February 2012 THE HILTON CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Teaching discretion when it comes to use of personal digital technology in schools For many years, the rule at Hilton High School to connect people around the globe and enhance word-protected social media tools are those that fall was “Off and Away During the Day” for all percommunication. Therefore, the Board of Education within the District's electronic technology network encourages the use of District approved social mesonal electronic devices [PED] including mobile or which the District has approved for educational dia tools and the exploration of new and emerging use. Within these internal forums, the District has phones, iPods, laptops, tablets and iPads, MP3s, technologies to supplement the range of communigreater authority and ability to protect minors from Droids, Netbooks, etc. All personal electronic cation and educational services. inappropriate content and can limit public access devices brought to school had to be stowed in For purposes of this Policy, the definition of public within these internal forums. The use of social backpacks, purses and pockets. social media networks or Social Networking Sites media [whether public or internal] can generally Today, the High School has taken an enlightened (SNS) are defined to include: Web sites, Web logs be defined as Official District Use, Professional/Inattitude toward the educational potential of digistructional Use and tal technology as it continues to evolve Personal Use. The Hilton HS Personal Electronic Device into smaller devices with Internet access, definitions, uses and mobile apps [applications] such as the Expectations for Students responsibilities will iPhone's calculator application as well be further defined as other ways to enhance and extend and differentiated in students' learning and communication Red Room the Administrative abilities. All personal devices put away; tech tools Regulation. Personal Following Policy 6460 "Acceptable Use provided by instructor use of these media of Social Media,” the High School School during District time Improvement Team talked in earnest about Yellow Room or on Districtlifting the cell phone ban and bringing perAll personal devices silenced unless directed owned equipment sonal electronic devices more correctly by teacher; other tech tools available is permitted as long into the educational program. as such use does Green Room “We recoginize that we live in a global Personal electronic devices are OK to support not interfere with society where technology is available for learning during instruction an employee’s job communicating and accessing informaduties. Privacy Rights: tion,” Principal Brian Bartalo said, “and Staff data, commuthat the responsible use of electronic How do high school students know when it is OK to use mobile devices? Each classroom at nications, and use of devices has a positive impact on student Hilton High School has a color poster of the signal light with a velcro-attached cell phone which is the District Comlearning. We have significantly reduced re- placed on Green, Red or Yellow as the situation requires. All students are permitted under school puter System [DCS] ferrals for discipline in this area and now regulation and HCSD Acceptable Use Policy 6460 on Social Media to use their cell phones, tablets are not private. The see students more and more using their and other electronic devices in “Free Use Zones” such as within cafeterias, foyers and common Superintendent may PEDs appropriately. ” areas of the building including hallways. “We are teaching both citizenship and discretion through access all such files The HCSD Policy on Social Media the respectful use of these devices,” Principal Brian Bartalo says. and communication, states: The District recognizes the value (blogs), wikis, social networks, online forums, virtual and may monitor staff use of the DCS without prior of teacher and professional staff inquiry, investigation worlds, and any other social media generally available notice to ensure system integrity and that users are and communication using new technology tools to to the school district community which do not fall complying with requirements of this policy and acenhance student learning experiences. The Diswithin the District's electronic technology network companying regulations. trict also is committed to teaching responsible and (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, blog For a link to HCSD Policies, visit safe use of these new technologies. Social media, sites, etc.). The definition of District approved passwww.hilton.k12.ny.us/board-education.htm including social networking sites have great potential