Employment Training - What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth

Evidence Review
April 2014
1. Preface
2. Executive summary
3. Introduction
4. Impact evaluation
5. Methodology
6. Definition
7. Findings
8. Detailed findings
9. Summary of findings
10. How to use this review
11. Bibliography
Appendix A: Shortlisted evaluations
Appendix B: Search terms and sources
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
This report presents findings from a systematic review of evaluations of employment training
programmes aimed at improving labour market outcomes.
It is the first of a series of reviews that will be produced by the What Works Centre for Local
Economic Growth. The What Works Centre is a collaboration between the London School of
Economics and Political Science, Centre for Cities and Arup and is funded by the Economic
& Social Research Council, The Department for Communities and Local Government and The
Department for Business Innovation and Skills.
These reviews consider a specific type of evidence – impact evaluation – that seeks to
understand the causal effect of policy interventions and to establish their cost-effectiveness. To
put it another way they ask ‘did the policy work’ and ‘did it represent good value for money’?
By looking at the details of the policies evaluated we can also start to answer questions about
delivery issues – for example, whether policies offering in-firm training perform better or worse
than those that offer classroom-based training.
Evidence on impact and effectiveness is clearly a crucial input to good policy making. Process evaluation
– looking in detail at how programmes operate day to day – provides a valuable complement to impact
evaluation, but we deliberately do not focus on this. We recognise that may sometimes cause frustration
for practitioners and decision-makers who are responsible for the delivery of policy.
However, we see these impact-focused reviews as an essential part of more effective
policy making. We often simply do not know the answers to many of the questions that might
reasonably be asked when designing a new policy – not least, does it work? Figuring out what we
do know allows us to better design policies and undertake further evaluations to start filling the
gaps in our knowledge. This also helps us to have more informed discussions about process
and delivery issues and to improve policy making.
These reviews therefore represent a first step in improving our understanding of what works for
local economic growth. In the months ahead, we will be working with local decision-makers and
practitioners, using these findings to help them generate better policy.
Henry Overman
Director, What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Executive Summary
This report presents findings from a systematic review of evaluations of training programmes
aimed at improving adult skills and labour market outcomes.
It is the first of a series of reviews that will be produced by the What Works Centre for Local
Economic Growth.
The review considered almost 1,000 policy evaluations, evidence reviews and meta-analyses from
the UK and other OECD countries.
It found 71 impact evaluations which met the Centre’s minimum standards. This represents a
relatively large evidence base compared to many other local economic growth policies. But
a small base relative to that available for some other policy areas (e.g. medicine, aspects of
international development, education and social policy).
Overall, of the 71 evaluations reviewed, 35 found positive programme impacts, and a further
22 found mixed results. Nine studies found that training interventions didn’t work (i.e. they
found no evidence of positive outcomes on employment or wages) and a further five found
negative impacts.
We define ‘employment training’ programmes as:
including training targeted at the over 18s
including day-release and short courses, and retraining
excluding training in schools, HE and apprenticeships
excluding specifically targeted training e.g. for those with mental health problems, ex-convicts, or particular ethnic groups
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
To identify what works, each evidence review sifts and assesses the evidence to find evaluations
which are robust and clearly identify policy impact. We do this using a 5 stage process:
Figure 1: Methodology
This particular review considers whether there is any evidence of a link between specific
programme features and the impact of training on labour market outcomes. Figure 2 provides a
summary of the number of evaluations that look at different programme features.
Figure 2: Number of shortlisted
by programme
Figure 2: Breakdown
of studies
by variable feature and context
Labour market / economy
On / off the job
Vocational / general
Basic / advanced
Public / Private
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
What the evidence shows
• Training has a positive impact on participants’ employment or earnings in more than half
the evaluations reviewed.
• Shorter programmes (below six months, and probably below four months) are more
effective for less formal training activity. Longer programmes generate employment gains
when the content is skill-intensive.
• In-firm / on the job training programmes outperform classroom-based training
programmes. Employer co-design and activities that closely mirror actual jobs
appear to be key design elements.
• The state of the economy is not a major factor in the performance of training
programmes; programme design features appear to be more important than
macroeconomic factors.
Where the evidence is inconclusive
• Comparing different skill content training – such as ‘basic’ versus ‘advanced’
interventions – is extremely difficult: finding suitable comparators (i.e. policies that
target similar groups using different types of training) is challenging, and skill content
usually reflects real participant differences.
• Training programmes that respond to structural shocks in the local economy
are usually highly tailored to a given local context. This means that pulling out
generalisable findings on impact is difficult.
• It is hard to reach any strong conclusions on private-led versus public-led delivery
on the basis of the (limited) available evidence.
Where there is a lack of evidence
• We have found little evidence which provides robust, consistent insight into the
relative value for money of different approaches. Most assessments of ‘cost per
outcome’ fail to provide a control group for comparison.
• We found no evidence that would suggest local delivery is more or less effective
than national delivery.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
How to use these reviews
The Centre’s reviews consider a specific type of evidence – impact evaluation – that seeks to
understand the causal effect of policy interventions and to establish their cost-effectiveness. In
the longer term, the Centre will produce a range of evidence reviews that will help local decisionmakers decide the broad policy areas on which to spend limited resources. Figure 3 illustrates
how the reviews relate to the other work streams of the Centre.
Figure 3: What Works Centre work programme
Evidence reviews
You are here
what works
More effective
Supporting and complementing local knowledge
The evidence review sets out a number of ‘Best Bets’ which outline what tends to work in the
employment training policy field based on the best available impact evaluations.
The ‘Best Bets’ do not generally address the specifics of ‘what works where’ or ‘what will work
for a particular individual’. In some cases evaluations do break out results by area type or different
groups. But even when they do, detailed local knowledge and context remain crucial.
Any policy intervention focused on employment training will need to be tailored and targeted. And an
accurate diagnosis of the specific local employment and skills challenges this policy seeks to address
needs to be the first step to understanding how the overall evidence applies in any given situation.
Providing general guidance on what works
The ‘Best Bets’ highlight the common characteristics of employment training programmes and
projects that have positive effects.
Whilst the ‘Best Bets’ cannot provide definitive guidance as to what will or won’t work in any
specific context, they do provide useful overall guidance to policy-makers to use when designing
an employment training programme. They also raise a note of caution for policy-makers if they
decide to try out a programme which has not worked so well elsewhere.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Providing detailed evidence on specific programmes
The 71 evaluations offer a rich source of material for policy-makers to use in designing specific
employment training policies. In particular the evaluations will be of use to policy-makers at two
key stages in the policy design process: determining the policy options, and then selecting the
preferred option. For both stages, the policy-makers should ensure that their understanding of their specific
situation and the different policy options available is as detailed and comprehensive as possible.
Filling the Evidence Gaps
This review has not found answers to some of the questions which will be foremost in policymakers’ minds.
These gaps highlight the need for improved evaluation and greater experimentation, specifically
experiments that focus on:
• identifying how different elements of employment training programme design contribute
to better or worse outcomes; and,
• the value for money of different approaches.
This requires evaluation to be embedded in policy design, and thinking differently about the policy
cycle as a whole.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Why are we interested in training policy as a tool of local economic growth? The short
answer is that we hope training improves skills, because higher skills are linked to better
economic performance.
For individuals, higher skills are associated with better labour market outcomes. For local areas,
there is a clear link between skills and economic growth and labour market outcomes. That
connection holds nationally, across countries and at a local level for towns and cities (see figure 1).1
Figure 1:
link 4+
skill levels
and economic
Share of NVQ
growth (1998-2007)
Average annual GVA growth rate (1998-07)
Buoyant cities
Struggling cities
Share of working age population with NVQ4+ (Nov 1998)
Source: Swinney, Larkin and Webber 2010. Firm Intentions: Cities, private sector jobs and the coalition. London: Centre for Cities
For cross-country evidence, see Barro (2001) or Cohen and Soto (2007). For recent reviews of the local-level evidence see Duranton and Puga (2014), Henderson (2007) or Moretti (2004b).
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Of course faster-growing towns and cities may be able to invest more in skills and may also
attract people with greater knowledge and experience, thus reversing the direction of causality
between economic performance and skills; but recent studies have established a causal
connection from the local skills base to local earnings and employment growth.2
For all of these reasons, policy-makers in the UK and elsewhere are keen to raise skill levels.
Policy-makers have been particularly keen on retraining or ‘upskilling’ low skilled workers and the
unemployed, especially those in long term unemployment. In the UK these training policies have
often been delivered as part of active labour market programmes such as the New Deal and the
Work Programme.3
Economists use the idea of ‘human capital’ to talk about the stock of competencies, knowledge,
social and personal attributes (‘skills’) that help people produce economic output. We can
usefully break human capital down into three main components: education, soft skills and
experience.4 Formal education might happen in the classroom or on the job, and cover basic
skills such as literacy and numeracy; academic knowledge (of a given subject) or vocational skills
(for a given job or trade). Soft skills such as team-working or communication tend to be acquired
along the way. Experience helps us develop formal understanding and soft skills, but also gives us
broader types of knowledge about a given firm or industry.
Our review of adult employment training programmes has turned up a range of policies designed
to enhance these different components of human capital – from formal qualifications to courses
on soft skills and advice on job search; from classroom teaching to on-the-job internships and infirm training; from short-term intensive courses of a few weeks, to long term retraining leading to a
degree, and lasting two years or more.5
In most countries, employment training programmes are devised and delivered through national
governments but often have some degree of local flexibility (for instance, case workers or
personal advisers may hold individual ‘budgets’ on behalf of programme participants). And in
some cases – especially the US – states and cities have designed their own devolved employment
training interventions.
Given the level of policy attention and spending, it is important to understand ‘what works’. To
understand the impact of the policy, we need answers to four questions:
• Who are we aiming to help?
• What does the policy aim to achieve?
• How is it delivered?
• Does it work?
To understand whether policy is cost-effective, we then need to compare the benefits of any
policy impacts to the cost of achieving those impacts. In the area of employment training there is
reasonable evidence on the impact of policy, although it is hard to compare the magnitude of effects
across different studies (we focus on whether effects are positive, zero or negative). There is very
little evidence that compares benefits to costs and thus allows us to assess cost-effectiveness.
Some of the key studies at local level are Glaeser and Maré (2001), Glaeser and Saiz (2004), Moretti (2004a), Moretti (2004c) and Shapiro (2006). For cross-country evidence see Hanushek and Woessmann (2012).
OECD (2009), Payne and Keep (2011).
Becker (1962).
This report does not cover evidence on apprenticeships.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Impact evaluation
Governments around the world increasingly have strong systems to monitor policy inputs (such
as spending on a training programme) and outputs (such as the number of people who have
gone through the programme). However, they are less good at identifying policy outcomes (such
as the effect of a training programme on employment or wages). In particular, many government
sponsored evaluations that look at outcomes do not use credible strategies to assess the causal
impact of policy interventions.
By causal impact, the evaluation literature means an estimate of the difference that can be
expected between the outcome for individuals ‘treated’ in a programme, and the average
outcome they would have experienced without it. Pinning down causality is a crucially important
part of impact evaluation. Estimates of the benefits of a programme are of limited use
to policy-makers unless those benefits can be attributed, with a reasonable degree of
certainty, to that programme.
The credibility with which evaluations establish causality is the criterion on which this review
assesses the literature.
Using Counterfactuals
Establishing causality requires the construction of a valid counterfactual – i.e. what would
have happened to programme participants had they not been treated under the programme.
That outcome is fundamentally unobservable, so researchers spend a great deal of time trying
to rebuild it. The way in which this counterfactual is (re)constructed is the key element of impact
evaluation design.
A standard approach is to create a counterfactual group of similar individuals not
participating in the programme being evaluated. Changes in outcomes can then be compared
between the ‘treatment group’ (those affected by the policy) and the ‘control group’ (similar
individuals not exposed to the policy).
A key issue in creating the counterfactual group is dealing with the ‘selection into
treatment’ problem. Selection into treatment occurs when individuals participating in the
programme differ from those who do not participate in the programme.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
An example of this problem in training programmes is skimming, where providers choose participants
with the greatest chance of getting a job. If this happens, estimates of policy impact may be biased
upwards because we incorrectly attribute better labour market outcomes to the policy, rather than to
the fact that the participants would have done better even without the programme.
Selection problems may also lead to downward bias. For example, people may participate to
extend benefit entitlement and such people may be less likely to get a job independent of any
training they receive. These factors are often unobservable to researchers.
So the challenge for good programme evaluation is to deal with these issues, and to
demonstrate that the control group is plausible. If the construction of plausible counterfactuals
is central to good policy evaluation, then the crucial question becomes: how do we design
counterfactuals? Box 1 provides some examples.
Box 1: Impact evaluation techniques
One way to identify causal impacts of a programme is to randomly assign participants
to treatment and control groups. For researchers, such Randomised Control Trials
(RCTs) are often considered the ‘gold standard’ of evaluation. Properly implemented,
randomisation ensures that treatment and control groups are comparable both in terms
of observed and unobserved attributes, thus identifying the causal impact of policy.
However, implementation of these ‘real world’ experiments is challenging and can be
problematic. RCTs may not always be feasible for local economic growth policies – for
example, policy-makers may be unwilling to randomise.6 And small-scale trials may
have limited wider applicability.
Where randomised control trials are not an option, ‘quasi-experimental’ approaches of
randomisation can help. These strategies can deal with selection on unobservables,
by (for example) exploiting institutional rules and processes that result in some people
quasi-randomly receiving treatment.
Even using these strategies, though, the treatment and control groups may not be fully
comparable in terms of observables. Statistical techniques such as Ordinary Least
Squares (OLS) and matching can be used to address this problem.
Note that higher quality impact evaluation first uses identification strategies to
construct a control group and deal with selection on unobservables. Then it tries to
control for remaining differences in observable characteristics. It is the combination
that is particularly powerful: OLS or matching alone raise concerns about the extent to
which unobservable characteristics determine both treatment and outcomes and thus
bias the evaluation.
Gibbons, Nathan and Overman (2014).
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Evidence included in the review
We include any evaluation that compares outcomes for people receiving treatment
(the treated group) after an intervention with outcomes in the treated group before the
intervention, relative to a comparison group used to provide a counterfactual of what would
have happened to these outcomes in the absence of treatment.
This means we look at evaluations that do a reasonable job of estimating the impact of treatment
using either randomised control trials, quasi-random variation or statistical techniques (such as OLS
and matching) that help make treatment and control groups comparable. We view these evaluations
as providing credible impact evaluation in the sense that they identify effects which can be attributed,
with a reasonable degree of certainty, to the implementation of the programme in question.
Evidence excluded from the review
We exclude evaluations that provide a simple before and after comparison only for those receiving
the treatment because we cannot be reasonably sure that changes for the treated group can be
attributed to the effect of the programme.
We also exclude case studies or evaluations that focus on process (how the policy is
implemented) rather than impact (what was the effect of the policy). Such studies have a role to
play in helping formulate better policy but they are not the focus of our evidence reviews.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
To identify robust evaluation evidence on the causal impact of training programmes, we
conducted a systematic review of the evidence from the UK and across the world. Our reviews
followed a five-stage process: scope, search, sift, score and synthesise.
Stage 1: Scope of Review
Working with our User Panel and a member of our Academic Panel, we agreed the review
question, key terms and inclusion criteria. We also used existing literature reviews and metaanalyses to inform our thinking.
Stage 2: Searching for Evaluations
We searched for evaluation evidence across a wide range of sources, from peer-reviewed
academic research to government evaluations and think tank reports. Specifically, we looked at
academic databases (such as EconLit, Web of Science and Google Scholar), specialist research
institutes (such as CEPR and IZA), UK central and local government departments, and work done
by think tanks (such as the OECD, ILO, IPPR and Policy Exchange.) We also issued a call for
evidence via our mailing list and social media. This search found close to 1,000 books, articles
and reports. Appendix B provides a full list of sources and search terms.
Stage 3: Sifting Evaluations
We screened our long-list on relevance, geography, language and methods, keeping impact
evaluations from the UK and other OECD countries, with no time restrictions on when the evaluation
was done. We focussed on English-language studies, but would consider key evidence if it was in
other languages. We then screened the remaining evaluations on the robustness of their research
methods, keeping only the more robust impact evaluations. We used the Scientific Maryland
Scale (SMS) to do this.7 The SMS is a five-point scale ranging from 1, for evaluations based on
simple cross sectional correlations, to 5 for randomised control trials (see Box 2). We shortlisted
all those impact evaluations that could potentially score 3 or above on the SMS. Find examples of
employment training evaluations that score 3, 4 and 5 of the SMS scale on whatworksgrowth.org.
Sherman, Gottfredson, MacKenzie, Eck,Reuter, and Bushway (1998).
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Stage 4: Scoring Evaluations
We conducted a full appraisal of each evaluation on the shortlist, collecting key results and using
the SMS to give a final score for evaluations that reflected both the quality of methods chosen
and quality of implementation (which can be lower than claimed by some authors). Scoring and
shortlisting decisions were cross-checked with the academic panel member and the core team at
LSE. The final list of included studies and their reference numbers (used in the rest of this report)
can be found in Appendix A.
Figure 2: Methodology
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Stage 5: Synthesising Evaluations
We drew together our findings, combining material from our evaluations and the existing literature.
Box 2: The Scientific Maryland Scale
Level 1: Correlation of outcomes with presence or intensity of treatment, crosssectional comparisons of treated groups with untreated groups, or other crosssectional methods in which there is no attempt to establish a counterfactual. No
use of control variables in statistical analysis to adjust for differences between treated
and untreated groups.
Level 2: Comparison of outcomes in treated group after an intervention, with
outcomes in the treated group before the intervention (‘before and after’ study).
No comparison group used to provide a counterfactual, or a comparator group is used
but this is not chosen to be similar to the treatment group, nor demonstrated to be
similar (e.g. national averages used as comparison for policy intervention in a specific
area). No, or inappropriate, control variables used in statistical analysis to adjust for
differences between treated and untreated groups.
Level 3: Comparison of outcomes in treated group after an intervention, with
outcomes in the treated group before the intervention, and a comparison group
used to provide a counterfactual (e.g. difference in difference). Some justification
given to choice of comparator group that is potentially similar to the treatment group.
Evidence presented on comparability of treatment and control groups but these groups
are poorly balanced on pre-treatment characteristics. Control variables may be used to
adjust for difference between treated and untreated groups, but there are likely to be
important uncontrolled differences remaining.
Level 4: Comparison of outcomes in treated group after an intervention, with
outcomes in the treated group before the intervention, and a comparison group
used to provide a counterfactual (i.e. difference in difference). Careful and credible
justification provided for choice of a comparator group that is closely matched
to the treatment group. Treatment and control groups are balanced on pre-treatment
characteristics and extensive evidence presented on this comparability, with only minor
or irrelevant differences remaining. Control variables (e.g. OLS or matching) or other
statistical techniques (e.g. instrumental variables, IV) may be used to adjust for potential
differences between treated and untreated groups. Problems of attrition from sample
and implications discussed but not necessarily corrected.
Level 5: Reserved for research designs that involve randomisation into treatment
and control groups. Randomised control trials provide the definitive example, although
other ‘natural experiment’ research designs that exploit plausibly random variation
in treatment may fall in this category. Extensive evidence provided on comparability
of treatment and control groups, showing no significant differences in terms of levels
or trends. Control variables may be used to adjust for treatment and control group
differences, but this adjustment should not have a large impact on the main results.
Attention paid to problems of selective attrition from randomly assigned groups, which
is shown to be of negligible importance.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
We define employment training programmes as:
• training targeted at people aged over 18s
• short courses and day-release courses.
• retraining initiatives (e.g. for the over 50s)
• training that is in some way publicly subsidised (either directly or indirectly); where private
sector provision is contracted out from the public sector, or on payment-by-results basis
• fully corporate/commercial providers on the assumption that this part of the sector
operates as a competitive market;
• ‘A Level’ education (even where offered to adults; because this provision is primarily
targeted at under-18s and is not usually publicly funded)
• academic and Higher Education (which is a topic in its own right)
• apprenticeships (because the primary relationship is with the employer, and there may or
may not be public subsidy).
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
This section sets out the review’s findings. We begin with a discussion of the evidence base
then explore the overall pattern of positive and negative results. After this we consider specific
programme features in more detail.
Quantity and quality of the evidence base
From an initial long-list of 1,000 studies, we found 71 impact evaluations which met our
minimum standards.8 This represents a relatively large evidence base compared to many other
local economic growth policies; but a small base relative to that available for some other policy
areas (e.g. medicine, aspects of international development, education and social policy).
Table 1 shows the distribution of the studies ranked according to the SMS. There are four
randomised control trials,9 two of these scored 5 for implementation, one scored 4 (due to attrition
issues) and the fourth scored 3 (due to the treatment being imprecise and coverage imperfect).
For the studies which do randomise the allocation into either treatment or control group is done
after individuals have already volunteered, or been selected, for training. This means these studies
tell us whether the training is effective for the type of people likely to volunteer or be selected into
training. It does not, therefore, tell us whether extending training to individuals who differ from
those volunteered or selected will reap similar benefits.
10 evaluations use credible quasi-random sources of variation including two that conduct new analysis
based on previous randomised control trials,10 five that use a timing-of-events approach,11 one that
exploits a discontinuity in the policy eligibility criteria,12 one that uses a factor control function to model
unobservables and one that uses Heckman’s two-step approach with credible instrumental variables.13
Many of these 1,000 studies provided case studies or process evaluations which are not the focus of our review. See Methodology section for further discussion. We initially shortlisted 77 evaluations. However, six evaluations (97, 103, 131, 148, 224 and 241) were given level 2 for implementation even though they used a method that could have scored a level 3. These studies were downgraded if they failed to sufficiently control for observed characteristics such as by omitting factors that are considered important in the literature.
Studies 79, 152, 209, 223.
Studies 89 and 140.
Studies 90, 231, 234, 236 and 252.
Study 239.
Study 219.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
58 evaluations (the majority) score 3 on the Maryland scale, and use variations on OLS or
matching techniques. By and large, this means that we can be confident that the study has
done a good job of controlling for all observable or recorded factors (for example: race,
gender, previous education, strength of the labour market) which might explain better labour
market outcomes following training. However for these studies, it is likely that ‘unobservable’
characteristics such as motivation or aptitude may still be affecting the results raising concerns
that the evaluation incorrectly attributes employment or wage effects to the programme rather
than to these individual characteristics.
The sections below set out the findings in respect of some key programme characteristics,
based on the evidence presented in these 71 evaluations.
Table 1: Ranking studies by quality of implementation
Single Maryland Scale score
Number by implementation
Type and Focus of Training Programmes
Most of the shortlisted evaluations considered training programmes as part of wider Active
Labour Market Policies (ALMPs), whose overall aim is to reduce welfare dependency with a
broad package of training and employment measures.
ALMPs tend to involve a ‘two-pronged’ approach, targeting both increased employment
opportunities14 and increased wage potential15 (since many countries have some element of
benefit paid to those in work but on a low wage, and therefore an interest in increasing wages to
reduce the social security bill).
Other programmes were more explicitly focused on addressing skill mismatches in the economy16
and increasing human capital.17 In the case of the former, most of the programmes assessed
aimed to address large-scale structural unemployment (for example, in the former East Germany
after reunification, or in cases where large local industries or employers have been lost).
As expected, some programmes were focused on achieving ‘quick-wins’, i.e. short term statistical
targets (such as increased employment), whilst others looked to secure long term outcomes, such
as more sustainable, secure employment opportunities.18
Overall effects on employment and wages
Training has a positive impact on participants’ employment or earnings in over half the
evaluations reviewed. Of the 71 studies reviewed, 35 found positive programme impacts, and
a further 22 found mixed results (some interventions worked better than others; some groups
gained more than others; different evaluation approaches yielded different results).19
Studies 127,140, 152.
Studies 140 and 123.
Studies 79, 145, 111, 149.
Studies 96 and116.
Study 138.
This is broadly in line with existing reviews: a 2010 study of European active labour market programmes found that 38 out of 70 training programmes reported a significant positive effect on participant employment. See Kluve (2010).
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Nine studies found that training interventions didn’t work (i.e. they found no statistically significant
evidence of positive outcomes on employment or wages) and a further five found significant
negative impacts. Note that negative impacts do not necessarily suggest that training makes
people less employable in the longer term. Most studies which find negative effects attribute
it to the so-called ‘lock-in’ effect whereby those who are participating in training are usually
not actively job-seeking, or spending less time doing so than their counterparts who are not in
training. Table 2 summarises the overall picture.
Table 2: Summary of effects of training programmes
No of studies
Evaluation reference numbers
Training works (positive coefficients)
80, 84, 88, 89, 94, 96, 109, 110, 111, 116,
125, 134, 137, 138, 140, 145, 146, 209, 219,
220, 222, 227, 229, 239, 240, 242, 244, 246,
247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254, 256, 257
Training doesn’t work (no statistically
significant finding)
115, 120, 130, 147, 150, 151, 152, 223, 245
Training is harmful (negative coefficients)
99, 128, 230, 231, 238
Mixed results
79, 85, 87, 90, 117, 123, 126, 127, 132, 149,
218, 221, 225, 226, 228, 232, 233, 234, 235,
236, 237, 243
Table 3 summarises key characteristics of the programmes in the shortlisted evaluations.
It outlines which characteristics were addressed by which report, and also where direct
comparisons were made.
Table 3: Overview of programme features
No. of (on balance
studies of evidence)
Public vs private led delivery
9 No clear
7 Employment
training works
Compare public vs
2 Private may
perform better
than public
(evidence not
numbers Overall
109, 120, 123,
126, 130, 226,
230, 231, 246
Overall, it is difficult to reach
any strong conclusions
89, 94, 134, 137, on the effectiveness of
147, 256 private-led versus public
led-delivery. Results appear
to be more mixed for publicled than private-led but
this may be explained by
242, 225 other characteristics of the
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
No. of (on balance
studies of evidence)
Weak vs strong labour markets
Strong labour market
Weak labour market
2 Employment
training works
14 No clear
Comparing weak with
strong labour markets
0 n/a
numbers Overall
137, 219
96, 109, 110,
127, 130, 147,
229, 237, 238,
240, 243, 244,
245, 246
Overall, it is difficult to reach
any strong conclusions
on the extent to which the
effectiveness of training
programmes is affected by the
strength of the labour market.
Other programme design
features appear to dominate
macro factors.
Shorter vs longer programmes
Short (<6 months)
10 Employment
training works
90, 94, 96, 146, Overall, short programmes
235, 238, 239, (below six months, and
244, 254 probably below four months)
are more effective for less
6 Employment
99, 109, 228, formal training activity.
training works
229, 251, 256 Longer programmes generate
9 Shorter
85, 88, 149, 218, employment gains when the
220, 221, 236, content is skill-intensive,
courses have a
240, 243, 246 but benefits to the individual
larger, stronger
typically play out over a longer
effect on
time frame. Both policy design
and programme evaluations
need to reflect these
Long (> 6 months)
Compare short vs long
Classroom vs. in-firm training
Compare classroom vs
10 Employment
training works
2 No clear
15 In-firm
better than
89, 90, 94, 96,
125, 134, 223,
231, 245, 250
Overall, in-firm / on-the-job
109, 228 training programmes outperform
programmes. Employer codesign and activities that closely
mirror actual jobs appear to be
key design elements.
132, 145, 146,
218, 219, 221,
225, 233, 234,
235, 237, 238,
240, 243, 251
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
No. of (on balance
studies of evidence)
Basic vs advanced skills training
numbers Overall
10 Employment
training works
96, 132, 140,
147, 149, 220,
227, 228, 239,
1 Mixed findings
3 Employment
training works
94, 140, 243
2 No clear
Comparisons amongst
various skill level
characteristics (basic vs
advanced or vocational
vs general)
9 Advanced may
basic training;
general may
but findings
ar+e weak and
not robust.
149, 239
111, 128, 146,
221, 225, 243,
246, 251, 252
Comparing fundamentally
different types of training is
difficult because finding suitable
comparators (i.e. policies that
target similar groups using
different types of training) is
challenging. If policy-makers
want to increase understanding
of what works for different
groups, this needs to be a
specific focus of policy design
and evaluation.
Retraining in response to structural change
2 Employment
training works
10 Employment
training works
Compare retraining vs
1 Upskilling may
perform better
than retraining
(but both
110, 240
Training programmes that
89, 94, 116, 117, respond to structural shocks in
134, 146, 147, the local economy are usually
209, 223, 252 highly tailored to a given local
context. This means that pulling
out generalizable findings on
impact is difficult.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Detailed findings
This section of the report looks at whether there is any evidence of a link between specific
programme features and labour market outcomes.
This is not straightforward to do because even if we find (say) that private-led delivery seems
more effective in terms of delivering positive outcomes a number of other ‘confounding factors’
may be in play which could explain that relationship. It might be, for example, that the public-led
programmes focussed only on the hard to reach.
To help deal with this issue we use the following approach. First, we look for any general pattern
/ correlation between the feature and the outcome we’re interested in (say delivery type and
employment). Second, we look for studies that make explicit comparisons. We group these into
two types. ‘Type 1’ comparisons compare different programmes (say, one public-led and one
private-led) but for broadly similar types of people. ‘Type 2’ comparisons look at different strands
of the same programme, where there is (say) one private-led and one public-led element.20 Both
Type 1 and Type 2 comparisons help control for confounding factors, but Type 2 does this more
cleanly and we put more weight on these results. We also use SMS scores to quality-weight
individual studies relative to each other.
Local vs national delivery
We found no evidence that would suggest one level of delivery is more effective
than others.
The 71 studies involve delivery models at various scales, from highly centralised programmes (for
example, in France and Sweden) to the more devolved systems prevalent in the US (where States
have substantial freedom to design and deliver policy). The majority of programmes covered in the
evaluation literature are national level or state level programmes, with few examples of significant
local flexibility.21
20 In a few cases this distinction is not clear; we consider these separately.
21 The only evaluation we have found which covers a local programme and is of sufficient methodological quality is Study 94 which looks at a programme delivered by New York City.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Surprisingly, none of the evaluations in this review look directly at the question of whether
programmes are more successful when they are locally, regionally or centrally administered. When
we classified evaluations according to the level at which the programme is delivered, we found no
evidence that would suggest one level of delivery is more effective than others.
Public- vs private-led delivery
Overall, it is difficult to reach any strong conclusions on the effectiveness of
private-led versus public led-delivery. Results appear to be more mixed for publicled than private-led but this may be explained by other characteristics of the
While the review focuses on evaluations of publicly-funded programmes, the management and
delivery of such programmes is often divided and shared between public and private sector
A frequently-used hybrid structure involves national public funding, public sector agencies
providing overall programme management, with specific courses and sub-programmes
contracted out to a mixture of other public and private delivery groups. Different agencies might
also be involved at various delivery stages, for example state-run employment offices providing
initial client-facing services with these customers then being referred on to private companies
once training needs are established.
Based on the evaluations we can classify programme delivery models as hybrid, public-led,
private-led, or not stated. As Table 4 shows, a hybrid delivery model is the most common
across OECD countries. We can see that very few programmes use an exclusively or
predominantly private sector-led delivery model.
Table 4: Delivery models
Delivery model
No. of studies
Study reference numbers
109, 120, 123, 126, 130, 226, 230,
231, 246
89, 94, 134, 137, 147, 256
89, 96, 99, 132, 209, 218 , 219, 220,
221, 225, 228, 229, 233, 234, 235,
236, 237, 238, 240, 242, 243, 244,
245, 249, 251 , 252
Not stated
79, 80, 85, 87, 88, 90, 110, 111, 115,
116, 117, 125, 127, 128, 138, 140,
145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152,
222, 223, 227, 232, 239, 247, 250
242, 225
Compare public vs
The seven programmes delivered only by the private sector all record positive effects on
participants’ labour market outcomes. Nine evaluations looked at programmes delivered largely or
solely through public sector bodies. These programmes showed more mixed results in terms of the
overall effect on labour market outcomes. Two of these studies are from East Germany which, as
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
we note elsewhere, is a special case.22 An evaluation of a Danish programme highlights poor policy
design as a possible explanation, with participants being poorly trained for the set of available jobs
(resulting in both lower employment probabilities and more unstable work patterns).23
Just two studies compared private and public delivery models, with the former performing
better than the latter in both these studies. However, neither make direct, like for like (Type 2)
comparisons. The more robust, a Danish study, found on-the-job training to be more effective
when delivered through the private sector as opposed to public sector. However, participants in
private sector strands had substantially more work experience, suggesting some skimming; at
the same time, private sector programmes had closer links to the ‘real’ labour market than their
public sector counterparts.24 The second evaluation compared on the job training (delivered by
the private sector) with community jobs and courses (delivered by the public sector) in France. As
we discuss below (see page 28), in-firm training delivers significantly better labour market effects
for programme participants.25
25 studies looked at programmes which involved both public and private components. Findings
for these programmes are mixed. Of the 25, 11 find positive impacts on training and employment
(including one of the RCTs26 and three studies which scored 4)27 whilst 11 find mixed results (of
which two scored 4).28 The final three studies either show no statistically significant impacts of
training29 or negative impacts.30 Four of these studies involved East German programmes.31
Weak v Strong Labour Markets
Overall, it is difficult to reach any strong conclusions on the extent to which the
effectiveness of training programmes is affected by the strength of the labour
market. Other programme design features appear to dominate macro factors.
Many of the programmes evaluated have taken place in response to weak labour markets: Table 5
summarises the macro conditions at the time of study.
Several evaluations suggest that economic cycles affect the outcomes of training programmes.
How strong is the evidence for this link?
The overall link between macro conditions and programme performance is weaker. 14 evaluations
acknowledged the presence of a weak labour market. In a further 11 evaluations, the labour market
is in a state of transition. There is no clear pattern of the performance of the programmes covered
by these evaluations. At least one existing meta-analysis suggests that once programme features
are taken into account, there is little systematic link between the macro environment and the
effectiveness of training.32 Other programme features, then, seem more important to performance.
Studies 120, 130.
Study 231.
Study 219.
Study 225.
Study 209.
Studies 89, 219, 252.
Studies 234, 236.
Study 245.
Studies 99, 238.
Studies 218, 221, 228, 245.
Kluve 2010 covers 139 European training and welfare to work programmes.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Table 5: Labour market context to the studies
Labour market
No. of studies
Study reference numbers
Strong labour market
137, 219,
Weak labour market
96, 109, 110, 127, 130, 147, 229, 237,
238, 240, 243, 244, 245, 246
Changing labour market
over evaluation period
99, 111, 120, 125, 126, 128, 228, 234,
249, 252, 254
Multiple areas w/
differential labour markets
89, 116, 117, 140, 146, 149, 151, 218,
220, 226, 235
Not stated
79, 80, 74, 85, 87, 88, 90, 94, 115,
123, 132, 134, 145, 150, 152, 209,
221, 222, 223, 225, 227, 230, 231,
232, 233, 236, 239, 242, 247, 250,
251, 256
Studies with a focus on
East Germany
116, 120, 130, 146, 147, 149, 218,
221, 228, 245
However, in a few cases there appears to be a clear link. In a Swedish evaluation, for instance,
programmes that commenced during a weak phase of the business cycle, in the early 1990s,
were less successful in reducing unemployment than those that commenced in the subsequent
years33, whilst a Norwegian study also suggested, in response to evidence of heterogeneity of
treatment effects in terms of stages of the business cycle, that training effects are pro-cyclical34.
One evaluation even noted that, due to fluctuations in the labour market that occurred during the
study, the results for the treated group were no longer comparable with those in the control group.
In this case, programme participants re-entered the labour market at a time when the market was
weaker than for the control group and thus suffered outcomes that were significantly worse.35
A particular feature of our shortlisted evaluations which should be noted is the presence of 10
studies that considered the impact of training programmes in Germany at the time of reunification,
with a particular focus on the former East German regions. While many of the evaluations
themselves were carried out robustly, lessons from these evaluations may not be fully transferable
as a result of the unique economic restructuring which the region was undergoing at the time.
East Germany was said to be suffering from particularly acute skill mismatches because of the
poor judgements made about future labour market requirements36, while in some cases the
training programmes themselves were deemed to be poor quality in the immediate period after
reunification37. It may therefore be that insignificant or negative findings across several German
studies may reflect the poor design and implementation of those programmes rather than any
inherent characteristic of training.
Study 128.
Study 234.
Study 99.
Study 149.
Study 116.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Shorter v longer programmes
Overall, short programmes (below six months, and probably below four months)
are more effective for less formal training activity. Longer programmes generate
employment gains when the content is skill-intensive, but benefits to the
individual typically play out over a longer time frame.
The training programmes reviewed vary considerably in length, ranging from 10 days up to three
years. Programmes tend to be classified as ‘short’ and ‘long’ on their own terms, and programme
lengths are not always explicitly stated in the literature. Many programmes do not have a fixed
length, incorporating a mixture of different training elements that vary in duration. Programmes
may also be tailored to the needs of individual people. In such cases, evaluations generally
acknowledge this by providing a range for programme length which may vary significantly.38
For the purposes of our review, we classified short programmes as those stated to be six months
or less, with long term programmes over six months. Table 6 presents the breakdown across
types for those evaluations which reported a fixed programme length.
Table 6: Programme lengths
Programme length
No. of studies
Study reference numbers
84, 90, 94, 96, 146, 235, 238, 239,
244, 254
99, 109, 228, 229, 251, 256
80, 85, 87, 88, 89, 111, 116, 117, 120,
126, 128, 130, 134, 140, 149, 209,
218, 219, 220, 221, 225, 230, 233,
234, 236, 237, 240, 242, 243, 246,
247, 257
85, 88, 149, 218, 220, 221, 236, 240,
243, 246
79, 110, 115, 123, 125, 127, 132, 137,
138, 145, 147, 150, 151, 152, 222,
223, 226, 227, 231, 232, 245, 249,
250, 252
Compare short vs long
Not stated
10 evaluations looked solely at short programmes. These generally found positive outcomes.
These programmes tended to be focused on upskilling, either partially or entirely classroombased. One evaluation found negative coefficients, but questioned the reliability of the sample
selection methods utilised and thus the reliability of the results in general.39
Six evaluations just looked at long programmes and also found generally positive impacts.
Again, just one programme was found to have negative effects,40 though in this case it was
acknowledged that programme effects might have been evaluated too early due to the severe
recession that participants faced on exiting the training.
38 Study 85 provides a good example of this, programme length varying from 1 week up to 13 months.
39 Study 238.
40 Study 99.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Part of the problem around long term programmes, is an observed lock-in effect, whereby participants
reduce their job-searching activity while undertaking training.41 This means that the longer the training
course, the longer the benefits take to materialise for individuals. Studies often find that the negative
“lock-in” effect on employment and earnings is more prolonged for long programmes.
Some evaluations considered similar types of training but provide comparisons of the effectiveness
of different programme lengths. That is, they seek to isolate the effect of programme length on
effectiveness. For basic skills or interventions aimed at raising general employability – shorter
programmes have a larger, stronger effect on participants’ employment. 42 We found one study that
explicitly looked at the link between different programme lengths and the effect on employment.
According to this study, increasing training length up to around 150 days has a positive effect on
outcomes, but there is no additional effect beyond 150 days. If this result is generalised, it suggests
that the largest employment effects might be for courses that are short, but not too short.
Comparative results for more intensive programmes, that involve longer periods of training,
are more mixed. The strongest comparative study, an evaluation of French public training
programmes, found that longer courses lead to longer employment spells, and explain this in
terms of improved job matching.43 A less robust study for Ireland suggests that for more skillintensive training, longer courses have better employment outcomes than shorter interventions.44
However, two German studies find zero positive effects of long term retraining (for a vocational
degree) versus shorter, non-degree programmes.45
One reason for these mixed results may be that long training programmes, especially those which
result in formal qualifications, may only have detectable effects some years later – longer than the
data points of many of these studies. 46 One recent review finds that longer evaluations (two years
plus) of a training programme often find positive employment effects, shorter evaluations of the
same programme are often negative. 47
One German evaluation which was carried out over a longer period found evidence to suggest that
long term programmes have more persistent, long term effects on employment levels after the initial
locking-in period.48 Another notable exception tracks the effects of West German programmes up to
seven years post-treatment.49 This suggests that retraining programmes, which run for two years or
more and lead to a degree, have substantial positive employment effects over the seven year period
that are larger than those from shorter training programmes (12 months or less).
Study 126.
Studies 218, 221 (Type 1); studies 85, 88, 149, 236 (Type 2). Studies 240 and 246 fall between Type 1 and Type 2.
Study 236.
Study 246.
Studies 218, 221.
In one case (study 149) negative effects of long term non-degree programmes was also found, but poor policy design explained a large part of this.
Card et al 2010. In our shortlist Study 218 indicates that this might have caused bias in their results.
Study 220.
Study 126.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Classroom v in-firm training
Overall, in-firm / on-the-job training programmes outperform classroom-based
training programmes. Employer co-design and activities that closely mirror actual
jobs appear to be key design elements.
This suggests that hybrid programmes that combine off-the-job and on-the-job strands should
ensure on-the-job elements follow these guidelines. Where participants are among the ‘hardest to
help’, however, classroom training may pay dividends (e.g. covering basic skills).
Training can be provided in different contexts, and many programmes blend different elements of
off-the-job’ training (usually classroom based but sometimes practical or vocational) with ‘in-firm’
or ‘on-the job’ training (often employer based50 and sometimes involving subsidized employment
with a training element).
Table 7 shows the breakdown of programme types. As with programme lengths, this is one of the few
areas where there are several comparisons of the same programme delivered in different contexts.
Table 7: Training programmes by site of learning
Site of learning
No. of studies
Study reference numbers
89, 90, 94, 96, 125, 134, 223, 231,
245, 250
109, 228
79, 80, 85, 87, 88, 111, 116, 120, 123,
126, 130, 132, 145, 146, 149, 209,
218, 219, 220, 221, 225, 22, 229, 232,
233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 240, 242,
243, 247, 249, 251, 254, 256
Compare classroom vs in
132, 145, 146, 218, 219, 221, 225,
233, 235, 237, 238, 240, 243, 251
Not stated
84, 99, 110, 115, 117, 127, 128, 137,
138, 140, 147, 150, 151, 152, 222,
226, 230, 236, 239, 244, 246, 252
Ten evaluations considered the effects of programmes which were undertaken entirely in a
classroom environment. These programmes included training across a broad spectrum of different
levels, from basic through to advanced. Though the majority were undertaken in the setting of
a formal, educational institution and none had any element of on-the-job experience. Seven of
these 10 studies found positive employment effects of training (although in one case this was only
for one of the statistical methods used; other methods did not find positive effects).51
Of the three exceptions, two found statistically insignificant results. One because the evaluation
was carried out so shortly after the end of the evaluation,52 the other because of a poor uptake of
the training vouchers under evaluation.53 The last one attributed negative results to external, nonobservable factors unrelated to the nature of training.54
Study 240.
Study 90.
Study 245.
Study 223.
Study 231.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Given the general programme design features discussed above, very few evaluations look at
solely in-work programmes: we found only one of these.
Of those studies which look explicitly at the relative performance of on-the-job versus off-thejob training, the weight of evidence suggests that in-firm training, and specifically those training
programmes which closely align with specific jobs and have high levels of employer contact,
are most successful in raising the probability of employment. Of the 14 studies that compare
programmes, five confirmed that in-work-focused training programmes have bigger employment
effects; the bulk of these score highly on the SMS.
The superior performance of workplace-focused training may arise from a combination of factors.
First, when employers engage directly with developing course content and with delivery, that
content may be more relevant and useful in the marketplace. Second, in-firm training allows
trainees to gain firm-specific skills and knowledge that is sufficiently valuable to increase their
chance of employment in that firm at the end of the training period.55 Third, in-firm training tends
to have a shorter lock-in effect since participants are already likely to have forged close contact
with firms directly,56 thus reducing the time between programme end and employment.
There are a few variations to this general finding. Two East German studies found that classroombased training was more effective than placing participants in ‘simulated firms’ – results which
in effect confirm our main finding.57 One Finnish study found that classroom based training
outperforms practical in-firm training in programmes for unemployed young people.58 Finally, in
Germany a long term study of outcomes eight to nine years after the programme found classroom
training to be the more effective.59 There is a plausible explanation here that long term studies are
required to estimate the full benefit of classroom training over on-the-job training.
Basic vs advanced skills training
Comparing fundamentally different types of training is difficult because finding
suitable comparators (i.e. policies that target similar groups using different types
of training) is challenging. Increasing understanding of what works for different
groups needs to be a specific focus of policy design and evaluation.
Employment training is often adapted to cater for different groups, skill sets and situations. As
in the case of short and long training programmes, many of the evaluations are quite loose in
defining the type of training provided, with overlap between different types of training.
For the purposes of our review we classified ‘basic training’ as primarily aimed at those who
have achieved only a basic education, but may also be carried out by skilled people in long
term unemployment and even graduates with little experience in the labour market. We included
programmes that featured job search assistance, interview training, basic IT training, literacy and
numeracy, and readiness for work training in our definition of basic skills. ‘Advanced training’ is
much more difficult to define. For the purposes of this review, we included on evaluations that
solely discuss training designed to further develop a pre-existing skill set.60
Study 249.
Study 146.
Study 221; Study 228.
Study 237.
Study 221.
Study 149 provides a good example of a programme which provides ‘Further’ training.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Table 8: Skill content of training programmes
Skill content
No. of studies
Study reference numbers
96, 132, 140, 147, 149, 220, 227, 228,
239, 256
94, 140, 243
149, 239
Comparisons amongst
various skill level
characteristics (basic vs
advanced or vocational
vs general)
111, 128, 146, 221, 225, 243, 246,
251, 252
Training programmes are also frequently described as either vocational or general. These are
again terms that are loosely defined, and individual evaluations usually do not give a great deal of
information on course content and structure. For ease of comparison, we have again simplified
for the purposes of our review. Broadly, we defined vocational training as aimed at entering a
specific sector or profession, encompassing elements of classroom education and on-the-job
experience, whereas general training might involve more general up-skilling which does not focus
on a specific career.61
There is little evidence on the performance of basic and advanced programmes, as few
evaluations treat them in isolation. However, the three evaluations that consider basic skills tend
to find a positive impact on employment and salaries. According to one evaluation, soft skills such
as CV writing and interview techniques can assist people into employment62. Of the two studies
which specifically look at advanced skills content, both find positive impacts of training. One finds
a positive impact on the probability of employment using a SMS 4 approach.63 The other finds
overall positive effects of training on employment probability, but notes negative impacts for men
who participate in long-term training or retraining.64
Our review included 10 evaluations which looked specifically at vocational training. On balance,
it appears that vocational training has positive effects. However, it must be acknowledged that
results are mixed. For example, one evaluation suggests that outcomes depend upon the type
of vocational training undertaken,65 and that firms may build up different prejudices and biases
to youths in vocational training depending on how closely linked the programme is to the firm.
Meanwhile, another evaluation suggests that there is an optimal time for participants to have been
out of work before undertaking vocational training, depending also on age.66
All comparative evaluations for programme type can be described as ‘indirect’ (type 1) involving
comparisons of independent programmes with different characteristics. This presents significant
difficulties as the programmes being evaluated are fundamentally different in terms of target
participants, goals and general characteristics.
For example, Study 111 discusses both a vocational programme that trains participants in a new occupation, and a Professional Skills and Techniques programme which provides more general skills training.
Study 94.
Study 239.
Study 149.
Study 228.
Study 239.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
On balance, the three comparative evaluations in our review found advanced training
programmes to be more effective than basic training, though it is perhaps unsurprising that
those with advanced skills are likely to experience better labour market outcomes than those
with only basic skills. Comparisons of vocational and general training suggest general training
tends to show more positive coefficients, though the results here again are mixed. These
examples illustrate the problems of comparing fundamentally different types of training; finding
suitable comparators is challenging.
Retraining in response to structural change
Training programmes that respond to structural shocks in the local economy
are usually highly tailored to a given local context. This means that pulling out
generalisable findings on impact is difficult.
In areas where the local labour market is strongly dependent on a single employer that relocates
or goes out of business 67, or where the labour market has been badly affected by economic
restructuring, it is not unusual to see the public sector develop interventions aimed at retraining
unemployed people to take up new jobs in different sectors entirely. We found 13 of these
studies (see Table 9).
Table 9: Breakdown of ‘structural adjustment’ programmes
No. of studies
Study reference numbers
110, 240
89, 94, 116, 117, 134, 146, 147, 209,
223, 252
Compare retraining vs
Characteristically, these ‘structural adjustment’ programmes tend to be of much longer duration
than other interventions. This makes it harder to assess their impacts, because of lock-in effects
and difficulties in picking up long term effects (see page 28).
This is not to suggest that retraining programmes do not work. Three studies68 (including some
which discuss both retraining and upskilling programmes) find positive impacts of retraining
programmes, with workers between 30 and 50 and with a relatively long labour market history
experiencing the greatest benefits. One of these studies looked at the longevity of earnings
impacts and found the benefits could still be seen up to five years after training.69
67 Study 80.
68 Studies 80, 110, 149.
69 Study 80.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Summary of findings
What the evidence shows
• Training has a positive impact on participants’ employment or earnings in more than half
the evaluations reviewed.
Of the 71 evaluations reviewed, 35 found positive programme impacts, and a further 22 found
mixed results (some interventions worked better than others; some groups gained more than
others; different evaluation approaches yielded different results).
• Short programmes (below six months, and probably below four months) are more
effective for less formal training activity. Longer programmes are more effective when
the content is skill-intensive, but benefits typically play out over a longer time frame.
• In-firm / on the job training programmes outperform classroom-based training
programmes. Employer co-design and activities that closely mirror actual jobs
appear to be key programme design elements.
This suggests that hybrid programmes that combine off-the-job and on the job strands should
ensure on-the-job elements follow these guidelines. Where participants are among the ‘hardest to
help’, however, classroom training may pay dividends (e.g. covering basic skills).
• Programme design features appear to be more important for effectiveness than
macroeconomic factors.
It is hard to reach any strong conclusions on whether the effectiveness of training programmes is
affected by the strength or weakness of the labour market.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Where the evidence is inconclusive
Comparing different skill content training – such as ‘basic’ versus ‘advanced’ interventions
– is extremely difficult; finding suitable comparators (i.e. policies that target similar groups
using different types of training) is challenging, and skill content usually reflects real participant
Training programmes that respond to structural shocks in the local economy are usually
highly tailored to a given local context. This means that pulling out generalisable findings on
impact is difficult.
It is hard to reach any strong conclusions on private-led versus public-led delivery on the
basis of the (limited) available evidence.
The vast majority of the programmes reviewed use hybrid (public-private) delivery models. And
the results appear to be more mixed for public-led than private-led but this may be explained by
other characteristics of the programme.
Where there is a lack of evidence
• We have found little evidence which provides robust, consistent insight into the
relative value for money of different approaches.
Most assessments of ‘cost per outcome’ fail to provide a control group for comparison. To
address this we need to develop and incorporate stronger cost-benefit metrics in future
• We found no evidence that would suggest local delivery is more or less effective than
national delivery.
Surprisingly, we did not find impact evaluations which consider whether programmes are more
successful when they are locally, regionally or centrally delivered. When we classify evaluations
according to the level at which the programme is delivered, we find no clear pattern that would
suggest one level of delivery is more effective than others.
This suggests that improved evaluation and greater local experimentation (on programme
targeting, design and delivery) will be crucial to understanding whether greater local flexibility
could improve policy effectiveness.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
How to use this review
This review considers a specific type of evidence – impact evaluation. This type of evidence
seeks to identify and understand the causal effect of policy interventions and to establish their
cost-effectiveness. To put it another way they ask ‘did the policy work’ and ‘did it represent good
value for money’?
The focus on impact reflects the fact that we often do not know the answers to these and other
basic questions that might reasonably be asked when designing a new policy. Being clearer
about what is known will enable policy-makers to better design policies and undertake further
evaluations to start filling the gaps in knowledge.
Supporting and complementing local knowledge
The evidence review sets out a number of ‘Best Bets’ which outline what tends to work in the
employment training policy field based on the best available impact evaluations.
The ‘Best Bets’ do not generally address the specifics of ‘what works where’ or ‘what will work for
a particular individual’. In some cases evaluations do break out results by area type or different
groups. But even when they do, detailed local knowledge and context remain crucial.
Reflecting this, the overall findings from the evaluations should be regarded as a complement, not
a substitute, for local, on-the-ground knowledge.
Any policy intervention focused on employment training will need to be tailored and targeted. And
an accurate diagnosis of the specific local employment and skills challenges this policy seeks to
address needs to be the first step to understanding how the overall evidence applies in any given
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Providing general guidance on what works
The ‘Best Bets’ highlight the common characteristics of employment training programmes and
projects that have positive effects. For example:
• If an employment training programme wants to improve the employment prospects for an
individual, it’s probably a good idea to involve employers in the design of the programme
and through providing on-the-job training.
• The greater the length of a training programme, the greater the need for extra support to
participants to counteract the ‘lock-in’ effects of being taken away from job searching.
• Extending shorter length training programmes to a wider group of recipients is likely to
produce a better success rate than providing longer training to a smaller group.
While the ‘Best Bets’ cannot provide definitive guidance as to what will or won’t work in any
specific context, they do provide useful overall guidance to policy-makers to use when designing
an employment training programme. They also raise a note of caution for policy-makers if they
decide to try out a programme which has not worked so well elsewhere.
Providing detailed evidence on specific programmes The 71 evaluations offer a rich source of material for policy-makers to use in designing specific
employment training policies. In particular the evaluations will be of use to policy-makers at two
key stages in the policy design process: determining the policy options, and then selecting the
preferred option. For both stages, the policy-makers should ensure that their understanding of
their specific situation and the different policy options available is as detailed and comprehensive
as possible.
The source evaluations can be used to compare different policy interventions, for example longer
and shorter training programmes (see evaluations 85, 88, 149, 218, 220, 221, 236, 240, 243, 246),
or in-firm and classroom based programmes (see evaluations 132, 145, 146, 218, 219, 221, 225,
233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 240, 243, 251).
They can also provide detailed insights once the policy option has been selected. For example,
for policy-makers wanting to design short training programmes, evaluations 84, 90, 94, 96, 146,
235, 238, 239, 244 and 254 will provide detailed insights about these types of programmes. Whereas, for policy-makers interested in designing employment training policies that address the
closure of a major employer evaluations 89, 94, 110, 111, 116, 117, 134, 146, 147, 209, 223, 240
and 252 will be particularly useful.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Helping to fill the evidence gaps
The employment training evidence base is nowhere near complete. For example, this review has
not found answers to some of the questions which are foremost in policy-makers’ minds:
• We have found no evidence which provides robust, consistent insight into relative value
for money of different approaches.
• We have found no evidence which supports the use of local over national delivery
The gaps highlight the need for more policy experimentation, and specifically for experiments
that identify how different elements of employment training policy design contribute to better (or
worse) employment and wages outcomes; and the value for money of different approaches. More experimentation also requires evaluation to be embedded in the employment training policy
design process, rather than being thought about as a last minute add-on. This means policymakers need to think differently about the policy-making cycle as a whole.
The Centre’s longer term objectives are to ensure that robust evidence is embedded in the
development of policy, that these polices are effectively evaluated and that feedback is used to
improve them. To achieve these objectives we want to:
• work with local decision-makers to improve evaluation standards so that we can learn
more about what policies work, where.
• set up a series of ‘demonstration projects’ to show how effective evaluation can work in
practice. Interested policy-makers please get in touch.
This work is published by the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth, which is
funded by a grant from the Economic and Social Research Council, the Department for
Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department of Communities and Local Government. The support of the Funders is acknowledged. The views expressed are those of
the Centre and do not represent the views of the Funders.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
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Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Appendix A: Shortlisted Evaluations
Bloom, H.S. (1997). The Benefits and Costs of JTPA Title II-A Programs: Key Findings
from the National Job Training Partnership Act Study. Journal of Human Resources 32,
Winter-Ebmer, R. (2006). Coping with a Structural Crisis: Evaluating an Innovative
Redundancy-Retraining Project. International Journal of Manpower 27, 700–721.
Kluve, J., Lehmann, H., and Schmidt, C. (2008). Disentangling Treatment Effects of Active
Labor Market Policies: The Role of Labor Force Status Sequences. Labour Economics 15,
Kluve, J., Schneider, H., Uhlendorff, A., and Zhao, Z. (2012). Evaluating continuous
training programmes by using the generalized propensity score. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society Series a-Statistics in Society 175, 587–617.
Firth, D., Payne, C., and Payne, J. (1999). Efficacy of programmes for the unemployed:
discrete time modelling of duration data from a matched comparison study. Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society Series a-Statistics in Society 162, 111–120.
Kluve, J., Rinne, U., Uhlendorff, A., and Zhao, Z. (2013). The impact of training duration on
employment outcomes: Evidence from LATE estimates. Economics Letters 120, 487–490.
Flores, C., and Flores-Lagunes, A. (2010). Partial Identification of Local Average Treatment
Effects with an Invalid Instrument.
Lalive, R., van Ours, J., and Zweimuller, J. (2008). The impact of active labour market
programmes on the duration of unemployment in Switzerland. Economic Journal 118,
Ifcher, J. (2010). Identifying the Effect of a Welfare-to-Work Program Using Program
Capacity Constraints: A New York City Quasi-experiment. Eastern Economic Journal 36,
Raaum, O., and Torp, H. (2002). Labour market training in Norway - effect on earnings.
Labour Economics 9, 207–247.
Meadows, P., Metcalf, H., Education, G.B.D. for, and Skills (2007). Evaluation of the impact
of Skills for Life learning : longitudinal survey of learners, wave 3 (Nottingham: DfES
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
The U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Office of Policy
Development and Research (2012). Evaluation of the Trade Adjustment Assistance
Cueto, B., and Mato, F. (2009). A nonexperimental evaluation of training programmes:
regional evidence for Spain. Annals of Regional Science 43, 415–433.
Eichler, M., and Lechner, M. (2002). An evaluation of public employment programmes in
the East German State of Sachsen-Anhalt. Labour Economics 9, 143–186.
Cavaco, S., Fougere, D., and Pouget, J. (2013). Estimating the effect of a retraining
program on the re-employment rate of displaced workers. Empirical Economics 44,
Fitzenberger, B., Osikominu, A., and Volter, R. (2008). Get Training or Wait? Long-Run
Employment Effects of Training Programs for the Unemployed in West Germany. Annales
d’Economie et de Statistique 321–355.
Conniffe, D., Gash, V., and O’Connell, P. (2000). Evaluating state programmes: “Natural
experiments” and Propensity Scores. Economic and Social Review 31, 283–308.
Fitzenberger, B., and Besser, S. (2007). Employment effects of the provision of specific
professional skills and techniques in Germany. Empirical Economics 32, 529–573.
Gerfin, M., and Lechner, M. (2002). A microeconometric evaluation of the active labour
market policy in Switzerland. Economic Journal 112, 854–893.
Lechner, M., and Wunsch, C. (2009). Active labour market policy in East Germany.
Economics of Transition 17, 661–702.
Leigh, D. (1995). Can a voluntary workfare program change the behavior of welfare
recipients - new evidence from Washington state’s Family Independence Program (FIP).
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 14, 567–589.
Dahl, E., and Lorentzen, T. (2005). What works for whom? An analysis of active labour
market programmes in Norway. International Journal of Social Welfare 14, 86–98.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Huber, M., Lechner, M., Wunsch, C., and Walter, T. (2011). Do German Welfare-to-Work
Programmes Reduce Welfare Dependency and Increase Employment? German Economic
Review 12, 182–204.
Andren, T. & Andren, D. (2006). Assessing the employment effects of vocational training
using a one-factor model, Applied Economics, 2006, 38, 2469–2486.
Larsson, L. (2003). Evaluation of Swedish youth labor market programs. Journal of Human
Resources 38, 891–927.
Lechner, M. (2000). An evaluation of public-sector-sponsored continuous vocational
training programs in East Germany. Journal of Human Resources 35, 347–375.
Regner, H. (2002). A nonexperimental evaluation of training programs for the unemployed
in Sweden. Labour Economics 9, 187–206.
Neubaumer, R. (2012). Bringing the unemployed back to work in Germany: training
programs or wage subsidies? International Journal of Manpower 33, 159–177.
Lee, D. (2009). Training, Wages, and Sample Selection: Estimating Sharp Bounds on
Treatment Effects. Review of Economic Studies 76, 1071–1102.
Raphael, S., and Stoll, M. (2006). Evaluating the effectiveness of the Massachusetts
workforce development system using no-shows as a nonexperimental comparison group.
Evaluation Review 30, 379–429.
Mueser, Peter ; Heinrich, Carolyn J. ; Troske, Kenneth R. International, LLC. (2009).
Workforce Investment Act Non-Experimental Net Impact Evaluation.
Hotz, V.J., Imbens, G.W., and Klerman, J.A. (2000a). The Long-Term Gains from GAIN: A
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Kraus, F., Puhani, P., and V, S. (1999). Employment effects of publicly financed training
programs - The East German experience. Jahrbucher Fur Nationalokonomie Und Statistik
219, 216–248.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Kopf, E. (2013). Short training for welfare recipients in Germany: which types work?
International Journal of Manpower 34, 486–516.
Lechner, M. (1999). Earnings and employment effects of continuous off-the-job training in
East Germany after unification. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 17, 74–90.
Mueser, P.R., Troske, K.R., and Gorislavsky, A. (2007). Using State Administrative Data to
Measure Program Performance. Review of Economics and Statistics 89, 761–783.
Lechner, M., Miquel, R., and Wunsch, C. (2007). The curse and blessing of training the
unemployed in a changing economy: The case of East Germany after unification. German
Economic Review 8, 468–509.
Magnac, T. (2000). Subsidised training and youth employment: Distinguishing unobserved
heterogeneity from state dependence in labour market histories. Economic Journal 110,
Perry, G., and Maloney, T. (2007). Evaluating active labour market programmes in New
Zealand. International Journal of Manpower 28, 7–29.
Puma, M., and Burstein, N. (1994). The National Evaluation of Food Stamp Employment
and Training-program. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 13, 311–330.
Schochet, Peter Z. Burghardt, John and McConnell, Sheena (2008) Does Job Corps
Work? Impact Findings from the National Job Corps Study
Biewen, M., Fitzenberger, B., Osikominu, A., and Waller, M. (2007). Which Program
for Whom? Evidence on the Comparative Effectiveness of Public Sponsored Training
Programs in Germany (ZEW - Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung / Center for
European Economic Research).
Blache, G. (2011). Active labour market policies in Denmark: A comparative analysis of
post-program effects (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d’Economie de la
Fitzenberger, B., Osikominu, A., and Paul, M. (2010). The heterogeneous effects of training
incidence and duration on labor market transitions (ZEW - Zentrum für Europäische
Wirtschaftsforschung / Center for European Economic Research).
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Fitzenberger, B., and Volter, R. (2007). Long-Run Effects of Training Programs for the
Unemployed in East Germany. Labour Economics 14, 730–755.
Schwerdt, G., Messer, D., Woessmann, L., and Wolter, S.C. (2012). The impact of an adult
education voucher program: Evidence from a randomized field experiment. Journal of
Public Economics 96, 569–583.
Albrecht, J., van den Berg, G.J., and Vroman, S. (2004). The knowledge lift: The Swedish
adult education program that aimed to eliminate low worker skill levels (IFAU - Institute for
Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy).
Brodaty, T., Crépon, B., and Fougère, D. (2001). Using Matching Estimators to Evaluate
Alternative Youth Employment Programs: Evidence from France, 1986-1988.
Caroleo, F.E., and Pastore, F. (2002). Training Policy for Youth Unemployed in a Sample
of European Countries (CELPE (Centre of Labour Economics and Economic Policy),
University of Salerno, Italy).
Koning, J. de, Koss, M., and Verkaik, A. (1991). A quasi-experimental evaluation of the
Vocational Training Centre for Adults. Environment and Planning C: Government and
Policy 9, 143–153.
Dettmann, E., and Gunther, J. (2010). Subsidized Vocational Training: Stepping Stone or
Trap? An Evaluation Study for East Germany.
Ehlert, C., Kluve, J., and Schaffner, S. (2011). Training + Temp Work = Stepping Stone?
– Evaluating an Innovative Activation Program for Disadvantaged Youths (RheinischWestfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universität
Dortmund, Universität Duisburg-Essen).
Ferracci, M., Jolivet, G., and van den Berg, G.J. (2010). Treatment evaluation in the case of
interactions within markets (IFAU - Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education
Bolvig, I., Jensen, P., and Rosholm, M. (2003). The Employment Effects of Active Social
Policy (Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)).
Blasco, S., Crépon, B., and Kamionka, T. (2012). The Effects of On-the-job and Out-ofEmployment Training Programmes on Labor Market Histories (CEPREMAP).
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Carling, K., and Richardson, K. (2001). The relative efficiency of labor market programs:
Swedish experience from the 1990’s (IFAU - Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and
Education Policy).
Zhang, T. (2003). Identifying treatment effects of active labour market programmes for
Norwegian adults (Oslo University, Department of Economics).
Wolff, J., and Jozwiak, E. (2007). Does short-term training activate means-tested
unemployment benefit recipients in Germany? (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und
Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg,
Crépon, B., Ferracci, M., and Fougère, D. (2007). Training the Unemployed in France: How
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Hämäläinen, K., and Tuomala, J. (2007). Vocational Labour Market Training in Promoting
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Stephan, G., and Pahnke, A. (2008). The Relative Effectiveness of Selected Active Labour
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Sianesi, B. (2001). Differential effects of Swedish active labour market programmes for
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Kluve, J., Lehmann, H., and Schmidt, C.M. (1999). Active Labour Market Policies in
Poland: Human Capital Enhancement, Stigmatization or Benefit Churning? (C.E.P.R.
Discussion Papers).
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Lechner, M. (1995). Effects of continuous off-the-job training in East Germany after
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McGuinness, S., O’Connell, P., and Kelly, E. (2011). One Dummy Won’t Get it: The
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McVicar, D., and Podivinsky, J.M. (2003). Unemployment Duration Before and After New
Deal (Royal Economic Society).
Puhani, P.A. (2002). Advantage through Training in Poland? A Microeconometric
Evaluation of the Employment Effects of Training and Job Subsidy Programmes. LABOUR
16, 569–608.
Richardson, K., and van den Berg, G.J. (2008). Duration dependence versus unobserved
heterogeneity in treatment effects: Swedish labor market training and the transition rate to
employment (IFAU - Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy).
Rinne, U., Schneider, M., and Uhlendorff, A. (2007). Too Bad to Benefit? Effect
Heterogeneity of Public Training Programs (Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)).
Rinne, U., Uhlendorff, A., and Zhao, Z. (2008). Vouchers and Caseworkers in Public
Training Programs: Evidence from the Hartz Reform in Germany (Institute for the Study of
Labor (IZA)).
Pessoa e Costa, S., Robin, S. (2009) An Illustration of the Returns to Evaluation of the
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Economiques et Sociales de l’Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL).
Schiller, B.R. (1978). Lessons from WIN: A Manpower Evaluation. The Journal of Human
Resources 13, 502–523.
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Appendix B: Search terms and sources
Search terms
local* AND skills
local* AND training
local* AND apprentice*
region* AND skills
region* AND training
region* AND apprentice
evaluation AND skills
evaluation AND training
evaluation AND apprentice*
devol* AND skills
devol* AND training
devol* AND apprentice*
local* growth AND training AND employment
regional* growth AND training AND employment
local flexibility AND skills
“local economic development” AND skills
“local control” AND training
“local control” AND skills
devolution AND training
devolution AND skills
“state control” and skills
“state control” and training
decentrali* AND skills AND employment
decentrali* AND training AND employment
federalism AND training
federalism AND skills
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
local* AND skills
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
local* AND training
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
local* AND apprentice*
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
region* AND skills
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
region* AND training
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
region* AND apprentice
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
evaluation AND skills
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
evaluation AND training
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
evaluation* AND apprentice*
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
devol* AND Skills
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
devol* AND training
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
devol* AND apprentice*
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
decentrali* AND skills
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
decentrali* AND training
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
decentrali* AND skills
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
federal* AND training
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Search terms
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
federal* AND skills
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
state AND training
LSE Library catalogue via EndnoteWeb
state AND skills
local* AND skills AND employment
local* AND training
local* AND apprentice*
region* AND skills
region* AND training
region* AND apprentice
evaluation AND skills
evaluation AND training
evaluation AND apprentice*
devol* AND skills
devol* AND training
devol* AND apprentice*
REPC (via IDEAS) - working papers only
“local growth” + skills
local growth + skills
“local economic development” + training
“regional growth” + training
“local economy” + training
apprenticeship + growth
apprenticeship + prosperity
vocational + growth
federalism + (training|skills)
REPC (via EconPapers)
local* growth AND training AND employment
REPC (via EconPapers)
“local economic development” AND skills
REPC (via EconPapers)
“local development” AND skills
REPC (via EconPapers)
local econom* AND skills
REPC (via EconPapers)
local productivity AND vocational
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
local* AND skills AND employment
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
local* AND training AND employment
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
local* AND apprentice*
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
region* AND skills AND employment
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
region* AND training AND employment
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
region* AND apprentice
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
evaluation AND skills AND employment
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
evaluation AND training AND employment
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
evaluation* AND apprentice*
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
devol* AND training
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
devol* AND skills
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Search terms
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
devol* AND apprentice*
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
decentrali* AND skills
WebofScience(SCCI) via EndnoteWeb
decentrali* AND training
local* AND skills
local* AND training
local* AND apprentice*
region* AND skills
region* AND training
region* AND apprentice
evaluation AND skills
evaluation AND training
evaluation AND apprentice*
devol* AND skills
devol* AND training
devol* AND apprentice*
local AND skills
local AND training
no search term
http://www.ilo.org/eval/Evaluationreports/lang- skills
http://www.ilo.org/eval/Evaluationreports/lang- training
no search term
no search term
http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/search/advanced;j evaluation AND skills
no search term
Google Scholar
local* AND skills
Google Scholar
local* AND training
Google Scholar
local* AND apprentice*
Google Scholar
region* AND skills
Google Scholar
region* AND training
Google Scholar
region* AND apprentice
Google Scholar
evaluation AND skills
Google Scholar
evaluation AND training
Google Scholar
evaluation AND apprentice*
Google Scholar
devol* AND skills
Google Scholar
devol* AND training
Google Scholar
devol* AND apprentice*
Google Scholar
training +employment +”local growth”
Google Scholar
training +skills +”local economic development”
Evidence Review: Employment Training - April 2014
Search terms
Google Scholar
decentralised +growth training OR skills
Google Scholar
“vocational training” +”local growth”
Google Scholar
apprenticeship + local economy” OR “local jobs” growth
Cedefop http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/
Visual scan of publications in the theme ‘analysing policy’
Work Foundation: http://www.
Work Foundation: http://www.
Work Foundation: http://www.
Work Foundation: http://www.
Work Foundation: http://www.
Work Foundation: http://www.
Work Foundation: http://www.
Technology Strategy Board sitewide search
toolbar https://www.innovateuk.org/
Technology Strategy Board sitewide search
toolbar https://www.innovateuk.org/
Technology Strategy Board https://www.
Visual scan of every page remaining in the innovateuk.org
primary domain.
The What Works Centre for Local Economic
Growth is a collaboration between the London
School of Economics and Political Science
(LSE), Centre for Cities and Arup.
This work is published by the What Works
Centre for Local Economic Growth, which is
funded by a grant from the Economic and Social
Research Council, the Department for Business,
Innovation and Skills and the Department of
Communities and Local Government. The
support of the Funders is acknowledged. The
views expressed are those of the Centre and do
not represent the views of the Funders.
April 2014
What Works Centre for Local
Economic Growth
© What Works Centre for Local
Economic Growth 2014