METALLOGRAPHIC ORIENTATION EFFECTS ON BURR FORMATION IN MACHINING OXYGEN-FREE-COPPER USING SINGLE CRYSTALLINE DIAMOND MICRO-TOOLS X Ding1,2 *, D L Butler1,2, G C Lim1, Y C Liu1, K C Shaw1, H Y Zheng1 1 Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), 71 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 638075 2 School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore ABSTRACT A study was carried out to investigate the mechanism of burr formation in micro-scalemechanical machining (henceforth referred to as ‘micro-machining’) of Oxygen-Free-Copper (OFC) using a 5-axis ultra-precision machine. The single crystalline diamond (SCD) microtools with a cutting contact length of around 30 µm on the primary clearance face were employed in this study. Burrs could be observed when the cutting depth is deeper than 0.9 µm. The crystallographic orientation exerts a great influence on the formation of the burrs. Modifying the machining parameters, such as reducing the cutting depth or the cross-feed rate could minimize the burr size. This study contributes to the understanding of the physics of mechanical machining with micro-tools. cutting properties, leading to a distinct difference between the traditional macro-mechanical machining and the micro-machining. A number of studies have been carried out to arrive at a better understanding of the effects of metallographic structure on machining single crystal materials [3-9]. Polycrystalline OFC is widely used for optical components since optical grade surfaces can be produced with diamond turning. However, so far, there is very little reported information on the introduction of burr formation as well as the minimization of burrs in micro-machining OFC. There fore, there is a needed to carry out a study to investigate the fundamental mechanisms in micro-burr formation for the purpose of predicting and controlling the burr formation during micromachining OFC Key words: Micro-size diamond tool, micromachining, FIB, grain orientation, burr formation MACHINING EXPERIMENTS All experiments were conducted using a Moore Nanotech 350 ultra-precision Freeform Generator. A FEI dual beam focused ion beam (FIB) system (Nova Navolab) which integrates ion and electron beams for FIB and SEM functionality in one machine was used to fabricate the micro-size SCD tools and observe the machined work pieces. A Wyko NT3300 optical profiler was used to measure the machined surface after experiments. Kistler dynamometer (9256C1 Minidyn Multicomponent Dynamometer) was used to detect the force signals during machining. A Nano-indentor (NanoTest 550) was used to test the micro hardness on the top surface of the work material. INTRODUCTION Micro-burrs have been observed in the micromilling of stainless steel, brass, aluminium and cast iron [1, 2]. The suppression of burr development in machining with a micro-tool is very important because, unlike in macromachining, post-processing cannot always be applied to remove burrs on miniature fabricated parts. De-burring may introduce dimensional errors and residual stresses in the component. Therefore, the best solution is to prevent or minimize burr formation during micro-machining. For the implementation of this approach it is critical to understand the basic mechanisms involved in the burr formation in micro-machining using micro-tools. However, since the metallographic phase size is often of the same order of magnitude as the cutter size, the metallurgical structures will affect the overall OFC is a high purity copper with less than 0.05% residual deoxidants. Table 1 show the material’s properties. Prior to micro-machining and nano-indentation, an SCD tool with nose radius of 1.0 mm was used to shape the top surface of work materials. The shaped top surface of the work material can achieve an optical quality finish with R a as low as 7nm and flat waviness of 0.1 m Peak-Valley value. The SCD micro-tool was fabricated using a FIB [10] to obtain the following profile: cutting edge radius ranging from 15 µm to 18 µm, rake angle of -1.5 º, and primary and side clearance angles of 7 º. The cutting contact length at the toolworkpiece interface is around 30µm. Since machining is carried out at small depth-of-cuts using a micro-size tool, it was necessary to align the tool carefully in order to achieve high alignment accuracy. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Grooves were formed on the top surface of the work material with the groove width equivalent to the cutting contact length at a tool-workpiece interface of around 30 µm and a cutting speed of 1.0mm/min. Deformation or pile-up could be observed along the groove edge when the cutting depth was deeper than 0.9 m with the existence of burrs between A and B as shown in Fig. 1 (a). The burr was generated at the crystallographic grain right to the grain boundary and can be observed in the close-up view in Fig. 1 (b). Previous research undertaken by the authors concluded that, as the micro-size tool traverses within a grain with a higher hardness, the work material in front of the machining tool may deform severely, leading to thicker chip, striation at the chip back, higher machining force, reduced shear angle and a degraded machined surface [11]. A similar phenomenon was displayed in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, such as the build-up at the chip, degraded machined surface and a significant increased cutting force at the instance when the burr was formed during micro-machining. The micro-hardness test indicated that the metallographic phase between A and B is harder (2.6 GPa) than that obtained in the grain to the left of the boundary (1.7 GPa). Thus when the micro-tool traverses within a grain of relative higher hardness the likelihood of burr formation is increased. The formation of the burrs attributed to the crystallographic orientation could be avoided by modifying the machining parameters. Reducing the cutting depth helps to minimize the burr size. Fig. 3 shows that there were no burrs observed with a variation in grain orientation at a cutting depth of less than 0.35 m at the same cutting speed without coolant, although the machined surface changed with the crystallographic orientation. Three grooves were formed through the same grain (upper dashed curve) by a micro-tool as shown in Fig. 4 (a). The depths of grooves from the 1st to 3rd groove were 0.9 m, 1.4 m and 1.7 m respectively. The 1 st and 2nd grooves rd along with Zone Z1 at the 3 groove were formed using a micro-tool with the top layer being removed in one pass and the layer width equalling that of the cutting contact length at the primary clearance face using a machining speed of 1.0mm/min. The Zone Z2 in the 3 rd groove was generated by a series of passes with the same machining speed and direction; however a cross-feed of 1m/pass was used resulting in material on the right side of the tool being repeatedly removed. No coolant was used in the micro-machining experiments. Burrs could be found at all groove edges except the right edge of the 3rd groove which was generated with a cross-feed of 1m/pass. Fig. 5 show the forces obtained from forming the right edge of the 3 rd groove with a cross-feed of 1 m/pass. Comparing to the significant change in cutting forces displayed in Fig. 2, the invariant cutting forces were observed though the micro-size tool cut as it crossed various phases with the full cutting distance of 2.4 mm at a reduced crossfeed. The reduced cutting force in micromachining plays an important role in minimizing the burr size. CONCLUSIONS Burrs could be observed when the cutting depth is deeper than 0.9 µm. The burrs may form if the pile-ups or cracks/fractures occurred at the groove edges once the localized stresses builds up to a threshold when the cutting depth is deeper than a specific value. The crystallographic orientation exerts an influence on the formation of the burrs. Modifying the machining parameters, such as reducing the cutting depth or the cross-feed could minimize the burr size. TABLE 1. Mechanical properties of OFC Physical properties Mechanical properties 20°C Density Young’s Modulus Ultimate Tensile Yield Tensile Elongation Hardness 3 (g/cm ) [GPa] Strength (MPa) Strength (MPa) (%) (HB) 8.94 117 331 303 16 93 20 m Chip Ra: <30 nm Ra: <30 nm Phase boundaries Ra:60140 nm Burr B Build-up Burr A 5 µm B Ra: 60-140 nm A (a) (b) FIGURE 1. Grain orientation effects on the burrs formation in micro-machining. (a) Overview; (b) Close-up view. Cut t I ng f or ce ( N) 0.085 Cutting direction 0.055 0.025 A B -0.005 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 FIGURE 2. Cutting force obtained during micro-machining. 5 m Ra: 40-55 nm Grain boundary Ra<25 nm FIGURE 3. Micro-grooves machined at a cutting speed of 1 mm/min and at a cutting depth of 0.35 m without coolant. 50 m Z1 100 m Z2 Z 1 Z2 Burr Right edge Right edge Grain boundary 1st groove nd nd rd 2 groove rd st 2 3 1 groove groove groove 3 groove (a) (b) FIGURE 4. Three micro-grooves formed within one metallographic phase by a commercial micro-size SCD tool. (a) Scanning Electron Microscope image; (b) Scanning Ion Microscope image Cu t t i n g f o r c e ( N) 0.085 Cutting direction 0.055 0.025 -0.005 1600 3600 5600 7600 9600 11600 13600 15600 17600 rd FIGURE 5. The cutting force obtained from forming the right edge of the 3 groove. REFERENCES: [1]Damazo Bn, Davies MA, Development of a drilling burr control chart for stainless steel. Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME. 2000; 28: 317-322 [2]Schaller T, Bohn L, Mayer J, Schubert K. Microstructure Grooves with a Width of Less Than 50m cut With Ground Hard Metal Micro End Mills. Precision Engineering. 1999; 23: 229-235 [3]Ding X, Butler D L, Lim G C, Cheng C K, Shaw K C, Liu K, Fong W S and Zheng H Y. 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