Successful Transition The Key is Self Advocacy With Jennifer White Director, Able Opportunities, Inc. What do you think is the most common challenge for deaf, HOH and Deaf Blind students after high school? Self Advocacy I ask students to list examples of self advocacy... most of them can give an example of asking for clarification. But can not answer these questions: What is the ADA? Do you know how the ADA impacts the rights of a deaf person? Do you have information about community resources for the deaf, hard of hearing & deaf blind? Do you know how to book an interpreter? Do you have or know to develop a preferred interpreter list? Have you met or seen deaf, hard of hearing and deaf blind adults in the workplace? How do deaf people accommodate themselves in the workplace and/or college? Have you had any work experience? For pay? How do you manage your money? Have you taken any classes targeting vocational skills (both trade skills and job readiness)? Do you understand Social Security benefits? Have you connected with student disability services at the college you plan to attend? Do you see a clear plan in the IEP to help you transition into adult life? Are you in charge of your IEP? How do we get there? How did you learn to fend for yourself? Where did you learn this skill set? Models "I see it, so be it." "I am what I am." Environments must be rich in models. In his famous work on the subject, psychologist Erik Erikson notes: "Self concept is the rudimentary definition of self based on a collection of disconnected traits. The self concept relies on role models to suggest standards and preferences. Questions to guide IEP goals: • Name a time when you met role models; a successful deaf adult who uses oral strategies and a deaf adult who uses American Sign Language? • What did you notice about how they interact in the hearing world? • Give an example of a time when you missed something in school, what did you do? • What kind of technology accommodations are commonly used in school and work settings? At home and in the community? • How do your needs change in different environments, how do you adapt? • What do you do if you don’t understand someone in these different environments? IEP: Social / Emotional goals Language / Communication goals Evaluation of the relationship between language competence and social/emotional goals needs to be completed by a professional in the field of deafness. Environments: • Make books • Make movies • Create a clear voice! • Storytelling allows the development of individual perspective Berry Picking berry (twist back & forth on pinky) picking (just like picking) by Leona Sandlin’s Class Joe Kokrine, Ronald Buster, Trevor Ayunerak, Haley Moses, Christine Strongheart, Crystal Moses, Shantel Leopold, Jordon Phillip, Martin James, Fredrica Joseph, Calvin Kameroff We walk down the road... road (move hands out sides of road) we (draw scoop from one shoulder to other) walk (back and forth like feet stepping) go berry picking! why? pick berry (twist back & forth on pinky) ASL, American Sign Language, is the language of the deaf community all across America. This book shows ASL sentences, next to English sentences. Notice that the grammar is different. ASL often uses rhetorical questions. For example: ASL: Road we walk, why? Pick berries. English: We walk down the road to pick berries. You can research more about ASL and the Deaf community on websites like, or You can also google “American Sign Language” to find sites. Remember, it is vital to look to deaf elders and the Deaf community for information about deafness. It is challenging to capture a 3-dimensional language in a 2 dimensional book. When signs require movement, you will see 2 or more pictures connected together like this: good Changing or omitting the movement of a sign in ASL is like changing or omitting a letter of a word in English. You change the meaning of the sign or word. To learn more about making books like this one, contact Jennifer White at Able Opportunities, Inc. 206-406-9900 or Prepare to Normalize The Cycle: my parent, my teacher, my boss. Utilize supports that allow the employer to be the boss; right the relationship of the job coach! Use accommodations that allow someone to represent themselves. Video resumes / Visual Reporting Show Me the Money Lack of access to business model supports that include relationship to money and production for supported employees has consequences. Supervisors, often without confidence about accommodation needs, rely on coaches to monitor and set work goals for an individual with disAbilities. Employed individuals who do not manage their own funds often have no understanding that production equals earnings; that producing more provides more money, freedom and opportunity. Where does this leave us? Cheerleading. Relying solely on the social aspects of employment as motivation to work...leaving us repetitively teaching work ethics in terms of abstract value-based beliefs and concepts, rather than in concrete consequences. Trepp checks with his coach, saying "Money" to confirm he will be earning. Trepp uses the wA app & a money jig for concrete information about work expectations and earnings. Production data is tracked on the job and auto feeds to this table. The graph immediately shows production flow. Employees hand this to their supervisor directly, allowing concrete discussion of expectations & goals. A graph measuring earnings and lost wages is an option to provide concrete information about work choices. WORK AUTONOMY A PERSON-CENTERED ACCOMMODATION TOOL Now Available on iTunes Work Autonomy allows accommodation to some of the greatest barriers in the work place: communication with customers, co-workers and supervisors, tracking expectations, and understanding the relationship between production and earnings. Set colors, font, and sections to meet your accommodation needs. Capture video, photo, text, and/or voice for messages and a work schedule. Set work parameters with your boss, then… Play Messages Track Schedule Track Expectations Track Production Contact me anytime 206-406-9900 Link to a movie model on our website