stand-alone smart adc

ALR Smart LED Troffers offers three major lighting control solutions for Simple Automatic Energy
Efficiency (SAEE) applications. A stand-alone Smart LED Troffer can be configured with an ALR PnP Smart
Occupant Sensing Device (OSD) sensor, an ALR PnP Smart Automatic Daylight Control (ADC) sensor, or
both sensors for automatically energy saving in response to the changes of environment.
An ALR Smart ADC-OSD LED Troffer is an ALR Smart LED Troffer configured with a PnP Smart ADC module
and a PnP Smart OSD module which is a self-contained lighting control device that constantly monitors
the available daylight and occupancy status of the controlled area, automatically turns lights off when an
area is vacated, and is capable of automatically turning lights on at a constant “average (mean)
luminance of the illuminated surface” (AL) when an area is occupied. An ALR Smart ADC-OSD LED Troffer
is fully compliant to California Title 20 and Title 24.
The real-time AL of the illuminated area is measured in FOOT CANDLE (fc). The ALR Smart ADC Sensor
automatically retrieves the real-time AL values from the illuminated area, compares with the desired
(configured) AL value, and performs necessary luminance compensation to achieve a constant AL for the
entire illuminated area. The desired (or configured) AL value can be configured via the MAX keys of the
The desired (or configured) minimum luminance when the Smart ADC-OSD LED Troffer is turned off can
be configured via the MIN keys of the CONTROL KEYPAD (see PnP SMART OSD SENSOR MODULE and PnP
CONTROL KEYPAD pages for more information.) The Delay time is denoted as “DELAY” in the CONTROL
KEYPAD is that the Troffer shall remain ON after the SMART OSD is triggered.
Compared with traditional energy saving control approaches, ALR’s automatic energy efficiency solutions
are simple to design, implement, install, operate, modify, maintain, upgrade, and integrate.
Design Principles for ALR Stand-alone Smart OSD LED Troffers in Daylight Areas
The simple design principles of stand-alone Smart ADC-OSD LED Troffers for daylight areas described in
this section are for references only. It may vary by differences in designers, lighting software packages, or
characteristics of sites.
Define the Daylight Areas;
Define the luminaire locations;
Define the Device Addresses (Floor, Room, Section/Group, Fixture);
Run the simulation software;
Check if the luminance requirement (maximum and minimum luminance) for each
illuminated area is satisfied;
Add or reduce number of luminaires as necessary;
Set the desired maximum and minimum luminance values for each luminaire;
A California Based LED Lighting Fixtures & Control Company
San Jose CA
Principles for ALR Smart OSD LED Troffer Setups & Installation
Set the Device Address according to the design;
Set the desired maximum and minimum luminance values via MAX and MIN keys of the
Control Keypad according to the design;
Set the delay time via DELAY key of the Control Keypad according to the design;
Install the Troffers according to the Device Addresses specified in the design.
A California Based LED Lighting Fixtures & Control Company
San Jose CA
SECTION 130.1 (c) pp 140
Area Controls.
Multi-Level Lighting Controls. The general lighting of any enclosed area 100 square feet or larger,
with a connected lighting load that exceeds 0.5 watts per square foot.
(c) Shut-OFF Controls
In addition to lighting controls installed to comply with Sections 130.1(a) and (b), all
installed indoor lighting shall be equipped with controls that meet the following
A. Shall be controlled with an occupant sensing control, automatic time-switch control, signal
another building system, or other control capable of automatically shutting OFF all of the
lighting when the space is typically unoccupied; and
B. Separate controls for the lighting on each floor; and
C. Separate controls for a space enclosed by ceiling height partitions not exceeding 5,000
square feet; and
D. Separate controls for general, display, ornamental, and display case lighting.
Countdown timer switches shall not be used to comply with the automatic shut-OFF
control requirements in Section 130.1(c)1.
If an automatic time-switch control, other than an occupant sensing control, is
installed to comply with Section 130.1(c)1, it shall incorporate an override lighting
control that:
A. Complies with Section 130.1(a); and
B. Allows the lighting to remain ON for no more than 2 hours when an override is initiated.
If an automatic time-switch control, other than an occupant sensing control, is installed to
comply with Section 130.1(c)1, it shall incorporate an automatic holiday "shut-OFF" feature
that turns OFF all loads for at least 24 hours, and then resumes the normally scheduled
5. Areas where Occupant Sensing Controls are required to shut OFF All Lighting. In
offices 250 square feet or smaller, multipurpose rooms of less than 1,000 square feet,
classrooms of any size, and conference rooms of any size, lighting shall be controlled with
occupant sensing controls to automatically shut OFF all of the lighting when the room is
unoccupied. In addition, controls shall be provided that allow the lights to be manually shutOFF in accordance with Section 130.1(a) regardless of the sensor status.
6. Areas where partial ON/OFF occupant sensing controls are required in addition to
complying with Section 130.1(c)1.
A. In aisle ways and open areas in warehouses, lighting shall be controlled with occupant
sensing controls that automatically reduce lighting power by at least 50 percent when the
areas are unoccupied. The occupant sensing controls shall independently control lighting
in each aisle way, and shall not control lighting beyond the aisle way being controlled by
the sensor.
A California Based LED Lighting Fixtures & Control Company
San Jose CA
B. In library book stack aisles 10 feet or longer that are accessible from only one end, and
library book stack aisles 20 feet or longer that are accessible from both ends, lighting
shall be controlled with occupant sensing controls that automatically reduce lighting
power by at least 50 percent when the areas are unoccupied. The occupant sensing
controls shall independently control lighting in each aisle way, and shall not control
lighting beyond the aisle way being controlled by the sensor.
C. Lighting installed in corridors and stairwells shall be controlled by occupant sensing
controls that separately reduce the lighting power in each space by at least 50 percent
when the space is unoccupied. The occupant sensing controls shall be capable of
automatically turning the lighting fully ON only in the separately controlled space, and
shall be automatically activated from all designed paths of egress.
7. Areas where partial ON/OFF occupant sensing controls are required instead of complying w
with Section 130.1(c)1.
A. Lighting in stairwells and common area corridors that provide access to guestrooms and
dwelling units of high-rise residential buildings and hotel/motels shall be controlled with
occupant sensing controls that automatically reduce lighting power by at least 50 percent
when the areas are unoccupied. The occupant sensing controls shall be capable of
automatically turning the lighting fully ON only in the separately controlled space, and
shall be automatically activated from all designed paths of egress.
B. In parking garages, parking areas and loading and unloading areas, general lighting shall
be controlled by occupant sensing controls having at least one control step between 20
percent and 50 percent of design lighting power. No more than 500 watts of rated
lighting power shall be controlled together as a single zone. A reasonably uniform level
of illuminance shall be achieved in accordance with the applicable requirements in
TABLE 130.1-A. The occupant sensing controls shall be capable of automatically
turning the lighting fully ON only in the separately controlled space, and shall be
automatically activated from all designed paths of egress.
Interior areas of parking garages are classified as indoor lighting for compliance with
Section 130.1(c)7B. Parking areas on the roof of a parking structure are classified as
outdoor hardscape and shall comply with the applicable provisions in Section 130.2
8. Hotel motel guest rooms shall have captive card key controls, occupancy sensing controls,
or automatic controls such that, no longer than 30 minutes after the guest room has been
vacated, lighting power is switched off.
(d) Automatic Daylighting Controls.
2. Luminaires providing general lighting that are in or are partially in the Skylit Daylit Zones or the
Primary Sidelit Daylit Zones shall be controlled independently by fully functional automatic
daylighting controls.
B. Luminaires in the Skylit Daylit Zone shall be controlled separately from those in
the Primary Sidelit Daylit Zones.
Luminaires that fall in both a Skylit and Primary Sidelit Daylit Zone shall be
controlled as part of the Skylit Daylit Zone.
D. Automatic Daylighting Control Installation and Operation. For luminaires in
daylight zones, automatic daylighting controls shall be installed and configured to
operate according to all of the following requirements:
Photosensors shall be located so that they are not readily accessible to unauthorized
personnel, and the location where calibration adjustments are made to automatic
daylighting controls shall not be readily accessible to unauthorized personnel.
A California Based LED Lighting Fixtures & Control Company
San Jose CA
Automatic daylighting controls shall provide functional multilevel lighting
saving at least the number of control steps specified in TABLE 130.1-A.
iii. For each space, the combined illuminance from the controlled lighting and
daylight shall not be less than the illuminance from controlled lighting when no
daylight is available.
iv. In areas served by lighting that is daylight controlled, when the illuminance
received from the daylight is greater than 150 percent of the design illuminance
received from the general lighting system at full power, the general lighting power
in that daylight zone shall be reduced by a minimum of 65 percent.
Parking Garage Daylighting Requirements. In a parking garage area with a combined total of
36 square feet or more of glazing or opening, luminaires providing general lighting that are in
the combined primary and secondary sidelit daylit zones shall be controlled independently by
automatic daylighting controls
B. Automatic Daylighting Control Installation and Operation. Automatic daylighting
control shall be installed and configured to operate according to all of the following
Automatic daylighting controls shall have photosensors that are located so that they
are not readily accessible to unauthorized personnel, and the location where
calibration adjustments are made to the automatic daylighting controls shall not be
readily accessible to unauthorized personnel.
Automatic daylighting controls shall be multilevel, continuous dimming or ON/OFF.
iii. The combined illuminance from the controlled lighting and daylight shall not
be less than the illuminance from controlled lighting when no daylight is
iv. When primary sidelit zones receive illuminance levels greater than 150 percent of
the illuminance provided by the controlled lighting when no daylight is available,
the controlled lighting power consumption shall be zero.
LED luminaires and LED source systems
Minimum Required
Control Steps
t f f ll
Uniform level of illuminance
shall be achieved by:
Continuous dimming 10-100 percent
A California Based LED Lighting Fixtures & Control Company
San Jose CA
SECTION 140.6 pp 180, 181, 189
G. Lighting controls used to qualify for a PAF shall be designed and installed in addition to
manual, multilevel, and automatic lighting controls required in Section 130.1, and in
addition to any other lighting controls required by any provision of Part 6. . PAFs shall
not be available for lighting controls required by Part 6.EXCEPTION to Section
140.6(a)2G: Lighting controls designed and installed for the sole purpose of compliance
with Section 130.1(b)3 may be used to qualify for a PAF, provided the lighting controls
are designed and installed in addition to all manual, and automatic lighting controls
otherwise required in Section 130.1.
To qualify for the PAF for an occupant sensing control controlling the general lighting
in large open plan office areas above workstations, in accordance with TABLE 140.6-A,
the following requirements shall be met:
i. The open plan office area shall be greater than 250 square feet; and
This PAF shall be available only in office areas which contain workstations; and
iii. Controlled luminaires shall only be those that provide general lighting directly above
the controlled area, or furniture mounted luminaires that comply with Section
140.6(a)2 and provide general lighting directly above the controlled area; and
iv. Qualifying luminaires shall be controlled by occupant sensing controls that
meet all of the following requirements, as applicable:
Infrared sensors shall be equipped by the manufacturer, of fitted in the field
by the installer, with lenses or shrouds to prevent them from being triggered
by movement outside of the controlled area.
Ultrasonic sensors shall be tuned to reduce their sensitivity to prevent
them from being triggered by movements outside of the controlled area.
All other sensors shall be installed and adjusted as necessary to prevent
them from being triggered by movements outside of the controlled area.
TABLE 140.6-A
2. Occupant Sensing Controls in Large
Open Plan Offices
In open plan offices > 250
square feet: One sensor
controlling an area that is:
A California Based LED Lighting Fixtures & Control Company
No larger than 125 square feet
From 126 to 250 square feet
From 251 to 500 square feet
San Jose CA