NOTES Calculation of instantaneous birth rate1 Abstract-A formula giving the instantaneous birth rate is derived for egg bearing species or species which bear their young. It is shown that the instantaneous birth rate can be calculated when the egg ratio or pregnancy rate and the development time are known. The new method is compared with earlier ones by Edmondson and Caswell: the latter applies incorrectly an earlier formula by Leslie while Edmondson’s formula gives biased results, the bias depending on the length of the development time. The above formula is exact under the specific assumptions also made in this paper, but it fails to account for the fact that the egg ratio per development time is not an appropriate measure for the finite per capita birth rate nor is it an estimate of it except under special circumstances. Solving for the finite per capita birth rate, p, from equation 2 we get p= b(er-1)/r, Eggs present on female specimens of a planktonic species may be used to estimate an instantaneous birth rate or, as it has also been termed, the instantaneous rate of reproduction for the species. A method was described by Edmondson (1960) and has been used by a number of workers subsequently. Later Edmondson (1968: equations 11 and 13) introduced a correction to account for the duration of the development of eggs. The correction, however, has been omitted in subsequent publications (e.g. Edmondson 1971) and also ignored by others (e.g. Caswell 1972). Edmondson ( 1960, 1971) calculated a finite per capita birth rate, p, from egg ratio by dividing the latter by development time. This was then used to calculate the instantaneous rate, b, through a simple formula b=ln(l+p). (1) Caswell (1972) pointed out that the above formula relating the finite rate to the instantaneous rate is not correct. The relationship between the finite and instantaneous rate depends in fact on the overall instantaneous rate of increase, r. He also noted that a correct relationship between the two had been given by Leslie ( 1948) as b=rP/(er-1). (2) ‘The publication of this paper was facilitated by financial support from the National Research Council of Canada. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY (3) while later on we will show that egg ratio/D = ( ebD- 1)/D, (4) where D is development time. Only when bD and r are so small that we may write er - 1 - r and ebD - 1 - bD do the finite per capita birth rate, p, and the “egg ratio/ D” agree. In such a case, both ,B and the “egg ratio/D” are approximately equal to b, the instantaneous birth rate. For moderately large values of r and bD, the finite per capita birth rate and the “egg ratio/D” can take quite different values. I shall present the derivation of formula 4 in fair detail. It has in fact been given earlier by Edmondson ( 1968: equation 13). This earlier derivation is somewhat unclear and the formula has not been used by Edmondson himself or by others in later publications. I will make the usual assumptions: constant birth rate, constant death rate, and fixed development time. These imply that we can write Nt = Noert and r=b-d, where Nt = population size at time t, r = intrinsic rate of growth, b = instantaneous birth rate or instantaneous rate of reproduction, and d = instantaneous rate of mortality. Note that the definition of b assumes that number of births in time t, t + dt = bN,dt. We have to make a distinction between egg laying and hatching. In developing the formulae we assume that the eggs are car- 692 JULY 1974, V. 19(4) Notes ried by the parental female till hatching at which time free swimming progeny are liberated. Eggs are therefore subject to the same mortality rate as adults. The birth rate refers to the rate of hatching although eggs are layed (i.e. deposited in the egg pouch of the female) some time before that. We denote I = instantaneous rate of laying eggs, D = fixed duration of development of eggs, and Ct = total number of eggs counted at time t. If we have a measure of the population at two times, tl and t2, r is obtained from r= t1- t2 * ct = The integration (summation) need be taken only from t - D to t as any egg laid before t - D would have hatched at time t. The terms in the brackets in the above may now be evaluated t’ No. of e gs laid at an ear i:ier time from t’ to + dt’ > 1 - e-b0 ct = lNt------* b In other words No. of eggs/animal D = No@ t’ t’ dt’ from the assumption rate, it follows that &I, of constant ( t’ t e-d(t-t’) Survival from to = 1 . Ct NtD 1 =bD(l -e-bD). (5) If bD is small, say less than 0.3, the term (1 - e-bD)/bD can be approximated by 1 bD/2 with relative error less than 2%, i.e. Ct/NtD w Z(1- bD/2). (6) The relationship between the rate of laying eggs, I, and the instantaneous birth rate, or, which is the same in our terminology, the instantaneous rate of hatching, b, is derived as follows ( No. hatching at time t, t + dt ) = bNtdt = (No. laid at time t - D, t + dt - D) x (Survival rate) = (ZNtdodt) (e-dD), giving b z le-bD or -Substituting 1 = bebD. (7) I from equation 7 to 5, we get -=ct NtD = N te -r(t-t’) No. of e gs laid = lNtg-r(f-t’) at an ear kier time to + from > =- or and hence Hence Or t-De-b(t-t’) dt’. b = le-dDNt-D/Nt = IN,< dt’, where t’ refers to some time before t, t D < t’ < t, and dt’ to a small time interval. From the assumption of constant rate of growth, it follows that Ntt may be written as Similarly mortality = lNt In Ntl - In Ntz The r above may be positive, negative, or zero. To determine b and d in r = b - d, we assume that Ct, number of eggs, has been counted for a sample of known size. This sample size, for shortness, we also denote by N,. We get Nt, t t-D &f Ct =IN, ste-r(t-t’)es 693 bebD 1- e-bD --mebD- 1 =-. D Again if bD is small, say, less than 0.3, we can approximate the above by writing ebD = 1 + bD + %(bD)2, giving Ct/NtD - b[l+ ?‘z(bD)]. (9) Comparing this with equation 6 we note that the egg ratio per development time Notes 694 Table 1. Comparison of different estimates of the instantaneous birth rates when the egg ratio G/N, = 1. Development time D 0.5 1 2 t 5 10 Instantaneous Equation 11 birth rate Equation 1.100 0.693 0.406 0.288 0.223 0.182 0.095 10 1.386 0.693 0.346 0.231 0.173 0.139 0.069 underestimates 1, the instantaneous rate of laying eggs, about g ( bD ) ( 100) % and overestimates b, the instantaneous rate of birth, by about the same amount. The exact solution is obtained from equation 8 as Zn [ (Ct/Nt) + 11/D = b. (10) Algebraically, this is equivalent to equation 4 quoted earlier. It is, I believe, the correct formula for estimating instantaneous birth rate, b, from egg counts Ct or egg ratios Ct/Nt. It is the same as equation 13 in Edmondson (1968). Equation 10 is compared with that given by Edmondson ( 1960, 1971)) in our terminology, as In [ ( Ct/Nt D) + l] = b. (11) The finite birth rate, p, is defined as the number of births in t, t + 1 divided by N(t). It is readily calculated from Leslie’s formula, equation 3, once the instantaneous birth rate, b, and the intrinsic rate of growth, r, are known. We note that p depends on r although the instantaneous birth rate can in fact be calculated without knowledge of the growth rate, r. The values of the instantaneous birth rate given by Edmondson’s formula, equation 11 and by the corrected formula, equation 10 are compared in Table 1. The Ct/ Nt ratio has been kept at 1. In general the formula given by Edmondson underestimates the value of the instantaneous birth rate when D < 1 and overestimates it when D > 1 irrespective of the value of the egg ratio. The magnitude of the bias will however depend both on D and Ct/Nt when D # 1. In Table 1 the differences range from 0 to 38% for the range of values of D. When equations 10 and 11 are applied to data given by Wright ( 1965: table 1), the discrepancies between the calculated instantaneous rates range from 0 to about 44%, with equation 11 always underestimating the instantaneous birth rate. Strictly speaking equation 10 applies only when the assumptions made in the derivation are valid. The main assumption was that the steady state situation prevails. In practice no doubt the formulae would be applied mostly to nonsteady states when the temperature and hence the development time and perhaps other parameters as well are changing. How this will bias the results I do not know. These formulae may also be applied to species which bear their young, such as humans or other mammals. In this case, the egg ratio has to be replaced by pregnancy rate per capita and not by pregnancy among the mature females. Jyri E. Paloheimo Department of Zoology and Institute of Applied Statistics University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario M5S 1Al References CASWELL, H. 1972. On instantaneous and finite birth rates. Limnol. Oceanogr, 17: 787-791. EDMONDSON, W. T. 1960. Reproductive rates of rotifers in natural populations. Mem. 1st. Ital. Idrobiol. 12 : 21-77. -. 1968. A graphical model for evaluating the use of the egg ratio for measuring birth and death rates. Oecologia 1: l-37, 1971. Reproductive rate determined indi;ectly from egg ratio, p. 165-166. In W. T. Edmondson and G. G. Winberg [eds.], Secondary productivity in fresh waters. IBP Handbook 17. Blackwell. LESLIE, P. H. 1948. Some further notes on the use of matrices in population mathematics. Biometrika 35 : 213-245. WRIGHT, J. C. 1965. The population dynamics and production of Daphnia in Canyon Ferry ResMontana. Limnol. Oceanogr. 10 : ervoir, 583-590. Submitted: 12 March 1973 Accepted: 15 February 1974