Attendance Reminder Academic Updates Clemson Football Schedule

Bridge to Clemson Newsletter
September 2015 Edition
Academic Updates
Come meet Clemson Advisors and learn more about your
academic major.
When: Monday, September 21 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Where: Activity Room at the Student Success Center at
FREE Chick-fil-a will be provided!
Drop-In Advising:
12:30pm-2:30pm @TCTC in 253 Ruby Hicks
4:00pm– 6:00pm @Bridge SSC
4:00pm-6:00pm @Bridge SSC
12:30pm– 2:30pm @TCTC in 253 Ruby Hicks
No appointment needed.
Attendance Reminder
According to the Tri-County Technical College (TCTC)
Policies and Procedures, the attendance policy states
the maximum number of allowable absences equals
the number of times that the class meets in a
consecutive two-week period.
after a student exceeds the maximum allowable
absences, the instructor must drop the student from
the class.
So, pay attention to the attendance requirements in each
course syllabus. Specific department or course
attendance requirements may be more specific than the
institutional policy.
Attending class is a significant part of college success.
Remain actively present and engaged in your classes. We
want to “CU” at Clemson next year. By putting in the time
and effort now (including attending classes), you set
yourself up for success during your Bridge year, at
Clemson, and beyond.
Clemson Football Schedule
Clemson vs. Notre Dame
Clemson vs. Georgia Tech
Clemson vs. Boston College
Clemson vs. Miami, Florida
Clemson vs. Florida State
Clemson vs. Syracuse
Clemson vs. Wake Forrest
Mandatory Aspire Workshop
Aspire workshop sessions are currently being held at the
Student Success Center at Highpointe. Attending an
Aspire workshop is a required activity.
Check your Clemson email messages for more details.
Having difficulties with logging in to the sign up for a
workshop? Email Chloe Green, Assistant Director, at
To register for a session, go to http://
Mandatory Bridge Meetings
September 28 6 pm @ Bridge SSC (AAH, HEHD, SoE)
September 29 6 pm @ Bridge SSC (CAFLS)
September 30 1:30pm @ Marshall Parker Auditorium
(All majors)
6 pm @Marshall Parker Auditorium
October 1
6 pm @ Marshall Parker Auditorium
TCTC Academic Calendar
TCTC Advising Begins- October 5
Fall Break– October 12-13
Registration Begins—October 16
Last day to Withdraw (Session A)- October 19
TCTC Final Exams– December 1-8
Clemson Advisors Drop-In Advising
Clemson Advisors are coming to TCTC and
Highpointe Monday (9/21)-Wednesday (9/30).
Check your email for the specific times and dates
your college will be represented.
Don’t Spread Yourself
Too Thin
Impress Your Professor
Don’t Stress the Test
Money on My Mind
Learn How to Learn
Talk the Talk
(public speaking/class presentations)
I have a MAJOR problem
Countdown to Finals/ Workshop Wrap-UP
Be Brilliant Workshops are held at Highpointe in the
Student Success Center, room 112, at 6pm. Free food
offered available at all workshops.
Don’t forget about the academic success resources
available to you throughout the fall semester. Some of
these services include:
Academic coaching and peer mentoring offered by
upper-class Clemson students
2. Supplemental instruction review sessions for
accounting, biology, chemistry, and math at the
Bridge Student Success Center at Highpointe and on
Tri-Country’s campus
3. Tutoring and writing assistance at Tri-County’s
Tutoring Center
4. Tutoring and academic success workshops at
Clemson’s Academic Success Center
Be Brilliant workshops at the Bridge Student Success
Center at Highpointe
More information about these resources can be found in
the 2015-2016 Bridge student handbook.
Get Connected
Transit Service
OrgSync is an online portal connecting Clemson and
Bridge Students to Clemson Clubs and Organizations.
Follow these steps to begin your search!
Step 1:
Create your personal account by going to
Select “OrgSync@Clemson”
Login with your Clemson ID number
(example: C12345678) and your password
Step 2:
Transit service is provided Monday-Friday from
Highpointe to Tri-County and Clemson. The Transit
schedule is posted at
Complete your profile
Select “Join an Org”
Browse organization to join
A Tri-County Parking Permit can be purchased at the
Tri-County Bookstore and then picked up in the Campus
Security office in 138 Pickens Hall.
If you wish to purchase a Clemson parking permit, please
Meal Plans
Still interested in a Meal Plan?
Visit the TigerOne card office in person to establish and
pay for a meal plan. Make sure you state you are a Bridge
student at the time of purchase.
Remember: Meal plans cannot be cancelled due to lack of
convenience or failure to eat all of one’s meals.
More detailed information about mean plan options can be
found at
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is offered
Monday-Thursday at both Highpointe and the TCTC
campus. The schedule is subject to change week to week.
Look for a weekly email regarding the schedule.
You can also stay updated on news regarding SI through
social media.
TCTC Supplemental Instruction
Questions? Contact Gretchen Waugaman at
Not interested in a Meal Plan?
Use your Tiger Stripe account!
To open a Tiger Stripe account, visit the TigerOne office
and pay with cash, check, money order, traveler’s check,
MasterCard, Visa, or Discover, or call the TigerOne card
office and provide a credit card number.
Subsequent deposits into a TigerStripe account can be
made electronically. Please visit http://
tigerone/ for more information on opening a TigerStripe
The Bridge Leadership Council (BLC) is a leadership
group made up of current Bridge Students. All
students are welcome!
BLC holds student events and sponsors a community
service project to support a local non-profit
organization, Helping Hands.
Want more information? Check out the Bridge
Leadership Council button on the Bridge to Clemson
Questions? Email Joey Calvillo,
Follow Us:
Bridge Kayaking Trip, September 2015
Jess is a first year Master’s student in
the Counselor Education and Student
Affairs program. Jess is a resident
director for the Bridge Program. She is
most excited about getting to work with
a different group of students. At her previous institution
she worked primarily with upperclassmen, and she is
excited to work with first-year students. If she could be
any animal, she would be a dolphin because dolphins are
strong, free-spirited, and loving. She feels that dolphins
match her sense of adventure, but she is jealous of their
ability to travel the world freely.
jared is a Ph.D. student in the
Educational Leadership Program at
Clemson. When asked to describe his
position in the Bridge Program, he says,
“I work with the SI Leaders at Tri-County
to help make dreams come true.” Making dreams come
true is his favorite part of the position. If jared could be
any animal, he would be a liger.
Abbie is also a first year Master’s student
in the Counselor Education and Student
Affairs program. Like Jess, she is a
Resident Director in the Bridge
Program, supervising the Resident
Assistants in buildings 1-6. What Abbie loves most about
the Bridge Program is being in a place where she can learn
something new about herself everyday and also help
others learn about themselves as well. If Abbie could be
any animal, she would be a llama because a Buzzfeed
article told her that her spirit animal is a llama.
Stacy is a first year Master’s student in
the Counselor Education and Student
Affairs program at Clemson. Stacy does a
lot of the administrative tasks behind the
scenes to make sure our program is
running smoothly, as well as acting a mentor to the SI
leaders to prepare them to assist students in their
courses. What she loves about the Bridge Program is that
it is a structured transfer program. As a transfer student
herself in undergrad, she wishes she had a program like
this. If Stacy could be any animal, she would choose an
elephant found on a safari because elephants represent
leadership and strength which are important values she
Joey is a second year Master’s student in
the Counselor Education and Student
Affairs program. Joey is also a Resident
Director for the Bridge Program. The
most exciting part of his job is supervising the Resident
Assistants because he likes the unique opportunity to
watch, and have a hand in, the development from their
first days in training, all the way through the end of the
year. When asked what animal Joey would be, he
responded, “Humans are animals…”