Input and Reverse Transfer Capacitance Measurement of MOS-Gated Power Transistors under High Current Flow Christoph Deml Inneon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Str. 76, 81541 Munich, Germany Abstract Nominal Derivative FHP The measurement principle of the input and reverse transfer capacitance is shown. Function, stability and operation of the measurement circuits is discussed. The on state capacitances of a power DMOS transistor were measured under high current conditions of up to 250A. A strong nonlinear characteristic is observed. Capacitances are normally specied in data sheets without current ow. In the on state, there are only two capacitances signicant for a MOS-gated device with three pins: input and reverse transfer capacitance. The measurement principles of these characteristics will be demonstrated using a power DMOS, but can be generally used for MOS-gated transistors. The characteristic of the reverse transfer capacitance has, due to the Miller-eect the most signicant inuence on the transient behaviour of power transistors and will be considered rst. For the measurement of CGD (gate drain capacitance or respectively reverse transfer capacitance), VGS (gate source voltage) is held constant and VDS (drain source voltage) of the DUT (device under test) is varied. Normally this is done by applying the constant VDS bias with an additive small signal sine wave. VGS is held constant and IG (gate current) is measured. CGD = IG dV DS VGS =const High-PassFilter Low-PassFilter CHP RHP RLP CLP RD VH VP FSI Subtractor Integrator RI VE VN V ,VD CI FBUF Buer LG VOP C CD VGS low magnetic eld low current A IG L1 FMM VBUF RG MS D C0 L2 V0 LD RG ;DUT MDUT RP L3 ID A medium high magnetic eld magnetic eld high current Figure 1: Basic structure of the CGD measurement circuit. Introduction dt ,VDS V FLP (1) This method is very accurate, but has a long T (measurement time). Applying the VDS bias while there is a ID (drain current) owing results in the situation that P = VDS ID (heating power) can not be conducted to the heat sink as quickly as required. In this case the E = VDS ID T (accumulated energy) would lead to self heating and destruction of the DUT due to thermal overload. The goal of the circuit (g. 1) is to produce a short voltage ramp on the drain of the DUT replacing a sine wave. The short ramp reduces the accumulated energy tremendously and subsequent ramps are spaced with a cooling time of several seconds. CGD derives the VDS ramp using the relationship IG = CGD dVdDS t . Because the measurement result CGD is directely proportional to IB (equ. 1), the derivative of VDS must be constant.1 Circuit Function Subsequent VDS ramps have dierent VGS values and are spaced by a cooling time. VGS is held constant for one VDS ramp. This produces a group of CGD curves with continuous VDS while VGS is a variable. IG (t) is measured potential free using a current probe. All transients should be measured with one oscilloscope, so that they have the same time base and voltages of different channels are sampled at the same time. Of course If the corresponding dVdDS t is measured too and used for the calculation of CGD then mathematically everything is correct. Due to parasitic elements ideal measurements are not possible and experience shows that a non constant dVdDS t leads to unsatisfactory results. 1 2 3 [A] 9 1 ID [nF] V 12 , C GD 200 [V] GS 6 0 20 12 V 100 GS 6 20 0 0 10 20 V DS [V] 0 30 9 [V] 0 3 0 10 DS V 20 [V] 30 Figure 2: Measured gate-drain capacitance of the BUZ 103 SL. Figure 3: Measured transfer characteristic of the BUZ 103 SL. the measured values of dierent channels must be the result of the same ramp event. Because the ramp event must be triggered by a pulse generator, which has usually a common ground together with the oscilloscope via earth, this ground level is placed at the drain of MDUT . During the idle time, VE must be positive, driving VOP to the negative supply voltage of the operational amplier. During the ramp time, ,VDS (t) is measured. dVDS is measured indirecty using a known capacitance dt CD between drain and source and measuring the current VD (t) through it using a small series resistance R . D RD For the transfer characteristic, ID can be measured potential free using a current probe between the source of MDUT and C0 (g. 3). As is obvious by the slight decrease of current, self-heating was not completely avoided. In order to supply the correct control gate voltage to the series MOS transistor corresponding to the VDS ramp, a regulation circuit was constructed. VD D CGD D dVDS dt (2) (3) = RD CD is calculated using equ. 1 and 2 (g. 2). I (t) CGD (VGS ; VDS (t)) D G VD (t) VGS =const (4) Next the VDS ramp should be supplied. This supply must be able to supply a high current. Therefore a MOS transistor MS is connected in series to MDUT . This series MOS transistor is connected to a capacitance C0 capable of supplying the high current ID with a high current RT slew rate ddItD and the charge ID dt where T is the ramp 0 time. The parasitics must be suciently small while the capacitance value must be large enough. Regulation Circuit VDS 4). is reversed and fed into a high pass lter HP (g. VH HP (,V ) = 1 +pp DS HP} | {z (5) FHP p = j 2f HP = RHP CHP (6) (7) For a frequency below fHP = 21 HP (8) the output voltage of the HP is the derivative of VDS . VH (f < fHP ) pHP (,VDS ) (9) The output voltage of the operational amplier can be described by VOP = VP , pI VE p I k + 1+pI 1 1 1+ (10) abs(F )[dB] | - - - arg(F )[] 180 80 180 90 40 90 0 0 k BUF 20 F - - - arg(F )[] abs(F )[dB] | -20 -90 0 0 -90 -40 -40 180 180 20 20 Fo;N 0 -20 , F MM 90 0 -90 -40 90 0 0 -20 -90 -40 180 180 0 20 Fo;P -20 0 -40 , F HP 90 -90 -60 90 0 0 -20 -90 -40 180 3 10 10 4 0 LP 5 6 10 f 90 F 10 -20 [Hz] 7 10 8 10 9 10 Figure 5: Open Loop Frequency Response of the Operational Amplier and Regulation Circuit. 0 -40 -90 -60 180 20 F SI 90 0 0 -20 -90 -40 3 10 4 10 10 5 6 10 f [Hz] 7 8 10 10 10 9 Figure 4: Open Loop Frequency Response of the Circuit Components. OP = V V, (11) P VN I = RI CI (12) The regulation principle is demonstrated now by removing the low-pass-lter and connecting the output of the high-pass-lter directely to the subtractor-integrator part (VP = VH , equn. 13 to 15). k pHP (,VDS ) , 1 VE 1+p1 VOP = pHP 1 p1 + k 1+p1 (13) 1+ Using an ideal operational amplier this results in lim V = HP (1 + pI ) (,VDS ) , p1 VE (14) k!1 OP I (1 + pHP ) I Additionally, when choosing the same time constant for HP and I ,VE = p VDS + klim !1 VOP HP =I = (15) it can be shown, that the dierence between the real derivative dVdDS t and the nominal derivative, which is adjusted by VE , is integrated and fed into the gate of MS . So, when dVdDS t becomes smaller, the gate voltage of MS is rising faster, resulting in a faster pull up of VDS . In order to keep the deviation from the nominal derivaDS must be as large as tive small, the gain FMM = VVBUF possible. g (R + pL )(R + pL2 ) FMM = m;MS DS2 2 D P (1 + pR + p L )(RDS + RP + pL ) (16) = RG CG (17) = LG CG (18) = LD + L2 + L3 (19) where RDS is the small signal resistance of MDUT and gm;MS is the gate transconductance, RG is the parasitic gate resistance and CG is the gate capacitance of MS .2 The parallel resisor RP is needed for limiting the open loop gain in case of MDUT saturation. L1 has no eect, because MS is always in saturation.3 For the regulation circuit stability, both loops, ending at the positive and the negative input of the operational amplier, must be considered (g. 5). R L2 L ,Fo;N = pI (1 + pI )( k1 , VVOPP ) (20) 2 The Miller-eect is neglected for M . Parasitic source inducS tances are neglected generally. 3 Channel length modulation and gate-drain capacitance of M S are neglected. 6 FBUF L1 A VGS CI RI RD V VD C low magnetic eld low current 20 30 10 LD RG ;DUT V C0 MDUT L3 V0 [nF] CD ID A medium magnetic eld high magnetic eld high current GG IG R Figure 6: Basic structure of the CGG measurement circuit. C FSI Nominal Derivative Integrator Buer 5 4 0 2 DS V ) VP ,Fo;P = , 1 +k(1(1++pk)Ip I} VOP {z | VP VOP (21) FSI = FBUF FMM (,1)FHP FLP (22) The stability is mainly aected by the parasitic inductances LD , L2 and L3 . A low-pass-lter is inserted to increase the phasemargin. 1 FLP = (23) 1 + pLP LP = RLP CLP (24) If MS is switched o too fast at the end of a pulse, then its drain-source voltage may increase above the maximum blocking voltage due to the parasitic inductances. This can be avoided either by limiting the turn o speed or by adding D (transient absorbing Z-diode). Input Capacitance Fig. 6 shows the measurement circuit for the input capacitance, which is refered to as gate-gate capacitance in this case. d t CGG = IG (25) dV Using GS VDS =const I (t) CGG (VGS (t); VDS ) D G VD (t) VDS =const (26) the result of this measurement is shown in g. 7. The stability of this circuit is easily achived without long calculations. The L1 , L3 and LD (parasitic inductances) and the R (parasitic resistance) must be as small as possible, because they induce a VDS drop when ID starts owing. 0 0 10 V GS [V] [V] 20 Figure 7: Measured gate-gate capacitance of the BUZ 103 SL. Parasitics, EMC and Measurement Setup Due to the RG ;DUT (eective gate resistance) of the device, there is an eective voltage drop across the gate area caused by IG . dV VG = RG ;DUT IG RG ;DUT C (27) dt where C is the measured capacitance of the DUT and ddVt is the derivative of the voltage ramp. In order to keep this voltage drop between supplyed gate voltage and eective, inner gate voltage small, ddVt must be limited. For the measurements above, a slew rate of 2 Vs was chosen, leading to a worst case voltage drop of 0:17V for RG ;DUT = 13 . The resistance of the gate current probe has two eects. First this resistance must be considered by adding it to the gate resistance above. Second it causes a drop in the gate current measurement. The wire of the DUT gate has an C (parasitic capacitance) to the ground through the ribbon cable and the case of the gate current probe. Low pass lters must be inserted between the measurement circuit and the dc voltage sources, because sources typically have parasitic capacitances to ground. Malfunction usually ends up with destruction of all power semiconductors. Some resistances should be added to the circuits at appriproate nodes in order to achive a fail save behaviour in case of unintentional removal of the pulse generator or an incorrect sequence of connecting and disconnecting the power supplies. A high ddIt causes an emission of a magnetic eld through the parasitic inductances. In order to keep this inuence 0, R C P , I Current Probe D MDU T ; MS Ribbon Cable on the measurement result small, the DUT is seperated from the C0 , RP and ID current probe using stacked copper strips insulated with a foil. The regulation and measurement circuit was additionally seperated using a ribbon cable. Both, the regulation and measurement circuit and the ribbon cable, are placed in one plane with the main magnetic eld lines. The regulation and measurement circuit is shielded by two iron plates. This measurement setup is shown in g. 8. Reference Regulation and Measurement Circuit Magnetic Shielding Stacked Copper Strips Figure 8: Measurement Setup. [1] Christoph Deml, Kurt Homann: Gate-Drain Capacitance Behaviour of the DMOS Power Transistor Under High Current Flow. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference. IEEE: Fukuoka 1998. Pages 1716 1719.