details of plot for final project

Name of Final Project: Art Gallery
Group #: 5
This form submitted by: Jessica Ramirez
Fill in the details of each of the following:
Exposition: (background information) The entire play will be set in an art gallery. There will a billionaire couple and a couple who love
to collect art pieces. The billionaire will be dressed lavishly and wife will be extremely moody.
The art collector couple on the other hand will not care much about attire. They will be dressed
comfortably. The art gallery will have dim lighting. The shopkeeper, an old and retired man will
be cleaning his tabletop while both the couples enter the store. He will show both the couples the
entire store and will finally take them to the rare art collection. Here he will show them an
extremely rare painting which he doesn’t want to sell since it took great effort by his ancestors to
acquire this piece.
Conflict: (involves the interaction of plot, theme and character & the explanation of each)
The art seller doesn’t want to sell the painting as it is too rare a piece but the antique collectors
and the billionaire are arguing reasons why they should get the painting. What they don’t know
is that the antique collectors and the seller are colluding with each other to get the highest price
this painting. The billionaire couple wants the painting for their bathroom so they can look at it
and feel good about themselves. The antique collectors says he wants it because it is one of the
rarest pieces they have ever come across. BUT it gets to the point where the billionaire couple
gets extremely into it and offers just too good of a price and walks away with the painting
leaving the antique collectors absolutely angry.
Climax: (incorporates the idea of a catharsis, a cleansing or purification and releases an
audience’s pity or acceptance as a result of some dramatic explosion.)
The antique collector and the shopkeeper meet later in the day to talk about how much money
they made that day and how they were on top of their game. They then wonder how much this
“other” piece of art is going to sell for and if they can top their previous sale. A week later, the
antique collector doesn’t realize that the customer(billionaire) that just came in is the wife of one
of the clients he had just sold a painting to last week. He then reintroduces the billionaire wife to
a painting when she realizes that’s the exact same painting that they bought a week ago.
Denouement: (the resolution of the problems, situations or conflict)
The billionaire ends up buying the painting. Satisfied and happy, he and his wife leave the shop
mocking the art collector couple. A week later, the billionaire wife comes back to the shop
because she left her scarf there. The shopkeeper gives her the same tour, forgetting the fact that
she visited the shop a week ago. Then comes to the end of the tour featuring the same exact
piece/replica that the billionaire wife and husband bought last week with the exact same speech.
Description of Characters:
● Billionaire Wife (Yunsun) - Young in the early 20s, well-dressed and wearing a scarf, likes
expensive things.
● Billionaire Husband (Ishan) - wearing a suit, pompous, always has to pay the highest no
matter what, likes expensive things
● Art Collector Wife (Jessica) - around forty-years old + wants to earn money
● Art Collector Husband (Eddie) - around fifty-years old + wants to earn money
● Art Gallery Owner (Yashraj) - old, retired, forgetful, deceitful, tries to con everyone