SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN MANUAL FOR MODELS 100, 200, 300 ANALYZERS California Analytical Instruments, Inc. 1312 West Grove Avenue, Orange, CA 92865 - 714 974-5560 - Fax 714 921-2531 Website: Section 1 Model 100/200/300 Supplement Preface This instruction manual is supplemental to the Model 100/200/300 Operations and Maintenance Manual for infrared analyzers. It is sent whenever oxygen is one of the measured parameters of the analyzer. The oxygen measurement information is divided into two parts: Part 1 – Oxygen by chemical fuel cell sensor techniques. Part 2 – Oxygen by paramagnetic oxygen sensor techniques. Please refer to the appropriate part of this supplemental manual according to the method of oxygen determination for your particular analyzer. Thank you. Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 1-2 Section 1 Model 100/200/300 Supplement Table of Contents Part 1 – Oxygen by Chemical Fuel Sensor Techniques ...................................................................5 1. FUEL CELL DETECTOR OPTION ............................................................................................6 1.1. Description Fuel Cell Detector Option ................................................................................6 1.2. Product Specifications (Galvanic Fuel Cell Detector).........................................................6 1.3. Principle of operation..........................................................................................................7 1.4. Oxygen Fuel Cells ..............................................................................................................7 2. Preparations for Operation ........................................................................................................8 2.1. Power On............................................................................................................................8 2.2. Zero Adjustment .................................................................................................................8 2.3. Span Adjustment ................................................................................................................8 2.4. Start-Up & Routine Maintenance........................................................................................8 2.5. Zero and Span Calibration Frequency................................................................................8 3. ADJUSTMENTS CHECKS AND REPAIRS...............................................................................9 3.1. Electrical Zero Adjustments................................................................................................9 3.2. Electrical Span Adjustments...............................................................................................9 3.3. The Oxygen Sensor..........................................................................................................10 3.3.1. Coarse-Span-Adjustment ..........................................................................................10 3.3.2. Sensor Checks ..........................................................................................................10 3.3.3. Sensor Replacement.................................................................................................10 4. Chemical Fuel Cell Sample Flow (Supplemental) ...................................................................11 5. Electrical Drawings ..................................................................................................................12 Part 2 – Oxygen by Paramagnetic Oxygen Sensor Techniques.....................................................16 6. PARAMAGNETIC OXYGEN OPTION.....................................................................................17 6.1. Description........................................................................................................................17 6.2. Product Specifications Paramagnetic Oxygen Detector...................................................17 6.3. Principle of operation........................................................................................................18 7. Preparations for Operation ......................................................................................................20 7.1. Power On..........................................................................................................................20 7.2. Zero Adjustment ...............................................................................................................20 7.3. Span Adjustment ..............................................................................................................20 7.4. Zero and Span Calibration Frequency..............................................................................20 8. Start-Up & Routine Operation..................................................................................................21 8.1. Sampling System..............................................................................................................21 8.2. Cross sensitivity of gases .................................................................................................22 8.2.1. Example 1 .................................................................................................................22 8.2.2. Example 2 .................................................................................................................22 9. Mechanical Zero Adjustment (Not required with some sensor models) ..................................24 Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 1-3 Section 1 Model 100/200/300 Supplement Table of Figures Figure 2-1 AC Power Switch, Connector, and Fuse .........................................................................8 Figure 4-1 Chemical fuel cell sample flow ......................................................................................11 Figure 5-1 100F O2 analyzer wiring diagram ..................................................................................13 Figure 5-2 100F O2 electrical schematic .........................................................................................14 Figure 5-3 100F O2 PCB component locator ..................................................................................15 Figure 6-1 Magnetic Susceptibility of gases ...................................................................................18 Figure 6-2 The Measuring cell in theory .........................................................................................18 Figure 6-3 Principle of operation.....................................................................................................19 Figure 7-1 AC Power Switch, Connector, and Fuse .......................................................................20 Figure 8-1 Paramagnetic Oxygen Sample flow ..............................................................................21 Figure 9-1 Oxygen sensor adjustment............................................................................................24 Tables Table 8-1 Cross Sensitivity of gases...............................................................................................23 Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 1-4 Section 1 Model 100/200/300 Supplement Part 1 – Oxygen by Chemical Fuel Sensor Techniques Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 1-5 Section 1 1. Model 100/200/300 Supplement FUEL CELL DETECTOR OPTION 1.1. Description Fuel Cell Detector Option The fuel cell option utilizes a low cost replaceable fuel cell to determine the percent level of oxygen contained in the sample gas. A fuel cell analyzer features linear output with low noise and excellent repeatability from 0 to 100% O2. It is available in two versions, one for oxygen levels up to 25 % and the second for oxygen up to 100%. Warning: This is a general-purpose analyzer, not suitable for hazardous areas. Highpressure oxygen is very dangerous. Virtually any material will burn in it, possibly explosively. It is essential that persons using this analyzer are aware of the dangers of oxygen, and take all appropriate precautions. 1.2. Product Specifications (Galvanic Fuel Cell Detector) SAMPLE CONTACT MATERIAL: Stainless steel, Teflon* and Tygon** DISPLAY: 3 ½" digit panel meter RANGES: Standard fixed ranges, either A or B OUTPUTS: 0 to 10 VDC and 4 to 20 mA (0 to 20 mA) A) Range 1: 0 to 5%; Range 2: 0 to 10%; Range 3: 0 to 25% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: 5 to 45° C B) Range 1: 0 to 25%; Range 2: 0 to 40%; Range 3: 0 to 100% SAMPLE TEMPERATURE: 0 to 50° C SAMPLE CONDITION: Particles < 1µ, noncorrosive dry gas RESPONSE TIME: 90% full scale in 5 seconds FITTINGS: ¼" tube NOISE: Less than 1% full scale SAMPLE FLOW RATE: 0.5 –2.0 L/Min LINEARITY: Better than 1% full scale Power Requirements: 115/230 (± 10%) VAC, 50/60 Hz, 70 watts/channel REPEATABILITY: Better than 1% full scale Relative Humidity: Less than 90% R.H.*** ZERO SPAN DRIFT: Less than 1% full scale in 24 hours ZERO & SPAN ADJUSTMENT: Ten turn potentiometer Specifications subject to change without notice *Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont. **Tygon is a registered trademark of the Norton Performance Plastics Corporation ***Non-condensing Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 1-6 Section 1 1.3. Model 100/200/300 Supplement Principle of operation The fuel cell option is designed to measure percent levels of oxygen. The analyzer uses a galvanic fuel cell, which is an electrochemical transducer. The fuel cell contains a cathode, anode, and an electrolyte. A permeable membrane holds the electrolyte in the cell. The sample flows over the membrane and oxygen diffuses in to the fuel cell where it reacts with the electrolyte. This reaction produces an electrical current. This current is directly proportional to the concentration of oxygen in the gaseous mixture surrounding the cell. The current output is linear with an absolute zero. The fuel cell produces no current in the absence of oxygen. 1.4. Oxygen Fuel Cells The standard oxygen sensor (type PSR-39-11) has a shelf life of approximately three years. It is designed to measure oxygen in ambient air. The other gases contained in ambient air are low enough concentrations so as not to be a factor of concern. When used for ambient air measurement the manufacturer estimates the life of the sensor to be approximately three years. If the standard PSR type sensor is used to measure pure oxygen, oxygen in flue gas or oxygen in stack emissions the life of the standard PSR type sensor will be shorter. One of the most common emission gases is CO2 and is usually found in concentrations of between 4-20 percent by volume. High levels Of CO2 change the pH of the gel and thus shorten the life of the standard PSR type sensor. The life expectancy dramatically shortens from three years to approximately four weeks at CO2 concentrations of 20% volume. For the reason stated above, sensor type XLT-39-11 was developed. The XLT type sensor has an electrolytic gel that is strongly buffered and highly caustic. A caustic gel is required to combat the effects of high CO2 concentrations. The average life of this type of sensor is approximately eight to ten months at CO2 levels of 20% by volume; however, the caustic nature of the electrolytic gel creates vapors that clog the cell membrane within a very short time if the cell is not put into immediate use. The shelf life of this type of sensor is approximately two weeks if not stored at a cold, constant temperature. A shelf life of 30 days or so can be achieved if the sensor is kept refrigerated. As previously stated the XLT-39-11 sensor was developed for use in sample gases containing high levels Of CO2 (approximately 20% volume. or greater). It provides a longer life at high CO2 levels, but the linearity of response has been sacrificed. Typical linearity with this type of sensor is within ± 1% Volume O2. Because of the non-linearity issue, a third type of sensor was developed. Type XLT-39-11-1 provides a signal that is linear to within ± 0.25% volume O2. This sensor has an average life of eight to ten months at medium CO2 levels of 10% by volume. Levels of CO2 at 20% by volume will shorten the life of this sensor to approximately 3-4 months. The shelf life of this sensor is similar to the XLT-39-11. Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 1-7 Section 2 2. Model 100/200/300 Supplement Preparations for Operation Warning: This is a general-purpose analyzer, not suitable for hazardous areas. Highpressure oxygen is very dangerous. Virtually any material will burn in it, possibly explosively. It is essential that any persons using this analyzer are aware of the dangers of oxygen, and take all appropriate precautions. 2.1. Power On Turn ON the power switch located on the rear panel. The digital panel meter should illuminate. Allow the instrument to warm up for approximately 10 minutes. It is preferable, but not essential, that zero gas flow through the instrument during warm-up. I 0 Figure 2-1 AC Power Switch, Connector, and Fuse 2.2. Zero Adjustment Zero Adjustment: After the 10 minute warm-up period, flow nitrogen or other zero gas through the instrument at a rate of about 1 liter/min. After the reading stabilizes, adjust the zero control on the front panel until the digital meter (or analog output) is exactly at zero. Nitrogen is the preferred zero Gas. 2.3. Span Adjustment Span Adjustment: Flow span gas through the instrument at about 1 liter/min. After the reading stabilizes, adjust the span control on the front panel until the digital meter or analog output is reading the value corresponding to the span gas concentrations. Note: Span gas concentration should not be less than 80% of the range to be spanned. Note: On the 0-25% range of the analyzer ambient air may be used as span gas. While ambient air is flowing to the analyzer, adjust the span potentiometer to 20.9% O2. 2.4. Start-Up & Routine Maintenance Prepare and check the sample system. Adjust the flow of sample gas to about 1 liter/min. Select an operating range that is suitable for the oxygen concentration of the sample. The instrument should show a meter indication. The analyzer is designed for extended operation and may be left switched ON continuously. 2.5. Zero and Span Calibration Frequency The zero and span levels should be checked and/or calibrated daily or as often as mandated. Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 2-8 Section 3 3. Model 100/200/300 Supplement ADJUSTMENTS CHECKS AND REPAIRS Note: A millivolt generator is required for this procedure. 3.1. Electrical Zero Adjustments a) Disconnect the plug (P3) from J3 on the printed circuit board (PCB). (P3 is on the end of the cable assembly coming from the oxygen sensor.) b) Connect a millivolt generator between pin no. 1 (-) and pin no. 2 (+) at J3 on the PCB. c) Adjust simulator for 000.00 mv ± 0.01 mv input as measured at TP-8 (+) and common (-). d) Adjust Front panel zero potentiometer for 000.00 mv ± 0.01 mv as measured between TP-9 and common e) Set front-panel range switch to Range 1. f) Adjust R8 for 000.00 mv ± 0.01 mv as measured at TP-4. g) Adjust R12 for 0.000 VDC ± 0.001 VDC as measured between the 0-10 VDC (+) output terminal and common. h) Adjust R20 for 4 mA ± 0.01 mA across the 4-20 mA output terminals. i) Verify O2 display reads 000.0 for all ranges. j) Repeat steps a) through j) until no further adjustment is required. 3.2. Electrical Span Adjustments Note: Electrical zero adjustments must be made before electrical span adjustments. a) Adjust the millivolt generator and the front-panel span-potentiometer (as necessary) for exactly 50.00 mv as measured between TP-9 and common. b) Set front-panel range switch to range 1. c) Set O2 display selector switch (SW2) to percent (%) O2 mode. Display should read 5.0. d) Adjust R4 for 1.000 VDC ± 0.001 VDC as measured at TP-4. e) Set range switch to Range 2 and adjust R3 for 0.500 VDC ± 0.001 VDC at TP-4. f) Set range switch to Range 3 and adjust R32 for 0.200 VDC ± 0.001 VDC at TP-4. g) Set range selector to range 1 and verify 1.000 VDC ± 0.00 VDC at TP-4. h) Adjust R33 for 10.00 VDC ± 0.01 VDC as measured across the 0-10 VDC output terminals. i) Adjust R24 for 20 mA ± 0.01 mA as measured between the 4-20 mA output terminals. at TP-4 j) Repeat steps a) through j) until no further adjustment is required. Note: the voltages given in steps e) and f) assume the analyzer is configured for the standard ranges of 0-5, 10, and 25% O2. Consult the factory for the correct voltages required for other non-standard range configurations. Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 3-9 Section 3 3.3. Model 100/200/300 Supplement The Oxygen Sensor The output of the oxygen sensor is a DC output of approximately –10 millivolts at 20.9 % O2. As the sensor is used, it gradually becomes consumed and its voltage output slowly diminishes towards 0 millivolts. Periodic zero and span calibration should be preformed to insure accurate oxygen measurement over the sensor’s life span. Whenever the front panel span potentiometer runs out of adjustment capability it will be necessary to perform a coarsespan-adjustment. 3.3.1. Coarse-Span-Adjustment a) Lift the cover from the analyzer by first removing the retaining screws that secure the cover to the chassis. b) Adjust the front panel potentiometer to its mid-setting. The span dial should indicate 5.0. c) Flow N2 into the analyzer at a flow rate of 1 L/MIN (± 0.5). After the reading stabilizes, adjust the front panel zero potentiometer for an indication of 0.0% O2. d) Flow an oxygen span gas into the analyzer at a flow rate of 1.0 L/MIN (± 0.5). e) Locate R27 on the printed circuit board and adjust it as required to obtain a digital display that is equivalent to the value of the span gas being used. 3.3.2. Sensor Checks a) Connect a DC voltmeter to TP-8 (+) and TP-2 common. b) Introduce a span gas of 21% c) The measured voltage at TP-8 should be between –3 mv and –13 mv. d) Whenever the measured voltage is less than –3 mv (or whenever the signal stability becomes an issue) the sensor should be replaced. Note: A new sensor has a specification of –10 mv (± 3 mv) when measuring 21% O2 at sea level. A correction factor (cf) must be applied to this specification whenever the measuring site is at higher elevations. Corrected output = −10mv × cf Where : cf = site barometric pressure (" hg ) 30" hg Where " hg = inches of mercury 3.3.3. Sensor Replacement a) Refer to section 2.1 of this manual for selection of the proper type of replacement sensor b) After replacing sensor it will be necessary to perform a coarse-span-adjustment (refer to paragraph 5.3.1). Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 3-10 Section 4 4. Model 100/200/300 Supplement Chemical Fuel Cell Sample Flow (Supplemental) P1 O2 SENSOR OUT Fl1 MF1 40 SAMPLE INLET NV1 NDIR SAMPLE CELL(s) IN MODEL 100F WITH OPTIONAL FLOWMETER & SAMPLE PUMP O2 SENSOR OUT Fl1 MF1 40 SAMPLE INLET NV1 NDIR SAMPLE CELL(s) IN MODEL 100F WITH OPTIONAL FLOWMETER & SAMPLE PUMP 4. IN-LINE FILTER (MF1) CUSTOMER SUPPLIED. 3. INLET & OUTLET CONNECTIONS ARE 1/4” OD TUBE. 2. SAMPLE FLOW RATE: 0.5 L/min to 2.0 L/min. 1. SAMPLE PRESSURE: 1-5 PSIG (NOT REQUIRED WITH OPTIONAL SAMPLE PUMP). NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. Figure 4-1 Chemical fuel cell sample flow Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 4-11 Section 5 5. Model 100/200/300 Supplement Electrical Drawings Figure 5-1 100F O2 analyzer wiring diagram Figure 5-2 100F O2 electrical schematic Figure 5-3 100F O2 PCB component locator Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 5-12 Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 6 ZERO 7 5 GY BL CCW S + C NO NO C NC NC RD GR BK BK PUMP SWITCH (OPTIONAL) S5 CW R37 100k Ω YL OR S SPAN BR RD RD GR GR BL WH VI CCW R38 20k Ω CW 8 RANGE SWITCH S4 R1 R2 1 12 R3 RMT 11 2 10 3 C RMT A 9 4 PANEL METER J10 P10 HI 1 LO 2 GND 3 COM 4 HOLD3 5 DECIMAL 102 6 POINT 101 7 10 8 POWER 0V 9 +5V 10 METER P9 J9 1 2 PUMP LED P8 J8 1 2 PUMP SWITCH 1 2 3 4 ZERO/SPAN 5 6 P4 J4 1 2 3 J7 P7 1 PUMP 2 J1 P1 1 115 VAC 2 3 J6 P6 1 OUTPUTS 2 3 4 SENSOR P3 1 2 J3 OXYGEN ANALYZER PCB 110010 P5 1 3 5 7 9 J5 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 3 4 RANGE 5 6 7 8 P2 J2 YL BR GY 10 CNDCT RIBBON CABLE SENSOR BK RD FRONT PANEL BK BK GR PUMP (OPTIONAL) G C B A GR GR D GR E F WH BK H J REAR PANEL S3 GR BR RD GY YL OR RD BR BK J10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 OUTPUT CONNECTOR CHASSIS GND F1 1A POWER ENTRY MODULE R2 R3 GND +15V RMT GND + 0–10 VDC – + 4–20 mA – N G H Section 5 Model 100/200/300 Supplement Figure 5-1 100F O2 analyzer wiring diagram 5-13 Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 1 2 J3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J2 RANGE 1 2 J9 1 2 J8 1 2 J7 115VAC 1 2 3 F TP8 DRO DRR DR1 RTN IG ND +15V RO R1 F F R25 10K R35 1.5K F R1 1 MEG HOT NEUTRAL G RO UND +15V C28 .01 200V 120Ω 5 2 F +15V F R26 10K C19 .1 SHOWN IN 115VAC POSITION SW1 4 6 3 1 2 3 +15V 7 – U11 + 4 –15V 1 6 OP07 8 C20 .1 6 4 3 1 F D3 1N4002 D2 1N4002 12 10 9 7 T1 14A–10–36 F C21 .1 +15V F F 2 3 1 2 3 1 C22 .1 K2 K1 2 – 4 4 C23 .01 CW R32 10K R31 30K 3 4 R4 20K R2 162K 500K R27 TP9 D1 + 1 D5 5.6V CW CT CCW 1 2 3 4 5 6 J4 F 2 +15V 7 – U6 + 4 2 1 6 F TP1 G N D V0 V0 C9 .1 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 J5 R8 10K 1 9 10 OUT F 9 O U T A 2 O U T A 1 8 F 1 4 C O M O O F F A A D D J J 6 –15V 1 3 – V C C + V C C 2 R13 402 F C17 .1 TP3 TP1 CW +15V C6 .1 C5 .1 7 R20 2K R21 8.2K R22 6.81K D4 LM336–5.0 1 2 3 3 M E T E R R23 3K U10 INA101 +15V LM120T–15 U2 V1 2 G N D U1 LM340AT–15 V1 CW OP07 8 C4 .1 C3 .1 –15V C18 .1 SW2 3 2 C25 .1 R3 20K ZERO/SPAN F +5V 3 %02 F R5 91K R6 10K CW C2 100 UF 50V 1 R30 6.8K + C1 330 UF 50V 02FS +15V F R7 10K CW F + 1 8 J1 R9 2K C11 .1 + IN GSEN2 GSET2 GSET1 GSEN1 – IN 5 4 3 C16 .1 R10 2K F 12 11 F F 3 2 R18 1K 1% F R14 499 R33 100K F 18K R11 CW YELLOW LED2 GREEN 10 +15V TP5 R24 2K CW TP4 1.5K R29 1.5K R28 LED1 4 1 6 1 6 R19 10K 1% F C11 .1 C10 .1 V0 F C24 .1 2 3 1 A D J F C8 .1 VI 1 2 3 4 J5 –15V +15V +5V 3 F +15V OUTPUTS C14 .1 R15 100 U9 LM317T VO R17 33 TP6 C12 .1 CW F F R12 10K +15V TP2 2 G N D U3 LM7805CT V1 OP07 8 C13 .1 OP07 8 +15V 7 – U7 + R34 124 +15V 7 – U8 + 4 –15V 3 2 C26 .1 –15V C7 .1 1 Section 5 Model 100/200/300 Supplement Figure 5-2 100F O2 electrical schematic 5-14 Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc C27 6 4 3 1 3 115 1 VAC T1 1 5W1 J7 2 1 VAC 230 VAC 115 12 10 9 7 R1 2 D1 2 + I U2 C8 R28 J8 LED1 TP2 + C2 C4 C6 U3 C7 TP1 TP3 J9 1 C5 R29 R21 R19 U9 R35 U10 D4 C24 R22 C1 C3 U1 C17 R34 LED2 C15 C14 1 C16 R20 C11 R11 J6 OUTPUTS C26 J1 J5 R9 R24 D5 R10 C18 R23 R13 R3 C25 R12 C13 U8 C12 R14 R16 C10 METER R18 U7 4 R33 TP5 TP4 TP7 K1 C22 C19 TP9 TP8 C23 1 U11 K2 R32 RANGE J2 OXYGEN FUEL CELL 410175 R4 D2 C9 R30 TP6 R7 R5 R2 R8 U6 R6 R25 2 FS SW2 8 SENSOR J3 2 1 6 1 J4 ZERO/SPAN 2 R27 D3 R31 C20 C21 R26 Section 5 Model 100/200/300 Supplement Figure 5-3 100F O2 PCB component locator 5-15 C28 Section 6 Model 100/200/300 Supplement Part 2 – Oxygen by Paramagnetic Oxygen Sensor Techniques Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 6-16 Section 6 6. Model 100/200/300 Supplement PARAMAGNETIC OXYGEN OPTION 6.1. Description The Paramagnetic Oxygen detector is a thermostated device designed primarily for but not necessarily limited to stationary use. It is a ‘19” rack mount analyzer that is also suitable for bench top use. The operation of the analyzer is based upon the principle of the magnetodynamic oxygen cell, which is the most accurate and reliable cell for determining the oxygen content of a gas mixture from 0-100 volume percent oxygen. Warning: This is a general-purpose analyzer, not suitable for hazardous areas. Highpressure oxygen is very dangerous. Virtually any material will burn in it, possibly explosively. It is essential that any persons using this analyzer are aware of the dangers of oxygen, and take all appropriate precautions. 6.2. Product Specifications Paramagnetic Oxygen Detector SAMPLE CONTACT MATERIAL: Platinum. glass, stainless steel and Viton, Teflon* and Tygon** DISPLAY: 3 ½" digit panel meter RANGES: Standard fixed ranges, either A or B or C OUTPUTS: 0 to 10 VDC and 4 to 20 mA (0 to 20 mA) A) Range 1: 0 to 1%; Range 2: 0 to 15%; Range 3: 0 to 25% AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: 5 to 45° C B) Range 1: 0 to 5%; Range 2: 0 to 10%; Range 3: 0 to 25% C) Range 1: 0 to 25%; Range 2: 0 to 40%; Range 3: 0 to 100% SAMPLE TEMPERATURE: 0 to 50° C SAMPLE CONDITION: Particles < 1µ, noncorrosive dry gas FITTINGS: ¼" tube RESPONSE TIME: 90% full scale in 2 seconds NOISE: Less than 1% full scale SAMPLE FLOW RATE: 0.5 –2.0 L/MIN LINEARITY: Better than 1% full scale Power Requirements: 115/230 (± 10%) VAC, 50/60 Hz, 70 watts/channel REPEATABILITY: Better than 1% full scale Relative Humidity: Less than 90% R.H.*** ZERO SPAN DRIFT: Less than 1% full scale in 24 hours ZERO & SPAN ADJUSTMENT: Ten turn potentiometer Specifications subject to change without notice *Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont. **Tygon is a registered trademark of the Norton Performance Plastics Corporation ***Non-condensing Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 6-17 Section 6 6.3. Model 100/200/300 Supplement Principle of operation The paramagnetic susceptibility of oxygen is significantly greater than that of other common gases, and consequently, the molecules of oxygen are attracted much more strongly by a magnetic field than the molecules of the other gases. Most of the other gases are slightly diamagnetic which means that their molecules are then repelled by a magnetic field. Figure 6-1 Magnetic Susceptibility of gases The principle of the magneto-dynamic cell is based upon Faraday's method of determining the magnetic susceptibility of a gas. The cell consists of two nitrogen-filled quarts spheres arranged in the form of a dumbbell. A single turn of platinum wire is placed around the dumbbell that is suspended in a symmetrical non-uniform magnetic field. Figure 6-2 The Measuring cell in theory Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 6-18 Section 6 Model 100/200/300 Supplement When the surrounding gas contains oxygen, the dumbbell spheres are pushed out of the magnetic field by the change in the field that is caused by the relatively strong paramagnetic oxygen. The torque acting on the dumbbell will be proportional to the paramagnetism of the surrounding gas and, therefore, it can be used as a measure of the oxygen concentration. The distortion of the dumbbell is sensed by a light beam and projected on a mirror attached to the dumbbell whereof it is reflected to a pair of photocells. When both photocells are illuminated equally, the output will be zero. The output from the photocells is connected to an amplifier, which in turn is fed to the feedback coil of the measuring cell. If the oxygen content of the gas sample changes, the corresponding current output of the amplifier, which is proportional to the oxygen content, produces a magnetic field in the feedback coil opposing the forces and thereby causing the dumbbell to rotate. Figure 6-3 Principle of operation Since the feedback current from the amplifier is proportional to the oxygen content of the gas sample, the output signals that are produced by the amplifier will be accurate and linear. The paramagnetic susceptibility of oxygen varies inversely as the square of the absolute temperature. To provide compensation for changes in analyzer temperature, a temperature sensitive element in contact with the measuring cell assembly, is included in the feedback current circuit. Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 6-19 Section 7 7. Model 100/200/300 Supplement Preparations for Operation Warning: This is a general-purpose analyzer, not suitable for hazardous areas. Highpressure oxygen is very dangerous. Virtually any material will burn in it, possibly explosively. It is essential that any persons using this analyzer are aware of the dangers of oxygen, and take all appropriate precautions. 7.1. Power On Turn ON the power switch on the rear panel. The digital panel meters should illuminate. Allow the instrument to warm up for approximately one hour. It is preferable, but not essential, that zero gas flow through the instrument during warm-up. I 0 Figure 7-1 AC Power Switch, Connector, and Fuse Note: DO NOT introduce the sample gas UNTIL the analyzer has warmed-up. This will help prevent condensation from forming in the sample cell. 7.2. Zero Adjustment After the one-hour warm-up period, flow zero gas (see Section - Gases) through the instrument at a rate of about 1 liter/min. Adjust the zero control on the front panel until the digital meter (or analog output) is exactly at zero. To achieve final stability, the analyzer may require some additional warm-up period/up to four hours (depending on variables in the analyzer's environment). 7.3. Span Adjustment Flow span gas through the instrument at about 1 liter/min. Adjust the span control on the front panel until the digital meter or analog output is reading the value corresponding to the span gas concentrations. Note: Span gas concentration should not be less than 80% of the range to be spanned. Note: On the 0-25% range of the analyzer ambient air may be used as span gas. While ambient air is flowing to the analyzer, adjust the span potentiometer to 20.9% O2. 7.4. Zero and Span Calibration Frequency The zero and span levels should be checked and/or calibrated daily or as often as mandated. Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 7-20 Section 8 8. Model 100/200/300 Supplement Start-Up & Routine Operation Prepare and check the sample system. Adjust the flow of sample gas to about 1 L/min. The instrument should show a meter indication. The paramagnetic oxygen analyzer is designed for extended operation and may be left switched ON continuously. 8.1. Sampling System Note: High-pressure oxygen is very dangerous. Virtually any material will burn in it, possibly explosively. It is essential that any person using this analyzer is aware of the dangers of oxygen, and take all appropriate precautions. The analyzer's sampling system consists of: 1. An internally mounted in line particulate filter 2. A sample pump and flow meter (optional) 3. A sample capillary that controls the sample flow rate to the sensor at 0.2 LPM (or 0.5 depending upon model of O2 sensor. 4. A precision controlled relief valve. The relief valve maintains a constant inlet pressure to the sample capillary and reduces response time by providing a bypass loop to the exhaust for excess sample. The analyzer is designed to measure a clean dry sample gas that has been conditioned to remove moisture to prevent condensation in the analyzer. Some applications may require additional sample conditioning, dependent upon the specifications of the sample gas to be measured. P1 C1 O2 SENSOR OUT Fl1 MF1 5µ MF2 40µ SAMPLE INLET NDIR SAMPLE CELL(s) NV1 RV1 IN MODEL 100P WITH OPTIONAL FLOWMETER & SAMPLE PUMP C1 O2 SENSOR Fl1 MF1 5µ MF2 40µ SAMPLE INLET OUT NDIR SAMPLE CELL(s) NV1 IN RV1 MODEL 100P WITH OPTIONAL FLOWMETER 4.IN-LINE FILTER (MF2) CUSTOMER SUPPLIED. 3.INLET & OUTLET CONNECTIONS ARE 1/4” OD TUBE. 2.SAMPLE FLOW RATE: 0.5 L/min to 2.0 L/min. 1.SAMPLE PRESSURE: 3-5 PSIG (NOT REQUIRED WITH OPTIONAL SAMPLE PUMP). NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. Figure 8-1 Paramagnetic Oxygen Sample flow Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 8-21 Section 8 8.2. Model 100/200/300 Supplement Cross sensitivity of gases The paramagnetic measuring principle is based on the very high magnetic susceptibility of oxygen. In comparison to oxygen, other gases have such a minor susceptibility that most of them are insignificant. Exceptions to this are the nitrogen oxides. However, as this gas is in most cases present in a very low concentration, the error is still negligible. 8.2.1. Example 1 The residual oxygen percentage is measured in a closed carbon dioxide (CO2) atmosphere. The "zero calibration" is done by means of nitrogen (N2). According to the list of cross-sensitivities, the error for 100 % CO2 at 200°C is -0.27%. In order to obtain a higher accuracy, this means for the zero calibration that the reading should be adjusted at +0.27% with N2, in order to compensate the error of CO2. Since the values of cross-sensitivities are based on 100 Volume percentage of that particular gas, the error at 50% by volume CO2 and 50% by volume N2 is - 0.135%. 8.2.2. Example 2 Given the following gas composition at a temperature of 20° C: 5% volume Oxygen (O2) 40% volume Carbon Dioxide(CO2) 1% volume Ethane(C21-14) 54% volume Nitrogen (N2) +100.00 x 10-2 x 5 = +5.0000 -2 -0.27 x 10 x 40 = -0.1080 -0.43 x 10-2 x l = -0.0043 -2 0.0000 0.00 X 10 x 54 = Gives a reading (%by volume) of: +4.8877 As this example shows, the total error (5.000 minus 4.8877) is - 0.1123. Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 8-22 Section 8 Model 100/200/300 Supplement Table 8-1 Cross Sensitivity of gases All values based on nitrogen 0% / oxygen 100% Gas Argon Acetylene Acetone Acetaidehyde Ammonia Benzene Bromine Butadiene Isobutylene n-Butane Chlorine Hydrogen Chloride Nitrous Oxide Diacetylene Ethane Ethylene Oxide Ethylene Ethylene Glycol Ethylbenzene Hydrogen Fluoride Furan Helium n-Hexane Krypton Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide Methane Methanol Methylene Chloride Neon n-Octane Phenol Propane Propylene Propene Propylene Oxide Propylene Chloride Silane Styrene Nitogen Nitrogen Monoxide Nitrogen Dioxide Oxygen Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur Fluoride Hydrogen Sulfide Toluene Trichloroethylene Vinyl Chloride Vinyl.Fluoride Water Hydrogen Xenon Formula Ar C2H2 C3H60 C2H4O N3 C6H4 Br2 C4H6 (CH3)2CH=CH2 C4H10 CL2 HCL N2O (CHCl)2 C2H4 C2H4O2 C2H4 CH2OHCH2OH C8H10 HF C4H40 He C6H14 Kr CO CO2 CH4 CH4O CH2Cl2 Ne C8H18 C6H6O C3H8 C3H6 CH3CH=CH12 C3H6O C3H7Cl SiH4 C7H6=CH2 N2 NO NO2 O2 SO2 SF6 H2 S C7H8 C2HCl3 C2H3CI CH3F H2O H2 Xe Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 20oC -0.23 -0.26 -0.63 -0.31 -0.17 -1.24 -1.78 -0.85 -0.94 -1.10 -0.83 -0.31 -0.20 -1.09-0.43 -0.54 -0.20 -0.78 -1.89 +0.12 -0.90 +0.29 -1.78 -0.49 -0.06 -0.27 -0.16 -0.27 -1.00 +0.16 -2.45 -1.40 -0.77 -0.57 -0.58 -0.90 -1.42 -0.24 -1.63 -0.00 +42.70 +5.00 +100.00 -0.18 -0.98 -0.41 -1.57 -1.56 -0.68 -0.49 -0.03 +0.23 -0.95 50oC -0.25 -0.28 -0.69 -0.34 -0.19 -1.34 -1.97 -0.93 -1.06 -1.22 -0.91 -0.34 -0.22 -1.20 -0.47 -0.60 -0.22 -0.88 -2.08 +0.14 -0.99 +0.32 -1.97 -0.54 -0.07 -0.29 -0.17 -0.31 -1.10 +0.17 -2.70 -1.54 -0.85 -0.62 -0.64 -1.00 -1.44 -0.27 -1.80 -0.00 +43.00 +16.00 +100.00 -0.20 -1.05 -0.43 -1.73 -1.72 -0.74 -0.54 -0.03 +0.26 -1.02 8-23 Section 9 9. Model 100/200/300 Supplement Mechanical Zero Adjustment (Not required with some sensor models) This adjustment depends upon sensor model and may be periodically required over the life span of the analyzer, or whenever the front panel zero adjustment has reached its limit. Note: Always check for gas leaks prior to making this adjustment, especially when the zero potentiometer is at its counter-clockwise limit. a) Place the front panel zero adjustment to its mid-setting (5.0 on the dial.) b) Introduce N2 into the analyzer at a flow rate of 0.5-2.0 L/MIN. c) Remove the screws securing the top to the chassis and lift off the cover of the analyzer d) Locate and remove the rubber ‘boot’ that covers the O2 sensor. e) Loosen the locking screw that secures the adjusting screw for positing the photo-sensor on the detector assembly. Only loosen the locking screw enough to permit the necessary adjustment (see Figure 8-1.) f) Turn the adjusting screw as required to give an indication of approximately 0.00 on the digital display. g) Carefully tighten the locking screw and replace the rubber ‘boot’ removed in step d). h) Observe the digital display and turn the front panel zero adjustment to achieve reading of 0.00 in the display. i) The zero adjustment should be between 4.0 and 6.0 on its dial. If not, repeat steps d) though h) until no further adjustment is required. Photo Detectors Circuit Board Photo Detector Mounting Block Locking Screw Loosen Adjust Adjusting Screw Figure 9-1 Oxygen sensor adjustment Supplemental Manual Oxygen- V7.1.doc 9-24