2016-2017 Registration Process for New CSC Student Groups Registration period: 9 AM Friday, March 25—12 Noon, Wednesday, April 20, 2016 Submit Proposals to: Caroline Ouwerkerk, Assistant Director, Center for Social Concern, CarolineO@jhu.edu with the subject line: “New CSC Student Group Proposal—PROPOSED GROUP NAME” NOTES: Student groups forming at service sites that are new to CSC’s agency network (see pages 6 & 7 of the New Student Group Proposal form) will not be able to serve or receive group funds until their agency signs a Memorandum of Understanding Students should consult the Group Management Handbook (available at http://goo.gl/nJ7sYi) for a complete list of CSC guidelines. Prior to submitting a proposal for a new CSC student group, student leaders are required to meet with a CSC staff member to discuss the group Not all proposals will be accepted—the CSC has limited resources and may decline proposals for groups for a variety of reasons. Before submitting a proposal, please be sure there is not already a student group doing similar work on the issue. The New Student Group Proposal Process consists of 4 components: 1. In-person meeting with a staff member at the Center for Social Concern to discuss your idea a. If you have not already met with a CSC staff member, please call 410-516-4777 to set up a meeting 2. A completed CSC New Student Group Proposal Form 3. A completed CSC Budget Proposal Form 4. A roster of at least 10 students interested in joining the group, including names and JHEDs CSC New Student Group Proposal Form Directions 1. Group Name Please select a name that accurately captures the mission and function of your organization. Student organizations are discouraged from using “JHU” or “Johns Hopkins” in their group names. If your group wishes to have these in your title, it must appear at the end (ex. “Girl Scouts of JHU”). 2. Officers: Please list the members of your group’s executive board. You are required to have at least a president and a treasurer/financial officers. 3. Mission Statement: This will be published and should indicate the purpose of your group. (approximately 30-100 words) 4. Statement of Need: You must describe the community-identified need your group addresses. Why are you doing the work you are doing? What research have you done on this issue? (approximately 200-500 words) 5. Internal Organization and Processes: this section is your opportunity to describe the operations of your group, including how you plan to recruit members and what you expect of them, and how you will transition new students into leadership roles 6. Service Experience: Please describe your expected service opportunities and your anticipated community partner 7. Section on CSC Student Group Responsibilities: Please review the list of responsibilities of CSC student groups. If your group is approved, you will be expected to uphold these responsibilities. 8. Group Goals: Please list at least 2 goals for your group for the 2016-17 academic year and describe how you will evaluate the success of your organization 9. Events: As fundraising events often generate comparatively little revenue given the costs associated with organizing them, groups are not encouraged to organize events. However, if your group does plan to host an event, please list it. 10. CSC Support: Please describe the support you expect to receive from the Center for Social Concern. Please consult the Group Management Handbook for a more complete description of the numerous resources the CSC offers to student groups. 11. Volunteer training: Adequately trained volunteers are instrumental to a successful service experience. Please describe how you intend to train the volunteers in your group so they have the skills necessary to serve well. 12. Community Partner Information: Please describe your community partner organization and the communications you have had with the partner regarding your proposed group. CSC Budget Proposal Form Directions 1. Please see the “Center for Social Concern Budget Form Instructions and Definitions” document for more information about creating your budget proposal 2. All budgets for proposed CSC groups must use the Budget Proposal Form template CSC Proposed Group Member Roster Directions 1. Please fill out the Proposed CSC Group Roster Template listing at least 10 registered JHU undergraduate students who are interested in joining the proposed group.