Vol. 44 No. 4 • september/october 2014 2014 General election Voter’s Guide INSIDE: what’S at StakE Vote as if life depends on it — because it does Pro-lIfE lawS SavE lIvES how to SuPPort MCCl! Visit us online at: www.mccl.org, www.mcclpac.org Jeff Johnson’s pro-life leadership has earned him the endorsement of mCCl’s state paC • • • • • • for GoVernor! ernor! • • Prepared and paid for by MCCL State PAC, 4249 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55409, www.mcclpac.org in support of Jeff Johnson. Jeff Johnson has a very strong pro-life voting record in the Minnesota House of Representatives Jeff Johnson co-authored the Positive Alternatives Act to provide women with life-affirming alternatives to abortion Jeff Johnson co-authored Woman’s Right to Know to inform women about abortion risks and alternatives, fetal development and more before they undergo abortion Jeff Johnson supports a ban on taxpayer funding of abortion Jeff Johnson opposes health care rationing Jeff Johnson supports the protection of human life from conception to natural death eVerY Vote CoUnts in this raCe The 2010 Governor’s race was determined by less than 9,000 votes out of more than 2 million cast Jeff Johnson is the ONLY PRO-LIFE CANDIDATE for Governor eleCt a pro-life GoVernor on noV. 4: Vote Jeff Johnson VoTE mIKE mcFaDDEN A PRO-LIFE VOICE FOR THE U.S. SENATE! • MikeMcFadden supports the protection of human life from conception to natural death • MikeMcFadden supports reversal of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision • MikeMcFadden supports a ban on taxpayer funding of abortion • MikeMcFadden is endorsed by National Right to Life PAC • Your vote will help tip the balance in the U.S. Senate to the side of life • MikeMcFadden stands strong for life. Let’s stand with Mike McFadden on Tues., Nov. 4! Vote mIKE mcFaDDEN for U.S. Senate! Prepared and paid for by MCCL Federal PAC, 4249 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.; www.mcclpac.org. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Vote in the General election: tuesday, noV. 4 or by absentee ballot before noV. 4! 2 mccl News September/October 2014 President’s Message What is at stake on noV. 4? Politics and legislation are necessary to secure protection for the vulnerable by leo lalonde Welcome to mccl’s 2014 General Election Voter’s Guide! I hope you will use it to learn the facts about where the candidates stand on right-to-life issues—and then share the information with your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers. LegisLation v. PoLitics Not everyone understands why MCCL cares so much about elections. Do they really matter? Isn’t “political” a dirty word? The truth is that politics is not something we can afford to avoid. A bad court decision inflicted legalized abortion on America—and both politics and legislation are necessary to remedy that injustice. Part of our mission at MCCL is to work with elected officials to enact laws that reduce abortions and save lives. This is the “legislative” aspect of our organization. And because pro-life officials are necessary to enact those laws, we have two political action committees (separate from our other funds) that seek to elect pro-life candidates to office. That’s the “political” aspect. Why eLections Matter Both aspects are crucial. Justice requires that the law protect the equal dignity and right to life of every member of the human family, especially the most vulnerable. We must work within the political and legislative processes to achieve that goal to the greatest extent currently possible. Elections are critical because the winning candidates affect our laws and policies in ways that influence the incidence of abortion, which accounts for almost 10,000 deaths in Minnesota and 1.1 million nationwide every year. there is no more effective means of saving unborn lives in America today than well-crafted pro-life legislation. Why this eLection Matters So what is at stake on Nov. 4? In the governor’s race (see pages 6, 9 and 10), incumbent Mark Dayton faces prolife challenger Jeff Johnson. Dayton has vetoed seven different pro-life measures, single-handedly preventing those lifesaving bills from becoming law. In the race for U.S. Senate (see pages 3, 7 and 10), pro-lifer Mike McFadden is running against incumbent Al Franken, who has earned a zero percent pro-life voting record. In a narrowly divided senate, the success or failure of federal abortion-related bills may depend on one or two seats. Also on the ballot are candidates for the Minnesota House of Representatives (their questionnaire responses begin on page 4) and the U.S. House (page 3). Check the races in your own districts to see which candidates have committed to voting pro-life. If you don’t know your district, see page 5. get the inforMation out this Voter’s Guide and other voting information are available online at www. mccl.org. You can help us get the information out to as many Minnesotans as possible by forwarding it to others. Encourage them to look at where the candidates stand, and then to vote on Nov. 4. Remember that human lives really are at stake! How pro-lIFE lawS SaVE lIVES The election of pro-life candidates leads to pro-life laws proven to reduce abortions by paul stark Some people believe that the election of pro-life candidates to public office does nothing to reduce abortions or protect unborn children. But that’s simply not true. The success of pro-life candidates has led to the enactment of pro-life laws and policies at both the state and federal level. And those laws have saved many lives from abortion. EvidEncE: Laws rEducEabortions A substantial body of research shows that pro-life laws—e.g., informed consent, parental involvement, bans on taxpayer funding of abortion—help to modestly but significantly reduce the incidence of abortion. Consider the evidence here in Minnesota: • The Woman’s Right to Know informed consent law was enacted in 2003. Under this law in 2013, a total of 12,164 abortion-minded pregnant women received factual information about fetal development, abortion procedures, abortion risks and complications, and alternatives to abortion. That number is 2,261 more than the number of women who actually underwent abortions. Since Woman’s Right to Know became law, as many as 20,687 women have chosen life for their unborn children after receiving the information. • The Positive Alternatives Act of 2005 created a program to provide grants to pregnancy care centers and other programs that help women in difficult circumstances and offer life-affirming alternatives to abortion. more than 35,000 women statewide were helped through the positive alternatives program in its first six years (July 2006-Aug. 2012). • The number of abortions performed on Minnesota minors peaked in 1980 at 2,327. In 1981 Minnesota passed a law requiring that both parents be notified at least 48 hours before an abortion is performed on a minor (a court-required judicial bypass option is included). After years of steady decline, minor abortions in 2013 fell to 295, the lowest number on record and only 3 percent of all abortions. succEss in MinnEsota The number of abortions in our state has declined for seven straight years, and dropped 30 percent from 2003 to 2013. The abortion number and rate are now at their lowest levels since 1974. Thousands of minnesotans are alive today who would have been killed in utero if not for pro-life laws. Those laws continue to save lives from abortion every day. laws saVe liVes continued on paGe 7 News Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Vol. 44 No. 4 published by MinnesoTa CiTizens ConCerned for Life, inC., 4249 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55409 612.825.6831 MCCL was incorporated in June, 1968 under the Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation Act for the purpose of engaging in educational, charitable, scientific and literary activities and projects. These include, but are not limited to the following: 1. To improve and further personal and social responsibility for human life. 2. To foster and increase protection of the right to life of mother and child. 3. To inform the public on abortion and related subjects. 4. To foster high standards of medical care in the state of Minnesota. 5. To promote and encourage assistance in the care and rearing of children with birth defects. 6. To promote enlightened care and assistance to mother and child in crisis pregnancies. 7. To cause to be published and to distribute treatises, articles, addresses, reports and other publications on any or all subjects related to those above. From MCCL Articles of Incorporation Nothing in this Newspaper, except paid advertising, should be construed as supporting or opposing any candidate for public office. Published five times a year Subscription price $30 ISSN 1084-7367 Scott Fischbach, Publisher | Bill Poehler, Editor © 2014 MinnesoTa CiTizens ConCerned for Life. no parT of This pubLiCaTion May be reproduCed wiThouT perMission froM MCCL. 3 mccl News September/October 2014 Minnesota conGressional candidates ANsWER MCCL suRVEY Candidates for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives were asked the following questions. A short explanation precedes each question. PAIN CAPABLE uNBORN CHILD PROTECTION LEGIsLATION There is now compelling scientific evidence that the unborn child is capable of experiencing pain at least by 20 weeks after fertilization (the beginning of the sixth month), if not earlier. Asserting a compelling governmental interest in protecting unborn children capable of feeling pain, in 2010, Nebraska enacted the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to prohibit abortions after that point (with narrow exceptions). A number of other states subsequently enacted similar laws. In the U.S. Congress, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 1797), which would adopt the same policy on a national basis, passed the U.S. House of Representatives in June 2013, and has been introduced in the Senate as S. 1670. (1) Would you vote for the Pain capable Unborn child Protection Act, which—based on evidence that by 20 weeks after fertilization, if not earlier, the unborn child is capable of experiencing pain—would prohibit abortion after 20 weeks fetal age (with narrow exceptions)? GOVERNMENT suBsIDIEs The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (H.R. 7, S. 946) would apply a permanent policy against funding abortions and health plans that cover abortions, consistent with the principles of the Hyde Amendment, to all federal programs, including those created by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. No. 111-148) (“Obamacare”). (2) Would you vote for the No taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act? PARENTAL NOTIFICATION/CONsENT FOR MINORs’ ABORTIONs Laws are already in effect in about half the states that require notification or consent of at least one parent (or authorization by a judge) before an abortion can be performed on a minor. However, these laws are often circumvented by minors who cross state lines in order to evade parental notification requirements (often with the aid of older boyfriends, abortion clinic staff, or other adults lacking parental authority). The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA), sponsored by Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, RFla., (H.R. 732) and Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., (S. 369), would require any abortionist, encountering a minor client from another state, to notify one parent before performing an abortion, unless presented with authorization from a court, or in cases of life endangerment, or in cases of sexual or physical abuse or neglect by a parent, in which case the appropriate state agency must be notified instead of a parent. The bill would also make it an offense to transport a minor across state lines to evade a parental involvement requirement. (3) Would you vote for the child Interstate Abortion Notification Act? ABORTION: CONsCIENCE PROTECTION Across the nation, pro-abortion officials and advocacy groups have sought to use the compulsory powers of government to compel health care providers to participate in abortion. Recently, the Obama Administration has broadened the assault on conscience rights by issuing “Obamacare” regulations that require employers (including religious schools and hospitals) to provide health coverage that will provide drugs and procedures to which the employers have religious or moral objections. In response,pro-life members of Congress have proposed the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (H.R. 940, S. 1204), which would greatly strengthen the rights of private individuals and employers to refuse to participate in abortion or other procedures that violate their deeply held beliefs. Among other things, the bill would prohibit any government agency—federal, state, or local—from penalizing health care providers for refusing to participate in providing abortions, and would allow health care providers to sue when subjected to such attacks from government entities. (4) Would you vote for legislation, such as the Health care conscience Rights Act,to increase protections for health care providers and entities who do not wish to participate in providing abortions or in providing health care coverage for drugs and procedures that violate their deeply held beliefs? HEALTH CARE REsTRuCTuRING LEGIsLATION On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into law the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (Pub. L. No. 111-148) (“Obamacare”), which passed Congress over the objections of National Right to Life. When the government rations health care in a way that limits the ability of Americans to choose life-saving medical treatment, food, and fluids, it imposes a type of involuntary euthanasia. Using measures designed to limit what private citizens are allowed to spend for health care and health insurance, this legislation will result in unacceptable involuntary denial of life-saving medical treatment through rationing. It also provides subsidies for private health plans that cover elective abortion, and contains provisions that are likely to result in further expansions of abortion through administrative actions by various federal agencies. (5) Would you vote to repeal the “Patient Protection and Affordable care Act” (“obamacare”)? congressionaL candidates ansWers Response key on paGe 4. U.S. Senate naMe Mike McFadden Al Franken Steve Carlson Heather Johnson parTy R D IP L 1 Y NR Y NR 2 Y NR Y NR 3 Y NR Y NR 4 Y NR Y NR 5 Y NR Y NR U.S. HoUSe of RepReSentativeS DiStRict 1 naMe Tim Walz Jim Hagedorn parTy D R 1 NR Y 2 NR Y 3 NR Y 4 NR Y 5 NR Y DiStRict 2 naMe John Kline Paula Overby Mike Obermueller parTy R IP D 1 Y Y NR 2 Y N NR 3 Y N NR 4 Y Y NR 5 Y N NR DiStRict 3 naMe Erik Paulsen Sharon Sund parTy R D 1 Y NR 2 Y NR 3 Y NR 4 Y NR 5 Y NR DiStRict 4 naMe Dave Thomas Betty McCollum Sharna Wahlgren parTy IP D R 1 NR NR NR 2 NR NR NR 3 NR NR NR 4 NR NR NR 5 NR NR NR DiStRict 5 naMe Keith Ellison Lee Bauer Doug Daggett parTy D IP R 1 NR NR Y 2 NR NR Y 3 NR NR Y 4 NR NR Y 5 NR NR Y DiStRict 6 naMe Tom Emmer John Denney Joe Perske parTy R IP D 1 Y NR Y 2 Y NR Y 3 Y NR Y 4 Y NR Y 5 Y NR N DiStRict 7 naMe Collin C. Peterson Torrey Westrom parTy D R 1 Y Y 2 Y Y 3 Y Y 4 Y Y 5 N Y DiStRict 8 naMe parTy Stewart Mills R Rick Nolan D Ray Skip Sandman G 1 Y NR NR 2 Y NR NR 3 Y NR NR 4 Y NR NR 5 Y NR NR 4 mccl News September/October 2014 Minnesota leGislatiVe candidates ANsWER MCCL suRVEY Following are responses of candidates for the Minnesota House of representatives to the questions on this page. Use the response key below to interpret the chart. You are represented by one state representative. incumbents’ pro-life voting records for the last term (2013-2014) are listed following their responses to the MCCl questionnaire. You may wish to compare incumbents’ responses with their pro-life voting record. 1. Mccl has supported the passage of many pieces of lifesaving legislation. These include, but are not limited to, parental notice for minors seeking an abortion; informed consent, including information on fetal pain and the offering of pain reducing drugs for the unborn child during an abortion; abortion reporting requirements, and providing grants to organizations that offer positive alternatives to abortion. Will you vote against any attempts to weaken or rescind previously passed MCCL-supported laws and provisions? 2. Mccl has a proven record of lifesaving victories at the legislature, each carefully crafted to further our strategic plan for creating a pro-life Minnesota. This strategic plan involves an incremental approach which allows for the greatest number of lives saved while working toward our ultimate goal of establishing respect for human life in our laws and culture. Will you vote for life-saving legislation that advances MCCL’s incremental approach and provides protections for the unborn and their mothers? 3. even many who support abortion are opposed to taxpayer funding of abortion. Will you vote to limit and/or prohibit taxpayer funding of abortion in Minnesota? 4. biological-related technologies have been advancing rapidly in recent years. While most of these developments offer great promise, some require that another human life at an early stage of development be harmed or killed (e.g., embryonic stem cell research, human cloning). Do you believe that the state should provide protections for nascent humans against biological research and technologies? 5. Mccl has worked with elected officials to protect vulnerable Minnesotans and those who are nearing the end of their lives. Many protective laws have been passed including a prohibition on assisting suicide or assisting an attempted suicide (MN Statute 609.215), and a provision requiring health care providers to “take all reasonable steps” to comply with requests for nutrition, hydration or health care that “has a significant possibility of sustaining” a patient’s life and allowing for transfer of such patients to receive care elsewhere if the provider is unwilling to provide the care (MN Stat. 145C.15). Will you vote against any attempt to weaken or rescind the MCCL-supported laws cited above? 6. Mccl respects the right of patients and/or their proxies to make medical decisions. Additionally, MCCL is opposed to any efforts that seek to force medical decisions on others which are based on quality of life criteria. Will you oppose efforts that replace the patient (or proxy) with government standards in regard to medical decision-making, resulting in rationing of care? 7. as a grassroots advocacy organization that is committed to working within the legislative and judicial processes, MCCL has always had an interest in issues that affect elections. We are strongly committed to maintaining free-speech rights in order to maximize our ability to communicate with our members and the public without restrictive administrative burdens, and we support fair, secure elections between competing candidates. Do you share MCCL’s commitment to maintaining free-speech rights for non-profits and PACs and to insisting on fair, secure elections between competing candidates? stAte leGIslAtIVe ANsWeRs naMe parTy 1 01a Bruce Patterson Dan Fabian 01B Debra (Deb) Kiel Eric Bergeson 02a Dave Hancock Roger Erickson • • • • 2 3 Y Y 4 Y Y 5 Y Y 6 7 % D R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% R D Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR R D Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y NR 13% Y— YES n— NO c— COMMENT — responded to the questions so designated with comments only. Such comments are kept on file. nr— NO RESPONSE — did not respond to the questionnaire, did not respond to the question so designated, or informed MCCL by letter or phone that he or she chose not to respond. naMe parTy 1 02B David Sobieski Steve Green 03a Eric Johnson David Dill 03B Mary Murphy Wade K. Fremling • • 2 3 Y Y 4 7 % Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% R D NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR Y 100% D R Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y Y Y Y Y 6 D R Y Y Y Y 5 Y Y Y Y nc— NO COMMITMENT — responded to the question so designated but did not commit to MCCL’s position. %— VOTING RECORD — incumbent’s pro-life voting record for the past term (2013-2014). Percentage is determined from pro-life votes cast in agreement with MCCL’s position divided by total votes on pro-life issues (votes missed while excused were not counted). naMe 04a Ben Lien Brian E. Gramer 04B Jared LaDuke Paul Marquart 05a John Persell Phillip Nelson parTy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 % 0% D R NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y NR Y Y NR Y R D Y Y Y Y Y Y D R NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y PoLiticaLPartYabbrEviations: • c — Constitution Party • d— Democratic Farmer Labor Party • G — Green Party • Gr — Grassroots - Legalize Cannabis Party • iP— Independence Party • L — Libertarian Party • LM — Legal Marijuana Now Party • r— Republican Party 88% 5 mccl News September/October 2014 stAte leGIslAtIVe ANsWeRs CONTINUED naMe parTy 1 05B Justin Eichorn Tom Anzelc 06a Carly Melin Roger Weber 06B Jason Metsa Matt Matasich 07a Becky Hall Jennifer Schultz Kristine Osbakken 07B Erik Simonson Travis Silvers 08a Bud Nornes Jim Miltich 08B Jay Sieling Mary Franson 09a Dan Bye Mark Anderson 09B Ron Kresha Al Doty 10a John Ward Joshua Heintzeman 10B Dale K. Lueck Joe Radinovich 2 3 4 5 6 7 % R D Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y NR 0% D R NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y D R NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR R D G Y NR N D R NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR R D Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR D R NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR Y 100% D R NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR Y 100% R D Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y D R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y R D Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y NR 50% Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR N N NC NC Y Y NR NR don’t know your legislative district number? Just check your MCCL News mailing label. CRLOT**C002 *******************E 22A 1 #01234567# 123456 Jane Citizen 123 Your Street Anytown, MN 12345 FEdEraL conGrEssionaL district statE LEGisLativE district Or call your local city hall or county courthouse, or visit http://pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us/ naMe parTy 1 11a Mike Sundin D Tim Hafvenstein R 11B Jason Rarick R Tim Faust D 12a Jay McNamar D Jeff Backer R 12B Gordon (Gordy) Wagner D Paul Anderson R 13a Emily Jensen D Jeff Howe R 13B Tim O’Driscoll R 14a Dan Wolgamott D Tama Theis R 14B Jim Knoblach R Zachary “Zach” Dorholt D 15a Sondra Erickson R James Rittenour D 15B Brian Johnson D Jim Newberger R 16a Chris Swedzinski R Laurie Driessen D 16B Paul Torkelson R James Kanne D 17a Andrew Falk D Tim Miller R 17B Dave Baker R Mary Sawatzky D 18a Dean Urdahl R Steven Schiroo D 18B Glenn H. Gruenhagen R John Lipke D 19a Clark Johnson D Kim Spears R 19B Jack Considine D Dave Kruse R 20a Thomas Lofgren D Bob Vogel R 20B Dan Matejcek R David Bly D 21a Lynn Schoen D Tim Kelly R 2 3 4 5 6 7 % NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y NR 88% Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 88% NR Y 100% NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y Y NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% Y NR 0% Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NR Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 89% Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR C C C C C C NR 0% C NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR Y N NR Y Y N Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y NR 0% Y Y Y Y 100% Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NR Y Y naMe parTy 1 21B M.A. Schneider D Steve Drazkowski R 22a Joe Schomacker R Diana Slyter D 22B Cheryl Avenel-Navara D Rod Hamilton R 23a Bob Gunther R Pat Bacon D 23B Tony Cornish R 24a Beverly Cashman D John Petersburg R 24B Patti Fritz D Brian Daniels R 25a Duane Quam R 25B Kim Norton D 26a Breanna Bly R Tina Liebling D 26B Rich Wright D Nels T. Pierson R 27a Peggy Bennett R Thomas Keith Price IP Shannon Savick D 27B Jeanne Poppe D Dennis Schminke R 28a Gene P. Pelowski Jr. D Lynae Hahn R 28B Gregory M. Davids R Jon Pieper D 29a Joe McDonald R 29B Marion O’Neill R 30a Brenden Ellingboe D Nick Zerwas R 30B Eric Lucero R Sharon G. Shimek D 31a Kurt Daudt R 31B JD Holmquist D Tom Hackbarth R 2 3 4 5 6 7 % Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR NR C NR NR NR NR NR NR C C Y Y Y Y 0% Y Y Y Y 88% Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% Y Y 0% Y 100% state leGislatiVe answers continued on paGe 8 6 mccl News September/October 2014 Where Do the Candidates Stand on Life Issues? Join pro-lifers for Mccl’s one-day, $50,000 fundraiser! Donations doubled for 24 hours for pro-life education and outreach by Jan ochsner save the date! Give to the max Day is thursday, Nov. 13. For the sixth year, MCCL is participating in Minnesota’s biggest day of giving. This statewide fundraising challenge begins at midnight and lasts 24 hours. dollars doubled for life For one day, mccl will direct all donations to our fundraising page at GivemN. org. Donations to the MCCL pro-life education fund will be doubled—up to $25,000—thanks to the leadership of a group of MCCL members. easy to participate Donations will support MCCL’s tax-deductible 501(c)(3) pro-life Education Fund. No credit card? No problem—simply call the MCCL State Office to pledge your gift on or before Nov. 13. simply mention Give to the max Day! share the MessaGe You can help MCCL by participating and by spreading the word to your friends! It’s easy to be a part of MCCL’s social network and educate others. GiV e to the max continued on paGe 7 Vote in the General election: tuesday, noV. 4 or by absentee ballot before noV. 4! mccl News September/October 2014 GiVe to the max continued from paGe 6 MCCL on Facebook and Twitter: • like mccl on Facebook: Share our posts, RSVP to our Give to the Max event and invite your friends to do so, too—www.facebook. com/mnprolife. • Follow mccl on twitter: Please retweet our posts—twitter.com/MCCL_org. MCCL at GiveMN.org: • Visit the MCCL Give to the max Day fundraising page. • While there, “like” our page and post a comment. You can even create a fundraising team there with a few simple steps. help Mccl Win a Golden ticket! Last year MCCL was selected at random for a $1,000 Golden Ticket, which was added to the donation of a first-time supporter. more participation equals more chances to win an hourly prize for MCCL, even a Super-Sized Golden Ticket worth $10,000 at the end of the day. start a ‘5 for $50’ challenGe Imagine if every MCCL member invited five friends to support MCCL on Nov. 13. Invite five friends to donate a gift of $10 each to help us reach our $50,000 goal! mccl is stronger because of you. For more information about Give to the Max Day, contact Jan Ochsner at 612-825-6831 or jochsner@mccl.org. laws saVe liVes continued from paGe 2 Pro-LiFEcandidatEs EssEntiaL But they would not exist if we had not elected prolife candidates to public office. and no new pro-life laws can be enacted if we do not elect pro-life candidates this year. Several recent pro-life measures in Minnesota—including bills banning taxpayer funding of abortion and protecting pain-capable unborn children—were stopped precisely because voters had chosen pro-abortion candidates. Progress has been made, but abortion remains the supreme injustice and leading cause of human death in Minnesota. much more work lies ahead, and it begins on Nov. 4. this Voter’s Guide can also be VieWed at WWW.Mccl.orG 7 8 mccl News September/October 2014 stAte leGIslAtIVe ANsWeRs CONTINUED naMe 32a Brian Johnson Paul Gammel parTy 1 R D 32B Bob Barrett R Laurie J. Warner D 33a Todd Mikkelson D Jerry Hertaus R 33B Cindy Pugh R Paul Alegi D 34a Joyce Peppin R 34B David B. Hoden D Dennis Smith R 35a Abigail Whelan R Peter Perovich D 35B Sam Beard D Peggy Scott R 36a Jefferson Fietek D Mark W. Uglem R 36B Melissa Hortman D Peter Crema R 37a Jerry Newton D Mandy Benz R 37B Tim Sanders R Susan Witt D 38a Linda Runbeck R Pat Davern D 38B Greg M. Pariseau D Matt Dean R 39a Bob Dettmer R Tim Stender D 39B Kathy Lohmer R Tom DeGree D 40a Michael Nelson D Charles (Chuck) Sutphen R 40B Debra Hilstrom D Mali Marvin R 41a Connie Bernardy D Jeff Phillips R 41B Camden Pike R Carolyn Laine D Tim Utz C Y NR 2 3 4 5 6 7 % Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR Y 100% Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR Y Y NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR Y Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y NR N Y Y Y N Y Y Y 100% NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR Y 100% Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y 100% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR Y 100% Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR Y NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y N Y 0% naMe parTy 1 42a Barb Yarusso Randy Jessup 42B Heidi Gunderson Jason “Ike” Isaacson 43a Peter M. Fischer Stacey Stout 43B Justice B. Whitethorn Leon M. Lillie 44a Audrey Britton Sarah Anderson 44B Ryan Rutzick Jon Applebaum 45a Richard Lieberman Lyndon R. Carlson 45B Alma J. Wetzker Mike Freiberg 46a Ryan Winkler Timothy O. Manthey 46B Cheryl Youakim Bryan P. Bjornson 47a Jim Nash Matthew W. Gieseke 47B Joe Hoppe 48a Yvonne Selcer Kirk Stensrud 48B Jenifer Loon Joan Howe-Pullis 49a Dario Anselmo Ron Erhardt 49B Paul Rosenthal Barb Sutter 50a Dean Mumbleau Linda Slocum 50B Ann Lenczewski Zavier Bicott 51a Sandra Masin Andrea Todd-Harlin 51B Jen Wilson Laurie Halverson 2 3 4 5 6 7 % D R NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y R D Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y NR 0% D R NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y R D NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% D R NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 100% R D NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR R D Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y NR 0% R D Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y NR 0% D R NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR D R NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR Y R D Y N Y N R NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 100% D R NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y R D Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y 100% NR R D NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% D R NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y R D NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% D R Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y 89% NR D R NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y R D Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y NR 0% Y N Y Y Y N Y N Y Y NR 0% Y naMe 52a Joe Blum Rick Hansen 52B Don Lee Joe Atkins 53a JoAnn Ward Lukas Czech 53B Kay Hendrikson Kelly Fenton 54a Dan Schoen Matthew Kowalski 54B Denny McNamara Donald Slaten 55a Jay C. Whiting Derek Thury Bob Loonan 55B Josh D. Ondich Kevin Burkart Tony Albright 56a Drew Christensen Dan Kimmel 56B Will Morgan Roz Peterson 57a Bruce Folken Tara Mack 57B Anna Wills Denise Packard 58a Amy Willingham Jon Koznick 58B Marla Vagts Pat Garofalo 59a Fred Statema Joe Mullery 59B Margaret E. Martin Raymond Dehn 60a Brent Millsop Diane Loeffler 60B Abdimalik Askar Phyllis Kahn 61a Frank Hornstein Frank Taylor parTy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 % Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% R D Y NR R D NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% D R NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y D R NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y D R NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR R D NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 100% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR D IP R NR Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y IP D R Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y N NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% R D Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR D R NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y D R NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% R D Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% NR NR NR NR NR NR D R Y Y Y Y D R NR Y NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y 100% R D Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% R D Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% R D Y NR Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% R D NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% D R NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0% 0% Y Y mccl News September/October 2014 9 governor, state office candidates resPond to survey 1. Mccl has supported the passage of many pieces of lifesaving legislation. These include, but are not limited to, parental notice for minors seeking an abortion; informed consent, including information on fetal pain and the offering of pain reducing drugs for the unborn child during an abortion; abortion reporting requirements, and providing grants to organizations that offer positive alternatives to abortion. Will you oppose any attempts to weaken or rescind previously passed MCCL-supported laws and provisions? 2. Mccl has a proven record of lifesaving victories at the legislature, each carefully crafted to further our strategic plan for creating a pro-life Minnesota. This strategic plan involves an incremental approach stAte leGIslAtIVe ANsWeRs CONTINUED naMe parTy 1 61B Paul Thissen D Tom Gallagher R 62a Yolandita Colon IP Bruce Lundeen R Karen Clark D 62B Julie Hanson R Susan Allen D 63a Jim Davnie D Kyle Bragg R 63B Andres Hortillosa R Jean Wagenius D 64a Erin Murphy D Andrew Brown R 64B Daniel Surman R Dave Pinto D 65a Lena Buggs G Anthony Meschke R Rena Moran D 65B Carlos Mariani D Anthony “Tony” Athen R 66a Alice Hausman D Jon Heyer R 66B John Lesch D Lizz Paulson R 67a Andrew Livingston R Tim Mahoney D 67B John T. Quinn R Sheldon Johnson D 2 3 4 5 6 7 % NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% which allows for the greatest number of lives saved while working toward our ultimate goal of establishing respect for human life in our laws and culture. Will you support lifesaving legislation that advances MCCL’s incremental approach and provides protections for the unborn and their mothers? trition, hydration or health care that “has a significant possibility of sustaining” a patient’s life and allowing for transfer of such patients to receive care elsewhere if the provider is unwilling to provide the care (MN Stat. 145C.15). Will you oppose any attempt to weaken or rescind the MCCL-supported laws cited above? 3. even many who support abortion are opposed to taxpayer funding of abortion. Will you support legislation to limit and/or prohibit taxpayer funding of abortion in Minnesota? 6. Mccl respects the right of patients and/or their proxies to make medical decisions. Additionally, MCCL is opposed to any efforts that seek to force medical decisions on others which are based on quality of life criteria. Will you oppose efforts that replace the patient (or proxy) with government standards in regard to medical decision-making, resulting in rationing of care? 4. biological-related technologies have been advancing rapidly in recent years. While most of these developments offer great promise, some require that another human life at an early stage of development be harmed or killed (e.g., embryonic stem cell research, human cloning). Do you believe that the state should provide protections for nascent humans against biological research and technologies? 5. Mccl has worked with elected officials to protect vulnerable Minnesotans and those who are nearing the end of their lives. Many protective laws have been passed including a prohibition on assisting suicide or assisting an attempted suicide (MN Statute 609.215), and a provision requiring health care providers to “take all reasonable steps” to comply with requests for nu- 7. as a grassroots advocacy organization that is committed to working within the legislative and judicial processes, MCCL has always had an interest in issues that affect elections. We are strongly committed to maintaining free-speech rights in order to maximize our ability to communicate with our members and the public without restrictive administrative burdens, and we support fair, secure elections between competing candidates. Do you share MCCL’s commitment to maintaining free-speech rights for non-profits and PACs and to insisting on fair, secure elections between competing candidates? NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% state constitutionaL officers ansWers NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y GoVernor Y NR Y Y NR Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y NR 0% NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y Response key on paGe 4 party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chris Wright .............GR......NR ....NR .... NR ..... NR ..... NR ..... NR ....NR Chris Holbrook ...........L ........ Y......NR ......Y ...... NR ..... NR .......Y ...... Y Mark Dayton ..............D .......NR ....NR .... NR ..... NR ..... NR ..... NR ....NR Hannah Nicollet........ IP.......NR ....NR .... NR ..... NR ..... NR ..... NR ....NR Jeff Johnson ...............R ........ Y....... Y........Y ........Y ........Y ........Y ...... Y NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR sec. of state party 1 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% Dan Severson ............R ........ Y....... Y........Y ........Y ........Y ........Y ...... Y Bob Helland.............. IP.......NR ....NR .... NR ..... NR ..... NR ..... NR ....NR Steve Simon ..............D .......NR ....NR .... NR ..... NR ..... NR ..... NR ....NR Bob Odden.................L ........ Y......NR ......Y ........Y ...... NR.......Y ...... Y NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% NR NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y NR Y NR NR NR NR NR Y Y Y Y Y NR 0% Y C NR Y Y Y Y Y NR NR NR NR NR Y NR 0% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0% 2 3 4 5 6 Vote for life!! Learn more at www.mccl.oRg 7 auditor party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 atty General party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Judith Schwartzbacker..GR......NR ......NR ....NR .... NR..... NR NR..... ..... NR NR..... NR....NR ....NR Keegan Iversen..........L .......NR ....NR ......Y ........ ........Y ........Y ........ ........Y ...... Y Randy Gilbert ............R........ ........Y ........Y ........ ........Y ...... Y ........ Y....... Y........Y ........Y ........ Rebecca Otto.............D.......NR ....NR .... NR..... NR..... NR..... .......NR NR ..... NR NR....NR ....NR Patrick Dean............. IP.......NR ....NR .... NR..... NR..... NR..... NR....NR .......NR NR ..... NR ....NR Brandan Borgos ....... IP.......NR .......NR ....NR .... NR NR..... NR..... ..... NR NR..... NR....NR ....NR Lori Swanson.............D.......NR NR..... NR..... NR..... NR....NR .......NR ....NR .... NR ..... NR ....NR Andy Dawkins............G.......NR NR..... NR..... NR..... NR....NR .......NR ....NR .... NR ..... NR ....NR Mary O’Connor...........L .......NR ....NR .... NR NR..... NR..... NR..... NR....NR ..... NR ....NR Dan R. Vacek............LM......NR NR..... NR..... NR..... NR....NR ......NR ....NR .... NR ..... NR ....NR Scott Newman...........R.......NR NR..... NR..... NR..... NR....NR .......NR ....NR .... NR ..... NR ....NR 10 mccl News September/October 2014 dayton’s onLy resPonse to Pro-Life LegisLation: veto Dayton, running mate Smith fiercely committed to abortion on demand by bill poehler mARk DAytoNIs No moDeRAte when it comes to the issue of abortion. His record as an elected public official—including vetoes of seven pro-life measures as governor—is clear evidence of his zeal for unlimited abortion. senate record disMal Dayton had a poor record in the U.S. Senate, where he voted against the ban on brutal partial-birth abortions—twice.He voted against legislation to empower older Americans to avoid involuntary denial of life-saving treatment. He also voted in favor of taxpayer funding of abortion. In a 2010 candidate questionnaire, Dayton said he was “appalled” at Minnesota’s Woman’s Right to Know law. He also voted against two parental notification measures. coMMitted to planned parenthood Dayton is a Planned Parenthood donor, and his running mate, tina smith, is a former Planned Parenthood vice-president. Pro-abortionrunningmatestinasmith Dayton was elected governor in 2010 andMarkdayton by a margin of 0.42 percent. Within weeks he addressed activists at “ProChoice Lobby Day”—the first-ever governor to do so. He pledged to prevent every pro-life bill from becoming law: “It will not happen here in Minnesota.” fulfills pro-abortion pledGe Dayton made good on that pledge in the 2011 legislative session with vetoes of four pro-life bills approved by the Minnesota House and Senate: • Fetal pain: Would prohibit abortions after the point in pregnancy at which an unborn child can feel pain. • taxpayer funded abortion ban: Since 1995 taxpayers have been forced to pay more than $20 million to abort 65,000 unborn babies. • Human cloning ban: Would ban the cloning of human beings. • cloning funding ban: No state taxpayer funds could be used to clone human beings. 2012: More Vetoes Dayton continued his absolute opposition to pro-life legislation the following year, when he killed pro-life initiatives: • licensing and inspection: Called for licensing and inspection of abortion facilities. • Webcam abortion ban: Required that a physician be physically present when administering the drugs for a chemical abortion. With his vetoes, Dayton ensured that thousands more unborn children would be aborted while he is governor—lives that could have been saved. They are more proof of the often life-and-death consequences of elections. “like” mccl on facebook! franken sPonsors federaL biLL to WiPe aWay Pro-Life LaWs Senator has earned zero percent pro-life voting record by PauL stark in JuLy the u.s. senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the “Women’s Health Protection Act” (S. 1696). This misleadingly titled legislation is designed to nullify most state and federal limits on abortion. sen. Al Franken is one of the bill’s 35 cosponsors. a radical proposal The proposed legislation would (for example) wipe away state laws protecting unborn children after 20 weeks as well as meaningful restrictions after viability (when a broad “health” exception would make bans impossible). It effectively would establish abortion on demand until birth nationwide. The bill also would eliminate informed-consent laws such as Minnesota’s Woman’s Right to Know, which requires that women be provided with basic factual information at least 24 hours before an abortion. Woman’s Right to know empowers pregnant women and, in doing so, makes abortion less likely (see page 2). But Franken won’t stand for any of it. franken’s consistent record His advocacy of unfettered abortion-until-birth is no surprise. since taking office in 2009, Franken has earned a zero percent pro-life voting record, according to the National Right to Life Committee. In 2009 he vocally opposed and voted against an amendment to remove abortion subsidies from the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). In 2011 he denounced legislation in the House that would have stopped federal funding of abortion. In 2011 Franken also spoke out and voted against a measure to deny federal funding to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading performer and promoter of abortion. In 2013 he voted against the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, a bill intended to curb the transport of minor girls across state lines for abortions without parental involvement. stands With abortion industry Franken, whose campaign website boasts that he is “a fierce defender of a woman’s right to choose,” doesn’t just vote against the lives of unborn children— he actively champions his commitment to the abortion industry. In 2010 Franken delivered the keynote address at a NARAl Pro-choice America luncheon celebrating the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. He called the abortion advocacy group’s work “indispensable” and told them, “I’m proud to stand with you.” Franken was one of only two elected officials to speak at a July 2013 Planned Parenthood rally in opposition to the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would protect unborn children at the point (20 weeks) when they can experience pain. “You have my promise to keep fighting. Thank you, Planned Parenthood,” he told the crowd. minnesotans should know what Al Franken is fighting for. mccl News September/October 2014 yes! i will support Mccl’s lifesaving efforts. Enclosed is my contribution; my check is made to MCCL, Inc. Please print all information Name: ___________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP: ____________________________________________ Phone:___________________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________ Amount enclosed: $500 $100 $250 $5 $30 Other $ _______________________________________________ An acknowledgment is not necessary. Clip and mail to: mccl inc. 4249 nicollet aVe. | minneapolis mn 55409 Because, in addition to educating, we are involved in working for legislation to protect human life, donations to MCCL, Inc., are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. please join Mccl today By Scott Fischbach, Executive Director wheTher you’re a Long-TiMe MCCL member or have never heard of our organization, I hope you find this Voter’s Guide useful as you prepare for Election Day on Nov. 4. Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life is the state’s oldest and largest pro-life organization with more than 70,000 members and 200 chapters statewide. Our mission is to use education, legislation and political action to secure protections for innocent human life from conception to natural death. all humans have rights we stand up for the basic dignity and right to life of every member of the human family, at every stage of development, regardless of age, size and ability. That means we oppose the killing of unborn children by abortion and we want to assist pregnant women in need. we oppose human cloning and the destruction of embryonic human beings for research, and we support ethical adult stem cell research that is effectively treating patients. We oppose euthanasia and health care rationing based upon “quality of life” criteria, and we acknowledge the equal dignity and worth of persons who are elderly or disabled. MCCL is the leading advocate of pro-life legislation at the state Capitol in st. paul. We hold an annual March for Life on Jan. 22 to commemorate the lives lost to abortion and to call for protective laws. At www.mccl.org you can read about our many other educational and legislative activities. help make a difference I invite you to join with us today. a small donation of $5 or more is all that is necessary for membership and a free subscription to MCCL news, which will keep you up to date on the latest pro-life news and MCCL events. If you received an envelope with this Voter’s Guide, please use it to send a donation today. you may also donate online through our secure website at www.mccl.org, or call the MCCL State Office at 612-825-6831 and donate with a credit card. Our cause—saving human lives from unjust killing—is much bigger than each of us and much bigger than MCCL. if you recognize its importance and understand the stakes, please join our movement and help make a difference. 11 mccl federal pac endorsees for u.s. conGress FIrST DISTrIcT JiMHaGEdorn Supports reversal of Roe v. Wade decision that created a “right” to abortion Supports a ban on taxpayer funding of abortion Supports repeal of Obama health care law that expands abortion and rations care Supports passage of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act SEcoND DISTrIcT u.s.rEP.JoHnKLinE 100% pro-life voting record in 12 years in Congress Voted for repeal of Obama health care law that expands abortion and rations care Co-sponsor of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act Co-sponsor of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act THIrD DISTrIcT u.s.rEP.EriKPauLsEn 100% pro-life voting record in 6 years in Congress Voted for repeal of Obama health care law that expands abortion and rations care Voted for the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act Voted for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act SIxTH DISTrIcT toMEMMEr Supports reversal of Roe v. Wade decision that created a “right” to abortion Supports a ban on taxpayer funding of abortion Supports repeal of Obama health care law that expands abortion and rations care Supports passage of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act EIgHTH DISTrIcT stEwartMiLLs Supports reversal of Roe v. Wade decision that created a “right” to abortion Supports a ban on taxpayer funding of abortion Supports repeal of Obama health care law that expands abortion and rations care Supports passage of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act VoTE For HagEDorN, KlINE, paUlSEN, EmmEr aND mIllS For U.S. coNgrESS! Prepared and paid for by MCCL Federal PAC, 4249 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.; www.mcclpac.org. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 2014 MccL generaL eLection voter’s guide Find out where the candidates stand on life issues vote for Pro-Life candidates in nov. 4 eLection Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life 4249 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55409 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID MINNESOTA CITIZENS CONCERNED FOR LIFE ElEctroNic SErVicE rEquEStEd “I set before you lIfe and death … Choose lIfe, then, that you and your desCendants may lIve.” −deuteronomy 30:19 mIKE mcFaDDEN IS THE pro-lIFE caNDIDaTE For U.S. SENaTE! • Al Franken cast the deciding vote for Obamacare, expanding abortion funding and health care rationing • The U.S. Senate will likely confirm a new U.S. Supreme Court justice under Obama • Elect a pro-life leader for the U.S. Senate maKE yoUr VoIcE coUNT For THE cHIlDrEN on noV. 4 VoTE mIKE mcFaDDEN For U.S. SENaTE! Prepared and paid for by MCCL Federal PAC, 4249 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.; www.mcclpac.org. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. JEFF JoHNSoN IS THE pro-lIFE caNDIDaTE For goVErNor! • Dayton has vetoed seven pro-life measures—Johnson will sign pro-life bills into law • Dayton wants you to pay for elective abortions—Johnson opposes taxpayer funded abortion • Dayton’s running mate is a former Planned Parenthood executive—Johnson’s running mate Bill Kuisle believes in protecting human life • Dayton opposes pregnancy care centers—Johnson supports funding them ElEcT a DEFENDEr oF THE DEFENSElESS oN NoV. 4 votE JEff JohNSoN for GovErNor! Prepared and paid for by MCCL State PAC, 4249 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55409, www.mcclpac.org in support of Jeff Johnson.