Word Wall (10 min)

Text: Yunmi
Word Knowledge Block (30 min)
Word Wall (10 min) Intro contractions-pass out contractions examples
page. Discuss how contractions are two words put together with some
letters replaced with an apostrophe *make sure to discuss cannot and can’t
Other Word Work: (20min) This week we will be editing. Remind students this
means going through a paper and fixing the mistakes. This might be capitols and
periods, quotation marks, or misspellings. Start with the letter to Emma. Reading Workshop (60 min)
Focus Lesson: I can use character traits to describe characters in a
fiction story.
Do focus lesson on character trait. Show character trait chart. Use
Shackleton as an example. You could use brave, smart, caring and use
examples from the text to support your answer.
Vocab-character trait-adjectives that describe the feelings or actions of
a character. Work Time: guided reading/independent reading
Writing Workshop (60 min)
Once Upon a Time Session: 1-Adapting Classic Fairy Tales Teaching Point: “Today, instead of a regular workshop, you’ll spend time studying books doing an inquiry. Tomorrow you’ll each start working on an adaptation of one of the fairy tales you just told and later in this unit, you will write your own original fairy tale. To do this work we need to investigate a question that all of us have-­‐ myself included-­‐ we need to know how to go about writing fairy tale adaptations. Mid-­Workshop Teaching: Notes Capture Thinking, Not Just Facts Materials: Prince Cinders book, versions of Cinderella and other fairy tales, chart with phrases such as maybe…could it be…My theory is…Printed copies of Cinderella.
Lesson 9-6: Benchmark Fractions Vocabulary: benchmark fraction Materials: Teaching Tool 22 **Develop the concept * Visual learning bridge video * Guided Practice: Do you know HOW? 1-­‐2 Do you UNDERSTAND? 3-­‐4 Student Book Pages 282-­283 *Independent Practice: 5, 7, 9, 11 *Problem Solving: 12-­‐14, 18 Grade:
Text: Yunmi
Word Knowledge Block (30 min)
Word Wall (10 min) Focus on taking two words and making contractions out
of them. The students will need to do this on their assessment on Friday.
After a few examples, have them work on the worksheet with a partner.
Other Word Work: (20min) Continue to edit. Today, edit Noises in the Night.
Reading Workshop (60 min)
Focus Lesson: I can use character traits to describe characters in a
fiction story.
Students will reread the story with a partner. Work as a class to describe
the character traits of Halmoni making sure to go back into the text to
find support.
Vocab-character trait-adjectives that describe the feelings or actions of
a character.
Work Time: guided reading/independent reading
Writing Workshop (60 min)
Once Upon a Time Session 2: Writing Story Adaptations that Hold Together Teaching Point: “Today I want to teach you that when writers plan how an adaptation of a story will go, they do 2 things: first they decide on a change that that they think will improve the story. And 2nd they make sure that the change leads to other changes so the whole story fits together. Often one big adaptation cascades like a row of dominos through the writers’ adaptation of the fairy tale. Mid-­Workshop Teaching: Checking Adaptation Plans
Materials: writers notebooks, “How to write a fairy tale adaptation” chart, “Why authors Adapt Fairytales” list, chart paper and markers
Lesson 9-­7: Fractions and Length Vocabulary:
Materials: teaching tool 22 *Develop the concept * Visual learning bridge video * Guided Practice: Do you know HOW? 1-­‐2 Do you UNDERSTAND? 3-­‐4 9-­7 Re-­teaching worksheet Grade:
Text: Yunmi
Word Knowledge Block (30 min)
Word Wall (10 min) Cookie Contractions-students will get a cookie or
glass of milk. They will have to find the match to the dunk their
cookie in the milk. Have students explain how they made the match.
Other Word Work: (20min) Continue to edit. Today edit the piece Dear Sarah
and Sid.
Reading Workshop (60 min)
Focus Lesson: I can use character traits to describe characters in a
fiction story.
Common Core questions 1-5
Vocab-character trait-adjectives that describe the feelings or actions of
a character.
Work Time: guided reading/independent reading
Writing Workshop (60 min)
Once Upon a Time Session 3: Storytelling, Planning, and Drafting Adaptations of Fairy Tales
Teaching Point: “Today I want to remind you that the real goal when you rehearse for writing a story is not to come up with something to say, But to make the story you will write much stronger. If you story tell and act out your story, your rehearsal brings your story to life. Mid-­Workshop Teaching: “Storytelling, Not Summarizing
Materials: Writers notebooks and folders stacked with several sheets of lined paper, “How to write a fairy tale adaptation” chart, your demonstration writers’ notebook, blank paper Lesson 9-­8:Problem Solving: Make a Table and Look for a Pattern Materials: teaching tool 17, 2-­‐color counters, crayons *Develop the concept * Visual learning bridge video * Guided Practice: Do you know HOW? 1 Do you UNDERSTAND? 2-­‐3 9-­8 Re-­teaching worksheet Grade:
Text: Yunmi
Word Knowledge Block (30 min)
Word Wall (10 min) Contraction surgery-Students will work in pairs to
take their two words and cut out the letters and form the
contraction with the apostrophe band-aid. Student will share out
contraction and other will try to guess what the two words were.
Other Word Work: (20min) Today, students will work with a partner to edit
the piece: A Telescope in the Sky.
Reading Workshop (60 min)
Focus Lesson: I can use character traits to describe characters in a
fiction story.
Common Core Questions 6-10
Vocab-character trait-adjectives that describe the feelings or actions of
a character.
Work Time: guided reading/independent reading
Writing Workshop (60 min)
Once Upon a Time Session 4: Writers Can Story-Tell and Act Out as They Draft
Teaching Point: “Today, I want to teach you that when you are writing, you can rehearse in the middle of writing as well as at the start of it. And specifically, in writing fiction stories that contain small moments or scenes, it helps you to story-­‐tell or to act out each small moment before writing it-­‐ or at least to do this while writing. I’m going to add that to our chart. Mid-­Workshop Teaching: Being a Spelling Fairy Godmother
Materials: Students’ scene-­‐planning booklet homework, class adaptation of Cinderella, “How to write a fairy tale adaptation” chart, Prince Cinders.
Review For Topic 9 Test Grade:
Text: Yunmi
Word Knowledge Block (30 min)
Word Wall (10 min) Assessment
Other Word Work: (20min) Assessment: Students will edit the paper about
their heart for a grade.
Reading Workshop (60 min)
Focus Lesson: : I can use character traits to describe characters in a
fiction story.
Vocab-character trait-adjectives that describe the feelings or actions of
a character.
Work Time: guided reading/independent reading
Writing Workshop (60 min)
Once Upon a Time Session 5: Weaving Narration Through Stories
Teaching Point: “Today I want tot each you that writers of fairy tales use narration, or telling, in some important ways: to introduce the story, to stitch one scene to the next, and to end the story.” Mid-­Workshop Teaching: Using Narration to Wrap Up a Story
Materials: Prince Cinders, Fairy Tale excerpts, “How to write a fairy tale adaptation” chart, The Power of Narration, class adaptations of Cinderella, students writers’ notebooks.
Topic 9 Test 