Summative Assessments = 70% (Units Tests, Major Labs, Quizzes

A.P. Biology Syllabus
Jami N. Key
Web Page
Phone: 586-2541 (Room 104)
The A.P. Biology curriculum is set by the College Board. The course is designed to be equivalent to
freshman college level biology for science majors. The course curriculum is as follows: Molecular
Biology (25%), Heredity and Evolution (25%), Organisms and Populations (50%). Due to the large amount of content to be
covered, the course is fast paced and requires a great deal of independent study. On average, the course will cover a chapter
every one to two days. Tests will cover several chapters. A tentative course outline follows:
Ecology (8 days)
Chapters 51-56
Biochemistry (8 days)
Cells & Cell Membranes (7 days)
Photosynthesis & Respiration (7 days)
Chapters 1-5, 8
Chapters 6-7, 11
Chapters 9-10
Mitosis & Meiosis (4 days)
Genetics (5 days) `
DNA & Biotechnology (9 days)
Chapters 12-13
Chapters 14-15
Chapters 16-18, 20-21
Evolution & Population Genetics (6 days)
Taxonomy, Overview of Kingdoms (3 days)
Nervous System (5 days)
Immune System (5 days)
Endocrine System (5 days)
Botany (6 days)
Chapters 22-25
Chapters 26-34
Chapters 48-50
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapters 35-39
Lab: Animal Behavior
Lab: Dissolve Oxygen
Lab: Enzyme Catalysis
Lab: Diffusion & Osmosis
Lab: Photosynthesis
Lab: Cellular Respiration
Lab: Mitosis & Meiosis
Lab: Genetics of Drosophila
Lab: Electrophoresis
Lab: Colony Transformation
Lab: Hardy-Weinberg
Lab: Rat Dissection
Lab: Transpiration
Grading Policy
Summative Assessments = 70% (Units Tests, Major Labs, Quizzes)
Unit Tests will be weighted double the value of labs and quizzes.
Formative Assessments = 30% (Homework 10%, Classwork and Other Activities
A = 89.5-100
B = 79.5-89.4
C = 69.5-79.4
D = 59.5-69.4
F = 0-59.4
No one assignment may count more than 25% of the nine weeks grade.
Late work will only be accepted for excused absences.
Students receive weighted grades for Advanced Placement courses.
Each nine weeks, students are required to find, read, and write a summary and evaluation of a current science journal article
(or other reputable scientific source) that pertains to the units studied during that grading period. The written report should
include a summary of the article’s content as well as an evaluation of any ethical/environmental issues that arise from the
Tests are college level tests and follow the format of the AP exam consisting of multiple choice and free response questions.
Inquiry-based labs will make up 25% of the course. Labs require a completed data sheet and a formal abstract. Students will
also record lab notes and data in a hard backed lab notebook.
A Lab Safety Contract signed by student and parent must be on file before completing any labs.
Honor Code Policy
LHS has established an honor code to help instill a sense of responsibility and integrity in its student body. The honor code is
taken seriously, and is strictly enforced.
Honor Code
I, as a student of Liberty High School, pledge to do all within my power to uphold the honor, integrity, and scholastic
standing of my school; to assume responsibility for my own actions; and neither to give nor receive help on any
homework, quiz, test, exam, or other assignment that I am expected to do alone.
Possible results of honor code infractions are: Parent contacted by teacher, student assigned a grade of F on the
assignment, or referral to an administrator.
Supplies: Large binder notebook; lab composition book; graph paper; colored pencils; pen & pencil
Science Fair Projects
AP students are required to complete an independent research project by March 1. Topics should be finalized as soon as
possible and approved by the teacher. Any project involving humans, vertebrate animals, pathogens, controlled substances,
or hazardous substances requires special forms and approval by a regional science fair committee prior to research. Projects
will count as a unit test during the third nine weeks grading period. Extra credit will be given for those who participate in the
Central Virginia Regional Science Fair, which is held at CVCC in March.
Class Rules/Expectations
 Follow Liberty’s Laws!
Liberty’s Laws
Students are to be respectful to teachers, school officials, students, and any adult on campus.
Students are to come to class promptly before the bell rings and be prepared with textbook, paper, and pen or
3. Students are not to bring food or drink in lab classes, except for special occasions/assignments as permitted
by a teacher and/or administrator.
4. Students are required to carry a standard hall pass or their Student Agenda whenever they leave their classrooms.
Emergency or special situations will be handled at teacher discretion.
5. Students are not to apply make-up, lotion, cologne, or perfume, or style hair in the classroom.
6. Students may not leave a building when going to the restroom.
7. Students are to remain seated until the bell rings and class is dismissed. Lining up at the door is not permitted.
8. Students are to go directly to the cafeteria when the bell rings to begin lunch and are to remain there until the bill
rings to end the lunch period. All other buildings are off limits during lunch unless a teacher, counselor, or
librarian has granted permission beforehand with a note.
9. Students are to follow the BCPS Dress Code.
10. Students are not to use CD players, headphones, cell phones, pagers, and hand-held video games. These items can
be confiscated and turned over to an administrator if seen or heard during the school day.
11. Students are not to use profanity or any bullying tactics. “Bullying” involves threatening acts or comments toward
others that generate an unwelcome discomforting feeling in the victim.
12. Students may not leave campus for any reason unless they have followed the correct procedures .
Always give your best effort, be prepared, and stay on task!
KEY RULE: Respect your classmates, classroom, and teacher!
Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior:
1st offense: verbal warning
2nd offense: phone call or letter to parent
3rd offense: STOP referral with behavioral modification plan &/or administrative referral.
AP Exam
The AP Biology Exam will be administered on Monday, May 12 at 8 a.m. Students are strongly encouraged to take this
exam, which can provide college credits for a qualifying score. (Qualifying scores vary at different colleges and universities.)
Bedford County Public Schools may or may not provide partial funding for the exam. Information will be provided to
students regarding the cost of the exam as it becomes available. Students who take the AP Biology Exam will be exempt
from the final exam. Review sessions will be offered before or after school and on some Saturdays (TBA) in order to
prepare students for the exam.
I have read and understand the requirements of the course:
Student signature
Parent Signature
Parent’s E-mail address __________________________________________________