What Next for Learning in AI Planning? Terry Zimmerman & Subbarao Kambhampati Department of Computer Science & Engineering Arizona State University, Tempe AZ 85287 Email: {zim, rao}@asu.edu ASU CSE Technical Report: TR-01-004, June 2001D Abstract This paper reports on a comprehensive survey of research work related to machine learning as applied to AI planning over the past 15 years. Major research contributions are characterized broadly by learning method and then into descriptive subcategories. Survey results reveal learning techniques that have been extensively applied and a number that have received scant attention. We extend the survey analysis to suggest promising avenues for future research in learning based on both previous experience and current needs in the planning community. Keywords: planning, learning, inductive, analytical, survey 1 Introduction In the early to mid-90’s learning’s main role in AI planning was to make up for often debilitating weaknesses in the planners themselves. The general purpose planning systems of even a decade ago struggled to solve simple problems in the classical benchmark domains; Blocksworld problems of 10 blocks lay beyond their capabilities as did most logistics problems. The planners of the period generally employed only weak guidance in traversing their search spaces, so it is not surprising that augmenting the systems to learn some such guidance often proved effective. Relative to the largely naïve base planner the learning-enhanced systems demonstrated improvements in both the size of problems that could be addressed and the speed with which they could be solved. [Minton '89 Leckie,Zukerman '93 Veloso, Carbonell '93 Kambhampati, et al. '96] With the advent of several new genres of planning systems in the past 5 - 6 years the entire base performance level against which any learning-augmented system must compare has shifted dramatically. It’s arguably a more difficult proposition to accelerate a planner in this generation by outfitting it with some form of online learning, as the overhead cost incurred by the learning system can overwhelm the gains in search efficiency. This, in part may explain why the planning community has paid less attention to learning in recent years, at least as a tool to facilitate faster problem solving. Of course, possible planning community interest in learning is not (and should not be) limited to speedup benefits that might be achieved. As AI planning has advanced its reach to the point where it can cross the threshold from ‘toy’ problems to some interesting real-world applications a range of issues comes into focus, from dealing with incomplete and uncertain environments to developing an effective interface with human users. What then, are the most promising roles for learning in our current generation of planning systems? This paper comprises an overview of the role of machine learning in AI planning in the past, its status at present, and some of the as yet, largely unexplored research directions. D Expanded version of a paper presented at IC-AI 2001, Las Vegas, June 2001. Section 2 is an overview of the major machine learning algorithms and methods with a particular view as to their application in planning. Section 3 examines the extent to which the various machine learning techniques have been applied to AI planning problems in the past and summarizes their success to date. Section 4 focuses on areas where various machine learning techniques have not yet received significant attention in the planning applications in spite of apparent potential. We suggest a number of avenues for future research in this regard. 2 Types and Classification of Machine Learning Algorithms An unambiguous definition of “learning” is hard to come by –as is the case for many if not most abstract concepts. At the most general level learning can be seen as an increase or extension of the knowledge level of a system. If we view a computer program with learning capabilities as an agent, then we can say that learning takes place as a result of the interaction of the agent and the world, and from observation by the agent of its own decision-making processes. Planning is one of the decisionmaking processes that such an agent might do and we are concerned here with how learning might inform the planning process. A real-world problem for an AI planning system presents at least three opportunities for learning: 1. Learning before planning starts (offline) 2. Learning during the process of finding a valid plan (online) 3. Learning during execution of a plan Work in automatic extraction of domain-specific knowledge through domain analysis falls within the first approach. [e.g. Fox, Long ’98,’99, Gerevini, Schubert ‘98] Most other work on learning in planning falls in the 2nd category –learning conducted during the planning process itself. Planners capable of learning in this mode have been augmented with some means of observing their own decision-making process. They then take advantage of their experience during planning to expedite the further planning or to improve the quality of plans generated. As planning systems get applied to realworld problems that entail uncertainty, incomplete information, and the need to interact with humans, the 3rd type of learning is likely to come more into focus in the planning community. 2.1 The inductive / deductive partition The machine learning techniques themselves can be classified in a variety of ways, irrespective of which of the above 3 planning phases they might be used in. Perhaps two of the broadest traditional class distinctions that can be drawn are between so-called inductive methods and deductive or analytical methods. This paper will broadly partition machine learning techniques into these two categories before considering additional properties that can be used to characterize a given method. The inductive/deductive classification is drawn based on these two different formulations of the learning problem: • • Inductive learning: the learner is confronted with a hypothesis space H and a set of training examples D. The desired output is a hypothesis h from H that is consistent with these training examples. Analytical learning: the learner is confronted with the same hypothesis space and training examples as for inductive learning. However, the learner has an additional input: a domain theory B composed of background knowledge that can be used to help explain observed training examples. The desired output is a hypothesis h from H that is consistent with both the training examples D and the domain theory B. Analytical Technique Explanation Based Learning (EBL) Relevance Based Learning (RBL) Static Analysis Analogical Casebased reasoning Models Search control rules. Domain refinement Relevance of a set of features to the goal. Rule-based Existing problem/ domain invariants or structure. Similarity between current state and previously cataloged states Strengths Weaknesses Learner Bias Uses a domain theory – the available background knowledge. Can learn from a single training example. If-Then rules are generally intuitive (readable). Practical, widely used Reduces the hypothesis space that must be considered. Utilizes available background knowledge Performed “offline”, benefits available for all subsequent problems in domain. Requires a domain theory –incorrect domain theory can lead to incorrect deductions. Rule utility problem Largely determined by the input domain theory. (e.g Prolog-EBG bias is the domain theory + preference for small sets of max general Horn clauses) Heavily dependent on background knowledge Reflected in the measures chosen to assess relevance Rule utility problem Benefits vary greatly depending on domain. Varies greatly depending on designer Holds the potential for shortcutting much planning effort where ‘similar’ problem states arise frequently. Extendable to full analogy? Large space required as case library builds, Case-matching overhead, Revising old plan may be costly Reflected in the ‘similarity metrics’; attributes chosen to compare states Table 1 Characterization of the most common analytical learning techniques The primary types of analytical learning systems developed to date along with their relative strengths and weaknesses and an indication of their inductive biases are listed in Table 1. The major types of pure inductive learning systems are similarly described in Table 2. It is admitted that the various subcategories within these tables are not disjoint, nor do they nicely partition the entire class (inductive or analytical). The table subcategories then, represent the most common learning subclasses referred to in the literature. Inductive Technique Models Decision Tree learning Discrete-valued functions, classification problems Artificial Neural Networks Discrete, real, & vector-valued functions Reinforcement Learning Control policy to maximize rewards; fits the MDP setting Strengths Robust to noisy data, missing attribute values, Learns disjunctive clauses, If-then rules are easily representable for readability Practical, widely used. Robust to noisy & complex data, errors in data Domain theory not required, can model actions with non-deterministic outcomes, can learn optimal policy from nonoptimal training sets, facilitates life-long learning Weaknesses Inductive Bias Approximating realvalued, vectorvalued, functions. (essentially propositional) Varies, but in general shorter trees are preferred over larger trees. Long training times are common, learned target function is inscrutable Depends on a realvalued reward signal for each transition, Convergence can be slow, Space requirements can be huge Difficult to characterize: roughly… smooth interpolation between data points. Difficult to characterize Bayesian Learning Probabilistic inference, hypothesis that make probabilistic predictions Readily combine prior knowledge with observed data, modifies hypothesis probability incrementally based on each training example. Require large initial probability sets, high computational cost to obtain Bayes optimal hypothesis Varies, -Minimum Description Length principle biases towards minimal hypothesis length plus minimal description length of data given the hypothesis. Table 2. Characterization of the most common inductive learning technique The four columns for each technique of Tables 1 & 2 are intended to give a sense of the degree to which the method may be effective when applied to a given learning problem; in our case, AI planning. Two columns summarize the relative strengths and weaknesses of each technique. The column headed ‘Models’ refers to the type of function or structure that the method was designed to represent or process. A method chosen to learn a particular function is not well suited if it’s either incapable of expressing the function or is inherently much more expressive than required. This choice of representation involves a crucial tradeoff. A very expressive representation that allows the target function to be represented as close as possible will also require more training data in order to choose among the alternative hypotheses it can represent. This characterization of a technique’s modeling is closely related to the learning system’s bias –the topic of the last column of Tables 1 & 2. All learning algorithms exhibit some sort of bias with respect to the hypotheses they prefer. A system that works with an entirely unbiased hypothesis space is completely unable to generalize beyond the observed examples. The importance of inductive bias is that it characterizes how the learner generalizes beyond the observed training data. The “best” inductive bias is problem and domain dependent: there is no universally effective inductive bias. For a deductive or analytical learner the bias is often characterized by the domain and problem specifications themselves as well as the type of rules the system is designed to learn. There are a variety of potentially useful concepts to learn in planning; search control rules based on choosing the next action, search control rules based on choosing the next state or plan, refining a domain theory or indeed learning the domain theory. It is possible to couch a planning learning problem such that any of these techniques might be favored based on their design intent, strengths, weaknesses and bias. 2.2 Combining Analysis and Induction The heart of the learning problem is how to successfully generalize from examples. Analytical learning leans on the learner’s background knowledge to analyze a given training instance so as to discern the relevant features. In many domains, such as the stock market, such complete and correct background knowledge is not available. In such cases inductive techniques that can discern regularities over many examples may prove useful. The motivation for adopting a multi-strategy approach is apparent given that analytical learning methods generate logically justified hypotheses while inductive methods generate statistically justified hypotheses. The logical justifications fall short when the prior knowledge is flawed while the statistical justifications are suspect when data is scarce or assumptions about distributions are questionable. Such “multi-strategy” learning systems are discussed in Section 2, where we will see that they have scarcely been studied with respect to planning. 3 Survey of Learning Method Applications with a Focus on Planning We report here the summary of a research literature survey to assess the degree to which the various learning techniques outlined in Tables 1 & 2 have been applied in a manner relevant to AI planning. Space considerations preclude an all-inclusive report, of course, but we sought to list significant studies and systems that are representative of the categories tabulated. 1 Table 3 deals with studies focused primarily on analytical learning in its various forms. Table 4 is concerned with inductive (or deductive) learning. Table 5 addresses studies and multi-strategy systems that aim at some combination of analytical and inductive techniques. (All studies/publications appearing in these tables are listed in full in the references section.) The table rows feature the major learning types outlined in Tables 1 & 2, occasionally further subdivided as indicated in the leftmost column. The 2nd column contains a listing of some of the more important non-planning studies/ implementations of the learning technique in the 1st column. These ‘General Applications’ were deemed particularly or possibly relevant to planning, and the list is, of course, highly abridged. The last 3 columns of each table indicate learning which techniques have be en applied in AI planning –subdivided into ‘state space’, ‘plan space’, and CSP/SAT planning. The state space category is further partitioned into ‘conjunctive’ and ‘disjunctive’ state space representations. 3.1 Survey Table Analysis Comparing the ‘General Applications’ column with the ‘Planning’ columns for each table provides a sense of which machine learning methods have been applied within the planning community. The tables reveal as much by what they don’t contain as by what they do. The analytical learning table (Table 3) logs the most entries for learning applications across the planning categories. But within this broad classification the EBL and static (domain) analysis subtypes have seen –and continue to see- most of the attention and application in planning for all types of planners, while scant attention has been paid to Relevance Based Learning (RBL) and general analogical learning. (Case-based reasoning has received some attention in planning as indicated in Table 3, but this is a fairly constrained sort of analogy.) Interestingly, perhaps the most active current work in analogical reasoning takes place in the sub-field of ‘AI and law’, due to the interest in comparing legal cases and assessing logical similarity. The inductive learning table (Table 4) indicates that while inductive logic programming (ILP) has been extensively applied as a learning tool for planners, other inductive techniques such as decision tree learning, neural networks, and bayesian learning, have seen few planning applications. This might be explained, in part, by the fact that classical planning at least comes with a significant domain theory that might lend itself to being exploited via one of the analytical techniques. However, the relative lack of work with decision trees or neural networks in learning search control still seems odd, given that there are some very well established and fast systems available for inducing DTs and training neural nets. Reinforcement learning (RL) belongs in a special category: its relationship to planning is via the policy that is the target of its search. This is a far more daunting task than generating a single valid plan for a given problem, so it’s not surprising that RL techniques cannot currently address the size and type of problems handled by state of the art planners. It represents a major interest area in the machine learning community, of course, and Table 4 can’t begin to reflect the extent of work conducted in this area. The multi-strategy table (Table 5) reveals that while there’s been some work in both AI in general and planning in this regard, they are not closely related. The work in planning systems incorporating hybrid 1 The major sources employed in the search included AAAI proceedings (1980 – 1999), IJCAI proceedings (’89,’91,’93,’95,’97,’99), AIPS proceedings (1994, ’96, ’98, ’00), Third International Conference on Multistrategy Learning, 1996, ICML proceedings (1991, ’94, ’96 – ’00), JAIR (1993 – Jan. 2001), Kluwer journals: AI Review (’96 – ’00), Machine Learning ( ’94 – Mar. 2001), Applied Intelligence ( ’95 – Mar. 2001 ), Artificial Intelligence and Law (’95 – Sep. 2000) learning has focused primarily on learning operators in uncertain environments and EBL/ILP combinations. The general AI column shows that the machine learning community’s multi-strategy learning work that appears most relevant to planning has focused primarily on refining incomplete or incorrect domain theory and incorporating prior knowledge in neural networks. ANALYTICAL LEARNING EBL Explanation Based Planning General Applications General prob. solving> ‘chunking’: Laird et al. ’87 SOAR Horn clause rules: Kedar-Cabelli ’87 Prolog-EBG Symbolic integration Mitchell, Keller, Kedar-Cabelli ’86 LEX2 State Space Disjunctive Conjunctive Minton ’89 PRODIGY Gratch, DeJong ’92 COMPOSER Borrajo, Veloso ’97 <see Multi-strategy> Bhatnagar ’94. FAILSAFE Permissive real world planning: Bennett, DeJong ‘96 GRASPER Interleaving planning & execution, robotics Zita Haigh,Veloso ’98 ROGUE [-PRODIGY] Kambhampati ’00 “Graphplan-EBL” Relevance based DecTree learning: Almuallim, Dietterich ’91 FOCUS Tadepalli, ’93 Relevance based nogood learning: Do, Kambhampati ’01 GP-CSP Kelleher, Cohn ’92 Etzioni ’93 STATIC Gerevini, Schubert ’98 DISCOPLAN Rintanen ‘00 Fox, Long ’98, ’99 STAN[-Graphplan] Nebel, Koehler, Dimopoulos ’97 RIFO Gerevini, Schubert ’96 Microdomain analogy maker: Hofstadter, Marshall ’93 ’96 COPYCAT Case-based (derivational analogy) Selman,Kautz ’99 BLACKBOX (solving with RELSAT) Learn plan rewrite rules: Ambite,Koblock,Minton 2000 PbR Static analysis (domain analysis) Analogical Kambhampati, et al. ’96 UCPOP-EBL CSP / SAT Nogood learning Do, Kambhampati ’01 GP-CSP [-Graphplan] Plan Rewrite RBL Relevance Based Plan Space Conceptual design Sycara, et al ’92 CADET Legal reasoning by analogy Ashley, Mclaren ’95 TRUTH-TELLER Ashley, Aleven ’97 CATO Kakuta, et al. ‘97 Veloso, Carbonell ’93 [-PRODIGY] Ihrig, Kambhampati ’96a [-SNLP] Learning cases at various abstraction levels: Bergmann, Wilke ’96 PARIS With EBL… Ihrig, Kambhampati’96b UCPOP-based Ihrig, Kambhampati’97 UCPOP-based User assist planning Avesani, et. al. 2000 CHARADE Table 3. Analytical learning applications and studies (Implemented system/program names capitalized or in double quotes, Underlying planners & subsystems appear in [- ] ) Planning INDUCTIVE LEARNING Propositional Decision Trees Real Valued Neural Network 1st-Order Logic ILP (Inductive Logic Programming) Bayesian Learning General Applications Conjunctive Concept learning: Hunt etal. ’66 CLS General DT learning: Quinlan, ’86 ID3 Quinlan, ’93 C4.5 Khardon, 97 L2ACT Reflex/Reactive Pomerleau, ‘93 ALVINN Horn-like clauses: Quinlan ’90 FOIL Muggleton, Feng ’90 GOLEM Lavrac, et al. 1991 LINUS Plan Space Disjunctive Learning operators for real world robotics, clustering: Schmill, et. al. ’00 [-TBA induction] Cohen, Singer ’99 SLIPPER Symbolic/NN comparison: Shavlik, Mooney, et al ‘91 Zimmerman ‘96 UCPOP-NN Leckie,Zukerman ’98 GRASSHOPPER [-PRODIGY] Zelle,Mooney ‘93 <see Multi-strategy> Reddy, Tadepalli ’98 ExEL Huang,Selman,Kautz ’00 <see Multi-strategy> Estlin,Mooney ‘96 <see Multi-strategy> Train Bayesian belief networks, unobserved variables: Dempster, et al. ’77 EM Text classification Lang ’95 “NewsWeeder” General Policies Reinforcement Learning (RL) State Space Sutton, ’88 TD[lambda] Watkins, ’89 “Q learning” Dearden, Friedman, Russel ’98 “Bayesian Q learning” With neural network for elevator scheduling: Crites, Barto ‘96 Action strategies: Khardon ‘99 Rivest’s decision list learning: Martin, Geffner ‘00 Dietterich, Flann ’95 <see Multi-strategy> Incremental dynamic prog: Sutton, ’91 DYNA Planning & execution: Garcia-Martinez, Borrajo ’00 LOPE Table 4. Inductive learning applications and studies (Implemented system/program names capitalized or in double quotes, Underlying planners & subsystems appear in [- ] ) CSP / SAT MULTI-STRATEGY LEARNING Analytical & Inductive Planning General Applications Incorp. symbolic knowledge in NNs: Shavlik, Towell ’89 KBANN Fu ’89 Learn Horn clause sets focused by domain theory Pazzani ’91 FOCL Refining domain theories using empirical data: Ourston, Mooney ’94 EITHER NN and fuzzy logic to implement analogy: Hollatz ’99 State Space Conjunctive Learning operators: Wang ‘86 Cohen, ’90 AxA-EBL Calistri-Yeh, Segre ’94 ALPS Borrajo, Veloso ’97 HAMLET [- PRODIGY] Plan Space CSP / SAT Disjunctive Multi-strategy: DeductiveInductive & Genetic Aler, Borrajo, Isasi ’98 EvoCK [-PRODIGY] Genetic, lazy RL, k-Nearest Neighbor Shepard, Salzberg ‘97 EBL & NN EBL & ILP EBL & RL Domain theory cast in neural network form: Mitchell, Thrun ’95 EBNN Zelle,Mooney ‘93 DOLPHIN [-FOIL. -PROLOG] Zelle,Mooney ‘93 DOLPHIN [-FOIL, -PROLOG] Huang,Selman,Kautz ’00 [-BLACKBOX /-FOIL] Estlin,Mooney ’96 SCOPE [-FOIL] Dietterich, Flann ’97 EBRL policies Table 5. Multi-strategy learning applications and studies EBL: Explanation Based Learning NN: Neural Network ILP: Inductive Logic Programming RL: Reinforcement Learning (Implemented system/program names capitalized, Underlying planners & subsystems appear in [- ]) 4 Where to for learning in AI planning? Where are the more needed and interesting opportunities for conducting learning in planning systems? We next suggest some likely possibilitie s in each of the 3 learning modes that were outlined in Section 1. 4.1 Offline learning before the onset of planning As mentioned in the introduction, the overhead cost of conducting learning ‘online’ during the course of solving a single problem is more likely to overshadow efficiency gains for the current generation of fast and efficient planners. This may help explain more recent interest in offline learning, such as domain analysis, which can be reused to advantage over a series of problems within a given domain. (See Table 3, ‘Static Analysis’ for references in this area.) There has been much enthusiasm in parts of the planning community for applying domain-specific knowledge to speed up a given planner [Bacchus, Kabanza ‘00, Kautz, Selman ’98]. This has been shown to greatly decrease planning time for a variety of domains and problems. One drawback of this approach is the burden it places on the user to handcode the domain knowledge ahead of time correctly and in a form usable by the particular pla nner. The possibilities for an assist from offline learning techniques here include a supervised variant whereby the user provides very high level domain knowledge in a format readily understandable by humans and the system learns to convert this to the correct formal constraint representation usable by a given target planning system. If the user is not to be burdened with learning the planner’s low-level language for knowledge representation, this might entail solving sample problems iteratively with combinations of these domain rules to determine both correctness and efficacy. 4.2 Learning during the planning process A learning aspect that has largely fallen out of favor in recent years is the compilation and retention of search guidance that can be used across different problems and perhaps even different domains. One of the earliest implementations of this took the form of learning search control rules (e.g. via EBL). It may be that the primary culprit leading to disenchantment with learning this inter-problem search control was the ‘utility problem’ that often arose when too many and/or relatively ineffective rules were learned. We suggest the following approaches directed at such search control that are worth investigating. 1. The cost of rule checkin g and matching in more recent systems that use grounded operators is much lower than for planning systems that handle uninstantiated variables. A planner such as Graphplan may learn a great number of nogoods during search on a given problem, but it retains no interproblem memory. It’s worth considering what might constitute effective inter-problem learning for such a system. 2. Some of the fastest current planners derive their strength from powerful search control knowledge in the form of heuristics. As such, considerable effort is spent seeking yet more effective guidance and tuning heuristics to particular problems and domains. Learning such heuristics (or refining existing heuristics) inductively during the planning process would seem to hold promise. Generally the heuristic values are calculated by a linear combination of weighted terms where the designer chooses both the terms and their weights in hopes of obtaining an equation that will be robust across a variety of problems and domains. The search trace (states visited) resulting from a problem solving episode can provide the negative and positive examples needed to train a neural network or learn a decision tree. Possible target functions: • • • • the term weights that are most likely to lead to an optimal solution for a given domain weights that will be most robust across many domains the attributes themselves that are most useful for classifying states a meta-level function that selects or modifies a search control heuristic based on the problem / domain Note that there is also the opportunity for multi-strategy learning here in that the user might provide background knowledge in the form of the base heuristic. 3. Learning systems that can reasonably relax the ‘soundness’ criterion for learned rules or search control guidance may move broadly towards a problem goal using ‘generally correct’ search control without incurring the cost of a large set of sound, exact and probably over-specific rules. An initial effort along this line in partial order planning (UCPOP+CFEBL) was reported in Kambhampati, ’99. 4. Perhaps the most ambitious approach to learning across problems would be to extend some of the work being done in analogical reasoning elsewhere in AI to the planning field. The intent here being to exploit ‘similarity’ between problems to speedup solution finding. Current ‘case-based reasoning’ implementations in planning are capable of recognizing only a narrow range of similarities between an archived partial plan and the current state the planner is working from. Such systems cannot apply knowledge learned in one logistics domain, for example, to another –even though a human would find it trivial to use what she has learned in solving a ROCKET problem to a FERRY problem. 4.3 Learning during execution of a plan Interest in systems that can learn in this mode is likely to grow as planning systems get ported into real world applications. Planning systems that successfully advance into the marketplace will need to interact frequently with human users in ways that have received scant attention in the lab. Planning systems as a lay user might view them could be charted in a two-dimensional space with the axes: 1. Degree of coverage of the issues confronted in a real-world problem. That is, the capability of the system to in some sense deals with all aspects of a problem without abstracting them away. 2. Degree of automation. That is, the extent to which the system automatically accounts for and reasons about the various possible issues without guidance by the human user. Figure 1 shows such a chart for present day planning systems. The ideal planner plotted on this chart would obviously lie in the top-right corner. It’s interesting to note that most users –aware that they can’t have it all- prefer a system that can in some sense handle most aspects of the real-world problem at the expense of full automation. Examples of non-planning systems that work well with human users include internet search engines and office software suites like Microsoft Office. And yet, most current-day planning systems abstract away large portions of the real-world problem in favor of fully automating what the planner can actually accomplish. In large practical planning environments, fully automated plan generation is neither feasible nor desirable because users wish to observe and control plan generation. Planning systems such as HICAP, IMPACT [Nau, et. al ’98] and ALPS [Calistri-Yeh, Segre ’94] have made inroads towards building an effective interface with their human users. No significant role for learning has been established yet for such systems, but possibilities include learning user preferences with respect to plan actions, intermediate states, and pathways. It’s likely that a planner functioning in the complexities of the real world will employ HTN processing. A worthy learning goal would be to learn to pick the task reduction schemas (HTN) without the user having to direct the process. A u t o m a t i o n IDEAL Most current planning systems Most current planning User’s priority A u t o m Coverage of real-world aspects Figure 1. Coverage vs. Coverage Automation of real-world tradeoff aspects in planning systems Figure 1. Coverage vs. Automation tradeoff in planning systems Given the human inclination to ‘have it their way’ it may be that the best way to tailor an interactive planner will be after the manner of the “programming by demonstration” systems that have recently received attention in the machine learning community [Lau, Domingos,Weld ‘00]. Such a system implemented on top of a planner might entail having the user create plans for several problems that the learning system would then parse to learn plan aspects peculiar to the particular user. Finally, AI domain refinement approaches as exemplified by systems like FOCL [Pazzani ’91] , EITHER [Ourston, Mooney ’94] and EBNN [Mitchell, Thrun ’95] could play an important role in enabling a planner to be effective in an environment with an incomplete domain theory and laced with uncertainty. References Aler, R. Borrajo, D., Isasi, P. 1998. Genetic Programming and Deductive-inductive Learning: a Multistrategy Approach. 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