Impact Analysis of New Product Development under Proprietary Relationship ABSTRACT Although supplier involvement in new product development (NPD) projects has become an increasingly popular method for improving competition, few studies investigate the impacts of changing environment on the NPD from dynamic view. In this paper, therefore, system dynamic simulation is employed to explore that under four manufacturer-supplier relationships: Serial Type, Early Start in the Dark Type, Early Involvement Type, and Integrated Problem Solving Type, the influences of pulse inputs on the system. The most important implication of this research is that when facing rapidly outside change, a tightly linked relationship with the supplier in the NPD makes the enterprise quick response with regard to fluctuant impacts, allowing it to better compete in the evolving market. Subsequently, conclusions and suggestions are provided. 1. INTRUDCTION In recent years, new product development (NPD) has become a focal point of competition, leading to advantages such as shorter time to market and higher product quality, for example ranging from consumer packaged goods to electronics, from appliances to pharmaceuticals, and from automobiles to steel. Traditionally the innovation process has been viewed as a sequence of separable stages (e.g., design, production, and marketing), like technology-driven model and customer or need-driven model (Van De Ven, 1986), but some researchers have proposed the parallel perspective in the NPD (Wheelwright and Clark, 1992; Repenning, 2000). Since a large portion of complex products is needed to be done / participated by outside suppliers, it has become increasingly clear to researchers that the success of many firms has depended on their ability to gain advantages based on establishing 1 closely important relationship with suppliers. Therefore, to succeed in a rapidly changing environment, the firm promoted and sustained tightly linked, integrated supplier relationships, a lot of firms increasingly realize that supplier involvement in new product development can be beneficial with regard to reduced cost, decreased product development time, improved quality, increased product value, innovative technologies that can help capture market share, supplier-originated innovations and so forth. Within the last decade, radical inventions with occasional discontinuities that emerge because of jumps to a different technology trajectory (Dosi, 1988; Sahal, 1985) make customers reduce their purchasing demands; shortened product life cycles results in high drop-out rate; increased global competition contributes to diversities of products. All various changes distinct from before cause demands of product much fluctuation. Thus, modern firms must take quick response to deal with increased or decreased workload. To the best knowledge of this study, despite a number of researches so far have illustrated relative impacts of supplier involvement on enterprise performance in the NPD, few papers to date have explored that in different level of manufacturer-supplier relationship, the influence of different workload on system performance. Therefore, this paper, according to the level of supplier involvement and timing of involvement in a parallel NPD, distinguishes four types: Serial, Early Start in the Dark, Early Involvement and Integrated Problem Solving, investigating the impacts of pulse due to workload disturbance on the system in different conditions. The remainder of this paper is organized as follow. Section 2, a review of relevant literature of supplier involvement is presented. Section 3, we construct a model structure. Section 4 then provides the results and Section 5 of the article provides conclusions and suggestions for future research. 2 2. LITERATURE REVIEW A large and diverse literature now exists on supplier involvement (Bonaccorsi & Lippaini, 1994; Handfield et al., 1999; LaBahn & Krapfel, 2000; Liker et al., 1996; McIvor et al., 2006; Kaufman, et al., 2000; Wasti & Liker, 1997; Wheelwright & Clark, 1992; Wynstra & Pierick, 2000; Wynstra et al., 2001). Among which scholars illustrate the level of the manufacturer-supplier relationship in terms of distinct dimensions. Currently there involvement-communication-based are three view popular (Wheelwright ideas: & timing Clark, of 1992), strategy-based view (Kaufman et al.’s research, 2000) and Media Richness Theory -based view (Wynstra & Pierick, 2000). In the following section, we describe the topics relevant to supplier involvement, including the statements and related benefits in the NPD mentioned in earlier studies, and the roles categorized by previous scholars. 2.1 Supplier Involvement and Its Benefits in the New Product Development Competitive pressures are forcing companies to design new products faster, better and cheaper (Krafcik, 1988; Stalk, 1988). It is now generally understood that this can best be accomplished through concurrent engineering of the product and the manufacturing processes that make the product (Liker and Fleischer, 1992; Wheelwright and Clark, 1992). A common method for accomplishing this is through cross-functional teams that bring product developers into direct communication with manufacturing engineers, marketing executives, and others whose input is important to the product development effort. Since much of the product is manufactured by outside supplier, the suppliers must be involved in product development. Liker et al. (1996) argued that giving suppliers responsibility for product development can provide access to a wealth of in-depth technical knowledge and innovative capacity, and avoid replication of that expertise in the buyer’s organization. Another scholar 3 suggested that as suppliers become responsible for the design of entire systems or subassemblies, systematically they are integrated into the firm’s production and design process (Bonaccorsi and Lipparini, 1994). In addition, more and more suppliers are becoming involved in their customers’ development projects. This involvement may range from giving minor design suggestions (e.g. to improve a component’s manufacturability) to being responsible for the complete development, design and engineering of a specific part or sub-assemble (Wynstra and Pierick, 2000). LaBahn and Krapfel (2000) defined early supplier involvement, or ESI as the cooperation between component suppliers and original equipment manufacturers beginning at the product conceptualization stage. Putting supplier involvement effectively into the product value/supply chain will be a key factor for manufacturers in achieving the improvements necessary to remain competitive. Many companies have recognized that involving suppliers in the NPD efforts has the potential to provide significant results. A number of reports in the popular articles have illustrated some of the benefits of early involvement of supplier in the NPD projects, such as reduced cost (Bonaccorsi and Lipparini, 1994; Handfield et al., 1999; Wynstra et al., 2001; McIvor et al., 2006), decreased product development time (Bonaccorsi and Lipparini, 1994; Handfield et al., 1999; Wynstra et al., 2001; McIvor et al., 2006), improved quality (Bonaccorsi and Lipparini, 1994; Handfield et al., 1999; Wynstra et al., 2001; McIvor et al., 2006), increased product value (Wynstra et al., 2001), innovative technologies that can help capture market share (Handfield et al., 1999), and supplier-originated innovations (Bonaccorsi and Lipparini, 1994). 2.2 The Roles of Supplier Involvement Firms consistently recognize that execute NPD projects more effectively and efficiently than their competitors are rewarded by significant strategic advantage, and 4 effective problem solving is a critical and necessary factor in the NPD. According to the level of communication and actual work in time, Wheelwright and Clark (1992) created four types of upstream-downstream interaction, the overall reference is shown as Fig. 2-1: (1) Serial Type: In this type, after the upstream group has completely finished its design, the downstream group just begins its work. Manufacturer-supplier relationship is within one-way, “batch” style of communication, and there is no integration in the problem solving. (2) Early Start in the Dark: In this type, the downstream group faces a pressure of deadline, hoping has an early start on the project. However, the upstream continues to employ a batch style of communication, only at the end of its work, so that the downstream group in the dark. Although there is “concurrent” concept, in actuality no information and no integration in the problem solving are between manufacturers and suppliers. (3) Early Involvement Type: Although the upstream group is still involved in the design of the part well before the downstream group begins its work, the mode move toward real integration, manufacturers and suppliers engage in two-way communication of preliminary, fragmentary information. (4) Integrated Problem Solving Type: In this type, downstream engineers not only participate in ongoing dialogue with their upstream counterparts, but use that information and insight to get a flying start on their own work. Manufacturers and suppliers engage in rich, bilateral and intense communication, so that the NPD is accelerated and the gap between current design and customer requirements are reduced. 5 z Serial Type z Early Start in the Dark Type z Early Involvement Type Communication Integrated Problem Solving Type z Involvement Fig. 2-1 Four Types of Upstream-downstream Interaction In analyzing how customers involve their suppliers in the design process, Bonaccorsi and Lipparini (1994) considered two important dimensions: the timing of their involvement; and the degree of competition among them at the time of their involvement. By combining these dimensions, three different models to the topic of the involvement of suppliers in the NPD are as followings. The first model is traditional model. In this model, suppliers are involved after the design is completed and technical specifications issued. The design process is a black box for suppliers and the information disclosed by the leading firm is limited. The second model is Japanese model. The involvement of suppliers in the NPD usually occurs in the concept stage. Collaborative supplier relations are seen as the way to speed the pace of new product introduction and sustainable long-term performance. These suppliers join the firm’s meetings at the very beginning of the NPD process, and the different players engage in an interactive pattern of communication. The third mode is advanced model. This model often takes place in high-tech industries, where a small group of preferred suppliers are involved in the NPD before the definition of product 6 specifications. They are requested to invest in development work, and invited their capabilities. In the advance model, supplier selection does not take place necessarily at an early stage of the NPD process. All the invited suppliers are supposed to invest in the pre-selection development work, even if only one of them will win. In Kaufman et al.’s research (2000), transaction cost economics provides helpful theoretical constructs for building a strategic supplier typology. This typology divides along two dimensions: technology and collaboration. By dividing these variables into high and low categories, the study creates four distinct supplier strategies: (1) Commodity Supplier: firms compete on low cost and low price, offering products with little or no differentiation. Both manufacturers and suppliers have low switching costs in standard market contracts. (2) Collaboration Specialist: firms that use general assets and skills develop enhanced collaborative techniques to fulfill current and to anticipate future customers’ needs. By outsourcing parts that do not use core manufacturing know-how, suppliers’ customers reduce holdup uncertainty. (3) Problem-Solving Supplier: Problem-Solving Supplier is described by a high technology and a high collaboration. Because suppliers that compete on their ability become mutually dependent on one another, trust reduces holdup uncertainty. (4) Technology Specialist: suppliers invest heavily in firm-specific skills and assets for producing proprietary products, striving to produce product of the highest quality and performance and reduce their reliance on a few customers. Manufacturers benefit from relationships with these suppliers. Wynstra and Pierick (2000) proposed a model, the Supplier involvement Portfolio, to provide support for setting priorities with regard to the involvement of suppliers in a NPD project. This portfolio distinguishes four types of supplier involvement: Strategic Development, Critical Development, Arm’ Length Development and Routine Development, on the basis of two variables, the degree of 7 responsibility for product development that is contracted out to the supplier and the development risk. In Wynstra and Pierick’s work, they employed Media Richness Theory to illustrate more comprehensive descriptions of four types of involvement. 1. Strategic Development: Strategic Development is characterized by a high development risk and a high degree of supplier responsibility for the development. At this stage, most information is imprecise and vague, and this inevitably leads to a high level of equivocality and high risks for both parties. Therefore, the manufacturer and the supplier proceeds closely and intensively two-way communication, discussing diverse content mainly focusing on a lot of details regarding technical and commercial information. 2. Critical Development: Critical Development is characterized by a high development risk and a low degree of supplier responsibility. At an early stage, the manufacturer asks the supplier for concrete information. Consequentially, the level of equivocality is low, but the level of uncertainty is still high. The manufacturer initiates one-way communication that the topics mostly concern market and technical details. 3. Arm’ Length Development: Arm’ Length Development is characterized by a low development risk and a high degree of supplier responsibility. In this situation, the supplier receives rather vague information which implying a high level of equivocality, initiating one-way communication that are mainly development with respect to technical issues and sometimes purchasing for coordination purposes. 4. Routine Development: Routine Development is characterized by a low development risk and a low degree of supplier responsibility. Due to the manufacturer draws up technical or purchasing specifications, coordinates all changes and monitors the construction and testing of the prototypes, 8 equivocality and uncertainty are low. The communication requirements thus are minimal, no need to contact each other frequently. Both parties appoint a person to do two-way communication about status exchange. Prior studies have provided us with the importance of supplier involvement on the NPD. However, most researchers assume that the organization is in static circumstances, ignoring impacts derived from dynamic environment. Therefore, taking dynamics into consideration, this paper chooses Wheelwright and Clark’s thinking in accord with the article’s purposes, employing such a simply, dynamic classification to examine impact analysis of NPD under different manufacturer-supplier relationships. 3. MODEL STRUCTURE In this study, system dynamic simulation is used to discuss research purposes. We adopt four types of supplier involvement, including Serial, Early Start in the Dark, Early Involvement and Integrated Problem Solving (Wheelwright and Clark, 1992), assuming the firm engages in a parallel NPD process containing two phases: advanced and current phases shown as Fig. 3-1, and the resource allocation strategy that the current phase has a higher priority to use resources is applied since the product launch date is fixed (Repenning, 2000). The model represents a simplified development environment in which a new product is introduced to the market every twelve months. The development cycle is 24 months, so the organization always works on two projects at once. The data of simulations are from 2000 to 2020. In the stable system, we change workload at 5th year to test pulse effect from the variable in the parallel NPD process model: Advanced Tasks Completed of advance work. 9 3.1 Variable Measurement The different relationships with the supplier involvement initiative are captured in the following way. First, it is assumed that there is a capacity shift between the advanced and the current phases on the basis of the supplier relationships. The assumption is based on when working with the supplier under different relationships the manufacturer puts different ratios of resources to construct their interactions. Second, the total number of engineers may increase in the whole system on the basis of the responsibilities relate to the suppliers. When the supplier has intensive communication, they would put more R&D resources into the NPD process as the additional available engineer hours. Thus it can be seen that the NPD model in the study is characterized by allocated resource ratio and the amount of resource. The concepts in modeling these four types of supplier involvement are described as following: 1. Serial Type: In this type, the supplier don’t participate in the NPD process until the manufacturer has completely finished its design, and one-way communicate between them leads to discrepancies with regard to the product. To solve the question about lacking information, the manufacturer must put more resource into the current phase to meet launch date. 2. Early Start in the Dark Type: In this type, although the manufacturer and the supplier work in parallel, and in this sense are “concurrent”, in fact, the supplier still work in the dark and they operate without information. However, being aware of a pressure of deadline from the supplier, the manufacturer increases resource in the advanced phase. 10 Advanced Tasks Introduced Advanced Tasks Not Completed Advanced Tasks in Testing Advanced Task Completion Rate Advanced Tasks Falling Testing Advanced Tasks Reworked Advanced Work Advanced Tasks Completed Advanced Tasks Passing Testing Advanced Tasks to be Reworked Advanced Rework to Current Rework Advanced Not Completed to Current Not Completed Advanced Completed to Current Completed Tasks to be Current Work Current Reworked Advanced in Test to Current in Test Tasks in Rework Launched Current Tasks Falling Testing Current Tasks Not Completed Current Tasks Reworked Current Tasks in Testing Current Tasks Completed Current Tasks Passing Testing Current Task Completion Rate Task in Testing Launched Current Tasks Launched Fig. 3-1 The parallel NPD process model 3. Early Involvement Type: In this type, manufacturers and suppliers engage in two-way communication of preliminary, fragmentary information. To get benefits from early involvement such as the much better understanding of the issues and objectives embodied in the design, the supplier increases the number of engineers in the NPD. 11 4. Integrated Problem Solving Type: In this type, the manufacturer and the supplier work at the beginning of the NPD process, and intimate, rich pattern of communication occur in a timely way. In this situation, thus, the manufacturer inputs more resource in the advanced phase and the supplier increases engineers to in the project. The effects of the working with the supplier are starting at the first model year, and in order to analyze the system trajectory of the model, the setting of the index is given as follows: s: the model year f(s): the fraction of the work that is accomplished in advanced phase in model year s. ACRR: the actual rate of current re-work NDC: Normal Development Capacity is equal to the Available Engineer Hour (AEH) divided by the Normal Hours required per engineering Tasks (NHT) DCRi: Desired Completion Rate is equal to Work Remaining/# of months to product launch. PA: the probability of creating rework in the advanced phase PC: the probability of creating rework in the current phase A: the total number of tasks in a project 12 T f ( s) = ∫0 ACRR(t )dt A T f ( s) = ∫0 (1 − PA )Min( DCR A (t )), Max( NDC − CCWR(t ),0)))dt A ⎛ A ⎛ (1 − PA ) T ⎛⎜ 1 1 ⎞⎞⎞ C Min⎜⎜ ⋅ , Max⎜⎜ NDC − ⋅ ,0 ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ ⎟dt ∫ 0 ⎜ A 1 − PC T ⎠ ⎠ ⎟⎠ ⎝ ⎝ 1 − PA T ⎝ ⎛ A ⎛ (1 − PA ) T ⎛⎜ 1 A(1 − f ( s − 1) ) 1 ⎞ ⎞⎟ ⎞⎟ ⎜ ⎜ f ( s) = Min , Max NDC ⋅ − ⋅ ,0 ⎟⎟ ⎟ dt ⎜ ⎜1− P T A ∫0 ⎜⎝ 1 − PC T ⎠ ⎠ ⎟⎠ A ⎝ ⎝ ⎛ A ⎛ (1 − PA ) A(1 − f ( s − 1)) ⎞ ⎞⎟ f ( s) = , Max⎜⎜ NDC ⋅ T − ,0 ⎟⎟ ⎟ ⋅ Min⎜⎜ A 1 P 1 P − − A A ⎝ ⎠⎠ ⎝ ⎛ ⎛ NDC ⋅ T ⎞⎞ 1 − PA f ( s ) = Min⎜⎜1, Max⎜⎜ (1 − f ( s − 1)),0 ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ − ⎝ A /(1 − PA ) 1 − PC ⎠⎠ ⎝ ⎛ ⎛ NDC ⋅ T ⎞⎞ 1 − PA 1 − PA − + ⋅ f ( s − 1),0 ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ f ( s ) = Min⎜⎜1, Max⎜⎜ ⎝ A /(1 − PA ) 1 − PC 1 − PC ⎠⎠ ⎝ f ( s) = (1) 4. EXPERIMENT RESULTS AND DISCUSSION After elaborate investigating, the research finds that over fifteen period, no matter how variables change, the system show a robust state. 3-Dimensional figure shown as Fig. 4-1 shows the interactions among resource, engineer and performance. Table 4-1 is the additional parameter settings of the model. FRA* indicates how many additional ratios of resources the manufacturer puts into the affected phase; Engineers are increased with the degree of communication that the supplier held. In this paper, we assume 1 and 300 as base case for FRA* and the number of engineer separately. In the Serial Type, we increase 1/6 to 1/3 of allocated resource ratio into current phase and the same amount into the advanced phase in the Early Start in the Dark Type. Moreover, 1/6 to 1/3 of engineers are increased in the Early Involvement Type. Finally, in the Integrated Problem Solving Type, increasing 1/3 to 1/2 of allocated resource ratio into the advanced phase and 1/6 to 1/3 of engineers. The following are the results of simulations of actual phase trajectories for a 13 variety of pulse inputs under different relationships with the supplier. Fig. 4-1 The robust state among resource, engineer and performance 14 Table 4-1 Additional parameter settings Relationship type Early Early Integrated Base Serial Start in Involve case Type the Dark ment Type Type Problem Parameter Solving Type Increase Increase 1/6 to 1/3 1/6 to 1/3 into into Increase 1/3 to current advanced 1/2 into phase and phase and Increase advanced phase (controlled by the decrease decrease 0% and decrease the manufacturer) the same the same same amount in amount in amount in current phase. advanced current phase. phase. The Threshold Value (FRA*) a 1 Increase # of Engineers addition Increase b (controlled by the Increase Increase al 1/6 to additional 1/6 to 0% 0% 1/3 into 1/3 into NPD NPD process 300 supplier) process a denoted as allocated resource ratio b denoted as resource 4.1 Serial Type Fig. 4-2 and Fig. 4-3 show the results of experiments when the ratio of resource increases in the Serial Mode under different pulse size. Although putting one-six (Fig. 15 4-2) and one-third of allocated resource ratio (Fig. 4-3) into current phase, the system doesn’t promptly return to the stable equilibrium, approximately at f(s)=0.72, and reveals the trend of a downward spiral. Thus it can be seen that in the Serial Mode no matter how pulse size alters, there is no obvious difference with regard to the system’s performance. Selected Phase Trajectories: Serial Mode (17%) B 1 C 0.8 D A 0.6 f(s) 0.4 A=-750 B=-300 C= 750 D=1750 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 f(s-1) Fig. 4-2 The Serial Type’s actual phase trajectories with the ratio of 1/6 Selected Phase Trajectories: Serial Mode (33%) 1.00 B C 0.80 D 0.60 A f(s) 0.40 A=-750 B=-300 C= 750 D=1750 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 f(s-1) 16 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 Fig. 4-3 The Serial Type’s actual phase trajectories with the ratio of 1/3 4.2 Early Involvement Type Further, we take the Early Involvement Type to study its phase trajectories. The outcomes reveal that as the manufacturer inputs one-six (Fig. 4-4) and one-third of allocated resource ratio (Fig. 4-5) into the advanced phase to accelerate the NPD process, compared with former type, worse system’s performance will be improved, not dramatically decline. With the different pulse size from –750 to 1750, all trajectories slowly recover the stable equilibrium at approximately f(s)=0.82. Selected Phase Trajectories: Early Start in the Dark (17%) 1 A B 0.8 C D 0.6 f(s) 0.4 A=-750 B=-300 C= 750 D=1750 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 f(s-1) Fig. 4-4 The Early Start in the Dark Type’s actual phase trajectories with the ratio of 1/6 17 Selected Phase Trajectories: Early Start in the Dark (33%) 1.00 B A 0.80 D C 0.60 f(s) 0.40 A=-750 B=-300 C= 750 D=1750 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 f(s-1) Fig. 4-5 The Early Start in the Dark Type’s actual phase trajectories with the ratio of 1/3 4.3 Early Involvement Type In the Early Involvement Type, in order to early involve the NPD process, the supplier increases one-six of engineers and one-three of engineers to promote communication between the manufacturer and the supplier. Fig. 4-6 and Fig. 4-7 display that with the increased engineer, the system will retrieve the stable equilibrium quickly, approximately at f(s)=0.82, under different pulses. 18 Selected Phase Trajectories: Early Involvement Mode (17%) C 1.00 A 0.80 B D 0.60 f(s) 0.40 A=-750 B=-300 C=750 D=1750 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 f(s-1) Fig. 4-6 The Early Involvement Type’s actual phase trajectories with the ratio of 1/6 Selected Phase Trajectories: Early Involvement Mode (33% ) C 1.00 D 0.80 C A 0.60 f(s) 0.40 A=-750 B=-300 C=750 D=1750 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 f(s-1) Fig. 4-7 The Early Involvement Type’s actual phase trajectories with the ratio of 1/3 4.4 Integrated Problem Solving Type In the Integrated Problem Solving Type, case 1 means that the manufacturer increases one-three of allocated resource ratio into the advanced phase and the 19 supplier adds one-six of engineer in the NPD process (Fig. 4-8); case 2 means that the manufacturer increases one-two of allocated resource ratio into the advanced phase and the supplier adds one-three of engineer in the NPD process (Fig. 4-9). The results of simulation of case 1 and case 2 show that when both the manufacturer and the supplier input efforts in the NPD process, the system promptly returns to the stable equilibrium approximately at f(s)=0.82 in short time regardless of any shock from pulse size. Moreover, we get information from Fig. 4-8 to Fig. 4-9 that the more resource inputs, the better the system’s performance. Selected Phase Trajectories: Integrated Problem Solving Mode (33%) A 1 B 0.8 C 0.6 D f(s) 0.4 A=-750 B=-300 C=750 D=1750 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 f(s-1) Fig. 4-8 The Integrated Problem Solving Type’s actual phase trajectories with the ratio of 1/3 20 Selected Phase Trajectories: Integrated Problem Solving Mode (50%) 1.00 C A 0.80 B 0.60 D f(s) 0.40 A=-750 B=-300 C=750 D=175 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 f(s-1) Fig. 4-9 The Integrated Problem Solving Type’s actual phase trajectories with the ratio of 1/2 4.5 Discussion As we study above regarding the impacts of pulse inputs under different manufacturer-supplier relationship, the results of the analysis can be summarized as follows: In the Serial Type, there is no communication and any cooperation between both parties, therefore, to meet the requirement of time-to-market, the manufacturer would increase allocated resource ratio in the current phase. However, no matter how many allocated resource ratio the manufacturer puts in the current phase and no matter what pulse disturbs, the system’s performance is not good, and the trajectories return to the equilibrium slowly. In the Early Start in the Dark Type, the manufacturer understands the pressure of deadline faced by the supplier, thus the manufacturer increases allocated resource ratio into the advanced phase. Since the design is still dominated by the manufacturer, the gap between the design and actual product exists. Although system’s performance would be better, compared with the Serial Type, all trajectories are not instant to recover the stable point under different pulse size 21 from –750 to 1750. In the Early Involvement Type, the supplier increases engineers to improve communication about the NPD between both parties. Communication makes the supplier have a much better understanding of the design and use information to engage in product development. In the Integrated Problem Solving Type, to accelerate communication and hold timing of involvement, the manufacturer and the supplier would input resource in the NPD process. Analyzing the results of simulation we find that the more allocated resource ratio the manufacturer increases and the more engineers the supplier adds, the faster the system reaches a steady-state equilibrium. It is important to note, as there is close manufacturer-supplier relationship, the impacts of a variety of pulse are smaller. To sum up, as environment changes like different pulse disturbance, the high level of supplier involvement would lead to better system’s performance and the system is apt to recover a stable state. 5. CONCLUSIONS This study has explored that under different impacts of pulses, how the system trajectories vary and which type of manufacturer-supplier relationship is better. The most important finding of this research is that when facing rapidly changing environment, tightly linked and integrated inter-firm relationships in the NPD make the enterprise quick response with regard to fluctuant impacts, allowing it to better compete in the evolving market. The results of this paper has showed that (i) In the Serial Type, the manufacturer has no contact with the supplier so that all system trajectories are not easy to return to the stable state regardless of large or small pulse; (ii) In the Early Start in the Dark Type, compared with the Serial Type, the supplier anticipates to early involve in the NPD due to the pressure of a deadline, so increased resource inputted in the advanced phase by the supplier make the system slowly recover the mode as the firm confronts the impacts of different pulses; (iii) In the 22 Early Involvement Type, the supplier increases engineers to accelerate communication concerning the NPD, which promote all system trajectories quick retrieve the state point; (iv) In the Integrated Problem Solving Type, close manufacturer-supplier relationship refers to the high level of supplier involvement. Inputs from both parties make the system immediately return to a steady-state equilibrium. 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