Report on the material fact “Data on terms for fulfillment of

Report on the material fact
“Data on terms for fulfillment of obligations before the securities’ holders”
1. General Information
1.1. Full company name of the issuer (noncommercial
Open joint-stock company “Magnit”
organization – name)
1.2. Short company name of the issuer
OJSC “Magnit”
18 Kolkhoznaya str., Krasnodar, Russian
1.3. Address of the issuer
Federation, 350042
1.4. Principal State Registration Number of the issuer 1032304945947
1.5. Taxpayer Identification Number of the issuer
1.6. Unique code of the issuer, assigned by the
registration authority
1.7. Website used by the issuer for information
2. Report content
2.1. Type, category, series and other identification parameters of securities: ordinary nominal
uncertified shares.
2.2. State registration number of the issue (additional issue) of securities, date of state registration
(identification number of the issue (additional issue) of securities and date of it’s assignment, in case if the
issue (additional issue) of securities is not subject to state registration under the Federal law “On securities
market”: 1-01-60525-Р of 04.03.2004
2.3. Subject of issuer’s obligation, and in case of financial obligation or other obligation in money
terms, - the obligation amount in money terms: payment of dividends on ordinary nominal uncertified
shares following 2010 financial year results in total amount of 584,566,229.61 rubles, and following
the 1st quarter of 2011 financial year results in total amount of 415,513,590.91 rubles.
2.4. Date on which the obligation is to be fulfilled and, in case if the obligation is to be fulfilled by the
issuer within a specified period, – the expiry date – August 22, 2011.
2.5. Fact of issuer’s fulfillment of obligation or default: obligation is partially fulfilled.
2.6. In case of default – the reason of such default, and for financial obligation or other obligation in
money terms – the amount of obligation in money terms which is not fulfilled: The outstanding
dividend amount is 2,441,451.64 rubles which constitutes 0.24% of the total amount of accrued
dividends. Nonpayment is due to the shareholders’ failure to submit the information required for the payment.
Besides, as of 22.08.2011, 256 rubles were returned to the account of the Issuer due to incorrect bank
details provided by the shareholders.
3. Signature
3.1. Chief executive officer of OJSC “Magnit”
3.2. Date « 22 »
20 11
S. Galitsky
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