The number of experiment thing for each composition of modar on every kind of -esting, that is : ' lr : The Testing of waler absorption 10. d: The Tesling of water leaping 10. Vrsual obseruation lest 10. The Testing of the flactllfe strenght 10. so for each mortar composition has lhe number of sample 40 numbers. rnere are eight kinds of mo(ar composition so lhe wholes of material tesl are 320 numbers. The analysis used is Descriptive Statistic. lt's conducted the count lhe value of average elasticity and pantiles porosity. The results of this research concludes thal x i 2) The characteristic of material can fulfil the requirements for Cemenl pantiles. The material composition which is efficient and suilable for quality I is that, mortar 1 PC : 2 Mill :4 sand and quatily llis that mortar 1 pc :2 Mill : 5 $and and 1 pc: 3 Mill i4 Sand. 3) The making of Cement Panatelas which can produce Slandard quality the value of skimp v - 11 can with factor of pressure 40 Kg tcmz in 4 - second. i 4) The quality conlrol can produce average of elasticity. the lowesi elasticity more lhan B09s from the