EIS Software Package Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy May, 2015 Designing the Solution for Electrochemistry Potentiostat/Galvanostat І Battery Cycler І Fuel Cell Test Station +82-2-578-6516 І sales@wonatech.com www.wonatech.com І www.zivelab.com І www.fctest.com EIS Software • Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy(EIS) can be done with following two options - EIS software package : Supports an internal potentiostat/galvanostat or an external booster(ZB series). 14 EIS techniques available Technique h menu or sequence editor d available l bl Supplied with the system as standard. - FRA function : S Supports an externall electronic l i load l d or an externall potentiostat/galvanostat. i / l 6 EIS techniques in sequence editor available Can be used with WonATech fuel cell test system • EIS S/W includes control functions in sequence editor and technique menu. • FRA S/W includes control functions in sequence editor. EIS software package is for SP2(5),MP2(5), and BP2 series. EISe software package is for SP1, MP1, and PP1e. EIS Software • EIS software package consists of • FRA function consists of - Potentiostatic EIS (PEIS) - PEIS - Galvanostatic EIS (PEIS) - GEIS - Open circuit potential EIS (OCPEIS) - Potentiostatic HFR - Psuedo Galvanostatic EIS - Galvanostatic HFR - Potentiodynamic PEIS - Pstatic Multisine - Galvanodynamic PEIS - Gstatic Multisine - Potentiostatic HFR - Galvanostatic HFR - Potentiodynamic HFR - Galvanodynamic HFR - Multisine PEIS - Multisine GEIS - Intermittent GEIS - Intermittent PEIS • FRA function needs a FRA cable. Strong Points in ZIVE EIS (Software) Automatic current ranging, voltage ranging during EIS measurement Automatic filter/control speed changing per frequency Cycling measurement available Various techniques (14 techniques) Sequence testing with other technique Potentiodynamic/Galvanodynamic available Synchronized measurement of auxiliary signals (Temperature, AuxV1, AuxV2, AuxV3) Various EIS graph format selectable Real time parameter monitoring Independent EIS data analysis software (ZMANTM) Two realtime plot selectable - Lissajous(I vs. E) real-time display at each frequency - sine wave real time plot (I & E) Simultaneous plots for 3 EIS graph formats - Nyquist - Bode |Z| - Bode phase Multichannel EIS real time plot available Intermittent Techniques are available Measurement Time • Single sine mode (PEIS) 10kHz to 10mHz (6 point per decade) “B” company product: 20min 38sec ZIVELAB fast mode: 10min 19sec ZIVELAB normal mode: 10min 19sec ZIVELAB stable mode: 10min 38sec •Fast, normal, and stable mode will be effective for high frequency EIS measurement. Measurement Time Per Mode • Single sine mode (PEIS) per mode 1MHz to 10Hz (30 points per decade: total 151 points) ZIVELAB fast mode: 1min 41sec ZIVELAB normal mode: 2min 04sec ZIVELAB stable mode: 5min 26sec Comparison Between Mode Measurement Time • Multi sine mode (PEIS) 10kHz to 10mHz “B” company: <1Hz multisine 5min 22sec >100Hz single sine <100Hz multisine (10 point/decade) ZIVELAB fast mode: 3min 32sec ZIVELAB normal mode: 3min 38sec ZIVELAB stable mode: 3min 41sec >1Hz single sine <1Hz multisine (10 point/decade) ZIVELAB fast mode: 3min 42sec ZIVELAB normal mode: 3min 54sec ZIVELAB stable mode: 3min 57sec PC Independent Operation • Using 350,000 data points internal memory and DSP/FPGA, system works even if PC connection failure • When PC recovered, stored data will transfer to PC automatically without stopping experiment Later … X Sequence Editor Control •Tree Cut-Off •Not availabe in EIS step Complex or user defined test can be scheduled by using sequence editor. EIS Control Functions in sequence editor Software package name EIS FRA EIS software package GSTAT Yes PSTAT Yes OCP Yes PSUEDO Yes HFR G Yes HFR P Yes GSTAT MULTISINE Yes PSTAT MULTISINE Yes FRA function GSTAT Yes PSTAT Y Yes HFR G Yes HFR P PSTAT MULTISINE GSTAT MULTISINE Yes Yes Yes EIS Techniques • EIS measurement speed selection (Fast, Normal, Stable) Log|Z|, phase vs time per measurement speed settng • Data D t averaging i number b setting tti d depending di on frequency f >100Hz <100Hz • Cycling number setting (Initial frequency frequency-> > high frequency frequency->low >low frequency frequency->high >high frequency ->… > • Frequency scanning mode selection (Linear /Log) • Frequency range setting (Initial->Middle->Final) • Single sine EIS & Multisine EIS combo mode • Data density setting per decade EIS Techniques Potentiostatic EIS Potentiostatic EIS is generally used for investigating electrochemical interface’s characteristics at fixed potential with small sine wave potential excitation. User can set bias potential vs. Eref or Eoc. EIS Techniques Galvanostatic EIS Galvanostatic EIS is used for low impedance sample test (e.g. high capacity battery, fuel cell, super capacito etc). capacitor, etc) This EIS technique applies fixed current with small sine wave current excitation. EIS Techniques OCP EIS OCP EIS is used for corrosion sample which Eoc is changed following time. This EIS technique will measure Eoc before EIS measurement per each frequency and applies Eoc potential as bias potential with small sine wave potential excitation. p User can set Eoc measurement time per each frequency. EIS Techniques Pseudo Galvanostatic EIS Pseudo P d galvanostatic l t ti EIS iis used d for f low l impedance sample but the impedance is changed higher for low frequency range. This EIS technique applies fixed current with small sine wave current excitation till it reaches the limit potential amplitude. From this frequency current amplitude will be decreased not to over limit potential amplitude. User can set limit potential amplitude. EIS Techniques Potentiodynamic PEIS • Potentiodynamic PEIS is series potentiostatic EIS measurement using staircase bias potential change. • Vdc and Idc at Bias potential step will be also recorded d d as d data. t • By using ZMANTM software, 3D plot, Mottschottky analysis and semiconductor CV analysis are available. EIS Techniques Galvanodynamic GEIS • Galvanodynamic GEIS is a series of galvanostatic EIS measurement using staircase bias current change. • Vdc and Idc at bias potential step will be also recorded d d as d data. t • By using ZMANTM software, 3D plot, Mottschottky analysis and semiconductor CV analysis are a a ab e available. EIS Techniques Intermittent PEIS • Instrument applies bias current(C-rate, current(C rate, Power, Load, CC-CV, CP-CV, CL-CV, Ipulse, etc.) or REST until it reaches intermittent limit condition and do PEIS. This will be done repeatedly by the end condition. • Main purpose of this technique is to measure PEIS per constant interval (for example, per constant charging capacity, per rest time etc.) • Vdc and Idc at bias potential step will be also recorded as data. • By using ZMANTM software, 3D plot analysis are available. il bl EIS Techniques Intermittent GEIS • Instrument applies bias current(C current(C-rate, rate Power Power, Load, CC-CV, CP-CV, CL-CV, Ipulse, etc.) or REST until it reaches intermittent limit condition and do GEIS. This will be done repeatedly by the end condition. condition • Main purpose of this technique is to measure GEIS per constant interval (for example, per constant charging capacity, per rest time, etc.) • Vdc and Idc at bias potential step will be also recorded as data. • By using ZMANTM software, 3D plot analysis are available. EIS Techniques Potentiostatic HFR Potentiostatic HFR is for monitoring impedance variation at fixed frequency. U User can sett bi bias potential t ti l vs. Eref E f or Eoc. E EIS Techniques Galvanostatic HFR Galvanostatic HFR is for monitoring the impedance variation at fixed frequency. EIS Techniques Potentiodynamic HFR Impedance measurement will be done under fixed frequency potential sine wave and bias potential will be changed by staircase from initial potential to final potential. User can set bias potential vs. Eref or Eoc. Vdc and Idc at bias potential step will be also recorded as data. Idc, |Z|,|Y| vs Vdc plot EIS Techniques Galvanodynamic HFR Impedance measurement will be done under fixed frequency current sine wave and bias current will be changed per every data point until bias current meets final current value. Vdc and Idc at bias current step will be also recorded as data. EIS Techniques (Multisine) Multisine reduces impedance measurement time. Single sine + Multisine combo mode available. Multisine waveform Multisine progress display Multisine Real time plot Single Sine /Multisine EIS techniques (Multisine) Potentiostatic Multisine This technique techniq e applies potential sine wave a e adding to bias potential and measures impedance by scanning frequency from SS start frequency to MS start frequency and applies complex potential wave and measures impedance by FFT analysis per each two decades from MS start frequency to final frequency. You can select potential value vs. vs reference potential or open circuit potential and amplitude. EIS techniques (Multisine) Galvanostatic Multisine This ttechnique Thi h i applies li currentt sine i wave adding to bias current and measures impedance by scanning frequency from SS start frequency to MS start frequency and applies li multiple lti l simultaneous i lt currentt sine i wave excitation and measures impedance by FFT analysis per each two decades from MS start frequency to final frequency. Amplitude value l is i rms value. l Control Types in Sequence Editor EIS Mode (EIS software) PEIS GEIS G S OCPEIS Psuedo GEIS Gstatic HFR Pstatic HFR G Multisine P Multisine FRA Mode (FRA function for external electronic load or external potentiostat) PEIS GEIS Gstatic HFR Pstatic HFR G Multisine P Multisine FRA Function FRA function is to control external electronic load or potentiostat for EIS measurement. FRA potentiostatic EIS FRA galvanostatic EIS FRA potentiostatic HFR FRA galvanostatic HFR G Multisine PM Multisine li i Advanced Parameter Setting Cell Information Safety y Setting g Mass(g) is used to calculate specific capacity. For safety operation, safety limit can be defined. C-rate. Capacity is used to calculate C rate. Current Voltage, Voltage Power, Power Temperature Current, Temperature, Aux1voltage FRA range setting for external electronic load etc Advanced Setting for Each Step User can change Average setting depending on frequency range for instable sample measurement. This setting will measure EIS several times per frequency and average EIS data following the above setting Batch File Function Batch file is for sequential operation with sequence file and/or technique file. Cycling(looping) available Editing available for each sequence file or technique file This function can do DC experiment and EIS experiment sequentially Control Menu Virtual Control Panel Single channel control/Status view Multichannel control/Status view Start Experiment Single channel menu Multichannel menu Automatic file name available User defined folder saving available User input parameters: Active area to calculate current density Real Time Graph Setting axis setting for sequence data axis setting for technique data Real Time Graph for Multichannel Single channel operation Multichannel operation Simple Monitor • For EIS test • For DC test Color • Grey: idle • Violet: charging • Blue: discharging • Green: EIS measurement • Yellow: calibration • Red: error (safety limit etc.) Highest layer location Data Files EIS data only : File(.seo)- EIS graph DC data and EIS data : File(.sde)- DC/EIS/Cycle graph ZMANTM software reads .seo and .sde file for EIS data analysis. Data Converting (Binary to Ascii or Excel format) Multiple data files conversion Data conversion from graph Conversion from report Advanced Graph Setting Graph Option EIS Graph Shortcut Shortcut icon Nyquist Plot Cursor display: Zreal, -Zimg, frequency Zoom up Excel convert Bode Plot Cancellation of uploaded data file Cursor display: frequency, |Z| or phase •Zoom up Data hidden function Admittance Plot Nyquist Admittance (Yim vs Yre) Bode Admittance (|Y|, Yph vs logf) Rs,Cs vs Logf Plot ZMANTM eis data analysis software shortcut Copy to clipboard Experiment parameter loading Rs,Cs,Rp,Cp vs Vdc Plot Data editor shortcut Idc,log|Z|,log|Y|vs Vdc Plot Black Nichols Plot Black impedance ( log|Z| vs Zph) Black admittance (Log|Y| vs Yph) EIS Graph Parameters • X axis: Log frequency(Freq),Z real (Zre), Y real(Yre), Zphase (Zph), Yphase(Yph), Rs(R-C), ( ), Cs(R-C), ( ), Rp(R|C), p( | ), Cp(R|C), p( | ), Rs(R-L), ( ), Ls(R-L), ( ), Q(R-L), Q( ), time,, voltage(Vdc), g ( ), current(Idc), temperature, auxiliary voltage(Aux1,2,3), frequency •Y axis: Zreal(Zre), -Zimaginary(-Zim), |Z|, Zphase(Zph), Yreal(Y’), Yimaginary(Yimg), Y absolute value(|Y|), value(|Y|) Yphase (Yph), (Yph) LogZ, LogZ LogY, LogY Rs(R-C), Rs(R C) Cs(R-C), Cs(R C) Rp(R|C), Rp(R|C) Cp(R|C), Rs(R-L), Ls(R-L), Q(R-L), time, voltage(Vdc), current(Idc), temperature, auxiliary voltage(Aux1,2,3) Report/Data Editing EIS data report Filtering Editing Data delete ZMANTM Software Refer to ZMANTM presentation • Model simulation and fitting • 2D- and 3D-Bode- and Nyquist plots • Automatic equivalent l circuit model d l search h ffunction • Project concept to handle multiple EIS data analysis • Parameter plot from fitted elements value Co pat ble with w t data format o at from o Zahner, a e , Ga Gamry, y, • Compatible Ametek etc. (License code is needed) • Parameter simulation of model • Genetic algorithm option for initial guessing • Automatic initial guessing • Trace movie function on fitting • Free for ZIVE’s data format(*.seo, *.wis) analysis (No license code required) • Circle fitting • Data editing available (insert, delete, edit) • Various weighting algorithm • Add/subtract element parameters • Model library and user model • C vs. voltage graph • KK plot d Z in i polar, l admittance, d itt Y iin P Polar, l modulus, d l M iin polar, l • IImpedance,Z dielectric constant, E in polar. data display • Batch fitting for project data • Impedance parameter simulation • Interpolate bad data • Black-Nichols plot • 3D graph setting option • Improved model editor • Application model library for automatic searching • Empty cell capacitance calculation • Data replacement by formula function • Model finding result automatic sorting by Chi square value • R, C R,L R, Q preview & graphic • ZHIT function • Mott-Schottky analysis • Donor density vs. Vfb graph ZMANTM Software Thank You !