Autism Society, Central Ohio Chapter (ASCO) offers families and professionals educational opportunities to learn about autism on a local and national level. ASCO strives to offer a variety of workshops, family supports and informational sessions by local and national leaders. ASCO is a dynamic chapter partnering with COSI, Franklin Park Conservatory, The Ohio State University Nisonger Center, OCALI, Nationwide Children's Hospital and other leaders in autism to provide the best for Central Ohio!! SAVE THE DATE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 - PAULA KLUTH About inclusive classrooms and communities DSACO and ASCO will Co-sponsor this event – more information to follow in the coming months! From Autism Society of AMERICA - you know, there has been a lot of media attention to the recent outbreak of measles and vaccines. “As we know, the national debate on vaccines and whether to vaccinate a child is both heated and emotional. In the debate that is now occurring, we are also hearing from politicians on their thoughts regarding if a person should or shouldn't be vaccinated. The Autism Society of America chose not to publicly comment on the current debate, since we felt that it was best just to provide access to our ongoing position statement on vaccine.” Here is the statement The Executive Budget requires Ohio Medicaid to eliminate the "independent service provider" and transition to a home health care agency model Below is the language from the budget. In order to improve programmatic oversight, decrease fraud and abuse, and improve health outcomes for individuals, a majority of states - and the federal Medicare program - only do business through Medicaid with home health care agencies, not independent providers. The Executive Budget requires Ohio Medicaid to eliminate the "independent service provider" option as a strategy to improve the administrative oversight of the program, decrease programmatic fraud and abuse, and improve health outcomes for individuals. Ohio Medicaid will not take any new independent service providers after July 1, 2016 and by July 1, 2019 only accept claims submitted through home health agencies. Ohio Medicaid and the related agencies will work with stakeholders to make the transition to the agency only model as smooth as possible for Ohio's direct care workforce. Click here to read an article from the Columbus Dispatch with regards to the proposed changes! Food for Good Thought will sponsor Autism, Communication, and the World of Work with an Emphasis on the use of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) Film Series 2015 at The Gateway Film Center (The Ohio State University campus) Autism Society, Central Ohio is a proud co-sponsor of this event! Join us for a series of six (6) documentaries highlighting autism, communication, and the world of work. All ticket sales go to our non-profit mission of providing meaningful employment experiences to people on the autism spectrum. Before and after each film, business owners living with autism will be selling their products at vendor tables in the lobby. Click here for more information! 2015 Developmental Disabilities Awareness & Advocacy Day Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at the Ohio Statehouse Online registration for the 2015 Developmental Disabilities Awareness & Advocacy Day is now available. Each person must register (including support staff). Registration is free. The event will take place on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at the Ohio Statehouse. This year's theme is, "Can Do, Like You!" A program will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. in the Statehouse Atrium and feature speakers with disabilities who will inspire you to set your own goals and pursue your life's passion. Don't miss it! Space is limited. Registration will remain open until all slots are filled or until Friday, February 13, 2015, whichever comes first. Click here to register SIBS Looking Forward Transition Weekend April 10-12, 2015 YMCA - Camp Wilson The SIBS Looking Forward Transition Weekend that will be held April 10-12, 2015 at the Camp Wilson YMCA in Bellefontaine, Ohio. This is a unique opportunity for transition age students with disabilities to spend a weekend with one or more of their siblings, while engaging with other students and siblings from around the state. Attached please find a brochure and application form. I encourage you to help us spread the word about this amazing event which, by the way the only one of its kind in the Country. SIBS Looking Forward is now in its fourth year of operation and is managed by Ohio SIBS with generous support from the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council, the Franklin County Board, and The Ohio State University Nisonger Center. 2015 Ohio Association for Behavior Analysis Conference April 10th & 11th Hilton Downtown Hilton Columbus Keynote Speaker- Patrick McGreevy, Ph.D., BCBA-D Autism Society Central Ohio is a co-sponsor of this event! Click Here for more information! __________________________________________________________________________________ Events & Activities around our Area Open Art Studio Door (1050 Goodale Blvd, Grandview, OH) is dedicated to providing art services to artists with developmental disabilities. Open Door acts simultaneously as a creative space and as a gallery for innovative art happenings. The Franklin Park Conservatory has instituted a new policy that could benefit the Autism community in Central Ohio. Free admission is offered on the 1st Sunday of the month, 10am-5pm, for individuals and families who provide proof of participation in the following programs: Ohio Medicaid, Molina Healthcare, Ohio Directions, Care Source and WIC. We also offer a Access Membership for families for $30 (normally rate is $75) with proof of participation. P.O. Box 272 Worthington, OH 43085 Telephone: 614.284.6323 Email: Sensory Friendly Performance: Columbus Children's Theatre – A PLACE WHERE FAMILIES DISCOVER THE MAGIC OF LIVE THEATRE! Fancy Nancy: The Musical Wednesday, March 18th 10 am and 7:30 pm The Emperor's New Clothes Wednesday April 15th at 10 am and Saturday, April 18th at 10 am For more information about our flexible refund policy, seat and other Sensory Friendly Performance elements, visit our website. or call 614.224.6672. Fluttering Families - an advocacy group in Columbus is sponsoring a Sweetheart Dance February 15. Click here for more information Sensory Friendly Movies Monthly Marcus Crosswoods Cinema in Columbus For the past three years, the Marcus Theater has been part of a program called Reel Movies for Real Needs, a monthly showing of a just-released family film that provides families with children that have special sensory needs the opportunity to have a day out at the movies that they may not be able to have otherwise. We turn the volume down lower than what you might normally hear on a Friday night, and the lights are kept up a little brighter than usual as well. In addition, since everyone in this showing is with someone that may need some extra attention, these showings have fostered a great sense of community and understanding that a child or his or her family doesn't have to worry about being a disruption to other guests in the auditorium. These showings are held once a month on a Saturday at 10:30am. Regular matinee pricing applies ($7.50 for adults, $6.50 for kids and seniors). Tickets typically go on sale the Tuesday before each date. Autism Society Sensory Friendly Films are held at the Lennox Theater, 777 Kinnear Rd., Columbus, OH 43212. AMC brings the lights up, turns the lights down, and shows no previews or ads before the movie. Families may bring their own gluten-free and casein-free snacks, and no one cares if your child gets up or makes noise! Movies begin at 10 a.m. Regular admission is charged. for upcoming titles. Helping Hands Center for Special Needs is excited to announce the expansion of its Middle School Skills Program to a site adjacent to the center's location at 2500 Medary Avenue, Columbus. Helping Hands Center, a non-profit organization with a mission to meet the educational and therapeutic needs of children with autism and other developmental disabilities, will occupy this property beginning in January 2015. This extension site will serve as a location for its middle school-aged students to work on functional life skills in a real-life setting. It will have a bedroom, a full kitchen and laundry facilities, a sensory room and a classroom/therapy room. Hoot Studio is the first facility of its kind in the state of Ohio. How is our space different from other recreational facilities? Our entire space was designed specifically for children with special needs. Hoot Studio serves ALL families in our community by offering a variety of inclusive, quality play-based services. Members can expect a warm, inviting atmosphere. Hoot serves as a supportive center for the entire family unit. Parents can network with those who understand their struggles, concerns, joys, and successes. Our relaxing parent lounge allows parents to take a much needed break. We believe in the beauty of diversity. Siblings and peers without special needs are invited to join the fun as we strive to cultivate stronger families, friendships, and communities. It is located in Central Ohio. 2nd Annual Nisonger "In Sights" Photo contest, starting January 1, 2015. This year's theme is "People at work" ... For more information click here! P.O. Box 272 Worthington, OH 43085 Telephone: 614.284.6323 Email: Nisonger Topics In Developmental Disabilities - February 2015 presentations are available from the Nisonger Center. Click here! Center for Autism Services and Transition (CAST) To bridge this gap in care, Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center recently opened its Center for Autism Services and Transition (CAST), one of only a few clinics in the country to provide care coordination and primary and specialty care services for adults with ASD. CAST offers access to diagnostic testing, counseling services, therapy, dental care, nutrition and other resources. Because social interactions can be challenging for patients with ASD, CAST staff frequently communicate online with patients. - For more information on the CAST Program __________________________________________________________________________________ Support Groups Autism Society, Central Ohio will hold a Parent Support Meeting in the Delaware Area on March 11, 2015 from 6:30 to 8:00. Have some advice you want to share? Or just need a little break from the routine? Come join us at Grace United Methodist Church, 385 E. William St., Delaware, OH 43015. FCBDD Family Support - Every month on the third Wednesday; Supt. Jed Morison has a Family Support meeting, 2879 Johnstown Rd.,Columbus, Ohio at 9:30 am. This is an opportunity for you to talk with the superintendent directly and find out what is going on at the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities. Aspirations Ohio is designed for teens and young adults with ASD. For information on their classes and activities, go to Next Chapter Book Clubs for adults with disabilities. There is now a Next Chapter Writing Club opportunity as well. For more information, go to Family Support Group, Nationwide Children's Hospital, meets the 3rd Monday of each month from 6:30 to 7:45 pm. For more information, contact 614-355-8315 or email __________________________________________________________________________________ Resources SpecialNeedsWare is officially unveiling TeachMate365, our unified education platform! TeachMate365 is a firstof-its kind education platform that promotes inclusion for your exceptional students. TeachMate365 utilizes personalized visual supports to target the academic, communication and behavior needs for your diverse student population. Do-si-Do with Autism Friendship Kit; CD/DVD Set for elementary school. This ground-breaking, inclusive Kit helps children learn about & make friends with children with autism. Arthur to the Rescue- In a little over 2 minutes, this episode of the childrens animated program, Arthur, explains Aspergers Syndrome in a way that even judgmental adults can understand! Great way to have your visiting relatives and holiday guests understand your Asperger child's actions and reactions during a lengthy stay. Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior by Bernard RimlandBernard Rimland (Author), Stephen Edelson (Editor); Paperback - Bernard Rimland's seminal work on autism theory is made updated & available for a new generation of readers in this Anniversary Edition. Bringing Dr. Rimland's findings up to date for a new generation of readers, this book will be fascinating reading for parents and those on the autism spectrum as well as professionals working with autism and anyone with an interest in autism and/or psychological theory. P.O. Box 272 Worthington, OH 43085 Telephone: 614.284.6323 Email: Book on Toilet Training Success by Frank Cicero, phD, BCBA -This book, designed for both parents and professionals, introduces the reader to effective toilet training interventions for individuals with developmental disabilities. Topics discussed include urination training, bowel training, increasing requesting, and overnight training. Questions such as when to begin, how to use positive reinforcement, collect data and conduct necessary assessments prior to training are examples of just a few of the questions that the author addresses. The plans and procedures presented are applicable to a wide range of developmental disabilities and age ranges. _________________________________________________________________________________ CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS & WEBINARS LAMP Workshops for teaching language and communication with iPads and speech generating devices. LAMP Words for Life™: Vocabulary Review and Practice Words for Life: Features and Programming for LAMP Video Tutorials and Quick Reference Guides Shedding Some Light on LAMP Attend a LAMP Training State Support Team 11-The State Support Team Region 11 (SST 11) provides services and technical assistance to school districts, educational service centers, community schools, early childhood centers, and families in: School Improvement; Special Education; and Early Learning and School Readiness. SST 11 is dedicated to helping Central Ohio educators improve teaching and learning for all students through critical and reliable services that provide valuable development for education professionals. Click here for listing. Dr Brian Iwata will conduct a two-day workshop, "Functional Analysis & Treatment of Severe Behavior Disorders," March 2 - 3, 2015 in Cincinnati, Ohio. All attending will receive a certificate of attendance. BCBAs and BCaBAs will receive 12 Type II CE credits and Psychologists will receive 11 CE Credits. Register now - Our workshops sell out quickly. The workshop will be at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 151 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. Located downtown at the Hyatt-Saks Fifth Avenue Center. Connected to additional stores and restaurants via a Skywalk. AUTISM RESEARCH INSTITUTE ONLINE EDUCATION FREE WEBINARS are offered at 1 pm ET/5 pm GMT on the dates shown. Space is limited - watch your email, or visit us on Facebook or Twitter for updates and registration links. ARI advocates for research & the rights of people with ASD & operates without funding from sponsors or special-interest groups. AUTISM CONTINUING EDUCATION & WEBINARS: SAVE THESE DATES Free Certificates of Participation are available upon passing an online quiz for most webinars. Some events offer Continuing Education Units and/or Continuing Medical Education credits. We are adding new talks for 2015 in the weeks to come - check the website for updates. Feb. 4: Prenatal Precautions | D Laake, RDH, MS, LDN Feb 25: "Ask the Nutritionist" | V Kobliner, MS, RDN March 11: Promoting Social Thinking | Nancy Minshew, MD March 25: Optimistic Parenting | Mark Durand, PhD April 15: Medical Comorbidities | M Shetreat-Klein, MD April 29: Anxiety & Behavior in ASD | L Moskowicz, PhD May 6: Microbiome Research in ASD | W Parker, PhD May 20: Sulforaphane, Broccoli & ASD| T Malterre, MS, CN ____________________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box 272 Worthington, OH 43085 Telephone: 614.284.6323 Email: Studies and Surveys How do children with autism learn language? Monolingual English speaking boys and girls with a diagnosis of ASD between 2- 5 1/2 years of age are invited to participate in a study investigating language development. During the study your child will (1) participate in standardized testing to assess social-communication skills and cognition, (2) watch a short video, and (3) we will teach your child a name for an unfamiliar object. The study involves 2-3 visits of approximately 60-90 minutes at this location that can be scheduled at times that work best for you including weekends: Department of Speech and Hearing Science, 23 Pressey Hall 1070 Carmack Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43210. If you would like more information about this study please contact us! Dr. Allison Bean Ellawadi; Phone: 614-2925664, Email: Do you have a high functioning autism spectrum disorder? Have you attended or are you currently attending a postsecondary setting (for example, a university, a community college)? Would you like to make $100 in just a few hours? With funding from Autism Speaks, 3C Institute is looking for individuals with high functioning autism spectrum disorders to review and tell us what you think about our program that is designed to help students cope with the personal, social, and academic challenges of college life. If eligible, you may be chosen to participate in the study where you will be asked to do the following: If you are interested in possibly participating in this study, please click here please click here to complete a brief eligibility screening form. We will then contact you to let you know if you qualify and to provide the next steps for participation. If you have any questions about the research study, please contact Kate Melillo at 919-677-0102 ext.579. Ball State University - Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders is conducting two research studies that use the internet to provide parents and caregivers with training evidence based strategies. For more information click here or open this link for more information - Parent Training Study BSU. Autism Society, Central Ohio does not endorse any specific treatments, programs, therapies or professionals providing those therapies. All information is provided FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Parents and advocates are responsible for the choice of any treatment, therapy or service provider. Inclusion of any information or organization in this newsletter does not imply endorsement, and omission does not imply disapproval. 2014 Officers President - Kathi Machle Vice President - Amy Hess Secretary - Allegra Lewis Treasurer - Marie Crawford ASCO is an approved agency for the United Way of Central Ohio's Contributor Choice Program P.O. Box 272 Worthington, OH 43085 Telephone: 614.284.6323 Email: