Urban Highway Connectors Saskatchewan's population and business activity is increasingly centered in cities and larger towns. These urban communities serve as key collection and interchange points where export bound products trucked along rural highways are linked to national and international transportation corridors. Urban connectors form an essential part of both the national and provincial transportation system. Efficiencies and the public interest are best served by the free flow of traffic, including travel on urban connectors. Producers and shippers cannot afford delays in urban areas caused by transportation bottlenecks. There are 59 urban municipalities in Saskatchewan with more than 1,000 people that have legislative responsibility for all roadways within their boundaries. Under the Urban Highway Connector Program, urban municipalities can assume responsibility for their roadways under a long term partnership with the province. Participation in the program is voluntary. The Ministry will partner with interested urban municipalities based on the provincial interest in the highway for the following key areas: ¾ Capital Investment ¾ Routine Operation and Maintenance ¾ Infrastructure Rehabilitation ¾ Urban Transportation Planning Studies The Urban Highway connector program is intended: ¾ to promote the safe and efficient movement of people and goods through an urban municipality ¾ to provide a transparent framework that supports consistent and equitable provincial contribution to urban highway connector routes ¾ to reduce urban congestion and support export trade Guiding principles include: ¾ Equitable treatment of all urban municipalities ¾ Transparent and consistent policy framework ¾ Reduced traffic congestion in and around urban centres ¾ Enhanced traffic safety in urban areas ¾ Improved corridor continuity and level of service on urban connectors ¾ Enhanced planning to meet future transportation demand ¾ Targeted resources to maximize benefits for the provincial economy