Chapter 19 Learning Objectives Accounting for Income Taxes 1. Pretax financial income vs. taxable income 2. Temporary diff that result in future taxable amounts 3. Temp. diff that result in future deductible amounts 4. Purpose of a deferred tax asset valuation allowance 5. Describe presentation of income tax expense 6. Describe temporary and permanent differences 7. Tax rates, tax rate changes on deferred inc. taxes 8. Accounting for loss carryback and carryforward 9. Presentation of deferred income taxes 10. Indicate basic principles of asset-liability method Annual reports: Chipotle (Note 3), Coca-Cola (Note 17) 1 Accounting for Income Taxes 2 Learning Objectives 1, 2, 3 § Temporary differences between book net income and taxable income § Deferred Tax Liabilities § Deferred Tax Assets 3 Dollar Corporation Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2011 Dollar Corporation Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2011 Revenue Service Revenue Revenue $ 100,000 Service Revenue Expenses $ 100,000 Expenses Salary Expense 30,000 Insurance Expense 20,000 Advertising Expense 10,000 Total Operating Expenses 4 Salary Expense Insurance Expense Description Income Tax Expense Advertising Expense Income PayableExpenses TotalTax Operating 60,000 30,000 Debit 20,000 Credit 9,000 10,000 9,000 60,000 Operating Income 40,000 Operating Income 40,000 Interest Expense Net Income Before Taxes [NIBT] 10,000 30,000 Interest Expense Net Income Before Taxes [NIBT] 10,000 30,000 Income Tax Expense (30% tax rate) Net Income 9,000 $ 21,000 Income Tax Expense (30% tax rate) 5 Net Income 9,000 $ 21,000 6 1 Accounting for Income Taxes Two Different Calculations § If book (GAAP) revenues and expenses equal tax (IRS) revenues and expenses § Income Tax Exp. = Income Tax Payable § Life is simple § We go home at 6:20 § But GAAP never equals IRS § Income Tax Expense § Calculated using GAAP (book numbers) § Income Tax Payable § Calculated using tax law (IRS numbers) § Also called “Current tax expense” Income Tax Expense = GAAP NIBT × tax rate Income Tax Payable = IRS NIBT × tax rate NIBT = Net Income Before Taxes 7 8 Dollar Corporation Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2011 Accounting for Income Taxes Revenue § GAAP rev and exp ≠ IRS rev and exp § Income Tax Exp. ≠ Income Tax Payable Service Revenue Salary Expense Deferred Tax account used to reconcile difference Insurance Expense Description Advertising Expense Income Tax Expense TotalTax Operating Income PayableExpenses Operating Income Interest Expense Net Income Before Taxes [NIBT] Income Tax Expense (30% tax rate) 9 Description Income Tax Expense Debit 9,000 Income Tax Payable Debit 9,000 Deferred Tax Liability [or Asset] X,000 Income Tax Payable (IRS) Description Income Tax Expense (GAAP) Credit X,000 Income Tax Payable (IRS) X,000 40,000 10,000 30,000 9,000 $ 21,000 10 § Accrual basis (GAAP) vs. cash basis (IRS) § Depreciation (straight-line vs. MACRS) Credit Deferred Tax Liability [or Asset] 60,000 9,000 § Most revenues and expenses on income statement (GAAP) are same as revenues and expenses on tax return § Differences Credit X,000 Debit 9,000 Net Income 30,000 Debit 20,000 Credit 9,000 10,000 Accounting for Income Taxes 9,000 Description Income Tax Expense (GAAP) $ 100,000 Expenses 11 12 2 Deferred Tax Account Deferred Tax Account § Difference is temporary § Created at start of timing difference § Allocated over time § Ending balance zero § Will resolve over time (timing difference) § If time period long enough no difference § Over time, both GAAP, IRS recognize § Same amount of revenue § Same amount of expense 13 14 Income Statement Differences GAAP and IRS Deferred Tax [Liability / Asset] § Similar to accrual and deferral accounts § Earned revenue on account Cash moves in different period than revenue or expense Category Type Sample Names Description Accounts Receivable Accrued Revenue Asset • Accounts Receivable • Royalties Receivable Service Revenue 150,000 GAAP (Accrual Basis): Provided service on account, record revenue Deferred Expense Asset • Prepaid Rent • Supplies Accrued Expenses Liability • Accounts Payable • Interest Payable Deferred Revenue Liability • Unearned Revenue • Memberships Description No entry 15 Income Statement Differences GAAP and IRS Debit 100,000 Debit Credit Credit IRS (Cash Basis): Wait to record revenue until cash collected 16 Income Statement Differences GAAP and IRS § Customer payments in advance Description Cash Debit 150,000 § Estimate warranty exp at time of service Credit Description Warranty Expense Debit 20,000 Credit Unearned Revenue (liability) 100,000 GAAP (Accrual Basis): Customer advance payments are liability Warranty Payable 20,000 GAAP (Accrual Basis): Match warranty expense to revenue earned Description Cash Description No entry Debit 100,000 Credit Revenue IRS (Cash Basis): Customer advance payments are revenue 100,000 17 IRS (Cash Basis): Record expense when cash paid Debit Credit 18 3 Book Vs. Tax Depreciation Deferred Tax [Liability / Asset] Depreciation Variables Cost $41,000 Life (time) Salvage value 5 years 1,000 Depreciable cost $40,000 Year Straight-Line Double-Declining 1 8,000 16,400 2 8,000 9,840 3 8,000 5,904 4 8,000 3,542 5 8,000 4,314 Total $40,000 $40,000 § Deferred Tax Liability created when § According to GAAP you have underpaid taxes due in current period § Deferred Tax Asset created when § According to GAAP you have overpaid taxes due in current period 19 Deferred Tax Liability 20 Deferred Tax Liability § Created when § Current period § According to GAAP you have underpaid taxes due in current period § Obligation to pay more in future § Similar to Future Taxes Payable (liability) Description Income Tax Expense (GAAP) Debit 3,000 § GAAP NIBT > IRS NIBT § Inc. Tax Exp. (GAAP) > Inc. Tax Pay. (IRS) § Will reverse in future § Future periods § IRS NIBT > GAAP NIBT § Inc. Tax Pay. (IRS) > Inc. Tax Exp. (GAAP) Credit Deferred Tax Liability 2,000 Income Tax Payable (IRS) 1,000 21 22 Deferred Tax Liability GAAP Revenue: Accrual Basis Deferred Tax Liability Temporary difference: GAAP revenue > IRS revenue • Credit sales 2012, $30 • Cash collected on account • 2013, $20 • 2014, $10 2012 2013 2014 Total Cash sales Sales on account $100 $ 30 $130 None $130 None $360 $ 30 Cash collections $100 $150 $140 $390 23 2012 2013 2014 Total Cash sales $100 $130 $130 $360 Sales on account $ 30 None None $ 30 Cash collections $100 $150 $140 $390 Revenue: GAAP 2012 $130 2013 $130 2014 $130 Total $390 Revenue: Taxable $100 $150 $140 $390 Expenses: Same $60 $60 $60 $180 24 4 Deferred Tax Liability IRS Revenue: Cash Basis Deferred Tax Liability Temporary difference: GAAP revenue > IRS revenue In 2012 GAAP sees revenue IRS does not see 2012 2013 2014 Total 2012 2013 2014 Total Cash sales $100 $130 $130 $360 Cash sales $100 $130 $130 $360 Sales on account $ 30 None None $ 30 Sales on account $ 30 None None $ 30 Cash collections $100 $150 $140 $390 Cash collections $100 $150 $140 $390 2012 2013 2014 Total 2012 2013 2014 Total Revenue: GAAP $130 $130 $130 $390 Revenue: GAAP $130 $130 $130 $390 Revenue: Taxable $100 $150 $140 $390 Revenue: Taxable $100 $150 $140 $390 Expenses: Same $60 $60 $60 $180 Expenses: Same $60 $60 $60 $180 25 • In 2012 GAAP sees revenue IRS does not see • GAAP knows 2012 Income Tax Payable understated • In 2012 record liability for future taxes to be paid Deferred Tax Liability 2012 2013 2014 $130 $130 $130 Revenue: Taxable − 100 150 140 Timing Difference $ 30 $ (20) $ (10) × 40% × 40% × 40% $ 12 $ (8) $ (4) Revenue: GAAP Tax rate Deferred Tax Liability $12 Timing Difference × Tax Rate 30 × 40% = GAAP: Accrual Basis 2012 2013 2014 Total Revenue $130 $130 $130 $390 Expenses 60 60 60 180 NIBT 70 70 70 210 $28 $28 $28 $84 Income Tax Expense: 40% Change in Deferred Tax Account (2012) Def Tax Account = 27 Deferred Tax Liability IRS: Cash Basis 2012 2013 2014 Total Revenue $100 $150 $140 $390 Expenses 60 60 60 180 NIBT 40 90 80 210 $16 $36 $32 $84 Income Tax Payable: 40% 28 Deferred Tax Liability: 2012 GAAP: Accrual Basis 2012 2013 2014 Total Revenue $130 $130 $130 $390 Deferred Tax Liability 2012 2013 2014 Expenses 60 60 60 180 Income Tax Expense $28 $28 $28 NIBT 70 70 70 210 Income Tax Payable $16 $36 $32 $28 $28 $28 $84 Deferred Tax Liability $12 ($8) ($4) Income Tax Expense: 40% 26 Deferred Tax Liability IRS: Cash Basis Income Tax Expense Revenue Income Tax Payable Expenses Deferred Tax Liability NIBT Income Tax Payable: 40% 2012 2013 Total2014 2012 2013 2014 $28 $390 $28 $100$28 $150 $140 60$16 60 $36 60 180 $32 40$12 90 ($8) 80 210($4) $16 $36 $32 $84 29 Description Income Tax Expense (GAAP) Deferred Tax Liability ($30 × 40%) Debit 28 Credit 12 Income Taxes Payable (IRS) 16 2012: Record income tax expense, income tax payable, deferred tax liab. 30 5 Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2012 Deferred Tax Liability Revenue Expense Deferred Tax Liability 12 Income Tax Expense 2012 28 Net Income Income Statement December 31, 2012 12 Assets Liabilities Creation of Deferred Tax Liability (2012) DTL = Timing Difference × Tax Rate $12 = $30 × 40% 31 Deferred Taxes 12 Income Tax Payable 16 Equity Deferred Tax Liability: 2013 32 Deferred Tax Liability Deferred Tax Liability 2012 2013 2014 Income Tax Expense $28 $28 $28 Income Tax Payable $16 $36 $32 Deferred Tax Liability $12 ($8) ($4) Deferred Tax Liability 12 2012 8 2013 4 Description Income Tax Expense (GAAP) Deferred Tax Liability ($20 × 40%) Debit 28 Credit Reversing of Deferred Tax Liability (2013) 8 Income Taxes Payable (IRS) 36 2013: Record income tax expense, income tax payable, deferred tax liab. 33 Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2013 DTL = Timing Difference × Tax Rate $8 = $20 × 40% 34 Deferred Tax Liability: 2014 Revenue Deferred Tax Liability Expense Income Tax Expense Net Income Income Statement December 31, 2013 Assets Liabilities Deferred Taxes Income Tax Payable Equity 2012 2013 2014 Income Tax Expense $28 $28 $28 Income Tax Payable $16 $36 $32 Deferred Tax Liability $12 ($8) ($4) 28 Description Income Tax Expense (GAAP) Deferred Tax Liability ($10 × 40%) 4 36 35 Debit 28 4 Credit Income Taxes Payable (IRS) 32 2014: Record income tax expense, income tax payable, deferred tax liab. 36 6 Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2014 Deferred Tax Liability Revenue Expense Deferred Tax Liability 12 2013 8 2014 4 Income Tax Expense 2012 28 Net Income Income Statement December 31, 2014 0 Assets Liabilities Reversing of Deferred Tax Liability (2014) DTL = Timing Difference × Tax Rate $4 = $10 × 40% Deferred Taxes 0 Income Tax Payable 37 32 Equity 38 39 40 Deferred Tax Asset § Created when Inc Tax Exp = $85,560 = GAAP NIBT × Tax Rate $285,200 × 30% § According to GAAP you have overpaid taxes due in current period § Reduces cash paid in future § Similar to Prepaid Taxes (asset) IRS taxable income = $285,200 – 45,760 = $239,440 Description Income Tax Expense Debit 1,000 Deferred Tax Asset 2,000 Income Tax Payable 41 Credit 3,000 42 7 Deferred Tax Asset Deferred Tax Asset Temporary difference: GAAP expense > IRS expense § Current period § IRS NIBT > GAAP NIBT § Inc. Tax Pay. (IRS) > Inc. Tax Exp. (GAAP) GAAP: Warranty Expense accrued in period of service IRS: Warranty Expense recorded when cash paid § Will reverse in future § Future periods § GAAP NIBT > IRS NIBT § Inc. Tax Exp. (GAAP) > Inc. Tax Pay. (IRS) 2012 2013 2014 Total Revenue Warranty exp accrual $130 $ 50 $130 $ 50 $130 $ 50 $390 $150 Cash paid warranty $ 10 $ 40 $100 $150 Other expenses $ 10 $ 10 $ 10 $ 30 43 Deferred Tax Asset GAAP Expense: Accrual Basis 44 Deferred Tax Asset IRS Expense: Cash Basis 2012 2013 2014 Total 2012 2013 2014 Total Revenue $130 $130 $130 $390 Revenue $130 $130 $130 $390 Warranty exp accrual $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $150 Warranty exp accrual $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $150 Cash paid warranty $ 10 $ 40 $100 $150 Cash paid warranty $ 10 $ 40 $100 $150 Other expenses $ 10 $ 10 $ 10 $ 30 Other expenses $ 10 $ 10 $ 10 $ 30 2012 2013 2014 Total 2012 2013 2014 Total Revenue $130 $130 $130 $390 Revenue $130 $130 $130 $390 Expense: GAAP $ 60 $ 60 $ 60 $180 Expense: GAAP $ 60 $ 60 $ 60 $180 Expense: IRS $ 20 $ 50 $110 $180 Expense: IRS $ 20 $ 50 $110 $180 45 46 Deferred Tax Asset Deferred Tax Asset Temporary difference: GAAP expense > IRS expense In 2012 GAAP sees expense IRS does not see 2012 2013 2014 Total Revenue $130 $130 $130 $390 Expense: GAAP $ 60 $ 60 $ 60 $180 Expense: IRS $ 20 $ 50 $110 $180 Expense: GAAP Expense: IRS Timing Difference Tax rate Deferred Tax Asset 2012 2013 2014 $ 60 $ 60 $ 60 20 50 110 $ 40 $ 10 $ (50) × 40% × 40% × 40% $ 16 $ 4 $ (20) Creation of Deferred Tax Account (2012) Def Tax Account = 47 $16 = Timing Difference × Tax Rate 40 × 40% 48 8 • In 2012 GAAP sees expense IRS does not see • GAAP knows 2012 Income Tax Payable overstated • In 2012 record asset for overpayment of taxes Deferred Tax Asset GAAP: Accrual Basis 2012 2013 2014 Total GAAP: Accrual Basis 2012 2013 2014 Total Revenue Expenses $130 $130 $130 $390 60 60 60 180 Revenue Expenses $130 $130 $130 $390 60 60 60 180 NIBT Income Tax Expense: 40% 70 70 70 210 NIBT $28 $28 $28 $84 Income Tax Expense: 40% 70 70 70 210 $28 $28 $28 $84 Deferred Tax Asset IRS: Cash Basis 2012 2013 2014 Total Revenue $130 $130 $130 $390 Expenses NIBT Income Tax Payable: 40% 20 50 110 180 110 80 20 210 $ 44 $ 32 $ 8 $84 Income Tax Payable Expenses Deferred Tax Asset NIBT 49 Deferred Tax Asset: 2012 2013 110$16 80 Income Tax Payable: 40% $ 44 $ 32 $4 20 ($20) 210 $ 8 $84 50 Deferred Tax Asset: 2012 Deferred Tax Asset 2012 2012 2013 Total2014 2012 2013 2014 $28 $390 $28 $130$28 $130 $130 20$44 50 $32 110 180 $ 8 IRS: Cash Basis Income Tax Expense Revenue Deferred Tax Asset 2014 Income Tax Expense $28 $28 $28 Income Tax Payable $44 $32 $ 8 Deferred Tax Asset $16 $4 ($20) 16 2012 16 Description Income Tax Expense (GAAP) Deferred Tax Asset ($40 × 40%) Debit 28 Credit Creation of Deferred Tax Asset (2012) 16 Income Taxes Payable (IRS) 44 2012: Record income tax exp, income tax payable, deferred tax asset 51 Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2012 DTA = Timing Difference × Tax Rate $16 = $40 × 40% 52 Deferred Tax Asset: 2013 Revenue Deferred Tax Asset Expense Income Tax Expense Net Income Income Statement December 31, 2012 Assets Deferred Tax Asset Liabilities Income Tax Payable Equity 2012 2013 2014 Income Tax Expense $28 $28 $28 Income Tax Payable $44 $32 $ 8 Deferred Tax Asset $16 $4 ($20) 28 Description Income Tax Expense (GAAP) Deferred Tax Asset ($10 × 40%) 16 44 53 Debit 28 4 Credit Income Taxes Payable (IRS) 32 2013: Record income tax exp, income tax payable, deferred tax asset 54 9 Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2013 Deferred Tax Asset: 2013 Revenue Expense Deferred Tax Asset 2012 16 2013 4 Income Tax Expense 28 Net Income Income Statement December 31, 2013 20 Assets Deferred Tax Asset (16 + 4) Reversing of Deferred Tax Asset (2013) DTA = Timing Difference × Tax Rate $4 = $10 × 40% Income Tax Payable 55 Deferred Tax Asset: 2014 2013 32 Equity 56 Deferred Tax Asset: 2014 Deferred Tax Asset 2012 20 Liabilities Deferred Tax Asset 2014 Income Tax Expense $28 $28 $28 2012 Income Tax Payable $44 $32 $ 8 2013 Deferred Tax Asset $16 $4 ($20) 16 4 2014 20 0 Description Income Tax Expense (GAAP) Debit 28 Deferred Tax Asset ($50 × 40%) Credit Reversing of Deferred Tax Asset (2014) 20 Income Taxes Payable (IRS) 8 2014: Record income tax exp, income tax payable, deferred tax asset 57 DTA = Timing Difference × Tax Rate $20 = $50 × 40% 58 Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2014 Revenue Expense Income Tax Expense 28 Net Income Income Statement December 31, 2014 Assets Deferred Tax Asset Liabilities Income Tax Payable Equity 0 8 59 60 10 Calculate Income Tax Expense as plug figure What Creates Deferred Tax Liability or Asset? Calculate Income Tax Payable § Deferred Tax Liability Income Taxes Payable [current tax expense] ± Change in deferred tax accounts Income Taxes Payable (IRS) Work backwards to solve for Income Tax Expense Credit Debit Plug Given Income Taxes Payable (IRS) Given Plug Deferred Tax Asset 55,090 63 Credit Deferred Tax Liability [or Asset] Description Income Tax Expense 19,080 $600 $900 Description Income Tax Expense 61 Deferred Tax Liability $600 300 Income Tax Expense § IRS NIBT > GAAP NIBT § IRS rev higher (customer pays in advance) § IRS exp lower (warranty exp when paid) Debit 74,170 × 30% Calculate Income Tax Expense § Deferred Tax Asset Plug $2,000 × Tax rate Income Taxes Payable [current tax expense] § GAAP NIBT > IRS NIBT in current period § GAAP rev higher (sales on account) § GAAP exp lower (straight-line vs. MACRS) Description Income Tax Expense Taxable income (IRS) Income Tax Payable Work backwards to solve for Income Tax Expense Debit 34,870 62 Credit 31,870 66,740 64 See solution on following slide 65 66 11 Deferred Tax Asset Valuation Allowance Learning Objective 4 § Explain purpose of a deferred tax asset valuation allowance § Reduce book value of def. tax asset § “More likely than not” some or all of deferred tax asset may not be realized § Probability of 50% or more § Account name § Allowance to Reduce Deferred Tax Asset to Expected Realizable Value Expected future taxes payable < deferred tax asset 67 68 Learning Objective 5 § Describe presentation of income tax expense in income statement Assets Deferred Tax Asset Allowance to Reduce Deferred Tax Asset Deferred Tax Asset, Net $200,500 60,150 $140,350 69 Income Statement Presentation 70 Income Statement Presentation § Disclose components Dollar Corporation Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2011 § Current (Income Taxes Payable) § Changed in Deferred Tax accounts Calculate Income Tax Expense Income Taxes Payable [current tax exp] $20,000 ± Change in Deferred Tax accounts Income Tax Expense − 5,000 $15,000 Revenues $ 130 Expenses 60 Net Income Before Taxes 70 Income Tax Expense Current Change in Deferred Tax Accounts Income Tax Expense 71 Net Income $16 14 30 $ 40 72 12 Learning Objective 6 § Describe various temporary and permanent differences 73 Accounting for Income Taxes 74 Permanent Differences § GAAP and tax will differ because of § Recorded in EITHER § Temporary differences (timing differences) § Permanent differences § GAAP income before taxes OR § IRS taxable income § But not both Not temporary: Does not resolve in later period 75 76 Examples of Permanent Difference Permanent Differences § One time event § Only affects period in which they occur § Does not give rise to future taxable or deductible amounts § No deferred tax account created § Tax free income from U.S., Muni bonds § Interest and dividends received § Expenses related to tax free income § Life insurance on executive officers § Premiums paid § Proceeds received § Fines, penalties from violation of law 77 78 13 Permanent Difference Permanent Difference § IRS rules determine cash paid for taxes § FASB: Cash inflows, outflows important § In the long run, income tax expense (GAAP) must equal cash paid for taxes § Therefore tax rules drive GAAP calculation of income tax expense Income tax expense (GAAP) is a plug number calculated using income tax payable (IRS) and reconciling temporary and permanent differences § Income Tax Payable § Determined directly using IRS rules § Income Tax Expense § Determined indirectly as plug figure § To plug for Income Tax Exp reconcile § Income Tax Payable § Temporary and permanent book / tax differ. Formula for permanent diff also works for temporary diff 79 Temporary Difference No IRS / GAAP Difference Dollar or Corporation Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2011 Calculate Income Tax Expense as plug figure Calculate Income Tax Payable Taxable income (IRS) $2,000 × Tax rate × 30% Income Taxes Payable [current tax expense] Revenue Service Revenue $600 ± Change in deferred tax accounts Income Tax Expense Description Income Tax Expense Salary Expense 30,000 $600 Insurance Expense 20,000 300 Advertising Expense 10,000 Total Operating Expenses $900 Debit Plug Operating Income Credit Deferred Tax Liability [or Asset] Given Income Taxes Payable (IRS) Given Net Income Before Taxes Income Tax Expense (30% tax rate) 81 Net Income 9,000 $ 21,000 Revenues $100,000 60,000 Salary Expense 30,000 Expenses Insurance Expense 20,000 Tax rate Advertising Expense 10,000 82 40,000 Interest Expense Net Income Before Taxes 10,000 30,000 Revenues Expenses Net Income Before Taxes (NIBT) Income Tax Expense 9,000 $ ??,??? 30% Income Statement 60,000 Operating Income Net Income 30,000 Data for Net Income Calculation $ 100,000 Expenses Income Tax Expense (30% tax rate) 10,000 Income Tax Expense No Permanent Difference Revenue Total Operating Expenses 60,000 40,000 Interest Expense Permanent Difference Dollar Corporation Income Statement For the year ended December 31, 2011 Service Revenue $ 100,000 Expenses Calculate Income Tax Expense Income Taxes Payable [current tax expense] 80 83 Net Income $100,000 60,000 40,000 12,000 $28,000 84 14 Income Tax Expense Permanent Difference #1 Income Tax Expense Permanent Difference #2 Data for Net Income Calculation Revenues (municipal bond interest) Expenses (GAAP = IRS) Tax rate Data for Net Income Calculation $100,000 Revenues (GAAP = IRS) 60,000 Expenses (fines and penalties) 30% Tax rate $100,000 60,000 30% Income Statement Income Statement Revenues $100,000 Revenues $100,000 Expenses 60,000 Expenses 60,000 Net Income Before Taxes (NIBT) 40,000 Net Income Before Taxes (NIBT) 40,000 Income Tax Expense Net Income 0 $40,000 Income Tax Expense 85 Net Income 30,000 $10,000 86 Learning Objective 7 § Explain effect of various tax rates and tax rate changes on deferred income taxes Income Tax Expense = Income Tax Payable ± Change Deferred Tax Account 87 88 89 90 Future Tax Rates § Use tax rates enacted by law § If current law includes different rates in future use rate enacted for future year § 2010 – 2014: 15% § 2015 – 2020: 20% § 2020 and beyond: 25% § When change in tax rate enacted record effect on existing deferred income tax accounts immediately 15 Learning Objective 8 § Apply accounting procedures for a loss carryback and a loss carryforward 91 92 Loss Carryback Two Years Net Operating Losses § Net operating loss (NOL) § Losses applied to earliest year first § Any loss remaining carried forward § Tax-deductible expenses exceed taxable revenues § Use NOL of current year to offset taxable income in past or future years § Carryback two years § Carryforward twenty years 93 94 95 96 Loss Carryforward Twenty Years § NOL remaining after carryback § May elect to forgo carryback 16 Learning Objective 9 § Describe presentation of deferred income taxes in financial statements 97 Balance Sheet Presentation 98 Income Statement Presentation § Classify deferred tax liability or asset as current or noncurrent based on classification of related asset or liability or when timing difference resolved § Classify all deferred tax accounts on balance sheet in two categories: § Allocate income tax expense to § Continuing operations § Discontinued operations § Extraordinary items § Prior period adjustments § Disclose components of income tax expense for continuing operations § Net current (asset or liability) § Net noncurrent amount (asset or liability) 99 § Current tax expense (inc. taxes payable) § Deferred tax expense (change in balance) 100 Learning Objective 10 § Indicate basic principles of asset-liability method 101 102 17 Asset-Liability Method Asset-Liability Method § Current tax liability or asset recognized for net estimated taxes payable or refundable on tax return for current year § Deferred tax liability or asset is recognized for net estimated future tax effects attributable to temporary differences and carryforwards § Measurement of current and deferred tax liabilities and assets based on current tax law § Value of deferred tax assets reduced, if necessary, by amount of tax benefits not expected to be realized 103 Asset-Liability Method 104 End of Chapter 105 Appendix 19A 106 Comprehensive: 2011 § Comprehensive example § Began operations in 2011 § Gross profit per contract, $80,000 § Customers pay on installment basis § GAAP: All gross profit in year of sale § IRS: Cash basis § Collect 1/5 of revenue in cash each year 107 108 18 Comprehensive: 2011 Comprehensive: 2011 § Purchased equipment, $540,000 § In 2011, completed seven contracts § GAAP: Straight-line depreciation § IRS: MACRS depreciation § GAAP gross profit, $560,000 (7 × $80,000) § IRS cash collected $112,000 ($560,000 / 5) 109 110 Comprehensive: 2011 Comprehensive: 2011 § Two-year product warranties § In 2011 product warranty liability accrued per GAAP rules, $200,000 § Cash paid for warranty work § § § § § 2011, $44,000 (actual) § 2012, $56,000 (estimated) § 2013, $100,000 (estimated) 2011: Nontaxable bond interest rev, $28,000 2011: Nondeductible fines paid $26,000 2011: GAAP pretax income, $412,000 Tax rates § 2011, 50% § 2012 and later, 40% § Taxable income expected in all future years 111 Comprehensive: 2011 112 Comprehensive: 2011 § Calculate income tax payable in 2011 § Calculate deferred income taxes 113 114 19 Comprehensive: 2011 Comprehensive: 2011 § Calculate deferred income taxes § Calculate income tax expense 115 Comprehensive: 2011 Description Debit Credit Plug Income tax expense 174,000 Deferred tax asset 62,400 Income taxes payable 50,000 Deferred tax liability 186,400 2011: Record income tax expense, income tax payable, def tax accounts 116 Comprehensive: 2011 § Financial Statement Presentation § Financial Statement Presentation 117 118 20