Reinforcement Drawings for Concrete Slabs

Reinforcement Drawings for Concrete Slabs
CEDRUS-5 is the most popular program for analysis and design of concrete slabs. It handles
generic geometry slabs, with holes, compact or hollow, supported on any layout of linear and point
supports, using the finite element method. The loads may also be generic, distributed, linear or
point, placed at any position on the slab. The finite element mesh is created fully automaticaly and
in “zero time” we get results for diplacements, reactions, section forces, and reinforcement.
Reinforcement requirement results are produced everywhere on the slab, for the desired
direction, in cm2 per meter width or additionaly along “section zones”, so that the slab is reinforced
in zones with uniform distribution of the concentrated moments, that appear in point supports or
corners of the slab. The only thing missing for a coplete automatic design of the slab is the drawing
of the reinforcement bars on the formwork of the slab, and this is what CEDRUS-5H does.
Hellas Ltd
Software · Consulting Services
Model generation
y CEDRUS-5 model is created fully automatic
and the engineer has only to input the loads.
y CEDRUS-5H reads the formwork geometry
from ACAD and generates the model of the
exact geometry of the slab.
y Furthermore the engineer may define in
ACAD the way the basic upper and lower
reinforcement will be cut, i.e. per span or
continuous over several spans.
Basic Reinforcement
In CEDRUS-5, according to the calculation
results, the basic reinforcement quantities are
given in cm2/m per slab area. The decision for
the final quantity lies on the engineer and comes
from a visual check of reinforcement isolines
results, as it was happening manually till now
during CEDRUS-5 analysis. The engineer
maintains the advandage to allow localy some
moment peaks, as he did manually.
The engineer may also apply uniform basic
reinforcement to simplify the construction. In
some cases he may apply more basic
reinforcement to undertake forces that don’t
appear in this specific analysis under vertical
loads, such as temprature loads, superimposed
loads, or minimum required reinforcement. In
general, basic reinforcement may easily be
modified by the engineer per span, in cm2/m
width upper, lower, in x direction, in y direction,
for given covers and angle.
Additional Reinforcement
For the calculation of additional upper reinforcement CEDRUS-5H automatically generates
“section zones” over all supports, linear or point.
The engineer may modify those or define new
“section zones”. Therefore placement of the
additional reinforcement has two advantages:
y The calculation is based on “section zones”,
so we avoid the problem of concentrated
moments and therefore achieve more
economical solution.
y They are generated automatically by the
program, the engineer can modify their
position and dimensions.
Envelopes, Results
We exit CEDRUS-5 after automatic transfer of
the reinforcement results for several limit states:
y Servicability-frequent,
y Servicability-quasi permanent,
y Servicability-occasional and
y Ultimate Limit State
which are automatically created or for limit states
defined by the engineer via envelopes menu of
Generation of Reinforcement Bars
CEDRUS-5H generates reinforcement bars and
prepares drawings for ACAD. First we select
the desired bar diameters and distances and
whether to respect or not the minimum
reinforcement requirements of the Code.
Then, completely automatic, the proposed
basic reinforcement appear on the screen
according to the engineers decisions in
Through “Check” we get the exploitation factor
on every reinforcement position to evaluate the
economy of the solution. Exploitation factor is
defined as the ratio of required (calculated) over
available reinforcement. Exploitation factor
serves for the evaluation of the strength and
economy of reinforcement.
Together with the evaluation of deformations in
CEDRUS-5, they form a key criterium for the
selection of the thickness of the slab.
The minimum proposed additional reinforcement
are also automatically produced on the screen,
according to the reinforcement requirements of
“section zones” of CEDRUS-5. Through “Check”
the program returns the exploitation factor of the
minimum proposed reinforcement. Through
“Design” the program automatically proposes
diameter and distance for every reinforcement
Every solution produced by “Design” is
registered to a reinforcement list. The list can
be activated and further modified by the
Automatic production of formwork
drawings for ACAD
Previewing the formwork drawing for ACAD the
angineer can define drawing titles, assumptions,
legend, drawing border, paper, scale, text sizes
and it is ready to export to ACAD.
You may add or modify everything you desire in
ACAD. Though, there is not much to do since
the drawing is automatically produced in a high
level of completeness.
Even the aesthetic and readability of the
drawing may be improved by the engineer, since
the reinforcement bar and its distribution line
may be modified through corresponding
parameters of the attributes form of the
reinforcement position.
Bar Lists in EXCEL
The program also exports Bar Lists to EXCEL
ready to order. The exact weight of straight
length and bended bars is written in the lists and
through that you may have another estimation
of the economy of the solution.
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Hellas Ltd
Software · Consulting Services