International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 INVESTIGATION ON SINGLE PHASE MULTI LEVEL INVERTER WITH SERIES CONNECTION OF SUB MULTI LEVEL INVERTERS V.ARUN#1, B.SHANTHI#2, K.RAJA#3 #1 Department of EEE, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India. #2 Centralised Instrumentation and Service Laboratory, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India. #3 Department of EEE, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India. ABSTRACT This paper focuses on a new topology with a reversing-voltage component is proposed to improve the multilevel performance. This topology requires fewer components compared to conventional inverters and requires fewer carrier signals and gate drives. Unipolar Sine Pulse Width Modulating (USPWM) strategies using sine reference and 60 degree PWM reference with triangular carriers. It includes Phase Disposition (PD) strategy, Alternate Phase Opposition Disposition (APOD) strategy, Carrier Overlapping (CO) strategy and Variable Frequency (VF) strategy. The performance measures like Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), VRMS (fundamental), crest factor, form factor and distortion factor are evaluated for various modulation indices. Simulation is performed using MATLABSIMULINK. Key words: APOD, CO, PD,VF, PWM. INTRODUCTION Multilevel inverter have gained much attention in the area distribution and control due to its advantages in high power applications with low harmonics. Corzine et al [1] developed asymmetrical cascade multilevel converters With noninteger or dynamically changing dc Voltage. Varschavsky et al [2] proposed cascaded nine-level inverter for hybrid-series active power filter. Pereda and Dixon [3] introduced only one dc power source in asymmetric cascade multilevel inverter. Govindaraju and Baskaran[4] introduced efficient sequential switching hybrid-modulation techniques for cascaded multilevel inverters. Kevin in [5] analyzed pulsewidth-modulation methods for three-level neutral-point-clamped medium-voltage industrial drives. Cougo et al [6] proposed PD modulation control techniques for Three-Phase Parallel Multilevel Inverters. Kangarlu and Babaei[7] proposed Generalized Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Using Series Connection of Submultilevel Inverters. . Mariethoz[8] developed Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverters With Active Voltage Balance and Minimum Switching Losses. Hagiwara et al[4] developed start-up and low-speed operation of an Electric Motor Driven by a Modular Multilevel Cascade Inverte. Rajeevan et al [9] introduced Nine-Level Inverter Topology for Medium-Voltage Induction Motor Drive With Open-End Stator Winding. . Hagiwara et al[10] R S. Publication, Page 511 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 developed start-up and low-speed operation of an Electric Motor Driven by a Modular Multilevel Cascade Inverter. This paper presents a single phase binary DC source 15 level inverter topology for investigation with various USPWM switching strategies. Simulations were performed using MATLAB-SIMULINK. Harmonic analysis and evaluation of different performance measures for various modulation indices have been carried out and presented. PROPOSED ASYMMETRICAL MULTILEVEL INVERTER The proposed new asymmetric cascaded multilevel inverter is shown in Figure 1. inverter consists of 3 sub multilevel inverter and H bridge. Conversion cell consists of separate voltage sources(V1,V2,V3) connected in cascade and two active switching elements that can make the output voltage in positive polarity with several levels.H bridge consists of four active switching element that can make the output voltage in positive or in negative polarity depending on the switching condition. By using Vdc,2Vdcand 4Vdc, it can synthesize 15 output levels;-7Vdc,6Vdc,-5Vdc, -4Vdc, -3Vdc, -2Vdc, -Vdc, 0, Vdc, 2Vdc, 3Vdc, 4Vdc,5Vdc,6Vdc,7Vdc. Expected output voltage level is given by Vn=2n+1-1,where n=1,2,4……. Fig 1: proposed multilevel inverter MULTI CARRIER BASED PWM METHODS In this proposed work a unipolar sine wave with a triangular carrier is used to generate firing pulses for a 15 level inverter. For an m-level inverter using unipolar multi-carrier Strategies, (m-1)/2 carriers with the same frequency fc and same peak-to-peak amplitude Ac are used. The reference waveform has amplitude Am and frequency fm and it is placed at the zero reference. The reference wave is continuously compared with each of the carrier signals. If the reference wave is more than a carrier signal, then the active devices corresponding to that carrier are switched on. Otherwise, the device switches off. There are many alternative strategies are possible, some of them are tried in this paper and they are: R S. Publication, Page 512 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 a. Phase disposition PWM strategy.(UPDPWM) b. Alternate phase opposition disposition PWM strategy.(UAPODPWM) c. Carrier overlapping PWM strategy.(UCOPWM) d. Variable frequency PWM strategy.(UVFPWM) The formulae to find the Amplitude of modulation indices are as follows: For PDPWM, APODPWM and VFPWM: ma= 2Am /( m-1)Ac ) For COPWM: ma =Am /(2*Ac) A. Unipolar Phase disposition PWM strategy In case of UPDPWM strategy, all the carrier waveforms are in phase. The carrier arrangement of sinusoidal references and 60 degree reference are illustrated in figures 2 and 3 respectively. Fig 2: Carrier arrangements for UPDPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference (ma = 0.9 and mf = 40) Fig 3:Carrier arrangements for UPDPWM strategy with 60 Degree PWM reference (ma = 0.9 and mf = 40) R S. Publication, Page 513 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 B. Unipolar Alternate phase opposition disposition PWM strategy In case of UAPOD PWM, every carrier waveform is in out of phase with its neighboring carrier by 180°. The carrier arrangement of sinusoidal references and 60 degree pwm reference are illustrated in figures 4 and 5 respectively. Fig 4: Carrier arrangements for UAPODPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference (ma = 0.9 and mf = 40) Fig. 5. Carrier arrangements for UAPODPWM strategy with 60 Degree PWM reference (ma = 0.9 and mf = 40) C. Unipolar Carrier overlapping PWM strategy In carrier overlapping technique, (m-1)/2 carriers are disposed such that the bands they occupy overlap each other; the overlapping vertical distance between each carrier is Ac/2. The carrier arrangement of sinusoidal references and 60 degree pwm reference are illustrated in figures 6 and 7 respectively. R S. Publication, Page 514 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 Fig 6: Carrier arrangements for UCOPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference (ma = 0.9 and mf = 40) Fig 7: Carrier arrangements for UCOPWM strategy with 60 Degree PWM reference (ma = 0.9 and mf = 40) D. Unipolar Variable frequency PWM strategy The number of switching for upper and lower devices of chosen MLI is much more than that of intermediate switches in PDPWM using constant frequency carriers. In order to equalize the number of switching for all the switches, variable frequency PWM strategy is used. The carrier arrangement of sinusoidal references and 60 degree pwm reference are illustrated in figures 8 and 9 respectively. Fig 8: Carrier arrangements for UVFPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference (ma = 0.9 and mf = 40) R S. Publication, Page 515 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 Fig 9: Carrier arrangements for UVFPWM strategy with 60 Degree PWM reference (ma = 0.9 and mf = 40) SIMULATION RESULT The single phase binary DC source 15 level inverter is modeled in SIMULINK using power system block set. Switching signals for binary multilevel inverter using USPWM strategies are simulated .Fig .10 (a) and (b) respectively shows the 15 level output voltage generated by UPDPWM strategies with sine sinusoidal reference and its FFT plot. Fig .11 (a) and (b) respectively shows the 15 level output voltage generated by UPDPWM strategies with 60 degree PWM reference and its FFT plot. Fig .12 (a) and (b) respectively shows the 15 level output voltage generated by UAPODPWM strategies with sine sinusoidal reference and its FFT plot. . Fig .13 (a) and (b) respectively shows the 15 level output voltage generated by UAPODPWM strategies with 60 degree PWM reference and its FFT plot.Fig .14 (a) and (b) respectively shows the 15 level output voltage generated by UCOPWM strategies with sinusoidal reference and its FFT plot. Fig .15 (a) and (b) respectively shows the 15 level output voltage generated by UCOPWM strategies with 60 degree PWM reference and its FFT plot. Fig .16 (a) and (b) respectively shows the 15 level output voltage generated by UVFPWM strategies with sine sinusoidal reference and its FFT plot. . Fig .17 (a) and (b) respectively shows the 15 level output voltage generated by UCOPWM strategies with 60 degree PWM reference and its FFT plot. Simulations were performed for different values of ma ranging from 0.8 to 1 and the corresponding %THD are measured using the FFT block and their values are shown in Table 1. Table 2 represents the VRMS of the inverter output voltage. Table 3 represents the crest factor of the output voltage. Table 4 and 5 represents the form factor and distortion factor of the output voltage. For ma= 0.9, it is observed that 10b 11b 12b 13b 14b 15b 16b 17b harmonic energy is dominant in:10b) 39th order in UPDPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference.11b) 7th,35th ,37th ,39th order in UPDPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference.12b) 39th order in UAPODPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference.13b) 5th,19th,39th, order in UAPODPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference.14b) 38th ,39th, order in UCOPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference.15b) 3rd ,5th,38th,39th order in UCOPWM strategy with degree PWM reference.16b) 19th,31st,33th,37th ,39th order in UVFPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference.17b) 3rd ,5th,17th,19th,39th,order in UVFPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference. The following parameter values are used for simulation: Vdc =21.5V, R (load) = 100 ohms, fc=2000 Hz and fm=50Hz. R S. Publication, Page 516 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 Fig 10(a): Output voltage generated by UPDPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference Fig 10 (b): FFT plot for output voltage of UPDPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference Fig 11 (a): Output voltage generated by UPDPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference Fig 11 (b): FFT plot for output voltage of UPDPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference R S. Publication, Page 517 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 Fig 12 (a): Output voltage generated by UAPODPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference Fig 12 (b): FFT plot for output voltage of UAPODPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference Fig 13 (a): Output voltage generated by UAPODPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference Fig 13 (b): FFT plot for output voltage of UAPODPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference R S. Publication, Page 518 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 Fig 14 (a): Output voltage generated by UCOPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference Fig 14 (b): FFT plot for output voltage of UCOPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference Fig 15 (a): Output voltage generated by UCOPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference Fig 15(b): FFT plot for output voltage of UCOPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference R S. Publication, Page 519 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 Fig 16 (a): Output voltage generated by UVFPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference Fig 16 (b): FFT plot for output voltage of UVFPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference Fig 17 (a): Output voltage generated by UVFPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference Fig 17 (b): FFT plot for output voltage of UVFPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference R S. Publication, Page 520 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 TABLE 1. %THD FOR DIFFERENT MODULATION INDICES Ma 1 0.95 0.9 UPDPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 8.62 8.47 8.56 11.09 8.29 11.41 UAPODPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 8.10 8.62 8.40 10.12 8.97 10.61 UCOPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 11.15 11.62 12.43 12.39 13.87 12.66 UVFPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 7.67 7.73 8.38 10.07 8.66 10.30 TABLE 2.VRMS FOR DIFFERENT MODULATION INDICES Ma 1 0.95 0.9 UPDPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 106.1 106.1 100.7 100.7 95.47 95.47 UAPODPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 106.4 106.4 101.1 101.1 95.76 95.76 UCOPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 106.6 109 104.6 104.6 99.44 99.44 UVFPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWMRef 106.5 106.5 101.6 101.6 95.4 95.4 TABLE 3.CF FOR DIFFERENT MODULATION INDICES Ma 1 0.95 0.9 UPDPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 1.41371 1.414445 1.41318 1.414941 1.41405 1.413628 UAPODPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 1.41444 1.41415 1.41441 1.414325 1.41395 1.415311 UCOPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 1.41467 1.413823 1.41491 1.41364 1.41495 1.414365 UVFPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 1.41408 1.413403 1.41437 1.414013 1.41404 1.414423 TABLE 4. FORM FACTOR FOR DIFFERENT MODULATION INDICES Ma UPDPWM UAPODPWM UCOPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 1.918E+9 2.24E+04 Sine Ref. Sine Ref. 1.924E+9 60 Degree PWM Ref 2.27E+04 0.95 1.94E+09 1.91E+09 1.92E+09 0.9 1.91E+09 1 1.8E+09 1.31E+06 UVFPWM Sine Ref. 1.95609 60 Degree PWM Ref 1.98E+09 2.03E+09 60 Degree PWM Ref 2.20E+04 2.00E+09 1.97E+09 1.99E+09 1.98E+09 1.96E+09 2.10E+09 1.9E+09 1.98E+09 1.77E+09 2.08E+09 R S. Publication, Page 521 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on Issue 3 volume 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013 ISSN 2249-9954 TABLE 5. DISTORTION FACTOR FOR DIFFERENT MODULATION INDICES Ma 1 0.95 UPDPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 0.0009727 0.006226 0.0013283 0.007029 UAPODPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 9.3E-05 0.005598 9.4E-05 0.005725 UCOPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 0.001235 0.006684 0.001808 0.005192 UVFPWM Sine Ref. 60 Degree PWM Ref 0.00083 0.004196 0.000683 0.005146 0.9 0.0007261 0.005531 9.0E-05 0.003449 0.000667 0.005793 0.004024 0.005003 CONCLUSION In this paper, USPWM techniques for binary DC source 15 level inverter have been presented. Binary DC source multilevel inverter gives higher output voltage with reduced switch count and low harmonics. Performance factors like % THD,VRMS,CF,FF and DF have been evaluated presented and analyzed. It is found that the UPDPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference provides relatively lower %THD, UCOPWM strategy with 60 degree PWM reference is found to perform relatively higher fundamental RMS output voltage. CF is almost same for all the strategies. FF is almost same for all the strategies. DF relatively low in UPDPWM strategy with sinusoidal reference. REFERENCES [1] S. Lu, S. Mariéthoz, and K. A. Corzine, “Asymmetrical Cascade Multilevel Converters With Noninteger or Dynamically Changing DC Voltage Ratios : Concepts and Modulation Techniques,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 2411–2418, 2010. [2] A. Varschavsky, J. Dixon, M. Rotella, and L. Morán, “Cascaded Nine-Level Inverter for Hybrid-Series Active Power Filter , Using Industrial Controller,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 2761–2767, 2010. [3] J. Pereda and J. Dixon, “High-Frequency Link : A Solution for Using Only One DC Source in Asymmetric Cascaded Multilevel Inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 3884–3892, 2011. [4] C. Govindaraju and K. 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