Revised Standard Grade Technological Studies Applied Electronics Contents Introduction Structure Resources Assessment Detailed resource list Component Electronic Systems Electricity Simple Circuits Integrated Circuits: 555 timer Modular Electronic Systems Introduction: Electronics – a systematic approach Modular boards Analogue and digital signals Problem solving in electronics Switches Truth tables The comparator NAND and NOR gate boards Logic in Electronics Switching logic Binary numbers Combinational logic Pin-out diagrams Practical tasks Electronics Mini-Project Introduction Application of Technology Example: Remote Controlled Buggy with Light and Sound Computer simulation Appendix 1: Infrared Remote Control Remote controlled toy ii iii iii iv iv vi 1 3 14 77 81 85 86 88 95 98 101 115 117 119 121 130 132 147 150 157 157 158 159 161 165 169 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics Introduction Electronics is a key influence in today’s society and is therefore a key area of study in Technological Studies. This component unit should be studied early in the course after pupils have some knowledge of systems. Structure This unit is split into three distinct sections: • Component Electronic Systems • Modular Electronic Systems • Logic in Electronics. These sections can be delivered in any order, with each approach having its own advantages and disadvantages. Obviously there is some overlap between the units. For example, logic appears in the Modular Systems section in the form of the inverter, the OR, AND, NAND and NOR gates and as subsystem boards. Similarly, if the Modular Systems section is delivered first then some areas of Component Systems are mentioned. The advantage of delivering the Modular Systems first is that it gives an easy introduction to electronics; however, there is a danger that pupils will work through this section and solve the problems without picking up a real understanding of electronics. Logic Systems naturally follows on from the Modular Systems section. The advantage of delivering the Component Systems first is that the pupils gain a firm understanding of electronics, components and circuits. This gives them a deeper understanding, which helps in the subsequent sections. The disadvantage is that pupils may find the theory contained in this section difficult early in the course, although as they are General/Credit pupils the level should be well within their ability. By delivering the Component Systems first, pupils will cover the use of multimeters and prototype circuit boards that are used in the other sections. If the Component Systems section is to be delivered last, then it will be necessary to give the pupils some instruction in the use of multimeters, prototype circuit boards, simple electronic theory and components. The contents of this unit are set out comprehensively so that teachers do not require the use of additional notes or textbooks. Pupils can move at their own pace in many areas, but it must be stressed that these unit notes should not be used as an open learning pack and it will be necessary to deliver many important lessons at crucial times. These include an introduction to electrical theory (Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s second law, etc.), series circuits, parallel circuits, and an introduction to components (recognition, use and characteristics). Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics iii Resources The resources required to run this unit are the same as those being used in Technological Studies at present. Some equipment may differ in type (for example different meters, prototype boards and modular systems) and therefore the notes provided will have to be interpreted differently. The main resources are: • a range of components • prototype circuit boards (often referred to as breadboards) • digital non-auto ranging multimeters • a modular electronic system (for example E&L boards) • circuit simulation software (for example, Crocodile Clips). Circuit simulation software can be used for many of the activities but pupils must also have experience of building physical circuits. This is necessary to experience the real components as well as the problem-solving attached to building real circuits. Teachers are encouraged to use other resources such as video and the interactive CDROMs that are available. Software that simulates Modular Systems is also available and could be used to aid classroom management problems that arise from faulty boards. A detailed list of resources is provided at the end of this introductory section. Assessment External This unit of work and the exercises within will prepare the pupils for any electronics questions that appear in the 90-minute exam at the end of the course. It will enable all pupils to gain the knowledge and understanding required and give them suitable practice in reasoning and numerical analysis. Internal The internal assessment of this unit requires pupils to carry out a structured assignment. The assignment should take approximately three hours to complete but in some circumstances this can be extended. The pupils will be expected to: • complete a specification from a given brief • create appropriate diagrams to illustrate the problem parameters • produce a graphical representation of a proposed solution • perform a computer simulation of the proposed solution • build and test the proposed solution • evaluate the solution against the original specification. It must be stressed that this is not like the existing main project report. iv Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics Example The pump motor in an automatic heating system is designed to be on all the time, day or night, unless it gets too hot in the daytime. Design a system that drives the pump motor constantly except when it is hot during the day. For this assessment problem, pupils would be expected to produce: • a limited specification from the information in the brief • a system diagram illustrating the parameters • diagram(s) showing a proposed solution using modular boards or a discrete component circuit • a parts/component list from classroom resources • a computer simulation using Crocodile Clips or other suitable simulation software • a physical solution to the problem • a small written evaluation comparing the performance of the solution to the specification. Further information on the internal assessment can be found in Appendix 1 of the Arrangement Documents: Guidelines for Internal Assessment. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics v Detailed resource list Relay • Miniature 5 V DPDT (RS 376-981) Component electronics systems Low voltage power supply Integrated circuit • 555 timer IC Prototype circuit boards Digital multimeter (non-auto-ranging) Resistors • 100 R • 220 R • 270 R • 390 R • 1K • Light-dependent (LDR) ORP 12 • Thermistor: ntc (RS 256-102) Computer simulation software • Crocodile Clips Modular electronic systems Modular circuit board systems • E&L, or • Alpha systems Simulation software • Control Studio Potentiometers • 10 K (RS 375-304) • 100 K (RS 375-332) Logic in electronics Transistors • BC 108 Modular circuit board system • E&L, or • Alpha systems Diodes • Light-emitting 5mm red • 1N4001 (RS 261-148) Computer simulation software • Crocodile Clips Capacitors • 100 µF electrolytic • 1 µF bead Low-voltage power supply Switches • Miniature push (RS 331-758) • Miniature slide (RS 339-673) Prototype circuit board Logic probe Lamp • Holder (RS 564-891) • MES lamp 6 V (RS 586-172) • MES lamp 12 V (RS 586-201) Buzzer • Piezo flying lead (RS 203-0233) Motor • 3−6 volt miniature vi Resistors • 220 R Diodes • Light-emitting 5 mm red Integrated circuits (TTL) • 7400 • 7408 • 7432 • 7404 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics Component Electronic Systems Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 1 Contents Electricity Simple Circuits Integrated Circuits: 555 timer 2 3 14 77 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Electricity Introduction Electricity is one of the most important forms of energy available to man. It affects everyone’s lives in many ways. If you take time to think about your everyday life you will realise that our lives are full of devices that depend upon electricity. These devices depend on the electrical circuits inside them to work. The circuits often change the electrical energy into other forms of energy such as heat, light and sound. In this area of study you will learn how these circuits work and about the different components within them. Electric circuits An electric circuit is a closed loop or network made up of electrical components such as batteries, bulbs, switches and wires. Switch Battery Lamp Electric current Electric current is the name given to the flow of negatively charged particles called electrons. electrons Current is measured in amperes, usually referred to as ‘amps’ (A). Current is the rate of flow of electrical charges (called electrons) through a circuit. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 3 Voltage In most circuits a battery or voltage supply is used to drive the electrons through the components. Voltage is measured in volts (V). + V _ Current Flow R Resistance All materials conduct electricity. The materials that conduct electricity well are called conductors and those that are poor conductors are called insulators. Metals are good conductors while rubber and glass are good insulators. A good conductor offers very little resistance to the flow of electrical current. In other words, it lets currents flow with very little voltage being applied. Resistance is therefore a measure of how much voltage is required to let a current flow. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω). Electron flow − conventional current Scientists in the early nineteenth century decided the direction of conventional current flow. It seemed to them that current flowed from the positive side of power supplies to the negative side. It was not until the twentieth century that electrons were discovered and the true direction of current flow was proved. As stated earlier, electric current is the flow of electrons but often it is more useful to consider electric current to flow in the opposite direction. This is called conventional current. So although it is technically wrong, for convenience ‘conventional current’ will be used in the circuits and calculations throughout this work. + V _ Conventional Current R Conventional current flows from positive to negative. One of the main reasons for maintaining this convention is that symbols and other data based on conventional current have become standard. 4 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Batteries and voltage supplies Batteries and voltage supplies are the source of power behind all electrical circuits. Without a power source, electrical circuits will not work. In your work (as in most electronic circuits) all power sources will be low-voltage − this normally means everyday batteries or a low-voltage power supply. The low-voltage supplies and batteries will normally supply between three and 12 volts. Electronic components normally work on much lower voltages and so the circuits must be designed carefully. The symbols for batteries and voltage supplies are as follows. Single battery or c ell Multiple batteries or cells Voltage supply 6 volts Note the positive and negative side of the battery: -ve + ve Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 5 Direct current (d.c.) The voltage supplied by batteries or low-voltage supplies is direct current (d.c.). This is the normal type of supply to low-voltage circuits. Alternating current (a.c.) supplies are high-voltage − usually 230 volts. This is the normal supply in homes and schools. Many portable electric power tools work from 110 volts for safety. Resistors Resistors are basic components in electrical and electronic circuits. They limit the amount of current flowing in circuits or parts of circuits. Resistors are roughly cylindrical and have coloured stripes. They also have connection wires sticking out of each end. The stripes indicate the value of the resistors. The colours represent numerical values according to a special code. 6 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Resistor colour code Resistors are marked with what is known as a resistor colour code. Each band that surrounds the body of the resistor helps identify the value (in ohms) and the tolerance (in per cent). In most resistors only four colour bands are used. The colour code chart for resistors is shown below. The colours are used to represent different numbers, and in this way we are able to tell the value for each digit. First and second colour band Digit Black 0 x1 Brown 1 x 10 Red 2 x 100 Orange 3 x 1000 or 1 K Yellow 4 x 10 000 or 10 K Green 5 x 100 000 or 100 K Blue 6 x 1 000 000 or 1 M Violet 7 Silver means divide by 100 Grey 8 Gold means divide by 10 9 Tolerances: • brown − 1% • red − 2% • gold − 5% • silver − 10% • none − 20% White Multiplier Standard values Resistors are supplied in a range of standard values: 1.0, 2.2, 3.3, 4.7, 5.6, 6.8, 7.5, 8.2 and 9.1. These standard values can then be multiplied by 10, 100, 1000, and so on. Typical values of resistors are 220 R, 100 K, 680 R, etc. Some other popular sizes are also available, such as 270 R and 390 R. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 7 4-band resistor colour code layout 4 Band Resistor Colour Code Layout 1st band 1st digit 4th band tolerance 2nd band 2nd digit 3rd band multiplier Example If the colours on the above resistor are: 1st band − red 2nd band − violet 3rd band − brown 4th band − gold then using the table on the previous page, the value of this resistor is 270 Ω and its tolerance is 10 per cent. This is worked out as ‘2’ for the red first band, ‘7’ for the violet second band and ‘times 10’ for the brown third band. For most purposes you can ignore the tolerance. In the above example the manufacturers guarantee that the resistor will not vary from the marked resistance by more than 10 per cent. Symbol for resistance Although the symbol for ohms is ‘Ω’ it is often shown as a capital R; that is, 270 ohms can be expressed as either 270 Ω or 270 R. 8 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Using the resistor colour code Using the resistor colour code chart, record the resistance values of the following resistors. Write your answers in your normal report notes/jotter. 1. 100 R ± 10% blue – violet – brown – silver 2. 3 K9 ± 2% orange – white – brown – gold 3. 100 K ± 10% brown – black – red – gold 4. M2 ± 5% brown – black – green – brown Draw and note the colours of the resistors below. Use colour pencils to show the correct colour bands. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 9 Exercises 1. Using the colour-code chart, determine the colours of the first three bands of the following resistors. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Value 270 R 1 K5 33 K 1 M2 330 R 150 R 82 K 560 R 6 K8 750 R 390 R 2 M1 82 R 4700 R 9 K1 Colour 2. Using the colour-coding code, calculate the values of the following resistors. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10 Value First three colour bands red red red yellow violet black grey red red yellow violet orange red red orange orange orange orange green blue brown red violet black grey red brown brown green green brown grey yellow brown black yellow green blue orange brown grey black brown grey green blue grey orange orange orange yellow red red brown grey red black violet brown orange Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Diodes Diodes are devices that allow current to flow in one direction only. Current can pass this way only Anode Cathode Symbol for Diode Current will flow through the diode only when the anode (positive side) is connected to the positive side of the circuit and the cathode (negative side) is connected to the negative side of the circuit. Light-emitting diodes A light-emitting diode is a special diode that gives out light when current is flowing though it. LEDs are used as indicators to tell when a circuit (or part or a circuit) is working. You can tell the cathode of an LED as it is the short leg and there is a ‘flat’ on the plastic casing. -ve As with the normal diode, the current can only pass one way. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 11 Switches Switches are useful input devices (or transducers) that have metal contacts inside them to allow current to pass when then they are touching. There are several ways in which the contacts in mechanical switches can be operated. The main types are − push-button, toggle, key, slide, magnetic (reed) and tilt. These switches are ‘digital’ input devices as they can only be on or off. Toggle Slide Key Tilt Roc ker Reed The switches shown above are all single pole with single or double throws. These are known as SPST and SPDT switches. The symbols are shown below. 12 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 13 Microswitches Microswitches are small switches that are useful for detecting motion. They are especially good as sensors and limit switches. Typical systems that use microswitches are traffic barriers and lift systems. The microswitch above has a roller fixed to a lever that detects movement and throws the switch. It has three terminals: common, normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC). The microswitch below is commonly used in schools. 3 -- NO 1 -- C 2 -- NC Like most microswitches, this one can be wired in three ways. • • • C and NO: this is a normal on/off switch. C and NC: this allows current to flow when the switch is not operated. C, NC and NO: when wired like this it acts as a changeover switch. These microswitches are single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switches. 14 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Simple Circuits Series circuits The diagram below shows a typical use for an LED circuit, where the LED indicates that the car radio/cassette is on. The diagram also shows a simplified series circuit layout for the LED indicator. The resistor is necessary to protect the LED from drawing too much current and ‘blowing’. The diagram below shows the above circuit using the component’s symbols. This is called the circuit diagram. Switch I 6V LED The components in this circuit are connected in series. This means that they are connected up in a line, one after the other (or end to end). Series circuits are the simplest to deal with as the same current flows through all of the components. The voltage, however, is divided up between the components – more of this later. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 15 Series circuits and Kirchoff’s second law When components are connected end to end (in series) to form a closed loop, the same current flows through all components while the voltage is divided up amongst them. In other words, the sum of voltages dropped across each component (V1, V2 …) is equal to the total voltage supply in the circuit. This is known as Kirchoff’s second law: VT = V1 + V2 + V3 + … In the example below each bulb is rated at 6 volts and the supply voltage is 18 volts. This shows Kirchoff’s second law in practice. Prototype circuit boards 6V 6V 6V 18 V Prototype circuit boards (often called breadboards) are used to build and test circuits. They have the advantage that they are non-permanent: that is, the components can be moved and used again. This makes it easy to make alterations or corrections to circuits. Once a circuit has been proved on a prototype circuit board it is usually built by a more permanent method on stripboard or printed circuit board (PCB). METALLIC STRIP CONNECTOR Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 15 The board above shows four mains sections of connection holes. The two centre areas, separated by a gutter, are where most of the components are placed. The two outer rows are used for the power connections. The uncovered reverse side, seen below, shows how the connection holes are interconnected. The metallic strips connect the middle sections in columns of five, while the two sets of outer rows are connected horizontally. The diagram below shows how most common components can be inserted. Note that the most complicated components are usually connected over the centre gutter. This is especially true for transistors and integrated circuits (ICs). 16 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems LIGHT EMITTING DIODE VARIABLE RESISTOR SLIDE SWITCH WIRE LINK 1 5 10 15 20 25 A B C D E 555 F G H I J TRANSISTOR 1 5 10 15 20 LDR 25 ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR RESISTOR Example 1 Build the LED series circuit for the car radio/cassette. It can be built on a prototype circuit board or simulated on computer software such as Crocodile Clips. Circuit diagram Switch I 6V 390R or 390 LED Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 17 Prototype board circuit layout diagram + 6 volts Push Switc h 390 ohm s 0 volts LED Remember to connect the LED ‘the right way round’; that is the short lead (cathode) is connected to the zero volt line or negative battery terminal. The LED should light when the switch is pressed. Example 2 Build the lamp circuit below. It can be built on a prototype circuit board or simulated or computer software such as Crocodile Clips. Circuit diagram Slide Switch I Lamp 6V 18 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Layout diagram + 6 volts Slide Switc h Diode Lamp 0 volts Remember to connect the diode ‘the right way round’; that is, the negative lead (cathode) is connected to the zero volt line or negative battery terminal. The lamp should light when the switch is moved to the right. Try connecting the diode ‘the other way round’ to confirm its operation. Computer simulation The two series circuits can be built and simulated in a computer programme such as Crocodile Clips. LED circuit As in the prototype circuit, when the switch is ‘pressed’ the LED should light. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 19 Lamp circuit As in the prototype circuit, the lamp should light when the switch is pressed/moved and it will not light when the diode is reversed. Note: Crocodile Clips uses a rocker switch to represent the action of a slide switch. Digital multimeters The digital multimeter is used to measure voltage, current and resistance. It is very simple to use and easy to read. On/Off Amps 20mA a.c. d.c. Volts 10A 50V 10V 1V 2 mA 100mV 200µA 200k 20k 200Ω 2k Ohms 10A mA VΩ COM To measure d.c. voltage: • connect the black lead to the ‘COM’ socket • connect the red lead to the ‘VΩ’ socket • make sure that ‘d.c.’ is selected • move the dial into the voltage (volts) range • select a suitable range (always slightly higher than the expected measurement) • place the lead probes on the points where the voltage is to be measured. 20 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems To measure direct current: • connect the black lead to the ‘COM’ socket • connect the red lead to the ‘mA’ socket • make sure ‘d.c.’ is selected • move the dial into the current (amps) range • select a suitable range (always slightly higher than the expected measurement) • connect the probes to the wire in which the current is to be measured. To measure resistance: connect the black lead to the ‘COM’ socket connect the red lead to the ‘VΩ’ socket make sure ‘d.c.’ is selected move the dial into the resistance (ohms) range select the range (always slightly higher than the expected measurement) connect the probes to the ends of the component being measured. Measuring d.c. voltage Voltage is measured across components or parts of circuits as shown in the circuit diagram below. V 6v This can be done in actual circuits or simulated with Crocodile Clips. ‘Across’ means in ‘parallel’ as opposed to ‘series’. Parallel circuits will be dealt with later. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 21 Practical task Using circuit simulation measure the voltage across all three components in the LED circuit. The voltage across each component is known as the voltage drop across the component. This is the amount of voltage ‘used up’ or ‘dropped’ by each. The total voltage dropped in the circuit should equal the total supply voltage as stated in Kirchoff’s second law. Record your results. Measuring direct current Current is measured through components or parts of circuits, as shown in the circuit diagram below. Note that it is necessary to ‘break’ the circuit and connect the meter in series with the components. 6V A 22 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Practical tasks 1. Using circuit simulation, measure the current flowing through all three components in the LED circuit. In a series circuit the current flowing through all components is the same. Try placing the meter at different parts of the circuit to prove this. In parallel circuits the same current does not always flow through each component − you will find out about this later. Record the current flowing in this circuit. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 23 2. Using the prototype LED circuit, measure the voltages (potential difference, p.d.) across each of the components. Push Switc h + 6 volts 390 ohm s volts 0 volts LED 10A mA V COM Alter the position of the zero volt connection and measure the current flowing in the circuit. Set the meter to ‘mA’. Push Switc h + 6 volts 390 ohm s mA 0 volts LED 10A mA V COM Record all results. Measuring resistance When measuring resistance make sure that your circuit is disconnected from the supply, otherwise this will affect the reading. Do not touch the meter probes or the components when measuring, as your own electrical resistance will then be included. 24 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Resistors connected in series As resistors come in standard sizes, they are often connected in series to obtain a specific size that is otherwise unavailable. Practical tasks 1. Connect two resistors in series on a prototype circuit board and measure the overall resistance. R1 10A mA V COM R2 You should find that if Rtotal (or RT) is the total resistance measured across both resistors then the equation for adding resistances in a series circuit is Rtotal = R1 + R2 For three resistors in series and so on. Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3 2. Using two unknown resistors, measure the resistance of each and calculate Rtotal. Check your answer by measuring Rtotal as shown in the above diagram. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 25 Ohm’s law You have already found that applying a voltage to a circuit results in a current flowing through the circuit. In the simple Crocodile Clips circuit below, double the voltage and you will see that the current doubles as well. In other words if you double the voltage across a component, the current flow through that component will also double. Thus we can say that the current is proportional to the voltage drop across a resistor. This rule is known as Ohm’s law. The rule applies to all metals, provided that their temperature does not change. R = V I Current (A) This relationship gives rise to the Ohm’s law formula: Voltage (V) which is more easily remembered as: V=IxR We can use the triangle trick to help transpose this formula. Cover up the quantity that you are trying to find and the other two will be in the form that is needed. V I 26 R Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Ohm’s law in practice For this exercise a simple series circuit is used. I = V R 6 volts Lamp Current 0.06 amps The task is to calculate the resistance of the lamp using Ohm’s law. V I 6 R = 0.06 R = ∴ R = 100 Ω Tasks 1. Calculate the total resistance (Rtotal = R1 + R2) and the current flowing through the circuit. You can verify your answer by physical measurement or with Crocodile Clips. Switch 390 ohms 6v LED Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 27 2. Using Crocodile Clips measure the current flowing in the LED circuit (you should have done this earlier) and calculate the resistance of the LED. + 9 volts 220 ohms Buzzer 240 ohms 0 volts Check your answer by physically measuring the resistance of the resistor and LED with a multimeter. Ω RESISTOR 10A mA VΩ COM The diagram above shows how to check the resistance of a resistor. A similar technique is used to measure the resistance of the LED. 28 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Worked example: series circuit For the series circuit shown, calculate: (a) the total resistance (RT) (b) the circuit current (IC) (c) the potential difference across both resistors (V1 and V2) c S (a) (b) RT = R1 + R2 = 6 + 18 R T = 24Ω VS = I C × R T VS IC = RT 12 = 24 I C = 0.5 A (c) We can use Kirchoff’s second law to check the answers calculated for the potential difference across the resistors: V2 = I C × R 2 = 0.5 × 18 V2 = 9 V VT = V1 + V2 = 3 + 9 VT = 12 V Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 29 Exercises: resistors in series 1. For the circuit shown below calculate: (a) the total resistance of the circuit (b) the circuit current. 12V 2. For the circuit shown below calculate: (a) the total resistance (b) the circuit current (c) the voltage drop across each resistor. (d) Use Kirchoff’s second law to verify your answers to (c). 6V 3. For the circuit shown below calculate: (a) the total resistance of the circuit (b) the circuit current. 24V 4. A circuit has three resistors in series. Their values are 15 R, 24 R and 60 R. Calculate the total resistance of the circuit. 5. Two resistors are connected in series. Their values are 25 R and 75 R. If the voltage drop across the 25 R resistor is 4 volts, determine the circuit current and the supply voltage. 30 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Parallel circuits Parallel circuits are circuits where there is more than one path for electricity to flow along or that have more than one ‘branch’. Each branch receives the supply voltage, which means that you can run a number of devices from one supply voltage. A good example of a simple parallel circuit is a set of Christmas-tree lights where all the bulbs require a 230 volt supply. This arrangement ensures that if one or two bulbs ‘blow’ then the rest of them continue to function and, importantly, you know which are faulty. In a series circuit if one bulb blew then all the bulbs would go out and you would have to test them all to see which one was faulty. Parallel circuits can be arranged in many ways, but are normally set out so that you can easily see the parallel ‘branches’. A simple parallel car-alarm circuit is shown below with the switches wired up in parallel. 12 volts The two switches in parallel represent the sensor switches connected to the doors. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 31 Resistors in parallel As resistors come in standard sizes, they are often connected in parallel to obtain a specific size that is unavailable. This practice of combining resistors has already been seen in series circuits. Practical tasks 1. Connect two resistors in parallel on a prototype circuit board and measure the overall resistance. R1 10A mA V COM You should find that if Rtotal (or RT) is the total resistance measured across both resistors then the equation for adding resistances in a parallel circuit is 1 1 1 + = R2 R1 RT For three or more resistors, the equation can be extended: 1 1 1 1 + ... = + + RT R1 R2 R3 2. Using two unknown resistors, measure the resistance of each and calculate Rtotal when the resistors are connected in parallel. Check your answer by measuring the total resistance as shown in the above diagram. 32 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems As stated earlier, each branch of a parallel circuit receives the supply voltage. Each branch has its own current; that is, when the current reaches a junction it splits up, with some current flowing into each branch. The total supply current is therefore the sum of the currents flowing in the branches. When resistors or resistive components are connected in parallel, the effect is to reduce the resistance in the circuit. I I 1 I T I T 2 There are two important points to remember about resistors in parallel. (a) The voltage drop across each resistor is the same. (b) The sum of the currents through each resistor is equal to the current flowing from the voltage source. Special case: two resistors in parallel There is a special rule that can be applied when adding two resistors in parallel only: total resistance (RT) = product/sum. RT = R1 x R 2 R1 + R 2 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 33 Worked examples: resistors in parallel 1. For the circuit below, calculate the total resistance of the parallel part of the circuit and the total resistance in the circuit. R1 R2 12 volts The resistance values are R1 = 270 R, R2 = 100 R and for the buzzer 240 R. 34 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 2. For the circuit below, calculate the total resistance of the resistors in parallel. 1 R 2 3 R R 1 1 1 = + RT R1 R2 1 1 1 = + RT 270 100 1 270 + 100 = 270 x 100 RT 370 1 = 27000 RT ∴ RT = 27000 370 For the series part RT = R1 + R 2 R T = 73 + 240 ∴ R T = 313Ω ∴ R T = 73Ω The resistance values are R1 = 220 R, R2 = 100 R and R3 = 330 R. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 35 3. For the parallel circuit shown calculate: 1 1 1 1 = + + RT R1 R2 R3 1 1 1 1 = + + RT 220 100 330 1 33000 + 72600 + 22000 = RT 7260000 1 127600 = RT 7260000 ∴ RT = 7260000 127600 ∴ R T = 57Ω (a) the total resistance (RT) (b) the circuit current (IC) (c) the current in each resistor (I1 and I2). c s (a) (b) RT = 8 × 12 8 + 12 96 = 20 = 4.8 Ω = RT 36 R1 × R 2 R1 + R 2 VS = I C × R T IC = VS RT 12 4.8 = 2.5 A = IC Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems (c) I1 = VS R1 12 8 I1 = 1. 5 A = VS R1 12 = 12 I2 = 1 A I2 = We can use Kirchoff’s second law to check the answers calculated for the current in each branch. I C = I1 + I 2 = 1.5 + 1 I C = 2.5 A Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 37 Exercises: resistors in parallel 1. For the circuit shown below calculate: (a) the total resistance of the circuit (b) the circuit current. 9V 2. For the circuit shown below calculate: (a) the total resistance of the circuit (b) the circuit current (c) the current flowing though R1 (10 R) (d) the current flowing through R2 (24 R). 110V 3. For the circuit shown below calculate: (a) the total resistance of the circuit (b) the circuit current (c) the current flowing through R1 (660 R)4 (d) the current flowing through R2 (470 R). Use Kirchoff’s second law to verify your answers to parts (c) and (d). 240 V 4. A 6 R resistor and a 75 R resistor are connected in parallel across a voltage supply of 12 V. Calculate the circuit current. 38 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 5. A 440 R resistor is connected in parallel with a 330 R resistor. The current through the 440 R resistor is 300 mA. Find the current through the 330 R resistor. Combined series and parallel circuits Until now we have been looking at series or parallel circuits individually. It is possible, and quite common, to have series and parallel connections in the same circuit. Consider the combined series and parallel circuit shown in the figure below. You can see that R2 and R3 are connected in parallel and that R1 is connected in series with the parallel combination. Some points to remember when you are dealing with combined series and parallel circuits are: • the voltage drop across R2 is the same as the voltage drop across R3 • the current through R2 added to the current through R3 is the same as the current through R1 • the voltage drop across R1 added to the voltage drop across R2 (which is the same as across R3) would equal the supply voltage Vs. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 39 Worked example: combined series and parallel circuits 1. For the combined series and parallel circuit shown, calculate: (a) the total circuit resistance (RT) (b) the circuit current (IC) (c) the voltage drop across resistor R1 (VR1) (d) the current through resistor R2 (I2). 48R 24R 10R 12V (a) In the first instance you must calculate the equivalent resistance of the parallel arrangement (RP) of R2 and R3. It is possible to use the special case formula for two resistors in parallel: RP = R2 × R3 R2 + R3 RP = 10 × 48 10 + 48 RP = 480 58 R P = 8.28Ω The total circuit resistance (RT) is then found by adding RP to R1: R T = R1 + R P R T = 24 + 8.28 R T = 32.28Ω 40 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems (b) It is now possible to calculate the circuit current: VS = I C × R T IC = VS RT IC = 12 32.28 I C = 0.37A (b) The voltage drop across R1 is found by using the resistance across and the current through R1. V = I× R VR1 = I C × R 1 VR1 = 0.37 × 24 VR1 = 8.88V (c) The current through R2 is found by using the resistance of R2 and the voltage drop across R2. By using Kirchoff’s second law we know that the voltage drop across the parallel arrangement must be: VS = VR1 + VP VP = VS − VR1 VP = 12 − 8.88 VP = 3.12V Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 41 By using Kirchoff’s first law we know that the circuit current IC will ‘split’ or divide between the two resistors R2 and R3. In order to find the current through R2 we use: V = I× R VP = I 2 × R 2 I2 = VP R2 I2 = 3.12 10 I 2 = 0.312A 42 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Exercises: combined series and parallel circuits 1. For the circuit shown calculate: (a) the resistance of the parallel combination (b) the total circuit resistance. 7.5 V 2. For the circuit shown calculate: (a) the total resistance (b) the circuit current (c) the voltage drop across each resistor. 24 V 3. For the circuit shown calculate: (a) the total resistance of the circuit (b) the circuit current (c) the current through each resistor (d) the voltage drop across each resistor. 110 V Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 43 Power in electric circuits Electrical power is measured in watts (W). Electrical power can be converted into other forms of power using electric circuits. For example the power used in overcoming electrical resistance can be converted into heat – this is the principle of an electric fire. The power in an electric circuit depends both on the amount of current (I) flowing and the voltage (V) applied. The formula for power in electric circuits is: Power = Voltage x Current (watts) P = V x I (W) Worked example An electric household lamp consumes 60 watts from a 230 volt supply. Calculate the current drawn by the lamp and the resistance of the lamp. P = V × I ∴I = I = P V 60 240 I = 0. 25 A (or 250 mA) V = I× R ∴R = R = V I 240 0 .25 R = 960 Ω 44 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Exercises: power in electric circuits 1. In the following simplified circuit for a vacuum cleaner motor, calculate: (a) the power consumption of the motor (b) the voltage of the lamp (c) the total power drawn from the power supply. 3 amps 240 volts M 200 volts 2. The torch circuit below is supplied with two 4.5 volt batteries connected in series, with the current being 20 mA. Determine: (a) the resistance of the bulb (b) the voltage across the bulb (c) the total power drawn from the supply (d) the power drawn by the bulb. Switch 100 ohms Bulb Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 45 For many of the following exercises it would be useful to draw the circuit diagram. 3. An electric iron rated at 800 W is connected to a 230 V supply. Calculate the maximum current drawn by the iron. What is the power used by the iron at halfheat setting? 4. A kettle and a toaster use the same double socket. If the kettle draws a current of 10 A and the toaster 3 A, find the power used by each of the appliances. The two sockets are wired in parallel to a 230 V supply. 5. An electric drill draws a current of 1.5 amps from a 110 volt supply. Calculate the power rating of the drill. 6. An emergency power generator has to drive 80 lamps. Each lamp takes 60 W at 230 V. Calculate the current through each bulb if: (a) they are connected in series (b) they are connected in parallel. 7. How many 150 W lamps can be connected in parallel to a 250 V supply through a 5 A fuse? 8. In a stereo system each of the speakers is rated as 15 W per channel. If the supply voltage is 230 V, find the current drawn by each speaker when the system is fully on. Assume that the speakers are connected in parallel. If the system uses 2 W in wasted heat energy in normal conditions at full power, what is the current drawn from the supply and what fuse would you recommend for the mains plug? 9. The power ratings for the lamp bulbs on a car with a 12 V battery are as follows: • headlamps – 60 W • indicators – 24 W • sidelamps – 6 W. Find the current drawn by each lamp and the resistance of each bulb. 10. The rear screen heater in a car is connected to the 12 V system and draws a current of 2 A. Find the resistance of the circuit. In reality the 12 V, 0.5 A interior light is on the same circuit. State whether this is a parallel or series circuit and calculate the power and current when both lamp and heater are on. 46 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Voltage divider circuits Input transducers 0V Input transducers are devices that convert a change in physical conditions (for example, temperature) into a change in resistance and/or voltage. This can then be processed in an electrical network based on a voltage divider circuit. If two or more resistors are connected in series (see diagram below), the voltage over each resistor will depend on the supply voltage and the ratio of the resistances. Voltage divider circuits work on the basic electrical principle that if two resistors are connected in series across a supply, the voltage load across each of the resistors will be proportional to the value of the resistors. The layouts of voltage divider circuits are conventionally represented as shown above. A voltage divider circuit can be represented in a number of different ways. Some of these are shown below. 0V 0V Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 47 Voltage divider circuit If an input transducer changes its resistance as the physical conditions change, then the resistance change has to be converted into a voltage change so that the signal can be processed. This is normally done using a voltage divider circuit. A typical voltage divider circuit is shown below. VS R1 V R2 0 volts As you can see, this circuit consists basically of two resistors connected in series. As you already know, if you change the value of R1, the voltage across it will change, as will the voltage across R2. In other words, the resistors divide the voltage up between them. Practical task Use a prototype board to build the voltage divider circuit shown below. If the supply voltage is 6 volts, R1 = 220 Ω and R2 = 330 Ω, what is the voltage across R2? Volts VS R1 10A mA V COM R2 0V The voltage across R2 is normally called the output or Vo. You should find that the voltage is divided up according to the formula VO = 48 R2 × VS R1 + R 2 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Worked example: voltage divider circuit Calculate the voltage signal V2 across the resistor R2 in the voltage divider circuit below. VS = 12 volts R 1 = 80k R 2 = 40k V2 0 volts Applying the voltage proportion formula: R2 R1 + R 2 40 V2 = 12 × 40 + 80 V2 = 4 volts V2 = VS × The voltage over the 80 K resistor could be calculated in the same way, but this is unnecessary for this circuit since we can use Kirchoff’s second law to confirm the answer. The voltages over each of the components in a series circuit must add up to the supply voltage, hence the voltage over the 80 K resistor is 12 V − 4 V = 8 V. It is also possible to use Ohm’s law to solve these voltage divider problems. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 49 Exercises: Voltage divider circuits 1. Calculate the voltage signal V2 across the resistor R2 in the voltage divider circuit below. VS = 12 volts R 1 = 270R R 2 = 810R V2 0 volts 2. Calculate the voltage signal V2 across the resistor R2 in the voltage divider circuit below. VS = 12 volts R 1 = 390R R 2 = 10K V2 0 volts 50 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 3. Calculate the voltage signal V2 across the resistor R2 in the voltage divider circuit below. VS = 6 volts R 1 = 10K R 2 = 47K V2 0 volts 4. Calculate the voltage signal V2 across the resistor R2 in the voltage divider circuit below. VS = 9 volts R 1 = 10K R 2 = 2.2K V2 0 volts Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 51 Simple switches can be used in voltage divider circuits to give a digital signal (that is definitely ON or OFF) to another part of a circuit. In the example below a normally closed switch is used. When the switch is pressed, the voltage divider comes into use and power is supplied to the LED to give a definitely ON signal. Build the circuit in Crocodile Clips to test this. Digital switch types Different types of switch were described earlier but they can be wired up to suit their application. A switch with its contacts apart when it is not operating is called normally open. Double-pole switch symbols Double-pole single-throw switch (DPST) 52 Double-pole double-throw switch (DPDT) Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Analogue input transducers The two most common analogue input transducers are the thermistor and the lightdependent resistor (LDR). Thermistor A thermistor is a device whose resistance varies with temperature. It is a temperaturedependent resistor. There are two main types. 1. Negative temperature coefficient (−t or NTC) – where resistance decreases as temperature increases. 2. Positive temperature coefficient (+t or PTC) – where resistance increases as temperature increases. The circuit symbols for and typical characteristics of the two types of resistor are shown below. NTC thermistors are the most commonly used. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 53 Graph of temperature versus resistance The graph below shows accurately how the resistance varies with temperature for an NTC thermistor. Thermistor types Strain gauges Strain gauges are really load sensors. They consist of a length of resistance wire and when stretched their resistance changes. Strain gauges are attached to structural members (beams, etc.) and as they are loaded, a reading on a voltmeter can be obtained. Strain gauge Light-dependent resistor (LDR) The LDR (sometimes called a photoresistor) is a component whose resistance depends on the amount of light falling on it. Its resistance changes with light level. In bright light its resistance is low (usually around 1 K). In darkness its resistance is high (usually around 1 M). 54 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems The circuit symbol and typical characteristics of an LDR are shown above. Graph of illumination versus resistance The graph below shows accurately how the resistance varies as the amount of illumination falling on an LDR varies. Voltage divider circuits One of the main purposes of the voltage divider circuits is to sense and process inputs from analogue sensors. In this example a thermistor will be used. The resistor R2 of the previous circuit has been replaced by an NTC thermistor. VS = 9 volts 1 -t VO 0 volts Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 55 Practical task 1 Build the above circuit and measure and record the output voltage (Vo) at room temperature and at a higher temperature (use your fingers to warm up the thermistor). Volts VS R1 10A mA V COM NTC Thermistor 0V Measure the voltage drop and the resistance of the thermistor at both these temperatures. Check your results by calculation and record them in a simple table. NTC thermistor Low temperature High temperature Voltage Resistance This voltage divider circuit uses a light-dependent resistor or LDR. The LDR replaces R2 from the basic voltage divider circuit. VS = 9 volts 10K ORP12 VO 0 volts 56 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Volts VS R1 10A mA V COM LDR 0V Practical task 2 Build the above circuit and measure and record the output voltage (Vo) at normal room light conditions and when the LDR is covered (use your finger or a coin to do this). Measure the voltage drop and resistance of the LDR at both light states. Check your results by calculation and record these in a simple table. LDR Light Dark Voltage Resistance Variable resistor (potentiometer) A potentiometer configured as a variable resistor can be used in a circuit as a voltage or current control device. They are often used in voltage divider circuits to adjust the sensitivity of the input. In Standard Grade Technological Studies the majority of applications will use a variable resistor or a potentiometer configured as a variable resistor. Potentiometers normally have three tags or terminals. The outer ones are connected to the ends of the resistive material and the centre one is connected to the wiper. The spindle of the potentiometer is connected to the wiper, which is able to traverse the whole of the resistive material. As the spindle rotates, a sliding contact puts more Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 57 or less resistive material in series with the circuit. In this way the resistance in a voltage divider circuit is varied. Miniature potentiometers Most modern circuits now use miniature potentiometers or variable resistors. Examples of miniature potentiometers (not to scale) Voltage divider circuits The LDR voltage divider circuit can be set up to detect when it is light or when it is dark. VS = 9 volts VS = 9 volts ORP12 10K ORP12 VO 10K VO 0 volts Detects when dark Detects when light The above circuits should be simulated on Crocodile Clips to confirm their operation. 58 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Sensitivity With an analogue sensor it is normally desirable to adjust the sensitivity of the circuit. Rather than using a fixed resistor we can replace it with a variable resistor (or potentiometer). VS = 9 volts ORP12 47K VO 0 volts Practical task: voltage divider circuits The picture below shows a typical situation where a light sensor circuit could be useful. To save money and inconvenience the residents want the outside light to come on when it gets dark. They also want to be able to adjust the sensitivity from summer to winter nights. Build the following circuit using a prototype circuit board. The variable resistor is rated at 10 kΩ. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 59 + 9 volts VR LDR 0 volts Adjust the sensitivity so that the output voltage (Vo) goes higher when your hand is moved across the LDR at a distance of approximately 100 mm. You will have to attach a multimeter to the circuit to see when this is happening. Check this out using Crocodile Clips. VS = 9 volts 10K ORP12 V 0 volts 60 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Exercises: voltage divider circuits 1. Calculate the voltages that would appear across each of the resistors marked ‘X’ in the circuits below. 5V 9V 0V 0V 2. In each of the following voltage divider circuits determine the unknown quantity. 12 V 0V 16 V 12 V 0V 0V 15 V 20 V 220R 0V 0V 0V Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 61 3. An NTC (negative temperature coefficient) thermistor is used in a voltage divider circuit as shown below. Using information from the graph shown, determine the resistance of the thermistor and hence calculate the voltage that would appear across it when it is at a temperature of: (a) 80°C (b) 20°C. 4. What would happen to the voltage across the thermistor in the circuit shown above as the temperature increased? 5. What would happen to the voltage across the resistor in the circuit shown above as the temperature increased? 6. A thermistor (type 5) is used in a voltage divider circuit as shown below. The characteristics of the thermistor are shown in the graph. If the voltage V2 is to be 4.5 V at 100 °C, determine a suitable value for R1. State whether V2 will increase or decrease as the temperature drops. Explain your answer. 62 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Transistors The first major breakthrough in electronics came with the invention of the diode valve at the beginning of the twentieth century. This was the first real electronic component and was to lead to the modern diode and transistor. A diode valve consisted of a heater inside a hollow rod that had been coated with a substance which released electrons when heated. This was surrounded by a thin metal cylinder, with all of this being contained in a bulb-like glass container. When the rod was heated, electrons were released but, as in any diode, the electrons could only go in one direction. The diode was followed by the triode, which allowed the current flow to be controlled. These valves could act as electronic switches or amplifiers. Radio and television were developed using these amplifier valves. In the 1940s the first computer was built using valves − it contained over 20,000 valves and filled a large room. In 1947 the transistor was invented. The transistor had many advantages over valves, the main ones being size, efficiency, durability and cost. The next big advance in electronics was the integrated circuit in 1958: two transistors were fitted on a silicon chip. The developments since then have been rapid and chips now contain over a million transistors. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 63 Transistors (bipolar) The transistor is a semiconductor device. This means that it is sometimes a good conductor of electricity and sometimes a poor one. A transistor is made up of three layers of semiconductor materials that are either ‘n type’ or ‘p type’. There are two types of bipolar transistor available: pnp or npn. We will deal only with the npn type for convenience. (The only real difference is that the voltages and currents should be reversed for a pnp transistor.) C N This diagram represents an npn transistor. It has three leads or legs. C is the collector B P B is the base N E is the emitter E When a positive voltage of about 0.6 volts is applied across the base and emitter, the resistance between the collector and the emitter of the transistor drops from very high to very low. In other words the transistor changes from being a very poor to a very good conductor. This means that to switch the transistor ‘on’ a small voltage of about 0.6 volts is applied to the base. When the voltage reaches 0.7 volts the transistor is fully ‘switched on’. In this condition the transistor is said to be fully ‘saturated’. General-purpose transistor The BC 108 is common general-purpose transistor. The diagram below shows the position of the legs when viewed from underneath the case. The transistor has to be connected into circuits correctly. The arrowhead on the emitter indicates the direction of ‘conventional’ current flow − that is, opposite to the electron flow. 64 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems How does the transistor work? Consider the circuit shown below. 9V When the switch S1 is open, no current can flow in any part of the circuit. This may seem strange since a ‘complete’ circuit appears to be made from the voltage source, through the bulb, the transistor and back to the voltage source. But, as no voltage is being applied to the base of the transistor, it is acting as a barrier to electric current. When switch S1 is closed, a very small voltage is applied to the base of the transistor. When this happens the transistor allows current to flow through it and the bulb will light; the transistor is said to ’switch on’. Bipolar transistors amplify current. A small current flowing through the base of a transistor causes a much larger current to flow from the collector to the emitter. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 65 The transistor as a switch One of the main uses of a transistor is that of a very sensitive switch. Assignment Use Crocodile Clips or another circuit simulation package to set up the circuit below. Begin with a value of 2200 K for the base resistor R and then reduce the resistance using the values given in the table below. This can be carried out manually if a suitable package is unavailable. 9V Lamp c b A BC 108 1K e V 0V Complete the following table during your investigation. Base resistor value (K) 2200 1000 470 220 100 47 33 22 10 1 Base/Emitter Voltage (mV) Base current (µ µA) Lamp on/off You should find that the circuit will ‘switch on’ the lamp when the base/emitter voltage drop of the transistor is 0.7 volts. You will also have noted that as the base/emitter voltage drop rises above 0.7 V the brightness of the lamp does not increase. This is because once this level has been reached, the transistor is fully ‘switched on’, or saturated. 66 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Practical tasks 1. Build the circuit below to demonstrate the operation of a transistor switch. Lamp A + 6 volts IK Flying lead c b e 0 volts When the flying lead (a wire connected at one end only) is connected to hole ‘A’ the transistor should switch and the lamp should light. Connect a multimeter (set at voltage) across the base and emitter of the transistor. Volts A to lamp 10A mA V COM The multimeter should measure approximately 0.7 volts. As explained earlier, this will switch the transistor ‘on’ and the lamp should light. If this reading is incorrect or the lamp does not light when the flying lead is connected to hole A, check all the connections and fix any faults until the circuit works as expected. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 67 To make the circuit even more sensitive, a voltage divider with an LDR and variable resistor can be used. This will enable small changes in the LDR resistance to switch the transistor. LAMP LDR 2. Build the transistor switching circuit below. Lamp + 6 volts 10K c b 1K e 0 volts LDR Instructions Place all components as shown in diagram. Insert all connection wires. Make the 0 volt connection. Make the +6 volt connection. Set the variable resistor to mid-value. Cover the LDR and observe what happens. 68 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Transistor circuits calculations Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s second law, series circuit and parallel circuit calculations are just as important and appropriate in transistor circuits as they were in the previous ones. Example circuit + 6 volts 6V 60mA Lamp c b BC 108 1K e 0V The transistor circuit above is basically a parallel circuit. If the circuit is rearranged slightly this becomes obvious. Ic c 6 volts T x e 0V Ie b Rb Ib The transistor (marked T) is at the junction of the parallel circuit. If we assume that no voltage drops across the collector/emitter in the transistor then Vxe = 6 volts (in the bulb branch) As the two branches between x and e are in parallel, Vxe across the resistor branch must also be 6 volts. Thus VRb + Vbe = 6 volts We know that Vbe must be 0.7 volts to switch the transistor on; therefore VRb = 5.3 volts It is now possible to calculate all other currents and resistance values. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 69 Relays Although relays are often considered to be output devices, they are really output switches from electric or electronic circuits. These output switches are used as inputs for other circuits. In practice you can hear relays clicking on and off when a car’s indicators are used. How the relay works When an electric current flows into the relay coil, the coil becomes an electromagnet. This electromagnet attracts the armature and moves the contacts. This movement provides the switching, just as the contacts in any other switch do. 70 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems The relay is a very useful device because it is the vital link between microelectronics and high-energy systems that require substantial amounts of current. The relay is perhaps the most commonly used switch for driving devices that demand large currents. Relay symbol in a circuit Relays connections Miniature relay The connections for a typical miniature relay are shown below. 1 + 16 - 4 6 13 11 8 9 Connections 1 and 16 are those from the sensing or input circuit. Connections 4 and 13 are the supply voltage to run the output. Connections 6 and 11 are the normally closed output terminals. Connections 8 and 9 are the normally open output terminals. Relays protective diodes As seen earlier, relays have a coil that is energised and de-energised as the relay switches on and off. During this process of switching, the coil can generate a large reverse voltage (called a back e.m.f.). This reverse voltage can cause considerable damage to components, especially transistors. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 71 The transistors and other sensitive components can be protected by the inclusion of a diode that provides a path for the current caused by the reverse voltage to escape. The circuit diagram is shown below. A solenoid is another output transducer that has a coil inside. Circuits containing a solenoid require a protective diode as well. Coil 72 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Relay circuit The circuit below shows a typical transistor circuit with a relay as an output. + 6 volts -t Relay c b 1K BC 108 e 10K 0 volts Practical tasks 1. Build the relay circuit below. When the temperature of the thermistor is increased you should hear the relay switching and then switching once more as the temperature decreases again. Note the diode, which is used to protect the transistor (see later for more information). + 6 volts NTC b diode c 1K Relay e 0 volts 10K Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 73 2. This task requires you to connect a 12 volt lamp to the normally open output of the relay so that when the temperature of the thermistor rises the light will switch on. Note the 12 volt supply for the bulb. Do not mix up the supplies or the 0 volt lines. + 12 volts + 6 volts NTC 12V Lamp b diode c 1K Relay e 0 volts 10K 0 volts Alter the circuit so that the lamp comes on when it gets dark. Draw the circuit diagram before you alter the prototype circuit above. Relays can also be used to switch on (and off) solenoid-actuated pneumatics valves. These normally run on a 12 volt supply. This is a method of controlling pneumatic circuits and systems with microelectronics. 74 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 3. As electric motors normally draw larger currents, relays are ideal devices for such circuits. By using DTDP switching, relays can control the direction of rotation of motors. TO SENSOR CIRCUIT 0V Solenoid-actuated 3/2 pneumatic valve +V The circuit below shows a motor control circuit. The motor will reverse direction when the input switch is pressed. + 6 volts b diode c 1K e 0 volts Change the circuit so that a change in temperature will automatically change the direction of the motor. Draw the circuit diagram before making any alterations. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 75 4. The partial circuit below shows a transistor switch circuit with a relay as an output and an LDR voltage divider circuit as an input. Build and test a complete circuit showing the relay connected to a motor. Instructions Draw a full circuit diagram. Investigate from earlier work the value of the potentiometer. Make a layout diagram for building the circuit on a prototype circuit board. After checking, build and test your circuit. Note: Alternatively, this circuit could be built and tested using circuit simulation software such as Crocodile Clips. 76 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Integrated Circuits: 555 timer An integrated circuit (or IC) is simply an electronic package that contains a number of components on a silicon ‘chip’. The 555-timer IC that you are going to use is a very versatile chip that has many applications. As you can see, the 555 chip has eight pins. The pin functions are shown below. 1 8 +V (3 -15) TRIGGER 2 7 OUTPUT 3 6 RESET 4 CONTROL 5 VOLTAGE (LEAVE UNCONNECTED) NE555 0V TIMING PERIOD CONTROL Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 77 555 timer capacitors Capacitors are electronic components that store electricity for short periods of time within electronic circuits or networks. They are made from two metal plates or films separated by an insulator. In many capacitors, film is used so that the layers of metal film and insulator can be wound into a cylinder. Capacitors are especially useful in timer circuits with the 555-timer chip. INSULATOR METAL PLATE OR FILM There are two basic types of capacitor normally used in timer circuits: electrolytic and polyester. Electrolytic capacitors are polarity conscious. This means that they must be connected ‘the right way round’. The negative lead must be connected to zero volts with the positive terminal towards the higher voltage side of the circuit. It is very dangerous to reverse connect capacitors. ELECTROLYTIC AXIAL Axial CAPACITATOR capacitor RADIAL Radial CAPACITATOR capacitor Polyester capacitors are for small-value uses and can be connected without regard to polarity. POLYESTER Capacitance in measured in farads, but because this is a very large measurement most capacitors are rated in F (microfarads) or in nF (nanofarads). 78 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 555 timer practical tasks 1. This 555-timer circuit is used to switch an LED on for a specific time when the chip is ‘triggered’. A typical application for this would be an egg timer. Build the prototype circuit shown below. + 6 volts 1K 100K 555 1K 390R + 0 volts 100uF LED Flying lead Instructions Briefly touch the bare end of the flying lead to 0 volts. The LED should light for a fixed period. Adjust the variable resistor to obtain the longest fixed time for which the LED will stay on. Change the capacitor to the values in the table below and record the maximum time period for which the LED lights. Crocodile Clips or similar software could be used for this task. Capacitor value (F) Maximum time 100 470 1000 2200 4700 Draw a graph to illustrate your answers. Estimate what value of capacitor would give a time of approximately 60 seconds. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 79 1. The 555-timer circuit already built made an LED go on for a specific time when the chip was triggered. The circuit diagram below shows the altered circuit with the LED going off when the chip is triggered. Alter your circuit to show this effect. + 6 volts 100K 1K 390R 1K 7 6 8 4 IC1 555 2 3 1 100F 0 volts This circuit shows the 555 chip operating as a monostable device. This means that it is stable in only one state, that is, it ‘jumps back’ to its initial state after a set time. Note: As an alternative, build this new system using circuit simulation software. 80 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 2. This 555-timer circuit is used to make an LED flash on and off at a set frequency. Build the prototype circuit shown below. + 6volts 1K 555 LDR 1K 390R + 0 volts 100uF 1uF LED Instructions On powering up the circuit, the LED should flash on and off at a steady rate (frequency). Cover the LDR to see what effect this has. Expose the LDR to bright light and observe the effect. Complete a table to show your findings. Light conditions Dark Normal Bright Frequency This circuit shows the 555 chip operating as an astable device. This means that it is unstable in both states; that is, it flips constantly from one state to the other. Frequency Frequency is the regular rate at which a physical event repeats itself. In this circuit it is the rate at which the LED flashes. In electronic circuits the common events are the flashing of optical devices (LEDs and lamps) and the sounding of buzzers/speakers. These outputs are driven by an electrical pulse from the electronic system or circuit. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems 81 82 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Component Electronic Systems Modular Electronic Systems Note This section of the Applied Electronics unit has been constructed around the E&L modular sub-systems boards. It is recognised that not all schools will use this system, as others are also available. However, owing to various constraints, it has not been possible to produce support materials in detail for all the systems currently available. Schools using an alternative system will be able to use the generic diagrams to provide meaningful input for the systems boards they do use. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 83 Contents Introduction: Electronics – a systematic approach Modular boards Analogue and digital signals Problem solving in electronics Switches AND gate logic OR gate logic Truth tables The comparator NAND and NOR gate boards 84 85 86 88 95 98 99 100 101 115 117 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Introduction: Electronics − A systematic approach The systems represented in this section make use of E&L systems boards. Centres using Alpha systems will be able to adapt the materials as appropriate. In all areas of technology, including electronics it is useful to have a systems approach to problem solving. This makes it easier to understand problems and enables you to solve these electronic problems in a structured manner. Before getting to the ‘nitty-gritty’ of any electronic system, it is necessary to have an overview. This can be achieved by using a universal input−output system diagram. Input Proc ess Output All electronic circuits and systems have an input, a process and an output. Identifying these basic parts is the first step in solving electronic circuit/system problems. Input Proc ess Output Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 85 Modular boards Modular circuit boards provide a simple means of solving both simple and complex electronics problems. It is easy to identify the input, process and output stages. The boards are, however, bulky and expensive. E&L modular system boards E&L system boards make it easy to build working electronics systems to solve real problems. These boards have input devices, process devices and output devices. +V + + S 0V - + TP S 0V SB 0V - + O/P IND SA 0V - - + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V TP - - - OR GATE 0V 0V THIS I S A CHIP BU TTY 0v E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd Using E&L boards Before using the boards, there are a number of points that should be noted. • • • Collect all the boards that you will need before starting assembly. Always connect the boards together on a flat surface. Make sure that the four pins interlock properly. • Never connect the power supply until all the boards in the system have been assembled. • • When making alterations to a system, disconnect the power supply. Always take care when using the boards. Never subject the components on the boards to any force, as this will cause damage to the board. 86 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems All systems need two special boards. These are described below. Power connection board This board is necessary to supply power to the system. You will notice that there are four connections. +VE SIGNAL POS SIG 0 0V NEG VOLTS -VE RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC Transducer driver board All systems require a transducer driver. This will normally be the second last board in the system, that is the board before the output board. +V + + TP S 0V - S 0V - 0v 0v E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd The transducer driver is a small transistor amplifier that provides the output devices with enough power for them to operate. The signal (current and voltage) from the input is otherwise too weak to power the output. COLLECTOR EMITTER BASE The terms in the above diagram are explained in the ‘Component Electronic Systems’ section. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 87 Analogue and digital signals All components in electrical and electronic circuits are either receiving or transmitting electrical signals. These signals can be either analogue or digital. Analogue devices An analogue signal varies according to the physical surroundings. For example, the E&L light-sensing unit will send out a voltage that is proportional to the amount of light falling on the LDR. TP Light sensor (ORP 12) + + S 0V S 0V - - 0v E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd This E&L unit is called an input transducer because it converts the change in light to a change in voltage. Light Intensity LDR Varying Voltage The graphs of analogue input transducers are typically a sloping line or a curve. Typical analogue input transducers are: • input voltage units • light-sensing units • temperate-sensing units • moisture/rain sensor units • sound-sensing units. 88 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Digital devices A digital signal is one which has only two settings, on or off. In electronic terms it has only two levels, high or low. The push switch unit below is a typical simple digital transducer. O/P IND + + S 0V S 0V TP - 0v ACTIVE HIGH E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd This E&L unit is called an input transducer because it converts the change in physical movement to a change in voltage. Mec hanic al Movement Switc h High or Low Voltage Voltage The graph of typical digital input transducers is shown below. Time Typical digital input transducers are: • switch units • magnetic switch units • pulse generator units. Logic In digital terms: • on or high is Logic 1 • off or low is Logic 0. This is why modern appliances have switches marked in this way. 1 0 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 89 Output transducers Output transducers take an electrical signal and change it into a physical output. They include the output boards in modular systems or output components in any electronic system. The main output transducers are shown below. ACTIVE LOW + + S 0V S 0V - + S 0V - + + - S 0V - - E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd + - - S 0V - E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd - + S 0V S 0V S 0V E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd + + S 0V + S 0V - E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd System diagrams The system diagram for a bulb unit is shown below. Elec tric al Energy Bulb Unit Light Draw the system diagrams for the other output transducers. How E&L boards work Although there are four connections running through an E&L system, only the top three are of importance at present. +VE SIGNAL 0 VOLTS The top connection is the positive supply rail, the third is the 0-volt rail and the middle one is the signal line. 90 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Practical task 1 Join the two boards shown below and connect up the power. A + + POS SIG S 0V 0V - 1 0 K TP + S 0V - NEG C RANGE +5V D C TO +8V D C VOLTS INC. E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd B Set the potentiometer dial to position 1 and measure voltages A, B and C. 1 5 2 4 3 Using the connection pins and the test points (marked T.P.), complete the table below. Position 1 2 3 4 5 Voltage A Voltage B Voltage C You should find that VA + VB = VC In other words, this circuit is a voltage divider circuit. The supply is split into two paths. Many of the circuits in the E&L modular boards are based on voltage divider circuits. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 91 Practical task 2 +V TP + + + POS SIG S 0V S 0V S 0V 0V - + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V TP - - NEG - - - 0v 0v 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd System diagram Light Intensity Proc ess Light Instructions • Draw a block diagram of the system shown. • Connect the sub-systems as shown (individual boards are often referred to as subsystems). • Make the power connection. • Adjust the black dial (potentiometer) on the light-sensing unit to its mid-position. Cover the LDR (light dependent resistor) with your hand/finger and note what happens at the output. • Try the same with the potentiometer turned fully clockwise and fully anticlockwise. • Write down what you think the purpose of the potentiometer on the light-sensing unit is. • Measure the signal voltages for the following conditions. Potentiometer Clockwise Mid-point Anticlockwise LDR covered LDR uncovered Note: this system acts as a simple analogue to digital converter. 92 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Practical task 3 Power Connection Tem perature Sensing Unit Transducer Driver Bulb Unit The block diagram above shows a simple temperature-sensing system. Instructions • Copy the block diagram. • Copy and complete the system diagram. Proc ess • • • • Connect up the system. Connect to the power supply. Heat the thermistor between your fingers and note what happens. What is the effect of adjusting the potentiometer on the temperature sensing unit? Practical task 4 − replacing the temperature sensing unit with a rain/moisture sensing unit Instructions • Draw a block diagram for the new system. • Copy and complete the system diagram. Proc ess • • • Connect up the system. How can you get the bulb to light? Name the sensing component that is the input transducer. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 93 Practical task 5 +V HIGH = ON LOW = OFF TP + + + POS SIG S 0V S 0V S 0V 0V - O/P IND TP - - LATCH NEG + + S 0V S 0V - TC4011BP 864BHB - + + S 0V S 0V - - - 0v 0v 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC + S 0V TP E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd This system uses an inverter board. Instructions • Draw a block diagram for the new system. • Copy and complete the system diagram. Proc ess • • • • • • Connect up the system. Connect to the power supply. Turn the potentiometer on the light-sensing unit to its mid-point. Cover the LDR and note what happens. State the function of the inverter. How does this system differ from the previous one? Write down a practical application of this system. The inverter used in this system is often referred to as a NOT gate. This is because the output from the inverter is NOT equal to its input. If the input signal is high (or logic 1) then the output signal is low (or logic 0). 1 0 Inverter If the input signal is low (or logic 0) then the output signal is high (or logic 1). 0 1 Inverter From the diagrams above, you can work out that there are two input combinations. These can be represented in a table called a truth table. Copy the symbol and table and then complete the table. A 0 1 Z Symbol for NOT gate Truth table 94 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Problem solving in electronics It is best to have a structured systems approach to solving problems in any technology sphere. This ‘systems approach’ is essential in electronics, as we cannot ‘see’ or ‘touch’ electricity. Step 1 Identify the input(s) and output(s) of the system using a systems diagram. Light Intensity Sound (Buzzer) Proc ess Step 2 Try to identify the process needed to enable the system to convert the input to the output. It will be helpful to look at previous work done and to do some research using study notes and books. Step 3 Investigate possible solutions using rough block diagrams. Step 4 Draw up your final block diagram and discuss with your teacher before building. Power Connection Light Sensing Unit Transducer Driver Buzzer Step 5 Build and test your system. Make any adjustments or alterations that are necessary. Step 6 Evaluate your solution. Note: the modular circuit boards are excellent for simulating solutions to real-life electronic problems. Once proved, a solution to a problem would be manufactured in a more permanent construction. This would reduce the size and cost of the system. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 95 Problem 1 Government legislation states that food should be stored below −18 °C. Design an electronic system that will warn the freezer user if the temperature rises above this preset level. Specification • For the purposes of the simulation, the alarm should sound if the temperature rises above normal room temperature. • The alarm should alert the user even if they are not in the same room as the freezer. Solution • Draw a system diagram to represent a suitable system. • Draw a block diagram of a possible solution to the problem. • Identify all sub-systems. • Test your solution using modular boards. • Explain how your system works. Problem 2 It is often difficult for a cricket umpire to decide whether there is enough light to continue play or not. Specification • For the purposes of the simulation, the alarm should operate if it gets darker than the present room light-level. • The alarm should alert the umpire. Solution • Draw a system diagram to represent a suitable system. • Draw a block diagram of a possible solution to the problem. • Identify all sub-systems. • Test your solution using modular boards. • Explain how your system works. 96 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Practical task 6 +V O/P IND + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V TP POS SIG - 0V TP - - NEG - - - 0v 0v 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC ACTIVE HIGH E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd Instructions • Draw a system diagram for the above system. • Draw a block diagram of the system shown. • Connect the sub-systems as shown. • Make the power connection. • Test out the operation of the system by pressing the switch. • Explain what would happen if an inverter was added. • State where the inverter would be positioned. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 97 Switches Switches are the most common types of input device. Most electronic systems use switches. As shown earlier in this area of work, switches are digital devices. Off (Logic 0) On (Logic 1) The switch used in task 6 above is a normally open switch. This means it is normally off, that is at logic 0 state. You have to press the switch to turn it on and its spring will return it to its normal position when the pressure is removed. 98 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Practical task 7 It is common for systems to have more than one input. + S 0V + O/P IND S 0V TP ACTIVE HIGH E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd 0v +V O/P IND 0V - + S 0V TP + + S 0V SB 0V - + POS SIG - TP O/P IND SA 0V - NEG + + S 0V S 0V + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V TP - - AND GATE - - - 0v 0v TH IS IS A CHIP BUTTY RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd 0v 0v ACTIVE HIGH E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd This system uses an AND gate board. Instructions • Draw a system diagram for the system above. • Draw a block diagram of the system shown. • Connect the sub-systems as shown. • Make the power connection. • Press switch A only. • Press switch B only. • Press both switches at the same time. • Explain how the AND gate works. AND gate logic 0 or 1 AND Gate 0 or 1 0 or 1 It can be worked out that there are four input combinations. These can be represented in a truth table. Copy the symbol and table and complete the table. A B Z Symbol for AND gate A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 Z Truth table Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 99 Practical task 8 + S 0V + O/P IND S 0V TP ACTIVE HIGH E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd 0v +V O/P IND 0V - + S 0V TP + + S 0V SB 0V - + POS SIG - TP O/P IND SA 0V - NEG + + S 0V S 0V + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V TP - - OR GATE - - - 0v 0v TH IS IS A CHIP BUTTY RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd 0v 0v ACTIVE HIGH E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd This system uses an OR gate board. Instructions • Draw a system diagram for the system above. • Draw a block diagram of the system shown. • Connect the sub-systems as shown. • Make the power connection. • Press switch A only. • Press switch B only. • Press both switches at the same time. • Explain how the OR gate works. OR gate logic It can be seen that there are four input combinations. These can be represented in a truth table. Copy the symbol and table and complete the table. A Z B Symbol for OR gate A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 Z Truth table 100 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Truth tables Electronics is concerned with the processing of electrical signals. Input signals come from a variety of sources: a switch from a keyboard, a bar code reader, a temperature sensor, another part of a computer. Output signals can have a variety of destinations: a monitor, a modem, an alarm, another part of a computer. Digital signals can be at a high voltage level or a low voltage level. In logic circuits a LOW signal is said to be at logic ‘0’, a HIGH signal at logic ‘1’. The easiest way to represent how each gate behaves is to make use of truth tables. A truth table shows all possible combinations of inputs and outputs to a logic gate. A B Z Symbol for OR Gate A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 Z 0 1 1 1 Truth table A and B are the inputs and Z is the output. Results displayed in this way are known as truth tables. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 101 Problem 3 A washing machine manufacturer decides that to improve efficiency the washing machine should not start until two conditions have been met. Specification The motor in the washing machine should only operate if: • the water is at the correct temperature • the water is at the correct level. Solution • Draw a system diagram to represent a suitable system. • Draw a block diagram of a possible solution to the problem. • Identify all sub-systems. • Test your solution using modular boards. • Explain how your system works. Problem 4 Automatic doors should open from both inside and out. Design a simulation to solve this problem. Specification For this simulation a combination of light sensors and switches can be used. • • • A light sensor should be used to open the doors from the other side. A switch should be used to open the doors from the inside. A solenoid unit should be used to simulate the door mechanism. Solution • Draw a system diagram to represent a suitable system. • Draw a block diagram of a possible solution to the problem. • Identify all sub-systems. • Test your solution using modular boards. • Explain how your system works. 102 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Practical task 9 +V INC FREQ ACTIVE LOW TP + + + S 0V S 0V + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V TP POS SIG S PULSE 0V GEN. - 0V - - NEG - - - 0v + 0V RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC 0v + EXT.C PULSE IND E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd This system uses a pulse generator input transducer. Instructions • Draw a system diagram for the system above. • Draw a block diagram of the system shown. • Connect the sub-systems as shown. • Make the power connection. • Turn the potentiometer dial on the pulse generator fully clockwise. Record the output from the system. • Turn the potentiometer dial on the pulse generator fully anticlockwise. Record the output from the system. • Explain in your own words what the pulse generator does. • Is the pulse generator: − an input transducer? − an output transducer? − a signal-processing device? Practical task 10 Push Switch Power Connec tion Pulse Generator And Gate Transducer driver Bulb Unit Instructions • Draw the block diagram shown above. • Press and hold the push switch and write down what happens. • Slow down the frequency (rate of flashing) using the potentiometer on the pulse generator. Observe the LEDs throughout the system. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 103 Practical task 11 INPUT IND OUTPUT IND + TP S 0V + S 0V - LATCH - TC4011BP 864BHB EXT RST E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd This task uses a Latch unit. +V O/P IND INPUT IND HIGH = ON LOW = OFF OUTPUT IND ACTIVE LOW + POS SIG S 0V 0V - + + S 0V TP O/P IND TP S 0V - - NEG + + S 0V S 0V LATCH TP - - TC4011BP 864BHB + + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V TP S 0V LATCH + - TC4011BP 864BHB S 0V - - - - 0v 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC 0v ACTIVE HIGH EXT RST E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd Instructions • Draw a system diagram for the system above. • Draw a block diagram of the system shown. • Connect the sub-systems as shown. • Make the power connection. • Press the switch unit and record what happens. • Now press the switch on the latch unit and record what happens in the system. A latched system is one that remains on until it is reset. It is often called a memory system as it ‘remembers’ that the switch has been pressed until the reset on the latch is pressed. Note: the inverter is needed because the latch unit only works as the voltage signal is dropping – this is called negative-edge triggering. The inverter allows the system to work when the voltage signal is rising, as happens with a normal switch unit. This converts the overall system to positive-edge triggering. 104 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Problem 5 Your Technological Studies room has an infrared burglar alarm system fitted. The trouble is that it sounds each time someone walks into the room. Redesign the system so that it works in a more acceptable fashion. Specification • For the purpose of this simulation the alarm should sound if a light beam is broken. • There should be a master switch in the janitor’s office. • The alarm should not sound when the system is not ‘set’. • Once set, the alarm should sound if the light beam is broken. • The alarm should continue to sound even if the burglar leaves the room. • The janitor should be able to reset the system when the police arrive. Solution • Draw a systems diagram to represent a suitable system. • Develop a block diagram of a possible solution to the problem. • Test your solution using modular boards. • The system is positive-edge triggered. Explain what this means. • Evaluate your system. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 105 Practical task 12 + + S 0V S 0V - - E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd This task uses a relay unit. +V O/P IND + + + POS SIG S 0V S 0V S 0V 0V - + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V TP TP - - NEG - - - 0v 0v 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC ACTIVE HIGH E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd Instructions • Draw a system diagram for the above system. • Draw a block diagram of the system. • Connect the sub-systems as shown. • Make the power connection. • Press the switch unit and record what happens at the output. The ‘clicking’ sound at the output is caused by the contacts of a switch inside the relay closing. The contacts are moved by the electromagnet energising. SOFT IRON ARMATURE PIVOT SOFT IRON CORE COIL SPRING TERMINALS CONTACT TERMINALS COIL TERMINALS A point that must be understood is that when the relay contacts close, it provides no power to the external circuit. To drive anything from a relay, a separate power supply must be provided. 106 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Practical task 13 + 6V - +V O/P IND + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V TP POS SIG - 0V TP - - NEG - - - 0v 0v 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC ACTIVE HIGH E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd Instructions • Draw a block diagram of the system. • Draw a systems diagram for the E&L system. • Draw a systems diagram for the motor. • Draw a diagram to show how both sub-systems are linked. • Connect the sub-systems as shown. • Make the motor connections to the power supply and relay. • • Make the power connection to the E&L system. Press the switch unit and record what happens at the output. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 107 Problem 6 A car park barrier system has to be designed to operate as follows. • • The barrier should open when a car breaks a light beam. The barrier has to be powered by a more powerful motor operated by a relay. Solution • Draw a systems diagram to represent a suitable system. • Develop a block diagram of a possible solution to the problem. • Test your solution using modular boards. • Evaluate your system. Extension Add a switch unit to represent a ticket machine: the barrier must not go up until a ticket is taken and the light beam is broken. 108 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Practical task 14 + O/P IND + S 0V TP - + S 0V - ACTIVE HIGH E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd - S 0V + S 0V TP 0v 0v E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd +V - - NEG TP + + S 0V - - AND GATE E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd TP + + S 0V S 0V - - + + S 0V S 0V 0v E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd - - - 0v THIS IS A CHIP BUTTY 0v E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd + S 0V TP OR GATE THIS IS A CHIP BUTTY 0v RAN GE +5V D C TO +8V DC O/P IND SA 0V + O/P IND SA 0V SB 0V - + - 0V + S 0V + S 0V SB 0V POS SIG - TP + 0v E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd Instructions • Draw a systems diagram. • Draw a block diagram of the system. • Connect the sub-systems as shown. • Make the power connection. • Copy and complete the truth table to record the operation of the system. Remember that logic 1 means on and logic 0 means off. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 109 Truth table for practical task 14 Magnetic switch 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 110 Light sensor 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Push switch 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Bulb Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Practical task 15 O U T + 0V I N + + TP TP S 0V S 0V - - 0v E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd +V + O/P IND + + + POS SIG S 0V S 0V S 0V 0V - + + S 0V S 0V TP TP - - I N 0V + TP - NEG O U T TP S 0V - - 0v 0v 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC 0v ACTIVE HIGH E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd + O U T I N TP S 0V 0V - E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd +V 0V + POS SIG E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd + + S 0V S 0V + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V TP TP - - NEG - - - 0v 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd 0v E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd This task uses an input/output unit. This unit is used to connect other external components and devices into the modular board systems. Instructions • Draw a systems diagram. • Draw a block diagram of the system. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 111 • • • • Connect the sub-systems as shown. Connect a normally open switch to the positive and ‘IN’ terminals on the I/O unit. Make the power connection. Test the system and describe what happens. Practical task 16 Instructions • Draw a systems diagram. • Draw a block diagram of the system. • Connect the sub-systems as shown. • Connect a bulb to the positive and ‘OUT’ terminals on the I/O unit. • Make the power connection. • Test the system and describe what happens. • Describe the advantage of using an I/O unit in electronic systems. Practical task 17 Two outputs can be obtained using the I/O unit. To do this you must bridge both test points (T.P.) on the I/O unit with a piece of single-core wire. When the system sends a logic 1 signal to the I/O unit it gives out a logic 1 signal through the positive and OUT connections and a logic 1 signal to the next board in line. Build up the system below to test this out. +V + O/P IND + + + + + S 0V S 0V TP POS SIG S 0V 0V - S 0V TP S 0V - - NEG - I N 0V + TP - O U T + + S 0V S 0V TP S 0V - - - 0v 0v 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd 112 0v ACTIVE HIGH E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Practical task 18 INC. DELAY + TP SA 0V + S 0V - - DELAY + NEC556 0862 B 2 0v + E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd This task uses a delay unit. The delay unit reacts to an input signal by waiting a few seconds before it sends out a high (logic 1) signal to the next sub-system. +V O/P IND INC. DELAY HIGH = ON LOW = OFF ACTIVE LOW POS SIG + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V - 0V O/P IND TP - - NEG TP LATCH + + S 0V SA 0V - TP - + + S 0V S 0V - DELAY - TC4011BP 864BHB E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd + S 0V S 0V - - - + NEC556B 08622 0v ACTIVE HIGH + 0v 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC + S 0V TP 0v + E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd 113 Instructions • Draw a systems diagram. • Draw a block diagram of the system. • Connect the sub-systems as shown. • Make the power connection. • Adjust the potentiometer dial to the mid-position. • Press the switch and hold. Note what happens. • Try the same with the dial at different positions. • Record the actual time delay for each position. Position Fully clockwise Mid-position Full anti-clockwise Delay Extended task How could you adapt the system so that once the signal gets through to the buzzer, the buzzer stays on even after you let go of the switch unit? Alter your system so that it operates in this way. Note: the inverter is needed because the delay unit only works when the voltage signal is dropping (negative-edge triggered). The inverter allows the system to work when the voltage signal is rising, as happens with a normal switch unit. 114 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems The comparator The comparator board receives an input voltage from a sensor and compares it with another voltage called the reference voltage. • • If the input voltage is smaller than the reference voltage the comparator gives out a ‘low’ signal (logic 0). If the input voltage is greater than the reference voltage the comparator gives out a ‘high’ signal (logic 1). The comparator may be used as an error detector in closed loop systems, where it compares a feedback voltage to a reference voltage. COMPARATOR REQUIRED TEMP OUTPUT DRIVE OUYPUT MOTOR TEMP SENSOR FEEDBACK LOOP The output signal from a comparator is digital, that is, it is logic 0 or logic 1. The feedback signal that is fed into the comparator is usually analogue. Therefore the comparator can be thought of as an analogue-to-digital converter. VREF INC REF VOLTS + + S 0V S 0V - REF TP MAGIC THINGY 0V WITH REF VOLTS E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd The potentiometer on the comparator board sets the reference voltage. V REF +V + TP POS SIG S 0V 0V - NEG INC REF VOLTS +V + + + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V S 0V + + S 0V S 0V - REF - - I N 0V + TP - O U T TP TP - - S 0V - TP 0V 0v 0V 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC 0v MAGIC THINGY 0V WITH REF VOLTS E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd The temperature sensor sets the input voltage signal (feedback) to the comparator. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 115 Practical task 19 Construct the comparator system shown below. VREF INC REF VOLTS +V + + POS SIG S 0V 0V - 1 0 K TP + + + + S 0V S 0V S 0V + + + S 0V S 0V TP S 0V - - - REF NEG - S 0V - - - TP 0v 0v RANGE +5V DC TO +8V DC MAGIC THINGY 0V VOLTS INC. WITH REF VOLTS E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd Instructions • Set the input voltage unit to its maximum setting. • Set the reference voltage to 2 volts (measure between the 0 volts and VREF terminals on the comparator board with a multimeter). • Set the multimeter probes to 0 volts and the T.P. terminals on the comparator. • Gradually increase the input voltage until the bulb lights up. • Note the input voltage reading the moment the bulb lights. This task should prove the operation of the comparator as described earlier. The comparator takes the analogue signal and gives a digital output. COMPARATOR 116 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems NAND and NOR gate boards There are two modular logic boards that are very useful in building systems. These are the NAND gate and the NOR gate. + SB 0V - + TP O/P IND SA 0V - Inverter + S 0V NAND GATE And Gate THIS IS A CHIP BUTTY 0v E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd NAND gate This board is like a combination of AND gate and inverter (NOT gate) boards. This may simplify some problems or give alternative solutions. NOR gate This board is like a combination of OR gate and inverter (NOT gate) boards. Again, this may simplify some problems or give alternative solutions. O/P IND SA 0V - Inverter + SB 0V - + TP + S 0V NOR GATE Or Gate THIS IS A CHIP BUTTY 0v NOR E & L INSTRUMENTS Ltd Additional problems 1. Design an electronic system that sounds a warning buzzer if somebody opens a drawer and lets light in. 2. Design a system that will turn an electric pump on when the water in a storage tank reaches a maximum level. The pump would be of a higher voltage than that available in the control part of the system. 3. Design a system for a gardener that will automatically cool down a greenhouse if the temperature gets too high. 4. Design an electronic system that tests people’s reactions by showing how quickly they can press a button after they have seen a light flash on. 5. Design a control system for an electric kettle. (Use a bulb to stand in for the heating element in the kettle.) Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems 117 Specification: The kettle would be switched on with a push switch, should turn off when the water is at the correct temperature and should not work if there is no water in it. 6. Design a system that operates an automatic hand dryer, as found in many public places. Specification: The dryer should turn on automatically when the hands are put under it and should switch off a few seconds after the hands have been removed. 7. Design part of the control system of a drinks machine. Specification: When a coin is put into the machine, a cup is filled with liquid. There must be a delay to make sure that the cup is in place before the valve opens to allow the liquid to flow. The system must automatically close the valve when the cup is full. 8. A builder has decided to include an automatic door for the garages in a housing estate. The garage doors must be automatically opened without the driver leaving the car. When the door is fully open, the drive motor (for the garage door) should switch off. The weight of the garage door requires that the motor must be driven by the mains supply. Design a system to satisfy this specification. 9. A chemical plant requires a storage area to be kept cool and dry for safety reasons. If either of the conditions is not met, then a visible alarm should be activated to warn personnel of a possible dangerous situation. It would be best if the alarm was intermittent. 10. A local building society has asked for a new vault locking system to be installed. It can only be opened when one of the two assistants and the manageress input their security cards through the card readers of the security system. 11. The automatic flash in a camera will only operate when the following conditions have been met. • The ambient light conditions fall below a preset level. • The lens cover is open. • The shutter release button has been pressed. 12. In winter, it is important for a car driver to know if there is ice on the road ahead. Design an ice alert system that will flash on a warning light when the temperature is at or below freezing. For simulation purposes, room temperature can be considered freezing point. 13. A model of a car windscreen wiper system is required. The system must give the driver a variable-delay single wipe for occasions when the rain is not too heavy. A motor unit can be used to simulate the wiper motor. 14. A railway crossing barrier and flashing light system has to be designed. It should operate as follows. • When the train is two miles from the crossing, the lights should start flashing. • When the train is one mile from the crossing, the barrier should come down. • Once the train has passed, the lights should stop flashing and the barrier should go up. Design a simulation of this system using modular circuit boards. 118 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Modular Electronic Systems Logic in Electronics Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 119 Contents Switching logic Making decisions Logic gates Integrated circuits The NAND logic gates The NOR logic gate Boolean expressions Logic in simple component circuits NAND gate technology Binary numbers The decimal system The binary system Combinational logic Truth tables for combinational logic systems Dealing with NAND and NOR gates in combinational logic Creating logic diagrams from truth tables Creating logic systems from written specifications Logic gate integrated circuits (ICs) Logic ICs in prototype board circuits Pin-out diagrams Pin-out diagrams for common TTL logic Ics Practical tasks 120 121 121 121 122 123 124 125 126 128 130 130 130 132 133 137 139 141 145 146 147 147 150 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Switching Logic Making decisions Although it may not always seem like it, electronics and electronic systems are very logical in the way that they work. In the simplest form, if you want a light to come on, then you press a switch. Of course, it gets more complicated than that. Most technological systems involve making more complicated decisions: for example, sorting out bottles into different sizes, deciding whether a room has a burglar in it or not, or knowing when to turn a central heating system on or off. Logic gates Logic gates are very useful in dealing with and processing a combination of different inputs. This switching logic can be applied to electrical switches and sensors, pneumatic valves or hydraulic systems. Switching logic uses logic gates to perform decisions. In previous work you have already seen NOT, AND and OR logic gates. A Z NOT A B Z AND A B Z OR It is worth remembering that logic gates are part of digital systems and, as such, respond to either logic 1 or logic 0 signals only. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 121 Integrated circuits Although logic gates have electronic symbols, they are not discrete components: they are contained in integrated circuits. A typical example is the TTL7400 IC shown below. (The LS part gives more information about the chip for users.) Integrated circuits (ICs) are silicon-based components containing complex circuits. The simplest 14-pin IC that you will deal with is the TTL 7400 shown above. TTL stands for transistor−transistor logic. The 7400 chip effectively contains four NAND logic gates. Each NAND gate has the following transistor circuit. +V A Z B From this circuit diagram, it is easy to see why the term transistor − transistor logic is used. 0V NAND logic gates are a combination of NOT and AND logic gates − see the following page. 122 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics The NAND logic gate The NAND gate is effectively an inverted AND gate. In other words, the results obtained from the output are the opposite to those of the AND gate. This gate is often referred to as ‘NOT AND’. When drawing up the truth table for the NAND gate it can be difficult to ‘picture’ or imagine the results. The best way to do this is to pretend that it is an AND gate and then invert (reverse) the results, thus giving you the outputs for the NAND gate. A Z B A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 AND Z Symbol for NAND Truth table Practical task Copy out the NAND gate symbol, the truth table and the block diagram. Switc h Unit Power Connec tion Switc h Unit Nand Gate Transduc er driver Bulb Unit Set up the E&L modular board electronic system and complete the table using the system to confirm the outputs at Z. Note: This task can be completed using a circuit simulation software package such as Crocodile Clips. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 123 The NOR logic gate The NOR gate is effectively an inverted OR gate. In other words, the results obtained from the output are the opposite to that of the OR gate. This gate is often referred to as ‘NOT OR’. As with the NAND gate, when drawing up the truth table for the NOR gate it can be difficult to ‘picture’ or imagine the results. The best way to do this is to pretend that it is an OR gate and then invert (reverse) the results, thus giving you the outputs for the NOR gate. A Z B A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 OR Z Symbol for NOR gate Truth table Practical task Copy out the NOR gate symbol, the truth table and the block diagram. Switch Unit Power Connection Switc h Unit Nor Gate Transducer driver Bulb Unit Set up the E&L modular board electronic system and complete the table using the system to confirm the outputs at Z. Note: this task can be completed using a circuit simulation software package such as Crocodile Clips. 124 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Boolean expressions Each logic gate has a corresponding Boolean mathematical formula or expression. The use of these expressions saves us having to draw symbol diagrams over and over again. The name Boolean is taken from an English mathematician, George Boole, who founded symbolic logic in the nineteenth century. Z=A NOT Z = A.B AND Z = A+B OR Z = A.B NAND Z = A+B NOR Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 125 Logic in simple component circuits Boolean logic can also be seen in simple component circuits as well as in pneumatic, hydraulic and other systems. The circuits below show the five main types of logic. NOT AND OR NAND NOR 126 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Logic gate exercises For each of the following examples, state whether the output Z is at logic 0 or logic 1. (b) (a) 1 1 Z Z 1 0 (c) (d) 1 1 Z Z 1 (f) (e) 1 1 Z 0 Z 1 (g) 1 Z 1 (h) 1 Z 0 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 127 NAND gate technology NAND gate technology can be used to build other logic gates using NAND gates only. (The same thing can be achieved using NOR gates, but NAND gate chips are more common.) NOT AND OR NOR XOR Many manufacturers use only one type of gate (normally NAND) in the manufacture of their products. This has several advantages. • • • 128 You only have to stock one type of chip instead of a large range. People only have to be familiar with the characteristics of this one chip. Very often significant simplification of complex circuits is possible, thus reducing the number of chips required. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics NAND gate problems Redraw the following logic systems replacing the logic gates with combinations of NAND logic gates. Use the equivalents shown on the previous page. C A Z B A D B E Z C A D B A Z E C D E B Z C Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 129 Binary numbers The number system that we use is the decimal system; that is, we use a scale of ten. This decimal system uses 10 different digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. You should have noticed that truth tables use only two digits, 0 and 1. This is called a binary system and it uses combinations of the digits 0 and 1 to form binary numbers. The decimal system The table below shows the decimal system of counting. The values of the columns (of the left-hand table) working from right to left are 1, 10, 100 and 1000. These can be written as powers of ten: 100, 101, 102, and 103. As indicated above, this type of counting is called decimal and uses a base of 10. Decimal Binary 103 102 101 100 24 23 22 21 20 1000 100 10 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 8 4 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 The binary system As stated above, the binary system uses only two digits, 1 and 0. This system is suited to digital systems in electronics, where 1 represents ON or HIGH and 0 represents OFF or LOW. The right-hand table shows the binary equivalents of the decimal numbers in the table on the left. The values of the columns working from right to left are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. These can be written in powers of 2: 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24. 130 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Examples The number 7 in decimal is 111 in binary: (one 4) + (one 2) + (one 1) = 7. The number 13 in decimal is 1101 in binary: (one 8) + (one 4) + (no 2) + (one 1) = 13. Binary number problems 1. Change the following decimal numbers to binary numbers. Decimal (a) 23 (b) 41 (c) 39 (d) 57 (e) 50 (f) 67 (g) 74 (h) 93 (i) 114 (j) 85 Binary 2. Change the following binary numbers to decimal. Binary (a) 11 (b) 1001 (c) 1100 (d) 1101 (e) 101 (f) 110 (g) 1111 (h) 10000 (i) 10001 (j) 11011 Decimal Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 131 Combinational logic So far in this unit of work we have only looked at simple logic systems on their own. In reality, most logic systems use a combination of different types of logic gates in one system. This type of logic control is known as combinational logic. For example, if you study the simple block diagram of the electronic system below, you will notice it has an AND gate, an OR gate and an inverter (NOT gate) in it. Light Sensor Inverter Power Connection Push Switch OR Gate Pressure Pad AND Ga te Transducer Driver Bulb Unit We can draw a logic diagram of this system, as shown below. There is more than one logic gate in this diagram and so it is known as a combinational logic diagram. LIGHT SENSOR PRESSURE PAD BUZZER SWITCH Questions 1. What is this system designed for? 2. What is the purpose of the AND gate? 3. Why is the inverter (NOT gate) included? 132 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Truth tables for combinational logic systems Drawing up a truth table for a system with more than one logic gate is not too difficult. As long as you know how each of the basic gates work, you can treat each gate on its own and then work your way through the system. Before going ahead to look at the outputs in the truth tables, it is worth reminding ourselves of the number of combinations of inputs possible per number of actual inputs. One input If there is only one input (A), then there are only two combinations (logic 0 or logic 1). So the incomplete truth table would be drawn up as below (ignoring the results in the output column, Z). A Z 0 1 Two inputs If there are two inputs (A and B) they can be arranged in four different combinations: • A and B both off • A off and B on • A on and B off • A and B both on. You cannot create any other combinations. The truth table would therefore be drawn up as below (ignoring the results in the output column, Z). A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 Z 0 1 1 1 You should notice that the input columns are arranged in binary number order. Three inputs If there are three inputs (A, B and C) they can be arranged in eight different combinations. The truth table for a 3-input system is shown below. A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 132 B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Z Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Summary The pattern in the truth tables above is clear. Starting with one input giving two combinations, you simply double the number of combinations each time an input is added. • 1 input: 2 combinations • 2 inputs: 4 combinations • 3 inputs: 8 combinations • 4 inputs: 16 combinations and so on. You will never be asked to work with a system that has more than three inputs. Worked example The example below shows a logic diagram that has two logic gates. There are three inputs, so this gives eight combinations in the truth table. A D B Z C Stage 1 Draw up the results for point D.(This is the output from the AND gate, being fed by inputs A and B only.) A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Z Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 133 Stage 2 Draw up the results for point Z. (This is the output from the OR gate, being fed by output D and input C only.) A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Z 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 By following this technique, logic system problems can be solved easily. You could use a circuit simulation program to check your results. 134 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Exercises Draw up a truth table for each of the following logic systems. C A Z B A D B E Z C A D B A Z E C D E B Z C Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 135 Dealing with NAND and NOR gates in combinational logic It can be confusing to have to remember the basic truth tables for NAND and NOR gates. However, as it is easy to remember AND and OR truth tables, we can use this to help. As we know the NAND gate is an inverted AND gate, we simply reverse (invert) the answers in the AND gate truth table to get the results for a NAND gate. We can use the same technique for NOR and OR. Worked example If we try and draw up the truth table for the system shown below, we must add some extra columns for the ‘pretend’ results. A D B Z C A and B feed the NAND gate, but we treat it as an AND (see the extra column of the truth table). Then, to obtain the results for D, we simply invert the results obtained in our ‘pretend’ column. Now, C and D feed the next gate, which is a NOR. We ‘pretend’ it is an OR gate (see the extra column in the truth table) and then invert the answers to obtain column Z. Column for Z as an OR gate Column for D as an AND gate A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 AND 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 OR 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 You can check you results using circuit simulation software. 136 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Exercises Draw up a truth table for each of the following logic systems. A B Z C A B Z C A B Z C A B Z C A B Z A B A Z B Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 137 Creating logic diagrams from truth tables When designing systems, it is normal to design a logic diagram from a prepared truth table. This may seem difficult to start with, but if you concentrate on the combinations which give a logic 1 condition in the output column, solutions can be found easily. The truth table below shows two inputs, A and B, and one output, Z. A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 Z 0 0 1 0 Z = A. B The output Z is at logic 1 in the third row down, and we can see that for this to happen A must be at logic 1 and B must be at logic 0. In other words Z = A AND NOT B This means that we need a two-input AND gate, with B being fed through a NOT gate. We can write the statement in shorthand Boolean as Z = A. B This means that the logic diagram is as shown below. A B 138 B . A B Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Worked example In this problem we have three inputs, A, B and C, with one output, Z. From the truth table we can see that there are two occasions when the output goes to logic 1. A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Z 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Z = A. B. C Z = A. B. C In other words, Z = 1 if (A is at logic 1 AND B is at logic 1 AND C is at logic 1) OR if (A is at logic 1 AND B is at logic 1 AND C is at logic 0). This means we need a two-input OR gate being fed from two three-input AND gates as shown below. A A .. A B C B .. .. (A B C) + (A B C) C .. A B C C The shorthand Boolean equation for this truth table is Z = ( A . B . C) + ( A . B . C) Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 139 Exercise Draw the logic diagrams for each of the following truth tables. A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 Z 0 1 0 0 A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 (a) A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Z 1 0 1 0 A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 (c) (b) Z 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 (d) A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Z 0 1 1 0 Z 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 (e) A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Z 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 (f) Creating logic systems from written specifications Perhaps the most common application of switching logic is creating a logic system to meet a given specification. Normally, by reading the specification carefully, the system designer can almost ‘see’ the required logic system. Worked example A burglar alarm system is to sound if a master switch is on and either a light beam is broken or a pressure pad is stood on. Draw a logic diagram and a truth table for this system. Read the specification carefully. You should notice that it has three inputs. These are: • a master switch (M) • a light sensor (L), and • a pressure pad (P). It has one output, an alarm bell (B). The bell should go to logic 1 if the master switch is at 1 and either the light beam goes to logic 0 or the pressure pad goes to logic 1. This can be written in Boolean as: B = M . (L + P ) 140 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Note: The alarm has to be triggered when the light beam is broken and so a NOT gate is needed. In other words, you need a two-input AND gate that is fed directly from M and also from a two-input OR gate that is fed from L (through an inverter) and P. The logic diagram is shown below. M B P L L The truth table for this system is shown below. Again, all you have to do is read the specification carefully and then read across each row, one at a time, and decide whether the bell should be ringing or not. There are some short cuts. For example, in the first four rows the master switch is off; therefore the bell must be at logic 0 – even if there is a burglar in the house. M 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 L 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 P 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 B 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 141 Exercises 1. A house doorbell is to ring if a push button at the front door, a push button at the back door or both buttons are operated. Draw a logic diagram and write a Boolean equation. 2. A lift motor is to start only when, by closing, the door has actuated a switch and a passenger has pressed a button. Prepare a truth table, a logic diagram and a Boolean equation for this system. 3. The driver of a dustcart is to be able to operate the loading claw by pressing a button, but only when the senior loader at the rear of the cart has pressed a button to give the ‘all clear’. Draw a logic diagram and write a Boolean equation for this system. 4. An automatic central heating system is to heat the radiators (R) if the mains switch (M) is on, the timing control switch (T) is closed and the override button (O) is not selected. Draw a logic diagram, truth table and Boolean statement for this system. 5. A drill is to operate if an isolator is closed, a guard is in place (closing a microswitch), either ‘HI’ or ‘LOW’ speed is selected and a foot pedal is operated. Draw a suitable logic diagram for this system. Draw up a truth table. 6. A large hall has three temperature sensors. A logic system is to operate the radiator when any two of the temperature sensors fall below a preset level. Draw up a truth table for this system and draw a logic diagram. 7. A burglar alarm will operate if the mains switch is on and either an electronic beam is broken, a pressure pad is stood on or a window is opened. Draw a logic diagram for this system. 8. At the start of a boxing match, a bell is to ring, provided: • boxers A and B are present • the referee and the time-keeper are present. If either or both boxers fail to appear, the match is to start with the next pair of boxers, C and D. Draw a logic diagram for this system. 9. A switching system for corridor lighting is shown below. 1 1 0 0 L (a) Draw a truth table for this system. (b) Write a Boolean equation for this system. (c) Draw a logic diagram of an electronic system that could be used to achieve the same control of the light. 10. A vending machine is to be controlled by the logic arrangement shown below. 142 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics BUTTON DELIVERY BLACK COFFEE COFFEE WHITE COFFEE MILK SWEET BLACK COFFEE SWEET WHITE COFFEE TEA SUGAR TEA SWEET TEA Explain what happens when a button is pressed. Do this for at least two selections. Explain what will happen if two buttons are pressed at the same time. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 143 Logic gate integrated circuits (ICs) Integrated circuits consist of plastic cases filled with electronic circuitry. There are many resistors, transistors and other components packed into the chips. There are literally thousands of ICs on the market, all designed to do different jobs – logic gates, amplifiers, timers, etc. In this work we will be using the TTL (transistor−transistor logic) range of chips. TTL chips require a stable 5V supply to work properly. (Great difficulties will be met if any other voltage is used.) Any unconnected pins automatically go to logic 1. In other words, if a wire connected to a pin is connected to the 0-volt rail (logic 0), it will go to logic 0. If the wire is disconnected from the 0-volt rail it will go to logic 1. However, it is good practice to connect pins to ‘high’ or ‘low’ as needed. All TTL chips have a four-digit code number, which always starts with 74. For example, a 7400 is a quad two-input NAND chip. Although the chip contains complex circuitry, the internal wiring can be shown as simple logic circuits with the inputs and outputs of each logic gate shown. This is called a pin-out diagram. +Vcc 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Pin-out diagram for 7408 quad two-input AND gate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gnd (0V) Pin 14 is connected to the 5-volt stable supply and pin 7 to 0 volts. 144 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Logic ICs in prototype board circuits Transferring and converting circuit diagrams to prototype layout diagrams can be confusing at first, but once you grasp the technique you should find it quite straightforward and enjoyable. Here are some points worth noting before you start building logic circuits. 1. Although in theory we should wire up and use real mechanical switches to provide logic 0 and logic 1 inputs to the chip, we can simply use wires to do this. When logic 0 is required at a pin, the connecting wire is simply connected to the 0-volt rail. Similarly, when logic 1 is required, the connecting wire is pushed into the 5volt rail. 5 volts 7400 220R LED 0 volts 2. To show the output condition of any logic system, an LED will be used. This will glow when the output is at logic 1 and be off at logic 0. Remember that LEDs are polarity conscious; that is, they must be connected with the negative terminal towards the 0-volt rail. The ‘flat’ or short leg on an LED is the cathode or negative side. -ve (Cathode) 3. LEDs must be protected from excess current. A protective resistor must be placed in series with the LED to do this. As the current and voltage are already relatively low, a 220 R resistor will suffice. 4. Remember that when connecting one component to another you must use parallel vertical columns on the breadboard. If you connect two components into the same column the prototype board will short circuit them. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 145 Pin-out diagrams ICs are impossible to use without the manufacturer’s data sheets to show what facilities are available on the chip and how the pins are to be connected. These data sheets contain pin-out diagrams. A pin-out diagram is a graphical layout of the chip and its contents. Note: all chips have either a notch or a small dot (or both) above pin number 1 so that the user can identify all the pins without them being numbered. The dot is always at pin 1. Pin-out diagrams for common TTL logic ICs The description of each pin-out diagram gives details of the chip. For example, a ‘dual four-input NOR’ means the chip has two (dual) NOR gates on it, each having four inputs. A ‘quad two-input AND’ means the chip has four AND gates, each gate having two inputs. +Vcc +Vcc 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gnd (0V) 7404 +Vcc 7 Gnd (0V) 7400 +Vcc 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gnd (0V) 7421 +Vcc 8 7 Gnd (0V) 7420 +Vcc 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7427 146 8 8 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gnd (0V) 7432 8 7 Gnd (0V) Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Pin-out and wiring diagrams − example The following logic circuit could be constructed using ICs. INPUT A OUTPUT INPUT B Since the gates within an IC are identical, any one of them can be used. An example of possible connections is shown in the IC circuit diagram below. +Vcc 14 +Vcc 13 12 11 10 9 14 8 13 12 2 3 4 10 9 5 6 8 7432 7408 1 11 5 6 7 1 2 3 Gnd (0V) 4 OUTPUT INPUT A 7 Gnd (0V) INPUT B Prototype circuit layout/wiring diagram The two ICs are mounted on a prototype circuit board as shown below. Connections between pins are made by 0.6 mm solid-core wire. 5 volts 7408 7432 220R LED 0 volts Input A Input B The circuit would now be tested against the truth table to check its operation. Inputs A and B can be made by connecting to the 5-volt or 0-volt rails. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 147 Note: in order for a logic circuit to work, it must be powered up; that is, the correct power supply must be connected to pin 14 and pin 7 must be connected to 0 volts. Worked examples Select the required IC and draw an IC circuit diagram for each logic system below. INPUT A OUTPUT INPUT B A Z B A Z B A Z B Extension work Draw up a truth table for each example and using circuit simulation check your results. 148 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Practical tasks Worked example Here is the design for a logic system that is to be tested on a prototype circuit. • Identify the required pin-out diagrams and number each input and output being used on the chips. In this case the chips are a 7404 and a 7408. A 12 B • • • 1 7404 13 7408 11 2 Insert the chips on to the prototype board and make the connections to the +V and 0-volt rails. Make the other connections and insert the LED and resistor. Create input wires as required. Input A 5 volts 220R 7404 7408 LED 0 volts Input B Task 1 • Build the circuit shown above. • Draw up a truth table for the system. • Work your way through each row of the truth table and draw up the results in output column Z. Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 149 Task 2 Build the following logic system and establish a truth table showing all possible combinations of the inputs. 1 A 2 7400 3 4 5 6 7400 Z 1 B 2 C 7408 3 5 volts 7400 7408 220R LED 0 volts Input A 150 Input B Input C Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Task 3 Three different logic systems are shown below. Develop a truth table for each one, then build the system on a prototype circuit board. Confirm your results predicted in the truth table. Note: do not just test the logic-1 conditions; make sure that you test the outputs given when logic 0 is applied. A B Z C A B Z C A Z B Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 151 Task 4 Set up the following logic system on a prototype circuit board and draw up a truth table. Work your way through the truth table conditions and observe the output. 4 A 7400 6 5 1 12 3 7400 7400 2 11 13 9 7400 B 10 8 Name the type of logic gate obtained by this system. PULSE RUBBISH RUBBISH HI LO Test equipment When trying to establish logic levels within a complex system or to monitor a logic output without using an LED, we use a digital logic probe. The logic probe is powered from the same supply as the logic circuit being tested and the needle point is pushed against the various pins on the IC to test their logic level. Normally the logic probe gives out a high-pitched sound and a red LED lights if the pin being tested is at logic 1. If the point tested is at logic 0, a low-pitched sound is emitted and a green LED lights. 152 Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics Standard Grade Technological Studies: Applied Electronics – Logic in Electronics 153