Slip-Resistant Footwear

Preventing Slips and Falls: Slip-Resistant Footwear
Risk Control Services
Slip-resistant soles and testing
Tread design and material
Implementing a slip-resistant
footwear program
This reference note provides guidelines on characteristics of slipresistant soles, guidelines for selecting slip-resistant footwear, and
guidelines for implementing a slip-resistant footwear program.
Slips, trips, and falls (STF) are a leading cause of workplace injuries. According to
the 2013 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index (WSI), the direct cost of same-level,
fall-related injuries in the U.S. in 2011 was $8.6 billion. Slips and falls are the leading
cause of injury among restaurant workers, and footwear labeled “slip resistant” seems
to be effective in reducing slip risk in the restaurant industry.1 In most industry groups,
slips and falls represent the highest or second-highest type of workers compensation
claim.2 In addition, 11 percent of low back pain-related claims and 12 percent of low
back pain-related claims costs are attributed to slips and falls.3
Proper housekeeping and the installation of quality slip-resistant floor surfaces is
the foundation of any slip/fall prevention program. Using slip-resistant footwear is
an additional intervention strategy for reducing the likelihood of slips and falls. A
slip-resistant footwear program needs to consider the entire working environment,
including the selection of proper footwear. Considering the floor condition, such as
whether floors are wet or greasy, and whether the worker will be indoors or outdoors,
has a bearing on footwear selection.
Slip-Resistant Soles and Testing
“Slip resistant” is a specific term given to footwear that reduces the likelihood of
slipping. Terms such as oil resistant, fat resistant, acid resistant, alkaline resistant,
or skid resistant do not mean slip resistant. The objective of a slip-resistant sole is to
maximize contact between the outsole and the walkway surface through tread design
and construction.
Shoe soles labeled “slip resistant” in the U.S. are commonly recognized in the
restaurant and food service industries, but there are no mandatory sole design or
friction requirements that must be met in order to classify a sole as “slip resistant,”
only general guidelines.
Most restaurant slip-resistant shoe manufacturers measure their products using
the Brungraber Mark II, Portable Inclinable Articulated Strut Tribometer (PIAST),
and perform their tests using a greasy/soiled quarry tile. These tests are unique to
the manufacturer and follow no industry standard test method. ISO 13287-2006,
Personal Protective Equipment — Footwear — Test Method for Slip Resistance,
using the SATRA slip-resistant tester4, 5 is used mostly in Europe and by some U.S.
manufacturers who sell products overseas. In 2011, ASTM International published
standard F2913, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Coefficient of Friction for
Evaluation of Slip Performance of Footwear and Test Surfaces/Flooring Using a
Whole Shoe Tester, which introduces a test method also using the SATRA tester.6
ASTM F2412, Standard Test Methods For Foot Protection and ASTM F2413,
Standard Specification For Performance Requirements for Foot Protection replaced
the withdrawn ANSI Z41, Standard for Personal Protection Protective Footwear, but
at this writing, there is no slip test requirement for PPE footwear in the US.
Tread Design
Slip-resistant tread design is intended to maximize contact with the walkway surface
by pushing or “squeezing” water and contaminants away from the sole at the heel
strike, mid stance, and toe-off phases of the gait cycle.
Tread Material
Shoe sole construction (e.g., type of rubber, cleat design, and
performance in various climate conditions, including cold)
is important for traction, durability, and slip resistance. Most
shoe soles are constructed of a blend of rubber polymers to
achieve the highest performance possible for the product’s
intended use, whether for athletic purposes, hiking, work,
etc. Styrene butadiene rubber (SBR), nitrile-butadiene rubber
(NBR), and polyurethanes are some of the more commonly
used footwear soling materials.7
The harder or less flexible the rubber is, the less potential it
has for helping with slip performance. In cold temperatures
(e.g., 10°F), NBR rubbers can harden quickly, thereby
reducing slip performance. Other polymers get harder even
faster in cold temperatures. Some rubber blends remain
softer in cold temperatures, and thus produce better slip
results in cold environments.
Organizations should work with footwear companies
to customize a sole to meet the needs of traction, slip
performance, and durability for the expected environment.
Implementing a Slip-Resistant Footwear Program
A slip-resistant footwear program should be in writing
and should include a written policy for footwear selection,
purchase, reimbursement, and replacement. A slip-resistant
footwear policy should be customized to meet the specific
needs of your organization. Before implementing a slipresistant footwear program, it is a good idea to have legal
counsel review the policy for potential legal exposures.
Purchasing slip-resistant footwear and specifying who pays is
an important decision.
The following are common footwear purchase options:
Company purchase: Employer purchases slip-resistant
footwear from a specified vendor and workers then
pick their sizes. Employer subsidizes the entire cost
and the specifies the look and style of footwear that
employees wear.
Employee purchase: Workers purchase their own
footwear from specified vendors, or any vendor that
meets the specifications defined in the employer’s policy.
Discounts might be offered for work purchase of shoes
from retail outlets or mail order.
Payroll deduction plan: Employees order their own
footwear from specified vendors according to the
policy and the cost is automatically deducted from
employees' paychecks. Footwear vendors work with the
company to track purchases and provide information for
payroll deduction.
Using slip-resistant footwear can be an effective
strategy in preventing slips and falls. It is important that
the features, benefits, and limitations of slip-resistant
footwear be understood by managers before a program is
implemented. Slip-resistant footwear, in combination with
good housekeeping, can offer a comprehensive approach to
managing slips and falls in the workplace.
1 Verma S.K., Chang W.R., Courtney T.K., Lombardi D.A., Huang Y.H., Brennan M.J., et al., A Prospective
Study of Floor Surface, Shoes, Floor Cleaning and Slipping in U.S. Limited-Service Restaurant Workers,
Occupational and Environmental Medicine; 68(4), 2011, 279-85.
2 Leamon, T.B., Murphy, P.L., Occupational Slips and Falls: More Than a Trivial Problem, Ergonomics, Vol. 38,
No. 3, 1995, 487-498.
3 Murphy, P.L. and Courtney, T.K., Low Back Pain Disability: Relative Costs by Antecedent and Industry Group,
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol. 37, 2000, 558-571.
4 ISO 13287-2006, Personal Protective Equipment Footwear — Test Method for Slip Resistance.
5 SATRA Technology Centre, TM 144, Slip Resistance Test Method, and STM 603, Slip Resistance Testing
6 ASTM F2913, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Coefficient of Friction (Slip Resistance) of Footwear
and Test Surfaces/Flooring Using a Whole Shoe Tester, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
7 Di Pilla, S., Slip and Fall Prevention: A Practical Handbook, 2nd Edition, Taylor and Francis Group, CRC Press,
The illustrations, instructions and principles contained in the material are general in scope and, to the best of our knowledge,
current at the time of publication. No attempt has been made to interpret any referenced codes, standards or regulations.
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© 2015 Liberty Mutual Insurance, 175 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116. 04/15