Offer to you - NHS Birmingham CrossCity CCG

ACE Excellence
Practices are working together within their local areas to improve the care that
they give you and also to bring it closer to you, within your community.
What we’re trying to achieve is a move from care provided in hospitals, to GP
surgeries. This means that you won’t have to travel to hospital, unless you really
need to.
To achieve this, practices are expected to offer a range of services to help
patients to receive care closer to home. This will improve the overall experience
for many patients, especially those with long-term conditions, meaning that you
will not have to travel to hospital to have certain tests carried out. Your GP will
discuss this with you once the need to have a test, or assessment is identified.
What ACE Excellence means to you…
Delivery of a wide range of tests/
investigations within GP surgeries,
such as Electrocardiogram (ECG)
or spirometry.
Improved access to wound
management services for patients
discharged from hospital, or
specialist care providers following
surgery or trauma.
Improved experience by providing
care closer to home.
More specialised services will be
provided in the community, so you
don’t need to travel to hospital.
Closer working between
specialists and GPs, for those
patients living with long-term
Closer working between services,
to ensure that the elderly and the
vulnerable do not spend any longer
in hospital than they need to.
Our offer
to you
We’re improving health services across Birmingham…
This practice is a member of Birmingham CrossCity Clinical
Commissioning Group (CCG). We’re the NHS organisation
behind the commissioning and delivery of healthcare
services in Birmingham.
Most of our senior leaders are practising GPs within our city.
This gives local GPs, and other clinicians, the power to influence
commissioning decisions for their patients. We commission most
of the hospital and community NHS services in our area.
What is commissioning?
Health Visiting teams and our
GP practices are working in
partnership to identify and
improve the care of the families
who are most vulnerable in
the community.
Commissioning involves deciding what health services are
needed, and ensuring that they are provided. We are overseen by
NHS England.
What we commission:
Most planned hospital care
Recovery care
Urgent and emergency care (including out-of-hours)
Most community health services
Quality & Safety
We have set up an online
feedback tool, so that your
practice can tell us if you have
experienced problems with local
healthcare services. We can then
investigate them directly.
Mental health and learning disability services
and here’s how we’re doing it…
Aspiring to
Clinical Excellence
As a member of Birmingham
CrossCity CCG, this practice is part
of our Aspiring to Clinical Excellence
scheme (ACE). ACE is a programme of
improvement aimed at making sure all
of our practices provide the same high
standard of care across the city. The
ACE Scheme is split into two levels,
Foundation and Excellence, which
support our overall mission:
To achieve excellence in
commissioning through excellent
primary care.
ACE Foundation level is offered to
all Birmingham CrossCity CCG GP
practices and focuses on the following
six areas:
Engagement and Involvement
Your practice works with other
local practices to improve
health related services in your
If you need to be referred to a
specialist service, you will be
offered a choice of where you
can go.
Medicines Management
Your practice regularly looks at
all their prescribing to ensure that
you get the right medication, at
the right dose, at the right time
and for the right duration.
rescription 4 Exercise.
Practices will be using a tool
to promote the use of physical
activity for patients with longterm conditions.
Immunisations & Vaccinations.
We are working hard to make
sure that all patients eligible
for important vaccinations and
immunisations receive these, and
are therefore protected
from illnesses.
Integrated Community Support
- Mental Health
Your practice will work with
Community Psychiatric Nurses
and Psychiatrists to identify
those patients who are missing
out on vital mental health
support. They will develop joint
management plans and
improve access to physical
health assessments.
We have chosen three areas
where practices can make a
positive impact on health, if there
is intervention at an early stage:
We’re improving quality care
by ensuring that patients with
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease (COPD) who have been
admitted to hospital, have a
review at their practice within two
weeks of their discharge. We’re
also committed to working with
local support services to reduce
alcohol related A&E admissions.
Practices also work together to
share best practice and learning.
This sharing is important
because it helps to protect our
ACE Foundation