ESE 331 Notes on Transmission Lines Two-Conductor Transmission Lines Consider an electrically-small section of such a guided wave structure i(z,t) RΔz LΔz i(z+Δz,t) + v(z,t) + GΔz v(z+Δz,t) CΔz - Δz Δz Note: R, G, L, and C are “per unit length” values. Using KVL: v(z,t) − RΔzi(z,t) − LΔz € ∂i(z,t) − v(z + Δz,t) = 0 ∂t (1) or v(z + Δz,t) − v(z,t) ∂i(z,t) − = Ri(z,t) + L Δz ∂t (2) as Δz → 0 : ∂v(z,t) ∂i(z,t) − = Ri(z,t) + L ∂z ∂t (3) Using KCL: i(z,t) − GΔzv(z + Δz,t) − CΔz ∂v(z + Δz,t) − i(z + Δz,t) = 0 ∂t as Δz → 0 ∂i(z,t) ∂v(z,t) − = Gv(z,t) + C ∂z ∂t € Equations (3) and (5) are called the general (4) (5) transmission line equations or telegrapher’s equations Time-Harmonic Equations For time-harmonic sources and signals v(z,t) = Re[V (z)e i(z,t) = Re[I(z)e jωt jωt ] ] Substituting these forms into (3) and (5) € dV (z) − = (R + jωL)I(z) dz dI(z) − = (G + jωC)V (z) dz (6) Waves on an Infinite Line Solve (6) for I(z) in 1st equation and substitute in the 2nd equation and vice versa d 2V (z) 2 = γ V (z) 2 dz d 2 I(z) 2 = γ I(z) 2 dz where (7) (8) γ = (R + jωL)(G + jωC) = α + jβ (9) Solutions to (7) and (8), respectively, are: € V = Vo+e−γz + Vo−e +γz + −γz o I=I e − + γz o +I e (10) (11) Using (6), (VO+, IO+) and (VO-, IO-) are related according to Vo+ Vo− R + jωL Characteristic impedance = + = − − = Io Io γ = Zo = € γ R + jωL = G + jωC G + jωC There are two important special cases of T-Lines From (9): a) Lossless line b) Low loss line (12) Lossless line (R = G = 0) γ = jω LC ⇒ α = 0;β = ω LC ω 1 v p = phase velocity = = = constan t β LC L Zo = = real resistance only C € Low loss line (R<<ωL; G<<ωC) 1 R G γ ≈ jω LC[1+ ( + )] j2ω L C 1 C L α ≈ (R +G ) 2 L C β ≈ ω LC ω 1 vp = ≈ β LC Zo ≈ L 1 R G [1+ ( − )] = Ro + jX o C j2ω L C Ro ≈ L C Xo ≈ − L 1 R G ( − ) C 2ω L C For both of these cases, the voltage and current can be expressed as + − jβz o V (z) = V e − + jβz o +V e I(z) = Io+e− jβz + Io−e + jβz (13) If there is only a +z directed wave, then € + − jβz o V =V e and I = Io+e− jβz € (14) How do we know this describes a traveling wave and at what velocity does it travel? If V = Vo+e− jβz Then V (z,t) = Re[Vo+e− jβze jωt ] = Re[Vo+e j(ωt− βz ) ] V (z,t) = Vo+ cos(ωt − βz) To track the movement, need to stay at € ωt − kz = constan t (15) Let us plot the behavior versus z as time unfolds At t=0 V +Vo+ € + t=0 z −Vo+ V + t=t1>0 +Vo+ € z −Vo+ t=0 V + t=t1>0 +Vo+ € z −Vo+ t=0 t=t2>t1 Then, to determine the velocity at which the wave travels ωt constan t z= − β β or ω ω 1 up = = = β ω LC LC For a pulse with all the Fourier terms, each € frequency component travels at up. Then, the pulse will not distort as it travels. For a coax line, 2πε C= ln( ba ) b a ε and µo L= ln( ba ) 2π Then € € up = 1 1 1 c 3 ×10 8 m /sec = = = = LC µoε µoεo εr εr εr L 1 60 b Z o = Ro = = = up L = ln C upC εr a We use RG58/U εr=2.3 Ro=50 Ω In the lecture prior to Experiment 6, I will further discuss the propagation of voltage and current pulses on transmission lines. Transmission line parameters Need two paramters for most applications L Zo = C 1 up = LC € If you know these, you know L and C; or vice versa. There are analytic expressions for parallel plate guide, two-wire, and coax. For microstrip see R. Ludwig and P. Bretchko, “RF Circuit Design, Theory and Applications,” Prentice-Hall, 2000. Wave Characteristics on a Finite Transmission Line Consider Vg + IL Ii Zg VL γ, Zo VI z z’=l-z l z=0 z=l ZL In general, at location z + − γz o V (z) = V e + − γz o I(z) = I e − +γz o +V e − +γz o +I e (16) Both forward and backward waves are needed for a terminated line € Now, recall that + o + o − o − o V V =− = Zo I I (17) Consider the line to be terminated in a general load Impedance. VL = V (z = l) = Vo+e−γl + Vo−e +γl + − γl o IL = I(z = l) = I e − +γl o +I e Solving for Vo+ and Vo− 1 + Vo = (VL + IL Z o )eγl 2 1 − Vo = (VL − IL Z o )e−γl 2 Using these in (16) (19) IL [(Z L + Z o )eγ (l−z ) + (Z L − Z o )e−γ (l−z) ] 2 I I(z) = L [(Z L + Z o )eγ (l−z) + (Z L − Z o )e−γ (l−z ) ] 2Z o V (z) = € (18) (20) IL V (z') = [(Z L + Z o )eγz' + (Z L − Z o )e−γz' ] 2 I I(z') = L [(Z L + Z o )eγz' + (Z L − Z o )e−γz' ] 2Z o (21) Using the relations for cosh and sinh functions € eγz' + e−γz' = 2cosh γz';eγz' − e−γz' = 2sinh γz' (21) can be written as € V (z') = IL (Z L cosh γz'+Z o sinh γz') I I(z') = L (Z L sinh γz'+Z o cosh γz') Zo Dividing V (z') Z L cosh γz'+Z o sinh γz' = Z(z') = Z o I(z') Z L sinh γz'+Z o cosh γz' or Z L + Z o tanh γz' Z(z') = Z o Z o + Z L tanh γz' (22) (23) At the source end, z=0 and z’=l € Z L + Z o tanh γl Z(z'= l) = Z o Z o + Z L tanh γl (24) Note that in (23) when ZL=Zo, then Z(z’)=Zo for any z’ on the line and the line seems to be extended to infinity. Lumped Elements are Hard to Realize at RF and MW Frequencies f Hz Absolute value of the impedance magnitude versus frequency for a lumped capacitor f, Hz Frequency response of the impedance of an RFC Transmission Lines as Circuit Elements Consider a lossless line L γ = jβ ,Z o = Ro = C At the input of such a line having length L and € terminated in load impedance ZL, (24) yields Z L + jRo tan βL Z in = Z i = Ro Ro + jZ L tan βL (25) Consider the following cases: 1) Open-circuit termination ( Z L → ∞ } jRo (Z i ) oc = − = − jRo cot βL tan βL (26) € -RocotβL € inductive λ/2 λ/4 3λ/4 λ 5λ/4 L capacitive Then, for L=λ/4, 3λ/4, 5λ/4, etc., the open circuit appears at the line input as a short circuit. For values slightly less than these values the impedance at the input looks capacitive and for lengths slightly greater than those values the input impedance looks inductive. Why would λ/4 be preferable to the longer lengths? What’s the point of this? 2) Short-circuit termination (ZL=0) (Z i ) sc = jRo tan βL € (27) RotanβL inductive L λ/4 λ/2 3λ/4 λ 5λ/4 capacitive Then, for λ/4, 3λ/4, 5λ/4, etc. the short circuit appears at the line input as an open circuit. For values of L slightly less than these values the impedance at the input looks inductive and for lengths slightly greater than these values the input impedance looks capacitive. 3) Quarter-Wave Section When L=λ/4, 3λ/4,5 λ/4, etc., from (25) 2 o R Zi = ZL (28) The line functions as an impedance transformer or inverter. What is a transformer? € Why not use op amps? Now, repeating eq. (20) IL [(Z L + Z o )eγ (l−z ) + (Z L − Z o )e−γ (l−z) ] 2 I I(z) = L [(Z L + Z o )eγ (l−z) + (Z L − Z o )e−γ (l−z ) ] 2Z o or I (Z − Z o ) −γ (l−z ) V (z) = L (Z L + Z o )[eγ (l−z ) + L e ] 2 (Z + Z o ) I (Z − Z o ) −γ (l−z) I(z) = L (Z L + Z o )[eγ (l−z) − L e ] 2Z o (Z + Z o ) V At,z = L, L = Z L IL ZL − Zo 1+ ZL + Zo ZL = Zo ZL − Zo 1− Z + Z L o V (z) = € (20) (29) (30) Now, define a reflection coefficient as Vo− Vo+ z= L z= L ZL − Zo = = ρ z= L = ρ e jφ ZL + Zo (31) This is the voltage reflection coefficient at the load. € A Smith chart is a graphical representation based upon a two-dimensional space plotted in the plane of this reflection coefficient The Smith Chart ZL − Zo RL + jX L − Z o ρ= = Z L + Z o RL + jX L + Z o (RL − Z o ) 2 + X L2 = (RL + Z o ) 2 + X L2 2X L Z o φ = tan X L2 − Z o2 −1 Because ZL − Zo ρ= ZL + Zo Then ZL −1 z −1 Zo ρ= = L ZL + 1 zL + 1 Zo Here zL = normalized load impedance € ZL ρ Termination ∞ 1 Open circuit 0 -1 Short circuit Zo 0 Matched load jX € 1ejφ Reactive load Key locations on the Smith chart Im ρ -1 ZL=Zo 1 Re ρ Reactive load Im ρ Curves of constant jX Re ρ Im ρ Curves of constant resistance RL1 Zo € RL 2 Zo € Re ρ € Notice that although Zo and ZL may be fixed numbers, Zin and zin are not according to € Z in (ω,z') Z L + jZ o tan βz' = Zo Z o + jZ L tan βz' where 2π 2π 2πf β= = = λ v/ f v This leads to frequency and wavelength dependence of Zin. This is incorporated into the Smith chart by rotation around the center of the chart. Consider the following equation, obtained by dividing and rearranging the two equation in (29). e− jβz + ρ L e + jβz Z in (z,ω ) = Z o − jβz + jβz e − ρL e By factoring out e − jβz (32) from both numerator and denominator of € € 1+ ρ L e + j 2 βz Z in (z,ω ) = Z o + j 2 βz 1− ρ L e (33) Based upon (33), how much does z have to increase in order for the value of Zin to repeat in value? Im ρ ρ φ € € 2βz Re ρ € You move around the periphery as f, λ, ω, or z change and return to ρL (starting point) every λ/2. λ/4-long T-lines terminated in impedance ZL Zin Z o2 Z in = ZL Zo (34) λ/4 If Z L = jωL Z o2 1 Z in == = => capacitance jωL jω ( L ) Z o2 € ZL If ZL = 1/jωC Z in = Z o2 1 = jω (CZ o2 ) => inductor jωC Rearranging (34) € Z in Z o 1 = = Zo ZL ZL Zo For a quater − wave line 1 zin = = y L zL yLnorm zLnorm Application Zin Zo λ/4 RL If we want Zin to equal a value, say, Rin, then make Z o = Rin RL If RL = 100Ω,Rin = 50Ω Z o = (100)(50) = 5000 = 70.7Ω € Understanding Why Movement away from ZLalong a T-line is Equivalent to a Clockwise Rotation on the Smith Chart from ρL The Smith is the reflection coefficient plane. For a location z on a transmission line at some distance from the load, represent the reflection coefficient at that location as ρz = ρz e jθ z To interpret this in some sense as a rotation, consider the reflection coefficient at the “z” location as € Understanding the rotation (Z in ) z −1 (Z in ) z − Z o (zin ) z −1 Zo ρz = = = (Z ) (Z in ) z + Z o in z + 1 (zin ) z + 1 Zo (307) We have already shown that (Zin)z can be written as € 1+ ρ L e + j 2 βz (Z in ) z = Z o 1− ρ L e + j 2 βz where Z − Zo ρL = L ZL + Zo (308) Understanding rotation (Z in ) z 1+ ρ L e + j 2 βz −1 −1 + j 2 βz 1+ ρ L e + j 2 βz −1+ ρ L e + j 2 βz Zo 1− ρ L e ρz = = = + j 2 βz + j 2 βz + j 2 βz (Z in ) z 1+ ρ L e 1+ ρ e + 1− ρ e L L +1 + 1 Zo 1− ρ L e + j 2 βz 2 ρ L e + j 2 βz ρz = = ρ L e + j 2 βz 2 € Understanding rotation We can think of the location of ρz on the Smith chart as starting from ρL, retaining both the magnitude and angle of ρL Im ρ ρL Re ρ Understanding rotation As we move from the load (at z=L) to a location of smaller z, then +2βz gets smaller and rotates clockwise (smaller θ z ) around the chart Im ρ ρL € Re ρ ρz smaller z increasing z’ Overview of the Smith Chart • A Smith chart is the plane of reflection coeffiecient, where each point corresponds to both a reflection coefficient a normalized impedance value at the same time • We think of each point in terms of either a real and imaginary part or a magnitude and phase angle Smith Chart (continued) • Understand the following – Key locations • Short circuit impedance • Open circuit impedance • Match load • Purely imaginary impedance – Key movements • Constant reactance movement • Constant resistance movement • Rotations around the center at fixed radius Smith Chart (continued) • Understanding special properties – Impedance inversion =>admittance location for a corresponding impedance • halfway around at a constant radius • transform a real imoedance to a different real impedance – Rotation clockwise (counter clockwise) corresponds to movement along a T-line from a load (or source) or equivalently to a change in line length connected to a load impedance Smith Chart (continued) • Understanding the use of techniques for matching impedances – Use of λ/4 T-line lengths to match one real impedance to another by changing the value of Zo – Use of open and short circuited stubs (Tline pieces) for matching impedances Smith Chart (continued) • Understanding concepts – VSWR – Return loss – Voltage and power reflection coefficients