging stakeholders, setting goals, developing school improvement plans, and integrating various plans. Action 4.b.1: Educators select the processes and tools that will be used locally (LEA). Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:34:38 AM) 1. The Oversight team establishes alignment process. 2. Curriculum mapping tool implemented for all district teachers 3. The Oversight team monitors and evaluates curriculum mapping process and results. 4. The Oversight team will use SMART goal results to build new goals 5. Alignment tool is selected from state/AEA options FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:34:38 AM) • Curriculum alignment tool design and maintenance • Curriculum alignment consultant fees and expenses • Time for alignment components of ICC learning built into PL days • Time to examine state supported alignment tools FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:34:38 AM) These are on-going goals. Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:36:20 AM) https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary FY 2010 • 100% of district teachers map their planned, taught and learned curriculum using the district mapping tool on a ongoing basis • Increase % of curriculum units meeting the quality standards set by the leadership team • 100% of district teachers complete state alignment tools • Building leaders and Cadres build school improvement SMART goals based on the data Action 4.b.2: Educators learn to use the selected processes and tools. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 12:19:12 PM) 1. Create Consensus Map aligned with ICC completed in the area of Literacy 2. Create Consensus Map aligned with ICC completed in the area of Science 3. Create Consensus Map aligned with ICC completed in the area of Math 4. Create Consensus Map aligned with ICC completed in the area of Social Studies 5. Create Consensus maps for elective courses 6. Create Curriculum Mapping tools used to document planned, taught and learned curriculum by all district teachers 7. Gather data from curriculum alignment tools 8. Professional development will focus on content, instruction and assessment. Beginning in 2010, we will emphasize effective implementation of Assessment FOR learning strategies and tools FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 12:19:12 PM) • Curriculum alignment tool design and maintenance • Curriculum alignment consultant fees and expenses • AEA Consultant technical support • Time for PL team to design and facilitate building leadership cadre learning • Summer work time for K-12 core teachers for designing consensus maps • Teacher work time and sub pay for non-core curriculum FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 12:19:12 PM) 1. Literacy consensus map -08/09 school year 2. Science consensus map - 09/10 school year 3. Math consensus map - 10/11 school year 4. Social Studies consensus map - 11/12 school year 5. The curriculum reflective cycle will be on-going even after 2013 6. PD will be on-going Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 12:17:13 PM) FY 2010 • Completed consensus map aligned with ICC for Literacy • Completed consensus map aligned with ICC for Science • Completed consensus map aligned with ICC for Math • Completed consensus map aligned with ICC for Social Studies • Completed consensus maps aligned with ICC for elective courses • Completed self analysis of ICC core content by all district teachers • 100% teachers will continue to plan, document, reflect and revise their individual curriculum units based on quality standards (RR framework) and to incorporate 21st century thinking and learning • 100% of teachers will documents formative assessments in curriculum maps Target 4.c: Implementation of leadership behaviors to sustain the Iowa Core. Action 4.c.1: Educators implement the alignment selected processes and tools. https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:46:04 AM) 1. CCSD K-12 teachers will align planned, taught and learned curriculum with ICC outcomes and details 2. K-12 Teachers will collaborate on unit and lesson design that integrates Characteristics of Effective Instruction 3. K-12 Teachers will complete summative self-reports of alignment with ICC 4. K-12 Teachers will complete summative self-reports of alignment of characteristics of effective instruction 5. Building Leadership cadres conduct curriculum Status Checks 4 times per year FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:46:04 AM) • Curriculum alignment tool design and maintenance • Curriculum mapping consultant fees and expenses • PL design team time to plan and facilitate building leadership cadre learning FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:46:04 AM) Characteristics of Effective Instruction - to be completed by January, 2010. The other activities are on-going and annually. Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:46:53 AM) FY 2010 • Rubric for Characteristics of Effective Instruction completed by mid year, 2010. • 80% of teachers demonstrate a proficiency level on the ''Characteristics of Effective Instruction Rubric through self reporting and observations which includes the following: • Teaching for Learner Differences • Teaching for understanding • Rigor and relevance • Student Centered classroom • Assessment for learning • 100% of teachers will design quality instructional units through the curriculum tool and use the tool to enhance weekly curriculum and instructional collaboration • 100% of lesson plans and units chosen for digital literacy meet the quality criteria of the Digital Unit/Lesson Design Rubric. • 100% teachers integrate ICC 21st century skills, which is evident in curriculum maps • 100% of teachers will self assess and reflect against the digital literacy common assessment and set professional learning goals. Action 4.c.2: Educators use alignment data to help make decisions regarding the alignment of the enacted to the intended curriculum. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:49:34 AM) 1. Building leadership cadres conduct curriculum Status Checks 4 times per year to collect qualitative data 2. Oversight team collects and analyzes summative self reporting data on a yearly basis. 3. Oversight team analyzes observation/dialogue data on a yearly basis 4. Oversight team designs timelines and accountability goals for 100% alignment with ICC 5. Oversight team determines on-going structures for reviewing ICC concepts and skills at all grade levels and subject areas. FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:49:34 AM) • Time for oversight team to meet and plan for data collection • Technical assistance from AEA consultants • Time for leadership teams to collect and organize Status Check data • Oversight Team time to organize and analyze district curriculum data- self reports and observation/dialogue data https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:49:34 AM) Status check schedule is set in June prior to the new school year. PD time for data discussion is pre set for each year. Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 9:50:41 AM) FY 2010 • Schedule for collection and analysis of summative self-reporting data • Schedule for collection and analysis of summative self-reporting data • Schedule for collection and analysis of curriculum Status Check qualitative data • Summary of analysis of self-reporting, observation, and Status Check data compiled by the Oversight team • Annual timelines and accountability goals established and communicated to staff by building principals and cadre teams • On-going PL components for new teacher group related to ICC concepts and skills ... Outcome 5: Content-Instruction-Assessment: Professional Development Educators engage in professional development focused on implementing characteristics of effective instruction and demonstrate understanding of essential concepts and skills. Target 5.a: Implementation of leadership behaviors to sustain the Iowa Core. Action 5.a.1: Educators collect and use data across Iowa Core outcomes and student achievement to guide professional development. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:09:59 AM) 1. The Oversight team examines the self study reports throughout the year before we set the SMART goals. 2. The Oversight team establishes clear learning targets that are fully aligned with the vision of ICC. The data will be reviewed annually to set new goals. 3. The Oversight team set clear goals for curriculum development and effective instruction. Our staff development targets will be set to support those goals. 4. The professional develop goals will include both implementation goals and student achievement goals at both the district and school levels. 5. Cadre members and administrators collaborate to identify, plan and facilitate professional development needs at the building and district levels. 6. Administrators and building staff analyze and disaggregate data to share with various district groups in a predetermined schedule. 7. Staff level participation and engagement in professional learning opportunities will be monitored through administrative observations and instructional rounds. 8. Implementation of ICC by staff will be monitored and assessed through teacher evaluations, administrative walk- https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary throughs, instructional rounds and curriculum design. FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:09:59 AM) 1. Professional development days 2. Teacher substitute days 3. Planning and design meetings 4. Oversight meetings 5. SIAC meetings 6. Cadre meetings 7. Oversight Committee members 8. Cadre members 9. SIAC members 10. ICC documents 11. DE website information 12. GWAEA documents 13. GWAEA personnel 14. Books and professional literature 15. External consultant services FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:09:59 AM) On going based on the PL schedule and the Leadership meeting schedule Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:10:42 AM) FY 2010 Curriculum Gap Analysis baseline data analysis established by the end for 2009-10 school year PD module self study score analysis done annually 2010-11 District and building PD plan that focuses on the following: • Writing (with a focus on 21st century literacy and AFL) • Total Instructional Alignment/Quality curriculum for all (With a focus on RR, 21st and AFL) • Building Based Goal (if applicable) Base line Implementation data analysis by the end of 2010-11 school year Baseline student achievement data analysis by the end of 2010 - 11 school year Target 5.b: District/school used processes and procedures for engaging stakeholders, setting goals, developing school improvement plans, and integrating various plans. https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary Action 5.b.1: Educators engage in professional development that contains all elements of effective professional development for student achievement (Iowa Professional Development Model). Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:13:45 AM) 1. TQ team meets four times a year to review the district TQ policies and practices. 2. The Oversight team reviews analysis by Teacher Quality Team : o Structure of IPDM o IPDM District/ Building profile o Parts of IPDM for district and building professional learning structures 3. Professional development focusing on designing effective formative assessments. 4. Teacher and administrative leadership teams build a common vision by analyzing and defining what effective instruction implementation looks like within classrooms. 5. Professional development is presented consistently using best practice demonstrations of best practice implementation via a variety of technology tools. 6. Student achievement and implementation data is used to design district and building professional development. 7. Professional development data is collected following each professional development day. 8. Administrators and building leadership teams examine planned and enacted curriculum using a Status Check protocol and tool. 9. Administrators participate in instructional rounds four times per year. 10. Mentors participate in mentor training to sustain and implement mentoring skills throughout the school year. 11. Administrators and the Oversight team collaborate with an external, regional curriculum consultant to develop, align and assess curriculum for all content areas and across all grade levels. FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:13:45 AM) 1. TQ Committee members 2. Professional development days 3. Teacher substitute days 4. Oversight Committee members 5. Cadre members 6. External consultant services 16. Planning and design meetings 17. Oversight meetings 18. Cadre meetings 19. ICC documents 20. DE website information 21. GWAEA documents 22. GWAEA personnel 23. IPDM documents FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:13:45 AM) On going and annual Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:14:29 AM) FY 2010 • Teacher Quality team summary of District PL system -annually • The Oversight team completed IPDM District/Building Profile annually • The Oversight team analyze the IPDM profile and the SMART goals results to set new goals ... Outcome 6: Content-Instruction-Assessment: Instruction Educators implement effective instructional practices to ensure high levels of learning for each and every student. https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary Target 6.a: District/school used processes and procedures for engaging stakeholders, setting goals, developing school improvement plans, and integrating various plans. Action 6.a.1: Educators form and maintain collaborative teams. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:21:49 AM) 1. The Oversight team and building cadres lead ICC discussions at the building level. 2. Building leadership teams host weekly collaboration to improve curriculum and instruction 3. Building leadership teams apply/model effective instructional practices in adult learning sessions and use discussion protocols to increase engagement 4. Instructional coaches engage in collaboration 5-6 times a year 5. IDM core teams are formed to build leadership capacities 6. Create structures for teachers to engage in research based professional development practices include but not limited to the following: a. Observe each other b. Lesson study c. Analyze student work d. Model instructional strategies e. Peer coaching f. Video analysis g. Professional social networking 7. Administrators engage in weekly learning in the following manner: a. Common learning sessions b. Peer coaching and peer walkthroughs c. Instructional rounds 8. The Oversight team will create data collection tools to track the following implementation data: • Effective instruction (Use a rubric; start with AFL) • Curriculum quality and alignment (Use the curriculum tool) • Digital unit design (Rubric) 9. Each building leadership team will collect implementation data based on their school improvement plan and use the data to design next level work FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:21:49 AM) • Data collection tools in including curriculum alignment; enacted curriculum status check, digital learning unit design rubric, and AFL rubric • GW consultants • External consultant focusing on curriculum alignment and effective instruction • Time to meet • Weekly and monthly PD time at each building level • TQ funding to support distributive leadership development • Committee work time FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:21:49 AM) PD is pre-scheduled and on going Building Cadre, Oversight, IDM team are pre-scheduled (4-8 times a year)and on-going Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 2:35:23 PM) FY 2010 Student Achievement Evidence: • Gap between low SES/SPED students and gen. ed students will decrease • Increase graduation rate 80% of students will meet or exceed achievement targets on common summative assessments: o Reading (K-4) o Writing (K - 12) 75% of students will meet or exceed growth targets on the Measures of Academic Progress Professional Growth Evidence: • Increase % of teachers implement effective instruction practices which will be evident through walk through data https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary and evaluations of staff (See SMART goal) • Increase % of new teachers who demonstrates proficiency on the district identified best practice strategies (Principal Survey) • Increase % of co-teachers who implement district identified effective practice • Purposeful partnerships • 80% of teachers demonstrate proficiency on the ''Characteristics of Effective Instruction Rubric which includes the following: o Teaching for Learner Differences o Teaching for understanding o Rigor and relevance o Student Centered classroom o Assessment for learning • 100% of lesson plans and units chosen for digital literacy meet the quality criteria of the Digital Unit/Lesson Design Rubric. • 100% teachers integrate ICC 21st century skills, which is evident in curriculum maps • 100% of teachers will self assess and reflect against the digital literacy common assessment and set professional learning goals. Action 6.a.2: Educators acquire awareness of the characteristics of effective instruction. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:26:10 AM) 1. The Oversight team will help teachers construct meaning on the concept of ''Characteristics of Effective Instruction'' through weekly collaboration and PL sessions 2. A rubric will be build to collect effective instruction data 3. Demo lessons will be part of most if not PL sessions 4. ''Status Check'' on enacted curriculum 3 to four times a year. The data will be used to build next level PD work 5. New teacher induction program will incorporate Characteristic of Effective Instruction FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:26:10 AM) • DE and GW materials, websites and professional learning opportunities • GW and external consultants • Web-based learning materials such as wikis, blogs, Edutopia etc. • Scott MaCleod's workshops • Margret Heritage research • Rick Stiggin research • RTI and IDM related research • Model lessons from video or master teachers FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:26:10 AM) Item 1-3 will be on-going New teacher sessions will be done four times a year. Mentoring and coaching will happen throughout the year based on district guideline. https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:26:56 AM) FY 2010 Professional Growth Evidence: 1. 80% of teachers demonstrate proficiency on the ''Characteristics of Effective Instruction Rubric which includes the following: o Teaching for Learner Differences o Teaching for understanding o Rigor and relevance o Student Centered classroom o Assessment for learning Action 6.a.3: Educators engage in dialogue about practices that support the characteristics of effective instruction. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:28:43 AM) 1. The Oversight team develops a set of ''common PL experiences'' for all buildings to consider 2. Each building leadership team will design all PL sessions with the characters in mind. This includes but not limited to: o Create a rubric for characteristics of effective instruction o Connect rubric with examples and non-examples o Connect content, instruction and assessment o Assist in developing HOTS and upper quadrant units o Incorporate 21st century skills in units and lessons o Demonstrate digital and media integration in PL and classroom teaching o Establish teacher demonstration structure and relate their practice to the characteristics o Encourage self reflection and develop collective accountability for high implementation 3. Conduct instructional rounds a the district and building levels FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:28:43 AM) • DE and GW materials, websites and professional learning opportunities • GW and external consultants • Web-based learning materials such as wikis, blogs, Edutopia etc. • Scott MaCleod's workshops • Margret Heritage research • Rick Stiggin research • RTI and IDM related research • Model lessons from video or master teachers FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:28:43 AM) Item 1-2 will be on going throughout the year Instructional rounds will be conducted four times a year Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 2:36:34 PM) FY 2010 Student Achievement Evidence: • Increase in student achievement scores for all students • 80% of students will be proficient using the district digital literacy common assessment at the 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th grade (to be established). By the end of the year, 80% of students receiving the following supports for services will meet their growth target in their identified goal area(s) as measured by the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) o Special education services • ELL • Students receiving Intervention Services https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary • Gifted and Talented 0% gap between low SES subgroup and the total student group as measured by ITBS and ITED proficiency Professional Growth Evidence: 1. Participation in collaboration time 2. Participation in administration meetings 3. PL agendas from cadres focus on effective instruction and ICC 4. 80% of teachers demonstrate proficiency on the ''Characteristics of Effective Instruction Rubric which includes the following: o Teaching for Learner Differences o Teaching for understanding o Rigor and relevance o Student Centered classroom o Assessment for learning 5. 100% of teachers will design quality instructional units through the curriculum tool and use the tool to enhance weekly curriculum and instructional collaboration. • 100% of lesson plans and units chosen for digital literacy meet the quality criteria of the Digital Unit/Lesson Design Rubric. • 100% teachers integrate ICC 21st century skills, which is evident in curriculum maps • 100% of teachers will self assess and reflect against the digital literacy common assessment and set professional learning goals. Action 6.a.4: Leadership Team facilitates a process to determine the degree to which practices that align with the characteristics of effective instruction are in place in classroom instruction. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:31:28 AM) 1. The Oversight team will create a rubric for effective instruction based on the five characteristics of instruction 2. Building leadership teams will design PL sessions and collaborative discussions to help teachers deepen their knowledge and understanding with the concept 3. The Oversight team and building leadership teams will connect curriculum, instruction and assessment initiatives with the characteristics 4. The Oversight team will conduct reflective discussions each year to examine if the current school improvement initiatives enhance implementation of ICC and make adjustments accordingly 5. Each building cadre will conduct reflective discussions and determine new school goals and actions 6. Oversight team and PL schedules will be established in the summer to support the improvement process FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:31:28 AM) • DE and GW materials, websites and professional learning opportunities • GW and external consultants • Web-based learning materials such as wikis, blogs, Edutopia etc. • Scott MaCleod's workshops • Margret Heritage research • Rick Stiggin research • RTI and IDM related research https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary • Model lessons from video or master teachers FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:31:28 AM) These actions will be carried out during scheduled team sessions. Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 2:38:34 PM) FY 2010 Student Achievement Evidence: • Increase in student achievement scores for all students • 80% of students will be proficient using the district digital literacy common assessment at the 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th grade (to be established). By the end of the year, 80% of students receiving the following supports for services will meet their growth target in their identified goal area(s) as measured by the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) • Special education services • ELL • Students receiving Intervention Services • Gifted and Talented 0% gap between low SES subgroup and the total student group as measured by ITBS and ITED proficiency 80% of students will meet or exceed achievement targets on common summative assessments: o Reading (K-4) o Writing (K - 12) 75% of students will meet or exceed growth targets on MAP. Professional Growth Evidence: • Increase % of new teachers who demonstrates proficiency on the district identified best practice strategies (Principal Survey) • Increase % of co-teachers who implement district identified effective practice • 80% of teachers demonstrate proficiency on the ''Characteristics of Effective Instruction Rubric • 100% of teachers will design quality instructional units through the curriculum tool and use the tool to enhance weekly curriculum and instructional collaboration. • 100% of lesson plans and units chosen for digital literacy meet the quality criteria of the Digital Unit/Lesson Design Rubric. • 100% teachers integrate ICC 21st century skills, which is evident in curriculum maps • 100% of teachers will self assess and reflect against the digital literacy common assessment and set professional learning goals. https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary Target 6.b: Implementation of leadership behaviors to sustain the Iowa Core. Action 6.b.1: Leadership Team makes decisions about how to strengthen the district/building professional development plans to address the Iowa Core. (See Outcome 5.) Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:37:18 AM) 1. The Oversight team will conduct reflective discussions annually based on collected data and SMART goals. 2. Building Leadership teams will conduct Status Checks for curriculum design 4 times per year 3. Building Leadership teams organize and analyze Status Check data to determine next steps 4. Building leadership teams will conduct reflective discussions based on implementation data and student achievement data as defined in the SMART goals 5. All leadership teams should relate data with the characteristics of effective instruction. Reflections include but not limited to: o PL impact on classroom practice o % of student meeting target o Gap analysis o Leadership team structures, capacities and practices 6. Engage staff and seek input from staff members in the reflective process to build next level work. 7. Share reflective results and new school plans with the staff, the Board, SIAC and various community partners. FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:37:18 AM) • Time for Oversight team members to meet and complete tasks https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary • Time for Leadership teams to meet and collaborate • Sub costs for teacher meeting days • AEA consultant technical assistance • Walk-through time for administrators and teacher teams • PL time for review of implementation and student achievement data and staff input collection FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:37:18 AM) All activities are on-going. New goals are set in each May. Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 2:24:11 PM) FY 2010 Student Achievement Evidence: • Increase in student achievement scores for all students • 80% of students will be proficient using the district digital literacy common assessment at the 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th grade (to be established). By the end of the year, 80% of students receiving the following supports for services will meet their growth target in their identified goal area(s) as measured by the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) o Special education services • ELL • Students receiving Intervention Services • Gifted and Talented 0% gap between low SES subgroup and the total student group as measured by ITBS and ITED proficiency 80% of students will meet or exceed achievement targets on common summative assessments: o Reading (K-4) o Writing (K - 12) o Others (to be determined) 75% of students will meet or exceed growth targets on the Measures of Academic Progress. Professional Growth Evidence: • Completed Building Improvement Plan including PL focus based on both implementation data and student learning needs • Completed Status Check procedures and tools 4 times per year • Completed Status Check data analysis • Completed description and record of Staff input plan Action 6.b.2: Educators engage in professional development that follows the Iowa Professional https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary Development Model (IPDM) to implement instructional strategies, models, and/or approaches supportive of the characteristics of effective instruction (see Outcome 5). ** COLLECTION NOT REQUIRED ** Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:45:30 AM) 1. Building Leadership teams review IPDM district and building profile 2. Building Leadership teams develop a protocol to gather input for a new plan based on student achievement and implementation data 3. Building Leadership teams prioritize recommendations and turn them into new goals FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:45:30 AM) • Time for Leadership teams to meet and collaborate • Sub costs for teacher meeting days • PL time for staff input process FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:45:30 AM) The improvement cycle will happen throughout the year when we analyze data. Self study will be done at the last Oversight meeting and in each building's May and June cadre meetings. Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 2:26:55 PM) FY 2010 Student Achievement Evidence: • Increase in student achievement scores for all students • 80% of students will be proficient using the district digital literacy common assessment at the 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th grade (to be established). By the end of the year, 80% of students receiving the following supports for services will meet their growth target in their identified goal area(s) as measured by the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) • Special education services • ELL • Students receiving Intervention Services • Gifted and Talented 0% gap between low SES subgroup and the total student group as measured by ITBS and ITED proficiency 80% of students will meet or exceed achievement targets on common summative assessments: o Reading (K-4) o Writing (K - 12) o Others (to be determined) 75% of students will meet or exceed growth targets on the Measures of Academic Progress. Professional Growth Evidence: • IPDM district/building discussion artifact • Completed process for staff input based on student achievement and implementation data • Building improvement plans that reflect changes made due to the discussion of the building profile Action 6.b.3: Educators implement with fidelity selected instructional strategies, models, or approaches that demonstrate the characteristics of effective instruction. Activities/Resources/Time Line Not Completed in this Fiscal Year FY 2010 Activities (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:50:16 AM) 1. The building leaders and collaborative teams establish weekly collaboration schedule, team norms and collaborative focuses to improve student learning. https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary 2. All school teams and individual teachers can articulate the targeted ''best practice'' and engage in collaborative learning to ensure collective and individual accountability. 3. School leaders purposefully select high-yielding strategies to engage teachers in collaborative learning, data-based reflection and result-oriented actions. 4. School leaders and teams apply effective protocols to engage in data analysis (i.e. Analyzing Student work) to determine the impact of instruction and student needs. 5. School leaders and teams apply ''Status Check'' protocols to gather data about the planned, enacted, and assessed curriculum 6. Each building PD plan contains progress monitoring mechanisms that examines both implementation data and student achievement data on an on-going basis. • Teacher self reporting and dialogue about implementation of strategies • Administrative walk-throughs with data collection tools focused on student work/tasks and teacher actions • Engage in building and district level ''Rounds'' protocols with data collection tools for student tasks and teacher actions 7. All professional development practices aim at changed classroom practice that positively impact student learning FY 2010 Resources (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:50:16 AM) • Oversight team time for meeting and collaboration • Sub costs for teacher meetings and Rounds observations • PL time for staff learning and collaboration • Time for ''Rounds'' by building and district teams FY 2010 Time Line (Date last modified: 5/19/2010 10:50:16 AM) All activities are on-going. Evidence of Progress (Date last modified: 6/17/2010 2:40:11 PM) FY 2010 Student Achievement Evidence: • Increase in student achievement scores for all students • 80% of students will be proficient using the district digital literacy common assessment at the 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th grade (to be established). By the end of the year, 80% of students receiving the following supports for services will meet their growth target in their identified goal area(s) as measured by MAP • Special education services • ELL • Students receiving Intervention Services • Gifted and Talented 0% gap between low SES subgroup and the total student group as measured by ITBS and ITED proficiency 80% of students will meet or exceed achievement targets on common summative assessments: o Reading (K-4) 75% of students will meet or exceed growth targets on the Measures of Academic Progress. Professional Growth Evidence: • Staff utilizes multiple data sources to inform instruction • Staff use PLP to reflect on their own practices • Staff create quality curriculum units and lessons • 80% of teachers demonstrate proficiency on the ''Characteristics of Effective Instruction Rubric • 100% of teachers will design quality instructional units through the curriculum tool and use the tool to enhance weekly curriculum and instructional collaboration. • 100% of lesson plans and units chosen for digital literacy meet the quality criteria of the Digital Unit/Lesson Design Rubric. • 100% teachers integrate ICC 21st century skills, which is evident in curriculum maps https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM] IC Implementation Plan - Print Summary • 100% of teachers will self assess and reflect against the digital literacy common assessment and set professional learning goals. View Complete History Authorized College Comm School District Agency: 401 76th Ave SW Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404 AEA: AEA 10 Grant Wood AEA (control code 9210) Current Date and Time: 7/14/2010 4:02:54 PM (REFRESHING WEB PAGE UPDATES DATE AND TIME) https://www.edinfo.state.ia.us/iccss/ip_print.asp?7%2F14%2F2010+4%3A02%3A53+PM[7/14/2010 3:59:17 PM]