RightFax Internet Connector Frequently Asked Questions

RightFax Internet Connector Frequently Asked Questions
What is the RightFax Internet Connector?
The RightFax Internet Connector is a connector within RightFax 10.5 which provides an Internet
connection between two RightFax fax servers that bypasses the telephony network. The result:
a brand new way of faxing that eliminates telephony cost entirely.
This technology is a service which extends the existing capabilities of RightFax by fundamentally
changing the way faxes are transmitted. Because the RightFax Internet Connector uses the
Internet to transmit faxes, transmission speed is significantly faster. Simply put: you can now
fax at the speed of the Internet.
The RightFax Internet Connector uses encryption and inspection techniques to protect
documents during transmission. In addition, faxes are transmitted as tamper-proof TIFF files
unmatched in document security, fidelity and legal standing.
The RightFax Internet Connector is a behind-the-scenes transmission improvement requiring no
retraining for existing RightFax users.
Is there a charge for the RightFax Internet Connector?
For a limited time, the RightFax Internet Connector is available to customers at no additional
cost. During this introductory time period, customers will be able to install and use, at no
charge, a license to send an unlimited number of transmissions with the RightFax Internet
Connector. This license will be good for 365 days from the date of activation.
What is the process setting up the RightFax Internet Connector for use?
1. Install RightFax
10.5, including the
RightFax Internet
2. Create New Account in
the global RightFax
registration database
3. OpenText Verifies and
Approves Account
4. Configure
5. Register Fax System
and Fax Numbers
6. OpenText Verifies and
Approves Fax Numbers
7. Configure RightFax
Internet Connector
Transport, Enable Dialing
Rule and Configure Receiver
8. Send and receive
faxes with the RightFax
Internet Connector
STEP 1: Install RightFax 10.5 and the RightFax Internet Connector
STEP 2: Create New Account in the global RightFax registration database
In the global RightFax registration database, an account corresponds to a company or
other organization. Each account in RightFax Internet Connector can have one or more
fax systems. An account administrator at the customer site creates an account online
for her company, entering name, phone, and address information for both the company
and herself. For OpenText RightFax customers that are Premier Support customers, the
OpenText Fax and Document Distribution Group (FDDG) will be assisting in the
customer’s installation of RightFax v10.5, whether that installation is an upgrade or
represents the first time that the customer has installed RightFax.
STEP 3: OpenText Verifies and Approves Account in the global RightFax registration
Once an account has been created, it requires verification by OpenText to ensure that
the person registering the account for her company actually represents that
organization and is authorized to enter fax numbers on behalf of that organization.
OpenText employs a variety of methods to verify accounts and the administrators who
register them. (There may be some additional requirements for account verification.
OpenText will contact someone from the customer’s organization for those
STEP 4: Configure Synchronization Process in RightFax
Once the account has been approved, the next step involves setting up the RightFax
Sync service to synchronize data from the cloud to the local RightFax database. Please
note that the local copy of the cloud registration database contains information in
hashed format, which is not in readable format and cannot be derived by “reverse
engineering” the hash function.
STEP 5: Register the Fax System and the Fax Numbers in the global RightFax
registration database
Once the account has been approved and the synchronization process has been
configured, the customer’s fax system(s) is registered. One fax system is registered for
each RightFax server or RightFax collective.
You can add one fax number at a time or import a range of fax numbers from a CSV file.
If the fax numbers are imported from a CSV file, the fax number must be provided in the
first column.
Fax numbers owned by organizations but not in service yet can be registered; account
administrators with such fax numbers should register the fax numbers but contact the
OpenText site administrators so the fax numbers can be left in inactive status.
OpenText site administrators will activate the inactive fax numbers when the account
administrators indicate that the fax line is now in service.
STEP 6: OpenText Verifies and Approves Fax Numbers in the global RightFax
registration database
When initially saving the Fax System, the fax numbers specified will show as Not
Verified and Inactive. OpenText will go through a process of verifying the fax numbers
to assure fax number ownership. As with account verification, OpenText employs a
variety of methods to verify fax numbers. There may be some additional requirements
for fax number verification. OpenText will contact someone from the customer’s
organization for those requirements.
When fax number is entered initially, it appears as Not Verified and Inactive. OpenText
verifies and approves the fax numbers; approving them will change their status to
Active. Fax numbers owned by organizations but not in service yet can be left in inactive
status and changed to active status when the fax number is ready to be used. Account
administrators with inactive fax numbers should contact the OpenText site
STEP 7: Configure RightFax Internet Connector Transport in RightFax
When configuring the RightFax Internet Connector Transport, the administrator specifies
the number of digits for routing. This enables the RightFax Internet Connector to work
seamlessly with RightFax when receiving faxes: when receiving a fax via the RightFax
Internet Connector, all twelve (12) digits are received. The Number of digits for routing
property indicates how many digits from the right of the fax number should be used for
routing purposes on the fax server.
STEP 7 continued: Enable Dialing Rule in RightFax
As with Step 6, above, the new dialing rule delivered with RightFax v10.5 enables the
RightFax Internet Connector to integrate seamlessly with RightFax. This is the rule that
determines if a fax number has been verified in the global RightFax registration
database, and therefore if the fax should be sent via traditional transmission (over
telephony) or via Internet transmission. If the fax should be sent over the Internet, this
rule also performs a SQL call to the global RightFax registration database to determine
the IP address of the receiving RightFax system. To accommodate those RightFax
customers who may not wish to use the RightFax Internet Connector, this dialing rule is
shipped in disabled status and must be enabled for the RightFax Internet Connector to
send documents.
Two additional dialing rules can be created to support 7- and 10-digit numbers. For
more information, see “How are the two additional dialing rules created?” below.
STEP 7 continued: Configure the Receiver in RightFax
The final step in configuring the RightFax Internet Connector is to configure the receiver.
As described above, the RightFax Internet Connector supports three possible receiver
configurations, based on the customer’s preference: Shared Receiver (which uses
OpenText’s Microsoft Azure subscription); Dedicated Receiver (which uses the
customer’s Microsoft Azure subscription); Intranet Receiver (used if the customer
desires to use the RightFax Internet Connector internally only).
STEP 8: Send and receives faxes with RightFax Internet Connector
You are now ready to use the RightFax Internet Connector to send and receive faxes.
How does the RightFax Internet Connector work?
Once RightFax 10.5 and the RightFax Internet Connector have been installed, the administrator
will configure the RightFax Internet Connector, enable a dialing rule for the RightFax Internet
Connector, create an account for the organization and register all fax numbers. Once the
account has been approved and the fax numbers have been verified by OpenText, the
organization can begin using the RightFax Internet Connector to transmit and receive faxes.
The behind-the-scenes transmission method using the RightFax Internet Connector is as
1. The user prepares a fax with RightFax the same way they always have and presses the
send button.
2. The dialing rule checks to see if the fax number entered has been verified in the global
RightFax registration database. If the number is not present in the database, or is not in
verified status, RightFax will send the fax over a phone line.
3. If the number is present in the database in verified status, the RightFax Internet
Connector retrieves the IP address associated with the receiving RightFax server.
4. The RightFax Internet Connector creates a digital signature of the entire file, breaks the
file into data packages, encrypts and digitally signs each data package, and then
transmits them over a reserved fax channel using HTTP Message Body Encryption. At
this point, the fax status in FaxUtil is “Sending.”
5. Once the document has been sent and received, the fax status in FaxUtil is “OK.” The
Fax History will show “RIC Success” in the “Resulting Status Code” line.
Is there a separate installation for the RightFax Internet Connector?
Yes. Please refer to the OpenText RightFax 10.5 Installation Guide for instructions on installing
RightFax. During the RightFax 10.5 installation, to install the RightFax Internet Connector, you
will need to select the custom install option.
If RightFax 10.5 is already installed, you will need to add the RightFax Internet Connector
components by going to Control panel, Programs and Features to run the RightFax 10.5 install.
This will let you select the RightFax Internet Connector installation option.
Why do I have to create an account in the global RightFax registration
database for the RightFax Internet Connector?
To transmit faxes between RightFax systems, the fax number must be associated with an HTTP
URL. This association is defined by registering the fax system with the RightFax Internet
Connector Web Administration utility in the Cloud. You must register both sending and
receiving fax systems. The registration is required to track transmissions between servers.
How do I create an account for the RightFax Internet Connector?
Each Account in RightFax Internet Connector can have one or more Fax Systems. To create an
Account, open a web browser and go to the registration site listed in the Install Guide. The
RightFax Internet Connector web site is written using Microsoft Silverlight v4. If you have not
already installed Silverlight, you will be prompted to install Silverlight before continuing.
A login screen will be displayed, click Create an Account. Follow the prompts to create the new
account for your company. You will need the following information:
 Company Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Country
 Company Primary Phone Number
 SUID - As part of account creation, you will be prompted for a RIC SUID. The RIC SUID is
used as part of the account verification and activation process. This is a RightFax
Internet Connector specific SUID; it is not the same SUID used activate the RightFax 10.5
system. The RIC SUID will be generated and delivered by OpenText Fulfillment.
 Administrator Email, Name, City, State, Zip Code, Country and Phone Number
o An Email address will be the primary login for accessing the registered account.
Once Administrator information has been provided, click Finish to complete the
registration process. A verification email is sent to the email address containing a
link to complete the registration procedure. By clicking on the link, you will be
able to finish that account registration by specifying the Administrator password.
Can I register my fax systems in a test environment?
Yes. See the URL in the Install Guide.
Why do I have to register my company’s fax numbers?
Because the document is not transmitted over a phone line, RightFax needs to know which
server should receive the transmission. In addition, because accounts and fax numbers in the
global RightFax registration database are verified, senders can be more assured of the identity
of the receivers.
How do I register my company’s fax numbers?
You can add one fax number at a time or import a range of fax numbers from a CSV file. If the
fax numbers are imported from a CSV file, the fax number must be provided in the first column.
Where do I register my company’s fax numbers?
The cloud-based registration tool, the global RightFax registration database (powered by
Microsoft Azure), is where you will register your company’s fax numbers.
Does my RightFax system need to be registered in the global RightFax
registration database if I only want to send faxes (and not receive them) via
the RightFax Internet Connector?
Is there a way I can export my fax numbers from RightFax to make importing
them into the global RightFax registration database easier?
Yes, there are several methods available to export fax numbers from RightFax and import the
fax numbers into the global RightFax registration database.
1. You may be able to do this if you have imported your company’s fax numbers into your
RightFax phone book.
 Create a generic text printer. To be used for printing from the RightFax
 In RightFax, select the phonebook.
 Sort by Company.
 Select all the entries for your company.
 Select “Print Selected,” using the generic text printer and then enable “Print to File”
 Using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, pre-pend any necessary
information to ensure that all the numbers are in 12-digit forma: the country code,
area code and three-digit exchange.
Eliminate any duplicate numbers
Ensure that the 12-digit fax number is in the first column of your file.
Save the file as a CSV file.
Upload the file into the global RightFax registration database.
2. Print export from Enterprise Fax Manager:
 Create a generic text printer. This will be used for printing from the RightFax
 Open Enterprise Fax Manager.
 Select all users or highlight the specific users that have fax numbers you wish to
import into the global RightFax registration database.
 Right-click and select “Print Selected List”.
 Select the Generic Text printer and enable “Print to File”.
 Specify the file location and filename with the extension of .txt.
 Using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, pre-pend any necessary
information to ensure that all the numbers are in 12-digit format: the country code,
area code and three-digit exchange.
 Eliminate any duplicate numbers.
 Ensure that the 12-digit fax number is in the first column of your file.
 Save the file as a CSV file.
 Upload the file into the global RightFax registration database.
3. Export DIDs from SQL.
 Open the RightFax database using SQL Management Studio.
 RightFax Database>Tables>Users – In the RightFax Database, go to Tables, then to
 Highlight the column UserDIDNumber
 Copy all entries they wish to import
 Paste the contents to a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, pre-pend any
necessary information to ensure that all the numbers are in 12-digit forma: the
country code, area code and three-digit exchange.
 Eliminate any duplicate numbers
 Ensure that the 12-digit fax number is in the first column of your file.
 Save the file as a CSV file.
 Upload the file into the global RightFax registration database.
Currently the global RightFax registration database supports only one account
administrator per company. What happens if the account administrator
leaves the company or no longer has this responsibility?
Contact the FDDG site administrators at FaxNumberVerification@OpenText.com
Can the same fax number be registered under two fax systems? Could an
organization accidentally register a fax number already registered?
No; the global RightFax registration database will not allow a duplicate fax number to be
Who completes the verification of the accounts and fax numbers that are
registered in the global RightFax registration database?
OpenText will complete the verification of the accounts and fax numbers registered in the
global RightFax registration database.
How does OpenText verify the accounts and fax numbers that are registered in
the global RightFax registration database?
OpenText staff members employ a variety of verification processes to authenticate the
accounts and fax numbers in the global RightFax registration database. Essentially, OpenText
validates that the address and phone number of the company and its administrator match
information in public and private sources, including OpenText databases containing information
on our customers. We may require that companies provide additional proof of ownership of
the fax numbers which they register.
Is my account and fax number information safe in the global RightFax
registration database?
Yes. There are security measures, including encryption, within Microsoft Azure that protect
your account and fax number information.
Does the RightFax Internet Connector use existing RightFax architecture?
A new RightFax Transport has been created to deliver faxes using the RightFax Internet
Connector. To route outbound faxes to the new Transport, a dialing rule is used. This dialing
rule compares the outbound number to the list of synchronized fax number. If the rules match,
the outbound fax is routed to the RightFax Internet Connector Transport. The Transport
Module queries the registration system to get the recipient URL and Public Key used for
encrypting and sending the transmission.
What data is synchronized with the RightFax Internet Connector?
All registered fax numbers are synchronized with a table in the RightFax SQL database such that
a dialing rule can be used to route faxes within the fax server to a new Transport Module. The
synchronized fax numbers are stored as encrypted strings to prevent anyone from viewing
registered fax numbers.
What security measures does the RightFax Internet Connector use to protect
faxes during transmission?
Security of the transmitted fax is important. RightFax Internet Connector ensures that the
original fax is identical to the received fax. Steps taken to assure transmission security:
A digital signature of the fax to be transmitted is obtained
The fax is broken into blocks of data for transmission
Each data block is digitally signed and encrypted. Upon receipt of the block, another
digital signature is obtained and compared with expected signature.
After all blocks are received, they are unencrypted, and combined to recreate the fax.
The digital signature of the received fax is compared to the signature of the sent fax.
Any discrepancy will return an error to the fax server resulting in the fax being sent via
Signature of received fax
Is compared with original
RightFax Server
A signature of the
original fax
is determined
Sent data packages are
Signed and encrypted using
recipient’s public key
Received data packages are
Decrypted using
Recipient’s private key
RightFax Server
A signature of the
received fax
is determined
What if the receiving fax number is not registered in the global RightFax
registration database?
The RightFax Internet Connector is designed for guaranteed delivery. If an error occurs while
transmitting content via the Internet Connector, the transmission fails and the fax is
transmitted via PSTN during retry.
What’s the difference between RightFax Internet Connector and encrypted
RightFax Internet Connector uses HTTP message body encryption, is an immediate transmission
from sender to receiver and includes a receipt notification for the sender. Email uses the SMTP
protocol and is a “store and forward” transmission method, where the email is stored on the
receiver’s email server and then downloaded by the receiver. Email also typically does not
include a receipt notification.
Is this a replacement for Least-Cost Routing?
No. Least-Cost Routing is the process of selecting the path of outbound communications traffic
based on lowest cost. With traditional RightFax Least-Cost Routing, administrators route fax
traffic between RightFax servers on an internal network to minimize or eliminate fax
transmission costs by sending the fax on the PSTN from the where the call is the least
expensive. This process is “internal” only.
RightFax Internet Connector uses the same principle externally by routing fax traffic over an
Internet connection directly between any online RightFax servers–even outside of your
network–and bypassing the PSTN altogether.
Can you use the RightFax Internet Connector with the RightFax OnDemand
Hosted Fax Solution?
The RightFax Internet Connector will be available to all RightFax OnDemand customers.
Is call grouping supported with the RightFax Internet Connector?
No, call grouping is not supported with the RightFax Internet Connector.
How will I know if a document is sent via the RightFax Internet Connector or
via a phone line?
In Fax History, if a document has been sent via RIC, you will see the words “RIC Send Success” in
the “Resulting status code” line. If you do not see this phrase, the fax was sent in the
traditional way, via a phone line.
Is there a cost to the customer for registering fax numbers?
No, there is no cost to register any volume of fax numbers.
Will the RightFax Internet Connector use channel licensing or some other type
of capacity control?
RightFax reserves one channel for use by the RightFax Internet Connector.
Is the channel reserved for use by the RightFax Internet Connector a virtual
No. It’s an actual channel.
Which RightFax Servers will the RightFax Internet Connector be available on?
The RightFax Internet Connector is available on the following RightFax servers: Branch Office,
Business, Enterprise, Enterprise Suite and Enterprise Integration.
Can the RightFax Internet Connector send faxes to a fax machine?
No, the RightFax Internet Connector can only send faxes to registered fax numbers on another
RightFax server.
If the global RightFax registration database grows to, say, 1,000,000 or
10,000,000 numbers, will performance be affected?
The local table will have the same number of rows as registered numbers. The data in each row
is very small (4 columns) – based on one of our test servers (1000 rows is approximately 0.05
MB), a table containing 1,000,000 rows would be about 50 MB in size. In addition, the table is
Are private clouds supported in the RightFax Internet Connector?
No. The concept of a private cloud would defeat the goal of having a global RightFax
registration database.
Are documents sent via the RightFax Internet Connector stored in the cloud?
No; they simply “pass” through the Azure service bus and the cloud-based receiver.
When sending faxes, our users key 7-digit numbers; the global RightFax
registration database stores fax numbers as 12-digit numbers. How do the
other 5 digits get filled in?
The dialing rule uses default country code and area code keyed in the RightFax Sync Module
Configuration screen for the RightFax Internet Connector source. The installed dialing rule will
only work with 12-digit fax numbers. To support 7 and 10 digit numbers, two additional dialing
rules must be created.
I live in a country that has 11-digit numbers, including the country code. How
do I configure the dialing rule for 11-digit dialing?
Copy the existing dialing rule for 12-digit dialing. Change the number “12” in ^[P2P,12]+ to the
number 11 as shown here: ^[P2P,11]+.
How are the two additional dialing rules created?
To create one of the new dialing rules, open RightFax Enterprise Fax Manager and go to the
Dialing Rules section.
Select the P2P Dialing Rule, right-click and select Duplicate.
This will bring up the Dialing Rule Edit dialog box. In the Pattern section, change ^[P2P,12]+ to
Then select the Number Adjustments tab and enter the appropriate country code (i.e. for
United States, use 01) in the Prepend this text box.
Click on the OK button to close the dialog box then, on the RightFax Enterprise Fax Manager
select File-Save Dialing Plan.
A dialing rule can also be created for 7-digit numbers by duplicating an existing P2P dialing rule,
change the Pattern to ^[P2P,7]+ and prepending text representing country code and area code.
For instance, if the RightFax Users are sending faxes from New York, a value of 01212 can be
Will the TTI line be on the TIFF image sent via the RightFax Internet
No, because the TTI line is stamped on a fax by the fax board before sending the fax out over a
telephony channel, it is available only on faxes sent via PSTN.
Does a document sent via the RightFax Internet Connector have the same legal
validity as a fax sent over a phone line?
1. It is the position of OpenText legal counsel that documents sent via the RightFax
Internet Connector have the same legal qualities as a document sent via PSTN.
2. Here is information publicly available:
 The relevant technical language on this subject has to do with “attributes of nonrepudiation,” namely, the ability of a person to repudiate their signature on a
document. Signatures on faxes are said to have the same attributes of nonrepudiation as signatures on paper documents.
 A document transmitted via the RightFax Internet Connector is transmitted
electronically and therefore is an electronic record, according to the definition of
an electronic record in the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA).
 Any signature attached to (“linked to, or connected with”) that document “may
not be denied legal effect or enforceability solely because it is in electronic
form.” And “if a law requires a record to be in writing, an electronic record
satisfies the law.” And “If a law requires a signature, an electronic signature
satisfies the law.” (These quotes, too, are from the Uniform Electronic
Transactions Act.)
 In addition, authentication and non-repudiation are legal concepts that go handin-hand. Verification by OpenText of fax numbers in the global RightFax
registration database can strengthen claims of authentication for a document,
thus potentially strengthening its legal effect, validity, and enforceability.
Can the transmission be enabled for some transmissions (say, by group or by
user or by transmission) but not for others?
This is not a feature at this time.
If a document fails to transmit via the RightFax Internet Connector, how long
before it “fails over” to transmission via PSTN?
The retry default is 5 minutes but this is configurable by the administrator.
Is there a page limit for the documents that can be sent via the RightFax
Internet Connector?
Yes—RightFax limits fax transmissions to 999 pages and the RightFax Internet Connector
operates within that constraint.
Can the RightFax Internet Connector be used for fax numbers that are also
voice numbers?
Yes. The dialing rule will identify which server should receive the fax; voice communication is
not affected. Only faxes go through RightFax.
Are there are reporting capabilities related to the RightFax Internet
Yes; there are additional reports available to support the use of the RightFax Internet
Can I check to see if a given phone number is in the global RightFax
registration database?
Yes. In RightFax Enterprise Fax Manager, select any RightFax server, then select Dialing Plan. Key the
fax number in the “Phone Number” field and select “Rule Execution.”
 If the phone number is in the global RightFax registration database, the message at the bottom
will read “Rule 0001:Using rule….”
 If the phone number is not in the global RightFax registration database, the message at the
bottom will read “Rule 0001:Rule Pattern doesn’t match.”
Can I check to see who owns a given phone number is in the global RightFax
registration database?