695-7800 In-Wall Backbox

Installation Sheet
695-7800 In-Wall Backbox
The 695-7800 In-Wall Backbox is an in-wall mount option for the 7800 Series Keypad. The 695-7800 is constructed of white
or black plastic, for a durable and aesthetically pleasing installation.
Side Mounting Holes
Screwdriver Slots
Figure 1: Front and Back View of 695-7800 Backbox
Mounting the 695-7800 Backbox
Use the drawing on the next page as a template to mount the 695-7800.
1. Place the template on the desired mounting location.
2. Use great care to cut along the inside of the border lines.
A 7/8" hole saw may be used to cut rounded corners. Do NOT square the corners.
3. Place the two provided #6 x 1-1/2" screws through the rear wall of the backbox
and thread approximately 1/4" into the two locking tabs as shown in Figure 2.
4. Insert the wiring harness for the keypad through the lower slot in the 695-7800.
5. Place the 695-7800 in the wall space with the locking tabs vertical in the notched
grooves on the back of the box. See Figure 2.
6. Once in place, use a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver to hand tighten the locking tabs so
they swing into a horizontal position on either side of the backbox.
Side Mounting
Locking Tab
in Vertical
#6 x 1-1/2”
Note: In some installations it may be necessary to secure the 695-7800 to a wall stud.
Place the 695-7800 into the wall space and secure it to the wall stud using the
side mounting holes and tighten the locking tab on the opposite side to the
Figure 2: Side View of
695-7800 Backbox
7. Important: To gauge how much to tighten the backbox to the
wallboard; using your fingers, hold the bezel slightly away from the
wall while slowly tightening the screws, alternating between
them. As the locking tabs tighten against the back of the
wallboard the bezel will be drawn closer to the wallboard to
its seated position.
Caution: Do not use a power screwdriver to install.
DO NOT overtighten screws.
Keypad Backbox
Note: The backbox can be rotated and installed with the screwdriver slots for
keypad removal on the top if desired.
Mounting the Keypad to the Backbox
1. Connect the wiring harness to the J4 and J5 keypad terminals.
Locking tab
2. Insert the top of the keypad into the 695-7800 at a slight angle until the
keypad slots connect to the 695-7800 tabs. See Figure 3.
3. Push the bottom of the keypad into the 695-7800 until the lower slots snap
into place.
Removing the Keypad from the Backbox
1. Insert a flat screwdriver into one of the slots on the bottom of the keypad
and gently push, do not twist, the screwdriver handle down. To loosen the
keypad. Repeat with the other slot.
2. Gently pull the bottom of the keypad toward you and remove from the
695-7800 Backbox.
7800 Series
Screwdriver Slots
Figure 3: Mounting the keypad
to the 695-7800 Backbox
Mounting Template
For optional 7/8” hole saw.
Note: A spiral cutting tool may be used to cut wallboard.
Cut inside dotted line and use as a template.
Dimensions 6.385" W x 4.725" H x 1.565" D
Ordering Information:
695-7800-B (Black)
800 - 641 - 4282
2500 North Partnership Boulevard
Designed, Engineered and
Assembled in U.S.A.
S p r i n g fi e l d , M i s s o u r i 6 5 8 0 3 - 8 8 7 7
LT-1321 © 2013 Digital Monitoring Products, Inc.
695-7800-W (White)