Physics 2402 Department of Physics and Geology Series and parallel circuits Purpose: To understand the two basic ways of combining resistors to circuits. Materials: Frederiksen Power Supply 0-24V AC/DC 3630.00 Extech Instruments AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 Pasco EM-8656 AC/DC Electronics Laboratory One Red connecting wires One Blue/Black connecting wire One packaged of assorted wires Assorted resistors 10Ω, 22Ω, 68Ω, 91Ω, 100Ω, 130Ω, 150Ω , and 1000Ω Part 1: Series Circuits Theory: Four resistors are said to be connected in series when they are wired as shown below: In a series circuit the same current flows through each resistor but the voltage across each resistor is different. Each resistor produces a voltage drop, the size of which is given by Ohm's law V=IR The sum of all the voltage drops in a circuit is equal to the voltage drop across an equivalent circuit in which all the resistors are replaced by an equivalent resistance. VTotal =IReq where Req =R1+R2+R3 In this lab we will experimentally measure the voltage drop across one or more resistors using a multi-meter. This value will then be compared with the value obtained from Ohm's Law. Experimental Procedure: 1) Plug the Frederiksen Power Supply 0-24V AC/DC 3630.00 the wall socket using universal power cable. DO NOT TURN ON DEVICES 2) Connect a red wire to the (+DC) port on the Frederiksen Power Supply 0-24V AC/DC 3630.00 to the Pasco EM-8656 AC/DC Electronics Laboratory terminal. 3) Connect a blue/black wire to the (-DC) port on the Frederiksen Power Supply 0-24V AC/DC 3630.00 to the Pasco EM-8656 AC/DC Electronics Laboratory terminal. 4) Select 4 (four) resistors from the bin 5) Sort the 4(resistors) in order with least resistance first and greatest resistance last from the color code table and record into table 1. 6) Plug red probe into red socket labeled (V Hz) on Extech Instruments AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 7) Plug black probe into black socket labeled (COM) on Extech Instruments AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 8) Turn knob on Extech Instruments AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 to the function. 9) Use Extech Instruments AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 to confirm the color code resistance by placing the black and red probe on the ends of each resistor. 10) Record results into Table 1 11) Turn on Frederiksen Power Supply 0-24V AC/DC 3630.00 12) On the DC side of the Frederiksen Power Supply 0-24V AC/DC 3630.00; set voltage to 3V 13) Turn off Frederiksen Power Supply 0-24V AC/DC 3630.00 when voltage is set 14) Turn knob on Extech Instruments AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 to the function 15) Use Extech Instruments AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 by placing the red probe in a coil that is attached to the red wire from the Frederiksen Power Supply 0-24V AC/DC 3630.00, place the black probe in a coil that is attached to the blue/black wire from the Frederiksen Power Supply 0-24V AC/DC 3630.00. 16) Record the result of the voltage and use this value for theoretical voltage 17) Place Least resistance resistor in series onto Pasco EM-8656 AC/DC Electronics Laboratory. 18) Turn the knob on the Extech Instruments AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 to the 4A with a dashed line under a solid line 19) Clamp the blue/black line 20) Press the ZERO button on the Extech Instruments AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 21) Turn on Frederiksen Power Supply 0-24V AC/DC 3630.00 that is set to 3V. 22) Record the reading from the Extech Instruments AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 in the EXPERIEMENTAL CURRENT. 23) Use the probes on the Extech Instruments AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 that is set to the function. Touch the probe ends to each end of the resistor. 24) Record the amperage from the Frederiksen Power Supply 0-24V AC/DC 3630.00 in Table 2. Use this for your theoretical amperage. Revised January 2012 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) Record the voltage across the resistor into Table 2. Use the measured resistance as the actual resistance. R theoretical is the color coded value Calculate the theoretical voltage and theoretical amperage. Calculate the % error of both experimental and theoretical. Repeat steps 17-29 adding a new resistor to the existing resistor until all 4 resistors are placed in series. Table 1. Resistor values Resistance ( )Extech Instruments Color Code Resistance ( ) color code R1 R2 R3 R4 Table 2. One resistor case Experimental I=______A Experimental Voltage (V) V1= V1= Resistor ( ) R1 color code= R1 measured= AC/DC Clamp Meter 380950 Theoretical I=_______A Theoretical Voltage (V=IR) VT= VT= =________ RTheoretical = R1 =________ %errorexp = =_____ %error theoretical = Table 3. Two resistor case Experimental I=_______A Experimental Voltage (V) V1= V2= V1= V2= Resistor ( ) R1color code= R2color code= R1measured= R2measrued= Vtotal = V1+V2=______V =_________ RTheoretical = R1+R2 =________ Revised January 2012 =_____ Theoretical I=_________A Theoretical Voltage (V=IR) VT= VT= VT= VT= %errorexp = =_______ Table 4. Three resistor case Experimental %error theoretical = I=____________A Experimental Voltage (V) V1= V2= V3= V1= V2= V3= Resistor ( ) R1color code= R2color code= R3color code= R1measrued= R2measured= R3measured= =_________ Theoretical I=____________A Theoretical Voltage (V=IR) VT= VT= VT= VT= VT= VT= Vtotal = V1+V2+V3=______V =_______ RTheoretical = R1+R2+R3 =_______ %errorexp = =________ Table 5. Four resistor case Experimental %error theoretical = I=________A Experimental Voltage Drop (V) V1= V2= V3= V4= V1= V2= V3= V4= Resistor ( ) R1color code= R2 color code = R3 color code = R4 color code = R1measured= R2 measured = R3measured = R4 measured = =________ Theoretical I=__________A Theoretical Voltage Drop (V=IR) VT= VT= VT= VT= VT= VT= VT= VT= V total = V1+V2+V3+V4=________V =______ R Theoretical = R1+ R2+R3+R4 =______ %error exp = Revised January 2012 =________ %error theoretical = =_________ Part 2: Parallel Circuits Theory: In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each branch of the circuit is the same as the total voltage across the circuit. For this simple circuit, the amount of current in each branch is given by Ohm's law: V=IR Therefore The sum of the currents through all the branches in this circuit is equal to the total current through an equivalent circuit in which all the resistors are replaced by an equivalent resistance, Vtotal =ItotalRtotal where Itotal= I1+I2+I3+I4 from above and and Vtotal = V because, as stated above, the voltage across each branch is the same as the total. In this lab we will measure the total current and voltage in a parallel circuit and use them to compute the equivalent resistance of the circuit. We will then compare this to the theoretical value of the equivalent resistance. Revised January 2012 Experimental Procedure: 1) Following the same procedures as in PART 1 2) Start with the two least resistant resistors and place them in parallel on the Pasco EM-8656 AC/DC Electronics Laboratory as shown above. 3) Follow steps 18-29 in Part 1, use measured results of resistors. Table 6. Two Resistor Case Resistor (Ω) R1= R2= Experiment Voltage (V) V1= V2= *compute theoretical values from for each resistor. Vtotal= ______________ V from direct measurement Itotal =_______________A from direct measurement Itotal =________________A by adding currents I1 and I2 =________________ =______________ % error in Rtotal= _______________ Revised January 2012 from direct measurements calculated Theory* Current (A) I1 = I2 = Table 7. Three Resistor Case Experiment Voltage (V) V1= V2= V3= Resistor () R1= R2= R3= *compute theoretical values from Theory* Current (A) I1 = I2 = I3 = for each resistor. Vtotal= _______________ V from direct measurement Itotal =________________A from direct measurement Itotal =________________A by adding currents I1, I2 and I3 =________________ from direct measurements =______________ calculated % error in Rtotal= _______________ Table 8. Four Resistor Case Experiment Voltage (V) V1= V2= V3= V4= Resistor () R1= R2= R3= R4= *compute theoretical values from for each resistor. Vtotal= _______________ V from direct measurement Itotal =________________A from direct measurement Itotal =________________A by adding currents I1, I2, I3 and I4 =________________ from direct measurements =______________ % error in Rtotal= _________ Revised January 2012 calculated Theory* Current (A) I1 = I2 = I3 = I4 = Questions: 1) If voltage is energy. What happens to the energy when there is a voltage differential across a resistor? 2) How do you account for the difference between the %error experimental and %error theoretical? Why is this important? 3) What is the purpose of the color code system of resistors? Labeling Resistors Printed on each resistor are four colored bands which contain the information on the resistance. The first band (the one closest to the end) gives the first digit, the second band tells the second digit and the third band gives the factor often these numbers must be multiplied by. The fourth band provides information about the accuracy of the resistor and will not be used in this lab. In the example below a resistor has the band red, yellow, red and brown. By using the table below we see that the value of this resistor is 2400 . R 2 Y R 4 10 B 2 0 24x102 = 2400Ω Color Revised January 2012 Number Multiplier Black 0 1 Brown 1 101 Red 2 102 Orange 3 103 Yellow 4 104 Green 5 105 Blue 6 106 Violet 7 107 Grey 8 108 White 9 109 Gold 10-1 Silver 10-2