ISSUED TWICE A VV i .X argest Circulation of anv Paper II 11k WEEK-TUESD- Tiu.a.mook, AY Okkcok, Al.'CL'HT AND FRIDAY in 0, Tillamook County 10 If). NO. 57 BRIEF WAR NtWS RUSSIA LOSES BIG OREGON Bad weather lii interfering with tho in the Austro Julian the- BOND ISSUE DECLARED VALID NEWS NOTES Supreme Court Decision In Favor of Proposed Kendall Road Pleases. KoseburR. One of the moU enthusDoth the. Tretith hiiiI German offlby Events Occurring Kr,al Germans Have Captured Mitau c,i" r,,1",rU u" Throughout iastic celebrations ever held In llose-burwas the Jollification celebration tlic State During the Past on the streets here after receipt of And Are Within Striking nunim the month of July, n;ws that the Oreeon supreme court nnyj, the German, captured more than Week. Distance of Riga. had rendered a decision upholding the 95.W0 Itunxinnn between tho I'lllca city In the 1300.000 bond Issue recentrlviir Mi.l ih Baltic alone. IjikIdii Th Germans have capAj unconfirmed report comes from Will Appeal Married Teacher Can?. ly voted by the people of Uoseburs to tured Milan, the capital of Courlnnd, Home that tin.' Austrian are. prepar-Ingffo- r Portland. Ily a unanimous vote, aid Kentl&i! Urothers in the construcmill are now within striking duiancu the evacuation of Trieste. tho school hoard determined to appeal tion of a ttandard gauqe railroad exOf Itlita, the neat of the itoveruorgen-ra- l tending irom the city 30 mile east to AmiouncomontH which are apparent-llo the supremo court the cane Involvof tho llaltlr provinces ami Itua-!- ' lintplred. declare Emperor William ing the dismissal of Maud I.. Klchadt the timber belt, and the construction Kreatei port on tho llaltlo. will htcltidi) in the proposals lor a new ns teacher In tho girls' Hchool of of a large sawmMI near this city. lit ready for the ewuu.filon ' rind Independent Buili 0f Poland, The celebration aaaumet) the propornot trades from tho recent decision of which was Intimated by the Kusitluu ' only the I'ollsh province of Russia, Judge Morrow that Mrs. HIchards la tions of a strawberry carnival and war milliliter In his address In tint bulfnhio the Cullcltin domains of Au In one. entitled to her position and also her Fourth of July Attorneys and others Interested in i or uays mere nun neon an. irliiiand cnrUi n German territory. In whiiim. ralary during the time she was under tho case are of Ui opinion that this modus of the papulation factories, rludhiK the Duchy of Boson and Dan- - suspension. decision will end all li.igatlon In tho KOtitnimitut Institutions and hospitals jm a free port, have hutiii mured and the city ha 'Hie firm yar of the war has con: Unlvertlty to Add to Requirements. matter. an that Kenda'i Urothcrs bfn ttrlppd uf everything that might lhe belligerent governments about Kugcne. Further tlsbtenlns of the may now safely procei! with actual be of military alue lo the Teutons j IIOJ500.000.OOn In direct expenditure screws at the unlvenlty In an effort coustructiui of their projects. With the taking of Milan and tho i forlullltary purpose, Id rn!o the standard even hlpher Is Gets Job at O. A. C. favorable progress of the fighting earn IMu la the i xpctise of putting about the edict circulated about the cainpue. ' C. M. Sm.tu. former county '.Uxlu.OOO Dallas. Of I'Otteicli. accurdlni: to the ller-Itmen Into the field for the Ten per cont will be added to all recentral powers, and about 13,000,00u quirements during the coming year. clerk of Pok vnnty. has accrpted the Wtement. II wu 'ld eem that lii&r of .he state agri- by mil (rum ('uurlaud and forjthe allies, it does not Include, Ko(ulred hours of study will be In- , pocltion of . Corvallls and will Kovno nuatuurd has been ncvorud by however, tho far greater amount loit creased, lessons will be longer, gen- cultural co'lgo to ci;y 1. that .boat tin Oormnn. raie of the town destruction and eral standards higher, the field of through With th imrtit of Memel. t.thau and vllUj. the ravaging of Uio country stuy !arf;er and the depth of subject Heavy Damage Is Caused by Storm. Wmdau alrimdy In their handH. ahouhl side, the wrecking of brtdgos and ra greater. Hak"- Bridge torn out, h ttermans be ucceful In I heir roads and the wholesale, slaking of The tlRhtenlnK Is not in the univerR, 'i'ipl uf lllea. they would Mutt lttiaala lift), and the economic loss throj: sity alone, says President I'. L. Camp- reads gclltod and part of the O.-"f pntlrly from the bell, from whose office the order it N. track near Durkoe was swept esi by way of j lhi;(dlmlnuttou In productlvo tudut.-r hwettruinot Boernmen!n. j tiiaptllllnn of tho Ktronnost mon in the I comes, but characterizes high school away by a cloudburst in this vicinity. grain in the Burnt Ulrcrl Sta Tn (leruun and Aumriiut camimtun coilmunHy, and tho crentlon of a cU.v work throughout the state. country worth thousands of dollars The s' t tlm poMkmaloii of Warsaw wan met' of rlpplen and luac'-ntwas destroyed !. tit Hiimiiuna with ittronK counter, now, ormtlns about H5.000.OiJO a day. School Fund Interest Less. Salem. State Treasurer Kay ''entire niowinnuu aKalnm the at-- ' VS.ftoO.OOO an hour, and MMW a turn Housekeeper Awarded Estate ' k from the VUtuln. near IvaiiKcr ' tw the apportionment of the Eugene. Elizabeth who on the school fund, and it Is betnfin the upper Vlntula and tho! 'SHORT NhVVS NLKjGETS lames Sia $13,114.95 leas than last year, while kept house and cared r Huk. and In tho Narew sector ucir lloiuu. , the school population is 3565 greater, ford for 13 years on condtton that Mint Catherine Harker, the $30,000. total k'terost for this year being he leave her his property v.hcn he llerllu. via wlrelosH to Sayvllle, I.. 1. UOOlwireiis. cl f'UlMo, wa married S3C0.0GG and the total school popula- dlwd, was not left anything by will. Court upholds her and The Kussbin IcKtuion at The ilasuu at tlurbor L:prliiKi, Mich., to Howard tion 05,75. aat year the interest has oltlclally announced the macua- - ripa'ujdlni;, Jr. Utalod and the school pop- she will receive $25,000 estate. tlim'nf'WargftWniliti'atcirnrherfi state. "1ri)fol'TilMSl,19.i!fi.(Jl were eani ulation ;01.?37? Ihis niakes thopr Church Union Is Proposed. The evncuntlnu uas ordered because .'d by the I'aaanm-l'acifiHxposlll. i. capita apportionment this year $1.7$, of n luck of ammunition, the IlusHlnu ilurttu; tho L'3 weeks of operation, nn compared with $l.fS for lust year Eugene. Demand for the eliminaDeItiKnllou is ijiioum! as stutliiKHhlch ended July 31, nccordluK to a A considerable sum in delinquent in- tion of church competition in small struction of the Vistula brld;es was financial f..i:enient lsat: I. terest could not be collected this year towns unable to support several ordered before the Slavs retired. the radical but chief ('has. lUK'ker, formur police lleuten prior to the apportionment, nnd this Tint enclrcllliK of IvuiiKorod Is pro- ant of Now York, convicted of the fpmintj for the total being loss. theme of the third annual State ceeding satisfactorily. It was anConferMinisterial Ituseuthul, a gam- j murder of ence in session here, took expression nounced. blur, was executed at SiiiR SitiK- After j 981 Dead on Eastland. in the creation of a state-widthree shoc'.s lie was pronounced dead. ChlcaKO. Nine hundred and elshty church commission, From the pulpit of Trlultv Methodist KAISER DECLARES Kplscopal church at Berkeley, C'al.. one persons lost their Ihes In the delegated to work out some method of Judne Alton H. Parker, democratic,' steamer rnstland disaster, according unification. : for president In 110-- made to flnu' fisuros siven cut by the crndldate CLEAR CONSCIENCE ern F.lectric company, which com Eastern Oregon Lumbermen to Testify a plea for stronger coast defenses. La Grande. Eastern Oregon lumIn export.i of domest'c products, In pleted the checkinK of its employes-anfriends who boarded tho es.c bermen decided to send representaI'mptTor William has Is- .iKrenate value of foreign trade and London The identified dead number S3S, ur tives before the federal trade commissued a manifesto to the (termini pen- In favorable alunce of trade the Unit- ot the anniversary ' ed States made a new high record In !'ientificd dead two, and tho Westeri sion when it sits in Spokane August pin mi the of the outbreak of the war, according the fiscal year ended June 30, 1915. Electric company placed the final llsi G, to present problems of manufacturof missing at 141, making the total 9S1. ers and dealers, and the Western to a dispatch received in Amsterdam Flsures made public by the departWhite Pine asaaLlat:' Vs ulan to enter manifesto, In the Berlin. which; from ment of commerce show that Imports At a meeting of the School Hoard into the National association's advervim issued from the main headquarand exports combined totaled $4,442,-- 1 ters of the Ccrmuu army, the ouiperor S04,J71f. an Increase of $1S4,000,000 on Tuoilny, Miss Gcorgcnc M. Case tising campa,;;::, thih contemplates over 1914 and of $104,000,000 over,' was elected to teach the eighth grade an expenditure of ?f. '.n00 annually in buh: "Hrfore (tod and history my lliKI, the prior high record year In class in the public chool. Miss Case the Interest of hunter, was heartily Inrcsi'!. at Mankato, Kansas anil was dorsed nt a nieeh:;,; of f'c- Eastern Is clear. did not will the war. total trade. employed at Mountain Home, Idaho Oregon Lumber Producers' association After preparations for a whole decade which convened here. last year. She is vcrv highly the coulltton powers, lo whom Lone Dandlt Loots Iowa Bank. had become too j:reat, believed Cedar Kaplds, Iowa. A lone bandit that the moment had come to humili- held up and robbed the Cedar Itaplds ate the empire, which loyally stood by National bank here. He Is said to, TvAaj. her Austro llunnurUn ally In a just have made his escape with $23,500.! cause, or lo ciush It in an overwhelm I'errln, teller In the bank, wns No lust for conquest, as Ini: elr"lo discovered bounu and gaKed. already announced a year ui;o, has The robbery tool; place shortly bedriven us into tho war, fore 7 o'clock. Porrin was In the bank "Full of r.nilUmtn, wo cun say Unit getting out currency shipments when ' .."..,,.-.,,- 1 I,.- ,, ol.l., -- .,1,1,..Hod with us. The enemy armlet-wh,,.! ,1... PHIV V,UI .,,, I, II' ( Wt'Ml-- t UHIVIVII bonded that they would enter covered him with a revolver. A scufllerllu In a few mouths are with heavy fle ensued In which the robber was blows driven back far east and west victorious. Numberless battlefields In various parts of Kuropu and naval battles off Mr. Geo. Sanders of The Dalles, pear and distant coasts testtfy what has been elected to a position in the and Ger- high school, (Jenuaii niutor In Mr. Sanders was emman strategy can do. No violation ol ployed at The Dalles during the past International law by our enmnles will term ami had charge of the school be able to shuUo tho economic founda- garden work. The teaching staff for tion of our conduct of tho war." the coming year is now full. PORT ON BALTIC otratloim ater. OF GEKRAUIJTEREST - city SERVICE any of our etntoiners about AmIc First Niitioniil Service riicy arc nil pleascl with it and Wrw Can tell you why. first Nutioiml K n , lidiiK )lilUmuoL, Oregon I . a-- iKr, Wit lr I i tiiiH tfMSH .enVJInVJInVJInVJarl inay, , I - i O-- San-ford- P.r.5ot.VEp: HAT rOl WOK'T N I- It a i- - T H L ''. ii p 'r II ... r . . YOU If K. o n - - h iHr." COOUNd e , j You 'HI- CAM V-- j Kr what time Now is the time to cut out the heavy. "O-leat the liekvtahle you can buy in our stunVou'll Icel cool ami he cool. We never '"ii vtistomer on prices lei it I t F1" course it s .i s I1 JToRL. OUR i.N s is Imt hut r iiummIh r u is. an RAY & CO. 5ROCMRIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, I VEG ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. II. I. Mi)()k OKM-l'.O- - 1 j j j 1 (lor-mun- da Vox I LEX. M'NAIR Sl CO. cu Us ji a n ai w a ii i: KITCHEN RANGES aati HEATING STOVES See U for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere - - BRITAIN VAIMKETINGS AT HEMLOCK. Maintains ""tu Dili Invited to utlomt I II.... . I. ' ' ..I hoWfiiev U ll.. r m.ui funtnrv. r'lnitDoj paMtiire, rooi! water. rK kooJ property In town In foment, W. A. Mukhmtur THUmtok, Ore. I'mlle frnm irmwl Variety Store Tillamook, Ore. FOR SALE . HOLDS Orders-ln-Counc- Subscribe for the Herald, it cemes twice a week. FIRM Ara la With International Law. froaa Three note Watthlnston, (treat Urlluiu ami one from (lormany, all dcallug with the commercial rights f neutral nations In wartime, axa Secretary I.anslnu. Tho first llrltlsh note defends tht rders in couucll, the sucoml Justifies Ue allies' efforts to cut off Uermauy's export trade and the third defeads prlie court procecilliiBs. The Oerman note coutiuua the dlacusslou oerta slnklm of the American ship William I, Trye, aud Is aald to JtiBtlfy Germany's course In sliiklni; merchant alilpu provided she puys for them. Tho ynltoil Stftlcs shortly will ro- Accord July 27 to Auk. 7, Kviiimullsl ' - Klllult (if l'nrtliiiwl will h ive l,c 'tHrli!s of meotlnifs nt m i J- 'DROP IN AND LOOK AROUNP" I M bt-for- 1 ply to tke British notes, but it la not known what course will be pursued retarding the-- German note. Trade Wltn Germany Falls Off. Washington. The effect ot the war on the trado of this couutry with Germany le alearly shown lu a lUtetaeat of the eelared value of ex porta to tke Unite States through the perks ef Hamburg, Kiel aud I.ueWeok, made public by tho department wf cowmeroe. During thn first six mouths ot 114, these ports sunt to tho Unite States goods valued nt lfH.9y4.5S5. Tali year, In tho anuio period tho shipment? amountod to $1,153,257. Nave you got a hot water bag or combination syringe in the house? These articles are as NECESSARY as your cook stove. Many a slckaess will be saved by "going af- ter" it in time. When you do need medicine come to us for it too. We use only the best possible preparations and VERIFY every prescription we fill. TSae Tillamook Dn?g: Store We give you what you ASK for. 's